def test_default_args_starargs_and_keyonly(self): spec = [('x', int32), ('y', int32), ('z', int32), ('args', types.UniTuple(int32, 2)), ('a', int32)] with self.assertRaises(errors.UnsupportedError) as raises: jitclass(spec)(TestClass2) msg = "VAR_POSITIONAL argument type unsupported" self.assertIn(msg, str(raises.exception))
def test_globals(self): class Mine(object): constant = 123 def __init__(self): pass with self.assertRaises(TypeError) as raises: jitclass(())(Mine) self.assertEqual(str(raises.exception), "class members are not yet supported: constant")
def test_import_warnings(self): class Test: def __init__(self): pass with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as ws: numba.experimental.jitclass([])(Test) self.assertEqual(len(ws), 0) numba.jitclass([])(Test) self.assertEqual(len(ws), 1) self.assertIs(ws[0].category, errors.NumbaDeprecationWarning) self.assertIn("numba.experimental.jitclass", ws[0].message.msg)
def make_jitclass_element(self): spec = [ ('many', types.float64[:]), ('scalar', types.float64), ] JCItem = jitclass(spec)(Item) return JCItem
def test_default_args_keyonly(self): spec = [('x', int32), ('y', int32), ('z', int32), ('a', int32)] TestClass = jitclass(spec)(TestClass1) tc = TestClass(2, 3) self.assertEqual(tc.x, 2) self.assertEqual(tc.y, 3) self.assertEqual(tc.z, 1) self.assertEqual(tc.a, 5) tc = TestClass(y=4, x=2, a=42, z=100) self.assertEqual(tc.x, 2) self.assertEqual(tc.y, 4) self.assertEqual(tc.z, 100) self.assertEqual(tc.a, 42) tc = TestClass(y=4, x=2, a=42) self.assertEqual(tc.x, 2) self.assertEqual(tc.y, 4) self.assertEqual(tc.z, 1) self.assertEqual(tc.a, 42) tc = TestClass(y=4, x=2) self.assertEqual(tc.x, 2) self.assertEqual(tc.y, 4) self.assertEqual(tc.z, 1) self.assertEqual(tc.a, 5)
def test_spec_errors(self): spec1 = [('x', int), ('y', float32[:])] spec2 = [(1, int32), ('y', float32[:])] class Test(object): def __init__(self): pass with self.assertRaises(TypeError) as raises: jitclass(spec1)(Test) self.assertIn("spec values should be Numba type instances", str(raises.exception)) with self.assertRaises(TypeError) as raises: jitclass(spec2)(Test) self.assertEqual(str(raises.exception), "spec keys should be strings, got 1")
def fjit(fun): 'just-in-time compile a function by wrapping it in a singleton class' from numba import jitclass import time # the function is jitted first jitted_fun = njit(fun) # Generate a random class name like 'Singleton_Sat_Jan__2_18_08_32_2016' classname = 'Singleton_' + time.asctime().replace(' ','_').replace(':','_') # programmatically create a class equivalent to : # class Singleton_Sat_Jan__2_18_08_32_2016: # def __init__(self): pass # def value(self, x): return fj(x) def __init__(self): pass def value(self, x): return jitted_fun(x) SingletonClass = type(classname, (object,), {'__init__': __init__, 'value': value}) # jit compile the class # spec is [] since we don't store attributes spec = [] sc = jitclass(spec)(SingletonClass) # return a unique instance of the class return sc()
def test_user_deleter_error(self): class Foo(object): def __init__(self): pass @property def value(self): return 1 @value.deleter def value(self): pass with self.assertRaises(TypeError) as raises: jitclass([])(Foo) self.assertEqual(str(raises.exception), "deleter is not supported: value")
def test_name_shadowing_error(self): class Foo(object): def __init__(self): pass @property def my_property(self): pass def my_method(self): pass with self.assertRaises(NameError) as raises: jitclass([('my_property', int32)])(Foo) self.assertEqual(str(raises.exception), 'name shadowing: my_property') with self.assertRaises(NameError) as raises: jitclass([('my_method', int32)])(Foo) self.assertEqual(str(raises.exception), 'name shadowing: my_method')
