Exemple #1
def Convolve(image1, image2, MinPad=True, pad=True):
    Convolves image1 with image2.

    :param image1: 2D image array
    :param image2: 2D image array
    :param MinPad: whether to use minimal padding
    :param pad: whether to pad the array
    #The size of the images:
    r1, c1 = image1.shape
    r2, c2 = image2.shape

    if MinPad:
        r = r1 + r2
        c = c1 + c2
        r = 2*max(r1,r2)
        c = 2*max(c1,c2)
    #or in power of two
    if pad:
        pr2 = int(m.log(r)/m.log(2.) + 1.)
        pc2 = int(m.log(c)/m.log(2.) + 1.)
        rOrig = r
        cOrig = c
        r = 2**pr2
        c = 2**pc2
    fftimage = fft2(image1, s=(r,c))*fft2(image2[::-1,::-1],s=(r,c))

    if pad:
        return (ifft2(fftimage))[:rOrig,:cOrig].real
        return (ifft2(fftimage)).real
def InitVelField(_N, _M, _h, h, dt, rho=1.0, mu=1.0, DeltaType=0):
    WideLambda = zeros((_N, _M), float64)
    ShortLambda = zeros((_N, _M), float64)
    IB_c.InitWideLaplacian(_N, _M, _h, WideLambda)
    IB_c.InitShortLaplacian(_N, _M, _h, ShortLambda)
    DxSymbol = InitDxSymbol(_N, _M, _h)
    DySymbol = InitDySymbol(_N, _M, _h)

    r = int(ceil(3.0 * h / _h))

    fx = zeros((_N, _M), float64)
    for j in range(-r, r + 1):
        deltx = Delta(h, j * _h, DeltaType)
        for k in range(-r, r + 1):
            delt = deltx * Delta(h, k * _h, DeltaType) * 1.0
            fx[j % _N][k % _M] = fx[j % _N][k % _M] + delt
    #       print j%_N, k%_M, fx[j%_N][k%_M]

    fx, fy = fft2(dt * fx), zeros((_N, _M), float64)

    P = Solve_P_Hat(dt, WideLambda, DxSymbol, DySymbol, fx, fy)
    P[0, 0] = 0.0

    u, v = Solve_uv_Hat(dt, ShortLambda, DxSymbol, DySymbol, P, fx, fy, rho, mu)
    u = 1.0 * ifft2(u).real
    v = 1.0 * ifft2(v).real
    #    P = ifft2(P).real

    Fx1 = array(zeros((_N, _M), float64))
    Fy1 = array(zeros((_N, _M), float64))

    IB_c.WholeGridSpread(u, float(h), float(_h), int(r), Fx1, DeltaType)
    IB_c.WholeGridSpread(v, float(h), float(_h), int(r), Fy1, DeltaType)

    fy = zeros((_N, _M), float64)
    for j in range(-r, r + 1):
        deltx = Delta(h, j * _h, DeltaType)
        for k in range(-r, r + 1):
            delt = deltx * Delta(h, k * _h, DeltaType) * 1.0
            fy[j % _N][k % _M] = fy[j % _N][k % _M] + delt
    #       print j%_N, k%_M, fx[j%_N][k%_M]

    fx, fy = zeros((_N, _M), float64), fft2(dt * fy)

    P = Solve_P_Hat(dt, WideLambda, DxSymbol, DySymbol, fx, fy)
    P[0, 0] = 0.0

    u, v = Solve_uv_Hat(dt, ShortLambda, DxSymbol, DySymbol, P, fx, fy, rho, mu)
    u = 1.0 * ifft2(u).real
    v = 1.0 * ifft2(v).real

    Fx2 = array(zeros((_N, _M), float64))
    Fy2 = array(zeros((_N, _M), float64))

    IB_c.WholeGridSpread(u, float(h), float(_h), int(r), Fx2, DeltaType)
    IB_c.WholeGridSpread(v, float(h), float(_h), int(r), Fy2, DeltaType)

    return Fx1, Fy1, Fx2, Fy2
Exemple #3
def get_stat_spin_struct(filenames,nsamp):
    Gets the static structure factor flatened.
    The q-vectors are given by:
    if type(filenames)!=list:
    if Sq.shape[2]==N:
        # old file format, struct stored in Fourier components
    else :
        # new file format, struct stored as real space site pairs.
        for samp in range(Sq.shape[0]):
            for t in range(N):
        for samp in range(Sq.shape[0]):
    return (Sqxx,Sqyy,Sqzz),(Srxx,Sryy,Srzz)
def update_g(F, G_arg, C, iterations=1, eps=1e-9):
    G = G_arg.copy()
    g = ifft2(G)
    f_rev = np.rot90(ifft2(F), k=2)
    for k in range(int(iterations)):
        blur = (C / (G * F + eps)) * fft2(f_rev)
        G = fftconvolve(G, blur, "same")
        g = ifft2(blur) * g
        G = fft(g)
    return G, ifft2(G)
def do_n_extended_fits(nfits, xsh, ysh, imsize,  gaussfit=False,
        maxoff=None, return_error=False, powerlaw=2.0, noise=1.0,
        unsharp_mask=False, smoothfactor=5, zeropad=0,
        shift_func=cross_correlation_shifts, sfkwargs={},

        import progressbar
        widgets = [progressbar.FormatLabel('Processed: %(value)d offsets in %(elapsed)s)'), progressbar.Percentage()]
        progress = progressbar.ProgressBar(widgets=widgets)
    except ImportError:
        def progress(x):
            yield x

    image = make_extended(imsize, powerlaw=powerlaw)
    if zeropad > 0:
        newsize = [s+zeropad for s in image.shape]
        ylen,xlen = newsize
        xcen = xlen/2-(1-xlen%2) 
        ycen = ylen/2-(1-ylen%2) 
        newim = np.zeros(newsize)
        newim[ycen-image.shape[0]/2:ycen+image.shape[0]/2, xcen-image.shape[1]/2:xcen+image.shape[1]/2] = image
        image = newim

    if unsharp_mask:
        from AG_fft_tools import smooth
        offsets = []
        for ii in progress(xrange(nfits)):
            inim = image-smooth(image,smoothfactor)
            offim = make_offset_extended(image, xsh, ysh, noise=noise, **kwargs)
            offim -= smooth(offim,smoothfactor)
            offsets.append( shift_func( inim, offim,  return_error=return_error, **sfkwargs) )
        offsets = []
        if doplot:
            import pylab
            pylab.figure(3); pylab.subplot(221); pylab.imshow(image-image.mean()); pylab.subplot(222); pylab.imshow(offim-offim.mean())
            #subplot(223); pylab.imshow((abs(fft2(image-image.mean())*conj(fft2(offim-offim.mean())))))
            pylab.subplot(223); pylab.imshow(abs(ifft2((fft2(image)*conj(fft2(offim))))))
            pylab.subplot(224); pylab.imshow(abs(ifft2((fft2(image-image.mean())*conj(fft2(offim-offim.mean()))))))
        for ii in progress(xrange(nfits)):
            offim = make_offset_extended(image, xsh, ysh, noise=noise, **kwargs)
            offsets.append( shift_func( 
                return_error=return_error, **sfkwargs)

    return offsets
def F(wt, t, nu, KX, KY, K):

    # calculate psi in fourier space
    psit = -wt/K

    # calculate the derivatives of psi and w
    # in real space
    psi_x = np.real(fft.ifft2(1.j*KX*psit))
    psi_y = np.real(fft.ifft2(1.j*KY*psit))
    w_x   = np.real(fft.ifft2(1.j*KX*wt))
    w_y   = np.real(fft.ifft2(1.j*KY*wt))

    return fft.fft2(w_x*psi_y - w_y*psi_x) - nu*K*wt
Exemple #7
    def setUp(self):
        # Input
        self.data = hdf5.read_data("example_input.h5")
        C, T, Z, Y, X = self.data[0].shape
        self.data[0].shape = Y, X
        self.small_data = self.data[0][350:400, 325:375]

        # Input drifted by known value
        self.data_drifted = hdf5.read_data("example_drifted.h5")
        C, T, Z, Y, X = self.data_drifted[0].shape
        self.data_drifted[0].shape = Y, X

        # Input drifted by random value
        z = 1j  # imaginary unit
        self.deltar = numpy.random.uniform(-100, 100)
        self.deltac = numpy.random.uniform(-100, 100)
        nr, nc = self.data[0].shape
        array_nr = numpy.arange(-numpy.fix(nr / 2), numpy.ceil(nr / 2))
        array_nc = numpy.arange(-numpy.fix(nc / 2), numpy.ceil(nc / 2))
        Nr = fft.ifftshift(array_nr)
        Nc = fft.ifftshift(array_nc)
        [Nc, Nr] = numpy.meshgrid(Nc, Nr)
        self.data_random_drifted = fft.ifft2(fft.fft2(self.data[0]) * numpy.power(math.e,
        				z * 2 * math.pi * (self.deltar * Nr / nr + self.deltac * Nc / nc)))

        # Noisy inputs
        noise = random.normal(0, 3000, self.data[0].size)
        noise_array = noise.reshape(self.data[0].shape[0], self.data[0].shape[1])

        self.data_noisy = self.data[0] + noise_array
        self.data_drifted_noisy = self.data_drifted[0] + noise_array
        self.data_random_drifted_noisy = self.data_random_drifted + noise_array

        # Small input drifted by random value
        self.small_deltar = numpy.random.uniform(-10, 10)
        self.small_deltac = numpy.random.uniform(-10, 10)
        nr, nc = self.small_data.shape
        array_nr = numpy.arange(-numpy.fix(nr / 2), numpy.ceil(nr / 2))
        array_nc = numpy.arange(-numpy.fix(nc / 2), numpy.ceil(nc / 2))
        Nr = fft.ifftshift(array_nr)
        Nc = fft.ifftshift(array_nc)
        [Nc, Nr] = numpy.meshgrid(Nc, Nr)
        self.small_data_random_drifted = fft.ifft2(fft.fft2(self.small_data) * numpy.power(math.e,
        				z * 2 * math.pi * (self.small_deltar * Nr / nr + self.small_deltac * Nc / nc)))

        # Small noisy inputs
        small_noise = random.normal(0, 3000, self.small_data.size)
        small_noise_array = small_noise.reshape(self.small_data.shape[0], self.small_data.shape[1])

        self.small_data_noisy = self.small_data + small_noise_array
        self.small_data_random_drifted_noisy = self.small_data_random_drifted + small_noise_array
Exemple #8
def task3_2():
    low_pass = normalize_intensity(imread(LOW_PASS))
    high_pass = normalize_intensity(imread(HIGH_PASS))

    img_freq_dom = fft2(a=normalize_intensity(imread(BRICKS_2)))
    apply_low_pass = img_freq_dom * low_pass
    ifft_res = ifft2(a=apply_low_pass)
    output_path = os.path.join(OUTPUT_DIR, "3_2_low_pass_" + os.path.split(BRICKS_2)[-1])
    imsave(output_path, abs(ifft_res))

    apply_high_pass = img_freq_dom * high_pass
    ifft_res = ifft2(a=apply_high_pass)
    output_path = os.path.join(OUTPUT_DIR, "3_2_high_pass_" + os.path.split(BRICKS_2)[-1])
    imsave(output_path, abs(ifft_res))
def remove_lowest(shape, dim=1):
    x_min = amin(real(fft.ifft2(change_n(shape.x_hat, 1E2 * ones(FFT_NDIM)), 

    g = 1/(5*absolute(shape.x[...,dim] - x_min) + 0.5) - 0.5
    g[g<0] = 0
    return g
Exemple #10
def unwhite(arr4d, cachename):
    assert cachename in whiteconfs
    subterm, divterm, fftterm = whiteconfs[cachename]
    farr4d = fft.fft2(arr4d)
    farr4d = farr4d / fftterm
    arr4d = np.real(fft.ifft2(farr4d))
    return arr4d
Exemple #11
    def applyPreconditioner(self, arr):

        ftMap = fft2(arr)

        Ny = (arr.shape)[0]
        Nx = (arr.shape)[1]

        pixScaleX = (
            numpy.abs(self.ra1 - self.ra0)
            / Nx
            * numpy.pi
            / 180.0
            * numpy.cos(numpy.pi / 180.0 * 0.5 * (self.dec0 + self.dec1))
        pixScaleY = numpy.abs(self.dec1 - self.dec0) / Ny * numpy.pi / 180.0

        lx = 2 * numpy.pi * fftfreq(Nx, d=pixScaleX)
        ly = 2 * numpy.pi * fftfreq(Ny, d=pixScaleY)

        ix = numpy.mod(numpy.arange(Nx * Ny), Nx)
        iy = numpy.arange(Nx * Ny) / Nx

        lMap = ftMap * 0.0

        lMap[iy, ix] = numpy.sqrt(lx[ix] ** 2 + ly[iy] ** 2)

        lOverl0 = lMap / self.l0

        Fl = self.A * ((lOverl0) ** self.alpha) / (1.0 + lOverl0 ** self.alpha)

        filteredFtMap = ftMap / Fl

        filteredFtMap[0, 0] = 0.0  # avoids nan and makes mean 0

        arr[:, :] = (numpy.real(ifft2(filteredFtMap)))[:, :]
Exemple #12
def InvLaplacian(field, length=None):

    if length is None:
        length = 2*pi;

    N = shape(field)[0];

    k = array(range(N),dtype=complex128);
    k = concatenate((range(0,N/2),range(-N/2,0)));
    k *= (2*pi)/length;

    [KX, KY] = meshgrid(k,k);

