Exemple #1
def FracVap(k, z, Frac):
    Flash Calc ki, x, Oi=0.5
    if Frac == None:
        Frac = 0.5
    fk1 = k - 1
    fk2 = fk1 * z
    ##    print fk1
    fk3 = power(fk1, 2)
    #print k
    j = 1

    while j <= 30:

        fk4 = fk1 * Frac + 1

        Fkz = sum(fk2 / fk4)
        dFkz = sum(-fk3 * z / power(fk4, 2))
        ##        print j, Frac, Fkz , dFkz
        if abs(Fkz) <= 1e-8:
        Frac = Frac - Fkz / dFkz
        j += 1

##    if Frac > 1:
##        Frac = 1
####        print "Vapor Saturado"
##    if Frac < 0:
##        Frac = 0
##        print "Liquido comprido"
    return Frac
 def _logticks(self, lower, upper):
     #lower,upper = map(_Numeric.log10,[lower,upper])
     #print 'logticks',lower,upper
     ticks = []
     mag = _Numeric.power(10,_Numeric.floor(lower))
     if upper-lower > 6:
         t = _Numeric.power(10,_Numeric.ceil(lower))
         base = _Numeric.power(10,_Numeric.floor((upper-lower)/6))
         def inc(t):
             return t*base-t
         t = _Numeric.ceil(_Numeric.power(10,lower)/mag)*mag
         def inc(t):
             return 10**int(_Numeric.floor(_Numeric.log10(t)+1e-16))
     majortick = int(_Numeric.log10(mag))
     while t <= pow(10,upper):
         if majortick != int(_Numeric.floor(_Numeric.log10(t)+1e-16)):
             majortick = int(_Numeric.floor(_Numeric.log10(t)+1e-16))
             ticklabel = '1e%d'%majortick
             if upper-lower < 2:
                 minortick = int(t/pow(10,majortick)+.5)
                 ticklabel = '%de%d'%(minortick,majortick)
                 ticklabel = ''
         ticks.append((_Numeric.log10(t), ticklabel))
         t += inc(t)
     if len(ticks) == 0:
         ticks = [(0,'')]
     return ticks
Exemple #3
def FracVap(k,z,Frac):
    Flash Calc ki, x, Oi=0.5
    if Frac ==None:
        Frac= 0.5
    fk1 = k-1
    fk2 = fk1*z
##    print fk1
    fk3 = power(fk1,2)
    #print k
    j = 1
    while j<=30:
        fk4 = fk1*Frac+1
        Fkz = sum( fk2 / fk4)
        dFkz = sum( -fk3*z / power(fk4,2) )
##        print j, Frac, Fkz , dFkz
        if abs(Fkz)<=1e-8:
        Frac = Frac - Fkz / dFkz
##    if Frac > 1:
##        Frac = 1
####        print "Vapor Saturado"
##    if Frac < 0:
##        Frac = 0
##        print "Liquido comprido"
    return Frac
 def GetXY(self, event):
     """Wrapper around _getXY, which handles log scales"""
     x,y = self._getXY(event)
     if self.getLogScale()[0]:
         x = _Numeric.power(10,x)
     if self.getLogScale()[1]:
         y = _Numeric.power(10,y)
     return x,y
Exemple #5
    def Solver(self, model, case):
        xm = case.Prop["x"]

        T = case.Prop["T"]
        P = case.Prop["P"]
        Ac = model["RK_A"]
        b_i = model["RK_B"]

        case.Prop["MolWt"] = sum(xm * model["MoleWt"])

        AlphaT = 1 / sqrt(T)

        a_i = Ac * AlphaT

        A_i = (a_i * P) / pow(R * T, 2)
        B_i = (b_i * P) / (R * T)

        Zl_i = self.EOS.ZL(A_i, B_i)
        Zv_i = self.EOS.ZG(A_i, B_i)

        CoeFugo_v = self.FugaP(Zv_i, A_i, B_i)
        CoeFugo_l = self.FugaP(Zl_i, A_i, B_i)

        yf = xm
        xf = xm
        for i in range(3):

            B_v = MixingRules.Molar(yf, B_i)
            A_v = power(sum(yf * sqrt(A_i)), 2)

            B_l = MixingRules.Molar(xf, B_i)
            A_l = power(sum(xf * sqrt(A_i)), 2)

            Z_v = self.EOS.ZG(A_v, B_v)
            Z_l = self.EOS.ZL(A_l, B_l)

            CoeFugM_v = self.FugaM(Z_v, A_i, B_i, A_v, B_v)
            CoeFugM_l = self.FugaM(Z_l, A_i, B_i, A_l, B_l)

            fi = P * CoeFugM_v * yf

            ki = CoeFugM_l / CoeFugM_v
            FrVap, xf, yf = Flash(ki, xm)

            Z = FrVap * Z_v + (1 - FrVap) * Z_l

        case.Prop["Z"] = Z
        case.Prop["Zl"] = Z_l
        case.Prop["Zv"] = Z_v
        case.Prop["Ki"] = ki
        case.Prop["FracVap"] = FrVap
        case.Prop["CoefPureLiq"] = CoeFugo_l
        case.Prop["CoefPureVap"] = CoeFugo_v
        case.Prop["CoefMixVLiq"] = CoeFugM_l
        case.Prop["CoefMixVap"] = CoeFugM_v
        case.Prop["xf"] = xf
        case.Prop["yf"] = yf
Exemple #6
    def Solver(self,model,case):
        xm = case.Prop["x"]
        T = case.Prop["T"]
        P = case.Prop["P"]
        Ac = model["RK_A"]
        b_i = model["RK_B"]
        case.Prop["MolWt"] = sum( xm* model["MoleWt"] )
        AlphaT = 1/sqrt( T)
        a_i = Ac * AlphaT
        A_i = ( a_i * P)/ pow( R * T,2)
        B_i = ( b_i * P )/( R * T)    
        Zl_i= self.EOS.ZL(A_i,B_i)
        Zv_i= self.EOS.ZG(A_i,B_i)
        CoeFugo_v = self.FugaP(Zv_i, A_i, B_i )
        CoeFugo_l = self.FugaP(Zl_i, A_i, B_i )
        yf = xm
        xf = xm
        for i in range(3):

            B_v = MixingRules.Molar( yf, B_i)
            A_v = power( sum( yf* sqrt(A_i)  ),2 )
            B_l = MixingRules.Molar( xf, B_i)
            A_l = power( sum( xf* sqrt(A_i)  ),2 )

            Z_v = self.EOS.ZG(A_v,B_v)
            Z_l = self.EOS.ZL(A_l,B_l)
            CoeFugM_v = self.FugaM(Z_v, A_i,B_i,A_v,B_v)
            CoeFugM_l = self.FugaM(Z_l, A_i,B_i,A_l,B_l)
            fi = P*CoeFugM_v*yf
            ki = CoeFugM_l/CoeFugM_v
            FrVap, xf, yf = Flash(ki, xm)
            Z = FrVap*Z_v + (1- FrVap)* Z_l
        case.Prop["Z"] =  Z
        case.Prop["Zl"] = Z_l
        case.Prop["Zv"] = Z_v
        case.Prop["Ki"] = ki
        case.Prop["FracVap"] = FrVap
        case.Prop["CoefPureLiq"] = CoeFugo_l
        case.Prop["CoefPureVap"] = CoeFugo_v
        case.Prop["CoefMixVLiq"] = CoeFugM_l
        case.Prop["CoefMixVap"] = CoeFugM_v
        case.Prop["xf"] = xf
        case.Prop["yf"] = yf
Exemple #7
def projectOnSphere( xyz, radius=None, center=None ):
    Project the coordinates xyz on a sphere with a given radius around
    a given center.

    @param xyz: cartesian coordinates
    @type  xyz: array N x 3 of float
    @param radius: radius of target sphere, if not provided the maximal
                   distance to center will be used (default: None)
    @type  radius: float
    @param center: center of the sphere, if not given the average of xyz
                   will be assigned to the center (default: None)
    @type  center: array 0 x 3 of float

    @return: array of cartesian coordinates (x, y, z)
    @rtype: array    
    if center is None:
        center = N.average( xyz )

    if radius is None:
        radius = max( N.sqrt( N.sum( N.power( xyz - center, 2 ), 1 ) ) )

    rtp = cartesianToPolar( xyz - center )
    rtp[ :, 0 ] = radius

    return polarToCartesian( rtp ) + center
Exemple #8
def projectOnSphere(xyz, radius=None, center=None):
    Project the coordinates xyz on a sphere with a given radius around
    a given center.