def test_jitclass(self): with override_config('DISABLE_JIT', True): with forbid_codegen(): SimpleJITClass = jitclass(simple_class_spec)(SimpleClass) obj = SimpleJITClass() self.assertPreciseEqual(obj.h, 5) cfunc = jit(nopython=True)(simple_class_user) self.assertPreciseEqual(cfunc(obj), 5)
def test_annotations(self): """ Methods with annotations should compile fine (issue #1911). """ from .annotation_usecases import AnnotatedClass spec = {'x': int32} cls = jitclass(spec)(AnnotatedClass) obj = cls(5) self.assertEqual(obj.x, 5) self.assertEqual(obj.add(2), 7)
def _make_jitclass_for_type(base, nbtype): """ Apply jitclass to one of the base classes with the signature for the given array data type. """ spec = [ ('array', nbtype[:]), ('arraysize', nb.intp), ('size', nb.intp), ('upper', nb.boolean), ('diag_val', nbtype) ] return nb.jitclass(spec)(base)
def create_tree(self, subpattern, i, j, k, parent, plen): pNode = numba.jitclass(spec)(ParallelNode) pNode.start = i pNode.end = j left = math.ceil((k + 1) / 2.0) pNode.parent = parent pNode.error = k pNode.pattern = subpattern if k == 0: self.leaves.append(pNode) else: lk = math.floor((left * k) / (k + 1)) self.create_tree(subpattern[:left * plen], i, i + left * plen - 1, lk, pNode, plen) rk = math.floor(((k + 1 - left) * k) / (k + 1)) self.create_tree(subpattern[left * plen:], i + left * plen, j, rk, pNode, plen)
def get_shuffle_meta_class(arr_t): count_arr_typ = types.Array(types.int32, 1, 'C') if isinstance(arr_t, types.Array): spec = [ ('send_counts', count_arr_typ), ('recv_counts', count_arr_typ), ('send_buff', arr_t), ('out_arr', arr_t), ('n_send', types.intp), ('n_out', types.intp), ('send_disp', count_arr_typ), ('recv_disp', count_arr_typ), ('tmp_offset', count_arr_typ), ('send_counts_char', types.none), ('recv_counts_char', types.none), ('send_arr_lens', types.none), ('send_arr_chars', types.none), ('send_disp_char', types.none), ('recv_disp_char', types.none), ('tmp_offset_char', types.none), ('send_arr_chars_arr', types.none), ] else: spec = [ ('send_counts', count_arr_typ), ('recv_counts', count_arr_typ), ('send_buff', types.none), ('out_arr', arr_t), ('n_send', types.intp), ('n_out', types.intp), ('send_disp', count_arr_typ), ('recv_disp', count_arr_typ), ('tmp_offset', count_arr_typ), ('send_counts_char', count_arr_typ), ('recv_counts_char', count_arr_typ), ('send_arr_lens', types.Array(types.uint32, 1, 'C')), ('send_arr_chars', types.voidptr), ('send_disp_char', count_arr_typ), ('recv_disp_char', count_arr_typ), ('tmp_offset_char', count_arr_typ), ('send_arr_chars_arr', types.Array(types.uint8, 1, 'C')), ] ShuffleMetaCL = numba.jitclass(spec)(ShuffleMeta) return ShuffleMetaCL
def new_numba(N): import numba spec = [ ('N', numba.int32), ('D', numba.float64), ('vz', numba.float64), ('k', numba.float64), ('Cf', numba.float64), ('z0', numba.float64), ('zf', numba.float64), ('h', numba.float64), ] Numba_PFR = numba.jitclass(spec)(pfr) jitted_pfr_model = numba.jit(model_pfr_shared_direct, nopython=True) numba_pfr = Numba_PFR(N) numba_args = setup_base(N) numba_args[3] = numba_pfr dasslcy.solve(jitted_pfr_model, *numba_args, share_res=1) return [jitted_pfr_model] + numba_args
