Exemple #1
    def get_ctxmgr_obj(var_ref):
        """Return the context-manager object and extra info.

        The extra contains the arguments if the context-manager is used
        as a call.
        # If the contextmanager used as a Call
        dfn = func_ir.get_definition(var_ref)
        if isinstance(dfn, ir.Expr) and dfn.op == 'call':
            args = [get_var_dfn(x) for x in dfn.args]
            kws = {k: get_var_dfn(v) for k, v in dfn.kws}
            extra = {'args': args, 'kwargs': kws}
            var_ref = dfn.func
            extra = None

        ctxobj = ir_utils.guard(ir_utils.find_global_value, func_ir, var_ref)

        # check the contextmanager object
        if ctxobj is ir.UNDEFINED:
            raise errors.CompilerError(
                "Undefined variable used as context manager",

        if ctxobj is None:
            raise errors.CompilerError(_illegal_cm_msg, loc=dfn.loc)

        return ctxobj, extra
Exemple #2
def _legalize_with_head(blk):
    """Given *blk*, the head block of the with-context, check that it doesn't
    do anything else.
    counters = defaultdict(int)
    for stmt in blk.body:
        counters[type(stmt)] += 1

    if counters.pop(ir.EnterWith) != 1:
        raise errors.CompilerError(
            "with's head-block must have exactly 1 ENTER_WITH",
    if counters.pop(ir.Jump) != 1:
        raise errors.CompilerError(
            "with's head-block must have exactly 1 JUMP",
    # Can have any number of del
    counters.pop(ir.Del, None)
    # There MUST NOT be any other statements
    if counters:
        raise errors.CompilerError(
            "illegal statements in with's head-block",
Exemple #3
def _get_with_contextmanager(func_ir, blocks, blk_start):
    """Get the global object used for the context manager
    _illegal_cm_msg = "Illegal use of context-manager."

    def get_var_dfn(var):
        """Get the definition given a variable"""
        return func_ir.get_definition(var)

    def get_ctxmgr_obj(var_ref):
        """Return the context-manager object and extra info.

        The extra contains the arguments if the context-manager is used
        as a call.
        # If the contextmanager used as a Call
        dfn = func_ir.get_definition(var_ref)
        if isinstance(dfn, ir.Expr) and dfn.op == 'call':
            args = [get_var_dfn(x) for x in dfn.args]
            kws = {k: get_var_dfn(v) for k, v in dfn.kws}
            extra = {'args': args, 'kwargs': kws}
            var_ref = dfn.func
            extra = None

        ctxobj = ir_utils.guard(ir_utils.find_global_value, func_ir, var_ref)

        # check the contextmanager object
        if ctxobj is ir.UNDEFINED:
            raise errors.CompilerError(
                "Undefined variable used as context manager",

        if ctxobj is None:
            raise errors.CompilerError(_illegal_cm_msg, loc=dfn.loc)

        return ctxobj, extra

    # Scan the start of the with-region for the contextmanager
    for stmt in blocks[blk_start].body:
        if isinstance(stmt, ir.EnterWith):
            var_ref = stmt.contextmanager
            ctxobj, extra = get_ctxmgr_obj(var_ref)
            if not hasattr(ctxobj, 'mutate_with_body'):
                raise errors.CompilerError(
                    "Unsupported context manager in use",
            return ctxobj, extra
    # No contextmanager found?
    raise errors.CompilerError(
        "malformed with-context usage",
Exemple #4
    def find_ranges(blocks):

        cfg = compute_cfg_from_blocks(blocks)
        sus_setups, sus_pops = set(), set()
        # traverse the cfg and collect all suspected SETUP_WITH and POP_BLOCK
        # statements so that we can iterate over them
        for label, block in blocks.items():
            for stmt in block.body:
                if ir_utils.is_setup_with(stmt):
                if ir_utils.is_pop_block(stmt):

