Exemple #1
def get_s32(buf, offset, length):
    if length < 4:
        return (0, offset, length)
    a = nb.i4(buf[offset + 3]) << 24
    b = nb.i4(buf[offset + 2]) << 16
    c = nb.i4(buf[offset + 1]) << 8
    d = nb.i4(buf[offset + 0]) << 0
    return a | b | c | d, offset + 4, length - 4
Exemple #2
def fit_tree(tree, config, iterative=False):
    Refits the tree from its DataStats
    cache_nodes = False
    # print("Z")
    context_stack, node_dict, nodes =  \

    # print("A")

    while (len(context_stack) > 0):
        # print("AZ")
        c = context_stack.pop()
        update_nominal_impurities(tree, c, iterative)
        # print("BZ")
        # print(c.impurities[:,0],c.start,c.end)
        best_split = np.argmin(c.impurities[:, 0])
        for split in [best_split]:
            # print("S", split)

            inds_l, inds_r, y_counts_l, y_counts_r, imp_tot, imp_l, imp_r, val = \
                extract_nominal_split_info(tree, c, split)

            # print("S1", split)

            # if(impurity_decrease[split] <= 0.0):

            if (c.impurity - imp_tot <= 0):
                c.node.ttype = TTYPE_LEAF

                # print("S2", split)
                ptr = _pointer_from_struct(c)
                locs = (c, best_split, val, iterative, node_dict,
                        context_stack, cache_nodes)
                node_l = new_node(locs, tree, inds_l, y_counts_l, imp_l, 0)
                node_r = new_node(locs, tree, inds_r, y_counts_r, imp_r, 1)

                split_data = SplitData(u1(False), i4(split), i4(val),
                                       i4(node_l), i4(node_r))
                #np.array([split, val, node_l, node_r, -1],dtype=np.int32)
                c.node.op_enum = OP_EQ

            # print("B")
            if (not iterative):
            # print("C")

        # _decref_pointer(ptr)
    return 0
Exemple #3
def experimental_sum_grad_cpu(new_grad, grad, k_cov):
    for k in range(grad.shape[0]):
        i, j = k_to_ij(i4(k + k_cov))
        for qx in range(grad.shape[2]):
            for tz in range(3):
                new_grad[i, tz, qx] -= grad[k, tz, qx]
                new_grad[j, tz, qx] += grad[k, tz, qx]
Exemple #4
def get_grad_omega(grad_omega, omega, r, d, qbin):
    Get the gradient of the Debye sum with respect to atomic positions

    grad_omega: kx3xQ array
        The gradient
    omega: kxQ array
        Debye sum
    r: k array
        The pair distance array
    d: kx3 array
        The pair displacements
    qbin: float
        The qbin size
    kmax, _, qmax_bin = grad_omega.shape
    k, qx = cuda.grid(2)
    if k >= kmax or qx >= qmax_bin:
    sv = f4(qx) * qbin
    rk = r[k]
    a = (sv * math.cos(sv * rk)) - omega[k, qx]
    a /= rk * rk
    for w in range(i4(3)):
        grad_omega[k, w, qx] = a * d[k, w]
Exemple #5
def get_grad_omega(grad_omega, omega, r, d, qbin):
    Get the gradient of the Debye sum with respect to atomic positions

    grad_omega: kx3xQ array
        The gradient
    omega: kxQ array
        Debye sum
    r: k array
        The pair distance array
    d: kx3 array
        The pair displacements
    qbin: float
        The qbin size
    kmax, _, qmax_bin = grad_omega.shape
    k, qx = cuda.grid(2)
    if k >= kmax or qx >= qmax_bin:
    sv = f4(qx) * qbin
    rk = r[k]
    a = (sv * math.cos(sv * rk)) - omega[k, qx]
    a /= rk * rk
    for w in range(i4(3)):
        grad_omega[k, w, qx] = a * d[k, w]
Exemple #6
def build_root(tree, iterative=False):
    ds = tree.data_stats
    Y = ds.Y
    sample_inds = np.arange(len(Y), dtype=np.uint32)

    impurity = gini(len(Y), ds.y_counts)

