Exemple #1
    def __call__(self, F, extrap=True):
        """Evaluate the integral

        F : float, array_like
            input function, internally padded symmetrically to length N with
            power-law extrapolations or zeros
        extrap : bool or 2-tuple of bools, optional
            whether to extrapolate F with power laws or to just pad with zeros
            for the internal paddings.
            In case of a tuple, the two elements are for the left and right
            sides of F respectively

        y : float, array_like
            log-evenly spaced output argument
        G : float, array_like
            output function, with internal paddings discarded
        if len(F) != len(self.x):
            raise ValueError(
                "lengths of input function and argument must match")

        f = self.prefac * self.x**(-self.q) * F

        # pad with power-law extrapolations or zeros
        if isinstance(extrap, bool):
            extrap_l = extrap_r = extrap
        elif isinstance(extrap, tuple) and len(extrap) == 2 and \
                all(isinstance(e, bool) for e in extrap):
            extrap_l, extrap_r = extrap
            raise TypeError(
                "extrap must be either a bool or a tuple of two bools")
        Npad = self.N - len(self.x)
        if extrap_l:
            fpad_l = f[0] * (f[1] / f[0])**numpy.arange(-(Npad // 2), 0)
            fpad_l = numpy.zeros(Npad // 2)
        if extrap_r:
            fpad_r = f[-1] * (f[-1] / f[-2])**numpy.arange(
                1, Npad - Npad // 2 + 1)
            fpad_r = numpy.zeros(Npad - Npad // 2)
        f = numpy.concatenate((fpad_l, f, fpad_r))

        # convolution
        f = rfft(f)  # f(x_n) -> f_m
        g = f * self._u  # f_m -> g_m
        g = hfft(g, self.N) / self.N  # g_m -> g(y_n)

        # discard paddings
        g = g[Npad - Npad // 2:self.N - Npad // 2]

        G = self.postfac * self.y**(-self.q) * g

        return self.y, G
Exemple #2
def ifourier(f_w, dw, n=None, hermitian=True, output_t=False):
    if hermitian:
        len_w = len(f_w)  # length of the one-sided array
        len_w2 = np.max([2 * (len_w - 1), n])  # length of the two-sided arrays
        # if n > len_w2, f_w is zero-padded
        iFf_t = dw / (2. * np.pi) * fft.fftshift(fft.hfft(f_w, len_w2))
        len_w2 = np.max([len(f_w), n])
        shift = -len(f_w) / 2
        iFf_t = dw / (2. * np.pi) * fft.fftshift(
            fft.fft(f_w, len_w2) *
            np.exp(-2j * np.pi / len_w2 * shift * np.arange(len_w2)))

    if output_t:
        #return (t2w(dt * np.arange(len_t)), Ff_w)
        return (2. * np.pi * fft.fftshift(fft.fftfreq(len_w2, dw)), iFf_t)
        return iFf_t
Exemple #3
def ifourier(f_w, dw, n=None, hermitian=True, output_t = False):
  if hermitian:
    len_w = len(f_w)  # length of the one-sided array
    len_w2 = np.max([2 * (len_w - 1), n])  # length of the two-sided arrays
      # if n > len_w2, f_w is zero-padded
    iFf_t = dw / (2. * np.pi) * fft.fftshift(fft.hfft(f_w, len_w2))
    len_w2 = np.max([len(f_w), n])
    shift = -len(f_w) / 2
    iFf_t = dw / (2. * np.pi) * fft.fftshift(
        fft.fft(f_w, len_w2) *
        np.exp(-2j * np.pi / len_w2 * shift * np.arange(len_w2)) )