        # now that we do have the statements, iterate through them in reverse
        # topo order and from each start looking for pop_blocks
        setup_with_to_pop_blocks_map = defaultdict(set)
        for setup_block in cfg.topo_sort(sus_setups, reverse=True):
            # begin pop_block, search
            to_visit, seen = [], []
            while to_visit:
                # get whatever is next and record that we have seen it
                block = to_visit.pop()
                # go through the body of the block, looking for statements
                for stmt in blocks[block].body:
                    # raise detected before pop_block
                    if ir_utils.is_raise(stmt):
                        raise errors.CompilerError(
                            'unsupported control flow due to raise '
                            'statements inside with block')
                    # special case 3.7, return before POP_BLOCK
                    if PYVERSION < (3, 8) and ir_utils.is_return(stmt):
                        raise errors.CompilerError(
                            'unsupported control flow: due to return '
                            'statements inside with block')
                    # if a pop_block, process it
                    if ir_utils.is_pop_block(stmt) and block in sus_pops:
                        # record the jump target of this block belonging to this setup
                        # remove the block from blocks to be matched
                        # stop looking, we have reached the frontier
                    # if we are still here, by the block terminator,
                    # add all its targets to the to_visit stack, unless we
                    # have seen them already
                    if ir_utils.is_terminator(stmt):
                        for t in stmt.get_targets():
                            if t not in seen:

        return setup_with_to_pop_blocks_map
Exemple #5
def _run_ssa(blocks):
    """Run SSA reconstruction on IR blocks of a function.
    if not blocks:
        # Empty blocks?
        return {}
    # Run CFG on the blocks
    cfg = compute_cfg_from_blocks(blocks)
    df_plus = _iterated_domfronts(cfg)
    # Find SSA violators
    violators = _find_defs_violators(blocks)
    # Process one SSA-violating variable at a time
    for varname in violators:
            "Fix SSA violator on var %s", varname,
        # Fix up the LHS
        # Put fresh variables for all assignments to the variable
        blocks, defmap = _fresh_vars(blocks, varname)
        _logger.debug("Replaced assignments: %s", pformat(defmap))
        # Fix up the RHS
        # Re-associate the variable uses with the reaching definition
        blocks = _fix_ssa_vars(blocks, varname, defmap, cfg, df_plus)

    # Post-condition checks.
    # CFG invariant
    cfg_post = compute_cfg_from_blocks(blocks)
    if cfg_post != cfg:
        raise errors.CompilerError("CFG mutated in SSA pass")
    return blocks
Exemple #6
def find_setupwiths(blocks):
    """Find all top-level with.

    Returns a list of ranges for the with-regions.
    def find_ranges(blocks):
        for blk in blocks.values():
            for ew in blk.find_insts(ir.EnterWith):
                yield ew.begin, ew.end

    def previously_occurred(start, known_ranges):
        for a, b in known_ranges:
            if s >= a and s < b:
                return True
        return False

    known_ranges = []
    for s, e in sorted(find_ranges(blocks)):
        if not previously_occurred(s, known_ranges):
            if e not in blocks:
                # this's possible if there's an exit path in the with-block
                raise errors.CompilerError(
                    'unsupported controlflow due to return/raise '
                    'statements inside with block')
            assert s in blocks, 'starting offset is not a label'
            known_ranges.append((s, e))

    return known_ranges
Exemple #7
    def _legalize_args(self, args, kwargs, loc, func_globals, func_closures):
        Legalize arguments to the context-manager