    #Make Root Node
    node_dict = new_akd(u4, i4)
    nodes = List.empty_list(TreeNodeType)
    node = TreeNode_ctor(TTYPE_NODE, i4(0), ds.y_counts)
    tree.nodes = nodes

    #Make Root Context
    if (iterative and empty_u8 in tree.context_cache):
        c = tree.context_cache[empty_u8]
        c = SplitterContext_ctor(empty_u8)

    reinit_splittercontext(c, node, sample_inds, ds.y_counts, impurity)
    if (tree.ifit_enabled): tree.context_cache[empty_u8] = c

    context_stack = List.empty_list(SplitterContextType)

    return context_stack, node_dict, nodes
Exemple #7
def experimental_sum_grad_fq1(new_grad, grad, k_cov):
    k, qx = cuda.grid(2)
    if k >= len(grad) or qx >= grad.shape[2]:
    i, j = cuda_k_to_ij(i4(k + k_cov))
    for tz in range(3):
        a = grad[k, tz, qx]
        cuda.atomic.add(new_grad, (j, tz, qx), a)
        cuda.atomic.add(new_grad, (i, tz, qx), f4(-1.) * a)
Exemple #8
def experimental_sum_grad_fq1(new_grad, grad, k_cov):
    k, qx = cuda.grid(2)
    if k >= len(grad) or qx >= grad.shape[2]:
    i, j = cuda_k_to_ij(i4(k + k_cov))
    for tz in range(3):
        a = grad[k, tz, qx]
        cuda.atomic.add(new_grad, (j, tz, qx), a)
        cuda.atomic.add(new_grad, (i, tz, qx), f4(-1.) * a)
Exemple #9
def __VolProj3(I, x, r, y0, y1, y2, rad, u):
    j, k, l = cuda.grid(3)
    if j >= I.shape[0] or k >= I.shape[1] or l >= I.shape[2]:
    jj, kk, ll = i4(rad * j), i4(rad * k), i4(rad * l)
    s = abs(y1[1] - y1[0]) / 2  # assume uniform grid size

    II, xx, rr = I[j, k, l], x[j, k, l], r[j, k, l]
    irad = i4(rad)
    y = cuda.local.array((3, ), f4)
    for jjj in range(jj, min(jj + irad, y0.size)):
        y[0] = y0[jjj]
        for kkk in range(kk, min(kk + irad, y1.size)):
            y[1] = y1[kkk]
            for lll in range(ll, min(ll + irad, y2.size)):
                y[2] = y2[lll]
                tmp = 0
                for ii in range(II.size):
                    if II[ii] == -1:
                    tmp += __if3(II[ii], xx[ii], rr[ii], y, s)
                u[jjj, kkk, lll] = tmp
Exemple #10
def new_node(locs, tree, sample_inds, y_counts, impurity, is_right):
    c, best_split, best_val, iterative, node_dict, context_stack, cache_nodes = locs
    nodes = tree.nodes
    # node_dict,nodes,new_contexts,cache_nodes = locs
    # NODE, LEAF = i4(1), i4(2) #np.array(1,dtype=np.int32).item(), np.array(2,dtype=np.int32).item()
    node_id = i4(-1)
    if (cache_nodes): node_id = node_dict.get(sample_inds, -1)
    # if (cache_nodes): node_id= akd_get(node_dict, sample_inds)
    if (node_id == -1):
        node_id = i4(len(nodes))
        # if(cache_nodes): akd_insert(node_dict, sample_inds, node_id)
        if (cache_nodes): node_dict[sample_inds] = node_id
        if (impurity > 0.0):
            node = TreeNode_ctor(TTYPE_NODE, node_id, y_counts)

            split_chain = next_split_chain(c, is_right, 0, best_split,
            # print('split_chain', split_chain, best_split)
            if (iterative and split_chain in tree.context_cache):
                new_c = tree.context_cache[split_chain]
                # print(new_c)
                ok = np.array_equal(new_c.split_chain, split_chain)
                # print("ALL OK", ok)
                # if(not ok):
                #     print(new_c.split_chain)
                #     print(split_chain)
                #     print(hash(new_c.split_chain), hash(split_chain))

                new_c = SplitterContext_ctor(split_chain)
                if (tree.ifit_enabled): tree.context_cache[split_chain] = new_c

