Exemple #1
    def points(self,npoints):
        compute arrays of npoints equally spaced
        intermediate points along the great circle.

        input parameter npoints is the number of points
        to compute.

        Returns lons, lats (lists with longitudes and latitudes
        of intermediate points in degrees).

        For example npoints=10 will return arrays lons,lats of 10
        equally spaced points along the great circle.
        # can't do it if endpoints of great circle are antipodal, since
        # route is undefined.
        if self.antipodal:
            raise ValueError,'cannot compute intermediate points on a great circle whose endpoints are antipodal'
        d = self.distance
        delta = 1.0/(npoints-1)
        f = delta*N.arange(npoints)
        lat1 = self.lat1
        lat2 = self.lat2
        lon1 = self.lon1
        lon2 = self.lon2
        A = N.sin((1-f)*d)/math.sin(d)
        B = N.sin(f*d)/math.sin(d)
        x = A*math.cos(lat1)*math.cos(lon1)+B*math.cos(lat2)*math.cos(lon2)
        y = A*math.cos(lat1)*math.sin(lon1)+B*math.cos(lat2)*math.sin(lon2)
        z = A*math.sin(lat1)               +B*math.sin(lat2)
        lons = map(math.degrees,lons.tolist())
        lats = map(math.degrees,lats.tolist())
        return lons,lats
Exemple #2
    def points(self,npoints):
        compute arrays of npoints equally spaced
        intermediate points along the great circle.

        input parameter npoints is the number of points
        to compute.

        Returns lons, lats (lists with longitudes and latitudes
        of intermediate points in degrees).

        For example npoints=10 will return arrays lons,lats of 10
        equally spaced points along the great circle.
        # must ask for at least 2 points.
        if npoints <= 1:
            raise ValueError,'npoints must be greater than 1'
        elif npoints == 2:
            return [math.degrees(self.lon1),math.degrees(self.lon2)],[math.degrees(self.lat1),math.degrees(self.lat2)]
        # can't do it if endpoints are antipodal, since
        # route is undefined.
        if self.antipodal:
            raise ValueError,'cannot compute intermediate points on a great circle whose endpoints are antipodal'
        d = self.gcarclen
        delta = 1.0/(npoints-1)
        f = delta*N.arange(npoints) # f=0 is point 1, f=1 is point 2.
        incdist = self.distance/(npoints-1)
        lat1 = self.lat1
        lat2 = self.lat2
        lon1 = self.lon1
        lon2 = self.lon2
        # perfect sphere, use great circle formula
        if self.f == 0.:
            A = N.sin((1-f)*d)/math.sin(d)
            B = N.sin(f*d)/math.sin(d)
            x = A*math.cos(lat1)*math.cos(lon1)+B*math.cos(lat2)*math.cos(lon2)
            y = A*math.cos(lat1)*math.sin(lon1)+B*math.cos(lat2)*math.sin(lon2)
            z = A*math.sin(lat1)               +B*math.sin(lat2)
            lons = map(math.degrees,lons.tolist())
            lats = map(math.degrees,lats.tolist())
        # use ellipsoid formulas
            latpt = self.lat1
            lonpt = self.lon1
            azimuth = self.azimuth12
            lons = [math.degrees(lonpt)]
            lats = [math.degrees(latpt)]
            for n in range(npoints-2):
                latpt = latptnew; lonpt = lonptnew
        return lons,lats
Exemple #3
    def rd2xy(self, skypos, hour=no):
        This method would use the WCS keywords to compute the XY position
        from a given RA/Dec tuple (in deg).

        NOTE: Investigate how to let this function accept arrays as well
        as single positions. WJH 27Mar03

        if self.ctype1.find('TAN') < 0 or self.ctype2.find('TAN') < 0:
            print 'RD2XY only supported for TAN projections.'
            raise TypeError

        det = self.cd11 * self.cd22 - self.cd12 * self.cd21

        if det == 0.0:
            raise ArithmeticError, "singular CD matrix!"

        cdinv11 = self.cd22 / det
        cdinv12 = -self.cd12 / det
        cdinv21 = -self.cd21 / det
        cdinv22 = self.cd11 / det

