Exemple #1
def Tree_ctor(tree_type):
    st = new(tree_type)
    st.nodes = List.empty_list(TreeNodeType)
    # st.u_ys = np.zeros(0,dtype=np.int32)
    st.context_cache = new_akd(u8,SplitterContextType)#Dict.empty(i8_arr, SplitterContextType)
    st.data_stats = DataStats_ctor()
    return st
Exemple #2
def init_kb_data(context_data):
    kb_data = new(KnowledgeBaseDataType)
    kb_data.facts = new_vector(
        BASE_T_ID_STACK_SIZE)  #List.empty_list(basefact_list)
    kb_data.retracted_f_ids = new_vector(BASE_T_ID_STACK_SIZE)
    # kb_data.empty_f_id_stacks = List.empty_list(i8_arr)
    # kb_data.empty_f_id_heads = np.zeros((BASE_T_ID_STACK_SIZE,),dtype=np.int64)
    kb_data.n_types = 0

    kb_data.names_to_idrecs = Dict.empty(unicode_type, u8)

    kb_data.enum_data = Dict.empty(unicode_type, i8_arr)

    # kb_data.consistency_listeners = Dict.empty(i8, two_str_set)

    kb_data.enum_consistency = Dict.empty(two_str, u1)
    # consistency_listener_counter = np.zeros(1,dtype=np.int64)
    # consistency_listeners[0] = enum_consistency
    # consistency_listener_counter += 1
    kb_data.subscribers = List.empty_list(
        BaseSubscriberType)  #FUTURE: Replace w/ resolved type

    kb_data.change_queue = new_vector(BASE_CHANGE_QUEUE_SIZE)
    kb_data.grow_queue = new_vector(BASE_CHANGE_QUEUE_SIZE)

    # kb_data.unnamed_counter = np.zeros(1,dtype=np.int64)
    kb_data.NULL_FACT = BaseFact()
    # kb_data = KnowledgeBaseData(facts, empty_f_id_stacks, empty_f_id_heads, names_to_idrecs,
    #                         enum_data, enum_consistency, subscribers,
    #                         unnamed_counter, BaseFact() #Empty BaseFact is NULL_FACT
    #                          )
    L = max(len(context_data.attr_inds_by_type), 1)
    expand_kb_data_types(kb_data, L)
    return kb_data
Exemple #3
def new_vector(size):
    Makes a new vector of size.
    st = new(VectorType)
    st.head = 0
    st.data = np.empty(size, dtype=np.int64)
    return st
Exemple #4
def var_ctor(var_struct_type, fact_type_name, alias):
    st = new(var_struct_type)
    st.fact_type_name = fact_type_name
    st.base_ptr = _pointer_from_struct(st)
    st.alias =  "boop" if(alias is  None) else alias
    st.deref_attrs = List.empty_list(unicode_type)
    st.deref_offsets = List.empty_list(i8)
    return st
 def impl(_vars, dnf=None):
     st = new(ConditionsType)
     st.vars = build_var_list(_vars)
     st.var_map = _vars.copy()  # is shallow copy
     # print("B",st.var_map)
     st.dnf = dnf if (dnf) else new_dnf(len(_vars))
     st.is_initialized = False
     return st
Exemple #6
def TreeNode_ctor(ttype, index, counts):
    st = new(TreeNodeType)
    st.ttype = ttype
    st.index = index
    st.op_enum = OP_NOP
    st.split_data = List.empty_list(SplitDataType)
    st.counts = counts
    return st
def beta_pterm_ctor(pn, left_var, op_str, right_var):
    st = new(PTermType)
    st.pred_node = pn
    st.str_val = str(left_var) + " " + op_str + " " + str(right_var)
    st.var_base_ptrs = (left_var.base_ptr, right_var.base_ptr)
    st.negated = False
    st.is_alpha = False
    st.is_linked = False
    return st
Exemple #8
def SplitterContext_ctor(split_chain):
    st = new(SplitterContextType)    