def test(): # pragma: no cover import time #SortStateCL = SortState #numba.jitclass(spec)(SortState) # warm up t1 = time.time() T = np.ones(3) data = ( np.arange(3), np.ones(3), ) spec = [ ('key_arrs', numba.types.Tuple((numba.float64[::1], ))), ('aLength', numba.intp), ('minGallop', numba.intp), ('tmpLength', numba.intp), ('tmp', numba.types.Tuple((numba.float64[::1], ))), ('stackSize', numba.intp), ('runBase', numba.int64[:]), ('runLen', numba.int64[:]), ('data', numba.typeof(data)), ('tmp_data', numba.typeof(data)), ] SortStateCL = numba.jitclass(spec)(SortState) sortState = SortStateCL((T, ), 3, data) sort(sortState, (T, ), 0, 3, data) print("compile time", time.time() - t1) n = 210000 np.random.seed(2) data = (np.arange(n), np.random.ranf(n)) A = np.random.ranf(n) df = pd.DataFrame({'A': A, 'B': data[0], 'C': data[1]}) t1 = time.time() #B = np.sort(A) df2 = df.sort_values('A', inplace=False) t2 = time.time() sortState = SortStateCL((A, ), n, data) sort(sortState, (A, ), 0, n, data) print("HPAT", time.time() - t2, "Numpy", t2 - t1) # print(df2.B) # print(data) np.testing.assert_almost_equal(data[0], df2.B.values) np.testing.assert_almost_equal(data[1], df2.C.values)
def get_local_sort_func(key_typ, data_tup_typ): sort_state_spec = [ ('key_arrs', to_string_list_typ(key_typ)), ('aLength', numba.intp), ('minGallop', numba.intp), ('tmpLength', numba.intp), ('tmp', to_string_list_typ(key_typ)), ('stackSize', numba.intp), ('runBase', numba.int64[:]), ('runLen', numba.int64[:]), ('data', to_string_list_typ(data_tup_typ)), ('tmp_data', to_string_list_typ(data_tup_typ)), ] SortStateCL = numba.jitclass(sort_state_spec)(hpat.timsort.SortState) # XXX: make sure function is not using old SortState local_sort.__globals__['SortState'] = SortStateCL _local_sort_f = numba.njit(local_sort) _local_sort_f.compile(signature(types.none, key_typ, data_tup_typ)) return _local_sort_f
def make_jitclass_container(self): spec = { 'data': types.List(dtype=types.List(types.float64[::1])), } JCContainer = jitclass(spec)(Container) return JCContainer
from numba import jitclass, float32 # 2D point class with constructor class Point2D(object): def __init__(self, x, y): self.x = x self.y = y def __str__(self): return '(x=' + str(self.x) + ', y=' + str(self.y) + ')\n' # Here we are creating the instance of the class Point2D p1 = Point2D(10.0, 10.0) print(p1) # Printing invokes __str__ # Here we are creating the instance of Point2D which is compiled by Numba compiled_class = jitclass([('x', float32), ('y', float32)])(Point2D) # Compiling in this line p2 = compiled_class(10.0, 10.0) # Creating the instance of compiled class print(p2) # Invocation of __str__ is not implemented in Numba print('(x=' + str(p2.x) + ', y=' + str(p2.y) + ')') # Workaround to print representation of the object
def Vector(numba_type): """Generates an instance of a dynamically resized vector numba jitclass.""" if numba_type in Vector._saved_type: return Vector._saved_type[numba_type] class _Vector: """Dynamically sized arrays in nopython mode.""" def __init__(self, n): """Initialize with space enough to hold n garbage values.""" self.n = n self.m = n self.full_arr = np.empty(self.n, dtype=numba_type) @property def size(self): """The number of valid values.""" return self.n @property def arr(self): """Return the subarray.""" return self.full_arr[:self.n] @property def last(self): """The last element in the array.""" if self.n: return self.full_arr[self.n-1] else: raise IndexError( "This numbavec has no elements: cannot return 'last'.") @property def first(self): """The first element in the array.""" if self.n: return self.full_arr[0] else: raise IndexError( "This numbavec has no elements: cannot return 'first'.") def clear(self): """Remove all elements from the array.""" self.n = 0 return self def extend(self, other): """Add the contents of a numpy array to the end of this Vector. Arguments --------- other : 1d array The values to add to the end. """ n_required = self.size + other.size