Exemple #1
def analytical_stieljes(order, dist, normed=False):
        >>> dist = chaospy.J(chaospy.Uniform(0, 1), chaospy.Beta(3, 4))
        >>> coeffs, orth, norms = analytical_stieljes(2, dist)
        >>> coeffs.round(5)
        array([[[0.5    , 0.5    , 0.5    ],
                [0.42857, 0.46032, 0.47475]],
               [[1.     , 0.08333, 0.06667],
                [1.     , 0.03061, 0.04321]]])
        >>> orth[:, 2].round(5)
        polynomial([q0**2-q0+0.16667, q1**2-0.88889*q1+0.16667])
        >>> norms.round(5)
        array([[1.     , 0.08333, 0.00556],
               [1.     , 0.03061, 0.00132]])
        >>> coeffs, orth, norms = analytical_stieljes(2, dist, normed=True)
        >>> coeffs.round(5)
        array([[[0.5    , 0.5    , 0.5    ],
                [0.42857, 0.46032, 0.47475]],
               [[1.     , 0.08333, 0.06667],
                [1.     , 0.03061, 0.04321]]])
        >>> orth[:, 2].round(5)
        >>> norms.round(5)
        array([[1., 1., 1.],
               [1., 1., 1.]])
    dimensions = len(dist)
    mom_order = numpy.arange(order + 1).repeat(dimensions)
    mom_order = mom_order.reshape(order + 1, dimensions).T
    coeffs = dist.ttr(mom_order)
    coeffs[1, :, 0] = 1.

    var = numpoly.variable(dimensions)
    orth = [numpy.zeros(dimensions), numpy.ones(dimensions)]
    for order_ in range(order):
        orth.append((var - coeffs[0, :, order_]) * orth[-1] -
                    coeffs[1, :, order_] * orth[-2])
    orth = numpoly.polynomial(orth[1:]).T

    norms = numpy.cumprod(coeffs[1], 1)
    if normed:
        orth = numpoly.true_divide(orth, numpy.sqrt(norms))
        norms **= 0

    return coeffs, orth, norms
Exemple #2
def Kurt(poly, dist=None, fisher=True, **kws):
    The forth order statistical moment Kurtosis.

    Element by element 4rd order statistics of a distribution or polynomial.

        poly (numpoly.ndpoly, Distribution):
            Input to take kurtosis on.
        dist (Distribution):
            Defines the space the skewness is taken on. It is ignored if
            ``poly`` is a distribution.
        fisher (bool):
            If True, Fisher's definition is used (Normal -> 0.0). If False,
            Pearson's definition is used (normal -> 3.0)

            Element for element variance along ``poly``, where

        >>> dist = chaospy.J(chaospy.Gamma(1, 1), chaospy.Normal(0, 2))
        >>> chaospy.Kurt(dist).round(4)
        array([6., 0.])
        >>> chaospy.Kurt(dist, fisher=False).round(4)
        array([9., 3.])
        >>> q0, q1 = chaospy.variable(2)
        >>> poly = chaospy.polynomial([1, q0, q1, 10*q0*q1-1])
        >>> chaospy.Kurt(poly, dist).round(4)
        array([nan,  6.,  0., 15.])
        >>> chaospy.Kurt(4., dist)

    adjust = 3 if fisher else 0

    if dist is None:
        dist, poly = poly, numpoly.variable(len(poly))
    poly = numpoly.set_dimensions(poly, len(dist))
    if poly.isconstant():
        return numpy.full(poly.shape, numpy.nan)

    poly = poly - E(poly, dist, **kws)
    poly = numpoly.true_divide(poly, Std(poly, dist, **kws))
    return E(poly**4, dist, **kws) - adjust
Exemple #3
def Skew(poly, dist=None, **kws):
    The third order statistical moment Kurtosis.

    Element by element 3rd order statistics of a distribution or polynomial.

        poly (numpoly.ndpoly, Distribution):
            Input to take skewness on.
        dist (Distribution):
            Defines the space the skewness is taken on. It is ignored if
            ``poly`` is a distribution.

            Element for element variance along ``poly``, where
            ``skewness.shape == poly.shape``.

