Exemple #1
def bayesian_blocks(tt, ttstart, ttstop, p0, bkg_integral_distribution=None):
    Divide a series of events characterized by their arrival time in blocks
    of perceptibly constant count rate. If the background integral distribution
    is given, divide the series in blocks where the difference with respect to
    the background is perceptibly constant.

    :param tt: arrival times of the events
    :param ttstart: the start of the interval
    :param ttstop: the stop of the interval
    :param p0: the false positive probability. This is used to decide the penalization on the likelihood, so this
    parameter affects the number of blocks
    :param bkg_integral_distribution: (default: None) If given, the algorithm account for the presence of the background and
    finds changes in rate with respect to the background
    :return: the np.array containing the edges of the blocks

    # Verify that the input array is one-dimensional
    tt = np.asarray(tt, dtype=float)

    assert tt.ndim == 1

    if bkg_integral_distribution is not None:

        # Transforming the inhomogeneous Poisson process into an homogeneous one with rate 1,
        # by changing the time axis according to the background rate
        logger.debug("Transforming the inhomogeneous Poisson process to a homogeneous one with rate 1...")
        t = np.array(bkg_integral_distribution(tt))

        # Now compute the start and stop time in the new system
        tstart = bkg_integral_distribution(ttstart)
        tstop = bkg_integral_distribution(ttstop)


        t = tt
        tstart = ttstart
        tstop = ttstop

    # Create initial cell edges (Voronoi tessellation)
    edges = np.concatenate([[t[0]],
                            0.5 * (t[1:] + t[:-1]),

    # Create the edges also in the original time system
    edges_ = np.concatenate([[tt[0]],
                             0.5 * (tt[1:] + tt[:-1]),

    # Create a lookup table to be able to transform back from the transformed system
    # to the original one
    lookup_table = {key: value for (key, value) in zip(edges, edges_)}

    # The last block length is 0 by definition
    block_length = tstop - edges

    if np.sum((block_length <= 0)) > 1:

        raise RuntimeError("Events appears to be out of order! Check for order, or duplicated events.")

    N = t.shape[0]

    # arrays to store the best configuration
    best = np.zeros(N, dtype=float)
    last = np.zeros(N, dtype=int)

    # eq. 21 from Scargle 2012
    prior = 4 - np.log(73.53 * p0 * (N**-0.478))

    logger.debug("Finding blocks...")

    # This is where the computation happens. Following Scargle et al. 2012.
    # This loop has been optimized for speed:
    # * the expression for the fitness function has been rewritten to
    #  avoid multiple log computations, and to avoid power computations
    # * the use of scipy.weave and numexpr has been evaluated. The latter
    #  gives a big gain (~40%) if used for the fitness function. No other
    #  gain is obtained by using it anywhere else

    # Set numexpr precision to low (more than enough for us), which is
    # faster than high
    oldaccuracy = numexpr.set_vml_accuracy_mode('low')

    # Speed tricks: resolve once for all the functions which will be used
    # in the loop
    numexpr_evaluate = numexpr.evaluate
    numexpr_re_evaluate = numexpr.re_evaluate

    # Pre-compute this

    aranges = np.arange(N+1, 0, -1)

    for R in range(N):
        br = block_length[R + 1]
        T_k = block_length[:R + 1] - br  # this looks like it is not used, but it actually is,
                                         # inside the numexpr expression

        # N_k: number of elements in each block
        # This expression has been simplified for the case of
        # unbinned events (i.e., one element in each block)
        # It was:
        #N_k = cumsum(x[:R + 1][::-1])[::-1]
        # Now it is:
        N_k = aranges[N - R:]
        # where aranges has been pre-computed

        # Evaluate fitness function
        # This is the slowest part, which I'm speeding up by using
        # numexpr. It provides a ~40% gain in execution speed.

