Exemple #1
def _ellipsoidLineIntersects_ne(a, b, lineOrigin, lineDirection, directed=True):
    lineOrigin = np.require(lineOrigin, dtype=np.float64)
    lineDirection = np.require(lineDirection, dtype=np.float64)
    # turn into column vectors
    direction = lineDirection.T
    origin = -lineOrigin[:,None]
    radius = np.array([[1/a], [1/a], [1/b]])
    directionTimesRadius = ne('direction * radius')
    originTimesRadius = ne('origin * radius')
    dirDotOri = np.einsum("ij,ij->j", directionTimesRadius, originTimesRadius)
    dirDotDir = np.einsum("ij,ij->j", directionTimesRadius, directionTimesRadius)
    oriDotOri = np.einsum("ij,ij->j", originTimesRadius, originTimesRadius)

    if directed:
        if _isInsideEllipsoid(lineOrigin, a, b):
            intersects = ne('dirDotOri + sqrt(dirDotOri**2 - oriDotOri*dirDotDir + dirDotDir) >= 0')
            intersects = ne('dirDotOri - sqrt(dirDotOri**2 - oriDotOri*dirDotDir + dirDotDir) >= 0')
        intersects = ne('dirDotOri**2 - oriDotOri*dirDotDir + dirDotDir >= 0')
    return intersects
Exemple #2
def dft_nfor_ne(freq, tvec, dvec):
    Calculate the Discrete Fourier transform (slow scales with N^2)
    The DFT is normalised to have the mean value of the data at zero frequency

    :param freq: numpy array, frequency grid calculated from the time vector

    :param tvec: numpy array or list, input time(independent) vector, normalised
                 by the mean of the time vector

    :param dvec: numpy array or list, input dependent vector, normalised by the
                 mean of the data vector

    :return wfn:  numpy array of complex numbers, spectral window function

    :return dft:  numpy array of complex numbers, "dirty" discrete Fourier

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Code starts here
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # wfn = np.zeros(len(freq), dtype=complex)
    # dft = np.zeros(int(len(freq)/2), dtype=complex)
    # make vectors in to matrices
    fmatrix = np.matrix(freq)  # shape (N x 1)
    tmatrix = np.matrix(tvec)  # shape (M x 1)
    # need dvec to be tiled len(freq) times (to enable multiplication)
    d_arr = np.tile(dvec, len(freq)).reshape(len(freq), len(dvec))
    dmatrix = np.matrix(d_arr)  # shape (N x M)
    # work out the phase
    ftmatrix = fmatrix.T
    twopi = 2 * np.pi
    # phase = -2*np.pi*fmatrix.T*tmatrix  # shape (N x M)
    phase = ne('-twopi*ftmatrix*tmatrix')
    # work out the phase vector
    # phvec = np.cos(phase) + 1j*np.sin(phase)   # shape (N x M)
    phvec = ne('cos(phase) + 1j*sin(phase)')
    # for freq/2 rows
    wfn = np.sum(phvec, axis=1) / len(tvec)  # shape (N x 1)
    # only for the first freq/2 indices
    Nfreq = int(len(freq) / 2)
    darray = np.array(dmatrix[:Nfreq])
    phvecarray = np.array(phvec)[:Nfreq]
    # dft = np.sum(np.array(dmatrix)[: Nfreq] * np.array(phvec)[: Nfreq],
    #             axis=1)/len(tvec)    # shape (N/2 x 1)
    multiply = ne('darray * phvecarray')
    dft = np.sum(multiply, axis=1) / len(tvec)
    return wfn, dft
Exemple #3
def _ecef2GeodeticOptimized_ne(x, y, z, a=wgs84A, b=wgs84B):
    x, y, z = np.asarray(x), np.asarray(y), np.asarray(z)

    e2 = (a * a - b * b) / (a * a)  # first eccentricity squared
    d = (a * a - b * b) / b

    p2 = ne('x*x + y*y')
    p = ne('sqrt(p2)')
    tu = p2
    ne('b*z*(1 + d/sqrt(p2 + z*z))/(a*p)', out=tu)
    tu2 = ne('tu*tu')
    cu3 = ne('(1/sqrt(1 + tu2))**3')
    lat = p2
    ne('arctan((z + d*cu3*tu2*tu)/(p - e2*a*cu3))', out=lat)

    lon = p
    ne('arctan2(y,x)', out=lon)

    return lat, lon
Exemple #4
def dft_ne(freq, tvec, dvec, log=False):
    Calculate the Discrete Fourier transform (slow scales with N^2)
    The DFT is normalised to have the mean value of the data at zero frequency