    @param xyz: cartesian coordinates
    @type  xyz: array N x 3 of float
    @param radius: radius of target sphere, if not provided the maximal
                   distance to center will be used (default: None)
    @type  radius: float
    @param center: center of the sphere, if not given the average of xyz
                   will be assigned to the center (default: None)
    @type  center: array 0 x 3 of float

    @return: array of cartesian coordinates (x, y, z)
    @rtype: array    
    if center is None:
        center = N.average(xyz)

    if radius is None:
        radius = max(N.sqrt(N.sum(N.power(xyz - center, 2), 1)))

    rtp = cartesianToPolar(xyz - center)
    rtp[:, 0] = radius

    return polarToCartesian(rtp) + center
Exemple #9
def logConfidence(x, R, clip=0):
    Estimate the probability of x NOT beeing a random observation from a
    lognormal distribution that is described by a set of random values.

    @param x: observed value
    @type  x: float
    @param R: sample of random values
    @type  R: [float]
    @param clip: clip zeros at this value  0->don't clip (default: 0)
    @type  clip: float

    @return: confidence that x is not random, median of random distr.
    @rtype: (float, float)
    if clip and 0 in R:
        R = N.clip(R, clip, max(R))
    if clip and x == 0:
        x = clip

    ## remove 0 instead of clipping
    R = N.compress(R, R)
    if x == 0:
        return 0, 0

    ## get mean and stdv of log-transformed random sample
    alpha = N.average(N.log(R))

    n = len(R)

    beta = N.sqrt(N.sum(N.power(N.log(R) - alpha, 2)) / (n - 1.))

    return logArea(x, alpha, beta), logMedian(alpha)
Exemple #10
    def pairwiseRmsd( self, aMask=None, noFit=0 ):
        Calculate rmsd between each 2 coordinate frames.

        @param aMask: atom mask
        @type  aMask: [1|0]
        @return: frames x frames array of float
        @rtype: array
        frames = self.frames

        if aMask != None:
            frames = N.compress( aMask, frames, 1 )

        result = N.zeros( (len( frames ), len( frames )), N.Float32 )

        for i in range(0, len( frames ) ):

            for j in range( i+1, len( frames ) ):
                if noFit:
                    d = N.sqrt(N.sum(N.power(frames[i]-frames[j], 2), 1))
                    result[i,j] = result[j,i] = N.sqrt( N.average(d**2) )

                    rt, rmsdLst = rmsFit.match( frames[i], frames[j], 1 )
                    result[i,j] = result[j,i] = rmsdLst[0][1]

        return result
Exemple #11
    def pairwiseRmsd(self, aMask=None, noFit=0):
        Calculate rmsd between each 2 coordinate frames.

        @param aMask: atom mask
        @type  aMask: [1|0]
        @return: frames x frames array of float
        @rtype: array
        frames = self.frames

        if aMask != None:
            frames = N.compress(aMask, frames, 1)

        result = N.zeros((len(frames), len(frames)), N.Float32)

        for i in range(0, len(frames)):

            for j in range(i + 1, len(frames)):
                if noFit:
                    d = N.sqrt(N.sum(N.power(frames[i] - frames[j], 2), 1))
                    result[i, j] = result[j, i] = N.sqrt(N.average(d**2))

                    rt, rmsdLst = rmsFit.match(frames[i], frames[j], 1)
                    result[i, j] = result[j, i] = rmsdLst[0][1]

        return result
Exemple #12
def logConfidence( x, R, clip=0 ):
    Estimate the probability of x NOT beeing a random observation from a
    lognormal distribution that is described by a set of random values.

    @param x: observed value
    @type  x: float
    @param R: sample of random values
    @type  R: [float]
    @param clip: clip zeros at this value  0->don't clip (default: 0)
    @type  clip: float

    @return: confidence that x is not random, median of random distr.
    @rtype: (float, float)
    if clip and 0 in R:
        R = N.clip( R, clip, max( R ) )
    if clip and x == 0:
        x = clip

    ## remove 0 instead of clipping
    R = N.compress( R, R )
    if x == 0:
        return 0, 0

    ## get mean and stdv of log-transformed random sample
    alpha = N.average( N.log( R ) )

    n = len( R )

    beta = N.sqrt(N.sum(N.power(N.log( R ) - alpha, 2)) / (n - 1.))

    return logArea( x, alpha, beta ), logMedian( alpha )
 def __distances(self, point, xyz=None):
     point - 3 x 1 array of float; point of origin
     xyz   - 3 x n array of float; coordinates, if None -- take model atoms
     -> distances of all atoms to given point
     if xyz is None:
         xyz = self.model.getXyz()
     return N.sqrt(N.sum(N.power(xyz - point, 2), 1))
Exemple #14
    def __init__(self, u, w):
        This help to develovep the server
        EOS(u,w)-> class"""

        self.u = u
        self.w = w
        self.delta = sqrt(power(u, 2) - 4 * w)
        self.Thermo = Thermo()
        self.name = str(self)
Exemple #15
    def hmmEmm2Prob( self, nullEmm, emmScore ):
        Convert HMM profile emmisiion scores into emmission probabilities

        @param nullEmm: null scores
        @type  nullEmm: array
        @param emmScore: emmission scores
        @type  emmScore: array

        @return: null and emmission probabilities, for each amino acid
                 in each position
        @rtype:  array( len_seq x 20 ), array( 1 x 20 )    
        ## Null probabilities: prob = 2 ^ (nullEmm / 1000) * 1/len(alphabet)
        nullProb = N.power( 2, N.array( nullEmm )/1000.0 )*(1./20)

        ## Emmission probabilities: prob = nullProb 2 ^ (nullEmm / 1000)
        emmProb = nullProb * N.power( 2, ( emmScore/1000.0) )

        return emmProb, nullProb
Exemple #16
    def hmmEmm2Prob(self, nullEmm, emmScore):
        Convert HMM profile emmisiion scores into emmission probabilities

        @param nullEmm: null scores
        @type  nullEmm: array
        @param emmScore: emmission scores
        @type  emmScore: array

        @return: null and emmission probabilities, for each amino acid
                 in each position
        @rtype:  array( len_seq x 20 ), array( 1 x 20 )    
        ## Null probabilities: prob = 2 ^ (nullEmm / 1000) * 1/len(alphabet)
        nullProb = N.power(2, N.array(nullEmm) / 1000.0) * (1. / 20)

        ## Emmission probabilities: prob = nullProb 2 ^ (nullEmm / 1000)
        ## see http://www.ebc.ee/WWW/hmmer2-html/node26.html
        emmProb = nullProb * N.power(2, (emmScore / 1000.0))

        return emmProb, nullProb
Exemple #17
    def rmsd_res(self, coord1, coord2):
        Calculate the rsmd on residue level for c-alpha between a
        model and its reference.

        @param coord1: first set of coordinates
        @type  coord1: array
        @param coord2: second set of coordinates
        @type  coord2: array

        @return: rmsd_res: rmsd per c-alpha
        @rtype: [float]
        rmsd_res = []

        for i in range(len(coord1)):
            rmsd = N.sqrt( (N.power(coord1[i][0]-coord2[i][0],2) +  \
                            N.power(coord1[i][1]-coord2[i][1],2 )+ \
                            N.power(coord1[i][2]-coord2[i][2],2 )))

        return rmsd_res
Exemple #18
    def rmsd_res(self, coord1, coord2):
        Calculate the rsmd on residue level for c-alpha between a
        model and its reference.