        args: tuple
            Positional arguments to the with-context call as IR nodes.
        kwargs: dict
            Keyword arguments to the with-context call as IR nodes.
        loc: numba.core.ir.Loc
            Source location of the with-context call.
        func_globals: dict
            The globals dictionary of the calling function.
        func_closures: dict
            The resolved closure variables of the calling function.
        if args:
            raise errors.CompilerError(
                "objectmode context doesn't take any positional arguments", )
        typeanns = {}
        for k, v in kwargs.items():
            if isinstance(v, ir.Const) and isinstance(v.value, str):
                typeanns[k] = sigutils._parse_signature_string(v.value)
            elif isinstance(v, ir.FreeVar):
                    v = func_closures[v.name]
                except KeyError:
                    raise errors.CompilerError(
                        f"Freevar {v.name!r} is not defined")
                typeanns[k] = v
            elif isinstance(v, ir.Global):
                    v = func_globals[v.name]
                except KeyError:
                    raise errors.CompilerError(
                        f"Global {v.name!r} is not defined")
                typeanns[k] = v
                raise errors.CompilerError(
                    "objectmode context requires constants string for "
                    "type annotation", )

        return typeanns
def _legalize_withs_cfg(withs, cfg, blocks):
    """Verify the CFG of the with-context(s)."""
    doms = cfg.dominators()
    postdoms = cfg.post_dominators()

    # Verify that the with-context has no side-exits
    for s, e in withs:
        loc = blocks[s].loc
        if s not in doms[e]:
            # Not sure what condition can trigger this error.
            msg = "Entry of with-context not dominating the exit."
            raise errors.CompilerError(msg, loc=loc)
        if e not in postdoms[s]:
            msg = (
                "Does not support with-context that contain branches "
                "(i.e. break/return/raise) that can leave the with-context. "
                "Details: exit of with-context not post-dominating the entry. "
            raise errors.CompilerError(msg, loc=loc)
Exemple #9
    def _legalize_args(self, extra, loc):
        Legalize arguments to the context-manager
        if extra is None:
            return {}

        if len(extra['args']) != 0:
            raise errors.CompilerError(
                "objectmode context doesn't take any positional arguments", )
        callkwargs = extra['kwargs']
        typeanns = {}
        for k, v in callkwargs.items():
            if not isinstance(v, ir.Const) or not isinstance(v.value, str):
                raise errors.CompilerError(
                    "objectmode context requires constants string for "
                    "type annotation", )

            typeanns[k] = sigutils._parse_signature_string(v.value)

        return typeanns
Exemple #10
 def check_compatible(self, orig_disp):
     This implementation checks that
     `self.output_target == orig_disp._required_target_backend`
     required_target = orig_disp._required_target_backend
     output_target = self.output_target
     if required_target is not None:
         if output_target != required_target:
             m = ("The output target does match the required target: "
                  f"{output_target} != {required_target}.")
             raise errors.CompilerError(m)
Exemple #11
def find_setupwiths(blocks):
    """Find all top-level with.

    Returns a list of ranges for the with-regions.
    def find_ranges(blocks):
        for blk in blocks.values():
            for ew in blk.find_insts(ir.EnterWith):
                if PYVERSION < (3, 9):
                    end = ew.end
                    for offset in blocks:
                        if ew.end <= offset:
                            end = offset
                    # Since py3.9, the `with finally` handling is injected into
                    # caller function. However, the numba byteflow doesn't
                    # account for that block, which is where `ew.end` is
                    # pointing to. We need to point to the block before
                    # `ew.end`.
                    end = ew.end
                    last_offset = None
                    for offset in blocks:
                        if ew.end < offset:
                            end = last_offset
                        last_offset = offset
                yield ew.begin, end

    def previously_occurred(start, known_ranges):
        for a, b in known_ranges:
            if s >= a and s < b:
                return True
        return False

    known_ranges = []
    for s, e in sorted(find_ranges(blocks)):
        if not previously_occurred(s, known_ranges):
            if e not in blocks:
                # this's possible if there's an exit path in the with-block
                raise errors.CompilerError(
                    'unsupported controlflow due to return/raise '
                    'statements inside with block'
            assert s in blocks, 'starting offset is not a label'
            known_ranges.append((s, e))

    return known_ranges
Exemple #12
    def _legalize_arg_type(self, name, typ, loc):
        """Legalize the argument type