    """ We are trying to solve d_yy(eta) + d_xx(eta)  = p
    Therefore, in Fourier space, it will become
    (-(kx^2 + ky^2) )etaHat = pHat
    delsq = -(KX*KX + KY*KY) ;
    delsq[0,0] = 1;

#    tmp = fft(field,axis=0);
#    tmp = fft(tmp,axis=1);
    tmp = fft2(field);

    tmp = tmp/delsq;

    [xval,yval] = shape(tmp);
    tmp[xval/3:2*xval/3,yval/3:2*yval/3] = 0;

#    tmp = ifft(tmp,axis=1);
#    tmp = ifft(tmp,axis=0);
    tmp = ifft2(tmp);

    return tmp.real;
def whiten_olsh_lee_inner(image, f_0=None, central_clip=(None, None), normalize_pre=True, normalize_post=True,
    height, width = image.shape
    assert height % 2 == 0 and width % 2 == 0, "image must have even size!"
    if normalize_pre:
        image = image - image.mean()  # I personally think this is useless, since rho will make (0,0) freq compoenent 0.
        std_im = image.std(ddof=1)
        assert std_im != 0, "constant image unsupported!"
        image /= std_im

    fx, fy = np.meshgrid(np.arange(-height / 2, height / 2), np.arange(-width / 2, width / 2), indexing='ij')
    rho = np.sqrt(fx * fx + fy * fy)
    if f_0 is None:
        f_0 = 0.4 * (height + width) / 2
    filt = rho * np.exp(-((rho / f_0) ** 4))

    im_f = fft2(image)
    if not no_filter:
        fft_filtered_old = im_f * ifftshift(filt)
    else:  # hack to only lower frequency response.
        print('no real filtering!')
        fft_filtered_old = im_f
    fft_filtered_old = fftshift(fft_filtered_old)
    if central_clip != (None, None):
        fft_filtered_old = fft_filtered_old[height // 2 - central_clip[0] // 2:height // 2 + central_clip[0] // 2,
                           width // 2 - central_clip[1] // 2:width // 2 + central_clip[1] // 2]
    im_out = np.real(ifft2(ifftshift(fft_filtered_old)))
    # I believe since the rho at the (0,0) frequency part is zero, then the whole image should be zero as well.
    # so explicit DC removing is useless.
    if normalize_post:
        assert abs(im_out.mean()) < 1e-6  # should be extremely small.
        std_im_out = im_out.std(ddof=1)
        std_im_out = 1
    return im_out / std_im_out
Exemple #14
    def compute(self, scene: Scene):
        """ Compute optical irradiance map
        Computation proccedure:
            1) convert radiance to irradiance
            2) apply lens and macular transmittance
            3) apply off-axis fall-off (cos4th)
            4) apply optical transfert function

            scene (pyEyeBall.Scene): instance of Scene class, containing the radiance and other scene information

            >>> oi = Optics()
            >>> oi.compute(Scene())
        # set field of view and wavelength samples
        self.fov = scene.fov
        scene.wave = self._wave
        self.dist = scene.dist

        # compute irradiance
        self.photons = pi / (1 + 4 * self.f_number**2 * (1 + abs(self.magnification))**2) * scene.photons

        # apply ocular transmittance
        self.photons *= self.ocular_transmittance

        # apply the relative illuminant (off-axis) fall-off: cos4th function
        x, y = self.spatial_support
        s_factor = np.sqrt(self.image_distance**2 + x**2 + y**2)
        self.photons *= (self.image_distance / s_factor[:, :, None])**4

        # apply optical transfer function of the optics
        for ii in range(self.wave.size):
            otf = fftshift(self.otf(self._wave[ii], self.frequency_support_x, self.frequency_support_y))
            self.photons[:, :, ii] = np.abs(ifftshift(ifft2(otf * fft2(fftshift(self.photons[:, :, ii])))))
Exemple #15
def create_matching_kernel(source_psf, target_psf, window=None):
    Create a kernel to match 2D point spread functions (PSF) using the
    ratio of Fourier transforms.

    source_psf : 2D `~numpy.ndarray`
        The source PSF.  The source PSF should have higher resolution
        (i.e. narrower) than the target PSF.  ``source_psf`` and
        ``target_psf`` must have the same shape and pixel scale.

    target_psf : 2D `~numpy.ndarray`
        The target PSF.  The target PSF should have lower resolution
        (i.e. broader) than the source PSF.  ``source_psf`` and
        ``target_psf`` must have the same shape and pixel scale.

    window : callable, optional
        The window (or taper) function or callable class instance used
        to remove high frequency noise from the PSF matching kernel.
        Some examples include:

        * `~photutils.psf.matching.HanningWindow`
        * `~photutils.psf.matching.TukeyWindow`
        * `~photutils.psf.matching.CosineBellWindow`
        * `~photutils.psf.matching.SplitCosineBellWindow`
        * `~photutils.psf.matching.TopHatWindow`

        For more information on window functions and example usage, see

    kernel : 2D `~numpy.ndarray`
        The matching kernel to go from ``source_psf`` to ``target_psf``.
        The output matching kernel is normalized such that it sums to 1.

    # inputs are copied so that they are not changed when normalizing
    source_psf = np.copy(np.asanyarray(source_psf))
    target_psf = np.copy(np.asanyarray(target_psf))

    if source_psf.shape != target_psf.shape:
        raise ValueError('source_psf and target_psf must have the same shape '
                         '(i.e. registered with the same pixel scale).')

    # ensure input PSFs are normalized
    source_psf /= source_psf.sum()
    target_psf /= target_psf.sum()

    source_otf = fftshift(fft2(source_psf))
    target_otf = fftshift(fft2(target_psf))
    ratio = target_otf / source_otf

    # apply a window function in frequency space
    if window is not None:
        ratio *= window(target_psf.shape)

    kernel = np.real(fftshift((ifft2(ifftshift(ratio)))))
    return kernel / kernel.sum()
Exemple #16
    def _simulate_image(self):
        Generates the fake output.
        with self._acquisition_init_lock:
            pos = self.align.position.value
            logging.debug("Simulating image shift by %s", pos)
            ac, bc = pos.get("a"), pos.get("b")
            ang = math.radians(135)
            # AB->XY
            xc = -(ac * math.sin(ang) + bc * math.cos(ang))
            yc = -(ac * math.cos(ang) - bc * math.sin(ang))
            pixelSize = self.fake_img.metadata[model.MD_PIXEL_SIZE]
            self.fake_img.metadata[model.MD_ACQ_DATE] = time.time()
            x_pxs = xc / pixelSize[0]
            y_pxs = yc / pixelSize[1]

            # Image shifted based on LensAligner position
            z = 1j  # imaginary unit
            self.deltar = x_pxs
            self.deltac = y_pxs
            nr, nc = self.fake_img.shape
            array_nr = numpy.arange(-numpy.fix(nr / 2), numpy.ceil(nr / 2))
            array_nc = numpy.arange(-numpy.fix(nc / 2), numpy.ceil(nc / 2))
            Nr = fft.ifftshift(array_nr)
            Nc = fft.ifftshift(array_nc)
            [Nc, Nr] = numpy.meshgrid(Nc, Nr)
            sim_img = fft.ifft2(fft.fft2(self.fake_img) * numpy.power(math.e,
                            z * 2 * math.pi * (self.deltar * Nr / nr + self.deltac * Nc / nc)))
            output = model.DataArray(abs(sim_img), self.fake_img.metadata)
            return output
def cross_corr(img1,img2,mask=None):
    '''Compute the autocorrelation of two images.
        Right now does not take mask into account.
        todo: take mask into account (requires extra calculations)
            img1: first image
            img2: second image
            mask: a mask array
            the autocorrelation of the two images (same shape as the correlated images)
    #if(mask is not None):
    #   img1 *= mask
    #  img2 *= mask
    #img1_mean = np.mean( img1.flat )
    #img2_mean = np.mean( img2.flat )
    # imgc = fftshift( ifft2(     
    #        fft2(img1/img1_mean -1.0 )*np.conj(fft2( img2/img2_mean -1.0 ))).real )
    #imgc = fftshift( ifft2(     
    #        fft2(  img1/img1_mean  )*np.conj(fft2(  img2/img2_mean   ))).real )
    imgc = fftshift( ifft2(     
            fft2(  img1  )*np.conj(fft2(  img2  ))).real )
    #imgc /= (img1.shape[0]*img1.shape[1])**2
    if(mask is not None):
        maskc = cross_corr(mask,mask)        
        imgc /= np.maximum( 1, maskc )
    return imgc
Exemple #18
def icwt2d(W, a, dx=0.25, dy=0.25, da=0.25, wavelet=Mexican_hat()):
    Inverse bi-dimensional continuous wavelet transform as in Wang and
    Lu (2010), equation [5].
        W (array like):
            Wavelet transform, the result of the cwt2d function.
        a (array like, optional):
            Scale parameter array.
        w (class, optional) :
            Mother wavelet class. Default is Mexican_hat()
        iW (array like) :
            Inverse wavelet transform.
    m0, l0, k0 = W.shape
    if m0 != a.size:
        raise Warning('Scale parameter array shape does not match wavelet' \
                       ' transform array shape.')
    # Calculates the zonal and meridional wave numters.
    L, K = 2 ** int(ceil(log2(l0))), 2 ** int(ceil(log2(k0)))
    # Calculates the zonal and meridional wave numbers.
    l, k = fftfreq(L, dy), fftfreq(K, dx)
    # Creates empty inverse wavelet transform array and fills it for every 
    # discrete scale using the convolution theorem.
    iW = zeros((m0, L, K), 'complex')
    for i, an in enumerate(a):
        psi_ft_bar = an * wavelet.psi_ft(an * k, an * l)
        W_ft = fft2(W[i, :, :], s=(L, K))
        iW[i, :, :] = ifft2(W_ft * psi_ft_bar, s=(L, K)) * da / an ** 2.

    return iW[:, :l0, :k0].real.sum(axis=0) / wavelet.cpsi
def filterDFT(imageMatrix, filterMatrix):
   shiftedDFT = fftshift(fft2(imageMatrix))
   misc.imsave("dft.png", scaleSpectrum(shiftedDFT))

   filteredDFT = shiftedDFT * filterMatrix
   misc.imsave("filtered-dft.png", scaleSpectrum(filteredDFT))
   return ifft2(ifftshift(filteredDFT))
Exemple #20
def delay_fringe_rate(tf_plane,padding=1):
    if isnan(tf_plane).sum() > 0:
        ValueError('*tf_plane* contains NaN values. Please sanitize it before plotting using, e.g. tf_plane[isnan(tf_plane)] == 0.0, or pyautoplot.utilities.set_nan_zero(tf_plane)')
    nt,nf = tf_plane.shape
    padded_plane[:,(padding//2):(padding//2+nf)] = tf_plane.data*logical_not(tf_plane.mask)
    return fftshift(ifft2(padded_plane))
def high_pass_filter(img, filtersize=10):
    A FFT implmentation of high pass filter from pyKLIP.
        img: a 2D image
        filtersize: size in Fourier space of the size of the space. In image space, size=img_size/filtersize
        filtered: the filtered image
    if filtersize == 0:
        return img
    # mask NaNs
    nan_index = np.where(np.isnan(img))
    img[nan_index] = 0

    transform = fft.fft2(img)

    # coordinate system in FFT image
    u,v = np.meshgrid(fft.fftfreq(transform.shape[1]), fft.fftfreq(transform.shape[0]))
    # scale u,v so it has units of pixels in FFT space
    rho = np.sqrt((u*transform.shape[1])**2 + (v*transform.shape[0])**2)
    # scale rho up so that it has units of pixels in FFT space
    # rho *= transform.shape[0]
    # create the filter
    filt = 1. - np.exp(-(rho**2/filtersize**2))

    filtered = np.real(fft.ifft2(transform*filt))

    # restore NaNs
    filtered[nan_index] = np.nan
    img[nan_index] = np.nan

    return filtered
def F(t, wt2, nu, K, K2, n, KX, KY):

    # reshape 1d array into 2d array
    wt = wt2.reshape(n, n)

    # calculate psi in fourier space
    psit = -wt/K

    # calculate the derivatives of psi and w
    # in real space
    psi_x = np.real(fft.ifft2(1.j*KX*psit))
    psi_y = np.real(fft.ifft2(1.j*KY*psit))
    w_x   = np.real(fft.ifft2(1.j*KX*wt))
    w_y   = np.real(fft.ifft2(1.j*KY*wt))

    return fft.fft2(w_x*psi_y - w_y*psi_x).flatten() - nu*K2*wt2
    def on_timer(self, *args):
        if not self.need_redraw: return
        self.need_redraw = False
        length = len(self.lasso_selection.dataspace_points)
        if length == 0: return
        def convert_poly(poly):
            tmp = cv.asvector_Point2i(poly)            
            return cv.vector_vector_Point2i([tmp])
        # 在遮罩数组上绘制套索多边形
        for poly in self.lasso_selection.disjoint_selections: 
            poly = poly.astype(np.int)
            print poly.shape
            cv.fillPoly(self.mask_img, convert_poly(poly), cv.Scalar(1,1,1,1))
            poly = N - poly # 绘制对称多边形
            cv.fillPoly(self.mask_img, convert_poly(poly), cv.Scalar(1,1,1,1))