        @param coord1: first set of coordinates
        @type  coord1: array
        @param coord2: second set of coordinates
        @type  coord2: array

        @return: rmsd_res: rmsd per c-alpha
        @rtype: [float]
        rmsd_res = []

        for i in range( len(coord1) ):
            rmsd = N.sqrt( (N.power(coord1[i][0]-coord2[i][0],2) +  \
                            N.power(coord1[i][1]-coord2[i][1],2 )+ \
                            N.power(coord1[i][2]-coord2[i][2],2 )))

        return rmsd_res
Exemple #19
    def error(self, msm, d2):
        @param msm: membership matrix
        @type  msm: array('f')
        @param d2: distance from data to the centers
        @type  d2: array('f')

        @return: weighted error 
        @rtype: float
        p = N.power(msm, self.w)
        product = N.dot(p, N.transpose(d2))
        return N.trace(product)
Exemple #20
    def error(self, msm, d2):
        @param msm: membership matrix
        @type  msm: array('f')
        @param d2: distance from data to the centers
        @type  d2: array('f')

        @return: weighted error 
        @rtype: float
        p = N.power(msm, self.w)
        product = N.dot(p, N.transpose(d2))
        return N.trace(product)
Exemple #21
    def T(self,P,m):
        P= P/self.Factor
        T = []
        T_j = array( m["HAR_B"] /( log(P)-m["HAR_A"] )  )
##        print m["HAR_D"]
        for j in range(len(m["HAR_A"])):
            T_r = T_j[j]
            i= 1
            while i<=20:
                fP_i = log(P_i) - exp( m["HAR_A"][j]+m["HAR_B"][j] / ( T_r ) + m["HAR_C"][j]*log(T_r) + m["HAR_D"][j]*P/power(T_r,2) ) 
                dP_i = m["HAR_C"][j]/T_r- m["HAR_B"][j]/power(T_r,2) - 2*m["HAR_D"][j]*P/power(T_r,3)
                i +=1
                if abs(fP_i)<=1e-3:
                T = T-fP_i/dPi 
        return T
Exemple #22
def variance(x, avg=None):
    Variance, S{sigma}^2

    @param x: data
    @type  x: array('f') or float
    @param avg: use this average, otherwise calculated from x
    @type  avg: float OR None

    @return: float
    @rtype: float    
    if avg is None:
        avg = N.average(x)

    if len(x) == 1:
        return 0.0

    return N.sum(N.power(N.array(x) - avg, 2)) / (len(x) - 1.)
Exemple #23
def variance(x, avg = None):
    Variance, S{sigma}^2

    @param x: data
    @type  x: array('f') or float
    @param avg: use this average, otherwise calculated from x
    @type  avg: float OR None

    @return: float
    @rtype: float    
    if avg is None:
        avg = N.average(x)

    if len(x) == 1:
        return 0.0

    return N.sum(N.power(N.array(x) - avg, 2)) / (len(x) - 1.)
Exemple #24
    def _get(self):

        from numpy.oldnumeric import power
        from Isd.misc.mathutils import draw_dirichlet, rescale_uniform

        ## compute "probabilities"

        p = 1. - rescale_uniform(self.times)
        p = power(p, 2.)

        index = draw_dirichlet(p)

        val = self.queue[index]

        self.queue = self.queue[:index] + self.queue[index + 1:]

        if len(self.queue):

        return val
Exemple #25
    def getFluct_global(self, mask=None):
        Get RMS of each atom from it's average position in trajectory.
        The frames should be superimposed (fit() ) to a reference.

        @param mask: N x 1 list/Numpy array of 0|1, (N=atoms),
                     atoms to be considered.
        @type  mask: [1|0]

        @return: Numpy array ( N_unmasked x 1 ) of float.
        @rtype: array
        frames = self.frames
        if mask is not None:
            frames = N.compress(mask, frames, 1)

        ## mean position of each atom in all frames
        avg = N.average(frames)

        return N.average(N.sqrt(N.sum(N.power(frames - avg, 2), 2)))
Exemple #26
    def getFluct_global( self, mask=None ):
        Get RMS of each atom from it's average position in trajectory.
        The frames should be superimposed (fit() ) to a reference.

        @param mask: N x 1 list/Numpy array of 0|1, (N=atoms),
                     atoms to be considered.
        @type  mask: [1|0]

        @return: Numpy array ( N_unmasked x 1 ) of float.
        @rtype: array
        frames = self.frames
        if mask is not None:
            frames = N.compress( mask, frames, 1 )

        ## mean position of each atom in all frames
        avg = N.average( frames )

        return N.average(N.sqrt(N.sum(N.power(frames - avg, 2), 2) ))
Exemple #27
    def _get(self):

        from numpy.oldnumeric import power
        from Isd.misc.mathutils import draw_dirichlet, rescale_uniform

        # compute "probabilities"

        p = 1. - rescale_uniform(self.times)
        p = power(p, 2.)

        index = draw_dirichlet(p)

        val = self.queue[index]

        self.queue = self.queue[:index] + self.queue[index + 1:]

        if len(self.queue):

        return val
Exemple #28
def rowDistances(x, y):
    Calculate the distances between the items of two arrays (of same shape)
    after least-squares superpositioning.

    @param x: first set of coordinates
    @type  x: array('f')
    @param y: second set of coordinates
    @type  y: array('f')  

    @return: array( len(x), 'f' ), distance between x[i] and y[i] for all i
    @rtype: array
    ## find transformation for best match
    r, t = findTransformation(x, y)

    ## transform coordinates
    z = N.dot(y, N.transpose(r)) + t

    ## calculate row distances
    return N.sqrt(N.sum(N.power(x - z, 2), 1))
Exemple #29
def rowDistances( x, y ):
    Calculate the distances between the items of two arrays (of same shape)
    after least-squares superpositioning.

    @param x: first set of coordinates
    @type  x: array('f')
    @param y: second set of coordinates
    @type  y: array('f')  

    @return: array( len(x), 'f' ), distance between x[i] and y[i] for all i
    @rtype: array
    ## find transformation for best match
    r, t = findTransformation(x, y)

    ## transform coordinates
    z = N.dot(y, N.transpose(r)) + t

    ## calculate row distances
    return N.sqrt(N.sum(N.power(x - z, 2), 1)) 
Exemple #30
    def P(self,T,m):
        P_j= array( exp( m["HAR_A"]+m["HAR_B"] / T  + m["HAR_C"]*log(T) ) )
        P = []
        T1 = log(T)
        T2 = power(T,2)
##        print m["HAR_D"]
        for j in range(len(m["HAR_A"])):
            P_r = P_j[j]
            i= 1
##            print j,P_r,T2
            while i<=20:
                P_i = m["HAR_A"][j]+m["HAR_B"][j]/ T  + m["HAR_C"][j]*T1 + m["HAR_D"][j]*P_r/T2
##                print P_i
                P_i = exp(P_i)
##                print P_i*0.13332236
                i +=1
                if abs(P_i-P_r)<=1:
                P_r = P_i
        return array(P) * self.Factor
Exemple #31
    def pca( self, atomMask=None, frameMask=None, fit=1 ):
        Calculate principal components of trajectory frames.

        @param atomMask: 1 x N_atoms, [111001110..] atoms to consider
                         (default: all)
        @type  atomMask: [1|0]
        @param frameMask: 1 x N_frames, [001111..] frames to consider
                          (default all )
        @type  frameMask: [1|0]

        @return: (N_frames x N_frames), (1 x N_frames),
                 projection of each frame in PC space, eigenvalue of each PC
        @rtype: array, array, array
        if frameMask is None: frameMask = N.ones( len( self.frames ), N.int32 )

        if atomMask is None: atomMask = N.ones(self.getRef().lenAtoms(),

        if fit:
            self.fit( atomMask )

        refxyz = N.average( self.frames, 0 )

        data = N.compress( frameMask, self.frames, 0 )

        data = data - refxyz

        data = N.compress( atomMask, data, 1 )

        ## reduce to 2D array
        data = N.array( map( N.ravel, data ) )

        V, L, U = LA.singular_value_decomposition( data )

        return U, V * L, N.power(L, 2)
Exemple #32
    def pca(self, atomMask=None, frameMask=None, fit=1):
        Calculate principal components of trajectory frames.

        @param atomMask: 1 x N_atoms, [111001110..] atoms to consider
                         (default: all)
        @type  atomMask: [1|0]
        @param frameMask: 1 x N_frames, [001111..] frames to consider
                          (default all )
        @type  frameMask: [1|0]

        @return: (N_frames x N_frames), (1 x N_frames),
                 projection of each frame in PC space, eigenvalue of each PC
        @rtype: array, array, array
        if frameMask is None: frameMask = N.ones(len(self.frames), N.int32)

        if atomMask is None:
            atomMask = N.ones(self.getRef().lenAtoms(), N.int32)

        if fit:

        refxyz = N.average(self.frames, 0)

        data = N.compress(frameMask, self.frames, 0)

        data = data - refxyz

        data = N.compress(atomMask, data, 1)

        ## reduce to 2D array
        data = N.array(map(N.ravel, data))

        V, L, U = LA.singular_value_decomposition(data)

        return U, V * L, N.power(L, 2)
Exemple #33
def logConfidence(x, R, clip=1e-32):
    Estimate the probability of x NOT beeing a random observation from a
    lognormal distribution that is described by a set of random values.
    The exact solution to this problem is in L{Biskit.Statistics.lognormal}.