        name: str
            argument name.
        typ: numba.core.types.Type
            argument type.
        loc: numba.core.ir.Loc
            source location for error reporting.
        if getattr(typ, "reflected", False):
            msgbuf = [
                "Objmode context failed.",
                f"Argument {name!r} is declared as "
                f"an unsupported type: {typ}.",
                f"Reflected types are not supported.",
            raise errors.CompilerError(" ".join(msgbuf), loc=loc)
Exemple #13
 def report_error(varname, msg, loc):
     raise errors.CompilerError(
             f"Error handling objmode argument {varname!r}. {msg}",
Exemple #14
    def _legalize_args(self, func_ir, args, kwargs, loc, func_globals,
        Legalize arguments to the context-manager

        func_ir: FunctionIR
        args: tuple
            Positional arguments to the with-context call as IR nodes.
        kwargs: dict
            Keyword arguments to the with-context call as IR nodes.
        loc: numba.core.ir.Loc
            Source location of the with-context call.
        func_globals: dict
            The globals dictionary of the calling function.
        func_closures: dict
            The resolved closure variables of the calling function.
        if args:
            raise errors.CompilerError(
                "objectmode context doesn't take any positional arguments",
        typeanns = {}

        def report_error(varname, msg, loc):
            raise errors.CompilerError(
                    f"Error handling objmode argument {varname!r}. {msg}",

        for k, v in kwargs.items():
            if isinstance(v, ir.Const) and isinstance(v.value, str):
                typeanns[k] = sigutils._parse_signature_string(v.value)
            elif isinstance(v, ir.FreeVar):
                    v = func_closures[v.name]
                except KeyError:
                        msg=f"Freevar {v.name!r} is not defined.",
                typeanns[k] = v
            elif isinstance(v, ir.Global):
                    v = func_globals[v.name]
                except KeyError:
                        msg=f"Global {v.name!r} is not defined.",
                typeanns[k] = v
            elif isinstance(v, ir.Expr) and v.op == "getattr":
                    base_obj = func_ir.infer_constant(v.value)
                    typ = getattr(base_obj, v.attr)
                except (errors.ConstantInferenceError, AttributeError):
                        msg="Getattr cannot be resolved at compile-time.",
                    typeanns[k] = typ
                    msg=("The value must be a compile-time constant either as "
                         "a non-local variable or a getattr expression that "
                         "refers to a Numba type."),

        # Legalize the types for objmode
        for name, typ in typeanns.items():
            self._legalize_arg_type(name, typ, loc)

        return typeanns
Exemple #15
    def _compile_for_args(self, *args, **kws):
        For internal use.  Compile a specialized version of the function
        for the given *args* and *kws*, and return the resulting callable.
        assert not kws
        # call any initialisation required for the compilation chain (e.g.
        # extension point registration).

        def error_rewrite(e, issue_type):
            Rewrite and raise Exception `e` with help supplied based on the
            specified issue_type.
            if config.SHOW_HELP:
                help_msg = errors.error_extras[issue_type]
                e.patch_message('\n'.join((str(e).rstrip(), help_msg)))
            if config.FULL_TRACEBACKS:
                raise e
                reraise(type(e), e, None)

        argtypes = []
        for a in args:
            if isinstance(a, OmittedArg):
            return self.compile(tuple(argtypes))
        except errors.ForceLiteralArg as e:
            # Received request for compiler re-entry with the list of arguments
            # indicated by e.requested_args.
            # First, check if any of these args are already Literal-ized
            already_lit_pos = [i for i in e.requested_args
                               if isinstance(args[i], types.Literal)]
            if already_lit_pos:
                # Abort compilation if any argument is already a Literal.
                # Letting this continue will cause infinite compilation loop.
                m = ("Repeated literal typing request.\n"
                     "This is likely caused by an error in typing. "
                     "Please see nested and suppressed exceptions.")
                info = ', '.join('Arg #{} is {}'.format(i, args[i])
                                 for i in  sorted(already_lit_pos))
                raise errors.CompilerError(m.format(info))
            # Convert requested arguments into a Literal.
            args = [(types.literal
                     if i in e.requested_args
                     else lambda x: x)(args[i])
                    for i, v in enumerate(args)]
            # Re-enter compilation with the Literal-ized arguments
            return self._compile_for_args(*args)