self.reserve(n_required) self.full_arr[self.size:n_required] = other self.n = n_required return self def append(self, val): """Add a value to the end of the Vector, expanding it if necessary.""" if self.n == self.m: self._expand() self.full_arr[self.n] = val self.n += 1 return self def reserve(self, n): """Reserve a n elements in the underlying array. Arguments --------- n : int The number of elements to reserve Reserving n elements ensures no resize overhead when appending up to size n-1 . """ if n > self.m: # Only change size if we are temp = np.empty(int(n), dtype=numba_type) temp[:self.n] = self.arr self.full_arr = temp self.m = n return self def consolidate(self): """Remove unused memory from the array.""" if self.n < self.m: self.full_arr = self.arr.copy() self.m = self.n return self def __array__(self): """Array inteface for Numpy compatibility.""" return self.full_arr[:self.n] def _expand(self): """Internal function that handles the resizing of the array.""" self.m = int(self.m * _EXPANSION_CONSTANT_) + 1 temp = np.empty(self.m, dtype=numba_type) temp[:self.n] = self.full_arr[:self.n] self.full_arr = temp def set_to(self, arr): """Make this vector point to another array of values. Arguments --------- arr : 1d array Array to set this vector to. After this operation, self.arr will be equal to arr. The dtype of this array must be the same dtype as used to create the vector. Cannot be a readonly vector. """ self.full_arr = arr self.n = self.m = arr.size def set_to_copy(self, arr): """Set this vector to an array, copying the underlying input. Arguments --------- arr : 1d array Array to set this vector to. After this operation, self.arr will be equal to arr. The dtype of this array must be the same dtype as used to create the vector. """ self.full_arr = arr.copy() self.n = self.m = arr.size if numba_type not in Vector._saved_type: spec = [("n", numba.uint64), ("m", numba.uint64), ("full_arr", numba_type[:])] Vector._saved_type[numba_type] = numba.jitclass(spec)(_Vector) return Vector._saved_type[numba_type]
def entry_point(argv): args = {'-i': '', '-k': '50', '-n': '1000000', '-r': '', '-d': ''} N = len(argv) for i in xrange(1, N): k = argv[i] if k in args: v = argv[i + 1] args[k] = v elif k[:2] in args and len(k) > 2: args[k[:2]] = k[2:] else: continue # bkt, the breakpoint qry, kmer, Ns, bkt, dbs = args['-i'], int(args['-k']), int(eval( args['-n'])), args['-r'], args['-d'] if not qry: seq = 'ACCCATCGGGCTAAACCCCCCCCCCGATCGATCGAC' #seq = 'AAAAAAAAAAGAAAAAAAAAATAAAAAAAAAACAAAAAAAAAA' seq = 'AAAACCCCAATACCCCATAACCCC' kmer = 4 a0 = [(k2n_(seq[elem:elem + kmer]), seq[elem - 1:elem], seq[elem + kmer:elem + kmer + 1]) for elem in xrange(len(seq) - kmer + 1)] a1 = [elem[:] for elem in seq2ns_(seq, kmer)] print(a0 == a1) print(a0[-105:]) print(a1[-105:]) # test try: N = int(eval(sys.argv[1])) except: N = 10**7 mkey = 5 print('test', N) # the spec for jitclass spec = {} spec['capacity'] = nb.int64 spec['load'] = nb.float32 spec['size'] = nb.int64 spec['ksize'] = nb.int64 spec['ktype'] = nb.uint64 spec['keys'] = spec['ktype'][:] spec['vtype'] = nb.uint32 spec['values'] = spec['vtype'][:] spec['counts'] = nb.uint8[:] oakht_jit = jitclass(spec)(oakht) clf = oakht_jit(capacity=N, ksize=mkey, ktype=spec['ktype'], vtype=spec['vtype']) #clf = oakht_jit(capacity=int(N * 1.75), ksize=mkey, ktype=spec['ktype'], vtype=spec['vtype']) print('initial finish') @njit def oa_test(N, k, clf): x = np.random.randint(0, N, N) for i in range(N - k + 1): clf.push(x[i:i + k], i) #clf.push(np.random.randint(0, N, k), i) flag = 0 for i in range(N - k + 1): #clf.push(x[i:i+k], i) #clf.push(np.random.randint(0, N, k), i) if not clf.has_key(x[i:i + k]): flag += 1 print('x err', flag) # check random generated array flag = 0 y = np.random.randint(0, N, N) for i in range(N - k + 1): if clf.has_key(y[i:i + k]): flag += 1 print('y err', flag) #for key in clf.iterkeys(): # print('key is', key) print('numba version') oa_test(N, mkey, clf) raise SystemExit() if dbs: #print('recover from', bkt) # convert sequence to path and build the graph dct = seq2graph(qry, kmer=kmer, bits=5, Ns=Ns, saved=dbs, hashfunc=oamkht) else: # build the rdbg, convert sequence to path, and build the graph #dct = seq2dbg(qry, kmer, 5, Ns, rec=bkt) kmer_dict = seq2rdbg(qry, kmer, 5, Ns, rec=bkt) #for i in kmer_dict: # print('kmer dict size', qry, len(kmer_dict), kmer, n2k_(i, kmer, 5)) # if bkt: # print('bkt is', bkt) dct = seq2graph(qry, kmer=kmer, bits=5, Ns=Ns, kmer_dict=kmer_dict, hashfunc=oamkht) return 0
def init(self, inputset, parameters): # base class 'init (...)' method Model.init(self, inputset, parameters) # get initial time and make sure it is a float self.t = numpy.float64(inputset) # store inputset and parameters self.parameters = parameters # create a precipitation instance if self.numbify: self.h = numba.jitclass(Precipitation_numba_spec)(Precipitation)( *self.precipitation_coefficients) else: self.h = Precipitation(*self.precipitation_coefficients) # generate random initial values for \xi and y using the observed (uncertain) initial values and the associated error model initial = self.initial.draw(self.rng) if self.verbosity >= 2: print('Drawing initial values:') print(initial) # generate a random initial value for \xi with observed value as the mean and parameter r'\sigma_\xi' as the spread xi0 = initial[r'$\xi$'] # determine tau if self.tau is not None: tau = self.tau else: tau = numpy.float64(self.parameters[r'$\tau$']) # create and initialize OU process if self.numbify: self.ou = numba.jitclass(OrnsteinUhlenbeck_numba_spec)( OrnsteinUhlenbeck)(tau) else: self.ou = OrnsteinUhlenbeck(tau) self.ou.init(self.t, numpy.float64(xi0)) # initialize wastewater process zeta = numpy.array( [-self.parameters[r'$-\zeta_1$'], -self.parameters[r'$-\zeta_2$']], dtype=numpy.float64) chi = numpy.array( [-self.parameters[r'$-\chi_1$'], self.parameters[r'$\chi_2$']], dtype=numpy.float64) if self.numbify: self.w = numba.jitclass(Wastewater_numba_spec)(Wastewater)(zeta, chi) else: self.w = Wastewater(zeta, chi) # generate a random initial value for y with observed value as the mean and parameter r'\sigma_y' as the spread y0 = initial['y'] if self.verbosity >= 2: print('y0: ', y0) # compute initial S from initial discharge self.S = numpy.float64(self.parameters['K'] * (y0 - self.w.evaluate(self.t))) # initialize the the right hand side 'dS' of the ODE and its args if self.numbify: self.dS = numba.njit(dS) else: self.dS = dS self.dS_args = (self.parameters['A'], self.h, self.ou, self.parameters[r'$x_{gw}$'], self.parameters['K']) # set integrator integrate = None if self.integrator == 'FE': integrate = integrate_FE if self.integrator == 'RKSSP': integrate = integrate_RKSSP assert integrate, ' :: ERROR: The requested integrator is not implemented.' if self.numbify: self.integrate = numba.njit(integrate) else: self.integrate = integrate
def create_my_class(value): cls = jitclass([('value', typeof(value))])(MyClass) return cls(value)