        # 更新遮罩图像
        self.data["mask_img"] = self.mask
        # 更新滤波图像    
        data = self.data["filtered_img"]
        data[:] = fft.ifft2(self.fimg * fft.fftshift(self.mask)).real
        self.data["filtered_img"] = data
Exemple #24
def acf(x, axes=(0,1)):
    2D ACF using fft


    x is ndarray with shape (nt, nx)
    from numpy.fft import fft2, ifft2, fftshift

    if x.ndim == 1:
        x = x[:,None]
    elif x.ndim == 2:
        raise NotImplementedError

    nt, nx = x.shape

    padding = np.zeros((nt, nx))

    x = np.concatenate((x, padding))

    fx = fft2(x, axes=axes)
    ac=  np.real(ifft2(fx * np.conj(fx), axes=axes))[:(nt-10),:] / nx / np.arange(nt, 10, -1)[:,None]

    ac = ac[:nt/2, :nx/2]

    return ac
Exemple #25
 def blur_image(self, image, b_length, b_theta):
     """ Return a blurred image
     image -- x by y image (gabor wavelet in this case) (list)
     b_length -- length of blur
     b_theta -- angle of blur
     blurred -- blurred x by y image (list)
     x,y = shape(image)
     #x and y switched because the result of shape refers to 
     #columns and rows 
     self.face_y = x
     self.face_x = y
     h = filt_mblur(b_length, b_theta)
     H = psf2otf(h, (x,y))
     self.blur_resp = H
     Image = fft2(image)
     Blurred = multiply(H,Image)
     blurred = ifft2(Blurred)
     return blurred
def calculate(imageFFT, phaseSymmetry, symmetryTotal, amplitudeTotal):
	for a in range(1,orientations + 1):
		symmetryAtOrientation = np.zeros((image.shape[0], image.shape[1]))
		amplitudeAtOrientation = np.zeros((image.shape[0], image.shape[1]))
		for n in range(scales):		
			kernel = bank[a - 1][n]		
			convolved = imageFFT * kernel
			s1 = np.array(kernel.shape)
			s2 = np.array(imageFFT.shape)
			convolved = fft.ifft2(convolved)
			evens = np.real(convolved)
			odds = np.imag(convolved)
			amplitude = np.sqrt(np.power(evens, 2) + np.power(odds, 2)) 
			amplitudeAtOrientation += amplitude
			symmetryAtOrientation += np.maximum((np.abs(evens) - np.abs(odds))  , floor)
		amplitudeTotal += np.add(amplitudeAtOrientation, 0.00001)
		symmetryTotal += symmetryAtOrientation

	phaseSymmetry = np.divide(symmetryTotal , amplitudeTotal)
	phaseSymmetry[mask < 0.2] = 0.0
	return phaseSymmetry
Exemple #27
def subpixel_shift(img_arr, dx=0.5, inplace=True):
    Shifts an image by a fraction of a pixel in a random direction,
    with circular boundary conditions.

        img_arr (2D ndarray): array to subpixel shift in a random direction
        dx (float): distance in pixel to shift by
        inplace (bool): if True, will modify the array inplace


    f = fft.fft2(img_arr, axes=(0, 1))
    g = np.meshgrid(

    u = npr.normal(0, 1, size=2)
    fk = g[0] * u[0] + g[1] * u[1]
    phi = np.exp(2j * np.pi * dx * fk)

    out = np.real(fft.ifft2(phi[..., np.newaxis] * f, axes=(0, 1)))
    if inplace:
        img_arr[:] = out[:]
        return out
Exemple #28
def circulantPinkNoiseIterator(p, powerspectrum_sample_size, patchSampler, orientation='F'):

    Samples pxp patches from circulant pink noise with power spectrum from patchSampler.

    The images are vectorized in FORTRAN/MATLAB style by default.

    :param p: patch size
    :type p: int
    :param powerspectrum_sample_size: number of patches to sample from sampler for power spectrum
    :type powerspectrum_sample_size: int
    :param patchSampler: Iterator to sample patches from
    :type patchSampler: Iterator
    :param orientation: 'C' (C/Python, row-major) or 'F' (FORTRAN/MATLAB, column-major) vectorized patches
    :type orientation: string
    :returns: Iterator that samples from all files
    :rtype: Iterator


    patches = zeros((p**2, powerspectrum_sample_size))
    stdout.write('Initialize power spectrum of circulant pink noise generator. This may take a moment...\n')
    for ii in xrange(powerspectrum_sample_size):
        patches[:,ii] = patchSampler.next()
    PATCHES = fft.fft2(patches.reshape(p,p,powerspectrum_sample_size), axes=(0,1))
    powerspec = (PATCHES*PATCHES.conj()).mean(2).real
    stdout.write('Powerspectrum completed.\n')

    while True:
        phi = rand(p,p)*2*pi - pi
        X = fft.ifft2(sqrt(powerspec)*exp(1J*phi), axes=(0,1)).real.flatten(orientation)
        yield X

Exemple #29
    def _step(self):
        fft2,ifft2 = self.get_fft()

        if self._F_is_constant:
            self.__freq_data *= self.__D_step * self.__R_step
            self.__data = ifft2(self.__freq_data)
        elif self._F_is_constant_in_z:
            self.__freq_data = fft2(self.__data)
            self.__freq_data *= self.__D_step
            self.__data = ifft2(self.__freq_data)
            self.__data *= self.__R_step
            self.__freq_data = fft2(self.__data)
            self.__freq_data *= self.__D_step
            self.__data = ifft2(self.__freq_data)
            self.__data *= self.__R(*self._get_coordinates())
Exemple #30
    def gradient_helper(self, x, shape, ctr):
        """Not sure exactly what this does yet.

        i_t : int
            Epoch index.
        x : np.ndarray (3-d)
            Same shape as *data* for single epoch (nw, ny, nx).
        xcoords : np.ndarray (1-d)
        ycoords : np.ndarray (1-d)

        x : np.ndarray (3-d)
            Shape is (nw, len(ycoords), len(xcoords)).

        # shift necessary to put model onto data coordinates
        offset = yxoffset((self.ny, self.nx), shape, ctr)
        fshift = fft_shift_phasor_2d((self.ny, self.nx), (-offset[0], -offset[1]))
        fshift = np.asarray(fshift, dtype=self.complex_dtype)

        # create output array
        out = np.zeros((self.nw, self.ny, self.nx), dtype=self.dtype)
        out[:, : x.shape[1], : x.shape[2]] = x

        for i in range(self.nw):
            tmp = ifft2(np.conj(self.fftconv[i, :, :] * fshift) * fft2(out[i, :, :]))
            out[i, :, :] = tmp.real

        return out
Exemple #31
def calc_2nd_cumulant(v1, v2=None, mask=None, axes=(-2, -1)):
    Calculate 2nd-order cumulant of v1 and v2 in Fourier space. If mask is
    supplied the region outside the mask is set to the mean of the masked
    region, so that this region does not contribute to the cumulant

    If axes is a sequence with only one item then the cumulant is only
    calculated along that axis and the others are left unchanged.

    if v2 is not None:
        assert v1.shape == v2.shape
        assert v1.dims == v2.dims

    assert len(axes) in [1, 2]
    v_shape = v1.shape

    x_dim = v1.dims[axes[0]]
    Nx = v_shape[axes[0]]
    if len(axes) == 1:
        mean_axis = axes[0]
        mean_axis = None
        y_dim = v1.dims[axes[1]]
        Ny = v_shape[axes[1]]

    old_attrs = v1.attrs
    v1 = v1 - v1.mean(axis=mean_axis)
    v1.attrs = old_attrs
    if v2 is not None:
        v2_old_attrs = v2.attrs
        v2 = v2 - v2.mean(axis=mean_axis)
        v2.attrs = v2_old_attrs

    if mask is not None:
        assert v1.shape == mask.shape
        assert v1.dims == mask.dims

        # set outside the masked region to the mean so that values in this
        # region don't correlate with the rest of the domain
        v1 = v1.where(mask.values, other=0.0)

        if v2 is not None:
            v2 = v2.where(mask.values, other=0.0)

    V1 = fft.fft2(v1, axes=axes)
    if v2 is None:
        v2 = v1
        V2 = V1
        V2 = fft.fft2(v2, axes=axes)

    c_vv_fft = fft.ifft2(V1 * V2.conjugate(), axes=axes)

    c_vv = c_vv_fft.real / Nx
    if len(axes) == 2:
        c_vv /= Ny
    # it's most handy to have this centered on (0,0)
    c_vv = np.roll(c_vv, shift=int(Nx / 2), axis=axes[0])
    if len(axes) == 2:
        c_vv = np.roll(c_vv, shift=int(Ny / 2), axis=axes[1])

    # let's give it a useful name and description
    long_name = r"$C({},{})$".format(
        _var_name_mapping.get(v1.name, v1.long_name),
        _var_name_mapping.get(v2.name, v2.long_name),
    v1_name = v1.name if v1.name is not None else v1.long_name
    v2_name = v2.name if v2.name is not None else v2.long_name
    name = "C({},{})".format(v1_name, v2_name)

    # create displacement coordinate for cumulant data
    def _calc_offset_coord(v_coord):
        if np.issubdtype(v_coord.dtype, np.datetime64):
            # for datetime we could use timedelta, but matplotlib can't plot
            # these and so we convert to number of seconds here
            v_center = v_coord.min() + 0.5 * (v_coord.max() - v_coord.min())
            v_coord_new = v_coord - v_center
            v_coord_new = xr.DataArray(
                v_coord_new.values.astype("timedelta64[ns]").astype(int) /
            v_coord_new = v_coord - 0.5 * (v_coord.min() + v_coord.max())
        return v_coord_new

    x_cvv = _calc_offset_coord(v1[x_dim])
    # start of with original coords
    coords_cvv = v1.coords
    coords_cvv[x_dim] = x_cvv
    if len(axes) == 2:
        y_cvv = _calc_offset_coord(v1[y_dim])
        coords_cvv[y_dim] = y_cvv

    if mask is not None:
        long_name = "{} masked by {}".format(long_name, mask.long_name)

    attrs = dict(units="{} {}".format(v1.units, v2.units), long_name=long_name)

    return xr.DataArray(c_vv,
Exemple #32
def measure_offset_from_ffts(img0_fft2, img1_fft2, withLog=False):
    Convenience method to measure the actual offset between 2 images taing their FFTs as inpuy
    The first FFT one is the one of the reference. That means, if the image to be shifted is the
    second one, the shift has to be multiplied byt -1.
    :param img1: ndarray, FFT of first image
    :param img2: ndarray, FFT of the second image, same shape as img1
    :param withLog: shall we return logs as well ? boolean
    :return: tuple of floats with the offsets of the second respect to the first
    shape = img0_fft2.shape
    logs = []
    f0 = img0_fft2
    f1 = img1_fft2
    t0 = time.time()
    absf0 = abs(f0)
    absf1 = abs(f1)
    if 0:
        # one way to deal with zeros
        if (absf0 < 1.0e-20).any() or (absf1 < 1.0e-20).any():
            ofsset = [0.0, 0.0]
            logs.append("MeasureOffset: empty or uniform image?")
            if withLog:
                return offset, logs
                return offset
        # this one seems better because numerator is expected to be zero
        idx = absf0 < 1.0e-20
        if idx.any():
            absf0[idx] = 1.0
        idx = absf1 < 1.0e-20
        if idx.any():
            absf1[idx] = 1.0
    res = abs(fftshift(ifft2((f0 * f1.conjugate()) / (absf0 * absf1))))
    t1 = time.time()
    a0, a1 = numpy.unravel_index(numpy.argmax(res), shape)
    resmax = res[a0, a1]
    coarse_result = (shape[0] // 2 - a0, shape[1] // 2 - a1)
    logs.append("ImageRegistration: coarse result : %d %d " % \
                               (coarse_result[0], coarse_result[1]))
    # refine a bit the position
    w = 3
    x0 = 0.0
    x1 = 0.0
    total = 0.0
    a00 = int(max(a0 - w, 0))
    a01 = int(min(a0 + w + 1, shape[0]))
    a10 = int(max(a1 - w, 0))
    a11 = int(min(a1 + w + 1, shape[1]))
    if a00 == a01:
        a01 = a00 + 1
    if a10 == a11:
        a11 = a10 + 1
    for i in range(a00, a01):
        for j in range(a10, a11):
            if res[i, j] > 0.1 * resmax:
                tmp = res[i, j]
                x0 += i * tmp
                x1 += j * tmp
                total += tmp
    offset = [shape[0] // 2 - x0 / total, shape[1] // 2 - x1 / total]
        "MeasureOffset: fine result of the centered image: %.3f %.3fs " %
        (offset[0], offset[1]))
    t3 = time.time()
    logs.append("Total execution time %.3fs" % (t3 - t0))
    if withLog:
        return offset, logs
        return offset
Exemple #33
def similarity(bn0, bn1):
    """Register bn1 to bn0 ,  M. Canty 2012
bn0, bn1 and returned result are image bands
Modified from Imreg.py, see http://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/:
 Copyright (c) 2011-2012, Christoph Gohlke
 Copyright (c) 2011-2012, The Regents of the University of California
 Produced at the Laboratory for Fluorescence Dynamics
 All rights reserved.