        # translate (ra, dec) to (x, y)

        ra0 = DEGTORAD(self.crval1)
        dec0 = DEGTORAD(self.crval2)
        if hour:
            skypos[0] = skypos[0] * 15.
        ra = DEGTORAD(skypos[0])
        dec = DEGTORAD(skypos[1])

        bottom = float(
            N.sin(dec) * N.sin(dec0) +
            N.cos(dec) * N.cos(dec0) * N.cos(ra - ra0))
        if bottom == 0.0:
            raise ArithmeticError, "Unreasonable RA/Dec range!"

        xi = RADTODEG((N.cos(dec) * N.sin(ra - ra0) / bottom))
        eta = RADTODEG((N.sin(dec) * N.cos(dec0) -
                        N.cos(dec) * N.sin(dec0) * N.cos(ra - ra0)) / bottom)

        x = cdinv11 * xi + cdinv12 * eta + self.crpix1
        y = cdinv21 * xi + cdinv22 * eta + self.crpix2

        return x, y
Exemple #4
    def xy2rd(self, pos):
        This method would apply the WCS keywords to a position to
        generate a new sky position.

        The algorithm comes directly from 'imgtools.xy2rd'

        translate (x,y) to (ra, dec)
        if self.ctype1.find('TAN') < 0 or self.ctype2.find('TAN') < 0:
            print 'XY2RD only supported for TAN projections.'
            raise TypeError

        if isinstance(pos, N.NumArray):
            # If we are working with an array of positions,
            # point to just X and Y values
            posx = pos[:, 0]
            posy = pos[:, 1]
            # Otherwise, we are working with a single X,Y tuple
            posx = pos[0]
            posy = pos[1]

        xi = self.cd11 * (posx - self.crpix1) + self.cd12 * (posy -
        eta = self.cd21 * (posx - self.crpix1) + self.cd22 * (posy -

        xi = DEGTORAD(xi)
        eta = DEGTORAD(eta)
        ra0 = DEGTORAD(self.crval1)
        dec0 = DEGTORAD(self.crval2)

        ra = N.arctan((xi / (N.cos(dec0) - eta * N.sin(dec0)))) + ra0
        dec = N.arctan(
            ((eta * N.cos(dec0) + N.sin(dec0)) /
             (N.sqrt((N.cos(dec0) - eta * N.sin(dec0))**2 + xi**2))))

        ra = RADTODEG(ra)
        dec = RADTODEG(dec)
        ra = DIVMOD(ra, 360.)

        # Otherwise, just return the RA,Dec tuple.
        return ra, dec
Exemple #5
    def rd2xy(self,skypos,hour=no):
        This method would use the WCS keywords to compute the XY position
        from a given RA/Dec tuple (in deg).

        NOTE: Investigate how to let this function accept arrays as well
        as single positions. WJH 27Mar03

        if self.ctype1.find('TAN') < 0 or self.ctype2.find('TAN') < 0:
            print 'RD2XY only supported for TAN projections.'
            raise TypeError

        det = self.cd11*self.cd22 - self.cd12*self.cd21

        if det == 0.0:
            raise ArithmeticError,"singular CD matrix!"

        cdinv11 = self.cd22 / det
        cdinv12 = -self.cd12 / det
        cdinv21 = -self.cd21 / det
        cdinv22 = self.cd11 / det

        # translate (ra, dec) to (x, y)

        ra0 = DEGTORAD(self.crval1)
        dec0 = DEGTORAD(self.crval2)
        if hour:
            skypos[0] = skypos[0] * 15.
        ra = DEGTORAD(skypos[0])
        dec = DEGTORAD(skypos[1])

        bottom = float(N.sin(dec)*N.sin(dec0) + N.cos(dec)*N.cos(dec0)*N.cos(ra-ra0))
        if bottom == 0.0:
            raise ArithmeticError,"Unreasonable RA/Dec range!"

