Exemple #1
    def __init__(self,

        self.dataset = dataset
        self.first_data_column = first_data_column
        self.test_size = test_size
        self.metrics = metrics
        self.early_stopping_patience = early_stopping_patience
        self.loss = loss

        data = dataset["data"]

        self.x = true_divide(data, 255)

        y = dataset["target"]

        le = preprocessing.LabelEncoder()
        y_numeric = le.transform(y)
        self.y_hot_encoding = to_categorical(y_numeric).astype(float)

        self.n_in = len(self.x[1])
        self.n_out = len(self.y_hot_encoding[1])
 def _compute_IDN(self):
     denom = 1 + ma.true_divide(np.abs(self._ii - self._jj),
     tmp = np.sum(ma.true_divide(self._p, denom))
     if not is_mask_constant(tmp, 'IDN'):
         self._idn = tmp
 def _compute_inverse_var(self):
     tmp = np.sum(ma.true_divide(self._p, (self._ii - self._jj)**2))
     if not is_mask_constant(tmp, 'inverse_var'):
         self._inverse_var = tmp
 def _compute_IDMN(self):
     denom = 1 + ma.true_divide(
         (self._ii - self._jj)**2, self._p.shape[0]**2)
     tmp = np.sum(ma.true_divide(self._p, denom))
     if not is_mask_constant(tmp, 'IDMN'):
         self._idmn = tmp
 def _compute_homogeneity2(self):
     tmp = np.sum(ma.true_divide(self._p, (1 + (self._ii - self._jj)**2)))
     if not is_mask_constant(tmp, 'homogeneity2'):
         self._homogeneity2 = tmp
 def _compute_homogeneity1(self):
     tmp = np.sum(ma.true_divide(self._p, 1 + np.abs(self._ii - self._jj)))
     if not is_mask_constant(tmp, 'homogeneity1'):
         self._homogeneity1 = tmp
 def _compute_correlation(self):
     tmp = ma.true_divide(
         (np.sum(self._ii * self._jj * self._p) - self._ux * self._uy),
         self._sigx * self._sigy)
     if not is_mask_constant(tmp, 'correlation'):
         self._correlation = tmp
    def compute_basic_stats(self):
        if np.count_nonzero(self._p) == 0:
            print '::O_O::GLCM matrix is all ZEROS! no need for any further computation!'
            self._is_p_zeros = True
            #TODO: make all math opearation working with 3D glcm matrix instead of 2D
            #Ensure the glcm matrix is normalized to probability matrix
            self._p = ma.true_divide(self._p, np.sum(self._p))
            self._px = np.sum(self._p, axis=1)
            self._py = np.sum(self._p, axis=0)

            self._ii, self._jj = np.ogrid[0:self._p.shape[0],
            self._ux = np.sum(self._ii * self._p)
            self._uy = np.sum(self._jj * self._p)
            # print 'after ux, uy'

            self._sigx = np.sum(((self._ii - self._ux)**2) * self._p)
            self._sigy = np.sum(((self._jj - self._uy)**2) * self._p)

            # print 'after sigx sigy'

            self._k1 = np.arange(0, 2 * self._p.shape[0] - 1, 1)
            self._p_xplusy = np.zeros(self._k1.shape)
            for kk in self._k1:
                tmp = (self._ii + self._jj == kk)
                self._p_xplusy[kk] = ma.sum(self._p[tmp])
                del tmp
            # print 'after p_xplusy'

            self._k2 = np.arange(0, self._p.shape[0], 1)
            self._p_xminusy = np.zeros(self._k2.shape)
            for kk in self._k2:
                tmp = (np.abs(self._ii - self._jj) == kk)
                self._p_xminusy[kk] = np.sum(self._p[tmp])
                del tmp
            # print 'after p xminusy'

            tmp = -np.sum(self._px * ma.log2(self._px))
            if not is_mask_constant(tmp, 'Hx'):
                self._Hx = tmp
            del tmp
            # print 'after Hx'

            tmp = -np.sum(self._py * ma.log2(self._py))
            if not is_mask_constant(tmp, 'Hy'):
                self._Hy = tmp
            del tmp
            # print 'after Hy'

            tmp = -np.sum(self._p * ma.log2(self._p))
            if not is_mask_constant(tmp, 'H'):
                self._H = tmp
            del tmp

            pxx, pyy = np.meshgrid(self._px, self._py, indexing='ij')
            tmp = -np.sum(self._p * ma.log(pxx * pyy))
            if is_mask_constant(tmp, 'Hxy1'):
                self._Hxy1 = tmp
            del tmp
            # print 'after Hxy1'

            tmp = -np.sum(pxx * pyy * ma.log(pxx * pyy))
            if not is_mask_constant(tmp, 'Hxy2'):
                self._Hxy2 = tmp
            del tmp