    def highpass(shape):
        """Return highpass filter to be multiplied with fourier transform."""
        x = np.outer(
            np.cos(np.linspace(-math.pi / 2., math.pi / 2., shape[0])),
            np.cos(np.linspace(-math.pi / 2., math.pi / 2., shape[1])))
        return (1.0 - x) * (2.0 - x)

    def logpolar(image, angles=None, radii=None):
        """Return log-polar transformed image and log base."""
        shape = image.shape
        center = shape[0] / 2, shape[1] / 2
        if angles is None:
            angles = shape[0]
            if radii is None:
                radii = shape[1]
        theta = np.empty((angles, radii), dtype=np.float64)
        theta.T[:] = -np.linspace(0, np.pi, angles, endpoint=False)
        #      d = radii
        d = np.hypot(shape[0] - center[0], shape[1] - center[1])
        log_base = 10.0 ** (math.log10(d) / (radii))
        radius = np.empty_like(theta)
        radius[:] = np.power(log_base, np.arange(radii, dtype = np.float64)) - 1.0
        x = radius * np.sin(theta) + center[0]
        y = radius * np.cos(theta) + center[1]
        output = np.empty_like(x)
        ndii.map_coordinates(image, [x, y], output=output)
        return output, log_base

    lines0, samples0 = bn0.shape
    #  make reference and warp bands same shape
    bn1 = bn1[0:lines0, 0:samples0]
    #  get scale, angle
    f0 = fftshift(abs(fft2(bn0)))
    f1 = fftshift(abs(fft2(bn1)))
    h = highpass(f0.shape)
    f0 *= h
    f1 *= h
    del h
    f0, log_base = logpolar(f0)
    f1, log_base = logpolar(f1)
    f0 = fft2(f0)
    f1 = fft2(f1)
    r0 = abs(f0) * abs(f1)
    ir = abs(ifft2((f0 * f1.conjugate()) / r0))
    i0, i1 = np.unravel_index(np.argmax(ir), ir.shape)
    angle = 180.0 * i0 / ir.shape[0]
    scale = log_base ** i1
    if scale > 1.8:
        ir = abs(ifft2((f1 * f0.conjugate()) / r0))
        i0, i1 = np.unravel_index(np.argmax(ir), ir.shape)
        angle = -180.0 * i0 / ir.shape[0]
        scale = 1.0 / (log_base ** i1)
        if scale > 1.8:
            raise ValueError("Images are not compatible. Scale change > 1.8")
    if angle < -90.0:
        angle += 180.0
    elif angle > 90.0:
        angle -= 180.0
    #  re-scale and rotate and then get shift
    bn2 = ndii.zoom(bn1, 1.0 / scale)
    bn2 = ndii.rotate(bn2, angle)
    if bn2.shape < bn0.shape:
        t = np.zeros_like(bn0)
        t[:bn2.shape[0], :bn2.shape[1]] = bn2
        bn2 = t
    elif bn2.shape > bn0.shape:
        bn2 = bn2[:bn0.shape[0], :bn0.shape[1]]
    f0 = fft2(bn0)
    f1 = fft2(bn2)
    ir = abs(ifft2((f0 * f1.conjugate()) / (abs(f0) * abs(f1))))
    t0, t1 = np.unravel_index(np.argmax(ir), ir.shape)
    if t0 > f0.shape[0] // 2:
        t0 -= f0.shape[0]
    if t1 > f0.shape[1] // 2:
        t1 -= f0.shape[1]
    #  return result
    return (scale, angle, [t0, t1])
Exemple #34
def inverse(input, PSF, eps):  # 逆滤波
    input_fft = fft.fft2(input)
    PSF_fft = fft.fft2(PSF) + eps  #噪声功率,这是已知的,考虑epsilon
    result = fft.ifft2(input_fft / PSF_fft)  #计算F(u,v)的傅里叶反变换
    result = np.abs(fft.fftshift(result))
    return result
Exemple #35
    plt.xlim([0, 1])
    plt.xlabel('PV Defocus [$\lambda$]')
    plt.ylabel('Relative power')
    """ Fourier stuff """
    """ (1) Pupil Plane """
    pupil_f = pupil * np.exp(2 * np.pi * 1j * np.zeros_like(pupil))
    """ (2) Slicer Focal Plane """
    slicer_plane = fftshift(fft2(pupil_f))
    # Mask one Slice
    masked_slicer = mask_slice * slicer_plane
    slicer_image = (np.abs(masked_slicer))**2 / PEAK
    """ (3) Pupil Plane"""
    pupil_mirror = ifft2(fftshift(masked_slicer))
    pupil_image = (np.abs(pupil_mirror))**2
    # pup_pix = int(3*N_PIX /4)
    pup_pix = int(N_PIX / 4)

    # Pupil Mirror Aperture
    mask_pupil = np.zeros((N_PIX, N_PIX)).astype(bool)
    mask_pupil[(N_PIX - pup_pix) // 2:(N_PIX + pup_pix) // 2, :] = True
    # masked_pupil_image = mask_pupil * pupil_image
    masked_pupil_image = mask_pupil * pupil_image

    # Real and Imaginary part of Pupil Mirror E_field
    plt.plot(np.real(pupil_mirror)[:, N_PIX // 2])
    # plt.axvline((N_PIX-pup_pix)//2, color='black', linestyle='--')
    # plt.axvline((N_PIX+pup_pix)//2, color='black', linestyle='--')
Exemple #36
def phasecong2(im):
    nscale = 4
    norient = 4
    minWaveLength = 6
    mult = 2
    sigmaOnf = 0.55
    dThetaOnSigma = 1.2
    k = 2.0
    epsilon = .0001
    thetaSigma = np.pi / norient / dThetaOnSigma

    _, _, rows, cols = im.shape
    imagefft = torch.rfft(im, 2, onesided=False)

    lp = lowpassfilter((rows, cols), .45, 15)

    radius, _, _ = filtergrid(rows, cols)
    radius[0, 0] = 1.
    logGaborList = []
    logGaborDenom = 2. * np.log(sigmaOnf)**2.
    for s in range(nscale):
        wavelength = minWaveLength * mult**s
        fo = 1. / wavelength  # Centre frequency of filter
        logRadOverFo = (np.log(radius / fo))
        logGabor = np.exp(-(logRadOverFo * logRadOverFo) / logGaborDenom)
        logGabor *= lp  # Apply the low-pass filter
        logGabor[0, 0] = 0.  # Undo the radius fudge

    # Matrix of radii
    cy = np.floor(rows / 2)
    cx = np.floor(cols / 2)
    y, x = np.mgrid[0:rows, 0:cols]
    y = (y - cy) / rows
    x = (x - cx) / cols
    radius = np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2)
    theta = np.arctan2(-y, x)
    radius = ifftshift(
        radius)  # Quadrant shift radius and theta so that filters
    theta = ifftshift(
        theta)  # are constructed with 0 frequency at the corners.
    radius[0, 0] = 1
    sintheta = np.sin(theta)
    costheta = np.cos(theta)

    spreadList = []
    for o in np.arange(norient):
        angl = o * np.pi / norient  # Filter angle.
        ds = sintheta * math.cos(angl) - costheta * math.sin(
            angl)  # Difference in sine.
        dc = costheta * math.cos(angl) + sintheta * math.sin(
            angl)  # Difference in cosine.
        dtheta = np.abs(np.arctan2(ds, dc))  # Absolute angular distance.
        # dtheta = np.minimum(dtheta*NumberAngles/2, math.pi)
        spread = np.exp((-dtheta**2) / (2 * thetaSigma**2))
        # Calculate the angular

    ifftFilterArray = [[], [], [], []]
    filterArray = [[], [], [], []]
    for o in np.arange(norient):
        for s in np.arange(nscale):
            filter = logGaborList[s] * spreadList[o]
                torch.from_numpy(filter).reshape(1, 1, rows,
            ifftFilt = np.real(ifft2(filter)) * math.sqrt(rows * cols)
                torch.from_numpy(ifftFilt).reshape(1, 1, rows,

    EnergyAll = 0
    AnAll = 0
    for o in np.arange(norient):
        sumE_ThisOrient = 0
        sumO_ThisOrient = 0
        sumAn_ThisOrient = 0
        Energy = 0
        MatrixEOList = []
        for s in np.arange(nscale):
            filter = filterArray[o][s]
            c = imagefft * filter.unsqueeze(-1).repeat(1, 1, 1, 1, 2)
            MatrixEO = torch.ifft(
                imagefft * filter.unsqueeze(-1).repeat(1, 1, 1, 1, 2), 2)

            An = abs(MatrixEO)  # Amplitude of even & odd filter response.
            sumAn_ThisOrient = sumAn_ThisOrient + An  # Sum of amplitude responses.
            sumE_ThisOrient = sumE_ThisOrient + real(
                MatrixEO)  # Sum of even filter convolution results.
            sumO_ThisOrient = sumO_ThisOrient + imag(
                MatrixEO)  # Sum of odd filter convolution results.

            if s == 0:
                EM_n = torch.sum(filter**2, dim=[1, 2, 3])
                maxAn = An
                maxAn = torch.max(maxAn, An)

        XEnergy = torch.sqrt(sumE_ThisOrient**2 + sumO_ThisOrient**2 +
                             1e-12) + epsilon
        MeanE = sumE_ThisOrient / XEnergy
        MeanO = sumO_ThisOrient / XEnergy
        for s in np.arange(nscale):
            EO = MatrixEOList[s]
            E = real(EO)
            O = imag(EO)
            Energy = Energy + E * MeanE + O * MeanO - torch.abs(E * MeanO -
                                                                O * MeanE)

        meanE2n = torch.median((abs(MatrixEOList[0])**2).view(im.shape[0], -1),
                               dim=1)[0] / -math.log(0.5)

        noisePower = meanE2n / EM_n
        EstSumAn2 = 0
        for s in np.arange(nscale):
            EstSumAn2 = EstSumAn2 + ifftFilterArray[o][s]**2
        EstSumAiAj = 0
        for si in np.arange(nscale - 1):
            for sj in np.arange(si + 1, nscale):
                EstSumAiAj = EstSumAiAj + ifftFilterArray[o][
                    si] * ifftFilterArray[o][sj]
        sumEstSumAn2 = torch.sum(EstSumAn2, dim=[1, 2, 3])
        sumEstSumAiAj = torch.sum(EstSumAiAj, dim=[1, 2, 3])

        EstNoiseEnergy2 = 2 * noisePower * sumEstSumAn2 + 4 * noisePower * sumEstSumAiAj

        tau = torch.sqrt(EstNoiseEnergy2 / 2 + 1e-12)
        EstNoiseEnergySigma = torch.sqrt((2 - math.pi / 2) * tau**2 + 1e-12)
        T = tau * math.sqrt(math.pi / 2) + k * EstNoiseEnergySigma
        T = T / 1.7
        Energy = F.relu(Energy - T.view(-1, 1, 1, 1))

        EnergyAll = EnergyAll + Energy
        AnAll = AnAll + sumAn_ThisOrient

    ResultPC = EnergyAll / AnAll
    return ResultPC
Exemple #37
def compute_sampling_image(scene, antennas):
    if len(antennas) < 2:
        return False
    w = scene.interferometry.image_width
    h = scene.interferometry.image_height
    numpixels = w * h
    if w < 1 or h < 1:
        return False

    Bmax = 0.0
    for i, a in enumerate(antennas):
        for b in antennas[i + 1:]:
            B = (b.xy - a.xy).length
            if B > Bmax:
                Bmax = B
    # bounds_min = antennas[0].xy
    # bounds_max = antennas[0].xy
    # for a in antennas[1:]:
    #     if a.x < bounds_min.x:
    #         bounds_min.x = a.x
    #     if a.x > bounds_max.x:
    #         bounds_max.x = a.x
    #     if a.y < bounds_min.y:
    #         bounds_min.y = a.y
    #     if a.y > bounds_max.y:
    #         bounds_max.y = a.y

    epsilon = 1.0e-6
    scale = (min(w, h) / 4) / Bmax
    invscale = 1.0 / scale if scale > epsilon else 1.0

    # Construct sampling from baselines
    # For real-valued output the input is complex conjugate
    # and irfft expects only the positive components.
    sampling = np.zeros((h, w), dtype=np.complex64)
    num_baselines = len(antennas) * (len(antennas) - 1)
    for i, a in enumerate(antennas):
        for b in antennas[i + 1:]:
            B = b.xy - a.xy
            s = B * scale
            # Symmetric sampling in the uv space
            sampling[int(h / 2 + 0.5 + s.y), int(w / 2 + 0.5 + s.x)] = 1.0
            sampling[int(h / 2 + 0.5 - s.y), int(w / 2 + 0.5 - s.x)] = 1.0

    # Compute point spread function
    fftin = fft.ifftshift(sampling)
    fftout = fft.ifft2(fftin)
    pointspread = fft.fftshift(fftout) * numpixels / num_baselines

        get_image=lambda scene: scene.interferometry.get_sampling_image(create=
        get_image=lambda scene: scene.interferometry.get_pointspread_image(
        pixels=ndarray_to_pixels(pointspread, mapping=(0.0, 1.0)),

    return True
    IB_c.CentralDerivative_x(N, M, h, u, ux)
    IB_c.CentralDerivative_x(N, M, h, v, vx)
    IB_c.CentralDerivative_y(N, M, h, u, uy)
    IB_c.CentralDerivative_y(N, M, h, v, vy)

    fx, fy = ExplicitTerms(dt, u, v, ux, uy, vx, vy, 0., 0.)
    fx += dt * Current * ones((N, M), float64)

    fx = fft2(fx)
    fy = fft2(fy)

    P = Solve_P_Hat(dt, WideLambda, DxSymbol, DySymbol, fx, fy)
    P[0, 0] = 0.

    u, v = Solve_uv_Hat(dt, ShortLambda, DxSymbol, DySymbol, P, fx, fy)
    u = ifft2(u).real
    v = ifft2(v).real

    Xvel, Yvel = VelToFiber(N, M, h, Nb, hb, 1., X, Y, u, v)

    A = zeros((2 * Nb, 2 * Nb), float64)
    IB_c.ComputeMatrix(X, Y, _N, _M, Nb, _h, hb, UField, VField, UField2,
                       VField2, A, -1)  #, band = Nb/8+1)