    :param freq: numpy array, frequency grid calculated from the time vector

    :param tvec: numpy array or list, input time(independent) vector, normalised
                 by the mean of the time vector

    :param dvec: numpy array or list, input dependent vector, normalised by the
                 mean of the data vector

    :param log: boolean, if True prints progress to standard output
                         if False silent

    :return wfn:  numpy array of complex numbers, spectral window function

    :return dft:  numpy array of complex numbers, "dirty" discrete Fourier

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Code starts here
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    wfn = np.zeros(len(freq), dtype=complex)
    dft = np.zeros(int(len(freq) / 2), dtype=complex)
    # work out all ocnstants before loop
    Ntvec, two_pi_t = len(tvec), -2 * np.pi * tvec
    Nfreq = int(len(freq) / 2)
    # loop around freq
    for i in __tqdmlog__(range(len(freq)), log):
        freqi = freq[i]
        # phase = -2*np.pi*freq[i]*tvec
        # phvec = np.array(np.cos(phase) + 1j * np.sin(phase))
        phvec = ne('cos(freqi*two_pi_t) + 1j*sin(freqi*two_pi_t)')

        #wfn[i] =  np.sum(phvec) / len(tvec)
        wfn[i] = ne('sum(phvec/Ntvec)')
        if i < Nfreq:
            # dft[i] = np.sum(dvec*phvec)/len(tvec)
            dft[i] = ne('sum(dvec*phvec/Ntvec)')
    return wfn, dft
Exemple #5
def _ecef2GeodeticOptimized_ne(x, y, z, a=wgs84A, b=wgs84B):
    x, y, z = np.asarray(x), np.asarray(y), np.asarray(z)