        # The first time we need to "compile" the expression in numexpr,
        # all the other times we can reuse it

        if R == 0:

            fit_vec = numexpr_evaluate('''N_k * log(N_k/ T_k) ''',
                                       optimization='aggressive', local_dict={'N_k': N_k, 'T_k': T_k})


            fit_vec = numexpr_re_evaluate(local_dict={'N_k': N_k, 'T_k': T_k})

        A_R = fit_vec - prior  # type: np.ndarray

        A_R[1:] += best[:R]

        i_max = A_R.argmax()

        last[R] = i_max
        best[R] = A_R[i_max]



    # Now peel off and find the blocks (see the algorithm in Scargle et al.)
    change_points = np.zeros(N, dtype=int)
    i_cp = N
    ind = N

    while True:

        i_cp -= 1

        change_points[i_cp] = ind

        if ind == 0:


        ind = last[ind - 1]

    change_points = change_points[i_cp:]

    edg = edges[change_points]

    # Transform the found edges back into the original time system

    if (bkg_integral_distribution is not None):

        final_edges = map(lambda x: lookup_table[x], edg)


        final_edges = edg

    # Now fix the first and last edge so that they are tstart and tstop
    final_edges[0] = ttstart
    final_edges[-1] = ttstop

    return np.asarray(final_edges)
Exemple #2
def bayesian_blocks_not_unique(tt, ttstart, ttstop, p0):

    # Verify that the input array is one-dimensional
    tt = np.asarray(tt, dtype=float)

    assert tt.ndim == 1

    # Now create the array of unique times

    unique_t = np.unique(tt)

    t = tt
    tstart = ttstart
    tstop = ttstop

    # Create initial cell edges (Voronoi tessellation) using the unique time stamps

    edges = np.concatenate([[tstart],
                            0.5 * (unique_t[1:] + unique_t[:-1]),

    # The last block length is 0 by definition
    block_length = tstop - edges

    if np.sum((block_length <= 0)) > 1:

        raise RuntimeError("Events appears to be out of order! Check for order, or duplicated events.")

    N = unique_t.shape[0]

    # arrays to store the best configuration
    best = np.zeros(N, dtype=float)
    last = np.zeros(N, dtype=int)

    # Pre-computed priors (for speed)
    # eq. 21 from Scargle 2012

    priors = 4 - np.log(73.53 * p0 * np.power(np.arange(1, N + 1), -0.478))

    # Count how many events are in each Voronoi cell

    x, _ = np.histogram(t, edges)

    # Speed tricks: resolve once for all the functions which will be used
    # in the loop
    cumsum = np.cumsum
    log = np.log
    argmax = np.argmax
    numexpr_evaluate = numexpr.evaluate
    arange = np.arange

    # Decide the step for reporting progress
    incr = max(int(float(N) / 100.0 * 10), 1)

    logger.debug("Finding blocks...")

    # This is where the computation happens. Following Scargle et al. 2012.
    # This loop has been optimized for speed:
    # * the expression for the fitness function has been rewritten to
    #  avoid multiple log computations, and to avoid power computations
    # * the use of scipy.weave and numexpr has been evaluated. The latter
    #  gives a big gain (~40%) if used for the fitness function. No other
    #  gain is obtained by using it anywhere else

    # Set numexpr precision to low (more than enough for us), which is
    # faster than high
    oldaccuracy = numexpr.set_vml_accuracy_mode('low')

    for R in range(N):
        br = block_length[R + 1]
        T_k = block_length[:R + 1] - br

        # N_k: number of elements in each block
        # This expression has been simplified for the case of
        # unbinned events (i.e., one element in each block)
        # It was:
        N_k = cumsum(x[:R + 1][::-1])[::-1]
        # Now it is:
        #N_k = arange(R + 1, 0, -1)

        # Evaluate fitness function
        # This is the slowest part, which I'm speeding up by using
        # numexpr. It provides a ~40% gain in execution speed.

        fit_vec = numexpr_evaluate('''N_k * log(N_k/ T_k) ''',
                                   local_dict={'N_k': N_k, 'T_k': T_k})

        p = priors[R]

        A_R = fit_vec - p

        A_R[1:] += best[:R]

        i_max = argmax(A_R)

        last[R] = i_max
        best[R] = A_R[i_max]