    __A = [dt * A]
    for i in range(len(II)):
        print i
            array(dot(transpose(II[i].todense()), dot(__A[i],
# Initial guess using random phase info
guess = diffract * np.exp(1j * np.random.rand(l, l) * 2 * pi)

# number of iterations
r = 801

# step size parameter
beta = 0.8

# previous result
prev = None
for s in range(0, r):
    # apply fourier domain constraints
    update = diffract * np.exp(1j * np.angle(guess))

    inv = fft.ifft2(update)

    # #=======================
    # #    inv =np.abs(inv)
    #inv_imag = np.imag(inv)
    #print("inv_imag", inv_imag)

# write fft process to txt
    # with open(save_path + "phase.txt","a") as  rt:
    #     rt.write(str(inv))

    # print('inv',inv)
    inv = np.real(inv)

    if prev is None:
Exemple #40
def solve_corr(bfek,N,I,g,beta,sigma_a,tslices,avals,avals_nl=[0,0,0]):
    # INPUT: 
    # bfek     <- compound kernel [K^2 a+KK*](assumed to be decentered)
    # N        <- detector size (assumed odd for now)
    # I        <- current
    # g        <- gain (assuming no higher order fitting for now)
    # beta     <- classical non-linearity
    # sigma_a  <- sum of the BFE kernel
    # tslices  <- list of time slices (ta, tb, tc, td)  
    # avals    <- list of alpha values for linear IPC kernel (aV, aH, aD)
    # avals_nl <- list of alpha values for NL-IPC kernel (aV_nl, aH_nl, aD_nl)
    # OUTPUT: C_abcd
    ta, tb, tc, td = tslices
    aV, aH, aD = avals
    aV_nl, aH_nl, aD_nl = avals_nl
    if not bfek.shape[1]==bfek.shape[0]:
        warnings.warn("WARNING: convolved BFE kernel (BFEK) not square.")
    # Calculate K and K* from given alphas
    k = decenter(np.array([[aD,aV,aD],
    knl = decenter(np.array([[aD_nl,aV_nl,aD_nl],
    # solve Fourier version for asq: F(BFEK) = Ksq^2*asq + Ksq*Knl_sq
    ksq = fft2(pad_to_N(k,N))
    knl_sq = fft2(pad_to_N(knl,N))
    asq = (fft2(pad_to_N(bfek,N)) - ksq*knl_sq)/ksq**2
    a = ifft2(asq)
    a_flipped = decenter(np.flip(center(a).flatten()).reshape(a.shape))
    afsq = fft2(a_flipped)
    afsq_p = decenter(np.flip(center(afsq).flatten()).reshape(afsq.shape))
    ksq_p = decenter(np.flip(center(ksq).flatten()).reshape(ksq.shape))
    knl_sq_p = decenter(np.flip(center(knl_sq).flatten()).reshape(knl_sq.shape))

    # Calculate Cov(qsq(t),qsq(t')) (see eqn 38)
    qqs = []
    for ts in [(ta,tc),(ta,td),(tb,tc),(tb,td)]:
        t1 = min(ts)
        t = max(ts)
        qq = (1/(afsq+afsq_p+sigma_a) * np.exp(I*afsq*(t-t1)) *
    # Plug into correlation function (see eqn 51)
    csq_abcd =(1/g**2
               - (1-2*beta*I*ta)*(1-2*beta*I*td)*(ksq+knl_sq*I*ta)*(ksq_p+knl_sq_p*I*td)*qqs[1] 
               - (1-2*beta*I*tb)*(1-2*beta*I*tc)*(ksq+knl_sq*I*tb)*(ksq_p+knl_sq_p*I*tc)*qqs[2] 
               + (1-2*beta*I*tb)*(1-2*beta*I*td)*(ksq+knl_sq*I*tb)*(ksq_p+knl_sq_p*I*td)*qqs[3])
    return np.real(ifft2(csq_abcd))
Exemple #41
def prepare_DFT_solution(L,time,diffusivity, lambda_phi):
    # Mesh on the square [0,L)x[0,L)
    x = np.linspace(0, L-1, L)      # columns (Width)
    y = np.linspace(0, L-1, L)      # rows (Height)
    [X,Y] = np.meshgrid(x,y)
    xnorm = X / L * 2 * np.pi
    ynorm = Y / L * 4 * np.pi
    initial_condition = np.exp(np.sin(xnorm)) - 2*np.exp(np.sin(ynorm))
    # initial_condition = np.cos(xnorm *0) 
    plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10))
    plt.imshow(initial_condition, cmap = 'gray') # coolwarm
    fig = plt.gcf()  # get current figure
    F = fft2(initial_condition)   
    ################ some tests... ################
    ################ check FFT
    # Fshift = fftshift(F) # center it in the origin
    # Fshift = Fshift/(L*L)  # normalize by the area
    # P = np.abs(Fshift) 
    # # P = np.real(Fshift)  
    # # P = np.imag(Fshift)   
    # plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10))                        
    # plt.imshow(P, extent = [-L,L,-L,L]);
    # fig = plt.gcf()  # get current figure
    # plt.colorbar()    
    # plt.close(fig)    
    # ################ check inverse FFT
    # yinv = ifft2(F)
    # # P = np.abs(yinv)    
    # P = np.real(yinv)  # TODO: czemu to?
    # # P = np.imag(yinv)   
    # plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10))     
    # plt.imshow(P, cmap = 'gray') # it is wise to check: P-initial_condition
    # fig = plt.gcf()  # get current figure
    # plt.colorbar()    
    # plt.close(fig)    
    ################ end of tests... ################
    n = L
    x2 = np.array([ float(i) if i < n/2 else float(-(n-i)) for i in range(0,n)])
    k2, k1 = np.meshgrid(x2, x2)
    k1 *= 2.*np.pi/L
    k2 *= 2.*np.pi/L
    tmp = -time*(diffusivity*(k1**2+ k2**2 ) + lambda_phi)
    decay = np.exp(tmp)

    # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/40034993/how-to-get-element-wise-matrix-multiplication-hadamard-product-in-numpy
    # dummy_decay  = np.ones(decay.shape)
    yinv = ifft2(np.multiply(F,decay))
    # P = np.abs(yinv)  
    P = np.real(yinv) # ignore imaginary artifacts
    # P = np.imag(yinv)   
   # test with analytical solutions
    # k=1 # 2*np.pi*0.001
    # tmp = -time*(diffusivity*(k**2) + lambda_phi)
    # P = np.cos(xnorm *k) * np.exp(tmp)
    plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10))     
    plt.imshow(P, cmap = 'gray') # it is wise to check: P-IC
    fig = plt.gcf()  # get current figure

    return P
Exemple #42
ATF = np.exp (1.j * weight * phase) # Amplitude Transfer Function

z = 2*um # defocus distance

angular_spectum_propagator = np.exp(1.j*2*np.pi*np.sqrt(k**2-k_rho**2)*z)

#evanescent_idx = (k_rho >= k)
#evanescent_idx = np.isnan(angular_spectum_propagator)
#angular_spectum_propagator[evanescent_idx] = 0 # exclude all kx,ky that would be evanescent

ATF = ATF * angular_spectum_propagator

mask_idx = (k_rho > k_cut_off)
ATF[mask_idx] = 0 # Creates a circular mask

ASF = ifftshift(ifft2(ATF)) #* k**2/f**2 # Amplitude Spread Function

PSF = np.abs(ASF)**2 # Point Spread Function

# %%% plot the ATF and the PSF 

fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(9, 4), tight_layout=False)
fig.suptitle(f'Wavefront aberrated with Zernike coefficient ({N},{M})')

                 extent = [np.amin(kx),np.amax(kx),np.amin(kx),np.amax(kx)],
ax[0].set_xlabel('kx (1/$\mu$m)')
ax[0].set_ylabel('ky (1/$\mu$m)')
ax[0].set_title('ATF (phase)')
Exemple #43
    def __init__(self, I_image_up, xshift, yshift, N_bound_pad, lambda_f, pscrop, upsamp_factor, NA_obj, NAs, itr):
        # Basic parameter 
        self.Nimg, self.N, self.M = I_image_up.shape
        self.N_bound_pad = N_bound_pad
        self.Nc = self.N + 2*N_bound_pad
        self.Mc = self.M + 2*N_bound_pad
        self.ps = pscrop/upsamp_factor
        self.itr = itr
        # Shift variable
        self.xshift = xshift
        self.yshift = yshift        
        self.xshift_max = np.int(np.round(np.max(abs(xshift))))
        self.yshift_max = np.int(np.round(np.max(abs(yshift))))
        # Frequency grid definition to create TF
        fx_c = np.r_[-self.Mc/2:self.Mc/2]/self.ps/self.Mc
        fy_c = np.r_[-self.Nc/2:self.Nc/2]/self.ps/self.Nc

        fxx_c, fyy_c = np.meshgrid(fx_c,fy_c)

        fxx_c = ifftshift(fxx_c)
        fyy_c = ifftshift(fyy_c)
        Npp = self.Nc + 2*self.yshift_max
        Mpp = self.Mc + 2*self.xshift_max

        fxp = np.r_[-Mpp/2:Mpp/2]/self.ps/Mpp
        fyp = np.r_[-Npp/2:Npp/2]/self.ps/Npp

        fxxp, fyyp = np.meshgrid(fxp,fyp)

        self.fxxp = ifftshift(fxxp)
        self.fyyp = ifftshift(fyyp)

        # Initialization of object and pattern
        self.I_obj = np.pad(np.mean(I_image_up,axis=0),(N_bound_pad,),mode='constant')
        self.I_p_whole = np.ones((Npp, Mpp))
        # Compute transfer function
        Pupil_obj = np.zeros((self.Nc,self.Mc))
        frc = (fxx_c**2 + fyy_c**2)**(1/2)
        Pupil_obj[frc<NA_obj/lambda_f] = 1
        T_incoherent = abs(fft2(abs(ifft2(Pupil_obj))**2))
        self.T_incoherent = T_incoherent/np.max(T_incoherent)
        # Compute support function
        self.Pattern_support = np.zeros((Npp,Mpp))
        frp = (self.fxxp**2 + self.fyyp**2)**(1/2)
        self.Pattern_support[frp<2*NAs/lambda_f] = 1

        self.Object_support = np.zeros((self.Nc,self.Mc))
        self.Object_support[frc<2*(NA_obj+NAs)/lambda_f] = 1

        self.OTF_support = np.zeros((self.Nc,self.Mc))
        self.OTF_support[frc<2*NA_obj/lambda_f] = 1
        # iteration error
        self.err = np.zeros(self.itr+1)
#F(u,v)---fourier transform of image(x,y)
print("fourier transform",F)
D0=int(input('Enter the cut-off frequency- '))
for i in range(P):
    for j in range(Q):

G = [ [ 0+0j for i in range(Q) ] for j in range(P) ] 
for i in range(P):
    for j in range(Q):
# print("printing G",G)

# print(count,H)

Exemple #45
    def __execute_basket_weaving(self):
        # Basket-Weaving (Emerson & Grave 1988)
        casalog.post('Apply Basket-Weaving')

        # CAS-5410 Use private tools inside task scripts
        ia = gentools(['ia'])[0]

        # initial setup
        outimage = ia.newimagefromimage(infile=self.infiles[0],
        imshape_out = outimage.shape()
        ndim_out = len(imshape_out)
        coordsys = outimage.coordsys()
        axis_types = coordsys.axiscoordinatetypes()
        # direction axis should always exist
            direction_axis0 = axis_types.index('Direction')
            direction_axis1 = axis_types[direction_axis0 + 1:].index(
                'Direction') + direction_axis0 + 1
        except IndexError:
            raise RuntimeError('Direction axes don\'t exist.')
        nx = imshape_out[direction_axis0]
        ny = imshape_out[direction_axis1]
        tmp = []
        nfile = len(self.infiles)
        for i in xrange(nfile):
            tmp.append(numpy.zeros(imshape_out, dtype=float))
        maskedpixel = numpy.array(tmp)
        del tmp

        # direction
        dirs = []
        if len(self.direction) == nfile:
            dirs = self.direction
            casalog.post('direction information is extrapolated.')
            for i in range(nfile):
                dirs.append(self.direction[i % len(self.direction)])

        # maskwidth
        masks = []
        if isinstance(self.maskwidth, int) or isinstance(
                self.maskwidth, float):
            for i in range(nfile):
        elif isinstance(self.maskwidth,
                        list):  #  and nfile != len(self.maskwidth):
            for i in range(nfile):
                masks.append(self.maskwidth[i % len(self.maskwidth)])
        for i in range(len(masks)):
            masks[i] = 0.01 * masks[i]

        # mask
        for i in range(nfile):
            self.realimage = create_4d_image(self.infiles[i],
            self.imagimage = self.realimage.subimage(

            # replace masked pixels with 0.0
            if not self.realimage.getchunk(getmask=True).all():
                    "Replacing masked pixels with 0.0 in %d-th image" % (i))

