Exemple #1
def comp_pixel_ternary(image):  # 3x3 and 2x2 pixel cross-correlation within image
    # orthogonal comp
    orthdy__ = image[1:] - image[:-1]       # vertical
    orthdx__ = image[:, 1:] - image[:, :-1] # horizontal

    # compute gdert__
    p__ = (image[:-2, :-2] + image[:-2, 1:-1] + image[1:-1, :-2] + image[1:-1, 1:-1]) * 0.25
    dy__ = (orthdy__[:-1, 1:-1] + orthdy__[:-1, :-2]) * 0.5
    dx__ = (orthdx__[1:-1, :-1] + orthdx__[:-2, :-1]) * 0.5
    g__ = ma.hypot(dy__, dx__)
    gdert__ = ma.stack((p__, g__, dy__, dx__))

    # diagonal comp
    diag1__ = image[2:, 2:] - image[:-2, :-2]
    diag2__ = image[2:, :-2] - image[:-2, 2:]

    # compute rdert__
    p3__ = image[1:-1, 1:-1]
    dy3__ = (orthdy__[1:, 1:-1] + orthdy__[:-1, 1:-1]) * 0.25 +\
            (diag1__ + diag2__) * 0.125
    dx3__ = (orthdx__[1:-1, 1:] + orthdx__[1:-1, :-1]) * 0.25 + \
            (diag1__ - diag2__) * 0.125
    g3__ = ma.hypot(dy3__, dx3__)
    rdert__ = ma.stack((p3__, g3__, dy3__, dx3__))

    # gdert__ = comp_2x2(image)  # cross-compare four adjacent pixels diagonally
    # rdert__ = comp_3x3(image)  # compare each pixel to 8 rim pixels

    return gdert__, rdert__
Exemple #2
def comp_g(dert__, rng):
    Compare g over predetermined range.
    # Unpack dert__:
    g, m, dy, dx = dert__

    # Compare gs:
    d = translated_operation(g, rng, op.sub)
    comp_field = central_slice(rng)

    # Decompose and add to corresponding dy and dx:
    dy[comp_field] += (d * Y_COEFFS[rng]).sum(axis=-1)
    dx[comp_field] += (d * X_COEFFS[rng]).sum(axis=-1)

    # Compute ms:
    m[comp_field] += translated_operation(g, rng, ma.minimum).sum(axis=-1)

    # Apply mask:
    msq = np.ones(g.shape, dtype=int)  # Rim mask.
    msq[comp_field] = g.mask[comp_field] + d.mask.sum(
        axis=-1)  # Summed d mask.
    imsq = msq.nonzero()
    m[imsq] = dy[imsq] = dx[imsq] = ma.masked  # Apply mask.

    # Compute gg:
    gg = ma.hypot(dy, dx) * SCALER_g[rng]

    return ma.stack((g, gg, m, dy, dx),
                    axis=0)  # ma.stack() for extra array dimension.
Exemple #3
def comp_a(dert__, rng):
    Compute and compare a over predetermined range.
    # Unpack dert__:
    if len(dert__) in (5, 12): # idert or full dert with m.
        i__, g__, m__, dy__, dx__ = dert__[:5]
    else: # idert or full dert without m.
        i__, g__, dy__, dx__ = dert__[:4]

    if len(dert__) > 10: # if ra+:
        a__ = dert__[-7:-5] # Computed angle (use reverse indexing to avoid m check).
        day__ = dert__[-4:-2] # Accumulated day__.
        dax__ = dert__[-2:] # Accumulated day__.
    else: # if fa:
        # Compute angles:
        a__ = ma.stack((dy__, dx__), axis=0) / g__
        a__.mask = g__.mask

        # Initialize dax, day:
        day__, dax__ = [ma.zeros((2,) + i__.shape) for _ in range(2)]

    # Compute angle differences:
    da__ = translated_operation(a__, rng, angle_diff)
    comp_field = central_slice(rng)

    # Decompose and add to corresponding day and dax:
    day__[comp_field] = (da__ * Y_COEFFS[rng]).mean(axis=-1)
    dax__[comp_field] = (da__ * X_COEFFS[rng]).mean(axis=-1)

    # Apply mask:
    msq = np.ones(a__.shape, dtype=int) # Rim mask.
    msq[comp_field] = a__.mask[comp_field] + da__.mask.sum(axis=-1) # Summed d mask.
    imsq = msq.nonzero()
    day__[imsq] = dax__[imsq] = ma.masked # Apply mask.