        xi = RADTODEG((N.cos(dec) * N.sin(ra-ra0) / bottom))
        eta = RADTODEG((N.sin(dec)*N.cos(dec0) - N.cos(dec)*N.sin(dec0)*N.cos(ra-ra0)) / bottom)

        x = cdinv11 * xi + cdinv12 * eta + self.crpix1
        y = cdinv21 * xi + cdinv22 * eta + self.crpix2

        return x,y
Exemple #6
def getSineWave(freq, samplecount=320):
    """ Generate a sine wave of frequency 'freq'. The samples are
        generated at 8khz. The first 'samplecount' samples will be
    from numarray import sin, arange
    from math import pi
    sine = sin(arange(HZ)/(HZ/freq) * 2.0 * pi)
    sine = sine[:samplecount]
    return sine
Exemple #7
def xy2rd(filename, x,y,hdu = -1, hms = 0,  verbose = 0):
    from numarray import sin,cos,arctan2,sqrt
    def degtorad(num):
	return num/180.0*numarray.pi
    def radtodeg(num):
	return num/numarray.pi * 180.0
    def degtoHMS(num):
	mmm = int((num-int(num))*60.0)
	sss = ((num-int(num))*60.0-mmm)*60.0
	num = `int(num)`+":"+ `mmm`+":"+`sss`
	return num
    keys = ["CRPIX1","CRPIX2","CRVAL1","CRVAL2","CD1_1","CD1_2","CD2_1","CD2_2"]
    CD =  read_keys(filename,keys,hdu)
    crpix = numarray.zeros((2),numarray.Float)
    cd = numarray.zeros((2,2),numarray.Float)

    crpix[0] = CD['CRPIX1'][0]
    crpix[1] = CD['CRPIX2'][0]
    ra0 = CD['CRVAL1'][0]
    dec0 = CD['CRVAL2'][0]
    cd[0,0] = CD['CD1_1'][0]
    cd[0,1] = CD['CD1_2'][0]
    cd[1,0] = CD['CD2_1'][0]
    cd[1,1] = CD['CD2_2'][0]
    xi = cd[0, 0] * (x - crpix[0]) + cd[0, 1] * (y - crpix[1])
    eta = cd[1, 0] * (x - crpix[0]) + cd[1, 1] * (y - crpix[1])
    xi = degtorad(xi)
    eta = degtorad(eta)
    ra0 = degtorad(ra0)
    dec0 = degtorad(dec0)

    ra = arctan2(xi,cos(dec0)-eta*sin(dec0)) + ra0
    dec = arctan2(eta*cos(dec0)+sin(dec0),sqrt((cos(dec0)-eta*sin(dec0))**2 + xi**2))

    ra = radtodeg(ra)# % 360.0
  #  if ra < 0: ra = ra + 360.0
    dec = radtodeg(dec)

    if (hms):
	return degtoHMS(ra/15.0),degtoHMS(dec)
	return ra,dec
Exemple #8
def getSineWave(freq, samplecount=320):
    """ Generate a sine wave of frequency 'freq'. The samples are
        generated at 8khz. The first 'samplecount' samples will be
    from numarray import sin, arange
    from math import pi
    sine = sin(arange(HZ)/(HZ/freq) * 2.0 * pi)
    sine = sine[:samplecount]
    return sine
Exemple #9
def rd2xy(filename,ra,dec,verbose=0,hdu=-1,hour=0):
    from numarray import sin,cos,arctan2,sqrt
    def degtorad(num):
	return num/180.0*numarray.pi
    def radtodeg(num):
	return num/numarray.pi * 180.0
    keys = ["CRPIX1","CRPIX2","CRVAL1","CRVAL2","CD1_1","CD1_2","CD2_1","CD2_2"]
    CD =  read_keys(filename,keys,hdu)
    crpix = numarray.zeros((2),numarray.Float)
    cd = numarray.zeros((2,2),numarray.Float)
    cdinv = numarray.zeros((2,2),numarray.Float)