        # Below working images are all 4D regardless of dimension of input images
        # image shape for temporary images (always 4D)
        imshape = ia.shape()
        ndim = len(imshape)

        if len(self.thresh) == 0:
            casalog.post('Use whole region')
            for i in range(nfile):
                self.realimage = ia.newimage(self.tmprealname[i])
                for iaxis2 in range(imshape[2]):
                    for iaxis3 in range(imshape[3]):
                        pixmsk = self.realimage.getchunk(
                            [0, 0, iaxis2, iaxis3],
                            [nx - 1, ny - 1, iaxis2, iaxis3])
                        for ix in range(pixmsk.shape[0]):
                            for iy in range(pixmsk.shape[1]):
                                if self.thresh[0] == self.nolimit:
                                    if pixmsk[ix][iy] > self.thresh[1]:
                                            iaxis3] = pixmsk[ix][iy]
                                        pixmsk[ix][iy] = 0.0
                                elif self.thresh[1] == self.nolimit:
                                    if pixmsk[ix][iy] < self.thresh[0]:
                                            iaxis3] = pixmsk[ix][iy]
                                        pixmsk[ix][iy] = 0.0
                                    if pixmsk[ix][iy] < self.thresh[
                                            0] or pixmsk[ix][iy] > self.thresh[
                                            iaxis3] = pixmsk[ix][iy]
                                        pixmsk[ix][iy] = 0.0
                        self.realimage.putchunk(pixmsk, [0, 0, iaxis2, iaxis3])
        maskedvalue = None
        if any(maskedpixel.flatten() != 0.0):
            maskedvalue = maskedpixel.mean(axis=0)
        del maskedpixel

        # set weight factor
        weights = numpy.ones(shape=(nfile, nx, ny), dtype=float)
        eps = 1.0e-5
        dtor = numpy.pi / 180.0
        for i in range(nfile):
            scan_direction = ''
            if abs(numpy.sin(
                    dirs[i] * dtor)) < eps:  # direction is around 0 deg
                maskw = 0.5 * nx * masks[i]
                scan_direction = 'horizontal'
            elif abs(numpy.cos(
                    dirs[i] * dtor)) < eps:  # direction is around 90 deg
                maskw = 0.5 * ny * masks[i]
                scan_direction = 'vertical'
                maskw = 0.5 * numpy.sqrt(nx * ny) * masks[i]
            for ix in range(nx):
                halfwx = (nx - 1) / 2
                for iy in range(ny):
                    halfwy = (ny - 1) / 2
                    if scan_direction == 'horizontal':
                        #dd = abs(float(ix) - 0.5*(nx-1))
                        dd = abs(float(ix) - halfwx)  # for CAS-9434
                    elif scan_direction == 'vertical':
                        #dd = abs(float(iy) - 0.5*(ny-1))
                        dd = abs(float(iy) - halfwy)  # for CAS-9434
                        tand = numpy.tan((dirs[i] - 90.0) * dtor)
                        #dd = abs((float(ix) - 0.5*(nx-1)) * tand - (float(iy) - 0.5*(ny-1)))
                        dd = abs((float(ix) - halfwx) * tand -
                                 (float(iy) - halfwy))  # for CAS-9434
                        dd = dd / numpy.sqrt(1.0 + tand * tand)
                    if dd < maskw:
                        cosd = numpy.cos(0.5 * numpy.pi * dd / maskw)
                        weights[i][ix][iy] = 1.0 - cosd * cosd
                    if weights[i][ix][iy] == 0.0:
                        weights[i][ix][iy] += eps * 0.01
            if abs(numpy.sin(dirs[i]*dtor)) < eps:
                # direction is around 0 deg
                maskw = 0.5 * nx * masks[i] 
                for ix in range(nx):
                    for iy in range(ny):
                        dd = abs( float(ix) - 0.5 * (nx-1) )
                        if dd < maskw:
                            cosd = numpy.cos(0.5*numpy.pi*dd/maskw)
                            weights[i][ix][iy] = 1.0 - cosd * cosd
                        if weights[i][ix][iy] == 0.0:
                            weights[i][ix][iy] += eps*0.01
            elif abs(numpy.cos(dirs[i]*dtor)) < eps:
                # direction is around 90 deg
                maskw = 0.5 * ny * masks[i]
                for ix in range(nx):
                    for iy in range(ny):
                        dd = abs( float(iy) - 0.5 * (ny-1) )
                        if dd < maskw:
                            cosd = numpy.cos(0.5*numpy.pi*dd/maskw)
                            weights[i][ix][iy] = 1.0 - cosd * cosd
                        if weights[i][ix][iy] == 0.0:
                            weights[i][ix][iy] += eps*0.01
                maskw = 0.5 * numpy.sqrt( nx * ny ) * masks[i]
                for ix in range(nx):
                    for iy in range(ny):
                        tand = numpy.tan((dirs[i]-90.0)*dtor)
                        dd = abs( ix * tand - iy - 0.5 * (nx-1) * tand + 0.5 * (ny-1) )
                        dd = dd / numpy.sqrt( 1.0 + tand * tand )
                        if dd < maskw:
                            cosd = numpy.cos(0.5*numpy.pi*dd/maskw)
                            weights[i][ix][iy] = 1.0 - cosd * cosd
                        if weights[i][ix][iy] == 0.0:
                            weights[i][ix][iy] += eps*0.01 
            # shift
            xshift = -((ny - 1) / 2)
            yshift = -((nx - 1) / 2)
            for ix in range(xshift, 0, 1):
                tmp = weights[i, :, 0].copy()
                weights[i, :, 0:ny - 1] = weights[i, :, 1:ny].copy()
                weights[i, :, ny - 1] = tmp
            for iy in range(yshift, 0, 1):
                tmp = weights[i, 0:1].copy()
                weights[i, 0:nx - 1] = weights[i, 1:nx].copy()
                weights[i, nx - 1:nx] = tmp

        # FFT
        for i in range(nfile):
            self.realimage = ia.newimage(self.tmprealname[i])
            self.imagimage = ia.newimage(self.tmpimagname[i])
            for iaxis2 in range(imshape[2]):
                for iaxis3 in range(imshape[3]):
                    pixval = self.realimage.getchunk(
                        [0, 0, iaxis2, iaxis3],
                        [nx - 1, ny - 1, iaxis2, iaxis3])
                    pixval = pixval.reshape((nx, ny))
                    pixfft = npfft.fft2(pixval)
                    pixfft = pixfft.reshape((nx, ny, 1, 1))
                                            [0, 0, iaxis2, iaxis3])
                                            [0, 0, iaxis2, iaxis3])
                    del pixval, pixfft

        # weighted mean
        for ichan in range(imshape[2]):
            for iaxis3 in range(imshape[3]):
                pixout = numpy.zeros(shape=(nx, ny), dtype=complex)
                denom = numpy.zeros(shape=(nx, ny), dtype=float)
                for i in range(nfile):
                    self.realimage = ia.newimage(self.tmprealname[i])
                    self.imagimage = ia.newimage(self.tmpimagname[i])
                    pixval = self.realimage.getchunk( [0,0,ichan,iaxis3], [nx-1,ny-1,ichan,iaxis3] ) \
                        + self.imagimage.getchunk( [0,0,ichan,iaxis3], [nx-1,ny-1,ichan,iaxis3] ) * 1.0j
                    pixval = pixval.reshape((nx, ny))
                    pixout = pixout + pixval * weights[i]
                    denom = denom + weights[i]
                pixout = pixout / denom
                pixout = pixout.reshape((nx, ny, 1, 1))
                self.realimage = ia.newimage(self.tmprealname[0])
                self.imagimage = ia.newimage(self.tmpimagname[0])
                self.realimage.putchunk(pixout.real, [0, 0, ichan, iaxis3])
                self.imagimage.putchunk(pixout.imag, [0, 0, ichan, iaxis3])

        # inverse FFT
        self.realimage = ia.newimage(self.tmprealname[0])
        self.imagimage = ia.newimage(self.tmpimagname[0])
        for ichan in range(imshape[2]):
            for iaxis3 in range(imshape[3]):
                pixval = self.realimage.getchunk( [0,0,ichan,iaxis3], [nx-1,ny-1,ichan,iaxis3] ) \
                    + self.imagimage.getchunk( [0,0,ichan,iaxis3], [nx-1,ny-1,ichan,iaxis3] ) * 1.0j
                pixval = pixval.reshape((nx, ny))
                pixifft = npfft.ifft2(pixval)
                pixifft = pixifft.reshape((nx, ny, 1, 1))
                                        blc=[0, 0, ichan, iaxis3])
                del pixval, pixifft
        if maskedvalue is not None:
            self.realimage.putchunk(self.realimage.getchunk() + maskedvalue)

        # put result into outimage
        chunk = self.realimage.getchunk()
        # handling of output image mask
        maskstr = ""
        for name in self.infiles:
            if len(maskstr) > 0: maskstr += " || "
            maskstr += ("mask('%s')" % (name))
        outimage.calcmask(maskstr, name="basketweaving", asdefault=True)

Exemple #46
                               ledmat_shape=[npx, npx],
S3 = fpm.create_source_pattern(shape='semicircle',
                               ledmat_shape=[npx, npx],
S4 = fpm.create_source_pattern(shape='semicircle',
                               ledmat_shape=[npx, npx],

Hph1 = create_hph(angle1=0, angle2=180, npx=200, radius=radius)
Hph2 = create_hph(angle1=90, angle2=270, npx=200, radius=radius)

I1 = np.abs(ifft2(S1 * image_fft))
I2 = np.abs(ifft2(S2 * image_fft))
I3 = np.abs(ifft2(S3 * image_fft))
I4 = np.abs(ifft2(S4 * image_fft))

Idpc1 = simple_dpc(I1, I2)
Idpc2 = simple_dpc(I3, I4)

# phi = tik_deconvolution([Hph1], [Idpc1], alpha=0.1)

print(Idpc1.shape, np.zeros(shape=(npx, 1)).shape)
A1 = np.concatenate((Hph1, 1 * np.matlib.identity(npx)))
b1 = np.concatenate((Idpc1, np.zeros(shape=(1, npx))))
phi = optimize.nnls(A1, b1)

fig, (axes) = plt.subplots(3, 2, figsize=(25, 15))
Exemple #47
    def iterative_algorithm(self, I_image_up, update_shift=1, shift_alpha=1, update_OTF=0, OTF_alpha=1, figsize=(15,5)):
        f1,ax = plt.subplots(1,3,figsize=figsize)

        tic_time = time.time()
        print('|  Iter  |  error  |  Elapsed time (sec)  |')

        for i in range(0,self.itr):

            # sequential update
            for j in range(0,self.Nimg):
                Ip_shift = np.maximum(0, np.real(ifft2(fft2(self.I_p_whole) * \
                                      np.exp(1j*2*np.pi*self.ps*(self.fxxp * self.xshift[j] + self.fyyp * self.yshift[j])))))
                I_p = Ip_shift[self.yshift_max:self.Nc+self.yshift_max, self.xshift_max:self.Mc+self.xshift_max]
                I_image_current = I_image_up[j]
                I_multi_f = fft2(I_p * self.I_obj)
                I_est = ifft2(self.T_incoherent * I_multi_f)
                I_diff = I_image_current - I_est[self.N_bound_pad:self.N_bound_pad+self.N, self.N_bound_pad:self.N_bound_pad+self.M]

                I_temp = ifft2(self.T_incoherent * fft2(np.pad(I_diff,(self.N_bound_pad,),mode='constant')))

                # gradient computation
                grad_Iobj = -np.real(I_p * I_temp)
                grad_Ip = -np.real(ifft2(fft2(np.pad(self.I_obj * I_temp,((self.yshift_max,),(self.xshift_max,)), mode='constant'))\
                                         * np.exp(-1j*2*np.pi*self.ps*(self.fxxp * self.xshift[j] + self.fyyp * self.yshift[j]))))
                if update_OTF ==1:
                    grad_OTF = -np.conj(I_multi_f) * fft2(I_temp) 

                # updating equation
                self.I_obj = np.real(ifft2(fft2(self.I_obj - grad_Iobj/(np.max(I_p)**2)) * self.Object_support))
                self.I_p_whole = np.real(ifft2(fft2(self.I_p_whole - grad_Ip/(np.max(self.I_obj)**2)) * self.Pattern_support))
                if update_OTF ==1:
                    self.T_incoherent = (self.T_incoherent - grad_OTF/np.max(abs(I_multi_f)) * \
                         abs(I_multi_f) / (abs(I_multi_f)**2 + 1e-3) * OTF_alpha * self.OTF_support).copy()

                # shift estimate
                if update_shift ==1:
                    Ip_shift_fx = ifft2(fft2(self.I_p_whole) * (1j*2*np.pi*self.fxxp) * \
                                       np.exp(1j*2*np.pi*self.ps*(self.fxxp * self.xshift[j] + self.fyyp * self.yshift[j])))
                    Ip_shift_fy = ifft2(fft2(self.I_p_whole) * (1j*2*np.pi*self.fyyp) * \
                                       np.exp(1j*2*np.pi*self.ps*(self.fxxp * self.xshift[j] + self.fyyp * self.yshift[j])))
                    Ip_shift_fx = Ip_shift_fx[self.yshift_max:self.yshift_max+self.Nc,self.xshift_max:self.xshift_max+self.Mc]
                    Ip_shift_fy = Ip_shift_fy[self.yshift_max:self.yshift_max+self.Nc,self.xshift_max:self.xshift_max+self.Mc]

                    grad_xshift = -np.real(np.sum(np.conj(I_temp) * self.I_obj * Ip_shift_fx))
                    grad_yshift = -np.real(np.sum(np.conj(I_temp) * self.I_obj * Ip_shift_fy))

                    self.xshift[j] = self.xshift[j] - grad_xshift/self.N/self.M/(np.max(self.I_obj)**2) * shift_alpha
                    self.yshift[j] = self.yshift[j] - grad_yshift/self.N/self.M/(np.max(self.I_obj)**2) * shift_alpha

                self.err[i+1] += np.sum(abs(I_diff)**2)

            # Nesterov acceleration
            temp = self.I_obj.copy()
            temp_Ip = self.I_p_whole.copy()
            if i == 0:
                t = 1

                self.I_obj = temp.copy()
                tempp = temp.copy()

                self.I_p_whole = temp_Ip.copy()
                tempp_Ip = temp_Ip.copy()
                if self.err[i] >= self.err[i-1]:
                    t = 1

                    self.I_obj = temp.copy()
                    tempp = temp.copy()

                    self.I_p_whole = temp_Ip.copy()
                    tempp_Ip = temp_Ip.copy()
                    tp = t
                    t = (1 + (1 + 4 * tp**2)**(1/2))/2

                    self.I_obj = temp + (tp - 1) * (temp - tempp) / t
                    tempp = temp.copy()

                    self.I_p_whole = temp_Ip + (tp - 1) * (temp_Ip - tempp_Ip) / t
                    tempp_Ip = temp_Ip.copy()

            if np.mod(i,1) == 0:
                print('|  %d  |  %.2e  |   %.2f   |'%(i+1,self.err[i+1],time.time()-tic_time))
                if i != 1:
                if i == self.itr-1:
                    print('|  %d  |  %.2e  |   %.2f   |'%(i+1,self.err[i+1],time.time()-tic_time))
def make_blurred(input, PSF, eps):
    input_fft = fft.fft2(input)  # 进行二维数组的傅里叶变换
    PSF_fft = fft.fft2(PSF) + eps
    blurred = fft.ifft2(input_fft * PSF_fft)
    blurred = np.abs(fft.fftshift(blurred))
    return blurred
Exemple #49
def similarity(im0, im1):
    """Return similarity transformed image im1 and transformation parameters.

