def test_objective_sym_against_naive():
    sigma = 1.
    D = 2
    N = 10
    Z = np.random.randn(N, D)
    K = gaussian_kernel(Z, sigma=sigma)
    num_trials = 10
    for _ in range(num_trials):
        alpha = np.random.randn(N)
        J_naive_a = 0
        for d in range(D):
            for i in range(N):
                for j in range(N):
                    J_naive_a += alpha[i] * K[i, j] * \
                                (-1 + 2. / sigma * ((Z[i][d] - Z[j][d]) ** 2))
        J_naive_a *= (2. / (N * sigma))
        J_naive_b = 0
        for d in range(D):
            for i in range(N):
                temp = 0
                for j in range(N):
                    temp += alpha[j] * (Z[j, d] - Z[i, d]) * K[i, j]
                J_naive_b += (temp ** 2)
        J_naive_b *= (2. / (N * (sigma ** 2)))
        J_naive = J_naive_a + J_naive_b
        # compare to unregularised objective
        lmbda = 0.
        J = develop_gaussian.objective_sym(Z, sigma, lmbda, alpha, K)
        assert_close(J_naive, J)
def test_rff_feature_map():
    x = 3.
    u = 2.
    omega = 2.
    phi = rff_feature_map_single(x, omega, u)
    phi_manual = np.cos(omega * x + u) * np.sqrt(2.)
    assert_close(phi, phi_manual)
def test_rff_feature_map_derivative_d_2n():
    X = np.array([[1.], [3.]])
    u = np.array([2.])
    omega = np.array([[2.]])
    d = 0
    phi_derivative = rff_feature_map_grad_d(X, omega, u, d)
    phi_derivative_manual = -np.sin(X * omega + u) * omega[:, d] * np.sqrt(2.)
    assert_close(phi_derivative, phi_derivative_manual)
def test_rff_feature_map_derivative2_d():
    X = np.array([[1.]])
    u = np.array([2.])
    omega = np.array([[2.]])
    d = 0
    phi_derivative2 = rff_feature_map_grad2_d(X, omega, u, d)
    phi_derivative2_manual = -rff_feature_map(X, omega, u) * (omega[:, d] ** 2)
    assert_close(phi_derivative2, phi_derivative2_manual)
def test_rff_feature_map_comp_theano_result_equals_manual():
    if not theano_available:
        raise SkipTest("Theano not available.")
    D = 2
    x = np.random.randn(D)
    m = 10
    sigma = 1.
    omega, u = rff_sample_basis(D, m, sigma)
    phi_manual = rff_feature_map_single(x, omega, u)
    for i in range(m):
        # phi_manual is a monte carlo average, so have to normalise by np.sqrt(m) here
        phi = rff_feature_map_comp_theano(x, omega[:, i], u[i]) / np.sqrt(m)
        assert_close(phi, phi_manual[i])
def test_rff_feature_map_grad_theano_result_equals_manual():
    if not theano_available:
        raise SkipTest("Theano not available.")
    D = 2
    x = np.random.randn(D)
    X = x[np.newaxis, :]
    m = 10
    sigma = 1.
    omega, u = rff_sample_basis(D, m, sigma)
    grad_manual = rff_feature_map_grad(X, omega, u)[:, 0, :]
    for i in range(m):
        # phi_manual is a monte carlo average, so have to normalise by np.sqrt(m) here
        grad = rff_feature_map_comp_grad_theano(x, omega[:, i], u[i]) / np.sqrt(m)
        assert_close(grad, grad_manual[:, i])
Exemple #7
def test_objective_sym_given_b_C():
    N = 100
    D = 3
    m = 10
    omega = np.random.randn(D, m)
    u = np.random.uniform(0, 2 * np.pi, m)
    X = np.random.randn(N, D)
    lmbda = 1.

    C = compute_C_memory(X, omega, u)
    b = compute_b_memory(X, omega, u)
    theta = np.random.randn(m)