    # Compute ga:
    ga__ = ma.hypot(
    )[np.newaxis, ...] * SCALER_ga

    try: # dert with m is more common:
        return ma.concatenate( # Concatenate on the first dimension.
                ma.stack((i__, g__, m__, dy__, dx__), axis=0),
                a__, ga__, day__, dax__,
    except NameError: # m doesn't exist:
        return ma.concatenate(  # Concatenate on the first dimension.
                ma.stack((i__, g__, dy__, dx__), axis=0),
                a__, ga__, day__, dax__,
Exemple #4
def comp_a(gdert__, rng):
    Compute and compare a over predetermined range.
    # Unpack dert__:
        g, gg, m, dy, dx = gdert__
    except ValueError:  # Initial dert doesn't contain m.
        g, gg, dy, dx = gdert__

    # Initialize dax, day:
    day, dax = [ma.zeros((2, ) + g.shape) for _ in range(2)]

    # Compute angles:
    a = ma.stack((dy, dx), axis=0) / gg
    a.mask = gg.mask

    # Compute angle differences:
    da = translated_operation(a, rng, angle_diff)
    comp_field = central_slice(rng)

    # Decompose and add to corresponding day and dax:
    day[comp_field] = (da * Y_COEFFS[rng]).mean(axis=-1)
    dax[comp_field] = (da * X_COEFFS[rng]).mean(axis=-1)

    # Apply mask:
    msq = np.ones(a.shape, dtype=int)  # Rim mask.
    msq[comp_field] = a.mask[comp_field] + da.mask.sum(
        axis=-1)  # Summed d mask.
    imsq = msq.nonzero()
    day[imsq] = dax[imsq] = ma.masked  # Apply mask.

    # Compute ga:
    ga = ma.hypot(ma.arctan2(*day), ma.arctan2(*dax))[np.newaxis,
                                                      ...] * SCALER_ga

        return ma.concatenate(  # Concatenate on the first dimension.
                ma.stack((g, gg, m), axis=0),
    except NameError:  # m doesn't exist.
        return ma.concatenate(  # Concatenate on the first dimension.
                ma.stack((g, gg), axis=0),
Exemple #5
        def _compare(self):
            """Generate derivatives from inputs."""
            dy, dx = compare_slices(self._i, self._rng)

            self._derts[-2:][central_slice(self._rng)] += (dy, dx)
            self._derts[0] = ma.hypot(*self._derts[-2:])

            self._derts[rim_mask(self._i.shape, rng)] = ma.masked
            return self
Exemple #6
        def _compare(self):
            dy, dx = compare_slices(self._i, self._rng, operator=angle_diff)

            self._derts[1:][central_slice(self._rng)] += np.concatenate((dy, dx))
            self._derts[0] = ma.hypot(

            self._derts[rim_mask(self._i.shape, rng)] = ma.masked
            return self
Exemple #7
def comp_pixel_old(image):  # 2x2 pixel cross-correlation within image

    dy__ = image[1:] - image[:-1]        # orthogonal vertical com
    dx__ = image[:, 1:] - image[:, :-1]  # orthogonal horizontal comp

    p__ = image[:-1, :-1]  #  top-left pixel
    mean_dy__ = (dy__[:, 1:] + dy__[:, :-1]) * 0.5  # mean dy per kernel
    mean_dx__ = (dx__[1:, :] + dx__[:-1, :]) * 0.5  # mean dx per kernel
    g__ = ma.hypot(mean_dy__, mean_dx__)  # central gradient of four rim pixels
    dert__ = ma.stack((p__, g__, mean_dy__, mean_dx__))

    return dert__
def comp_r(dert__, fig):

    i__, g__, dy__, dx__ = dert__[:]
    dy__ = dy__[:, rng:-rng, rng:-rng]
    dx__ = dx__[:, rng:-rng, rng:-rng]

