Exemple #1
 def backPropagate_(self):
     '''Back-Propagate errors (and node responsibilities).'''
     errors3 = multiply(-(self.xs__ - self.a3__), 1 - power(self.a3__, 2))
     d3 = multiply(errors3, self.xs__)
     errors2 = multiply(d3 * self.weights2_, 1 - power(self.a2__, 2))
     d2 = multiply(errors2, self.a2__)
     # average the errors
     d3 = np.sum(d3,0) / d3.shape[0]
     d2 = np.sum(d2,0) / d2.shape[0]
     self.d3__ = d3.T
     self.d2__ = d2.T
Exemple #2
def SPIRIT(A, lamb, energy, k0=1, holdOffTime=0, reorthog=False, evalMetrics="F"):

    A = np.mat(A)

    n = A.shape[1]
    totalTime = A.shape[0]
    Proj = npm.ones((totalTime, n)) * np.nan
    recon = npm.zeros((totalTime, n))

    # initialize w_i to unit vectors
    W = npm.eye(n)
    d = 0.01 * npm.ones((n, 1))
    m = k0  # number of eigencomponents

    relErrors = npm.zeros((totalTime, 1))

    sumYSq = 0.0
    E_t = []
    sumXSq = 0.0
    E_dash_t = []

    res = {}
    k_hist = []
    W_hist = []
    anomalies = []

    # incremental update W
    lastChangeAt = 0

    for t in range(totalTime):


        # update W for each y_t
        x = A[t, :].T  # new data as column vector

        for j in range(m):
            W[:, j], d[j], x = updateW(x, W[:, j], d[j], lamb)
            Wj = W[:, j]

        # Grams smit reorthog
        if reorthog == True:
            W[:, :m], R = npm.linalg.qr(W[:, :m])

        # compute low-D projection, reconstruction and relative error
        Y = W[:, :m].T * A[t, :].T  # project to m-dimensional space
        xActual = A[t, :].T  # actual vector of the current time
        xProj = W[:, :m] * Y  # reconstruction of the current time
        Proj[t, :m] = Y.T
        recon[t, :] = xProj.T
        xOrth = xActual - xProj
        relErrors[t] = npm.sum(npm.power(xOrth, 2)) / npm.sum(npm.power(xActual, 2))

        # update energy
        sumYSq = lamb * sumYSq + npm.sum(npm.power(Y, 2))
        sumXSq = lamb * sumXSq + npm.sum(npm.power(A[t, :], 2))

        # Record RSRE
        if t == 0:
            top = 0.0
            bot = 0.0

        top = top + npm.power(npm.linalg.norm(xActual - xProj), 2)

        bot = bot + npm.power(npm.linalg.norm(xActual), 2)

        new_RSRE = top / bot

        if t == 0:
            RSRE = new_RSRE
            RSRE = npm.vstack((RSRE, new_RSRE))

        ### Metric EVALUATION ###
        # deviation from truth
        if evalMetrics == "T":

            Qt = W[:, :m]

            if t == 0:
                res["subspace_error"] = npm.zeros((totalTime, 1))
                res["orthog_error"] = npm.zeros((totalTime, 1))
                res["angle_error"] = npm.zeros((totalTime, 1))
                Cov_mat = npm.zeros([n, n])

            # Calculate Covarentce Matrix of data up to time t
            Cov_mat = lamb * Cov_mat + npm.dot(xActual, xActual.T)
            # Get eigenvalues and eigenvectors
            WW, V = npm.linalg.eig(Cov_mat)
            # Use this to sort eigenVectors in according to deccending eigenvalue
            eig_idx = WW.argsort()  # Get sort index
            eig_idx = eig_idx[::-1]  # Reverse order (default is accending)
            # v_r = highest r eigen vectors (accoring to thier eigenvalue if sorted).
            V_k = V[:, eig_idx[:m]]
            # Calculate subspace error
            C = npm.dot(V_k, V_k.T) - npm.dot(Qt, Qt.T)
            res["subspace_error"][t, 0] = 10 * np.log10(npm.trace(npm.dot(C.T, C)))  # frobenius norm in dB
            # Calculate angle between projection matrixes
            D = npm.dot(npm.dot(npm.dot(V_k.T, Qt), Qt.T), V_k)
            eigVal, eigVec = npm.linalg.eig(D)
            angle = npm.arccos(np.sqrt(max(eigVal)))
            res["angle_error"][t, 0] = angle

            # Calculate deviation from orthonormality
            F = npm.dot(Qt.T, Qt) - npm.eye(m)
            res["orthog_error"][t, 0] = 10 * np.log10(npm.trace(npm.dot(F.T, F)))  # frobenius norm in dB