            reinit_splittercontext(new_c, node, sample_inds, y_counts,
            nodes.append(TreeNode_ctor(TTYPE_LEAF, node_id, y_counts))
    return node_id
Exemple #11
def fast_fast_flat_sum(new_grad, grad, k_cov):
    i, j, qx = cuda.grid(3)
    n = len(new_grad)
    if i >= n or j >= n or qx >= grad.shape[2] or i == j:
    if j < i:
        k = cuda_ij_to_k(i, j)
        alpha = float32(-1)
        k = cuda_ij_to_k(j, i)
        alpha = float32(1)
    k -= k_cov
    if 0 <= k < len(grad):
        for tz in range(i4(3)):
            cuda.atomic.add(new_grad, (i, tz, qx), grad[k, tz, qx] * alpha)
Exemple #12
def fast_fast_flat_sum(new_grad, grad, k_cov):
    i, j, qx = cuda.grid(3)
    n = len(new_grad)
    if i >= n or j >= n or qx >= grad.shape[2] or i == j:
    if j < i:
        k = cuda_ij_to_k(i, j)
        alpha = float32(-1)
        k = cuda_ij_to_k(j, i)
        alpha = float32(1)
    k -= k_cov
    if 0 <= k < len(grad):
        for tz in range(i4(3)):
            cuda.atomic.add(new_grad, (i, tz, qx), grad[k, tz, qx] * alpha)
Exemple #13
def get_normalization_array(norm_array, scat, offset):
    Generate the sv dependant normalization factors for the F(sv) array

    norm_array: kxQ array
        Normalization array
    scat: NxQ array
        The scatter factor array
    offset: int
        The amount of previously covered pairs
    k, qx = cuda.grid(2)
    if k >= norm_array.shape[0] or qx >= norm_array.shape[1]:
    i, j = cuda_k_to_ij(i4(k + offset))
    norm_array[k, qx] = scat[i, qx] * scat[j, qx]
Exemple #14
def get_grad_fq_inplace(grad_omega, norm):
    Generate the gradient F(sv) for an atomic configuration

    grad_omega: Kx3xQ numpy array
        The array which will store the FQ gradient
    norm: kxQ array
        The normalization array
    kmax, _, qmax_bin = grad_omega.shape
    k, qx = cuda.grid(2)
    if k >= kmax or qx >= qmax_bin:
    a = norm[k, qx]
    for w in range(i4(3)):
        grad_omega[k, w, qx] *= a
Exemple #15
def get_grad_fq_inplace(grad_omega, norm):
    Generate the gradient F(sv) for an atomic configuration

    grad_omega: Kx3xQ numpy array
        The array which will store the FQ gradient
    norm: kxQ array
        The normalization array
    kmax, _, qmax_bin = grad_omega.shape
    k, qx = cuda.grid(2)
    if k >= kmax or qx >= qmax_bin:
    a = norm[k, qx]
    for w in range(i4(3)):
        grad_omega[k, w, qx] *= a
Exemple #16
def get_normalization_array(norm_array, scat, offset):
    Generate the sv dependant normalization factors for the F(sv) array

    norm_array: kxQ array
        Normalization array
    scat: NxQ array
        The scatter factor array
    offset: int
        The amount of previously covered pairs
    k, qx = cuda.grid(2)
    if k >= norm_array.shape[0] or qx >= norm_array.shape[1]:
    i, j = cuda_k_to_ij(i4(k + offset))
    norm_array[k, qx] = scat[i, qx] * scat[j, qx]
Exemple #17
def get_d_array(d, q, offset):
    Generate the kx3 array which holds the pair displacements

    d: NxNx3 array
        The displacement array
    q: Nx3 array
        The atomic positions
    offset: int
        The amount of previously covered pairs
    k = cuda.grid(1)
    if k >= len(d):
    i, j = cuda_k_to_ij(i4(k + offset))
    for w in range(3):
        d[k, w] = q[i, w] - q[j, w]
Exemple #18
def get_d_array(d, q, offset):
    Generate the kx3 array which holds the pair displacements

    d: NxNx3 array
        The displacement array
    q: Nx3 array
        The atomic positions
    offset: int
        The amount of previously covered pairs
    k = cuda.grid(1)
    if k >= len(d):
    i, j = cuda_k_to_ij(i4(k + offset))
    for w in range(3):
        d[k, w] = q[i, w] - q[j, w]
Exemple #19
def get_grad_fq(grad, grad_omega, norm):
    Generate the gradient F(sv) for an atomic configuration