    # comparison
    d__ = translated_operation(i__, rng=rng, operator=op.sub)

    # sum within kernels
    dy__ += (d__ * Y_COEFFS[rng]).sum(axis=-1)
    dx__ += (d__ * X_COEFFS[rng]).sum(axis=-1)

    # compute gradient magnitudes
    g__ = ma.hypot(dy__, dx__)

    return ma.stack((i__, g__, dy__, dx__))
def comp_3x3_loop(image):
    buff_ = deque()  # buffer for derts
    Y, X = image.shape

    for p_ in image:  # loop through rows
        for p in p_:  # loop through each pixel
            dx = dy = 0  # uni-lateral differences
            # loop through buffers:
            for k, xcoeff, ycoeff in zip(
                [0, X - 1, X, X + 1],  # indices of _dert
                [0.25, -0.125, 0, 0.125],  # x axis coefficient
                [0, 0.125, 0.25, 0.125]):  # y axis coefficient
                    _p, _dy, _dx = buff_[k]  # unpack buff_[k]
                    d = p - _p  # compute difference
                    dx_buff = d * xcoeff  # decompose difference
                    dy_buff = d * ycoeff
                    dx += dx_buff  # accumulate fuzzy difference over the kernel
                    _dx += dx_buff
                    dy += dy_buff
                    _dy += dy_buff

                    buff_[k] = _p, _dy, _dx  # repack buff_[k]

                except TypeError:  # buff_[k] is None
                except IndexError:  # k >= len(buff_)

                (p, dy, dx))  # initialize dert with uni-lateral differences
        buff_.appendleft(None)  # add empty dert at the end of each row

    # reshape data and compute g (temporary, to perform tests)
    p__, dy__, dx__ = np.array([buff for buff in reversed(buff_)
                                if buff is not None])\
        .reshape(Y, X, 3).swapaxes(1, 2).swapaxes(0, 1)[:, 1:-1, 1:-1]

    g__ = ma.hypot(dy__, dx__)

    return ma.stack((p__, g__, dy__, dx__))
Exemple #10
def comp_g(dert__, odd):
    g__ = dert__[0]
    a__ = dert__[1:]

    # loop through each pair of comparands in a kernel
    dgy__ = ma.zeros(np.subtract(g.shape, rng))
    dgx__ = ma.zeros(np.subtract(g.shape, rng))
    for x_coeff, y_coeff, (ts, _ts) in zip(X_COEFFS[rng], Y_COEFFS[rng],
        # find angle differences
        da__ = angle_diff(a__[ts], a__[_ts])

        # compute dg: dg = g - _g * cos(da) at each position
        dg__ = g__[ts] - g__[_ts] * da__[1]

        # accumulate dgy, dgx
        dgx__ += dg__ * x_coeff
        dgy__ += dg__ * y_coeff

    gg__ = ma.hypot(dgy__, dgx__)

    return ma.stack((g__, gg__, dgy__, dgx__))
Exemple #11
def comp_r(dert__, fig, root_fcr):
    Cross-comparison of input param (dert[0]) over rng passed from intra_blob.
    This fork is selective for blobs with below-average gradient,
    where input intensity didn't vary much in shorter-range cross-comparison.
    Such input is predictable enough for selective sampling: skipping current
    rim derts as kernel-central derts in following comparison kernels.
    Skipping forms increasingly sparse output dert__ for greater-range cross-comp, hence
    rng (distance between centers of compared derts) increases as 2^n, starting at 0:
    rng = 1: 3x3 kernel,
    rng = 2: 5x5 kernel,
    rng = 4: 9x9 kernel,
    Due to skipping, configuration of input derts in next-rng kernel will always be 3x3, see:
    # initialize new dert structure
    new_dert__ = ma.zeros((dert__.shape[0], (dert__.shape[1] - 1) // 2,
                           (dert__.shape[2] - 1) // 2),
    new_dert__.mask = True
    # extract new_dert__ 'views', use [:] to 'update' views and new_dert__ at the same time
    i__center, idy__, idx__, g__, dy__, dx__, m__ = new_dert__