        except errors.TypingError as e:
            # Intercept typing error that may be due to an argument
            # that failed inferencing as a Numba type
            failed_args = []
            for i, arg in enumerate(args):
                val = arg.value if isinstance(arg, OmittedArg) else arg
                    tp = typeof(val, Purpose.argument)
                except ValueError as typeof_exc:
                    failed_args.append((i, str(typeof_exc)))
                    if tp is None:
                             "cannot determine Numba type of value %r" % (val,)))
            if failed_args:
                # Patch error message to ease debugging
                msg = str(e).rstrip() + (
                    "\n\nThis error may have been caused by the following argument(s):\n%s\n"
                    % "\n".join("- argument %d: %s" % (i, err)
                                for i, err in failed_args))

            error_rewrite(e, 'typing')
        except errors.UnsupportedError as e:
            # Something unsupported is present in the user code, add help info
            error_rewrite(e, 'unsupported_error')
        except (errors.NotDefinedError, errors.RedefinedError,
                errors.VerificationError) as e:
            # These errors are probably from an issue with either the code supplied
            # being syntactically or otherwise invalid
            error_rewrite(e, 'interpreter')
        except errors.ConstantInferenceError as e:
            # this is from trying to infer something as constant when it isn't
            # or isn't supported as a constant
            error_rewrite(e, 'constant_inference')
        except Exception as e:
            if config.SHOW_HELP:
                if hasattr(e, 'patch_message'):
                    help_msg = errors.error_extras['reportable']
                    e.patch_message('\n'.join((str(e).rstrip(), help_msg)))
            # ignore the FULL_TRACEBACKS config, this needs reporting!
            raise e
Exemple #16
def find_setupwiths(func_ir):
    """Find all top-level with.

    Returns a list of ranges for the with-regions.
    def find_ranges(blocks):

        cfg = compute_cfg_from_blocks(blocks)
        sus_setups, sus_pops = set(), set()
        # traverse the cfg and collect all suspected SETUP_WITH and POP_BLOCK
        # statements so that we can iterate over them
        for label, block in blocks.items():
            for stmt in block.body:
                if ir_utils.is_setup_with(stmt):
                if ir_utils.is_pop_block(stmt):

        # now that we do have the statements, iterate through them in reverse
        # topo order and from each start looking for pop_blocks
        setup_with_to_pop_blocks_map = defaultdict(set)
        for setup_block in cfg.topo_sort(sus_setups, reverse=True):
            # begin pop_block, search
            to_visit, seen = [], []
            while to_visit:
                # get whatever is next and record that we have seen it
                block = to_visit.pop()
                # go through the body of the block, looking for statements
                for stmt in blocks[block].body:
                    # raise detected before pop_block
                    if ir_utils.is_raise(stmt):
                        raise errors.CompilerError(
                            'unsupported control flow due to raise '
                            'statements inside with block')
                    # special case 3.7, return before POP_BLOCK
                    if PYVERSION < (3, 8) and ir_utils.is_return(stmt):
                        raise errors.CompilerError(
                            'unsupported control flow: due to return '
                            'statements inside with block')
                    # if a pop_block, process it
                    if ir_utils.is_pop_block(stmt) and block in sus_pops:
                        # record the jump target of this block belonging to this setup
                        # remove the block from blocks to be matched
                        # stop looking, we have reached the frontier
                    # if we are still here, by the block terminator,
                    # add all its targets to the to_visit stack, unless we
                    # have seen them already
                    if ir_utils.is_terminator(stmt):
                        for t in stmt.get_targets():
                            if t not in seen:

        return setup_with_to_pop_blocks_map

    blocks = func_ir.blocks
    # initial find, will return a dictionary, mapping indices of blocks
    # containing SETUP_WITH statements to a set of indices of blocks containing
    # POP_BLOCK statements
    with_ranges_dict = find_ranges(blocks)
    # rewrite the CFG in case there are multiple POP_BLOCK statements for one
    # with
    func_ir = consolidate_multi_exit_withs(with_ranges_dict, blocks, func_ir)