    # Now find blocks
    change_points = np.zeros(N, dtype=int)
    i_cp = N
    ind = N
    while True:
        i_cp -= 1
        change_points[i_cp] = ind

        if ind == 0:

        ind = last[ind - 1]

    change_points = change_points[i_cp:]

    finalEdges = edges[change_points]

    return np.asarray(finalEdges)
Exemple #3
        compare_times(expression, 1)
    nexpr = 0
    for expr in expressions:
        nexpr += 1
        compare_times(expr, nexpr)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import numexpr



    if len(sys.argv) > 1:
        expression = sys.argv[1]
        print "expression-->", expression

    tratios = numpy.array(numpy_ttime) / numpy.array(numexpr_ttime)
    stratios = numpy.array(numpy_sttime) / numpy.array(numexpr_sttime)
    ntratios = numpy.array(numpy_nttime) / numpy.array(numexpr_nttime)

    print "*************** Numexpr vs NumPy speed-ups *******************"
    #     print "numpy total:", sum(numpy_ttime)/iterations
    #     print "numpy strided total:", sum(numpy_sttime)/iterations
Exemple #4
"""arithmetic functions"""

import multiprocessing
import multiprocessing.pool
import warnings

import numpy as np

    import numexpr
except ImportError:
    warnings.warn('numexpr not detected, use `sudo pip install numexpr`')
    numexpr = None

from . import arrays

# # main functions

def sum(X, axis):
    """compute sum of array along an axis

    - X: array to compute sum of
    - axis: int axis along which to compute sum
Exemple #5
def bayesian_blocks(tt, ttstart, ttstop, p0, bkgIntegralDistr=None, myLikelihood=None):
    """Divide a series of events characterized by their arrival time in blocks
    of perceptibly constant count rate. If the background integral distribution
    is given, divide the series in blocks where the difference with respect to
    the background is perceptibly constant.

      tt (iterable): An iterable (list, numpy.array...) containing the arrival
                     time of the events.
                     NOTE: the input array MUST be time-ordered, and without
                     duplicated entries. To ensure this, you may execute the
                     following code:

                     tt_array = numpy.asarray(tt)
                     tt_array = numpy.unique(tt_array)

                     before running the algorithm.

      p0 (float): The probability of finding a variations (i.e., creating a new
                  block) when there is none. In other words, the probability of
                  a Type I error, i.e., rejecting the null-hypothesis when is
                  true. All found variations will have a post-trial significance
                  larger than p0.

      bkgIntegralDistr (function, optional): the integral distribution for the
                  background counts. It must be a function of the form f(x),
                  which must return the integral number of counts expected from
                  the background component between time 0 and x.

      numpy.array: the edges of the blocks found


    # Verify that the input array is one-dimensional
    tt = np.asarray(tt, dtype=float)

    assert tt.ndim == 1

    if (bkgIntegralDistr is not None):
        # Transforming the inhomogeneous Poisson process into an homogeneous one with rate 1,
        # by changing the time axis according to the background rate
        logger.debug("Transforming the inhomogeneous Poisson process to a homogeneous one with rate 1...")
        t = np.array(bkgIntegralDistr(tt))

        # Now compute the start and stop time in the new system
        tstart = bkgIntegralDistr(ttstart)
        tstop = bkgIntegralDistr(ttstop)
        t = tt
        tstart = ttstart
        tstop = ttstop

    # Create initial cell edges (Voronoi tessellation)
    edges = np.concatenate([[tstart],
                            0.5 * (t[1:] + t[:-1]),

    # Create the edges also in the original time system
    edges_ = np.concatenate([[ttstart],
                             0.5 * (tt[1:] + tt[:-1]),

    # Create a lookup table to be able to transform back from the transformed system
    # to the original one
    lookupTable = {key: value for (key, value) in zip(edges, edges_)}

    # The last block length is 0 by definition
    block_length = tstop - edges

    if np.sum((block_length <= 0)) > 1:

        raise RuntimeError("Events appears to be out of order! Check for order, or duplicated events.")

