def fillcontinents(self,ax,color=0.8): """ Fill continents. ax - current axis instance. color - color to fill continents (default gray). """ # define corners of map domain. p1 = (self.llcrnrx,self.llcrnry); p2 = (self.urcrnrx,self.urcrnry) p3 = (self.llcrnrx,self.urcrnry); p4 = (self.urcrnrx,self.llcrnry) for x,y in self.coastpolygons: xa = N.array(x,'f') ya = N.array(y,'f') # clip to map domain. xa = N.clip(xa, self.xmin, self.xmax) ya = N.clip(ya, self.ymin, self.ymax) # check to see if all four corners of domain in polygon (if so, # don't draw since it will just fill in the whole map). test1 = N.fabs(xa-self.xmax) < 10. test2 = N.fabs(xa-self.xmin) < 10. test3 = N.fabs(ya-self.ymax) < 10. test4 = N.fabs(ya-self.ymin) < 10. hasp1 = sum(test1*test3) hasp2 = sum(test2*test3) hasp4 = sum(test2*test4) hasp3 = sum(test1*test4) if not hasp1 or not hasp2 or not hasp3 or not hasp4: xy = zip(xa.tolist(),ya.tolist()) poly = Polygon(xy,facecolor=color,edgecolor=color,linewidth=0) ax.add_patch(poly)
def fillcontinents(self, ax, color=0.8): """ Fill continents. ax - current axis instance. color - color to fill continents (default gray). """ # define corners of map domain. p1 = (self.llcrnrx, self.llcrnry) p2 = (self.urcrnrx, self.urcrnry) p3 = (self.llcrnrx, self.urcrnry) p4 = (self.urcrnrx, self.llcrnry) for x, y in self.coastpolygons: xa = N.array(x, 'f') ya = N.array(y, 'f') # clip to map domain. xa = N.clip(xa, self.xmin, self.xmax) ya = N.clip(ya, self.ymin, self.ymax) # check to see if all four corners of domain in polygon (if so, # don't draw since it will just fill in the whole map). test1 = N.fabs(xa - self.xmax) < 10. test2 = N.fabs(xa - self.xmin) < 10. test3 = N.fabs(ya - self.ymax) < 10. test4 = N.fabs(ya - self.ymin) < 10. hasp1 = sum(test1 * test3) hasp2 = sum(test2 * test3) hasp4 = sum(test2 * test4) hasp3 = sum(test1 * test4) if not hasp1 or not hasp2 or not hasp3 or not hasp4: xy = zip(xa.tolist(), ya.tolist()) poly = Polygon(xy, facecolor=color, edgecolor=color, linewidth=0) ax.add_patch(poly)
def lessthan(matrix,a): import numarray copymatrix = numarray.array(matrix) ones = numarray.ones([len(matrix),len(matrix[0])]) matrix = matrix - (a) * ones matrix = numarray.clip(matrix,-1*1e20,0) matrix = matrix * -1 matrix = numarray.clip(matrix,-1*1e20,10e-10) matrix = matrix * 1e9 copymatrix = matrix * copymatrix return copymatrix
def exceptreplace(matrix,a): print a import numarray copymatrix = numarray.array(matrix) ones = numarray.ones([len(matrix),len(matrix[0])]) matrix = matrix - (a-1) * ones matrix = numarray.clip(matrix,0,2) matrix2 = copymatrix - (a+1) * ones matrix2 = numarray.clip(matrix2,-2,0) ##print matrix, matrix2 matrix = copymatrix * matrix * matrix2 * (-1 * ones) / (ones * a) #print matrix return matrix
