def rightHand(x):
    aux = numbthy.powmod(g, B, p);
    aux = numbthy.powmod(aux, x, p);
    aux = aux % p;
    if(aux < 0):
        raise NameError('Aux less than zero.');
    return aux
def main():
    g_to_b   = powmod(G, 1048576, P)
    g_invert = invmod(G, P)
    map      = {}

    time_start = time.time()
    calc_1 = powmod(H * G, 1, P)
    for i in range(1048576 + 1):
        calc_1 = powmod(calc_1 * g_invert, 1, P)
        map[calc_1] = i

    time_end = time.time()
    sys.stdout.write('Left side complete...\n')
    sys.stdout.write('Time: %0.3f ms\n' % ((time_end - time_start) * 1000.0))

    time_start = time.time()
    calc_0 = invmod(g_to_b, P)
    for j in range(1048576 + 1):
        calc_0 = powmod(calc_0 * g_to_b, 1, P)

        if calc_0 in map:
            calc = (j * 1048576) + map[calc_0]

            sys.stdout.write('Successfully found x with a value of %s\n' % calc)


    time_end = time.time()
    sys.stdout.write('Time: %0.3f ms\n' % ((time_end - time_start) * 1000.0))
def find_x():
    for x0 in xrange(0, B + 1):
        val = powmod(g, x0 * B, p)
        if val in table:
            x1 = table[val]
    print "x = " + str(x0 * B + x1)
def leftHand(x):
    aux = numbthy.powmod(g, x, p);
    [m, aux, y] = numbthy.xgcd(aux, p);
    aux = (aux * h) % p;
    aux =  aux % p;
    if(aux < 0):
        raise NameError('Aux less than zero.');
    return aux;
Exemple #5
def get_discrete_log(p, g, h):
    lhs_values = {}
    for x1 in range(0, B + 1):
        if x1 % 20000 == 0:
            print('(LHS) storing x1={}'.format(x1))
        lhs = (numbthy.invmod(numbthy.powmod(g, x1, p), p) * h) % p
        if lhs not in lhs_values:
            lhs_values[lhs] = x1

    x0_found, x1_found, x_found = None, None, None
    for x0 in range(0, B + 1):
        if x0 % 10000 == 0:
            print('(RHS) checking x0={}'.format(x0))
        rhs = numbthy.powmod(g, B * x0, p)
        if rhs in lhs_values:
            x0_found, x1_found = x0, lhs_values[rhs]
            x_found = (x0_found * B + x1_found) % p
            print('Found. x0={}, x1={}, x={}'.format(x0_found, x1_found,

    assert x_found, 'Failed to find discrete log. May not exist?'
    return x_found
Exemple #6
def main():
    print( 'Building hash...' )

    print( 'Searching hash...' )
    result = search_hash()

    print( 'Calculating x...' )
    x = find_x(result)

    print( x )

    print "g^x % p", numbthy.powmod(g, x, p)
    print "      h", h
Exemple #7
def main():
    print('Building hash...')

    print('Searching hash...')
    result = search_hash()

    print('Calculating x...')
    x = find_x(result)


    print "g^x % p", numbthy.powmod(g, x, p)
    print "      h", h
def get_discrete_log(p, g, h):
    lhs_values = {}
    for x1 in range(0, B + 1):
        if x1 % 20000 == 0:
            print('(LHS) storing x1={}'.format(x1))
        lhs = (numbthy.invmod(numbthy.powmod(g, x1, p), p) * h) % p
        if lhs not in lhs_values:
            lhs_values[lhs] = x1

    x0_found, x1_found, x_found = None, None, None
    for x0 in range(0, B + 1):
        if x0 % 10000 == 0:
            print('(RHS) checking x0={}'.format(x0))
        rhs = numbthy.powmod(g, B * x0, p)
        if rhs in lhs_values:
            x0_found, x1_found = x0, lhs_values[rhs]
            x_found = (x0_found * B + x1_found) % p
            print('Found. x0={}, x1={}, x={}'.format(
                x0_found, x1_found, x_found))

    assert x_found, 'Failed to find discrete log. May not exist?'
    return x_found
Exemple #9
def build_hash():
    ''' Build a hash of h/g**x for x = 0 ... B
    inv_g = invmodp( g, p )

    for x1 in xrange(0, B):
        if x1 % 10000 == 0:
            print('add: ' + str(x1))

        #val = (h / g**x1) % p
        #val = (h * (g ** -x1)) % p
        #val = (h / numbthy.powmod( g, x1, p )) % p
        #val = (h * numbthy.powmod(g, -x1, p)) % p
        val = (h * numbthy.powmod(inv_g, x1, p)) % p

        w5hash[val] = x1
Exemple #10
def search_hash():
    ''' search for g ** B ** x in hash for x = 0 ... B
    #g_B = numbthy.powmod(g, B, p)
    for x0 in xrange(0, B):
        if x0 % 10000 == 0:
            print('search: ' + str(x0))

        #val = (g ** (B * x0)) % p
        val = numbthy.powmod(g, B * x0, p)
        #val = numbthy.powmod(g_B, x0, p)

        if w5hash.has_key(val):
            print "x0:", x0
            print "x1:", w5hash[val]
            return ( x0, w5hash[val] )
Exemple #11
def build_hash():
    ''' Build a hash of h/g**x for x = 0 ... B
    inv_g = invmodp(g, p)

    for x1 in xrange(0, B):
        if x1 % 10000 == 0:
            print('add: ' + str(x1))