    # here we need to turn the withs back into a list of tuples so that the
    # rest of the code can cope
    with_ranges_tuple = [(s, list(p)[0])
                         for (s, p) in with_ranges_dict.items()]

    # check for POP_BLOCKS with multiple outgoing edges and reject
    for (_, p) in with_ranges_tuple:
        targets = blocks[p].terminator.get_targets()
        if len(targets) != 1:
            raise errors.CompilerError(
                "unsupported control flow: with-context contains branches "
                "(i.e. break/return/raise) that can leave the block ")
    # now we check for returns inside with and reject them
    for (_, p) in with_ranges_tuple:
        target_block = blocks[p]
        if ir_utils.is_return(func_ir.blocks[
            if PYVERSION == (3, 8):
                # 3.8 needs to bail here, if this is the case, because the
                # later code can't handle it.
                raise errors.CompilerError(
                    "unsupported control flow: due to return statements "
                    "inside with block")
            _rewrite_return(func_ir, p)

    # now we need to rewrite the tuple such that we have SETUP_WITH matching the
    # successor of the block that contains the POP_BLOCK.
    with_ranges_tuple = [(s, func_ir.blocks[p].terminator.get_targets()[0])
                         for (s, p) in with_ranges_tuple]

    # finally we check for nested with statements and reject them
    with_ranges_tuple = _eliminate_nested_withs(with_ranges_tuple)

    return with_ranges_tuple, func_ir
Exemple #17
    def _runPass(self, index, pss, internal_state):
        mutated = False

        def check(func, compiler_state):
            mangled = func(compiler_state)
            if mangled not in (True, False):
                msg = (
                    "CompilerPass implementations should return True/False. "
                    "CompilerPass with name '%s' did not.")
                raise ValueError(msg % pss.name())
            return mangled

        def debug_print(pass_name, print_condition, printable_condition):
            if pass_name in print_condition:
                fid = internal_state.func_id
                args = (fid.modname, fid.func_qualname, self.pipeline_name,
                        printable_condition, pass_name)
                print(("%s.%s: %s: %s %s" % args).center(120, '-'))
                if internal_state.func_ir is not None:
                    print("func_ir is None")

        # debug print before this pass?
        debug_print(pss.name(), self._print_before + self._print_wrap,

        # wire in the analysis info so it's accessible
        pss.analysis = self._analysis

        with SimpleTimer() as init_time:
            mutated |= check(pss.run_initialization, internal_state)
        with SimpleTimer() as pass_time:
            mutated |= check(pss.run_pass, internal_state)
        with SimpleTimer() as finalize_time:
            mutated |= check(pss.run_finalizer, internal_state)

        # Check that if the pass is an instance of a FunctionPass that it hasn't
        # emitted ir.Dels.
        if isinstance(pss, FunctionPass):

        if self._ENFORCING:
            # TODO: Add in self consistency enforcement for
            # `func_ir._definitions` etc
            if _pass_registry.get(pss.__class__).mutates_CFG:
                if mutated:  # block level changes, rebuild all
                else:  # CFG level changes rebuild CFG
                    internal_state.func_ir.blocks = transforms.canonicalize_cfg(
            # Check the func_ir has exactly one Scope instance
            if not legalize_single_scope(internal_state.func_ir.blocks):
                raise errors.CompilerError(
                    f"multiple scope in func_ir detected in {pss}", )
        # inject runtimes
        pt = pass_timings(init_time.elapsed, pass_time.elapsed,
        self.exec_times["%s_%s" % (index, pss.name())] = pt

        # debug print after this pass?
        debug_print(pss.name(), self._print_after + self._print_wrap, "AFTER")