    @param x: observed value
    @type  x: float
    @param R: sample of random values; 0 -> don't clip (default: 1e-32)
    @type  R: [float]
    @param clip: clip zeros at this value
    @type  clip: float

    @return:  confidence that x is not random, mean of random distrib.
    @rtype: (float, float)
    if clip and 0 in R:
        R = N.clip(R, clip, max(R))
    ## get mean and stdv of log-transformed random sample
    mean = N.average(N.log(R))

    n = len(R)

    stdv = N.sqrt(N.sum(N.power(N.log(R) - mean, 2)) / (n - 1.))

    ## create dense lognormal distribution representing the random sample
    stop = max(R) * 50.0
    step = stop / 100000
    start = step / 10.0

    X = [(v, p_lognormal(v, mean, stdv)) for v in N.arange(start, stop, step)]

    ## analyse distribution
    d = Density(X)

    return d.findConfidenceInterval(x * 1.0)[0], d.average()
Exemple #34
def logConfidence( x, R, clip=1e-32 ):
    Estimate the probability of x NOT beeing a random observation from a
    lognormal distribution that is described by a set of random values.
    The exact solution to this problem is in L{Biskit.Statistics.lognormal}.

    @param x: observed value
    @type  x: float
    @param R: sample of random values; 0 -> don't clip (default: 1e-32)
    @type  R: [float]
    @param clip: clip zeros at this value
    @type  clip: float

    @return:  confidence that x is not random, mean of random distrib.
    @rtype: (float, float)
    if clip and 0 in R:
        R = N.clip( R, clip, max( R ) )
    ## get mean and stdv of log-transformed random sample
    mean = N.average( N.log( R ) )

    n = len( R )

    stdv = N.sqrt(N.sum(N.power(N.log( R ) - mean, 2)) / (n - 1.))

    ## create dense lognormal distribution representing the random sample
    stop = max( R ) * 50.0
    step = stop / 100000
    start = step / 10.0

    X = [(v, p_lognormal(v, mean, stdv) ) for v in N.arange(start, stop, step)]

    ## analyse distribution
    d = Density( X )

    return d.findConfidenceInterval( x * 1.0 )[0], d.average()
Exemple #35
    def getFluct_local(self,
        Get mean displacement of each atom from it's average position after
        fitting of each residue to the reference backbone coordinates of itself
        and selected atoms of neighboring residues to the right and left.

        @param mask: N_atoms x 1 array of 0||1, atoms for which fluctuation
                     should be calculated
        @type  mask: array
        @param border_res: number of neighboring residues to use for fitting
        @type  border_res: int
        @param left_atoms: atoms (names) to use from these neighbore residues
        @type  left_atoms: [str]
        @param right_atoms: atoms (names) to use from these neighbore residues
        @type  right_atoms: [str]

        @return: Numpy array ( N_unmasked x 1 ) of float
        @rtype: array
        if mask is None:
            mask = N.ones(len(self.frames[0]), N.int32)

        if verbose: T.errWrite("rmsd fitting per residue...")

        residues = N.nonzero(self.ref.atom2resMask(mask))

        ## backbone atoms used for fit
        fit_atoms_right = N.nonzero(self.ref.mask(right_atoms))
        fit_atoms_left = N.nonzero(self.ref.mask(left_atoms))
        ## chain index of each residue
        rchainMap = N.take(self.ref.chainMap(), self.ref.resIndex())

        result = []

        for res in residues:

            i_res, i_border = self.__resWindow(res, border_res, rchainMap,
                                               fit_atoms_left, fit_atoms_right)

                if not len(i_res): raise PDBError, 'empty residue'

                t_res = self.takeAtoms(i_res + i_border)

                i_center = range(len(i_res))

                mask_BB = t_res.ref.maskBB() * t_res.ref.maskHeavy()

                ## fit with border atoms ..
                t_res.fit(ref=t_res.ref, mask=mask_BB, verbose=0)
                ## .. but calculate only with center residue atoms
                frames = N.take(t_res.frames, i_center, 1)

                avg = N.average(frames)

                rmsd = N.average(N.sqrt(N.sum(N.power(frames - avg, 2), 2)))


                if verbose: T.errWrite('#')

            except ZeroDivisionError:
                result.extend(N.zeros(len(i_res), N.Float32))
                T.errWrite('?' + str(res))

        if verbose: T.errWriteln("done")

        return result
Exemple #36
    def Solver(self, model, case):

        xm = case.Prop["x"]
        T = case.Prop["T"]
        P = case.Prop["P"]
        Ac = model["PR_A"]
        b_i = model["PR_B"]
        W_i = model["OMEGA"]
        TC_i = model["TC"]

        case.Prop["MolWt"] = sum(xm * model["MoleWt"])

        fwi = []
        for Wii in W_i:
            if Wii < 0.5:
                fwi.append(0.37464 + 1.54226 * Wii - 0.26992 * power(Wii, 2))
                fwi.append(0.3796 + 1.4850 * Wii - 0.1644 * power(Wii, 2) +
                           0.01666 * power(Wii, 3))

        fwi = array(fwi)
        Tr_i = T / TC_i
        AlphaT = power((1 + fwi * (1 - sqrt(Tr_i))), 2)

        a_i = Ac * AlphaT

        A_i = (a_i * P) / pow(R * T, 2)
        B_i = (b_i * P) / (R * T)

        Zl_i = self.EOS.ZL(A_i, B_i)
        Zv_i = self.EOS.ZG(A_i, B_i)

        CoeFugo_v = self.FugaP(Zv_i, A_i, B_i)
        CoeFugo_l = self.FugaP(Zl_i, A_i, B_i)

        yf = xm
        xf = xm

        for i in range(3):

            A_vi = MixingRules.MolarK2(yf, A_i, k=0.0)
            A_li = MixingRules.MolarK2(xf, A_i, k=0.0)

            B_v = MixingRules.Molar(yf, B_i)
            A_v = MixingRules.MolarK(yf, A_i, k=0.0)

            B_l = MixingRules.Molar(xf, B_i)
            A_l = MixingRules.MolarK(xf, A_i, k=0.0)

            Z_v = self.EOS.ZG(A_v, B_v)
            Z_l = self.EOS.ZL(A_l, B_l)

            CoeFugM_v = self.FugaM(Z_v, A_vi, B_i, A_v, B_v)
            CoeFugM_l = self.FugaM(Z_l, A_li, B_i, A_l, B_l)

            fi = P * CoeFugM_v * yf

            ki = CoeFugM_l / CoeFugM_v
            #print xm
            FrVap, xf, yf = Flash(ki, xm)
            Z = FrVap * Z_v + (1 - FrVap) * Z_l

        case.Prop["Z"] = Z
        case.Prop["Zl"] = Z_l
        case.Prop["Zv"] = Z_v
        case.Prop["Ki"] = ki
        case.Prop["FracVap"] = FrVap
        case.Prop["CoefPureLiq"] = CoeFugo_l
        case.Prop["CoefPureVap"] = CoeFugo_v
        case.Prop["CoefMixVLiq"] = CoeFugM_l
        case.Prop["CoefMixVap"] = CoeFugM_v
        case.Prop["xf"] = xf
        case.Prop["yf"] = yf
Exemple #37
def variance(x, avg = None):
    if avg is None:
        avg = average(x)

    return Numeric.sum(Numeric.power(Numeric.array(x) - avg, 2)) / (len(x) - 1.)
Exemple #38
    def Solver(self, model, case):
        xm = case.Prop["x"]
        T = case.Prop["T"]
        P = case.Prop["P"]
        Ac = model["SRK_A"]
        b_i = model["RK_B"]
        W_i = model["OMEGA"]
        TC_i = model["TC"]

        case.Prop["MolWt"] = sum(xm * model["MoleWt"])

        fwi = 0.48 + 0.1574 * W_i - 0.176 * power(W_i, 2)
        Tr_i = T / TC_i
        AlphaT = power((1 + fwi * (1 - sqrt(Tr_i))), 2)

        a_i = Ac * AlphaT

        A_i = (a_i * P) / pow(R * T, 2)
        B_i = (b_i * P) / (R * T)