    N = t.shape[0]

    # arrays to store the best configuration
    best = np.zeros(N, dtype=float)
    last = np.zeros(N, dtype=int)
    best_new = np.zeros(N, dtype=float)
    last_new = np.zeros(N, dtype=int)

    # Pre-computed priors (for speed)

    if (myLikelihood):

        priors = myLikelihood.getPriors(N, p0)


        # eq. 21 from Scargle 2012
        #priors = 4 - np.log(73.53 * p0 * np.power(np.arange(1, N + 1), -0.478))

        priors = [4 - np.log(73.53 * p0 * N**(-0.478))] * N

    x = np.ones(N)

    # Speed tricks: resolve once for all the functions which will be used
    # in the loop
    cumsum = np.cumsum
    log = np.log
    argmax = np.argmax
    numexpr_evaluate = numexpr.evaluate
    arange = np.arange

    # Decide the step for reporting progress
    incr = max(int(float(N) / 100.0 * 10), 1)

    logger.debug("Finding blocks...")

    # This is where the computation happens. Following Scargle et al. 2012.
    # This loop has been optimized for speed:
    # * the expression for the fitness function has been rewritten to
    #  avoid multiple log computations, and to avoid power computations
    # * the use of scipy.weave and numexpr has been evaluated. The latter
    #  gives a big gain (~40%) if used for the fitness function. No other
    #  gain is obtained by using it anywhere else

    times = []
    TSs = []

    # Set numexpr precision to low (more than enough for us), which is
    # faster than high
    oldaccuracy = numexpr.set_vml_accuracy_mode('low')

    for R in range(N):
        br = block_length[R + 1]
        T_k = block_length[:R + 1] - br

        # N_k: number of elements in each block
        # This expression has been simplified for the case of
        # unbinned events (i.e., one element in each block)
        # It was:
        # N_k = cumsum(x[:R + 1][::-1])[::-1]
        # Now it is:
        N_k = arange(R + 1, 0, -1)

        # Evaluate fitness function
        # This is the slowest part, which I'm speeding up by using
        # numexpr. It provides a ~40% gain in execution speed.

        fit_vec = numexpr_evaluate('''N_k * log(N_k/ T_k) ''',

        p = priors[R]

        A_R = fit_vec - p

        A_R[1:] += best[:R]

        i_max = argmax(A_R)

        last[R] = i_max
        best[R] = A_R[i_max]

        # if(myLikelihood):
        #  logger.debug("Maximum old: %i, Maximum new: %i" %(i_max,i_max_new))
        #  logger.debug("Best old: %s, Best new: %s" %(best[R],best_new[R]))



    # if(myLikelihood):
    #   from operator import itemgetter
    #   index, element = max(enumerate(TSs), key=itemgetter(1))
    #   t1,t2 = times[index]
    #   print("Maximum TS is %s in time interval %s-%s" %(element,t1,t2))
    #   best = best_new
    #   last = last_new

    # map(oneLoop,range(N))


    # Now find blocks
    change_points = np.zeros(N, dtype=int)
    i_cp = N
    ind = N
    while True:
        i_cp -= 1
        change_points[i_cp] = ind

        if ind == 0:

        ind = last[ind - 1]

    change_points = change_points[i_cp:]

    edg = edges[change_points]

    # Transform the found edges back into the original time system
    if (bkgIntegralDistr is not None):
        finalEdges = map(lambda x: lookupTable[x], edg)
        finalEdges = edg

    return np.asarray(finalEdges)
Exemple #6
    if expression:
        compare_times(expression, 1)
    nexpr = 0
    for expr in expressions:
        nexpr += 1
        compare_times(expr, nexpr)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import numexpr


    if len(sys.argv) > 1:
        expression = sys.argv[1]
        print "expression-->", expression

    tratios = numpy.array(numpy_ttime) / numpy.array(numexpr_ttime)
    stratios = numpy.array(numpy_sttime) / numpy.array(numexpr_sttime)
    ntratios = numpy.array(numpy_nttime) / numpy.array(numexpr_nttime)

    print "*************** Numexpr vs NumPy speed-ups *******************"
    #     print "numpy total:", sum(numpy_ttime)/iterations
    #     print "numpy strided total:", sum(numpy_sttime)/iterations
Exemple #7
    # elodie31 = 'Elodie_v3.1.grid.fits'

# Make sure the configuration is coherent for the python installation
    import numexpr
    if not __USE_NUMEXPR__:
except ImportError:
    __USE_NUMEXPR__ = False

    import tables
    tables.parameters.MAX_NUMEXPR_THREADS = __NTHREADS__
    tables.parameters.MAX_BLOSC_THREADS = __NTHREADS__
except ImportError:

Exemple #8
Created on May 5, 2016

A collection of functions to compute derived variables, primarily for WRF but also in general.