    crpix[0] = CD['CRPIX1'][0]
    crpix[1] = CD['CRPIX2'][0]
    ra0 = CD['CRVAL1'][0]
    dec0 = CD['CRVAL2'][0]
    cd[0,0] = CD['CD1_1'][0]
    cd[0,1] = CD['CD1_2'][0]
    cd[1,0] = CD['CD2_1'][0]
    cd[1,1] = CD['CD2_2'][0]
    det = cd[0,0]*cd[1,1] - cd[0,1]*cd[1,0]
    if det == 0:
	raise SingularMatrix
    cdinv[0,0] = cd[1,1] / det
    cdinv[0,1] = -cd[0,1] / det
    cdinv[1,0] = -cd[1,0] / det
    cdinv[1,1] = cd[0,0] / det
    print det,cdinv
    ra0 = degtorad(ra0)
    dec0 = degtorad(dec0)
    if hour: ra=ra*15.0
    ra = degtorad(ra)
    dec = degtorad(dec)
    bottom = sin(dec)*sin(dec0) + cos(dec)*cos(dec0)*cos(ra-ra0)
    if bottom == 0:
	raise InvalidRaDecRange
    xi = cos(dec) * sin(ra-ra0) / bottom
    eta = (sin(dec)*cos(dec0) - cos(dec)*sin(dec0)*cos(ra-ra0)) / bottom
    xi = radtodeg(xi)
    eta = radtodeg(eta)
    x = cdinv[0, 0] * xi + cdinv[0, 1] * eta + crpix[0]
    y = cdinv[1, 0] * xi + cdinv[1, 1] * eta + crpix[1]
    return x,y
Exemple #10
    def xy2rd(self,pos):
        This method would apply the WCS keywords to a position to
        generate a new sky position.

        The algorithm comes directly from 'imgtools.xy2rd'

        translate (x,y) to (ra, dec)
        if self.ctype1.find('TAN') < 0 or self.ctype2.find('TAN') < 0:
            print 'XY2RD only supported for TAN projections.'
            raise TypeError

        if isinstance(pos,N.NumArray):
            # If we are working with an array of positions,
            # point to just X and Y values
            posx = pos[:,0]
            posy = pos[:,1]
            # Otherwise, we are working with a single X,Y tuple
            posx = pos[0]
            posy = pos[1]

        xi = self.cd11 * (posx - self.crpix1) + self.cd12 * (posy - self.crpix2)
        eta = self.cd21 * (posx - self.crpix1) + self.cd22 * (posy - self.crpix2)

        xi = DEGTORAD(xi)
        eta = DEGTORAD(eta)
        ra0 = DEGTORAD(self.crval1)
        dec0 = DEGTORAD(self.crval2)

        ra = N.arctan((xi / (N.cos(dec0)-eta*N.sin(dec0)))) + ra0
        dec = N.arctan( ((eta*N.cos(dec0)+N.sin(dec0)) /
                (N.sqrt((N.cos(dec0)-eta*N.sin(dec0))**2 + xi**2))) )

        ra = RADTODEG(ra)
        dec = RADTODEG(dec)
        ra = DIVMOD(ra, 360.)

        # Otherwise, just return the RA,Dec tuple.
        return ra,dec
Exemple #11
    def psf_select(alpha_j, delta_j):					
        distance = 9999.0
        psffile = 'test.fits'
        psflist = c.psflist
        r = 3.14159265 / 180.0
        for element in psflist:
            header = p[0].header
            if (header.has_key('RA_TARG')):
                ra = header['RA_TARG']
            if (header.has_key('DEC_TARG')):
                dec= header['DEC_TARG']
#		d = sqrt((ra - alpha_j) ** 2.0 + (dec - delta_j) ** 2.0)
            d = n.arccos(n.cos((90.0 - delta_j) * r) * n.cos((90.0 - dec) *\
                r) + n.sin((90.0 - delta_j) * r) *  n.sin((90.0 - dec) * r) * \
                n.cos((alpha_j - ra) * r))
            if(d < distance):
                psffile = element
                distance = d
        return psffile, distance
Exemple #12
    def points(self, npoints):
        compute arrays of npoints equally spaced
        intermediate points along the great circle.

        input parameter npoints is the number of points
        to compute.

        Returns lons, lats (lists with longitudes and latitudes
        of intermediate points in degrees).

