def fasteval(self, type=_na.Float64): """fasteval(self, type=Float64) converts CharArray 'self' into a NumArray of the specified type. fasteval() can't convert complex arrays at all, and loses precision when converting UInt64 or Int64. >>> array([["1","2"],["3","4"]]).fasteval().astype('Long') array([[1, 2], [3, 4]]) >>> try: ... array([["1","2"],["3","other"]]).fasteval() ... except _chararray.error: ... pass """ n = _na.array(shape=self._shape, type=_na.Float64) type = _nt.getType(type) _chararray.Eval((), self, n); if type != _na.Float64: if ((type is _na.Int64) or (_numinclude.hasUInt64 and type is _na.UInt64)): warnings.warn("Loss of precision converting to 64-bit type. Consider using eval().", PrecisionWarning) return n.astype(type) else: return n
def fasteval(self, type=_na.Float64): """fasteval(self, type=Float64) converts CharArray 'self' into a NumArray of the specified type. fasteval() can't convert complex arrays at all, and loses precision when converting UInt64 or Int64. >>> array([["1","2"],["3","4"]]).fasteval().astype('Long') array([[1, 2], [3, 4]]) >>> try: ... array([["1","2"],["3","other"]]).fasteval() ... except _chararray.error: ... pass """ n = _na.array(shape=self._shape, type=_na.Float64) type = _nt.getType(type) _chararray.Eval((), self, n) if type != _na.Float64: if ((type is _na.Int64) or (_numinclude.hasUInt64 and type is _na.UInt64)): warnings.warn( "Loss of precision converting to 64-bit type. Consider using eval().", PrecisionWarning) return n.astype(type) else: return n
def argsort(self, axis=-1): """ >>> a=fromlist(["other","that","this","another"]) >>> a.argsort() array([3, 0, 1, 2]) """ if axis != -1: raise TypeError("CharArray.argsort() does not support the axis parameter.") ax = range(len(self)) ax.sort(lambda x, y, z=self: cmp(z[x], z[y])) return _na.array(ax)
def argsort(self, axis=-1): """ >>> a=fromlist(["other","that","this","another"]) >>> a.argsort() array([3, 0, 1, 2]) """ if axis != -1: raise TypeError( "CharArray.argsort() does not support the axis parameter.") ax = range(len(self)) ax.sort(lambda x, y, z=self: cmp(z[x], z[y])) return _na.array(ax)
def fromrecords(recList, formats=None, names=None, shape=0, byteorder=sys.byteorder, aligned=0): """ create a Record Array from a list of records in text form The data in the same field can be heterogeneous, they will be promoted to the highest data type. This method is intended for creating smaller record arrays. If used to create large array e.g. r=fromrecords([[2,3.,'abc']]*100000) it is slow. >>> r=fromrecords([[456,'dbe',1.2],[2,'de',1.3]],names='col1,col2,col3') >>> print r[0] (456, 'dbe', 1.2) >>> r.field('col1') array([456, 2]) >>> r.field('col2') CharArray(['dbe', 'de']) >>> import cPickle >>> print cPickle.loads(cPickle.dumps(r)) RecArray[ (456, 'dbe', 1.2), (2, 'de', 1.3) ] """ if shape == 0: _shape = len(recList) else: _shape = shape _nfields = len(recList[0]) for _rec in recList: if len(_rec) != _nfields: raise ValueError, "inconsistent number of objects in each record" arrlist = [0]*_nfields for col in range(_nfields): tmp = [0]*_shape for row in range(_shape): tmp[row] = recList[row][col] try: arrlist[col] = num.array(tmp) except: try: arrlist[col] = chararray.array(tmp) except: raise ValueError, "inconsistent data at row %d,field %d" % (row, col) _array = fromarrays(arrlist, formats=formats, shape=_shape, names=names, byteorder=byteorder, aligned=aligned) del arrlist del tmp return _array
def _get_fields(self): """Get a dictionary of fields as numeric arrays.""" # Iterate over all the fields fields = {} for indx in range(self._nfields): # determine the offset within the record _start = self._stops[indx] - self._sizes[indx] + 1 _shape = self._shape _type = self._fmt[indx] _buffer = self._data _offset = self._byteoffset + _start # don't use self._itemsize due to possible slicing _stride = self._strides[-1] _order = self._byteorder if isinstance(_type, Char): arr = chararray.CharArray(buffer=_buffer, shape=_shape, itemsize=self._itemsizes[indx], byteoffset=_offset, bytestride=_stride) else: arr = num.NumArray(shape=_shape, type=_type, buffer=_buffer, byteoffset=_offset, bytestride=_stride, byteorder=_order) # modify the _shape and _strides for array elements if (self._repeats[indx] != 1): if type(self._repeats[indx]) == types.TupleType: arr._shape = self._shape + self._repeats[indx] else: arr._shape = self._shape + (self._repeats[indx], ) nd_stride = num.array(arr._shape[2:] + (1, ))[::-1] nd_stride = num.cumproduct(nd_stride) * self._itemsizes[indx] nd_stride = nd_stride[::-1] arr._strides = (self._strides[0], ) + tuple(nd_stride) # Put this array as a value in dictionary # Do both name and index fields[indx] = arr fields[self._names[indx]] = arr return fields