    i__ = dert__[0]  # i is ig if fig else pixel
    sparse aligned i__center and i__rim arrays:
    i__center[:] = i__[1:-1:2, 1:-1:2]  # also assignment to new_dert__[0]
    i__topleft = i__[:-2:2, :-2:2]
    i__top = i__[:-2:2, 1:-1:2]
    i__topright = i__[:-2:2, 2::2]
    i__right = i__[1:-1:2, 2::2]
    i__bottomright = i__[2::2, 2::2]
    i__bottom = i__[2::2, 1:-1:2]
    i__bottomleft = i__[2::2, :-2:2]
    i__left = i__[1:-1:2, :-2:2]
    unmask all derts in kernels with only one masked dert (can be set to any number of masked derts), 
    to avoid extreme blob shrinking and loss of info in other derts of partially masked kernels
    unmasked derts were computed due to extend_dert() in intra_blob   
    majority_mask = (i__[:, 1:-1:2, 1:-1:2].mask.astype(int) +
                     i__[:, :-2:2, :-2:2].mask.astype(int) +
                     i__[:, :-2:2, 1:-1:2].mask.astype(int) +
                     i__[:, :-2:2, 2::2].mask.astype(int) +
                     i__[:, 1:-1:2, 2::2].mask.astype(int) +
                     i__[:, 2::2, 2::2].mask.astype(int) +
                     i__[:, 2::2, 1:-1:2].mask.astype(int) +
                     i__[:, 2::2, :-2:2].mask.astype(int) +
                     i__[:, 1:-1:2, :-2:2].mask.astype(int)) > 1
    i__center.mask = i__topleft.mask = i__top.mask = i__topright.mask = i__right.mask = i__bottomright.mask = \
    i__bottom.mask = i__bottomleft.mask = i__left.mask = majority_mask  # not only i__center

    idy__[:], idx__[:] = dert__[[1, 2], 1:-1:2, 1:-1:2]

    if root_fcr:  # root fork is comp_r, accumulate derivatives:

        dy__[:] = dert__[4, 1:-1:2, 1:-1:2]  # sparse to align with i__center
        dx__[:] = dert__[5, 1:-1:2, 1:-1:2]
        m__[:] = dert__[6, 1:-1:2, 1:-1:2]

    dy__.mask = dx__.mask = m__.mask = majority_mask

    if not fig:  # compare four diametrically opposed pairs of rim pixels:

        d_tl_br = i__topleft.data - i__bottomright.data
        d_t_b = i__top.data - i__bottom.data
        d_tr_bl = i__topright.data - i__bottomleft.data
        d_r_l = i__right.data - i__left.data

        dy__ += (d_tl_br * YCOEFs[0] + d_t_b * YCOEFs[1] +
                 d_tr_bl * YCOEFs[2] + d_r_l * YCOEFs[3])

        dx__ += (d_tl_br * XCOEFs[0] + d_t_b * XCOEFs[1] +
                 d_tr_bl * XCOEFs[2] + d_r_l * XCOEFs[3])

        g__[:] = ma.hypot(dy__, dx__)  # gradient
        inverse match = SAD, direction-invariant and more precise measure of variation than g
        (all diagonal derivatives can be imported from prior 2x2 comp)
        m__ += (abs(i__center.data - i__topleft.data) +
                abs(i__center.data - i__top.data) +
                abs(i__center.data - i__topright.data) +
                abs(i__center.data - i__right.data) +
                abs(i__center.data - i__bottomright.data) +
                abs(i__center.data - i__bottom.data) +
                abs(i__center.data - i__bottomleft.data) +
                abs(i__center.data - i__left.data))

