Exemple #1
def numpy_ufunc_kernel(context,
    # This is the code generator that builds all the looping needed
    # to execute a numpy functions over several dimensions (including
    # scalar cases).
    # context - the code generation context
    # builder - the code emitter
    # sig - signature of the ufunc
    # args - the args to the ufunc
    # kernel_class -  a code generating subclass of _Kernel that provides
    # explicit_output - if the output was explicit in the call
    #                   (ie: np.add(x,y,r))

    arguments = [
        _prepare_argument(context, builder, arg, tyarg)
        for arg, tyarg in zip(args, sig.args)
    if not explicit_output:
        ret_ty = sig.return_type
        if isinstance(ret_ty, types.ArrayCompatible):
            output = _build_array(context, builder, ret_ty, sig.args,
            output = _prepare_argument(
                context, builder,
                lc.Constant.null(context.get_value_type(ret_ty)), ret_ty)
    elif context.enable_nrt:
        # Incref the output
        context.nrt.incref(builder, sig.return_type, args[-1])

    inputs = arguments[0:-1]
    output = arguments[-1]

    outer_sig = [a.base_type for a in arguments]
    #signature expects return type first, while we have it last:
    outer_sig = outer_sig[-1:] + outer_sig[:-1]
    outer_sig = typing.signature(*outer_sig)
    kernel = kernel_class(context, builder, outer_sig)
    intpty = context.get_value_type(types.intp)

    indices = [inp.create_iter_indices() for inp in inputs]

    loopshape = output.shape
    with cgutils.loop_nest(builder, loopshape, intp=intpty) as loop_indices:
        vals_in = []
        for i, (index, arg) in enumerate(zip(indices, inputs)):
            index.update_indices(loop_indices, i)

        val_out = kernel.generate(*vals_in)
        output.store_data(loop_indices, val_out)
    out = arguments[-1].return_val
    return impl_ret_new_ref(context, builder, sig.return_type, out)
Exemple #2
def box_charseq(typ, val, c):
    rawptr = cgutils.alloca_once_value(c.builder, value=val)
    strptr = c.builder.bitcast(rawptr, c.pyapi.cstring)
    fullsize = c.context.get_constant(types.intp, typ.count)
    zero = fullsize.type(0)
    one = fullsize.type(1)
    count = cgutils.alloca_once_value(c.builder, zero)

    # Find the length of the string, mimicking Numpy's behaviour:
    # search for the last non-null byte in the underlying storage
    # (e.g. b'A\0\0B\0\0\0' will return the logical string b'A\0\0B')
    with cgutils.loop_nest(c.builder, [fullsize], fullsize.type) as [idx]:
        # Get char at idx
        ch = c.builder.load(c.builder.gep(strptr, [idx]))
        # If the char is a non-null-byte, store the next index as count
        with c.builder.if_then(cgutils.is_not_null(c.builder, ch)):
            c.builder.store(c.builder.add(idx, one), count)

    strlen = c.builder.load(count)
    return c.pyapi.bytes_from_string_and_size(strptr, strlen)
Exemple #3
def box_unicodecharseq(typ, val, c):
    # XXX could kind be determined from strptr?
    unicode_kind = {
        1: c.pyapi.py_unicode_1byte_kind,
        2: c.pyapi.py_unicode_2byte_kind,
        4: c.pyapi.py_unicode_4byte_kind}[numpy_support.sizeof_unicode_char]
    kind = c.context.get_constant(types.int32, unicode_kind)
    rawptr = cgutils.alloca_once_value(c.builder, value=val)
    strptr = c.builder.bitcast(rawptr, c.pyapi.cstring)

    fullsize = c.context.get_constant(types.intp, typ.count)
    zero = fullsize.type(0)
    one = fullsize.type(1)
    step = fullsize.type(numpy_support.sizeof_unicode_char)
    count = cgutils.alloca_once_value(c.builder, zero)
    with cgutils.loop_nest(c.builder, [fullsize], fullsize.type) as [idx]:
        # Get char at idx
        ch = c.builder.load(c.builder.gep(strptr, [c.builder.mul(idx, step)]))
        # If the char is a non-null-byte, store the next index as count
        with c.builder.if_then(cgutils.is_not_null(c.builder, ch)):
            c.builder.store(c.builder.add(idx, one), count)
    strlen = c.builder.load(count)
    return c.pyapi.string_from_kind_and_data(kind, strptr, strlen)
Exemple #4
def numpy_ufunc_kernel(context, builder, sig, args, ufunc, kernel_class):
    # This is the code generator that builds all the looping needed
    # to execute a numpy functions over several dimensions (including
    # scalar cases).
    # context - the code generation context
    # builder - the code emitter
    # sig - signature of the ufunc
    # args - the args to the ufunc
    # ufunc - the ufunc itself
    # kernel_class -  a code generating subclass of _Kernel that provides

    arguments = [
        _prepare_argument(context, builder, arg, tyarg)
        for arg, tyarg in zip(args, sig.args)

    if len(arguments) < ufunc.nin:
        raise RuntimeError(
            "Not enough inputs to {}, expected {} got {}".format(
                ufunc.__name__, ufunc.nin, len(arguments)))

    for out_i, ret_ty in enumerate(_unpack_output_types(ufunc, sig)):
        if ufunc.nin + out_i >= len(arguments):
            # this out argument is not provided
            if isinstance(ret_ty, types.ArrayCompatible):
                output = _build_array(context, builder, ret_ty, sig.args,
                output = _prepare_argument(
                    context, builder,
                    lc.Constant.null(context.get_value_type(ret_ty)), ret_ty)
        elif context.enable_nrt:
            # Incref the output
            context.nrt.incref(builder, ret_ty, args[ufunc.nin + out_i])

    inputs = arguments[:ufunc.nin]
    outputs = arguments[ufunc.nin:]
    assert len(outputs) == ufunc.nout

    outer_sig = _ufunc_loop_sig([a.base_type for a in outputs],
                                [a.base_type for a in inputs])
    kernel = kernel_class(context, builder, outer_sig)
    intpty = context.get_value_type(types.intp)

    indices = [inp.create_iter_indices() for inp in inputs]

    # assume outputs are all the same size, which numpy requires

    loopshape = outputs[0].shape
    with cgutils.loop_nest(builder, loopshape, intp=intpty) as loop_indices:
        vals_in = []
        for i, (index, arg) in enumerate(zip(indices, inputs)):
            index.update_indices(loop_indices, i)

        vals_out = _unpack_output_values(ufunc, builder,
        for val_out, output in zip(vals_out, outputs):
            output.store_data(loop_indices, val_out)

    out = _pack_output_values(ufunc, context, builder, sig.return_type,
                              [o.return_val for o in outputs])
    return impl_ret_new_ref(context, builder, sig.return_type, out)