def zscale(data,contrast,min=100,max=60000): """Scale the data cube into the range 0-255""" ## pic 100 random elements along each dimension ## use zscale (see the IRAF display man page or ## import random x=[] for i in random.sample(xrange(data.shape[0]),50): for j in random.sample(xrange(data.shape[1]),50): x.append(data[i,j]) yl=numarray.sort(numarray.clip(x,min,max)) n=len(yl) ym=sum(yl)/float(n) xl=numarray.array(range(n)) xm=sum(xl)/float(n) ss_xx=sum((xl-xm)*(xl-xm)) ss_yy=sum((yl-ym)*(yl-ym)) ss_xy=sum((xl-xm)*(yl-ym)) b=ss_xy/ss_xx a=ym-b*xm z1=yl[n/2] + (b/contrast)*(1-n/2) z2=yl[n/2] + (b/contrast)*(n-n/2) ## Now put the data inbetween Z1 and Z2 high=data-z1 z2=z2-z1 high=numarray.clip(high,0,z2) ## and change that to 0-255 high= 256-256*high/z2 ### send back the scalled data return high
def _createLineSet( self, center = [0,0,0]): # Line indices cnnVel = [] for i in range(0, 512, 2): cnnVel.append(i) cnnVel.append(i + 1) cnnVel.append(SO_END_LINE_INDEX) # Create packed RGBA R = (numarray.clip( self.cMapColors[:,0], 0, 1 ) * 255).astype('i') G = (numarray.clip( self.cMapColors[:,1], 0, 1 ) * 255).astype('i') B = (numarray.clip( self.cMapColors[:,2], 0, 1 ) * 255).astype('i') self.cmapRGBA = (R << 24) + (G << 16) + (B <<8) + 255 # Create data structures self.colormapSep = SoSeparator() = SoDrawStyle() self.colormapSep.addChild( self.transform = SoTransform() self.transform.translation.setValue( [self.xP, self.yP, 0] ) self.colormapSep.addChild( self.transform ) self.vertexPropertyObj = SoVertexProperty() self.vertexPropertyObj.materialBinding.setValue( SoMaterialBinding.PER_VERTEX_INDEXED ) self.contourLineSet = SoIndexedLineSet() self.contourLineSet.vertexProperty.setValue( self.vertexPropertyObj ) self.contourLineSet.coordIndex.setValues( 0, cnnVel ) self.colormapSep.addChild( self.contourLineSet ) self.addChild( self.colormapSep ) self._updateVertexPosition()
def _updateVertexPosition( self ): # Draw Colormap Line set self.vertexPositions = numarray.concatenate( ( self.vertexPositions[0:256], self.vertexPositions[256:512]), axis = 1 ).copy() self.vertexPositions.setshape( 512, 3 ) scalar = self.vertexPositions[:,1] sclrMinVal = scalar.max() sclrMaxVal = scalar.min() fct = (len(self.cMapColors)-1) / (sclrMaxVal - sclrMinVal) sclrIdx = fct * (scalar - sclrMinVal) + 0.5 sclrIdx = numarray.clip( sclrIdx, 0, len(self.cMapColors)-1 ) colorIdx = self.cmapRGBA[sclrIdx] colorIdx = colorIdx.tolist() colorIdx.reverse() self.vertexPropertyObj.vertex.setValues( 0, self.vertexPositions ) self.vertexPropertyObj.orderedRGBA.setValues( 0, colorIdx )
def transformImage(self): datamin = self.datamin datamax = self.datamax data2d = numarray.clip(self.data2d, min(datamin, datamax), max(datamin, datamax)) return data2d
def clipToInt(R,G,B): writeBands(clip(R,0,2047).astype('w'), clip(G,0,2047).astype('w'), clip(B,0,2047).astype('w'))
def clipAndScale(R,G,B): writeBands(clip(R*0.124573,0,255).astype('b'), clip(G*0.124573,0,255).astype('b'), clip(B*0.124573,0,255).astype('b'))
def clipToByte(R,G,B): writeBands(clip(R,0,255).astype('b'), clip(G,0,255).astype('b'), clip(B,0,255).astype('b'))
def clipToInt(R, G, B): writeBands( clip(R, 0, 2047).astype('w'), clip(G, 0, 2047).astype('w'), clip(B, 0, 2047).astype('w'))
def clipAndScale(R, G, B): writeBands( clip(R * 0.124573, 0, 255).astype('b'), clip(G * 0.124573, 0, 255).astype('b'), clip(B * 0.124573, 0, 255).astype('b'))
def clipToByte(R, G, B): writeBands( clip(R, 0, 255).astype('b'), clip(G, 0, 255).astype('b'), clip(B, 0, 255).astype('b'))