        For example npoints=10 will return arrays lons,lats of 10
        equally spaced points along the great circle.
        # can't do it if endpoints of great circle are antipodal, since
        # route is undefined.
        if self.antipodal:
            raise ValueError, 'cannot compute intermediate points on a great circle whose endpoints are antipodal'
        d = self.distance
        delta = 1.0 / (npoints - 1)
        f = delta * N.arange(npoints)
        lat1 = self.lat1
        lat2 = self.lat2
        lon1 = self.lon1
        lon2 = self.lon2
        A = N.sin((1 - f) * d) / math.sin(d)
        B = N.sin(f * d) / math.sin(d)
        x = A * math.cos(lat1) * math.cos(lon1) + B * math.cos(
            lat2) * math.cos(lon2)
        y = A * math.cos(lat1) * math.sin(lon1) + B * math.cos(
            lat2) * math.sin(lon2)
        z = A * math.sin(lat1) + B * math.sin(lat2)
        lats = N.arctan2(z, N.sqrt(x**2 + y**2))
        lons = N.arctan2(y, x)
        lons = map(math.degrees, lons.tolist())
        lats = map(math.degrees, lats.tolist())
        return lons, lats
Exemple #13
def mask(clus_id, line_s):
    imagefile = c.imagefile
    sex_cata = c.sex_cata
    clus_cata = c.out_cata
    threshold = c.threshold
    thresh_area = c.thresh_area
    size = c.size
    mask_reg = c.mask_reg
    x = n.reshape(n.arange(size*size),(size,size)) % size
    x = x.astype(n.Float32)
    y = n.reshape(n.arange(size*size),(size,size)) / size
    y = y.astype(n.Float32)
    values = line_s.split()
    mask_file = 'ell_mask_' + str(imagefile)[:6] + '_'  + str(clus_id) + '.fits'
    xcntr_o  = float(values[1]) #x center of the object
    ycntr_o  = float(values[2]) #y center of the object
    xcntr = size / 2.0 + 1.0 + xcntr_o - int(xcntr_o)
    ycntr = size / 2.0 + 1.0 + ycntr_o - int(ycntr_o)
    mag    = float(values[7]) #Magnitude
    radius = float(values[9]) #Half light radius
    mag_zero = c.mag_zero #magnitude zero point
    sky	 = float(values[10]) #sky 
    pos_ang = float(values[11]) - 90.0 #position angle
    axis_rat = 1.0 / float(values[12]) #axis ration b/a
    major_axis = float(values[14])	#major axis of the object
    z = n.zeros((size,size))		
    for line_j in open(sex_cata,'r'):
            values = line_j.split()
            xcntr_n  = float(values[1]) #x center of the neighbour
            ycntr_n  = float(values[2]) #y center of the neighbour
            mag    = float(values[7]) #Magnitude
            radius = float(values[9]) #Half light radius
            sky      = float(values[10]) #sky
            pos_ang = float(values[11]) #position angle
            axis_rat = 1.0/float(values[12]) #axis ration b/a
            si = n.sin(pos_ang * n.pi / 180.0)
            co = n.cos(pos_ang * n.pi / 180.0)
            area = float(values[13])
            maj_axis = float(values[14])#major axis of neighbour
            eg = 1.0 - axis_rat
            one_minus_eg_sq    = (1.0-eg)**2.0
            if(abs(xcntr_n - xcntr_o) < size/2.0 and \
               abs(ycntr_n - ycntr_o) < size/2.0 and \
               xcntr_n != xcntr_o and ycntr_n != ycntr_o):
                if((xcntr_o - xcntr_n) < 0):
                    xn = xcntr + abs(xcntr_n - xcntr_o)
                if((ycntr_o - ycntr_n) < 0):
                    yn = ycntr + abs(ycntr_n - ycntr_o)
                if((xcntr_o - xcntr_n) > 0):
                    xn = xcntr - (xcntr_o -xcntr_n)
                if((ycntr_o - ycntr_n) > 0):
                    yn = ycntr - (ycntr_o -ycntr_n)
                tx = (x - xn + 0.5) * co + (y - yn + 0.5) * si
                ty = (xn - 0.5 -x) * si + (y - yn + 0.5) * co
                R = n.sqrt(tx**2.0 + ty**2.0 / one_minus_eg_sq)
                z[n.where(R<=mask_reg*maj_axis)] = 1
    hdu = pyfits.PrimaryHDU(z.astype(n.Float32))
Exemple #14
    def points(self, npoints):
        compute arrays of npoints equally spaced
        intermediate points along the great circle.

        input parameter npoints is the number of points
        to compute.

        Returns lons, lats (lists with longitudes and latitudes
        of intermediate points in degrees).

