Exemple #1
def info():
    """Print date and version information as a html-table."""

    # Define styles
    style1 = " style='border: 2px solid #fff; text-align: left;'"
    style2 = " style='background-color: #ccc;"
    style2 += "width: 10%; border: 2px solid #fff;'"

    # Print date and time info as title
    html = "<h3>%s</h3>" % time.strftime('%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y %Z')

    # Start table
    html += '<table>'

    # empymod, OS, threads, IPython
    html += "<tr" + style1 + ">"
    html += "<td" + style2 + ">%s</td>" % empymod.__version__
    html += "<td" + style1 + ">empymod</td>"
    html += "<td" + style2 + ">%s</td>" % platform.system()
    html += "<td" + style1 + ">OS</td>"
    html += "<td" + style2 + ">%s</td>" % numexpr.detect_number_of_threads()
    html += "<td" + style1 + ">CPU(s)</td>"
    html += "<td" + style2 + ">%s</td>" % IPython.__version__
    html += "<td" + style1 + ">IPython</td>"
    html += "</tr>"

    # numpy, scipy, numexpr, matplotlib
    html += "<tr" + style1 + ">"
    html += "<td" + style2 + ">%s</td>" % numpy.__version__
    html += "<td" + style1 + ">numpy</td>"
    html += "<td" + style2 + ">%s</td>" % scipy.__version__
    html += "<td" + style1 + ">scipy</td>"
    html += "<td" + style2 + ">%s</td>" % numexpr.__version__
    html += "<td" + style1 + ">numexpr</td>"
    html += "<td" + style2 + ">%s</td>" % matplotlib.__version__
    html += "<td" + style1 + ">matplotlib</td>"
    html += "</tr>"

    # sys.version
    html += "<tr" + style1 + ">"
    html += "<td" + style1 + " colspan='8'>%s</td>" % sys.version
    html += "</tr>"

    # vml version
    html += "<tr" + style2 + ">"
    html += "<td" + style2 + " colspan='8'>%s</td>" % numexpr.get_vml_version()
    html += "</tr>"

    # Finish table
    html += "</table>"

    return HTML(html)
 def test_omp_num_threads(self):
     with _environment('OMP_NUM_THREADS', '5'):
         self.assertEquals(5, numexpr.detect_number_of_threads())
Exemple #3
    def __init__(self, xsrc, ysrc, sch1, sch2, **kwargs):
        """Kappa analysis of a shear map.

        :param list xsrc: x coordinates
        :param list xsrc: y coordinates
        :param list sch1: schear 1
        :param list sch2: schear 2
        :param list filt: filter to apply

        Possible kwargs:

        :param int step: Step of the grid
        :param float rinner: Inner cut in pixel
        :param float router: Outer cut in pixel
        :param float theta0: Maturi outer cut in pixel
        :param float aprad: Aperture mass outer cut in pixel
        assert len(xsrc) == len(ysrc) == len(sch1) == len(sch2)

        # numba?
        self.use_numba = kwargs.get("numba", False) and 'numba' in sys.modules
        # numexpr?
        self.use_numexpr = kwargs.get("numexpr", False) and 'numexpr' in sys.modules
        if self.use_numba:
            for func in to_jit:
                apply_decorator(func, numba.jit)
            for func in to_vectorize:
                apply_decorator(func, numba.vectorize)
        elif self.use_numexpr:

        # Make sure all list are actually numpy arrays
        xsrc, ysrc, sch1, sch2 = [np.array(x.tolist()) for x in [
            xsrc, ysrc, sch1, sch2]]

        # Do we have to filter?
        if kwargs.get('filt', None) is not None:
            assert len(kwargs['filt']) == len(xsrc)
            self._idata = {'xsrc': xsrc, 'ysrc': ysrc,
                           'sch1': sch1, 'sch2': sch2,
                           'flag': np.array(kwargs.get('filt'))}
            print("Filtering data")
            print(" - Before cut: %i sources" % len(xsrc))
            xsrc, ysrc, sch1, sch2 = [arr[np.array(kwargs.get('filt'))]
                                      for arr in [xsrc, ysrc, sch1, sch2]]
            print(" - After cut: %i sources" % len(xsrc))
            self.filtered = True
            self._idata = None
            self.filtered = False

        # Save the data
        self.data = {'xsrc': xsrc, 'ysrc': ysrc,
                     'sch1': sch1, 'sch2': sch2}

        # Get or compute some useful parameters
        self.parameters = {
            # size of the image
            'sizex': max(xsrc) - min(xsrc),
            'sizey': max(ysrc) - min(ysrc),
            # step, useful for test purpose
            'step': kwargs.get('step', 1),
            # number of points for each axis
            'nxpoints': int((max(xsrc) - min(xsrc)) / kwargs.get('step', 1)),
            'nypoints': int((max(ysrc) - min(ysrc)) / kwargs.get('step', 1)),
            # inner and outer radius
            'rinner': kwargs.get('rinner', 500.0),
            'router': kwargs.get('router', 8000.0),
            # maximum radius
            'rmax': np.sqrt((max(xsrc) - min(xsrc))**2 + (max(ysrc) - min(ysrc))**2),
            'theta0': kwargs.get('theta0', 6000.0),
            'aprad': kwargs.get('aprad', 6000.0)

        # Define needed dictionnary
        self.maps = self.weights = {}

        # Get the weights and the maps
        self._get_kappa(xsampling=kwargs.get('xsampling', 10))
Exemple #4
 def test_numexpr_num_threads(self):
     with _environment("OMP_NUM_THREADS", "5"):
         with _environment("NUMEXPR_NUM_THREADS", "3"):
             self.assertEquals(3, numexpr.detect_number_of_threads())
Exemple #5
    def __init__(self, xsrc, ysrc, sch1, sch2, **kwargs):
        """Kappa analysis of a shear map.