        Zl_i = self.EOS.ZL(A_i, B_i)
        Zv_i = self.EOS.ZG(A_i, B_i)

        CoeFugo_v = self.FugaP(Zv_i, A_i, B_i)
        CoeFugo_l = self.FugaP(Zl_i, A_i, B_i)

        yf = xm
        xf = xm

        for i in range(3):

            A_vi = MixingRules.MolarK2(yf, A_i, k=0.0)
            A_li = MixingRules.MolarK2(xf, A_i, k=0.0)

            B_v = MixingRules.Molar(yf, B_i)
            A_v = MixingRules.MolarK(yf, A_i, k=0.0)

            B_l = MixingRules.Molar(xf, B_i)
            A_l = MixingRules.MolarK(xf, A_i, k=0.0)

            Z_v = self.EOS.ZG(A_v, B_v)
            Z_l = self.EOS.ZL(A_l, B_l)

            CoeFugM_v = self.FugaM(Z_v, A_vi, B_i, A_v, B_v)
            CoeFugM_l = self.FugaM(Z_l, A_li, B_i, A_l, B_l)

            fi = P * CoeFugM_v * yf

            ki = CoeFugM_l / CoeFugM_v
            #print xm
            FrVap, xf, yf = Flash(ki, xm)
            Z = FrVap * Z_v + (1 - FrVap) * Z_l

        case.Prop["Z"] = Z
        case.Prop["Zl"] = Z_l
        case.Prop["Zv"] = Z_v
        case.Prop["Ki"] = ki
        case.Prop["FracVap"] = FrVap
        case.Prop["CoefPureLiq"] = CoeFugo_l
        case.Prop["CoefPureVap"] = CoeFugo_v
        case.Prop["CoefMixVLiq"] = CoeFugM_l
        case.Prop["CoefMixVap"] = CoeFugM_v
        case.Prop["xf"] = xf
        case.Prop["yf"] = yf
Exemple #39
 def calc_membership_matrix(self, d2):
     ## remove 0s (if a cluster center is exactly on one item)
     d2 = N.clip(d2, N.power(1e200, 1 - self.w), 1e300)
     q = N.power(d2, 1. / (1. - self.w))
     return q / N.sum(q)
Exemple #40
def variance(x, avg=None):
    if avg is None:
        avg = average(x)

    return Numeric.sum(Numeric.power(Numeric.array(x) - avg,
                                     2)) / (len(x) - 1.)
Exemple #41
    def Solver(self,model,case):
        xm = case.Prop["x"]
        T = case.Prop["T"]
        P = case.Prop["P"]
        Ac = model["SRK_A"]
        b_i = model["RK_B"]
        W_i = model["OMEGA"]
        TC_i = model["TC"]
        case.Prop["MolWt"] = sum( xm* model["MoleWt"] )
        fwi = 0.48+0.1574*W_i-0.176*power(W_i,2)
        Tr_i = T /TC_i
        AlphaT = power(  ( 1+fwi*(1-sqrt(Tr_i) ) ),2)

        a_i = Ac * AlphaT
        A_i = ( a_i * P)/ pow( R * T,2)
        B_i = ( b_i * P )/( R * T)    
        Zl_i= self.EOS.ZL(A_i,B_i)
        Zv_i= self.EOS.ZG(A_i,B_i)
        CoeFugo_v = self.FugaP(Zv_i, A_i, B_i )
        CoeFugo_l = self.FugaP(Zl_i, A_i, B_i )
        yf = xm
        xf = xm
        for i in range(3):
            A_vi = MixingRules.MolarK2( yf, A_i, k=0.0)
            A_li = MixingRules.MolarK2( xf, A_i,k=0.0)
            B_v = MixingRules.Molar( yf, B_i)
            A_v = MixingRules.MolarK( yf,A_i ,k=0.0)
            B_l = MixingRules.Molar( xf, B_i)
            A_l = MixingRules.MolarK( xf,A_i,k=0.0) 
            Z_v = self.EOS.ZG(A_v,B_v)
            Z_l = self.EOS.ZL(A_l,B_l)
            CoeFugM_v = self.FugaM(Z_v, A_vi,B_i,A_v,B_v)
            CoeFugM_l = self.FugaM(Z_l, A_li,B_i,A_l,B_l)
            fi = P*CoeFugM_v*yf
            ki = CoeFugM_l/CoeFugM_v
            #print xm
            FrVap, xf, yf = Flash(ki, xm)
            Z = FrVap*Z_v + (1- FrVap)* Z_l
        case.Prop["Z"] =  Z
        case.Prop["Zl"] = Z_l
        case.Prop["Zv"] = Z_v
        case.Prop["Ki"] = ki
        case.Prop["FracVap"] = FrVap
        case.Prop["CoefPureLiq"] = CoeFugo_l
        case.Prop["CoefPureVap"] = CoeFugo_v
        case.Prop["CoefMixVLiq"] = CoeFugM_l
        case.Prop["CoefMixVap"] = CoeFugM_v
        case.Prop["xf"] = xf
        case.Prop["yf"] = yf
Exemple #42
from ollin.Administrator.AdmOllin import Ollin
from numpy.oldnumeric import array,power,pi


S1=Ollin.AddCase("S1")#Alimentacion al compresor
Ollin.Solve("S1")#Caculamos S1

L = (1-S1.Get("FracVap"))*1919.605
Gv = (L*S1.Get("MolWt_l"))/( S1.Get("LiqDen")*60 )
Vr = Gv*5
Lon = power((256*Vr/pi),0.333333)
Dia = Lon/4
print "Longuitud", Lon
print "Diametro",Dia

 def GetYCurrentRange(self):
     yAxis = self._getYCurrentRange()
     if self.getLogScale()[1]:
         yAxis = _Numeric.power(10,yAxis)
     return yAxis
Exemple #44
def match(x, y, n_iterations=1, z=2, eps_rmsd=0.5, eps_stdv=0.05):
    Matches two arrays onto each other, while iteratively removing outliers.
    Superimposed array y would be C{ N.dot(y, N.transpose(r)) + t }.

    @param n_iterations: number of calculations::
                           1 .. no iteration 
                           0 .. until convergence
    @type  n_iterations: 1|0
    @param z: number of standard deviations for outlier definition (default: 2)
    @type  z: float
    @param eps_rmsd: tolerance in rmsd (default: 0.5)
    @type  eps_rmsd: float
    @param eps_stdv: tolerance in standard deviations (default: 0.05)
    @type  eps_stdv: float

    @return: (r,t), [ [percent_considered, rmsd_for_it, outliers] ]
    @rtype: (array, array), [float, float, int]
    iter_trace = []

    rmsd_old = 0
    stdv_old = 0

    n = 0
    converged = 0

    mask = N.ones(len(y), N.int32)

    while not converged:

        ## find transformation for best match
        r, t = findTransformation(N.compress(mask, x, 0),
                                  N.compress(mask, y, 0))

        ## transform coordinates
        xt = N.dot(y, N.transpose(r)) + t

        ## calculate row distances
        d = N.sqrt(N.sum(N.power(x - xt, 2), 1)) * mask

        ## calculate rmsd and stdv
        rmsd = N.sqrt(N.average(N.compress(mask, d)**2))
        stdv = MU.SD(N.compress(mask, d))

        ## check conditions for convergence
        d_rmsd = abs(rmsd - rmsd_old)
        d_stdv = abs(1 - stdv_old / stdv)

        if d_rmsd < eps_rmsd and d_stdv < eps_stdv:
            converged = 1
            rmsd_old = rmsd
            stdv_old = stdv

        ## store result
        perc = round(float(N.sum(mask)) / float(len(mask)), 2)

        ## throw out non-matching rows
        mask = N.logical_and(mask, N.less(d, rmsd + z * stdv))
        outliers = N.nonzero(N.logical_not(mask))
        iter_trace.append([perc, round(rmsd, 3), outliers])

        n += 1

        if n_iterations and n >= n_iterations:

    return (r, t), iter_trace
Exemple #45
def match(x, y, n_iterations=1, z=2, eps_rmsd=0.5, eps_stdv=0.05):
    Matches two arrays onto each other, while iteratively removing outliers.
    Superimposed array y would be C{ N.dot(y, N.transpose(r)) + t }.