@author: Andre R. Erler, GPL v3

# external imports
from warnings import warn
from numexpr import evaluate, set_num_threads, set_vml_num_threads
# numexpr parallelisation: don't parallelize at this point!
set_num_threads(1); set_vml_num_threads(1)
# internal imports
from geodata.base import Variable, VariableError
from utils.constants import sig # used in calculation for clack body radiation

## helper functions

# net radiation balance using black-body radiation from skin temperature
def radiation_black(A, SW, LW, e, Ts, TSmax=None):
  ''' net radiation  [W/m^2] at the surface: downwelling long and short wave minus upwelling terrestrial radiation '''
  if TSmax is None:
    # using average skin temperature for terrestrial long wave emission
    warn('Using average skin temperature; diurnal min/max skin temperature is preferable due to strong nonlinearity.')
    return evaluate('( ( 1 - A ) * SW ) + ( LW * e ) - ( e * sig * Ts**4 )')
    # using min/max skin temperature to account for nonlinearity
    return evaluate('( ( 1 - A ) * SW ) + ( LW * e ) - ( e * sig * ( Ts**4 + TSmax**4 ) / 2 )')

# net radiation balance using accumulated quantities
Exemple #9
def bayesian_blocks(tt, ttstart, ttstop, p0, bkg_integral_distribution=None):
    Divide a series of events characterized by their arrival time in blocks
    of perceptibly constant count rate. If the background integral distribution
    is given, divide the series in blocks where the difference with respect to
    the background is perceptibly constant.

    :param tt: arrival times of the events
    :param ttstart: the start of the interval
    :param ttstop: the stop of the interval
    :param p0: the false positive probability. This is used to decide the penalization on the likelihood, so this
    parameter affects the number of blocks
    :param bkg_integral_distribution: (default: None) If given, the algorithm account for the presence of the background and
    finds changes in rate with respect to the background
    :return: the np.array containing the edges of the blocks

    # Verify that the input array is one-dimensional
    tt = np.asarray(tt, dtype=float)

    assert tt.ndim == 1

    if bkg_integral_distribution is not None:

        # Transforming the inhomogeneous Poisson process into an homogeneous one with rate 1,
        # by changing the time axis according to the background rate
            "Transforming the inhomogeneous Poisson process to a homogeneous one with rate 1..."
        t = np.array(bkg_integral_distribution(tt))

        # Now compute the start and stop time in the new system
        tstart = bkg_integral_distribution(ttstart)
        tstop = bkg_integral_distribution(ttstop)


        t = tt
        tstart = ttstart
        tstop = ttstop

    # Create initial cell edges (Voronoi tessellation)
    edges = np.concatenate([[t[0]], 0.5 * (t[1:] + t[:-1]), [t[-1]]])

    # Create the edges also in the original time system
    edges_ = np.concatenate([[tt[0]], 0.5 * (tt[1:] + tt[:-1]), [tt[-1]]])

    # Create a lookup table to be able to transform back from the transformed system
    # to the original one
    lookup_table = {key: value for (key, value) in zip(edges, edges_)}

    # The last block length is 0 by definition
    block_length = tstop - edges

    if np.sum((block_length <= 0)) > 1:

        raise RuntimeError(
            "Events appears to be out of order! Check for order, or duplicated events."

    N = t.shape[0]

    # arrays to store the best configuration
    best = np.zeros(N, dtype=float)
    last = np.zeros(N, dtype=int)

    # eq. 21 from Scargle 2012
    prior = 4 - np.log(73.53 * p0 * (N**-0.478))

    logger.debug("Finding blocks...")