        #val = (h / g**x1) % p
        #val = (h * (g ** -x1)) % p
        #val = (h / numbthy.powmod( g, x1, p )) % p
        #val = (h * numbthy.powmod(g, -x1, p)) % p
        val = (h * numbthy.powmod(inv_g, x1, p)) % p

        w5hash[val] = x1
Exemple #12
def search_hash():
    ''' search for g ** B ** x in hash for x = 0 ... B
    #g_B = numbthy.powmod(g, B, p)
    for x0 in xrange(0, B):
        if x0 % 10000 == 0:
            print('search: ' + str(x0))

        #val = (g ** (B * x0)) % p
        val = numbthy.powmod(g, B * x0, p)
        #val = numbthy.powmod(g_B, x0, p)

        if w5hash.has_key(val):
            print "x0:", x0
            print "x1:", w5hash[val]
            return (x0, w5hash[val])
Exemple #13
# their ciphertext.  They have to be of equal length.  Note that
# you can just use long integers instead of strings (recommended).

# send the pair of messages:

# Create two new messages, one has a value of 1, the other has a value of -1
message0 = '' 
message1 = ''

start = random.randint(1, key.p)
p_minus = (key.p-1)/2

# Make sure we don't "GAME" the guessing game
while not message0:
    ans = numbthy.powmod(start, p_minus, key.p)
    if ans == 1:
        message0 = start
    start = random.randint(1, key.p)

message1 = key.g

# List of messages
mesgList = [message0, message1]

pcl.dump(mesgList, p1.stdin)

# now get the challenge ciphertext.
ct = pcl.load(p1.stdout)
def build_table():
    for x1 in xrange(0, B + 1):
        val = (h * invmod(powmod(g, x1, p), p)) % p
        table[val] = x1
# TODO: you need to find two messages that you can distinguish via
# their ciphertext.  They have to be of equal length.  Note that
# you can just use long integers instead of strings (recommended).

m1 = '' # a message with 1
m2 = '' # a message with -1

print key.g
start = random.randint(1, key.p)
p_minus = (key.p-1)/2

# ensure I am not cheating
while not m1:
    ans = numbthy.powmod(start, p_minus, key.p)
    if ans == 1:
        m1 = start
        print 'm1 got something ', m1
    start = random.randint(1, key.p)

# Thanks to Linda reminding wes wrote this in his note!
m2 = key.g

# send the pair of messages:
#mesgList = ["message0", "message1"]
mesgList = [m1, m2]

print 'm1 is: ', m1
print 'm2 is: ', m2
Exemple #16
import numbthy
hashtable = dict()
p = 13407807929942597099574024998205846127479365820592393377723561443721764030073546976801874298166903427690031858186486050853753882811946569946433649006084171
g = 11717829880366207009516117596335367088558084999998952205599979459063929499736583746670572176471460312928594829675428279466566527115212748467589894601965568
h = 3239475104050450443565264378728065788649097520952449527834792452971981976143292558073856937958553180532878928001494706097394108577585732452307673444020333
G = numbthy.powmod(g,2**20,p)

print "after"
g_inverse = 1
def inverse(a,n):
	t = 0
	r = n
	newt = 1
	newr = a
	while newr != 0:
		quotient = r // newr
		t,newt = newt , t - quotient * newt
		r,newr = newr, r - quotient * newr
	if r > 1:
		print "a not invertible"
	if t < 0:
		t = t + n
	return t
if __name__ == "__main__":
	g_inverse = inverse(g,p)
	var = h
	print "q"
	for x1 in xrange(1,2**20+1):
		var *= g_inverse
		var = var%p
		hashtable[var] = x1
p = 13407807929942597099574024998205846127479365820592393377723561443721764030073546976801874298166903427690031858186486050853753882811946569946433649006084171
g = 11717829880366207009516117596335367088558084999998952205599979459063929499736583746670572176471460312928594829675428279466566527115212748467589894601965568
h = 3239475104050450443565264378728065788649097520952449527834792452971981976143292558073856937958553180532878928001494706097394108577585732452307673444020333
B = 2**20

import sys
from numbthy import invmod, powmod

d = {}
for x1 in xrange(B + 1):
    v = (h * invmod(powmod(g, x1, p), p)) % p
    d[v] = x1

g_b = powmod(g, B, p)
for x0 in xrange(B + 1):
    v = powmod(g_b, x0, p)
    if not v in d:
    x1 = d[v]
    print(x0 * B + x1) % p
print "Done"
Exemple #18
def right(x):
    return numbthy.powmod(g, B * x, p)
Exemple #19
def left(x):
    return gmpy2.divm(h, numbthy.powmod(g, x, p), p)
Exemple #20
def right(x0):
    return gmpy2.mpz(numbthy.powmod(g, B * x0, p))
p = 13407807929942597099574024998205846127479365820592393377723561443721764030073546976801874298166903427690031858186486050853753882811946569946433649006084171
g = 11717829880366207009516117596335367088558084999998952205599979459063929499736583746670572176471460312928594829675428279466566527115212748467589894601965568
h = 3239475104050450443565264378728065788649097520952449527834792452971981976143292558073856937958553180532878928001494706097394108577585732452307673444020333
B = 2**20

import sys
from numbthy import invmod,powmod

d = {}
for x1 in xrange(B + 1):
  v = (h * invmod(powmod(g, x1, p), p)) % p
  d[v] = x1

g_b = powmod(g, B, p)
for x0 in xrange(B + 1):
  v = powmod(g_b, x0, p)
  if not v in d:
  x1 = d[v]
  print (x0 * B + x1) % p
print "Done"