    else:  # fig is TRUE, compare angle and then magnitude of 8 center-rim pairs

        i__[ma.where(i__ == 0)] = 1  # to avoid / 0
        a__ = dert__[[1, 2]] / i__  # sin = idy / i, cos = idx / i, i = ig
        sparse aligned a__center and a__rim arrays:
        a__center = a__[:, 1:-1:2, 1:-1:2]
        a__topleft = a__[:, :-2:2, :-2:2]
        a__top = a__[:, :-2:2, 1:-1:2]
        a__topright = a__[:, :-2:2, 2::2]
        a__right = a__[:, 1:-1:2, 2::2]
        a__bottomright = a__[:, 2::2, 2::2]
        a__bottom = a__[:, 2::2, 1:-1:2]
        a__bottomleft = a__[:, 2::2, :-2:2]
        a__left = a__[:, 1:-1:2, :-2:2]
        only mask kernels with more than one masked dert, for all operations below: 
        majority_mask_a = (a__[:, 1:-1:2, 1:-1:2].mask.astype(int) +
                           a__[:, :-2:2, :-2:2].mask.astype(int) +
                           a__[:, :-2:2, 1:-1:2].mask.astype(int) +
                           a__[:, :-2:2, 2::2].mask.astype(int) +
                           a__[:, 1:-1:2, 2::2].mask.astype(int) +
                           a__[:, 2::2, 2::2].mask.astype(int) +
                           a__[:, 2::2, 1:-1:2].mask.astype(int) +
                           a__[:, 2::2, :-2:2].mask.astype(int) +
                           a__[:, 1:-1:2, :-2:2].mask.astype(int)) > 1
        a__center.mask = a__topleft.mask = a__top.mask = a__topright.mask = a__right.mask = a__bottomright.mask = \
        a__bottom.mask = a__bottomleft.mask = a__left.mask = majority_mask_a

        assert (majority_mask_a[0] == majority_mask_a[1]).all()
        # what does that do?
        dy__.mask = dx__.mask = m__.mask = majority_mask_a[0]
        8-tuple of differences between central dert angle and rim dert angle:
        cos_da = [((a__topleft[1].data * a__center[1].data) +
                   (a__center[0].data * a__topleft[0].data)),
                  ((a__top[1].data * a__center[1].data) +
                   (a__center[0].data * a__top[0].data)),
                  ((a__topright[1].data * a__center[1].data) +
                   (a__center[0].data * a__topright[0].data)),
                  ((a__right[1].data * a__center[1].data) +
                   (a__center[0].data * a__right[0].data)),
                  ((a__bottomright[1].data * a__center[1].data) +
                   (a__center[0].data * a__bottomright[0].data)),
                  ((a__bottom[1].data * a__center[1].data) +
                   (a__center[0].data * a__bottom[0].data)),
                  ((a__bottomleft[1].data * a__center[1].data) +
                   (a__center[0].data * a__bottomleft[0].data)),
                  ((a__left[1].data * a__center[1].data) +
                   (a__center[0].data * a__left[0].data))]
        8-tuple of cosine matches per direction:
        m__ += (ma.minimum(i__center.data, i__topleft.data) * cos_da[0] +
                ma.minimum(i__center.data, i__top.data) * cos_da[1] +
                ma.minimum(i__center.data, i__topright.data) * cos_da[2] +
                ma.minimum(i__center.data, i__right.data) * cos_da[3] +
                ma.minimum(i__center.data, i__bottomright.data) * cos_da[4] +
                ma.minimum(i__center.data, i__bottom.data) * cos_da[5] +
                ma.minimum(i__center.data, i__bottomleft.data) * cos_da[6] +
                ma.minimum(i__center.data, i__left.data) * cos_da[7])
        8-tuple of cosine differences per direction:
        dt__ = [(i__center.data - i__topleft.data * cos_da[0]),
                (i__center.data - i__top.data * cos_da[1]),
                (i__center.data - i__topright.data * cos_da[2]),
                (i__center.data - i__right.data * cos_da[3]),
                (i__center.data - i__bottomright.data * cos_da[4]),
                (i__center.data - i__bottom.data * cos_da[5]),
                (i__center.data - i__bottomleft.data * cos_da[6]),
                (i__center.data - i__left.data * cos_da[7])]
        for d__, YCOEF, XCOEF in zip(dt__, YCOEFs, XCOEFs):

            dy__ += d__ * YCOEF  # decompose differences into dy and dx,
            dx__ += d__ * XCOEF  # accumulate with prior-rng dy, dx
            accumulate in prior-range dy, dx: 3x3 -> 5x5 -> 9x9 
        g__[:] = ma.hypot(dy__, dx__)
    next comp_r will use full dert       
    next comp_g will use g__, dy__, dx__
    return new_dert__  # new_dert__ has been updated along with 'view' arrays: i__center, idy__, idx__, g__, dy__, dx__, m__
Exemple #12
def comp_g(
):  # cross-comp of g in 2x2 kernels, between derts in ma.stack dert__