    @param n_iterations: number of calculations::
                           1 .. no iteration 
                           0 .. until convergence
    @type  n_iterations: 1|0
    @param z: number of standard deviations for outlier definition (default: 2)
    @type  z: float
    @param eps_rmsd: tolerance in rmsd (default: 0.5)
    @type  eps_rmsd: float
    @param eps_stdv: tolerance in standard deviations (default: 0.05)
    @type  eps_stdv: float

    @return: (r,t), [ [percent_considered, rmsd_for_it, outliers] ]
    @rtype: (array, array), [float, float, int]
    iter_trace = []

    rmsd_old = 0
    stdv_old = 0

    n = 0
    converged = 0

    mask = N.ones(len(y), N.int32 )

    while not converged:

        ## find transformation for best match
        r, t = findTransformation(N.compress(mask, x, 0),
                                  N.compress(mask, y, 0))

        ## transform coordinates
        xt = N.dot(y, N.transpose(r)) + t

        ## calculate row distances
        d = N.sqrt(N.sum(N.power(x - xt, 2), 1)) * mask

        ## calculate rmsd and stdv
        rmsd = N.sqrt(N.average(N.compress(mask, d)**2))
        stdv = MU.SD(N.compress(mask, d))

        ## check conditions for convergence
        d_rmsd = abs(rmsd - rmsd_old)
        d_stdv = abs(1 - stdv_old / stdv)

        if d_rmsd < eps_rmsd and d_stdv < eps_stdv:
            converged = 1
            rmsd_old = rmsd
            stdv_old = stdv

        ## store result
        perc = round(float(N.sum(mask)) / float(len(mask)), 2)

        ## throw out non-matching rows
        mask = N.logical_and(mask, N.less(d, rmsd + z * stdv))
        outliers = N.nonzero( N.logical_not( mask ) )
        iter_trace.append([perc, round(rmsd, 3), outliers])

        n += 1

        if n_iterations and n >= n_iterations:

    return (r, t), iter_trace
Exemple #46
    def Isotermic(self,model,case):
        xm = case.Prop["x"]
        T = case.Prop["T"]
        P = case.Prop["P"]
        Ac = model["PR_A"]
        b_i = model["PR_B"]
        W_i = model["OMEGA"]
        TC_i = model["TC"]
        PC_i = model["PC"]
        VC_i = model["VC"]
##        print xm
        TC = sum( xm* TC_i )
        PC = sum( xm* PC_i )
        VC = sum( xm* VC_i )
##        print "PC",PC_i
##        print "TC",TC_i
##        print TC,PC
##        print case.Prop["ZC"]
        PreVap = self.PV.P(T,model)
        fwi = []
        for Wii in W_i:
            if Wii <0.5:
                fwi.append( 0.37464+1.54226*Wii-0.26992*power(Wii,2) )
                fwi.append( 0.3796+1.4850*Wii-0.1644*power(Wii,2)+0.01666*power(Wii,3) )
        fwi = array( fwi )
        Tr_i = T /TC_i
        AlphaT = power(  ( 1+fwi*(1-sqrt(Tr_i) ) ),2)
        case.Prop["AlphaT"] = AlphaT
        case.Prop["dadT"]= self.dadT( Ac,fwi,Tr_i,TC_i)
        case.Prop["d2adT2"]= self.d2adT2( Ac,fwi,T,Tr_i,TC_i)
        case.Prop["MolWt"] = sum( xm* model["MoleWt"] )
        a_i = Ac * AlphaT
        case.Prop["a"] =  a_i
        A_i = ( a_i * P)/ pow( R * T,2)
        B_i = ( b_i * P )/( R * T)    
        case.Prop["A"] = A_i
        case.Prop["B"] = B_i
        Zl_i= self.EOS.ZL(A_i,B_i)
        Zv_i= self.EOS.ZG(A_i,B_i)
        case.Prop["Zli"] = Zl_i
        case.Prop["Zvi"] = Zv_i
        case.Prop["Vli"] = Zl_i* R * T / P
        case.Prop["Vvi"] = Zv_i* R * T / P
        CoeFugo_v = self.FugaP(Zv_i, A_i, B_i )
        CoeFugo_l = self.FugaP(Zl_i, A_i, B_i )
        k_i = 1
        RFrac = 2
        FVap, xf, yf =  Flash(case.Prop["PreVap"]/P,xm)
##        print sum(xf),sum(yf)
##        print "Zli",sum(xf*Zl_i)
##        print "Zvi",sum(yf*Zv_i)
##        print "Frac",FVap,case.Prop["PreVap"]/P
        #Iteration to calculate the Fractio Vapor
        MinFuga = 1e10
        while k_i <=20:
##            print "a"
            A_vi = MixingRules.MolarK2( yf, A_i, k=0 )
            A_li = MixingRules.MolarK2( xf, A_i,k=0)
##            print "b"
            B_v = MixingRules.Molar( yf, B_i)
            A_v = MixingRules.MolarK( yf,A_i ,k=0 )
##            print "c"
            B_l = MixingRules.Molar( xf, B_i)
            A_l = MixingRules.MolarK( xf,A_i,k=0) 
            Z_v = self.EOS.ZG(A_v,B_v)
            Z_l = self.EOS.ZL(A_l,B_l)
##            print "Zv",Z_v
##            print k_i,Z_v,Z_l
            CoeFugM_v = self.FugaM(Z_v, A_vi,B_i,A_v,B_v)
            CoeFugM_l = self.FugaM(Z_l, A_li,B_i,A_l,B_l)
            f_l = P*CoeFugM_l*xf
            f_v = P*CoeFugM_v*yf
            f_l = P*CoeFugM_l*xf
            f_v = P*CoeFugM_v*yf
            dFuga = sum(f_l-f_v) 
##            print "fuga",sum(f_l),sum(f_v),dFuga,FrVap
            if abs(dFuga) <MinFuga:
##                print "min",dFuga
                MinFuga = abs(dFuga)
                ymin= yf
                xmin= xf
            ki = CoeFugM_l/CoeFugM_v
##            print "ki",ki
            FrVap, xf, yf = Flash(ki, xm,FVap)
##            print FrVap
##            print "fuga",sum(f_l),sum(f_v)
##            print xf,yf
            Z = FrVap*Z_v + (1- FrVap)* Z_l
            if abs(RFrac-FrVap)<= 1e-10:
                case.Solve = 1
            if abs(dFuga)<=1e-3:
##                print "b"
                case.Solve = 1
            RFrac = FrVap
            k_i +=1 
        #End iteration to calculate the Fractio Vapor
        V_l = Z_l * R * T / P
        V_v = Z_v * R * T / P
        case.Prop["Z"] =  Z
        case.Prop["Zl"] = Z_l
        case.Prop["Zv"] = Z_v
        case.Prop["Ki"] = ki
        case.Prop["FracVap"] = FrVap
        case.Prop["CoefPureLiq"] = CoeFugo_l
        case.Prop["CoefPureVap"] = CoeFugo_v
        case.Prop["CoefMixVLiq"] = CoeFugM_l
        case.Prop["CoefMixVap"] = CoeFugM_v
        case.Prop["ActivityVap"] = CoeFugM_v/CoeFugo_v
        case.Prop["ActivityLiq"] = CoeFugM_l/CoeFugo_l
        case.Prop["xf"] = xf
        case.Prop["yf"] = yf
        case.Prop["Vl"] = V_l
        case.Prop["Vv"] = V_v
        case.Prop["MolWt_l"] = sum( xf* model["MoleWt"] )
        case.Prop["MolWt_v"] = sum( yf* model["MoleWt"] )
        case.Prop["LiqDen"] = sum( xf* model["LIQDEN"] )
        case.Prop["fl_i"] =f_l
        case.Prop["fv_i"] =f_v
Exemple #47
    def Isotermicx(self, model, case):
        yf = case.Prop["yf"]

        T = case.Prop["T"]
        P = case.Prop["P"]
        Ac = model["RK_A"]
        b_i = model["RK_B"]
        case.Prop["dadT"] = self.dadT(Ac, T)
        case.Prop["d2adT2"] = self.d2adT2(Ac, T)
        ##        case.Prop["MolWt"] = sum( xm* model["MoleWt"] )
        PreVap = self.PV.P(T, model)
        case.Prop["PreVap"] = PreVap
        AlphaT = 1 / sqrt(T)
        case.Prop["AlphaT"] = AlphaT

        a_i = Ac * AlphaT
        case.Prop["a"] = a_i

        A_i = (a_i * P) / pow(R * T, 2)
        B_i = (b_i * P) / (R * T)
        case.Prop["A"] = A_i
        case.Prop["B"] = B_i