    e2 = (a*a - b*b) / (a*a) # first eccentricity squared 
    d = (a*a - b*b) / b  
    p2 = ne('x*x + y*y')
    p = ne('sqrt(p2)')
    tu = p2
    ne('b*z*(1 + d/sqrt(p2 + z*z))/(a*p)', out=tu)
    tu2 = ne('tu*tu')
    cu3 = ne('(1/sqrt(1 + tu2))**3')
    lat = p2
    ne('arctan((z + d*cu3*tu2*tu)/(p - e2*a*cu3))', out=lat)
    lon = p
    ne('arctan2(y,x)', out=lon)
    return lat, lon
Exemple #6
def _cartesian_to_spherical_ne(x, y, z, with_radius=True):
    if with_radius:
        xy = ne('x*x + y*y')
        r = ne('sqrt(xy + z*z)')
        lat = ne('arctan2(z, sqrt(xy))')
        lon = xy
        ne('arctan2(y, x)', out=lon)
        return r, lat, lon
        lat = ne('arctan2(z, sqrt(x*x + y*y))')
        lon = ne('arctan2(y, x)')
        return lat, lon
Exemple #7
def _cartesian_to_spherical_ne(x, y, z, with_radius=True):
    if with_radius:
        xy = ne('x*x + y*y')
        r = ne('sqrt(xy + z*z)')
        lat = ne('arctan2(z, sqrt(xy))')
        lon = xy
        ne('arctan2(y, x)', out=lon)
        return r, lat, lon
        lat = ne('arctan2(z, sqrt(x*x + y*y))')
        lon = ne('arctan2(y, x)')
        return lat, lon
Exemple #8
def _ellipsoidLineIntersection_ne(a, b, lineOrigin, lineDirection, directed=True):
    lineOrigin = np.require(lineOrigin, dtype=np.float64)
    lineDirection = np.require(lineDirection, dtype=np.float64)
    # turn into column vectors
    direction = lineDirection.T
    origin = -lineOrigin[:,None]
    radius = np.array([[1/a], [1/a], [1/b]])
    directionTimesRadius = ne('direction * radius')
    originTimesRadius = ne('origin * radius')
    directionDotOrigin = np.einsum("ij,ij->j", directionTimesRadius, originTimesRadius)
    directionDotDirection = np.einsum("ij,ij->j", directionTimesRadius, directionTimesRadius)
    originDotOrigin = np.einsum("ij,ij->j", originTimesRadius, originTimesRadius)
    root = ne('sqrt(directionDotOrigin**2 - originDotOrigin*directionDotDirection + directionDotDirection)')
    if directed:
        if _isInsideEllipsoid(lineOrigin, a, b):
            d2 = directionDotOrigin
            ne('directionDotOrigin + root', out=d2)
            dMin = d2
            d1 = directionDotOrigin
            ne('directionDotOrigin - root', out=d1)
            dMin = d1
        dMin = _filterPointsOutsideDirectedLine(dMin)
        d1 = ne('directionDotOrigin - root')
        d2 = directionDotOrigin
        ne('directionDotOrigin + root', out=d2)
        dMin = _closestDistance(d1, d2)
    res = directionTimesRadius
    ne('direction * (dMin / directionDotDirection) - origin', out=res)
    return res.T
Exemple #9
def _spherical_to_cartesian_ne(r, lat, lon, astuple=True):
    # using (3,..) instead of (...,3) as shape has better memory access performance
    # x, y, and z are then each a contiguous block of memory
    res = np.empty((3, ) + lat.shape, lat.dtype)
    x = res[0]
    y = res[1]
    z = res[2]
    if r is None:
        ne('cos(lat)', out=x)
        ne('r * cos(lat)', out=x)
    y[:] = x
    ne('x * cos(lon)', out=x)
    ne('y * sin(lon)', out=y)
    if r is None:
        ne('sin(lat)', out=z)
        ne('r * sin(lat)', out=z)
    if astuple:
        return x, y, z
        res = np.rollaxis(res, 0, res.ndim)
        return res
Exemple #10
def tan_pix2world(header, px, py, origin, ascartesian=False):
    Fast reimplementation of astropy.wcs.wcs.wcs_pix2world with support for
    only the TAN projection. Speedup is about 2x.
    :rtype: tuple (ra,dec) in degrees, or cartesian coordinates in one array (h,w,3) 
            if ascartesian=True
    assert origin in [0,1]
    assert px.shape == py.shape
    shape = px.shape
    px = px.ravel()
    py = py.ravel()
    assert header['CTYPE1'] == 'RA---TAN'
    assert header['CTYPE2'] == 'DEC--TAN'
    assert header['LATPOLE'] == 0.0
    lonpole = header['LONPOLE']
    ra_ref = header['CRVAL1'] # degrees
    dec_ref = header['CRVAL2']
    px_ref = header['CRPIX1']
    py_ref = header['CRPIX2']
    cd = np.array([[header['CD1_1'], header['CD1_2']],
                   [header['CD2_1'], header['CD2_2']]])
    # make pixel coordinates relative to reference point and put them in one array
    pxy = np.empty((len(px),2), float)
    pxy[:,0] = px
    pxy[:,0] -= px_ref
    pxy[:,1] = py
    pxy[:,1] -= py_ref
    if origin == 0:
        pxy += 1
    # projection plane coordinates
    xy = matrix_multiply(cd, pxy[...,np.newaxis]).reshape(pxy.shape) # [18% of execution time]
    del pxy
    # native spherical coordinates
    # spherical projection
    if ne:
        x = xy[:,0]
        y = xy[:,1]
        r = ne('sqrt(x*x+y*y)')
        r = vectorLengths(xy)
    if ne:
        lon = ne('arctan2(x, -y)') # [6% of execution time]
        lon = np.arctan2(xy[:,0], -xy[:,1])
    del xy
    #lat = np.arctan(180/(np.pi*r))
    # optimized:
    with np.errstate(divide='ignore'):
        np.reciprocal(r, r)
    np.multiply(180/np.pi, r, r)
    if ne:
        ne('arctan(r)', out=r)
        np.arctan(r, r)
    lat = r
    # celestial spherical coordinates
    # spherical rotation
    euler_z = ra_ref+90
    euler_x = 90-dec_ref
    #euler_z2 = lonpole-90
    euler_z2 = -(lonpole-90) # for some reason, this needs to be negative, contrary to paper
    rotmat = euler_matrix(np.deg2rad(euler_z), np.deg2rad(euler_x), np.deg2rad(euler_z2), 'rzxz')[:3,:3]
    lmn = spherical_to_cartesian(None, lat, lon, astuple=False) # [12% of execution time]
    lmnrot = matrix_multiply(rotmat, lmn[...,np.newaxis]).reshape(lmn.shape) # [17% of execution time]
    if ascartesian:
        return lmnrot.reshape(shape + (3,))
    dec, ra = cartesian_to_spherical(lmnrot[:,0], lmnrot[:,1], lmnrot[:,2], with_radius=False) # [15% of execution time]
    np.rad2deg(dec, dec)    
    np.rad2deg(ra, ra)
    # wrap at 360deg so that values are in [0,360]
    ra -= 360
    np.mod(ra, 360, ra) # [12% of execution time]
    ra = ra.reshape(shape)
    dec = dec.reshape(shape)
    return ra, dec
Exemple #11
def tan_pix2world(header, px, py, origin, ascartesian=False):
    Fast reimplementation of astropy.wcs.wcs.wcs_pix2world with support for
    only the TAN projection. Speedup is about 2x.
    :rtype: tuple (ra,dec) in degrees, or cartesian coordinates in one array (h,w,3) 
            if ascartesian=True
    assert origin in [0, 1]
    assert px.shape == py.shape
    shape = px.shape
    px = px.ravel()
    py = py.ravel()