def eval(self): """eval(self) converts CharArray 'self' into a NumArray. This is the original slow implementation based on a Python loop and the eval() function. >>> array([["1","2"],["3","4"]]).eval() array([[1, 2], [3, 4]]) >>> try: ... array([["1","2"],["3","other"]]).eval() ... except NameError: ... pass """ n = _na.array([eval(x, {}, {}) for x in _na.ravel(self)]) n.setshape(self._shape) return n
def _get_fields(self): """Get a dictionary of fields as numeric arrays.""" # Iterate over all the fields fields = {} for indx in range(self._nfields): # determine the offset within the record _start = self._stops[indx] - self._sizes[indx] + 1 _shape = self._shape _type = self._fmt[indx] _buffer = self._data _offset = self._byteoffset + _start # don't use self._itemsize due to possible slicing _stride = self._strides[-1] _order = self._byteorder if isinstance(_type, Char): arr = chararray.CharArray(buffer=_buffer, shape=_shape, itemsize=self._itemsizes[indx], byteoffset=_offset, bytestride=_stride) else: arr = num.NumArray(shape=_shape, type=_type, buffer=_buffer, byteoffset=_offset, bytestride=_stride, byteorder = _order) # modify the _shape and _strides for array elements if (self._repeats[indx] != 1): if type(self._repeats[indx]) == types.TupleType: arr._shape = self._shape + self._repeats[indx] else: arr._shape = self._shape + (self._repeats[indx],) nd_stride = num.array(arr._shape[2:]+(1,))[::-1] nd_stride = num.cumproduct(nd_stride) * self._itemsizes[indx] nd_stride = nd_stride[::-1] arr._strides = (self._strides[0],) + tuple(nd_stride) # Put this array as a value in dictionary # Do both name and index fields[indx] = arr fields[self._names[indx]] = arr return fields
def search(self, pattern, flags=0): """ >>> a=fromlist([["wo","what"],["wen","erewh"]]) >>>"wh") (array([0, 1]), array([1, 1])) >>>"1") (array([], type=Long), array([], type=Long)) >>> b=array(["",""]) >>>"1") (array([], type=Long),) >>>"") (array([0, 1]),) """ searcher = re.compile(pattern, flags).search l = lambda x, f=searcher: int(f(x) is not None) matches = _na.array(self.amap(l), type=_na.Bool) if len(matches): return _na.nonzero(matches) else: return ()
def _BIT(x): a = _na.array((1 << x), type=_na.Int32) a.__class__ = _IeeeMaskBit return a
Warning: Encountered divide by zero(s) in divide >>> negzero = array([1], type=Float64)/neginf >>> ieeemask(negzero, POS_ZERO) array([0], type=Bool) >>> ieeemask(negzero, NEG_ZERO) array([1], type=Bool) >>> ieeemask(array([-0], type=Float64), ZERO) array([1], type=Bool) """ import numarrayall as _na from numarray.ufunc import isnan # Define *ieee special values* _na.Error.pushMode(all="ignore") plus_inf = inf = (_na.array(1.0) / _na.array(0.0))[()] minus_inf = (_na.array(-1.0) / _na.array(0.0))[()] nan = (_na.array(0.0) / _na.array(0.0))[()] plus_zero = zero = 0.0 minus_zero = (_na.array(-1.0) * 0.0)[()] _na.Error.popMode() # Define *mask condition bits* class _IeeeMaskBit(_na.NumArray): pass def _BIT(x): a = _na.array((1 << x), type=_na.Int32)
Warning: Encountered divide by zero(s) in divide >>> negzero = array([1], type=Float64)/neginf >>> ieeemask(negzero, POS_ZERO) array([0], type=Bool) >>> ieeemask(negzero, NEG_ZERO) array([1], type=Bool) >>> ieeemask(array([-0], type=Float64), ZERO) array([1], type=Bool) """ import numarrayall as _na from numarray.ufunc import isnan # Define *ieee special values* _na.Error.pushMode(all="ignore") plus_inf = inf = (_na.array(1.0)/_na.array(0.0))[()] minus_inf = (_na.array(-1.0)/_na.array(0.0))[()] nan = (_na.array(0.0)/_na.array(0.0))[()] plus_zero = zero = 0.0 minus_zero = (_na.array(-1.0)*0.0)[()] _na.Error.popMode() # Define *mask condition bits* class _IeeeMaskBit(_na.NumArray): pass def _BIT(x): a = _na.array((1 << x), type=_na.Int32) a.__class__ = _IeeeMaskBit return a
def fromrecords(recList, formats=None, names=None, shape=0, byteorder=sys.byteorder, aligned=0): """ create a Record Array from a list of records in text form The data in the same field can be heterogeneous, they will be promoted to the highest data type. This method is intended for creating smaller record arrays. If used to create large array e.g. r=fromrecords([[2,3.,'abc']]*100000) it is slow. >>> r=fromrecords([[456,'dbe',1.2],[2,'de',1.3]],names='col1,col2,col3') >>> print r[0] (456, 'dbe', 1.2) >>> r.field('col1') array([456, 2]) >>> r.field('col2') CharArray(['dbe', 'de']) >>> import cPickle >>> print cPickle.loads(cPickle.dumps(r)) RecArray[ (456, 'dbe', 1.2), (2, 'de', 1.3) ] """ if shape == 0: _shape = len(recList) else: _shape = shape _nfields = len(recList[0]) for _rec in recList: if len(_rec) != _nfields: raise ValueError, "inconsistent number of objects in each record" arrlist = [0] * _nfields for col in range(_nfields): tmp = [0] * _shape for row in range(_shape): tmp[row] = recList[row][col] try: arrlist[col] = num.array(tmp) except: try: arrlist[col] = chararray.array(tmp) except: raise ValueError, "inconsistent data at row %d,field %d" % ( row, col) _array = fromarrays(arrlist, formats=formats, shape=_shape, names=names, byteorder=byteorder, aligned=aligned) del arrlist del tmp return _array