    J = objective(X, theta, lmbda, omega, u, b, C)
    J_manual = 0.5 *, + np.eye(m) * lmbda,
                                            theta)) -, b)

    assert_close(J, J_manual)
def test_objective_matches_sym():
    sigma = 1.
    lmbda = 1.
    Z = np.random.randn(100, 2)
    kernel = lambda X, Y: gaussian_kernel(X, Y, sigma=sigma)
    alpha = np.random.randn(len(Z))
    temp = incomplete_cholesky(Z, kernel, eta=0.1)
    I, R, nu = (temp["I"], temp["R"], temp["nu"])
    R_test = incomplete_cholesky_new_points(Z, Z, kernel, I, R, nu)
    b = gaussian_low_rank.compute_b(Z, Z, R.T, R_test.T, sigma)
    J_sym = develop_gaussian_low_rank.objective_sym(Z, sigma, lmbda, alpha, R.T, b)
    J = gaussian_low_rank.objective(Z, Z, sigma, lmbda, alpha, R.T, R_test.T, b)
    assert_close(J, J_sym)
Exemple #9
def test_objective_low_rank_matches_sym():
    sigma = 1.
    lmbda = 1.
    Z = np.random.randn(100, 2)

    kernel = lambda X, Y: gaussian_kernel(X, Y, sigma=sigma)
    alpha = np.random.randn(len(Z))

    temp = incomplete_cholesky(Z, kernel, eta=0.1)
    I, R, nu = (temp["I"], temp["R"], temp["nu"])

    R_test = incomplete_cholesky_new_points(Z, Z, kernel, I, R, nu)

    b = _compute_b_low_rank(Z, Z, R.T, R_test.T, sigma)

    J_sym = _objective_sym_low_rank(Z, sigma, lmbda, alpha, R.T, b)
    J = _objective_low_rank(Z, Z, sigma, lmbda, alpha, R.T, R_test.T, b)

    assert_close(J, J_sym)
def test_serialisation_round_trip_is_idempotent(tmp_path):
    video_id = "P01_101"
    frame_number = 10

    detections = FrameDetections(
        objects=[ObjectDetection(bbox=BBox(0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4), score=0.1)],
                bbox=BBox(0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5),
                object_offset=FloatVector(x=0.1, y=0.1),

    filepath = tmp_path / (video_id + ".pkl")

    save_detections([detections], filepath)
    loaded_detections = load_detections(filepath)[0]

    assert detections.video_id == loaded_detections.video_id
    assert detections.frame_number == loaded_detections.frame_number


    assert_close(detections.hands[0].score, loaded_detections.hands[0].score)
    assert detections.hands[0].side == loaded_detections.hands[0].side
    assert detections.hands[0].state == loaded_detections.hands[0].state
def test_objective_matches_full():
    sigma = 1.
    lmbda = 1.
    X = np.random.randn(100, 2)
    Y = np.random.randn(10, 2)
    low_rank_dim = int(len(X) * 0.9)
    kernel = lambda X, Y: gaussian_kernel(X, Y, sigma=sigma)
    alpha = np.random.randn(len(X))
    K_XY = kernel(X, Y)
    C = gaussian.compute_C(X, Y, K_XY, sigma)
    b = gaussian.compute_b(X, Y, K_XY, sigma)
    J_full = gaussian.objective(X, Y, sigma, lmbda, alpha, K_XY=K_XY, b=b, C=C)
    temp = incomplete_cholesky(X, kernel, eta=low_rank_dim)
    I, R, nu = (temp["I"], temp["R"], temp["nu"])
    R_test = incomplete_cholesky_new_points(X, Y, kernel, I, R, nu)
    b = gaussian_low_rank.compute_b(X, Y, R.T, R_test.T, sigma)
    J = gaussian_low_rank.objective(X, Y, sigma, lmbda, alpha, R.T, R_test.T, b)
    assert_close(J, J_full, decimal=1)
Exemple #12
def test_objective_low_rank_matches_full():
    sigma = 1.
    lmbda = 1.
    X = np.random.randn(100, 2)
    Y = np.random.randn(10, 2)
    low_rank_dim = int(len(X) * 0.9)

    kernel = lambda X, Y: gaussian_kernel(X, Y, sigma=sigma)
    alpha = np.random.randn(len(X))

    K_XY = kernel(X, Y)
    C = _compute_C(X, Y, K_XY, sigma)
    b = _compute_b(X, Y, K_XY, sigma)
    J_full = _objective(X, Y, sigma, lmbda, alpha, K_XY=K_XY, b=b, C=C)

    temp = incomplete_cholesky(X, kernel, eta=low_rank_dim)
    I, R, nu = (temp["I"], temp["R"], temp["nu"])
    R_test = incomplete_cholesky_new_points(X, Y, kernel, I, R, nu)
    b = _compute_b_low_rank(X, Y, R.T, R_test.T, sigma)
    J = _objective_low_rank(X, Y, sigma, lmbda, alpha, R.T, R_test.T, b)

    assert_close(J, J_full, decimal=1)
def test_objective_against_naive():
    sigma = 1.
    D = 2
    NX = 10
    NY = 20
    X = np.random.randn(NX, D)
    Y = np.random.randn(NY, D)