    st.split_chain = split_chain
    st.n_last_update = 0 
    st.nominal_split_cache_ptrs = np.zeros((32,),dtype=np.int64)
    st.continous_split_cache_ptrs = np.zeros((32,),dtype=np.int64)
    return st
 def impl(_vars, dnf=None):
     st = new(ConditionsType)
     st.vars = List.empty_list(GenericVarType)
     st.var_map = build_var_map(st.vars)
     # print("A",st.var_map)
     st.dnf = dnf if (dnf) else new_dnf(1)
     st.is_initialized = False
     return st
Exemple #10
def NominalSplitCache_ctor(n_vals, n_classes):
    st = new(NominalSplitCacheType)
    # instantiate as one so it is gaurenteed to be contiguous
    # data = np.zeros((n_vals*(n_classes+1)))
    # st.v_counts = data[:n_vals]
    # st.y_counts_per_v = data[n_vals:n_vals*(n_classes+1)].reshape((n_vals,n_classes))
    st.best_v = -1
    st.v_counts = np.zeros((n_vals, ), dtype=np.uint32)
    st.y_counts_per_v = np.zeros((n_vals, n_classes), dtype=np.uint32)
    return st
def alpha_pterm_ctor(pn, left_var, op_str, right_var):
    st = new(PTermType)
    st.pred_node = pn
    st.str_val = str(
    ) + " " + op_str + " " + "?"  #base_str + "?"#TODO str->float needs to work
    st.var_base_ptrs = (left_var.base_ptr, 0)
    st.negated = False
    st.is_alpha = True
    st.is_linked = False
    return st
def pterm_copy(self):
    st = new(PTermType)
    st.str_val = self.str_val
    st.pred_node = self.pred_node
    st.var_base_ptrs = self.var_base_ptrs
    st.negated = self.negated
    st.is_alpha = self.is_alpha
    st.is_linked = self.is_linked
    if (self.is_linked):
        st.link_data = self.link_data
    return st
def generate_link_data(pn, kb):
    '''Takes a prototype predicate node and a knowledge base and returns
        a linked instance of that predicate node, which is either a copy
        or an equivalent instance already linked to the knowledge base'''
    link_data = new(PredicateNodeLinkDataType)
    # print(pn.left_fact_type_name)
    # print(kb.context_data.fact_to_t_id)
    # print(pn.left_fact_type_name)
    # print("Q")
    link_data.left_t_id = kb.context_data.fact_to_t_id[pn.left_fact_type_name]
    # print("Q2", link_data.left_t_id)
    link_data.left_facts = facts_for_t_id(kb.kb_data,i8(link_data.left_t_id)) 
    # print("Z")
    if(not pn.is_alpha):
        link_data.right_t_id = kb.context_data.fact_to_t_id[pn.right_fact_type_name]
        link_data.right_facts = facts_for_t_id(kb.kb_data,i8(link_data.right_t_id)) 
        link_data.left_consistency = np.empty((0,),dtype=np.uint8)
        link_data.right_consistency = np.empty((0,),dtype=np.uint8)
        link_data.right_t_id = -1

    # print("S")

    link_data.change_head = 0
    link_data.grow_head = 0
    link_data.change_queue = new_vector(8)
    link_data.grow_queue = new_vector(8)

    link_data.kb_grow_queue = kb.kb_data.grow_queue
    link_data.kb_change_queue = kb.kb_data.change_queue
    link_data.truth_values = np.empty((0,0),dtype=np.uint8)
    # print("DONE")

    # print(pn.is_alpha)
    # if(pn.is_alpha):
    #     a = _cast_structref(GenericAlphaPredicateNodeType, pn)
    #     new_a = new(GenericAlphaPredicateNodeType)
    #     new_a.filter_func = a.filter_func
    #     new_a.right_val = a.right_val

    #     new_pn = _cast_structref(BasePredicateNodeType, new_a)
    # else:
    #     b = _cast_structref(GenericBetaPredicateNodeType, pn)
    #     new_b = new(GenericBetaPredicateNodeType)
    #     new_b.filter_func = b.filter_func
    #     new_b.right_t_id = b.right_t_id
    #     new_b.right_facts = b.right_facts
    #     new_pn = _cast_structref(BasePredicateNodeType, new_b)

    return link_data
Exemple #14
def my_struct(values, counter):
    st = structref.new(my_struct_ty)
    my_struct_init(st, values, counter)
    return st
Exemple #15
def new_config(typ):
    return new(typ)
Exemple #16
def dummy_subscriber_ctor():
    st = new(BaseSubscriberType)

    return st
Exemple #17
 def new_var_and_append(self):
     st = new(typ)
     return st