        For example npoints=10 will return arrays lons,lats of 10
        equally spaced points along the great circle.
        # must ask for at least 2 points.
        if npoints <= 1:
            raise ValueError, 'npoints must be greater than 1'
        elif npoints == 2:
            return [math.degrees(self.lon1),
                    ], [math.degrees(self.lat1),
        # can't do it if endpoints are antipodal, since
        # route is undefined.
        if self.antipodal:
            raise ValueError, 'cannot compute intermediate points on a great circle whose endpoints are antipodal'
        d = self.gcarclen
        delta = 1.0 / (npoints - 1)
        f = delta * N.arange(npoints)  # f=0 is point 1, f=1 is point 2.
        incdist = self.distance / (npoints - 1)
        lat1 = self.lat1
        lat2 = self.lat2
        lon1 = self.lon1
        lon2 = self.lon2
        # perfect sphere, use great circle formula
        if self.f == 0.:
            A = N.sin((1 - f) * d) / math.sin(d)
            B = N.sin(f * d) / math.sin(d)
            x = A * math.cos(lat1) * math.cos(lon1) + B * math.cos(
                lat2) * math.cos(lon2)
            y = A * math.cos(lat1) * math.sin(lon1) + B * math.cos(
                lat2) * math.sin(lon2)
            z = A * math.sin(lat1) + B * math.sin(lat2)
            lats = N.arctan2(z, N.sqrt(x**2 + y**2))
            lons = N.arctan2(y, x)
            lons = map(math.degrees, lons.tolist())
            lats = map(math.degrees, lats.tolist())
        # use ellipsoid formulas
            latpt = self.lat1
            lonpt = self.lon1
            azimuth = self.azimuth12
            lons = [math.degrees(lonpt)]
            lats = [math.degrees(latpt)]
            for n in range(npoints - 2):
                latptnew, lonptnew, alpha21 = vinc_pt(self.f, self.a, latpt,
                                                      lonpt, azimuth, incdist)
                d, azimuth, a21 = vinc_dist(self.f, self.a, latptnew, lonptnew,
                                            lat2, lon2)
                latpt = latptnew
                lonpt = lonptnew
        return lons, lats
Exemple #15
def HookModel( elevs , c , fsin , fcos ):

    return c+ fsin  * numarray.sin(elevs * math.pi / 180 ) + fcos  * numarray.cos(elevs * math.pi / 180 )
Exemple #16
    def recenter(self):
        Reset the reference position values to correspond to the center
        of the reference frame.
        Algorithm used here developed by Colin Cox - 27-Jan-2004.
        if self.ctype1.find('TAN') < 0 or self.ctype2.find('TAN') < 0:
            print 'WCS.recenter() only supported for TAN projections.'
            raise TypeError

        # Check to see if WCS is already centered...
        if self.crpix1 == self.naxis1 / 2. and self.crpix2 == self.naxis2 / 2.:
            # No recentering necessary... return without changing WCS.

        # This offset aligns the WCS to the center of the pixel, in accordance
        # with the 'align=center' option used by 'drizzle'.
        #_drz_off = -0.5
        _drz_off = 0.
        _cen = (self.naxis1 / 2. + _drz_off, self.naxis2 / 2. + _drz_off)

        # Compute the RA and Dec for center pixel
        _cenrd = self.xy2rd(_cen)
        _cd = N.array([[self.cd11, self.cd12], [self.cd21, self.cd22]],
        _ra0 = DEGTORAD(self.crval1)
        _dec0 = DEGTORAD(self.crval2)
        _ra = DEGTORAD(_cenrd[0])
        _dec = DEGTORAD(_cenrd[1])

        # Set up some terms for use in the final result
        _dx = self.naxis1 / 2. - self.crpix1
        _dy = self.naxis2 / 2. - self.crpix2

        _dE, _dN = DEGTORAD(N.dot(_cd, (_dx, _dy)))
        _dE_dN = 1 + N.power(_dE, 2) + N.power(_dN, 2)
        _cosdec = N.cos(_dec)
        _sindec = N.sin(_dec)
        _cosdec0 = N.cos(_dec0)
        _sindec0 = N.sin(_dec0)

        _n1 = N.power(_cosdec, 2) + _dE * _dE + _dN * _dN * N.power(_sindec, 2)
        _dra_dE = (_cosdec0 - _dN * _sindec0) / _n1
        _dra_dN = _dE * _sindec0 / _n1

        _ddec_dE = -_dE * N.tan(_dec) / _dE_dN
        _ddec_dN = (1 / _cosdec) * ((_cosdec0 / N.sqrt(_dE_dN)) -
                                    (_dN * N.sin(_dec) / _dE_dN))