    # This is where the computation happens. Following Scargle et al. 2012.
    # This loop has been optimized for speed:
    # * the expression for the fitness function has been rewritten to
    #  avoid multiple log computations, and to avoid power computations
    # * the use of scipy.weave and numexpr has been evaluated. The latter
    #  gives a big gain (~40%) if used for the fitness function. No other
    #  gain is obtained by using it anywhere else

    # Set numexpr precision to low (more than enough for us), which is
    # faster than high
    oldaccuracy = numexpr.set_vml_accuracy_mode('low')

    # Speed tricks: resolve once for all the functions which will be used
    # in the loop
    numexpr_evaluate = numexpr.evaluate
    numexpr_re_evaluate = numexpr.re_evaluate

    # Pre-compute this

    aranges = np.arange(N + 1, 0, -1)

    for R in range(N):
        br = block_length[R + 1]
        T_k = block_length[:R +
                           1] - br  # this looks like it is not used, but it actually is,
        # inside the numexpr expression

        # N_k: number of elements in each block
        # This expression has been simplified for the case of
        # unbinned events (i.e., one element in each block)
        # It was:
        #N_k = cumsum(x[:R + 1][::-1])[::-1]
        # Now it is:
        N_k = aranges[N - R:]
        # where aranges has been pre-computed

        # Evaluate fitness function
        # This is the slowest part, which I'm speeding up by using
        # numexpr. It provides a ~40% gain in execution speed.

        # The first time we need to "compile" the expression in numexpr,
        # all the other times we can reuse it

        if R == 0:

            fit_vec = numexpr_evaluate('''N_k * log(N_k/ T_k) ''',
                                           'N_k': N_k,
                                           'T_k': T_k


            fit_vec = numexpr_re_evaluate(local_dict={'N_k': N_k, 'T_k': T_k})

        A_R = fit_vec - prior  # type: np.ndarray

        A_R[1:] += best[:R]

        i_max = A_R.argmax()

        last[R] = i_max
        best[R] = A_R[i_max]



    # Now peel off and find the blocks (see the algorithm in Scargle et al.)
    change_points = np.zeros(N, dtype=int)
    i_cp = N
    ind = N

    while True:

        i_cp -= 1

        change_points[i_cp] = ind

        if ind == 0:


        ind = last[ind - 1]

    change_points = change_points[i_cp:]

    edg = edges[change_points]

    # Transform the found edges back into the original time system

    if (bkg_integral_distribution is not None):

        final_edges = map(lambda x: lookup_table[x], edg)


        final_edges = edg

    # Now fix the first and last edge so that they are tstart and tstop
    final_edges[0] = ttstart
    final_edges[-1] = ttstop

    return np.asarray(final_edges)
Exemple #10
Created on May 5, 2016

A collection of functions to compute derived variables, primarily for WRF but also in general.

@author: Andre R. Erler, GPL v3

# external imports
from warnings import warn
from numexpr import evaluate, set_num_threads, set_vml_num_threads
# numexpr parallelisation: don't parallelize at this point!
# internal imports
from geodata.base import Variable, VariableError
from utils.constants import sig  # used in calculation for clack body radiation

## helper functions

# net radiation balance using black-body radiation from skin temperature
def radiation_black(A, SW, LW, e, Ts, TSmax=None):
    ''' net radiation  [W/m^2] at the surface: downwelling long and short wave minus upwelling terrestrial radiation '''
    if TSmax is None:
        # using average skin temperature for terrestrial long wave emission
            'Using average skin temperature; diurnal min/max skin temperature is preferable due to strong nonlinearity.'
        return evaluate(
            '( ( 1 - A ) * SW ) + ( LW * e ) - ( e * sig * Ts**4 )')
Exemple #11
def bayesian_blocks_not_unique(tt, ttstart, ttstop, p0):
    # Verify that the input array is one-dimensional
    tt = np.asarray(tt, dtype=float)

    assert tt.ndim == 1

    # Now create the array of unique times

    unique_t = np.unique(tt)

    t = tt
    tstart = ttstart
    tstop = ttstop

    # Create initial cell edges (Voronoi tessellation) using the unique time stamps

    edges = np.concatenate([[tstart],
                            0.5 * (unique_t[1:] + unique_t[:-1]),

    # The last block length is 0 by definition
    block_length = tstop - edges

    if np.sum((block_length <= 0)) > 1:
        raise RuntimeError("Events appears to be out of order! Check for order, or duplicated events.")