        :param list xsrc: x coordinates
        :param list xsrc: y coordinates
        :param list sch1: schear 1
        :param list sch2: schear 2
        :param list filt: filter to apply

        Possible kwargs:

        :param int step: Step of the grid
        :param float rinner: Inner cut in pixel
        :param float router: Outer cut in pixel
        :param float theta0: Maturi outer cut in pixel
        :param float aprad: Aperture mass outer cut in pixel
        assert len(xsrc) == len(ysrc) == len(sch1) == len(sch2)

        # numba?
        self.use_numba = kwargs.get("numba", False) and 'numba' in sys.modules
        # numexpr?
        self.use_numexpr = kwargs.get("numexpr", False) and 'numexpr' in sys.modules
        if self.use_numba:
            for func in to_jit:
                apply_decorator(func, numba.jit)
            for func in to_vectorize:
                apply_decorator(func, numba.vectorize)
        elif self.use_numexpr:

        # Make sure all list are actually numpy arrays
        xsrc, ysrc, sch1, sch2 = [np.array(x.tolist()) for x in [
            xsrc, ysrc, sch1, sch2]]

        # Do we have to filter?
        if kwargs.get('filt', None) is not None:
            assert len(kwargs['filt']) == len(xsrc)
            self._idata = {'xsrc': xsrc, 'ysrc': ysrc,
                           'sch1': sch1, 'sch2': sch2,
                           'flag': np.array(kwargs.get('filt'))}
            print("Filtering data")
            print(" - Before cut: %i sources" % len(xsrc))
            xsrc, ysrc, sch1, sch2 = [arr[np.array(kwargs.get('filt'))]
                                      for arr in [xsrc, ysrc, sch1, sch2]]
            print(" - After cut: %i sources" % len(xsrc))
            self.filtered = True
            self._idata = None
            self.filtered = False

        # Save the data
        self.data = {'xsrc': xsrc, 'ysrc': ysrc,
                     'sch1': sch1, 'sch2': sch2}

        # Get or compute some useful parameters
        self.parameters = {
            # size of the image
            'sizex': max(xsrc) - min(xsrc),
            'sizey': max(ysrc) - min(ysrc),
            # step, useful for test purpose
            'step': kwargs.get('step', 1),
            # number of points for each axis
            'nxpoints': int((max(xsrc) - min(xsrc)) / kwargs.get('step', 1)),
            'nypoints': int((max(ysrc) - min(ysrc)) / kwargs.get('step', 1)),
            # inner and outer radius
            'rinner': kwargs.get('rinner', 500.0),
            'router': kwargs.get('router', 8000.0),
            # maximum radius
            'rmax': np.sqrt((max(xsrc) - min(xsrc))**2 + (max(ysrc) - min(ysrc))**2),
            'theta0': kwargs.get('theta0', 6000.0),
            'aprad': kwargs.get('aprad', 6000.0)

        # Define needed dictionnary
        self.maps = self.weights = {}

        # Get the weights and the maps
        self._get_kappa(xsampling=kwargs.get('xsampling', 10))
Exemple #6
 def test_numexpr_num_threads(self):
     with _environment('OMP_NUM_THREADS', '5'):
         with _environment('NUMEXPR_NUM_THREADS', '3'):
             self.assertEqual(3, numexpr.detect_number_of_threads())
Exemple #7
from math import nan
from matplotlib import pyplot
#from VTKWrapper import saveToVTK
import os
from timeit import default_timer as timer
#from numba import jit
from functions import sumf, equ, ucprod, copyfunc, allfunc
from functions import set_omega
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
tstart = timer()
from numpy import *
#os.system("taskset -p 0xff %d" % os.getpid())

#print('number of cores detected is '); print(ne.detect_number_of_threads())

# Plot Settings
Pinterval = 1000  # iterations to print next output
SavePlot = False  #save plots
SaveVTK = False  # save files in vtk format
project = 'ldc'  #for naming output files
OutputFolder = './output'
CurrentFolder = os.getcwd()

# Lattice Parameters
maxIt = 3000  # time iterations
Re = 1000.0  # Reynolds number 100 400 1000 3200 5000 7500 10000

#Number of cells
xsize, ysize = 320, 320
Exemple #8
def good_process_number(total_cores, numexpr=True):
    if numexpr:
        thread_num = ne.detect_number_of_threads()
        thread_num = 1
    return max(1, total_cores // thread_num)