def _compile_subroutine_no_cache(self, builder, impl, sig, locals={}, flags=None): """ Invoke the compiler to compile a function to be used inside a nopython function, but without generating code to call that function. Note this context's flags are not inherited. """ # Compile from numba.core import compiler with global_compiler_lock: codegen = self.codegen() library = codegen.create_library(impl.__name__) if flags is None: cstk = utils.ConfigStack() flags = compiler.Flags() if cstk: tls_flags = if tls_flags.is_set("nrt") and tls_flags.nrt: flags.nrt = True flags.no_compile = True flags.no_cpython_wrapper = True flags.no_cfunc_wrapper = True cres = compiler.compile_internal(self.typing_context, self, library, impl, sig.args, sig.return_type, flags, locals=locals) # Allow inlining the function inside callers. self.active_code_library.add_linking_library(cres.library) return cres
def _compile_core(self): """ Populate and run compiler pipeline """ with utils.ConfigStack().enter(self.state.flags.copy()): pms = self.define_pipelines() for pm in pms: pipeline_name = pm.pipeline_name func_name = "%s.%s" % (self.state.func_id.modname, self.state.func_id.func_qualname) event("Pipeline: %s for %s" % (pipeline_name, func_name)) self.state.metadata['pipeline_times'] = { pipeline_name: pm.exec_times } is_final_pipeline = pm == pms[-1] res = None try: if is not None: break except _EarlyPipelineCompletion as e: res = e.result break except Exception as e: self.state.status.fail_reason = e if is_final_pipeline: raise e else: raise CompilerError("All available pipelines exhausted") # Pipeline is done, remove self reference to release refs to user # code self.state.pipeline = None # organise a return if res is not None: # Early pipeline completion return res else: assert is not None return
def inherit_if_not_set(self, name, default=_NotSet): """Inherit flag from ``ConfigStack``. Parameters ---------- name : str Option name. default : optional When given, it overrides the default value. It is only used when the flag is not defined locally and there is no entry in the ``ConfigStack``. """ self._guard_option(name) if not self.is_set(name): cstk = utils.ConfigStack() if cstk: # inherit top = setattr(self, name, getattr(top, name)) elif default is not _NotSet: setattr(self, name, default)
def _lower_array_expr(lowerer, expr): '''Lower an array expression built by RewriteArrayExprs. ''' expr_name = "__numba_array_expr_%s" % (hex(hash(expr)).replace("-", "_")) expr_filename = expr.loc.filename expr_var_list = expr.list_vars() # The expression may use a given variable several times, but we # should only create one parameter for it. expr_var_unique = sorted(set(expr_var_list), key=lambda var: # Arguments are the names external to the new closure expr_args = [ for var in expr_var_unique] # 1. Create an AST tree from the array expression. with _legalize_parameter_names(expr_var_unique) as expr_params: ast_args = [ast.arg(param_name, None) for param_name in expr_params] # Parse a stub function to ensure the AST is populated with # reasonable defaults for the Python version. ast_module = ast.parse('def {0}(): return'.format(expr_name), expr_filename, 'exec') assert hasattr(ast_module, 'body') and len(ast_module.body) == 1 ast_fn = ast_module.body[0] ast_fn.args.args = ast_args ast_fn.body[0].value, namespace = _arr_expr_to_ast(expr.expr) ast.fix_missing_locations(ast_module) # 2. Compile the AST module and extract the Python function. code_obj = compile(ast_module, expr_filename, 'exec') exec(code_obj, namespace) impl = namespace[expr_name] # 3. Now compile a ufunc using the Python function as kernel. context = lowerer.context builder = lowerer.builder outer_sig = expr.ty(*(lowerer.typeof(name) for name in expr_args)) inner_sig_args = [] for argty in outer_sig.args: if isinstance(argty, types.Optional): argty = argty.type if isinstance(argty, types.Array): inner_sig_args.append(argty.dtype) else: inner_sig_args.append(argty) inner_sig = outer_sig.return_type.dtype(*inner_sig_args) flags = utils.ConfigStack().top_or_none() flags = compiler.Flags() if flags is None else flags.copy( ) # make sure it's a clone or a fresh instance # Follow the Numpy error model. Note this also allows e.g. vectorizing # division (issue #1223). flags.error_model = 'numpy' cres = context.compile_subroutine(builder, impl, inner_sig, flags=flags, caching=False) # Create kernel subclass calling our native function from import npyimpl class ExprKernel(npyimpl._Kernel): def generate(self, *args): arg_zip = zip(args, self.outer_sig.args, inner_sig.args) cast_args = [ self.cast(val, inty, outty) for val, inty, outty in arg_zip ] result = self.context.call_internal(builder, cres.fndesc, inner_sig, cast_args) return self.cast(result, inner_sig.return_type, self.outer_sig.return_type) # create a fake ufunc object which is enough to trick numpy_ufunc_kernel ufunc = SimpleNamespace(nin=len(expr_args), nout=1, __name__=expr_name) ufunc.nargs = ufunc.nin + ufunc.nout args = [lowerer.loadvar(name) for name in expr_args] return npyimpl.numpy_ufunc_kernel(context, builder, outer_sig, args, ufunc, ExprKernel)