  if output_t:
    #return (t2w(dt * np.arange(len_t)), Ff_w)
    return (2. * np.pi * fft.fftshift(fft.fftfreq(len_w2, dw)), iFf_t)
    return iFf_t
Exemple #4
def psd(signal, sr=1, N=2048):
    When the input a is a time-domain signal and A = fft(a):
    . np.abs(A) is its amplitude spectrum;
    . np.abs(A)**2 is its power spectrum;
    . np.angle(A) is the phase spectrum.
    f = signal
    ft = fft.hfft(f, N)
    ft_shifted = fft.fftshift(ft)
    aft = np.abs(ft)**2
    aft_shifted = (abs(ft_shifted)**2)
    freq = np.fft.fftfreq(N, d=sr)
    freqs = np.concatenate([freq[int(len(freq) / 2):], [0]])
    freqs = np.concatenate([freqs, freq[1:int(len(freq) / 2)]])
    return freqs, aft_shifted
Exemple #5
def psd(signal, sr=1):
    When the input a is a time-domain signal and A = fft(a): 
    . np.abs(A) is its amplitude spectrum; 
    . np.abs(A)**2 is its power spectrum; 
    . np.angle(A) is the phase spectrum.
    f = signal
    N = 2048
    ft = fft.hfft(f, N)
    ft_shifted = fft.fftshift(ft)
    ft_shifted_real = np.real(fft.fftshift(ft))
    ft_shifted_imag = np.imag(fft.fftshift(ft))
    aft = np.abs(ft)**2
    aft_shifted = abs(ft_shifted)**2
    freq = np.fft.fftfreq(N, d=1 / sr)
    freqs = np.concatenate([freq[int(len(freq) / 2):], [0]])
    freqs = np.concatenate([freqs, freq[1:int(len(freq) / 2)]])
    return freqs, ft_shifted  #, aft_shifted[int(N/2)+1:]#, [int(N/2)+1:]
Exemple #6
def wft(signal, sr=1, N=2048):
    When the input a is a time-domain signal and A = fft(a): 
    . np.abs(A) is its amplitude spectrum; 
    . np.abs(A)**2 is its power spectrum; 
    . np.angle(A) is the phase spectrum.
    f = signal
    ft = fft.hfft(f, N)
    ft_shifted = fft.fftshift(ft)
    aft = np.abs(ft)**2
    aft_shifted = (abs(ft_shifted)**2)
    freq = np.fft.fftfreq(N, d=sr)
    freqs = np.concatenate([freq[int(len(freq) / 2):], [0]])
    freqs = np.concatenate([freqs, freq[1:int(len(freq) / 2)]])

    #for i in range(len(freq)):
    #    if abs(i-f_final)<=.01:
    #        break
    return freq[1:int(N / 2)], ft[1:int(N / 2)]
Exemple #7
def test_hfft_nkwarg():
    assert_eq(hfft(darr, 5), npfft.hfft(nparr, 5))
    assert_eq(hfft(darr, 13), npfft.hfft(nparr, 13))
    assert_eq(hfft(darr2, 5, axis=0), npfft.hfft(nparr, 5, axis=0))
    assert_eq(hfft(darr2, 13, axis=0), npfft.hfft(nparr, 13, axis=0))
    assert_eq(hfft(darr2, 12, axis=0), npfft.hfft(nparr, 12, axis=0))
Exemple #8
def test_hfft():
    assert_eq(hfft(darr), npfft.hfft(nparr))
    assert_eq(hfft(darr2, axis=0), npfft.hfft(nparr, axis=0))
Exemple #9
def phys(q):
    return hfft(fft(q, axis=-2))  # Nx must be even
Exemple #10
def test_hfft_nkwarg():
    assert eq(hfft(darr, 5), npfft.hfft(nparr, 5))
    assert eq(hfft(darr, 13), npfft.hfft(nparr, 13))
    assert eq(hfft(darr2, 5, axis=0), npfft.hfft(nparr, 5, axis=0))
    assert eq(hfft(darr2, 13, axis=0), npfft.hfft(nparr, 13, axis=0))
    assert eq(hfft(darr2, 12, axis=0), npfft.hfft(nparr, 12, axis=0))
Exemple #11
def test_hfft():
    assert eq(hfft(darr), npfft.hfft(nparr))
    assert eq(hfft(darr2, axis=0), npfft.hfft(nparr, axis=0))
Exemple #12
	def phys(q): return ft.hfft(ft.fft(q, axis=-2)) # Nx must be even