    K_XY = gaussian_kernel(X, Y, sigma=sigma)

    num_trials = 10
    for _ in range(num_trials):
        alpha = np.random.randn(NX)

        J_naive_a = 0
        for d in range(D):
            for i in range(NX):
                for j in range(NY):
                    J_naive_a += alpha[i] * K_XY[i, j] * \
                                (-1 + 2. / sigma * ((X[i][d] - Y[j][d]) ** 2))
        J_naive_a *= (2. / (NX * sigma))

        J_naive_b = 0
        for d in range(D):
            for i in range(NY):
                temp = 0
                for j in range(NX):
                    temp += alpha[j] * (X[j, d] - Y[i, d]) * K_XY[j, i]
                J_naive_b += (temp**2)
        J_naive_b *= (2. / (NX * (sigma**2)))

        J_naive = J_naive_a + J_naive_b

        # compare to unregularised objective
        lmbda = 0.
        J = gaussian.objective(X, Y, sigma, lmbda, alpha, K_XY=K_XY)
        assert_close(J_naive, J)
def test_objective_against_naive():
    sigma = 1.
    D = 2
    NX = 10
    NY = 20
    X = np.random.randn(NX, D)
    Y = np.random.randn(NY, D)
    K_XY = gaussian_kernel(X, Y, sigma=sigma)
    num_trials = 10
    for _ in range(num_trials):
        alpha = np.random.randn(NX)
        J_naive_a = 0
        for d in range(D):
            for i in range(NX):
                for j in range(NY):
                    J_naive_a += alpha[i] * K_XY[i, j] * \
                                (-1 + 2. / sigma * ((X[i][d] - Y[j][d]) ** 2))
        J_naive_a *= (2. / (NX * sigma))
        J_naive_b = 0
        for d in range(D):
            for i in range(NY):
                temp = 0
                for j in range(NX):
                    temp += alpha[j] * (X[j, d] - Y[i, d]) * K_XY[j, i]
                J_naive_b += (temp ** 2)
        J_naive_b *= (2. / (NX * (sigma ** 2)))
        J_naive = J_naive_a + J_naive_b
        # compare to unregularised objective
        lmbda = 0.
        J = gaussian.objective(X, Y, sigma, lmbda, alpha, K_XY=K_XY)
        assert_close(J_naive, J)
def assert_float_vector_close(expected_float_vector: FloatVector,
                              actual_float_vector: FloatVector):
    assert_close(expected_float_vector.x, actual_float_vector.x)
    assert_close(expected_float_vector.y, actual_float_vector.y)
def assert_bbox_close(expected_bbox: BBox, actual_bbox: BBox):
    assert_close(expected_bbox.left, actual_bbox.left)
    assert_close(expected_bbox.right, actual_bbox.right)
    assert_close(expected_bbox.bottom, actual_bbox.bottom)
    def test_conditional_gaussian_dependency_matrix(self):
        length = 100
        n_samples = 1000
        X = array([sample_markov_chain(length) for _ in range(n_samples)])

        # Next two should be equal
        s0 = AnomalyDetector(
                range(length), length)).fit(X).anomaly_score(X)

        ad1 = AnomalyDetector(
                P_ConditionalGaussian([i + 1], [i]) for i in range(length - 1)
            ] + [P_ConditionalGaussian([0], [])]), cr_plus).fit(X)
        s1 = ad1.anomaly_score(X)

        assert_allclose(s0, s1, rtol=0.0001)  # OK

        # Most likely, these two are not equal but highly correlated
        ad2 = AnomalyDetector(
            [P_ConditionalGaussian([i], []) for i in range(length)],
        s2 = ad2.anomaly_score(X)

        ad3 = AnomalyDetector(
                [P_ConditionalGaussian([i], []) for i in range(length)]),
        s3 = ad3.anomaly_score(X)

        assert_equal(pearsonr(s2, s3) > 0.985, True)