import numpy as np from numba import jit, njit, jitclass import gate spec = [ ('representation', @jitclass(spec) class TensorGate(gate.Gate): '''Implements Gate using numpy tensors under the hood.''' def __init__(self, gate_matrix, sites, N, name=None): if any([x >= N for x in sites]): raise ValueError('Acts on site outside qubit range') self.dim = int(len(gate_matrix.shape)/2) gate.Gate.__init__(self, gate_matrix, sites, N, name) @njit() def compose_with(self, other): '''Uses np.tensordot to multiply with another tensor. This multiplication process involves summing over the correct indices to match how matrix multiplication should work. Furthermore, the process requires reordering the tensor components afterwards so the tensor continues to act on the proper sites.''' sums1 = [] sums2 = [] sites1 = self.sites.copy() sites2 = other.sites.copy() index = {}
def data_alloc_shuffle_metadata_overload(data_t, n_pes_t, is_contig_t): count = data_t.count spec_null = [ ('send_counts', types.none), ('recv_counts', types.none), ('send_buff', types.none), ('out_arr', types.none), ('n_send', types.none), ('n_out', types.none), ('send_disp', types.none), ('recv_disp', types.none), ('tmp_offset', types.none), ('send_counts_char', types.none), ('recv_counts_char', types.none), ('send_arr_lens', types.none), ('send_arr_chars', types.none), ('send_disp_char', types.none), ('recv_disp_char', types.none), ('tmp_offset_char', types.none), ('send_arr_chars_arr', types.none), ] count_arr_typ = types.Array(types.int32, 1, 'C') spec_str = [ ('send_counts', types.none), ('recv_counts', types.none), ('send_buff', types.none), ('out_arr', string_array_type), ('n_send', types.none), ('n_out', types.none), ('send_disp', types.none), ('recv_disp', types.none), ('tmp_offset', types.none), ('send_counts_char', count_arr_typ), ('recv_counts_char', count_arr_typ), ('send_arr_lens', types.Array(types.uint32, 1, 'C')), ('send_arr_chars', types.voidptr), ('send_disp_char', count_arr_typ), ('recv_disp_char', count_arr_typ), ('tmp_offset_char', count_arr_typ), ('send_arr_chars_arr', types.Array(types.uint8, 1, 'C')), ] ShuffleMetaStr = numba.jitclass(spec_str)(ShuffleMeta) glbls = { 'ShuffleMetaStr': ShuffleMetaStr, 'np': np, 'get_data_ptr': get_data_ptr, 'num_total_chars': num_total_chars, 'get_ctypes_ptr': get_ctypes_ptr } for i, typ in enumerate(data_t.types): if isinstance(typ, types.Array): spec_null[2] = ('send_buff', typ) spec_null[3] = ('out_arr', typ) ShuffleMetaCL = numba.jitclass(spec_null.copy())(ShuffleMeta) glbls['ShuffleMeta_{}'.format(i)] = ShuffleMetaCL func_text = "def f(data, n_pes, is_contig):\n" for i in range(count): typ = data_t.types[i] func_text += " arr = data[{}]\n".format(i) if isinstance(typ, types.Array): func_text += " send_buff = arr\n" func_text += ( " meta_{} = ShuffleMeta_{}(None, None, send_buff, arr, None, None, None," " None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None)\n" ).format(i, i) else: assert typ == string_array_type func_text += " send_counts_char = np.zeros(n_pes, np.int32)\n" func_text += " recv_counts_char = np.empty(n_pes, np.int32)\n" func_text += " send_arr_lens = np.empty(1, np.uint32)\n" func_text += " if is_contig:\n" func_text += " send_arr_lens = np.empty(len(arr), np.uint32)\n" func_text += " send_arr_chars = get_ctypes_ptr(get_data_ptr(arr))\n" func_text += " tmp_offset_char = send_counts_char\n" func_text += " send_arr_chars_arr = np.empty(1, np.uint8)\n" func_text += " if not is_contig:\n" func_text += " tmp_offset_char = np.zeros(n_pes, np.int32)\n" func_text += ( " meta_{} = ShuffleMetaStr(None, None, None, arr, None, None," "None, None, None, send_counts_char, recv_counts_char, send_arr_lens," " send_arr_chars, send_counts_char, recv_counts_char, tmp_offset_char, send_arr_chars_arr)\n" ).format(i) func_text += " return ({}{})\n".format( ','.join(['meta_{}'.format(i) for i in range(count)]), "," if count == 1 else "") loc_vars = {} exec(func_text, glbls, loc_vars) alloc_impl = loc_vars['f'] return alloc_impl