        # Energy thresholding
        # check the lower bound of energy level
        if sumYSq < energy[0] * sumXSq and lastChangeAt < t - holdOffTime and m < n:
            lastChangeAt = t
            m = m + 1
        # print 'Increasing m to %d at time %d (ratio %6.2f)\n' % (m, t, 100 * sumYSq/sumXSq)
        # check the upper bound of energy level
        elif sumYSq > energy[1] * sumXSq and lastChangeAt < t - holdOffTime and m < n and m > 1:
            lastChangeAt = t
            m = m - 1
        # print 'Decreasing m to %d at time %d (ratio %6.2f)\n' % (m, t, 100 * sumYSq/sumXSq)
        W_hist.append(W[:, :m])
    # set outputs

    # Grams smit reorthog
    if reorthog == True:
        W[:, :m], R = npm.linalg.qr(W[:, :m])

    # Data Stores
    res2 = {
        "hidden": Proj,  # Array for hidden Variables
        "E_t": np.array(E_t),  # total energy of data
        "E_dash_t": np.array(E_dash_t),  # hidden var energy
        "e_ratio": np.array(E_dash_t) / np.array(E_t),  # Energy ratio
        "rel_orth_err": relErrors,  # orthoX error
        "RSRE": RSRE,  # Relative squared Reconstruction error
        "recon": recon,  # reconstructed data
        "r_hist": k_hist,  # history of r values
        "W_hist": W_hist,  # history of Weights
        "anomalies": anomalies,


    return res
Exemple #3

    A = np.mat(A)

    n = A.shape[1]
    totalTime = A.shape[0]
    Proj = npm.ones((totalTime, n)) * np.nan
    recon = npm.zeros((totalTime, n))

    # initialize w_i to unit vectors
    W = npm.eye(n)
    d = 0.01 * npm.ones((n, 1))
    m = k0  # number of eigencomponents

    relErrors = npm.zeros((totalTime, 1))

    sumYSq = 0.
    E_t = []
    sumXSq = 0.
    E_dash_t = []

    res = {}
    k_hist = []
    W_hist = []
    anomalies = []

    # incremental update W
    lastChangeAt = 0

    for t in range(totalTime):


        # update W for each y_t
        x = A[t, :].T  # new data as column vector

        for j in range(m):
            W[:, j], d[j], x = updateW(x, W[:, j], d[j], lamb)
            Wj = W[:, j]

        # Grams smit reorthog
        if reorthog == True:
            W[:, :m], R = npm.linalg.qr(W[:, :m])

        # compute low-D projection, reconstruction and relative error
        Y = W[:, :m].T * A[t, :].T  # project to m-dimensional space
        xActual = A[t, :].T  # actual vector of the current time
        xProj = W[:, :m] * Y  # reconstruction of the current time
        Proj[t, :m] = Y.T
        recon[t, :] = xProj.T
        xOrth = xActual - xProj
        relErrors[t] = npm.sum(npm.power(xOrth, 2)) / npm.sum(
            npm.power(xActual, 2))

        # update energy
        sumYSq = lamb * sumYSq + npm.sum(npm.power(Y, 2))
        sumXSq = lamb * sumXSq + npm.sum(npm.power(A[t, :], 2))

        # Record RSRE
        if t == 0:
            top = 0.0
            bot = 0.0

        top = top + npm.power(npm.linalg.norm(xActual - xProj), 2)

        bot = bot + npm.power(npm.linalg.norm(xActual), 2)

        new_RSRE = top / bot

        if t == 0:
            RSRE = new_RSRE
            RSRE = npm.vstack((RSRE, new_RSRE))

        ### Metric EVALUATION ###
        #deviation from truth
        if evalMetrics == 'T':

            Qt = W[:, :m]

            if t == 0:
                res['subspace_error'] = npm.zeros((totalTime, 1))
                res['orthog_error'] = npm.zeros((totalTime, 1))
                res['angle_error'] = npm.zeros((totalTime, 1))
                Cov_mat = npm.zeros([n, n])

            # Calculate Covarentce Matrix of data up to time t
            Cov_mat = lamb * Cov_mat + npm.dot(xActual, xActual.T)
            # Get eigenvalues and eigenvectors
            WW, V = npm.linalg.eig(Cov_mat)
            # Use this to sort eigenVectors in according to deccending eigenvalue
            eig_idx = WW.argsort()  # Get sort index
            eig_idx = eig_idx[::-1]  # Reverse order (default is accending)
            # v_r = highest r eigen vectors (accoring to thier eigenvalue if sorted).
            V_k = V[:, eig_idx[:m]]
            # Calculate subspace error
            C = npm.dot(V_k, V_k.T) - npm.dot(Qt, Qt.T)
            res['subspace_error'][t, 0] = 10 * np.log10(
                npm.trace(npm.dot(C.T, C)))  #frobenius norm in dB
            # Calculate angle between projection matrixes
            D = npm.dot(npm.dot(npm.dot(V_k.T, Qt), Qt.T), V_k)
            eigVal, eigVec = npm.linalg.eig(D)
            angle = npm.arccos(np.sqrt(max(eigVal)))
            res['angle_error'][t, 0] = angle