    N = unique_t.shape[0]

    # arrays to store the best configuration
    best = np.zeros(N, dtype=float)
    last = np.zeros(N, dtype=int)

    # Pre-computed priors (for speed)
    # eq. 21 from Scargle 2012

    priors = 4 - np.log(73.53 * p0 * np.power(np.arange(1, N + 1), -0.478))

    # Count how many events are in each Voronoi cell

    x, _ = np.histogram(t, edges)

    # Speed tricks: resolve once for all the functions which will be used
    # in the loop
    cumsum = np.cumsum
    log = np.log
    argmax = np.argmax
    numexpr_evaluate = numexpr.evaluate
    arange = np.arange

    # Decide the step for reporting progress
    incr = max(int(float(N) / 100.0 * 10), 1)

    logger.debug("Finding blocks...")

    # This is where the computation happens. Following Scargle et al. 2012.
    # This loop has been optimized for speed:
    # * the expression for the fitness function has been rewritten to
    #  avoid multiple log computations, and to avoid power computations
    # * the use of scipy.weave and numexpr has been evaluated. The latter
    #  gives a big gain (~40%) if used for the fitness function. No other
    #  gain is obtained by using it anywhere else

    # Set numexpr precision to low (more than enough for us), which is
    # faster than high
    oldaccuracy = numexpr.set_vml_accuracy_mode('low')

    with progress_bar(N) as progress:

        for R in range(N):
            br = block_length[R + 1]
            T_k = block_length[:R + 1] - br

            # N_k: number of elements in each block
            # This expression has been simplified for the case of
            # unbinned events (i.e., one element in each block)
            # It was:
            N_k = cumsum(x[:R + 1][::-1])[::-1]
            # Now it is:
            # N_k = arange(R + 1, 0, -1)

            # Evaluate fitness function
            # This is the slowest part, which I'm speeding up by using
            # numexpr. It provides a ~40% gain in execution speed.

            fit_vec = numexpr_evaluate('''N_k * log(N_k/ T_k) ''',
                                       local_dict={'N_k': N_k, 'T_k': T_k})

            p = priors[R]

            A_R = fit_vec - p

            A_R[1:] += best[:R]

            i_max = argmax(A_R)

            last[R] = i_max
            best[R] = A_R[i_max]




    # Now find blocks
    change_points = np.zeros(N, dtype=int)
    i_cp = N
    ind = N
    while True:
        i_cp -= 1
        change_points[i_cp] = ind

        if ind == 0:

        ind = last[ind - 1]

    change_points = change_points[i_cp:]

    finalEdges = edges[change_points]

    return np.asarray(finalEdges)
import yfinance as yf
import streamlit as st
import numexpr as ne
import pandas as pd
#HERE: reset number of vml-threads

#App header

Shown are the stock closing price and volume for Google!

#defining a ticker symbol
tickerSymbol = 'GOOGL'

#getting data from ticker
tickerData = yf.Ticker(tickerSymbol)

#getting historical prices from the ticker
tickerDf = tickerData.history(period="1d",

Exemple #13
t0 = time()
z = 2 * y + 4 * x
t1 = time()
gbs = working_set_GB / (t1 - t0)
print("Time for an algebraic expression:     %.3f s / %.3f GB/s" %
      (t1 - t0, gbs))

t0 = time()
z = np.sin(x)**2 + np.cos(y)**2
t1 = time()
gbs = working_set_GB / (t1 - t0)
print("Time for a transcendental expression: %.3f s / %.3f GB/s" %
      (t1 - t0, gbs))

if ne.use_vml:
    print("NumExpr version: %s, Using MKL ver. %s, Num threads: %s" %
          (ne.__version__, ne.get_vml_version(), ne.nthreads))
    print("NumExpr version: %s, Not Using MKL, Num threads: %s" %
          (ne.__version__, ne.nthreads))