def write_many(self, b, count):[self.loc:self.loc + count] = b self.loc += count def tell(self): return self.loc def so_far(self): """ In write mode, the data we have gathered until now """ return[:self.loc] spec8 = [('data', numba.uint8[:]), ('loc', numba.int64), ('len', numba.int64)] Numpy8 = numba.jitclass(spec8)(NumpyIO) spec32 = [('data', numba.uint32[:]), ('loc', numba.int64), ('len', numba.int64)] Numpy32 = numba.jitclass(spec32)(NumpyIO) def _assemble_objects(assign, defi, rep, val, dic, d, null, null_val, max_defi): """Dremel-assembly of arrays of values into lists Parameters ---------- assign: array dtype O To insert lists into defi: int array Definition levels, max 3
def write_many(self, b, count):[self.loc:self.loc + count] = b self.loc += count def tell(self): return self.loc def so_far(self): """ In write mode, the data we have gathered until now """ return[:self.loc] spec8 = [('data', numba.uint8[:]), ('loc', numba.int64), ('len', numba.int64)] Numpy8 = jitclass(spec8)(NumpyIO) spec32 = [('data', numba.uint32[:]), ('loc', numba.int64), ('len', numba.int64)] Numpy32 = jitclass(spec32)(NumpyIO) def _assemble_objects(assign, defi, rep, val, dic, d, null, null_val, max_defi, prev_i): """Dremel-assembly of arrays of values into lists Parameters ---------- assign: array dtype O To insert lists into defi: int array Definition levels, max 3
else: return self.values[sp:ep] def rowinds(self): ris = np.zeros(self.nnz, np.intc) for i in range(self.nrows): sp, ep = self.row_extent(i) ris[sp:ep] = i return ris _CSR64 = type('_CSR64', _CSR.__bases__, dict(_CSR.__dict__)) _CSR = jitclass({ 'nrows': n.intc, 'ncols': n.intc, 'nnz': n.intc, 'rowptrs': n.intc[::1], 'colinds': n.intc[::1], 'values': n.float64[::1] })(_CSR) _CSR64 = jitclass({ 'nrows': n.intc, 'ncols': n.intc, 'nnz': n.int64, 'rowptrs': n.int64[::1], 'colinds': n.intc[::1], 'values': n.float64[::1] })(_CSR64) class CSR: """
import numba import bampy.bam as bam import bampy.bam.packed_cigar as packed_cigar import bampy.bam.packed_sequence as packed_sequence import bampy.bam.tag as tag import bampy.reference as reference Tag = numba.jitclass({ '_header': tag.TagHeader, '_buffer': memoryview, })(bam.Tag) """Reference = numba.jitclass({ 'name' : str, 'length' : int, 'index' : int, '_optional' : dict, })(reference.Reference)""" PackedCIGAR = numba.jitclass({ 'buffer': memoryview, })(packed_cigar.PackedCIGAR) PackedSequence = numba.jitclass({ 'buffer': memoryview, '_length': int, })(packed_sequence.PackedSequence) Record = numba.jitclass({ '_header': bam.record.RecordHeader,
self.loc += 1 def write_many(self, b, count):[self.loc:self.loc+count] = b self.loc += count def tell(self): return self.loc def so_far(self): """ In write mode, the data we have gathered until now """ return[:self.loc] spec8 = [('data', numba.uint8[:]), ('loc', numba.int64), ('len', numba.int64)] Numpy8 = numba.jitclass(spec8)(NumpyIO) spec32 = [('data', numba.uint32[:]), ('loc', numba.int64), ('len', numba.int64)] Numpy32 = numba.jitclass(spec32)(NumpyIO) def _assemble_objects(assign, defi, rep, val, dic, d, null, null_val, max_defi, prev_i): """Dremel-assembly of arrays of values into lists Parameters ---------- assign: array dtype O To insert lists into defi: int array Definition levels, max 3 rep: int array Repetition levels, max 1
import numba import bampy.bgzf as bgzf SubField = numba.jitclass({ 'header': bgzf.block.SubFieldHeader, 'data': bytearray, })(bgzf.block.SubField) Block = numba.jitclass({ '_header': bgzf.block.Header, '_trailer': bgzf.block.Trailer, 'extra_fields': SubField[:], 'size': int, 'flags': bgzf.block.BlockFlags, })(bgzf.Block)