            # Calculate deviation from orthonormality
            F = npm.dot(Qt.T, Qt) - npm.eye(m)
            res['orthog_error'][t, 0] = 10 * np.log10(
                npm.trace(npm.dot(F.T, F)))  #frobenius norm in dB

        # Energy thresholding
        # check the lower bound of energy level
        if sumYSq < energy[
                0] * sumXSq and lastChangeAt < t - holdOffTime and m < n:
            lastChangeAt = t
            m = m + 1
        # print 'Increasing m to %d at time %d (ratio %6.2f)\n' % (m, t, 100 * sumYSq/sumXSq)
        # check the upper bound of energy level
        elif sumYSq > energy[
                1] * sumXSq and lastChangeAt < t - holdOffTime and m < n and m > 1:
            lastChangeAt = t
            m = m - 1
        # print 'Decreasing m to %d at time %d (ratio %6.2f)\n' % (m, t, 100 * sumYSq/sumXSq)
        W_hist.append(W[:, :m])
    # set outputs

    # Grams smit reorthog
    if reorthog == True:
        W[:, :m], R = npm.linalg.qr(W[:, :m])

    # Data Stores
    res2 = {
        'hidden': Proj,  # Array for hidden Variables
        'E_t': np.array(E_t),  # total energy of data 
        'E_dash_t': np.array(E_dash_t),  # hidden var energy
        'e_ratio': np.array(E_dash_t) / np.array(E_t),  # Energy ratio 
        'rel_orth_err': relErrors,  # orthoX error
        'RSRE': RSRE,  # Relative squared Reconstruction error 
        'recon': recon,  # reconstructed data
        'r_hist': k_hist,  # history of r values 
        'W_hist': W_hist,  # history of Weights
        'anomalies': anomalies


    return res
 def backPropagate_(self):
     '''Back-Propagate errors (and node responsibilities).'''
     self.d3__ = multiply(-(self.xs__ - self.a3__), 1 - power(self.a3__, 2))
     self.d2__ = multiply(self.weights2_.T * self.d3__, 1 - power(self.a2__, 2))
def test_suite_1():
    n1 = 100
    n2 = 100
    n = n1+n2
    d = 5
    eta = .1
    degree = 3
    iterations = 1
    results = mat.zeros((8,5)) 
    times = mat.zeros((1,5))
    sigma = 2
    # 1st col is non-kernelized
    # 2nd col is poly-kernel 

    for itr in xrange(iterations):
        X = mat.randn(n1,d)
        Phi_X = poly.phi(X, degree)

        D0 = X + mat.rand(n2,d) / 1000
        # Verify identity K(X,X) = 1
        D1 = mat.randn(n2,d) 
        # How does kernel perform iid data
        D2 = mat.rand(n2,d)
         # Uniform rather than normal distribution
        D3 = mat.randn(n2,d) * 2 + 2
        # Linear transformation
        D4 = mat.power(mat.randn(n2,d) + 1 ,3) 
        #Non-linear transformation
        D5 = mat.power(X+1,3) 
        #non-linear transformation of the D0 dataset;
        D6 = mat.rand(n2,d)/100 + mat.eye(n2,d) 
        #Totally different data - should have low similarity
        D7 = mat.rand(n2,d)/100 + mat.eye(n2,d)*5 
        # Scaled version of D7

        Data = [D0, D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6, D7]

        for idx in xrange(8):
            D = Data[idx]
            start = time.time()
            results[idx, 0] += nk_bhatta(X, D, 0)
            nk = time.time()
             emp = time.time()
            results[idx, 1] += Bhattacharrya(X,D,gaussk(sigma),eta,5)
            e5 = time.time()
            results[idx, 2] += Bhattacharrya(X,D,gaussk(sigma),eta,15)
            e15 = time.time()
            results[idx, 3] += Bhattacharrya(X,D,gaussk(sigma),eta,25)
            e25 = time.time()
            nktime = nk-start
            emptime = emp-nk
            e5time = e5-emp
            e15time = e15-e5
            e25time = e25-e15
            print "nk: {:.1f}, emp: {:.1f}, e5: {:.1f}, e15: {:.1f}, e25: {:.1f}".format(nktime, emptime, e5time, e15time, e25time)
            times[0,0]+= nktime
            times[0,4]+= emptime
            times[0,1]+= e5time
            times[0,2]+= e15time
            times[0,3]+= e25time
Exemple #6
 def backPropagate_(self):
     '''Back-Propagate errors (and node responsibilities).'''
     self.d3__ = multiply(-(self.xs__ - self.a3__), 1 - power(self.a3__, 2))
     self.d2__ = multiply(self.weights2_.T * self.d3__,
                          1 - power(self.a2__, 2))