    # initialize return variable
    new_dert__ = ma.zeros(
        (dert__.shape[0], dert__.shape[1] - 1, dert__.shape[2] - 1))
    new_dert__.mask = True  # initialize mask
    ig__, idy__, idx__, gg__, dgy__, dgx__, mg__ = new_dert__  # assign 'views'. Use [:] to update views

    # Unpack relevant params
    g__, dy__, dx__ = dert__[[3, 4, 5]]  # g, dy, dx -> local i, idy, idx
        g__.data == 0
    )] = 1  # replace 0 values with 1 to avoid error, not needed in high-g blobs?
    for all operations below: only mask kernels with more than one masked dert 
    majority_mask = (
        g__[:-1, :-1].mask.astype(int) + g__[:-1, 1:].mask.astype(int) +
        g__[1:, 1:].mask.astype(int) + g__[1:, :-1].mask.astype(int)) > 1
    g__.mask = dy__.mask = dx__.mask = majority_mask

    g0__, dy0__, dx0__ = g__[:-1, :
                             -1].data, dy__[:-1, :
                                            -1].data, dx__[:-1, :
                                                           -1].data  # top left
    g1__, dy1__, dx1__ = g__[:-1,
                             1:].data, dy__[:-1,
                                            1:].data, dx__[:-1,
                                                           1:].data  # top right
    g2__, dy2__, dx2__ = g__[1:, 1:].data, dy__[1:, 1:].data, dx__[
        1:, 1:].data  # bottom right
    g3__, dy3__, dx3__ = g__[1:, :-1].data, dy__[1:, :-1].data, dx__[
        1:, :-1].data  # bottom left

    sin0__ = dy0__ / g0__
    cos0__ = dx0__ / g0__
    sin1__ = dy1__ / g1__
    cos1__ = dx1__ / g1__
    sin2__ = dy2__ / g2__
    cos2__ = dx2__ / g2__
    sin3__ = dy3__ / g3__
    cos3__ = dx3__ / g3__
    cosine of difference between diagonally opposite angles, in vector representation
    print(cos_da1__.shape, type(cos_da1__))
    cos_da0__ = (cos2__ * cos0__) + (sin2__ * sin0__
                                     )  # top left to bottom right
    cos_da1__ = (cos3__ * cos1__) + (sin3__ * sin1__
                                     )  # top right to bottom left

    dgy__[:] = ((g3__ + g2__) - (g0__ * cos_da0__ + g1__ * cos_da0__))
    # y-decomposed cosine difference between gs
    dgx__[:] = ((g1__ + g2__) - (g0__ * cos_da0__ + g3__ * cos_da1__))
    # x-decomposed cosine difference between gs

    gg__[:] = ma.hypot(dgy__, dgx__)  # gradient of gradient

    mg0__ = ma.minimum(g0__, g2__) * (cos_da1__ + 1)  # +1 to make all positive
    mg1__ = ma.minimum(g1__, g3__) * (cos_da1__ + 1)
    mg__[:] = mg0__ + mg1__  # match of gradient

    ig__[:] = g__[:-1, :
                  -1]  # remove last row and column to align with derived params
    idy__[:] = dy__[:-1, :-1]
    idx__[:] = dx__[:-1, :-1]  # -> idy, idx to compute cos for comp rg
    # unnecessary?:
    gg__.mask = mg__.mask = dgy__.mask = dgx__.mask = majority_mask
    next comp_rg will use g, dy, dx
    next comp_gg will use gg, dgy, dgx
    return new_dert__  # new_dert__ has been updated along with 'view' arrays: ig__, idy__, idx__, gg__, dgy__, dgx__, mg__