    assert header['CTYPE1'] == 'RA---TAN'
    assert header['CTYPE2'] == 'DEC--TAN'
    assert header['LATPOLE'] == 0.0
    lonpole = header['LONPOLE']

    ra_ref = header['CRVAL1']  # degrees
    dec_ref = header['CRVAL2']
    px_ref = header['CRPIX1']
    py_ref = header['CRPIX2']
    cd = np.array([[header['CD1_1'], header['CD1_2']],
                   [header['CD2_1'], header['CD2_2']]])

    # make pixel coordinates relative to reference point and put them in one array
    pxy = np.empty((len(px), 2), float)
    pxy[:, 0] = px
    pxy[:, 0] -= px_ref
    pxy[:, 1] = py
    pxy[:, 1] -= py_ref
    if origin == 0:
        pxy += 1

    # projection plane coordinates
    xy = matrix_multiply(cd, pxy[..., np.newaxis]).reshape(
        pxy.shape)  # [18% of execution time]

    del pxy

    # native spherical coordinates
    # spherical projection
    if ne:
        x = xy[:, 0]
        y = xy[:, 1]
        r = ne('sqrt(x*x+y*y)')
        r = vectorLengths(xy)

    if ne:
        lon = ne('arctan2(x, -y)')  # [6% of execution time]
        lon = np.arctan2(xy[:, 0], -xy[:, 1])
    del xy

    #lat = np.arctan(180/(np.pi*r))

    # optimized:
    with np.errstate(divide='ignore'):
        np.reciprocal(r, r)
    np.multiply(180 / np.pi, r, r)
    if ne:
        ne('arctan(r)', out=r)
        np.arctan(r, r)
    lat = r

    # celestial spherical coordinates
    # spherical rotation
    euler_z = ra_ref + 90
    euler_x = 90 - dec_ref
    #euler_z2 = lonpole-90
    euler_z2 = -(
        lonpole - 90
    )  # for some reason, this needs to be negative, contrary to paper
    rotmat = euler_matrix(np.deg2rad(euler_z), np.deg2rad(euler_x),
                          np.deg2rad(euler_z2), 'rzxz')[:3, :3]

    lmn = spherical_to_cartesian(None, lat, lon,
                                 astuple=False)  # [12% of execution time]
    lmnrot = matrix_multiply(rotmat, lmn[..., np.newaxis]).reshape(
        lmn.shape)  # [17% of execution time]
    if ascartesian:
        return lmnrot.reshape(shape + (3, ))

    dec, ra = cartesian_to_spherical(
        lmnrot[:, 0], lmnrot[:, 1], lmnrot[:, 2],
        with_radius=False)  # [15% of execution time]

    np.rad2deg(dec, dec)
    np.rad2deg(ra, ra)
    # wrap at 360deg so that values are in [0,360]
    ra -= 360
    np.mod(ra, 360, ra)  # [12% of execution time]

    ra = ra.reshape(shape)
    dec = dec.reshape(shape)

    return ra, dec
Exemple #12
def _spherical_to_cartesian_ne(r, lat, lon, astuple=True):
    # using (3,..) instead of (...,3) as shape has better memory access performance
    # x, y, and z are then each a contiguous block of memory
    res = np.empty((3,) + lat.shape, lat.dtype)
    x = res[0]
    y = res[1]
    z = res[2]
    if r is None:
        ne('cos(lat)', out=x)
        ne('r * cos(lat)', out=x)
    y[:] = x
    ne('x * cos(lon)', out=x)
    ne('y * sin(lon)', out=y)
    if r is None:
        ne('sin(lat)', out=z)
        ne('r * sin(lat)', out=z)
    if astuple:
        return x,y,z
        res = np.rollaxis(res, 0, res.ndim)
        return res