t0 = time()
ne.evaluate('2*y + 4*x', out=z)
t1 = time()
gbs = working_set_GB / (t1 - t0)
print("Time for an algebraic expression:     %.3f s / %.3f GB/s" %
      (t1 - t0, gbs))
Exemple #14
    def _evaluate_utilities(self,
                            expressions: Union[ExpressionGroup,
                            n_threads: int = None,
                            logger: Logger = None,
                            allow_casting=True) -> DataFrame:
        if self._decision_units is None:
            raise ModelNotReadyError(
                "Decision units must be set before evaluating utility expressions"
        if n_threads is None:
            n_threads = cpu_count()
        row_index = self._decision_units
        col_index = self.choices

        # if debug, get index location of corresponding id
        debug_label = None
        debug_expr = []
        debug_results = []
        if self.debug_id:
            debug_label = row_index.get_loc(self.debug_id)

        utilities = self._partial_utilities.values

        # Prepare locals, including scalar, vector, and matrix variables that don't need any further processing.
        shared_locals = {
            NAN_STR: np.nan,
            OUT_STR: utilities,
            NEG_INF_STR: NEG_INF_VAL
        for name in expressions.itersimple():
            if name in shared_locals:
            symbol = self._scope[name]
            shared_locals[name] = symbol._get()

        casting_rule = 'same_kind' if allow_casting else 'safe'

        for expr in expressions:
            if logger is not None:
                logger.debug(f"Evaluating expression `{expr.raw}`")
            # TODO: Add error handling

            choice_mask = self._make_column_mask(expr.filter_)

            local_dict = shared_locals.copy(
            )  # Make a shallow copy of the shared symbols

            # Add in any dict literals, expanding them to cover all choices
            expr._prepare_dict_literals(col_index, local_dict)

            # Evaluate any chains on-the-fly
            for symbol_name, usages in expr.chains.items():
                symbol = self._scope[symbol_name]
                for substitution, chain_info in usages.items():
                    data = symbol._get(chain_info=chain_info)
                    local_dict[substitution] = data


            # save each expression and values for a specific od pair
            if self.debug_id:

        nans = np.isnan(utilities)
        n_nans = nans.sum()
        if n_nans > 0:
            raise UtilityBoundsError(
                f"Found {n_nans} cells in utility table with NaN")

        if self.debug_id:  # expressions.tolist() doesn't work...
            self.debug_results = DataFrame(debug_results,

        return DataFrame(utilities, index=row_index, columns=col_index)
Exemple #15
#!/usr/bin/env python

# Import python modules
import sys, os, glob, copy, itertools
from natsort import natsorted
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import numexpr as ne

# Global Variables


from .graph_settings import set_settings, permute_settings  #,get_settings,

from .graph_functions import structure, terms, save  #,analysis

from .texify import Texify  #,scinotation

from .dictionary import _set, _get, _pop, _has, _update, _permute

from .load_dump import setup, path_join  #, load,dump,path_split

# Logging
import logging, logging.handlers
log = 'info'

rootlogger = logging.getLogger()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import numpy as np
import scipy.optimize
import numexpr as ne

log2pi = np.log(2 * np.pi)


class VariationalParams():
    def __init__(self, zeta, phi, lambd, nu_sq, doc_counts):
        self.zeta = zeta
        self.phi = phi
        self.lambd = lambd
        self.nu_sq = nu_sq
        self.weighted_sum_phi = doc_counts.dot(phi)
    def update_ws_phi(self, doc_counts):
        self.weighted_sum_phi = doc_counts.dot(self.phi) #Must be called every time phi is changed
    def __str__(self):
        return "zeta: " + str(self.zeta) + "; phi: " + str(self.phi) + \
            "lambda: " + str(self.lambd) + "; nu_sq: " + str(self.nu_sq)

"""First derivative of f_lambda with respect to lambda.
   Uses the first parameter (passed by the optimizer) as lambda."""
def f_dlambda(lambd, v_params, m_params, doc, counts, N):