    grad: kx3xQ numpy array
        The array which will store the FQ gradient
    grad_omega: kx3xQ array
        The gradient of the Debye sum
    norm: kxQ
        Outer Product of the scatter factors
    kmax, _, qmax_bin = grad.shape
    k, qx = cuda.grid(2)
    if k >= kmax or qx >= qmax_bin:
    a = norm[k, qx]
    for w in range(i4(3)):
        grad[k, w, qx] = a * grad_omega[k, w, qx]
Exemple #20
def get_grad_fq(grad, grad_omega, norm):
    Generate the gradient F(sv) for an atomic configuration

    grad: kx3xQ numpy array
        The array which will store the FQ gradient
    grad_omega: kx3xQ array
        The gradient of the Debye sum
    norm: kxQ
        Outer Product of the scatter factors
    kmax, _, qmax_bin = grad.shape
    k, qx = cuda.grid(2)
    if k >= kmax or qx >= qmax_bin:
    a = norm[k, qx]
    for w in range(i4(3)):
        grad[k, w, qx] = a * grad_omega[k, w, qx]
    return min(
            px_retrans_rad[0], px_retrans_rad[1],
            max(min(px_retrans_rad[0], lng_p1_rad), 0)))

# @cc.export('int2coord', f8(i4))
@jit(f8(i4), nopython=True, cache=True)
def int2coord(i4):
    return float(i4 / 10**7)

# @cc.export('coord2int', i4(f8))
@jit(i4(f8), nopython=True, cache=True)
def coord2int(double):
    return int(double * 10**7)

# @cc.export('distance_to_polygon_exact', f8(f8, f8, i4, i4[:, :], f8[:, :]))
@jit(f8(f8, f8, i4, i4[:, :], f8[:, :]), nopython=True, cache=True)
def distance_to_polygon_exact(lng_rad, lat_rad, nr_points, points,
    # transform all points (int) to coords (float)
    for i in range(nr_points):
        trans_points[0][i] = radians(int2coord(points[0][i]))
        trans_points[1][i] = radians(int2coord(points[1][i]))

    # check points -2, -1, 0 first
    pm1_lng = trans_points[0][0]
Exemple #22
    return signal_number*factor_number+offset_number

# big endian assumption 
@njit(numba.u8(numba.u1[:],numba.u1,numba.u1, numba.u4))
def getBigEndiNumberFromBitNpArr(blist, idx, size, id):
    signal_number = 0
    for i in range (0,size):
	signal_number = signal_number | (blist[idx+i] << (size - i  - 1))
    return signal_number
def getIsNegativeBigEndianNumberFormBitNpArr(blist, idx):
    return blist[idx]

@njit(numba.i4(numba.u1[:], numba.u1, numba.u1[:], numba.u1[:], numba.u1[:], numba.u1[:], numba.f8[:], numba.f8[:], numba.u4))
# @njit((numba.u1[:], numba.u1, numba.u1[:], numba.u1[:], numba.u1[:], numba.u1[:], numba.f8[:], numba.f8[:], numba.u4))
def ppParseSignal(barray_unpacked, signal_no, signal_is_signed_types ,signal_start_bits ,signal_is_integers ,signal_sizes ,signal_offsets ,signal_factors , id):
    start_bit_idx = getArrayIdxFromStartBit(signal_start_bits[signal_no])
    this_signal_number = getBigEndiNumberFromBitNpArr(barray_unpacked, start_bit_idx, signal_sizes[signal_no], id)
    # if id == 0x4e0:
	# print signal_no, signal_start_bits[signal_no], start_bit_idx, signal_sizes[signal_no], this_signal_number
    if signal_is_signed_types[signal_no] and getIsNegativeBigEndianNumberFormBitNpArr(barray_unpacked, start_bit_idx):
	this_signal_number = twosComplement(this_signal_number, signal_sizes[signal_no])
    # if id == 0x4e0:
	# print  this_signal_number
    # if signal_is_integers[signal_no]:
	# this_signal_number = this_signal_number*int(signal_factors[signal_no]) + int(signal_offsets[signal_no])
    # else:
	# this_signal_number = this_signal_number*float(signal_factors[signal_no]) + float(signal_offsets[signal_no])
    # if id == 0x4e0:
Exemple #23
import torch
import numpy as np
import numpy.random as npr
import numba as nb
from tqdm import tqdm
from attrdict import AttrDict
#import pandas as pd
import wget