        # Compute new CD matrix values now...
        _cd11n = _cosdec * (self.cd11 * _dra_dE + self.cd21 * _dra_dN)
        _cd12n = _cosdec * (self.cd12 * _dra_dE + self.cd22 * _dra_dN)
        _cd21n = self.cd11 * _ddec_dE + self.cd21 * _ddec_dN
        _cd22n = self.cd12 * _ddec_dE + self.cd22 * _ddec_dN

        _new_orient = RADTODEG(N.arctan2(_cd12n, _cd22n))

        # Update the values now...
        self.crpix1 = _cen[0]
        self.crpix2 = _cen[1]
        self.crval1 = RADTODEG(_ra)
        self.crval2 = RADTODEG(_dec)

        # Keep the same plate scale, only change the orientation

        # These would update the CD matrix with the new rotation
        # ALONG with the new plate scale which we do not want.
        self.cd11 = _cd11n
        self.cd12 = _cd12n
        self.cd21 = _cd21n
        self.cd22 = _cd22n
Exemple #17
    def recenter(self):
        Reset the reference position values to correspond to the center
        of the reference frame.
        Algorithm used here developed by Colin Cox - 27-Jan-2004.
        if self.ctype1.find('TAN') < 0 or self.ctype2.find('TAN') < 0:
            print 'WCS.recenter() only supported for TAN projections.'
            raise TypeError

        # Check to see if WCS is already centered...
        if self.crpix1 == self.naxis1/2. and self.crpix2 == self.naxis2/2.:
            # No recentering necessary... return without changing WCS.

        # This offset aligns the WCS to the center of the pixel, in accordance
        # with the 'align=center' option used by 'drizzle'.
        #_drz_off = -0.5
        _drz_off = 0.
        _cen = (self.naxis1/2.+ _drz_off,self.naxis2/2. + _drz_off)

        # Compute the RA and Dec for center pixel
        _cenrd = self.xy2rd(_cen)
        _cd = N.array([[self.cd11,self.cd12],[self.cd21,self.cd22]],type=N.Float64)
        _ra0 = DEGTORAD(self.crval1)
        _dec0 = DEGTORAD(self.crval2)
        _ra = DEGTORAD(_cenrd[0])
        _dec = DEGTORAD(_cenrd[1])

        # Set up some terms for use in the final result
        _dx = self.naxis1/2. - self.crpix1
        _dy = self.naxis2/2. - self.crpix2

        _dE,_dN = DEGTORAD(N.dot(_cd,(_dx,_dy)))
        _dE_dN = 1 + N.power(_dE,2) + N.power(_dN,2)
        _cosdec = N.cos(_dec)
        _sindec = N.sin(_dec)
        _cosdec0 = N.cos(_dec0)
        _sindec0 = N.sin(_dec0)

        _n1 = N.power(_cosdec,2) + _dE*_dE + _dN*_dN*N.power(_sindec,2)
        _dra_dE = (_cosdec0 - _dN*_sindec0)/_n1
        _dra_dN = _dE*_sindec0 /_n1

        _ddec_dE = -_dE*N.tan(_dec) / _dE_dN
        _ddec_dN = (1/_cosdec) * ((_cosdec0 / N.sqrt(_dE_dN)) - (_dN*N.sin(_dec) / _dE_dN))

        # Compute new CD matrix values now...
        _cd11n = _cosdec * (self.cd11*_dra_dE + self.cd21 * _dra_dN)
        _cd12n = _cosdec * (self.cd12*_dra_dE + self.cd22 * _dra_dN)
        _cd21n = self.cd11 * _ddec_dE + self.cd21 * _ddec_dN
        _cd22n = self.cd12 * _ddec_dE + self.cd22 * _ddec_dN

        _new_orient = RADTODEG(N.arctan2(_cd12n,_cd22n))

        # Update the values now...
        self.crpix1 = _cen[0]
        self.crpix2 = _cen[1]
        self.crval1 = RADTODEG(_ra)
        self.crval2 = RADTODEG(_dec)

        # Keep the same plate scale, only change the orientation

        # These would update the CD matrix with the new rotation
        # ALONG with the new plate scale which we do not want.
        self.cd11 = _cd11n
        self.cd12 = _cd12n
        self.cd21 = _cd21n
        self.cd22 = _cd22n