        >>> dist = chaospy.J(chaospy.Gamma(1, 1), chaospy.Normal(0, 2))
        >>> chaospy.Skew(dist)
        array([2., 0.])
        >>> q0, q1 = chaospy.variable(2)
        >>> poly = chaospy.polynomial([1, q0, q1, 10*q0*q1-1])
        >>> chaospy.Skew(poly, dist)
        array([nan,  2.,  0.,  0.])
        >>> chaospy.Skew(2., dist)

    if dist is None:
        dist, poly = poly, numpoly.variable(len(poly))
    poly = numpoly.set_dimensions(poly, len(dist))
    if poly.isconstant():
        return numpy.full(poly.shape, numpy.nan)

    poly = poly - E(poly, dist, **kws)
    poly = numpoly.true_divide(poly, Std(poly, dist, **kws))
    return E(poly**3, dist, **kws)
Exemple #4
def Skew(poly, dist=None, **kws):
    Skewness operator.

    Element by element 3rd order statistics of a distribution or polynomial.

        poly (chaospy.poly.ndpoly, Dist):
            Input to take skewness on.
        dist (Dist):
            Defines the space the skewness is taken on. It is ignored if
            ``poly`` is a distribution.

            Element for element variance along ``poly``, where
            ``skewness.shape == poly.shape``.

        >>> dist = chaospy.J(chaospy.Gamma(1, 1), chaospy.Normal(0, 2))
        >>> chaospy.Skew(dist)
        array([2., 0.])
        >>> x, y = chaospy.variable(2)
        >>> poly = chaospy.polynomial([1, x, y, 10*x*y])
        >>> chaospy.Skew(poly, dist)
        array([nan,  2.,  0.,  0.])
    if dist is None:
        dist, poly = poly, polynomials.variable(len(poly))
    poly = polynomials.setdim(poly, len(dist))
    if not poly.isconstant:
        return poly.tonumpy()**3

    poly = poly - E(poly, dist, **kws)
    poly = numpoly.true_divide(poly, Std(poly, dist, **kws))
    return E(poly**3, dist, **kws)
def orth_ttr(order,
    Create orthogonal polynomial expansion from three terms recurrence formula.

        order (int):
            Order of polynomial expansion.
        dist (Distribution):
            Distribution space where polynomials are orthogonal If dist.ttr
            exists, it will be used. Must be stochastically independent.
        normed (bool):
            If True orthonormal polynomials will be used.
        graded (bool):
            Graded sorting, meaning the indices are always sorted by the index
            sum. E.g. ``q0**2*q1**2*q2**2`` has an exponent sum of 6, and will
            therefore be consider larger than both ``q0**2*q1*q2``,
            ``q0*q1**2*q2`` and ``q0*q1*q2**2``, which all have exponent sum of
        reverse (bool):
            Reverse lexicographical sorting meaning that ``q0*q1**3`` is
            considered bigger than ``q0**3*q1``, instead of the opposite.
        retall (bool):
            If true return numerical stabilized norms as well. Roughly the same
            as ``cp.E(orth**2, dist)``.
        cross_truncation (float):
            Use hyperbolic cross truncation scheme to reduce the number of
            terms in expansion. only include terms where the exponents ``K``
            satisfied the equation
            ``order >= sum(K**(1/cross_truncation))**cross_truncation``.

        (numpoly.ndpoly, numpy.ndarray):
            Orthogonal polynomial expansion. Norms of the orthogonal
            expansion on the form ``E(orth**2, dist)``. Calculated using
            recurrence coefficients for stability.

        >>> distribution = chaospy.J(chaospy.Normal(), chaospy.Normal())
        >>> polynomials, norms = chaospy.orth_ttr(2, distribution, retall=True)
        >>> polynomials.round(10)
        polynomial([1.0, q1, q0, q1**2-1.0, q0*q1, q0**2-1.0])
        >>> norms.round(10)
        array([1., 1., 1., 2., 1., 2.])
        >>> polynomials = chaospy.orth_ttr(2, distribution, normed=True)
        >>> polynomials.round(3)
        polynomial([1.0, q1, q0, 0.707*q1**2-0.707, q0*q1, 0.707*q0**2-0.707])

    _, polynomials, norms, = chaospy.stieltjes(numpy.max(order), dist)
    if normed:
        polynomials = numpoly.true_divide(polynomials, numpy.sqrt(norms))
        norms[:] = 1.

    polynomials = polynomials.reshape((len(dist), numpy.max(order) + 1))

    order = numpy.array(order)
    indices = numpoly.glexindex(start=0,
                                stop=order + 1,
    if len(dist) > 1:
        polynomials = numpoly.prod(
                [poly[idx] for poly, idx in zip(polynomials, indices.T)]), 0)
        norms = numpy.prod(
            [norms_[idx] for norms_, idx in zip(norms, indices.T)], 0)
        polynomials = polynomials.flatten()
        norms = norms.flatten()

    if retall:
        return polynomials, norms
    return polynomials