    Transformation parameters are: isotropic scale factor, rotation angle (in
    degrees), and translation vector.

    A similarity transformation is an affine transformation with isotropic
    scale and without shear.

    Image shapes must be equal and square.
    All image areas must have same scale, rotation, and shift.
    Scale change must be less than 1.8.
    No subpixel precision.

    if im0.shape != im1.shape:
        raise ValueError("Images must have same shapes.")
    elif len(im0.shape) != 2:
        raise ValueError("Images must be 2 dimensional.")

    f0 = fftshift(abs(fft2(im0)))
    f1 = fftshift(abs(fft2(im1)))

    h = highpass(f0.shape)
    f0 *= h
    f1 *= h
    del h

    f0, log_base = logpolar(f0)
    f1, log_base = logpolar(f1)

    f0 = fft2(f0)
    f1 = fft2(f1)
    r0 = abs(f0) * abs(f1)
    ir = abs(ifft2((f0 * f1.conjugate()) / r0))
    i0, i1 = numpy.unravel_index(numpy.argmax(ir), ir.shape)
    angle = 180.0 * i0 / ir.shape[0]
    scale = log_base**i1

    if scale > 1.8:
        ir = abs(ifft2((f1 * f0.conjugate()) / r0))
        i0, i1 = numpy.unravel_index(numpy.argmax(ir), ir.shape)
        angle = -180.0 * i0 / ir.shape[0]
        scale = 1.0 / (log_base**i1)
        if scale > 1.8:
            raise ValueError("Images are not compatible. Scale change > 1.8")

    if angle < -90.0:
        angle += 180.0
    elif angle > 90.0:
        angle -= 180.0

    im2 = ndii.zoom(im1, 1.0 / scale)
    im2 = ndii.rotate(im2, angle)

    if im2.shape < im0.shape:
        t = numpy.zeros_like(im0)
        t[:im2.shape[0], :im2.shape[1]] = im2
        im2 = t
    elif im2.shape > im0.shape:
        im2 = im2[:im0.shape[0], :im0.shape[1]]

    f0 = fft2(im0)
    f1 = fft2(im2)
    ir = abs(ifft2((f0 * f1.conjugate()) / (abs(f0) * abs(f1))))
    t0, t1 = numpy.unravel_index(numpy.argmax(ir), ir.shape)

    if t0 > f0.shape[0] // 2:
        t0 -= f0.shape[0]
    if t1 > f0.shape[1] // 2:
        t1 -= f0.shape[1]

    im2 = ndii.shift(im2, [t0, t1])

    # correct parameters for ndimage's internal processing
    if angle > 0.0:
        d = int((int(im1.shape[1] / scale) * math.sin(math.radians(angle))))
        t0, t1 = t1, d + t0
    elif angle < 0.0:
        d = int((int(im1.shape[0] / scale) * math.sin(math.radians(angle))))
        t0, t1 = d + t1, d + t0
    scale = (im1.shape[1] - 1) / (int(im1.shape[1] / scale) - 1)

    return im2, scale, angle, [-t0, -t1]
Exemple #50
    Enstrophy.append(0.5 * mean(mean((Rgsq-F*Rwsq)**2)))
    umax = abs(dwdy).max()
    vmax = abs(dwdx).max()
    VMAX = maxx.max()
    Q_np1 = Q_nm1 - (2*Dt)*((grav/fcor0)*Jacobi + beta0*dwdx + Ubar*dlapdx)

#Section 3.3: Solve the Helmholtz Equation (Del^2-F)w = R.Compute the fft of the
#right hand side (strip off additional row and column).
    R[0:nx,0:ny] = Q_np1[0:nx,0:ny]
    R_hat = fft2(R)

#Compute the transform of the solution
    W_hat = R_hat/C_rs
#Compute the inverse transform to get the solution at (n+1)*Delta_t.
    w_new = real(ifft2(W_hat)) # We assume w is real
    w[0:nx,0:ny] = w_new
    w[nx,0:ny] = w[0,0:ny]     # Fill in additional column at east.
    w[0:nx+1,ny]=w[0:nx+1,0]   # Fill in additional row at north.

    #Add the term for the zonal mean flow.
    wtotal = w + Hbar - (fcor0/grav)*Ubar*YY

#Save an east-west mid cross-section each time-step
#w_section[0:nx+1,n-1] = w[0:nx+1,int(fix(ny/2))]

#Shuffle the fields at the end of each time-step
    Dt = Delta_t
    Q_nm1 = Q_n
Exemple #51
def filterDFourierTransform(imageMatrix, filteredMatrix):
    shiftedDFT = fftshift(fft2(imageMatrix))
    filteredDFT = shiftedDFT * filteredMatrix
    return ifft2(ifftshift(filteredDFT))
Exemple #52
npx = 32
radius = 10
mag_array = misc.imread('sandbox/alambre.png', 'F')[:npx, :npx]
image_phase = misc.imread('sandbox/lines0_0.png', 'F')[:npx, :npx]
ph_array = np.pi * (image_phase) / np.amax(image_phase)
image_array = mag_array * np.exp(1j * ph_array)
image_fft = fftshift(fft2(image_array))

angles = [0, 180, 90, 270, 45, 225, 135, 315]
pupil_list = []
image_list = []
for angle in angles:
    H = (fpm.create_source_pattern(shape='semicircle',
                                   ledmat_shape=[npx, npx],
    image_list.append(np.abs(ifft2(H * image_fft)))

fig, (axes) = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(25, 15))
# IDPC2 = np.abs(ifft2(H2*image_fft))
axes[0][0].imshow(pupil_list[0] + pupil_list[2])
axes[0][1].imshow(pupil_list[1] + pupil_list[3])

signal.correlate2d(in1, in2, mode='full', boundary='fill', fillvalue=0)

 def invert(self, FT_image, full=False):
     if full:
         return ifft2(ifftshift(FT_image))
         return ifft2(ifftshift(FT_image)).real
import numpy as np
from numpy import pi
from numpy.fft import fft2
from numpy.fft import ifft2
from numpy.fft import fftshift
from numpy.fft import ifftshift
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from skimage.data import shepp_logan_phantom
from skimage.transform import resize

FFT = lambda x: fftshift(fft2(ifftshift(x)))
IFFT = lambda x: fftshift(ifft2(ifftshift(x)))

EPS = 1e-18

## 3) Shift in Fourier domain
# exp(j*2pi*a*x) * f(x) <== Fourier Transform ==> FFT(f(x))(kx - a)
N = 512

X = shepp_logan_phantom()
X = resize(X, (N, N), order=0)
X_fft = FFT(X)

nx = np.linspace(1, N, N)
ny = np.linspace(1, N, N)
[mx, my] = np.meshgrid(nx, ny)

dx = 100
dy = 100
Exemple #55
football = cv2.imread("noiseball.png", 0)
H, W = np.shape(football)
hW = W // 2
hH = H // 2
PQ = paddedsize(np.array(np.shape(football)))

H1 = notch('gaussian', PQ[0], PQ[1], 10, 50, 100, 1)
H2 = notch('gaussian', PQ[0], PQ[1], 10, 0, 400, 1)
H3 = notch('gaussian', PQ[0], PQ[1], 10, 620, 100, 1)
H4 = notch('gaussian', PQ[0], PQ[1], 10, 22, 414, 1)
H5 = notch('gaussian', PQ[0], PQ[1], 10, 592, 414, 1)
H6 = notch('gaussian', PQ[0], PQ[1], 10, 0, 114, 1)

F = fft2((football), s=[2 * H, 2 * W]) / (H * W)
F_ifft = F * H1 * H2 * H3 * H4 * H5 * H6
F_football = ifft2(F_ifft)
F_football = F_football[:H, :W]

F = fftshift(F)
F_ifft = fftshift(F_ifft)
S1 = np.log(1 + np.abs(F))
S2 = np.log(1 + np.abs(F_ifft))
images = [football, np.abs(F_football), S1, S2]
title = [
    'Anh co nhieu', 'Anh da loc nhieu', 'Pho anh co nhieu', 'Pho anh loc nhieu'
r = 150
for i in range(4):
    if i < 2:
        plt.subplot(2, 2, i + 1), plt.imshow(images[i], cmap='gray')
Exemple #56
def telescopeOtf(pupil, samp):
    pup_pad = enlargeSupport(pupil, samp)
    otf = fft.fftshift(fft.ifft2(fft.fft2(fft.fftshift(pup_pad))**2))
    return otf / otf.max()
Exemple #57
import numpy as np

N = 100
px = 0.5 #arcmin

trueArea = (N*px)**2.

print(("true area ", trueArea , " arcmin^2"))

mat = np.ones((N,N))
easyArea = np.sum(mat)*px**2.

print(("easy area ", easyArea , " arcmin^2"))

from numpy.fft import fft2,ifft2

ft = fft2(mat)
diffArea = ifft2(ft*ft).real * px**2. #/ N/N

print(("difficult area ", diffArea , " arcmin^2"))

Exemple #58
    def __execute_basket_weaving(self):
        # Basket-Weaving (Emerson & Grave 1988)
        casalog.post('Apply Basket-Weaving')

        # CAS-5410 Use private tools inside task scripts
        ia = gentools(['ia'])[0]

        # initial setup
        outimage = ia.newimagefromimage(infile=self.infiles[0],
        imshape = outimage.shape()
        nx = imshape[0]
        ny = imshape[1]
        nchan = imshape[2]
        tmp = []
        nfile = len(self.infiles)
        for i in xrange(nfile):
            tmp.append(numpy.zeros(imshape, dtype=float))
        maskedpixel = numpy.array(tmp)
        del tmp

        # direction
        dirs = []
        if len(self.direction) == nfile:
            dirs = self.direction
            casalog.post('direction information is extrapolated.')
            for i in range(nfile):
                dirs.append(self.direction[i % len(direction)])

        # masklist
        masks = []
        if type(self.masklist) == float:
            for i in range(nfile):
        elif type(self.masklist) == list and nfile != len(self.masklist):
            for i in range(nfile):
                masks.append(self.masklist[i % len(self.masklist)])
        for i in range(len(masks)):
            masks[i] = 0.01 * masks[i]

        # mask
        for i in range(nfile):
            self.realimage = ia.newimagefromimage(infile=self.infiles[i],
            self.imagimage = ia.newimagefromimage(infile=self.infiles[i],
            # replace masked pixels with 0.0
            if not self.realimage.getchunk(getmask=True).all():
                    "Replacing masked pixels with 0.0 in %d-th image" % (i))

        if len(self.thresh) == 0:
            casalog.post('Use whole region')
            if len(imshape) == 4:
                # with polarization axis
                npol = imshape[3]
                for i in range(nfile):
                    self.realimage = ia.newimage(self.tmprealname[i])
                    for ichan in range(nchan):
                        for ipol in range(npol):
                            pixmsk = self.realimage.getchunk(
                                [0, 0, ichan, ipol],
                                [nx - 1, ny - 1, ichan, ipol])
                            for ix in range(pixmsk.shape[0]):
                                for iy in range(pixmsk.shape[1]):
                                    if self.thresh[0] == self.nolimit:
                                        if pixmsk[ix][iy] > self.thresh[1]:
                                                ipol] = pixmsk[ix][iy]
                                            pixmsk[ix][iy] = 0.0
                                    elif self.thresh[1] == self.nolimit:
                                        if pixmsk[ix][iy] < self.thresh[0]:
                                                ipol] = pixmsk[ix][iy]
                                            pixmsk[ix][iy] = 0.0
                                        if pixmsk[ix][iy] < self.thresh[
                                                0] or pixmsk[ix][
                                                    iy] > self.thresh[1]:
                                                ipol] = pixmsk[ix][iy]
                                            pixmsk[ix][iy] = 0.0
                                                    [0, 0, ichan, ipol])
            elif len(imshape) == 3:
                # no polarization axis
                for i in range(nfile):
                    self.realimage = ia.newimage(self.tmprealname[i])
                    for ichan in range(nchan):
                        pixmsk = self.realimage.getchunk(
                            [0, 0, ichan], [nx - 1, ny - 1, ichan])
                        for ix in range(pixmsk.shape[0]):
                            for iy in range(pixmsk.shape[1]):
                                if self.thresh[0] == self.nolimit:
                                    if pixmsk[ix][iy] > self.thresh[1]:
                                        maskedpixel[i][ix][iy][ichan] = pixmsk[
                                        pixmsk[ix][iy] = 0.0
                                elif self.thresh[1] == self.nolimit:
                                    if pixmsk[ix][iy] < self.thresh[0]:
                                        maskedpixel[i][ix][iy][ichan] = pixmsk[
                                        pixmsk[ix][iy] = 0.0
                                    if pixmsk[ix][iy] < self.thresh[
                                            0] or pixmsk[ix][iy] > self.thresh[
                                        maskedpixel[i][ix][iy][ichan] = pixmsk[
                                        pixmsk[ix][iy] = 0.0
                        self.realimage.putchunk(pixmsk, [0, 0, ichan])
        maskedvalue = None
        if any(maskedpixel.flatten() != 0.0):
            maskedvalue = maskedpixel.mean(axis=0)
        del maskedpixel