import os.path as osp
from utils.paths import datasets_path

def catrnd(prob):
    cprob = prob.cumsum()
    u = npr.rand()
    for i in range(len(cprob)):
        if u < cprob[i]:
            return i
    return i

@nb.njit(nb.types.Tuple((nb.f8[:,:,:], nb.f8[:,:,:], nb.i4)) \
        (nb.i4, nb.i4, nb.i4, \
        nb.f8, nb.f8, nb.f8, nb.f8, nb.f8, nb.f8))
def _simulate_task(batch_size, num_steps, max_num_points, X0, Y0, theta0,
                   theta1, theta2, theta3):

    time = np.zeros((batch_size, num_steps, 1))
    pop = np.zeros((batch_size, num_steps, 2))
    length = num_steps * np.ones((batch_size))
Exemple #24
def k_to_ij(k):
    i = math.floor(float((1 + math.sqrt(1 + 8. * k))) / 2.)
    j = k - i * (i - 1) / 2.
    return i4(i), i4(j)
Exemple #25
def cuda_k_to_ij(k):
    i = math.floor((f4(1) + f4(math.sqrt(f4(1) + f4(8.) * f4(k)))) * f4(.5))
    j = f4(k) - f4(i) * (f4(i) - f4(1)) * f4(.5)
    return i4(i), i4(j)
    return min(
            px_retrans_rad[0], px_retrans_rad[1],
            max(min(px_retrans_rad[0], lng_p1_rad), 0)))

# @cc.export('int2coord', f8(i4))
@njit(f8(i4), cache=True)
def int2coord(i4):
    return float(i4 * INT2COORD_FACTOR)

# @cc.export('coord2int', i4(f8))
@njit(i4(f8), cache=True)
def coord2int(double):
    return int(double * COORD2INT_FACTOR)

# @cc.export('distance_to_polygon_exact', f8(f8, f8, i4, i4[:, :], f8[:, :]))
@njit(f8(f8, f8, i4, i4[:, :], f8[:, :]), cache=True)
def distance_to_polygon_exact(lng_rad, lat_rad, nr_points, points,
    # transform all points (int) to coords (float)
    for i in range(nr_points):
        trans_points[0][i] = radians(int2coord(points[0][i]))
        trans_points[1][i] = radians(int2coord(points[1][i]))

    # check points -2, -1, 0 first
    pm1_lng = trans_points[0][0]
    p1_cartesian = x_rotate(rotation_rad, pm1_cartesian)
    lng_p1_rad = atan2(p1_cartesian[1], p1_cartesian[0])
    px_retrans_rad = cartesian2rad(*x_rotate(rotation_rad, px_cartesian))

    return min(temp_distance, distance_to_point_on_equator(px_retrans_rad[0], px_retrans_rad[1],
                                                           max(min(px_retrans_rad[0], lng_p1_rad), 0)))

# @cc.export('int2coord', f8(i4))
@njit(f8(i4), cache=True)
def int2coord(i4):
    return float(i4 * INT2COORD_FACTOR)

# @cc.export('coord2int', i4(f8))
@njit(i4(f8), cache=True)
def coord2int(double):
    return int(double * COORD2INT_FACTOR)

# @cc.export('distance_to_polygon_exact', f8(f8, f8, i4, i4[:, :], f8[:, :]))
@njit(f8(f8, f8, i4, i4[:, :], f8[:, :]), cache=True)
def distance_to_polygon_exact(lng_rad, lat_rad, nr_points, points, trans_points):
    # transform all points (int) to coords (float)
    for i in range(nr_points):
        trans_points[0][i] = radians(int2coord(points[0][i]))
        trans_points[1][i] = radians(int2coord(points[1][i]))

    # check points -2, -1, 0 first
    pm1_lng = trans_points[0][0]
    pm1_lat = trans_points[1][0]