        Zl_i = self.EOS.ZL(A_i, B_i)
        Zv_i = self.EOS.ZG(A_i, B_i)
        case.Prop["Zli"] = Zl_i
        case.Prop["Zvi"] = Zv_i

        case.Prop["Vli"] = Zl_i * R * T / P
        case.Prop["Vvi"] = Zv_i * R * T / P

        CoeFugo_v = self.FugaP(Zv_i, A_i, B_i)
        CoeFugo_l = self.FugaP(Zl_i, A_i, B_i)
        ##        yf = xm
        xf = yf / (PreVap / P)
        sk = sum(PreVap / P)

        B_v = MixingRules.Molar(yf, B_i)
        A_v = power(sum(yf * sqrt(A_i)), 2)
        Z_v = self.EOS.ZG(A_v, B_v)
        CoeFugM_v = self.FugaM(Z_v, A_i, B_i, A_v, B_v)
        k_i = 1
        RFrac = 2
        ##        FrVap, xf, yf =  Flash(PreVap/P,xm)

        #Iteration to calculate the Fractio Vapor
        while k_i <= 10:
            B_l = MixingRules.Molar(xf, B_i)
            A_l = power(sum(xf * sqrt(A_i)), 2)
            Z_l = self.EOS.ZL(A_l, B_l)
            CoeFugM_l = self.FugaM(Z_l, A_i, B_i, A_l, B_l)

            fi = P * CoeFugM_v * yf

            ki = CoeFugM_l / CoeFugM_v

            ##            Z = FrVap*Z_v + (1- FrVap)* Z_l

            if abs(sk - sum(ki)) <= 1e-8:
                print xf
                ##                case.Solve = 1
            xf = yf / ki
            sk = sum(ki)
            k_i += 1
        FrVap, xm = Flash(ki, x=xf, y=yf)
        print "Frac", FrVap
        Z = FrVap * Z_v + (1 - FrVap) * Z_l
        V_l = Z_l * R * T / P
        V_v = Z_v * R * T / P
Exemple #48
    def Isotermic(self, model, case):

        xm = case.Prop["x"]
        T = case.Prop["T"]
        P = case.Prop["P"]
        Ac = model["SRK_A"]
        b_i = model["RK_B"]
        W_i = model["OMEGA"]
        TC_i = model["TC"]

        PreVap = self.PV.P(T, model)
        case.Prop["PreVap"] = PreVap
        ##        print "PV", PreVap

        fwi = 0.48 + 0.1574 * W_i - 0.176 * power(W_i, 2)
        case.Prop["fw"] = fwi
        Tr_i = T / TC_i
        case.Prop["Tr"] = Tr_i
        AlphaT = power((1 + fwi * (1 - sqrt(Tr_i))), 2)
        case.Prop["AlphaT"] = AlphaT
        case.Prop["MolWt"] = sum(xm * model["MoleWt"])
        case.Prop["dadT"] = self.dadT(Ac, fwi, Tr_i, TC_i)
        case.Prop["d2adT2"] = self.d2adT2(Ac, fwi, T, Tr_i, TC_i)

        a_i = Ac * AlphaT
        case.Prop["a"] = a_i

        A_i = (a_i * P) / pow(R * T, 2)
        B_i = (b_i * P) / (R * T)
        case.Prop["A"] = A_i
        case.Prop["B"] = B_i

        Zl_i = self.EOS.ZL(A_i, B_i)
        Zv_i = self.EOS.ZG(A_i, B_i)
        case.Prop["Zli"] = Zl_i
        case.Prop["Zvi"] = Zv_i

        case.Prop["Vli"] = Zl_i * R * T / P
        case.Prop["Vvi"] = Zv_i * R * T / P

        CoeFugo_v = self.FugaP(Zv_i, A_i, B_i)
        CoeFugo_l = self.FugaP(Zl_i, A_i, B_i)
        ##        yf = xm
        ##        xf = xm/2

        k_i = 1
        RFrac = 2

        FrVap, xf, yf = Flash(case.Prop["PreVap"] / P, xm)

        #Iteration to calculate the Fractio Vapor
        while k_i <= 20:
            ##            print k_i
            A_vi = MixingRules.MolarK2(yf, A_i, k=0)
            A_li = MixingRules.MolarK2(xf, A_i, k=0)

            B_v = MixingRules.Molar(yf, B_i)
            A_v = MixingRules.MolarK(yf, A_i, k=0)

            B_l = MixingRules.Molar(xf, B_i)
            A_l = MixingRules.MolarK(xf, A_i, k=0)

            Z_v = self.EOS.ZG(A_v, B_v)
            Z_l = self.EOS.ZL(A_l, B_l)

            CoeFugM_v = self.FugaM(Z_v, A_vi, B_i, A_v, B_v)
            CoeFugM_l = self.FugaM(Z_l, A_li, B_i, A_l, B_l)
            fi = P * CoeFugM_v * yf

            ki = CoeFugM_l / CoeFugM_v
            FrVap, xf, yf = Flash(ki, xm)

            Z = FrVap * Z_v + (1 - FrVap) * Z_l

            ##            if RFrac==FrVap:
            ##                print "hola"
            if abs(RFrac - FrVap) <= 1e-10:
                case.Solve = 1

            RFrac = FrVap
            k_i += 1
Exemple #49
    def Solver(self,model,case):
        xm = case.Prop["x"]
        T = case.Prop["T"]
        P = case.Prop["P"]
        Ac = model["PR_A"]
        b_i = model["PR_B"]
        W_i = model["OMEGA"]
        TC_i = model["TC"]
        case.Prop["MolWt"] = sum( xm* model["MoleWt"] )
        fwi = []
        for Wii in W_i:
            if Wii <0.5:
                fwi.append( 0.37464+1.54226*Wii-0.26992*power(Wii,2) )
                fwi.append( 0.3796+1.4850*Wii-0.1644*power(Wii,2)+0.01666*power(Wii,3) )
        fwi = array( fwi )
        Tr_i = T /TC_i
        AlphaT = power(  ( 1+fwi*(1-sqrt(Tr_i) ) ),2)

        a_i = Ac * AlphaT
        A_i = ( a_i * P)/ pow( R * T,2)
        B_i = ( b_i * P )/( R * T)    
        Zl_i= self.EOS.ZL(A_i,B_i)
        Zv_i= self.EOS.ZG(A_i,B_i)
        CoeFugo_v = self.FugaP(Zv_i, A_i, B_i )
        CoeFugo_l = self.FugaP(Zl_i, A_i, B_i )
        yf = xm
        xf = xm
        for i in range(3):
            A_vi = MixingRules.MolarK2( yf, A_i, k=0.0)
            A_li = MixingRules.MolarK2( xf, A_i,k=0.0)
            B_v = MixingRules.Molar( yf, B_i)
            A_v = MixingRules.MolarK( yf,A_i ,k=0.0)
            B_l = MixingRules.Molar( xf, B_i)
            A_l = MixingRules.MolarK( xf,A_i,k=0.0) 
            Z_v = self.EOS.ZG(A_v,B_v)
            Z_l = self.EOS.ZL(A_l,B_l)
            CoeFugM_v = self.FugaM(Z_v, A_vi,B_i,A_v,B_v)
            CoeFugM_l = self.FugaM(Z_l, A_li,B_i,A_l,B_l)
            fi = P*CoeFugM_v*yf
            ki = CoeFugM_l/CoeFugM_v
            #print xm
            FrVap, xf, yf = Flash(ki, xm)
            Z = FrVap*Z_v + (1- FrVap)* Z_l
        case.Prop["Z"] =  Z
        case.Prop["Zl"] = Z_l
        case.Prop["Zv"] = Z_v
        case.Prop["Ki"] = ki
        case.Prop["FracVap"] = FrVap
        case.Prop["CoefPureLiq"] = CoeFugo_l
        case.Prop["CoefPureVap"] = CoeFugo_v
        case.Prop["CoefMixVLiq"] = CoeFugM_l
        case.Prop["CoefMixVap"] = CoeFugM_v
        case.Prop["xf"] = xf
        case.Prop["yf"] = yf
Exemple #50
def SRK(model, case):