        # set weight factor
        weights = numpy.ones(shape=(nfile, nx, ny), dtype=float)
        eps = 1.0e-5
        dtor = numpy.pi / 180.0
        for i in range(nfile):
            if abs(numpy.sin(dirs[i] * dtor)) < eps:
                # direction is around 0 deg
                maskw = 0.5 * nx * masks[i]
                for ix in range(nx):
                    for iy in range(ny):
                        dd = abs(float(ix) - 0.5 * (nx - 1))
                        if dd < maskw:
                            cosd = numpy.cos(0.5 * numpy.pi * dd / maskw)
                            weights[i][ix][iy] = 1.0 - cosd * cosd
                        if weights[i][ix][iy] == 0.0:
                            weights[i][ix][iy] += eps * 0.01
            elif abs(numpy.cos(dirs[i] * dtor)) < eps:
                # direction is around 90 deg
                maskw = 0.5 * ny * masks[i]
                for ix in range(nx):
                    for iy in range(ny):
                        dd = abs(float(iy) - 0.5 * (ny - 1))
                        if dd < maskw:
                            cosd = numpy.cos(0.5 * numpy.pi * dd / maskw)
                            weights[i][ix][iy] = 1.0 - cosd * cosd
                        if weights[i][ix][iy] == 0.0:
                            weights[i][ix][iy] += eps * 0.01
                maskw = 0.5 * sqrt(nx * ny) * masks[i]
                for ix in range(nx):
                    for iy in range(ny):
                        tand = numpy.tan((dirs[i] - 90.0) * dtor)
                        dd = abs(ix * tand - iy - 0.5 * (nx - 1) * tand + 0.5 *
                                 (ny - 1))
                        dd = dd / sqrt(1.0 + tand * tand)
                        if dd < maskw:
                            cosd = numpy.cos(0.5 * numpy.pi * dd / maskw)
                            weights[i][ix][iy] = 1.0 - cosd * cosd
                        if weights[i][ix][iy] == 0.0:
                            weights[i][ix][iy] += eps * 0.01
            # shift
            xshift = -((ny - 1) / 2)
            yshift = -((nx - 1) / 2)
            for ix in range(xshift, 0, 1):
                tmp = weights[i, :, 0].copy()
                weights[i, :, 0:ny - 1] = weights[i, :, 1:ny].copy()
                weights[i, :, ny - 1] = tmp
            for iy in range(yshift, 0, 1):
                tmp = weights[i, 0:1].copy()
                weights[i, 0:nx - 1] = weights[i, 1:nx].copy()
                weights[i, nx - 1:nx] = tmp

        # FFT
        if len(imshape) == 4:
            # with polarization axis
            npol = imshape[3]
            for i in range(nfile):
                self.realimage = ia.newimage(self.tmprealname[i])
                self.imagimage = ia.newimage(self.tmpimagname[i])
                for ichan in range(nchan):
                    for ipol in range(npol):
                        pixval = self.realimage.getchunk(
                            [0, 0, ichan, ipol], [nx - 1, ny - 1, ichan, ipol])
                        pixval = pixval.reshape((nx, ny))
                        pixfft = npfft.fft2(pixval)
                        pixfft = pixfft.reshape((nx, ny, 1, 1))
                                                [0, 0, ichan, ipol])
                                                [0, 0, ichan, ipol])
                        del pixval, pixfft
        elif len(imshape) == 3:
            # no polarization axis
            for i in range(nfile):
                self.realimage = ia.newimage(self.tmprealname[i])
                self.imagimage = ia.newimage(self.tmpimagname[i])
                for ichan in range(nchan):
                    pixval = self.realimage.getchunk([0, 0, ichan],
                                                     [nx - 1, ny - 1, ichan])
                    pixval = pixval.reshape((nx, ny))
                    pixfft = npfft.fft2(pixval)
                    pixfft = pixfft.reshape((nx, ny, 1))
                    self.realimage.putchunk(pixfft.real, [0, 0, ichan])
                    self.imagimage.putchunk(pixfft.imag, [0, 0, ichan])
                    del pixval, pixfft

        # weighted mean
        if len(imshape) == 4:
            npol = imshape[3]
            for ichan in range(nchan):
                for ipol in range(npol):
                    pixout = numpy.zeros(shape=(nx, ny), dtype=complex)
                    denom = numpy.zeros(shape=(nx, ny), dtype=float)
                    for i in range(nfile):
                        self.realimage = ia.newimage(self.tmprealname[i])
                        self.imagimage = ia.newimage(self.tmpimagname[i])
                        pixval = self.realimage.getchunk([0, 0, ichan, ipol], [
                            nx - 1, ny - 1, ichan, ipol
                        ]) + self.imagimage.getchunk(
                            [0, 0, ichan, ipol],
                            [nx - 1, ny - 1, ichan, ipol]) * 1.0j
                        pixval = pixval.reshape((nx, ny))
                        pixout = pixout + pixval * weights[i]
                        denom = denom + weights[i]
                    pixout = pixout / denom
                    pixout = pixout.reshape((nx, ny, 1, 1))
                    self.realimage = ia.newimage(self.tmprealname[0])
                    self.imagimage = ia.newimage(self.tmpimagname[0])
                    self.realimage.putchunk(pixout.real, [0, 0, ichan, ipol])
                    self.imagimage.putchunk(pixout.imag, [0, 0, ichan, ipol])
        elif len(imshape) == 3:
            for ichan in range(nchan):
                pixout = numpy.zeros(shape=(nx, ny), dtype=complex)
                denom = numpy.zeros(shape=(nx, ny), dtype=float)
                for i in range(nfile):
                    self.realimage = ia.newimage(self.tmprealname[i])
                    self.imagimage = ia.newimage(self.tmpimagname[i])
                    pixval = self.realimage.getchunk([0, 0, ichan],
                                                     [nx - 1, ny - 1, ichan])
                    pixval = pixval.reshape((nx, ny))
                    pixout = pixout + pixval * weights[i]
                    denom = denom + weights[i]
                pixout = pixout / denom
                pixout = pixout.reshape((nx, ny, 1))
                self.realimage = ia.newimage(self.tmprealname[0])
                self.imagimage = ia.newimage(self.tmpimagname[0])
                self.realimage.putchunk(pixout.real, [0, 0, ichan])
                self.imagimage.putchunk(pixout.imag, [0, 0, ichan])

        # inverse FFT
        self.realimage = ia.newimage(self.tmprealname[0])
        self.imagimage = ia.newimage(self.tmpimagname[0])
        if len(imshape) == 4:
            npol = imshape[3]
            for ichan in range(nchan):
                for ipol in range(npol):
                    pixval = self.realimage.getchunk([0, 0, ichan, ipol], [
                        nx - 1, ny - 1, ichan, ipol
                    ]) + self.imagimage.getchunk(
                        [0, 0, ichan, ipol],
                        [nx - 1, ny - 1, ichan, ipol]) * 1.0j
                    pixval = pixval.reshape((nx, ny))
                    pixifft = npfft.ifft2(pixval)
                    pixifft = pixifft.reshape((nx, ny, 1, 1))
                    outimage.putchunk(pixifft.real, [0, 0, ichan, ipol])
                    del pixval, pixifft
        elif len(imshape) == 3:
            for ichan in range(nchan):
                pixval = self.realimage.getchunk(
                    [0, 0, ichan],
                    [nx - 1, ny - 1, ichan]) + self.imagimage.getchunk(
                        [0, 0, ichan], [nx - 1, ny - 1, ichan]) * 1.0j
                pixval = pixval.reshape((nx, ny))
                pixifft = npfft.ifft2(pixval)
                pixifft = pixifft.reshape((nx, ny, 1))
                outimage.putchunk(pixifft.real, [0, 0, ichan])
                del pixval, pixifft
        if maskedvalue is not None:
            outimage.putchunk(outimage.getchunk() + maskedvalue)
        # handling of output image mask
        maskstr = ""
        for name in self.infiles:
            if len(maskstr) > 0: maskstr += " || "
            maskstr += ("mask('%s')" % (name))
        outimage.calcmask(maskstr, name="basketweaving", asdefault=True)

Exemple #59
                             image2[0][0] * (1 - sliderRatios[0]))
            phase_mix = np.zeros(image2[0][0].shape)

        # case 3
        if case == Cases.UniMagandPhase:
            mag_mix = np.ones(image2[0][0].shape)  # ones array
            phase_mix = np.add((image2[0][1] * sliderRatios[1]),
                               (image1[0][1] * (1 - sliderRatios[1])))

        # case 4
        if case == Cases.UniMagandUniPhase:
            mag_mix = np.ones(image2[0][0].shape)  # ones array
            phase_mix = np.zeros(image2[0][0].shape)

        # case 5
        if case == Cases.RealandImag:
            real_mix = np.add(image1[0][2] * sliderRatios[0],
                              image2[0][2] * (1 - sliderRatios[0]))
            imag_mix = np.add(image2[0][3] * (sliderRatios[1]),
                              image1[0][3] * (1 - sliderRatios[1]))

        if case == Cases.RealandImag:
            imag_mix = (1j * imag_mix)
            new_array = np.add(real_mix, imag_mix)
            phase_mix = np.exp(1j * phase_mix)
            new_array = np.multiply(phase_mix, mag_mix)

        output = np.real(ifft2(new_array))
        return output  # -> ndarray
Exemple #60
def tiePavlov(Is, Ir, energy, z1, z2, pix_size, delta, beta, bg_val, scale):
    """ Phase retrieval using the Transport of Intensity Equation for homogeneous samples in the case of speckles
       arg1 : Is
          Image with the sample and the membrane
       arg2 : Ir
          Image with the membrane only

       arg3 : str
           energy = mean x-ray energy (keV)
       arg4: float
           z1 = source to sample distance (m)
       arg5: float
           z2 = sample to detector distance (m)
       arg6: float
           pix_size = size of the image pixels (m)

       arg7: float
           delta = refractive index

       arg8: float
           beta = absorption par    t of the refactive index

       arg9: float
           bg_val = background intensity in img_in (e.g. 0, 1, 100...)

       arg10: float
           scale = parameter in the low-frequency filter (e.g., 2) (added by KMP)

           img_thickness = image of sample thickness (m)


    lambda_energy = kevToLambda(energy)
    waveNumber = (2 * pi) / lambda_energy
    mu = 2 * waveNumber * beta

    magnificationFactor = (z1 + z2) / z1
    pix_size = pix_size * magnificationFactor
    #pix_size = pix_size * magnificationFactor

    sigmaSource = 150.e-6

    gamma = delta / beta

    is_divided_by_Ir = np.true_divide(Is, Ir)

    numerator = 1 - is_divided_by_Ir

    # average_image = np.mean(numerator)
    # Correction on the average image. Now the average of the new array is ~0
    # numerator = numerator - average_image

    saveEdf(numerator, 'ImageNew.edf')

    padCol = 1600
    padRow = 1600
    width, height = numerator.shape
    numerator = np.pad(numerator, ((padRow, padRow), (padCol, padCol)),

    fftNumerator = fftshift(fft2(numerator))

    Nx, Ny = fftNumerator.shape
    print('Nx:' + str(Nx) + ' Ny:' + str(Ny))
    u, v = np.meshgrid(np.arange(0, Nx), np.arange(0, Ny))
    u = (u - (Nx / 2))
    v = (v - (Ny / 2))

    u_m = u / (Nx * pix_size)
    v_m = v / (Ny * pix_size)
    uv_sqr = np.transpose(u_m**2 + v_m**2)  # ie (u2+v2)
    # without taking care of source size
    # denominator = 1 + pi * gamma * z2 * lambda_energy * k_sqr

    # Beltran et al method to deblur with source
    denominator = 1 + pi * (gamma * z2 - waveNumber * sigmaSource *
                            sigmaSource) * lambda_energy * uv_sqr

    #    denominator *= magnificationFactor
    tmp = fftNumerator / denominator

    # Low pass filter
    sigma_x = ((1 / (Nx * pix_size * 1.6)) * scale)**2
    sigma_y = ((1 / (Ny * pix_size * 1.6)) * scale)**2
    f = (1. - np.exp(-(u_m**2 / (2. * sigma_x) + v_m**2 / (2. * sigma_y)))
         )  # ie f(x,y)
    lff = np.transpose(f)  # ie LFF

    # Application of the Low pass filter
    tmp = lff * tmp

    # inverse fourier transform
    tmpThickness = ifft2(ifftshift(tmp))  # F-1
    img_thickness = np.real(tmpThickness)
    # Division by mu
    img_thickness = img_thickness / mu
    # multiplication to be in micron
    img_thickness = img_thickness * 1e6
    # unpadding
    img_thickness = img_thickness[padRow:padRow + width,
                                  padCol:padCol + height]
    img_thickness += bg_val

    return img_thickness