        # Test classification
        Y = array([sample_markov_chain(length, 0.2) for _ in range(n_samples)])
        Z = array([sample_markov_chain(length, 0.3) for _ in range(n_samples)])

        data = r_[X, Y, Z]
        labels = r_[['X'] * len(X), ['Y'] * len(Y), ['Z'] * len(Z)]

        data_index = shuffle(range(len(data)))
        training_set = data_index[:n_samples * 2]
        test_set = data_index[n_samples * 2:]

        models = {
            'independent gaussian':
            AnomalyDetector([P_Gaussian([i]) for i in range(length)], cr_plus),
            'independent conditional gaussian':
                [P_ConditionalGaussian([i], []) for i in range(length)],
            'independent conditional gaussian with combiner':
                    [P_ConditionalGaussian([i], []) for i in range(length)])),
            'single conditional gaussian with combiner':
                    P_ConditionalGaussian([i], [i - 1])
                    for i in range(1, length)
                ] + [P_ConditionalGaussian([0], [])])),
            'dependency matrix':
                P_ConditionalGaussianDependencyMatrix(range(length), length))

        all_acc = {}
        for key in models:
            ad = models[key].fit(data[training_set], labels[training_set])

            adclf = SklearnClassifier.clf(ad)

            labels_predicted = adclf.predict(data[test_set])
            accuracy = sum(labels[test_set] == labels_predicted) / float(
            all_acc[key] = accuracy
            print key, "accuracy = ", accuracy

        assert_close(all_acc['independent gaussian'],
                     all_acc['independent conditional gaussian'],
        assert_close(all_acc['independent gaussian'],
                     all_acc['independent conditional gaussian with combiner'],
        assert_close(all_acc['single conditional gaussian with combiner'],
                     all_acc['dependency matrix'],
def test_isotropic_zero_mean_equals_log_gaussian_pdf():
    D = 2
    x = np.random.randn(D)
    g = IsotropicZeroMeanGaussian(sigma=np.sqrt(2))
    log_pdf = log_gaussian_pdf(x, mu=np.zeros(D), Sigma=np.eye(D) * 2, is_cholesky=False, compute_grad=False)
    assert_close(log_pdf, g.log_pdf(x))
    def test_conditional_gaussian_dependency_matrix(self):
        length = 100
        n_samples = 1000
        X = array([sample_markov_chain(length) for _ in range(n_samples)])

        # Next two should be equal
        s0 = AnomalyDetector(

            P_ConditionalGaussianCombiner([P_ConditionalGaussian([i + 1], [i]) for i in range(length - 1)]+[P_ConditionalGaussian([0], [])]),
        s1 = ad1.anomaly_score(X)

        assert_allclose(s0, s1, rtol=0.0001)  # OK

        # Most likely, these two are not equal but highly correlated
            [P_ConditionalGaussian([i], []) for i in range(length)],
        s2 = ad2.anomaly_score(X)

            P_ConditionalGaussianCombiner([P_ConditionalGaussian([i], []) for i in range(length)]),
        s3 = ad3.anomaly_score(X)

        assert_equal(pearsonr(s2,s3)> 0.985, True)

        # Test classification
        Y = array([sample_markov_chain(length,0.2) for _ in range(n_samples)])
        Z = array([sample_markov_chain(length,0.3) for _ in range(n_samples)])

        data = r_[X,Y,Z]
        labels = r_[['X']*len(X), ['Y']*len(Y), ['Z']*len(Z)]

        data_index = shuffle(list(range(len(data))))
        training_set = data_index[:n_samples*2]
        test_set = data_index[n_samples*2:]

        models = {
            'independent gaussian':
                AnomalyDetector([P_Gaussian([i]) for i in range(length)],cr_plus),
            'independent conditional gaussian':
                AnomalyDetector([P_ConditionalGaussian([i], []) for i in range(length)],cr_plus),
            'independent conditional gaussian with combiner':
                AnomalyDetector(P_ConditionalGaussianCombiner([P_ConditionalGaussian([i], []) for i in range(length)])),
            'single conditional gaussian with combiner':
                AnomalyDetector(P_ConditionalGaussianCombiner([P_ConditionalGaussian([i], [i-1]) for i in range(1, length)]+
                                                              [P_ConditionalGaussian([0], [])])),
            'dependency matrix':

        all_acc = {}
        for key in models:
            ad=models[key].fit(data[training_set], labels[training_set])

            adclf = SklearnClassifier.clf(ad)

            labels_predicted = adclf.predict(data[test_set])
            accuracy = sum(labels[test_set]==labels_predicted)/float(len(test_set))
            all_acc[key] = accuracy
            print(key, "accuracy = ", accuracy)

        assert_close(all_acc['independent gaussian'],all_acc['independent conditional gaussian'],decimal=2)
        assert_close(all_acc['independent gaussian'], all_acc['independent conditional gaussian with combiner'],decimal=2)
        assert_close(all_acc['single conditional gaussian with combiner'], all_acc['dependency matrix'],decimal=2)