    R = 0.08206  ##
    xm = case.ExtProp["x"]
    yf = case.ExtProp["yf"]
    xf = case.ExtProp["xf"]
    pv = case.ExtProp["pv"]
    FrVap = case.ExtProp["FracVap"]

    T = case.ExtProp["T"]
    P = case.ExtProp["P"]
    Ac = model.Const["SRK_A"]
    b_i = model.Const["RK_B"]
    W_i = model.Const["OMEGA"]
    TC_i = model.Const["TC"]

    ##    print "Ac",Ac,b_i

    fwi = 0.48 + 0.1574 * W_i - 0.176 * power(W_i, 2)
    Tr_i = T / TC_i

    ##    print Tr_i
    AlphaT = power((1 + fwi * (1 - sqrt(Tr_i))), 2)

    a_i = Ac * AlphaT

    A_i = (a_i * P) / pow(R * T, 2)
    B_i = (b_i * P) / (R * T)
    ##    print "AiBi",A_i,B_i

    Zl_i = SRK.ZL(A_i, B_i)
    Zv_i = SRK.ZG(A_i, B_i)

    print "z", Zl_i, Zv_i

    CoeFugo_v = CoeFugo(Zv_i, A_i, B_i)
    CoeFugo_l = CoeFugo(Zl_i, A_i, B_i)

    #print CoeFugo_v/CoeFugo_l

    for i in range(3):

        A_vi = MixingRules.MolarK2(yf, A_i, k=0.5)
        B_vi = MixingRules.Molar(yf, B_i)

        A_li = MixingRules.MolarK2(xf, A_i, k=0.5)
        B_li = MixingRules.Molar(xf, B_i)

        B_v = MixingRules.Molar(yf, B_i)
        A_v = MixingRules.MolarK(yf, A_i, k=0.5)

        B_l = MixingRules.Molar(xf, B_i)
        A_l = MixingRules.MolarK(xf, A_i, k=0.5)

        Z_v = SRK.ZG(A_v, B_v)
        Z_l = SRK.ZL(A_l, B_l)

        CoeFugM_v = SRK.FugMix(Z_v, A_i, B_i, A_v, B_v)
        CoeFugM_l = SRK.FugMix(Z_l, A_i, B_i, A_l, B_l)

        fi = P * CoeFugM_v * yf

        ki = CoeFugM_l / CoeFugM_v
        #print xm
        FrVap, xf, yf = Flash(ki, xm)
        Z = FrVap * Z_v + (1 - FrVap) * Z_l
        print CoeFugM_v, "\n", ki, "\n", FrVap, "\n", xf, "\n", yf, "\n", CoeFugM_l, "\n", Z_v, Z_l
Exemple #51
    def fit( self, mask=None, ref=None, n_it=1,
             prof='rms', verbose=1, fit=1, **profInfos ):
        Superimpose all coordinate frames on reference coordinates. Put rms
        values in a profile. If n_it > 1, the fraction of atoms considered
        for the fit is put into a profile called |prof|_considered
        (i.e. by default 'rms_considered').

        @param mask: atom mask, atoms to consider default: [all]
        @type  mask: [1|0]
        @param ref: use as reference, default: None, average Structure
        @type  ref: PDBModel
        @param n_it: number of fit iterations, kicking out outliers on the way
                     1 -> classic single fit, 0 -> until convergence
                     (default: 1)
        @type  n_it: int
        @param prof: save rms per frame in profile of this name, ['rms']
        @type  prof: str
        @param verbose: print progress info to STDERR (default: 1)
        @type  verbose: 1|0
        @param fit: transform frames after match, otherwise just calc rms
                    (default: 1)          
        @type  fit: 1|0
        @param profInfos: additional key=value pairs for rms profile info []
        @type profInfos: key=value
        if ref == None:
            refxyz = N.average( self.frames, 0 )
            refxyz = ref.getXyz()

        if mask is None:
            mask = N.ones( len( refxyz ), N.int32 )

        refxyz = N.compress( mask, refxyz, 0 )

        if verbose: T.errWrite( "rmsd fitting..." )

        rms = []          ## rms value of each frame
        non_outliers = [] ## fraction of atoms considered for rms and fit
        iterations = []   ## number of iterations performed on each frame

        for i in range(0, len( self.frames) ):

            xyz = self.frames[i]

            if n_it != 1:
                (r, t), rmsdList = rmsFit.match( refxyz,
                                                 N.compress( mask, xyz, 0), n_it)
                iterations.append( len( rmsdList ) )
                non_outliers.append( rmsdList[-1][0] )

                xyz_transformed = N.dot( xyz, N.transpose(r)) + t

                rms += [ rmsdList[-1][1] ]

                r, t = rmsFit.findTransformation( refxyz,
                                                  N.compress( mask, xyz, 0))

                xyz_transformed = N.dot( xyz, N.transpose(r)) + t

                d = N.sqrt(N.sum(N.power( N.compress(mask, xyz_transformed,0)\
                                          - refxyz, 2), 1))

                rms += [ N.sqrt( N.average(d**2) ) ]

            if fit:
                self.frames[i] = xyz_transformed.astype(N.float32)

            if verbose and i%100 == 0:
                T.errWrite( '#' )

        self.setProfile( prof, rms, n_iterations=n_it, **profInfos )

        if non_outliers:
            self.setProfile( prof+'_considered', non_outliers,
                             comment='fraction of atoms considered for iterative fit' )

        if verbose: T.errWrite( 'done\n' )
Exemple #52
 def calc_cluster_center(self, msm):
     p = N.power(msm, self.w)
     ccenter = N.transpose(N.dot(p, self.data))
     return N.transpose(ccenter / N.sum(p, 1))
Exemple #53
    def getFluct_local( self, mask=None, border_res=1,
                        left_atoms=['C'], right_atoms=['N'], verbose=1 ):
        Get mean displacement of each atom from it's average position after
        fitting of each residue to the reference backbone coordinates of itself
        and selected atoms of neighboring residues to the right and left.

        @param mask: N_atoms x 1 array of 0||1, atoms for which fluctuation
                     should be calculated
        @type  mask: array
        @param border_res: number of neighboring residues to use for fitting
        @type  border_res: int
        @param left_atoms: atoms (names) to use from these neighbore residues
        @type  left_atoms: [str]
        @param right_atoms: atoms (names) to use from these neighbore residues
        @type  right_atoms: [str]

        @return: Numpy array ( N_unmasked x 1 ) of float
        @rtype: array
        if mask is None:
            mask = N.ones( len( self.frames[0] ), N.int32 )

        if verbose: T.errWrite( "rmsd fitting per residue..." )

        residues = N.nonzero( self.ref.atom2resMask( mask ) )

        ## backbone atoms used for fit
        fit_atoms_right = N.nonzero( self.ref.mask( right_atoms ) )
        fit_atoms_left  = N.nonzero( self.ref.mask( left_atoms ) )
        ## chain index of each residue
        rchainMap = N.take( self.ref.chainMap(), self.ref.resIndex() )

        result = []

        for res in residues:

            i_res, i_border = self.__resWindow(res, border_res, rchainMap,
                                               fit_atoms_left, fit_atoms_right)

                if not len( i_res ): raise PDBError, 'empty residue'

                t_res = self.takeAtoms( i_res + i_border )

                i_center = range( len( i_res ) )

                mask_BB = t_res.ref.maskBB() * t_res.ref.maskHeavy()

                ## fit with border atoms ..
                t_res.fit( ref=t_res.ref, mask=mask_BB, verbose=0 )
                ## .. but calculate only with center residue atoms
                frames = N.take( t_res.frames, i_center, 1 )

                avg = N.average( frames )

                rmsd = N.average(N.sqrt(N.sum(N.power(frames - avg, 2), 2) ))

                result.extend( rmsd )

                if verbose: T.errWrite('#')

            except ZeroDivisionError:
                result.extend( N.zeros( len(i_res), N.Float32 ) )
                T.errWrite('?' + str( res ))

        if verbose: T.errWriteln( "done" )

        return result
Exemple #54
def SRK(model,case):

    R = 0.08206 ##
    xm = case.ExtProp["x"]
    yf = case.ExtProp["yf"]
    xf = case.ExtProp["xf"]
    pv = case.ExtProp["pv"]
    FrVap = case.ExtProp["FracVap"]
    T = case.ExtProp["T"]
    P = case.ExtProp["P"]
    Ac = model.Const["SRK_A"]
    b_i = model.Const["RK_B"]
    W_i = model.Const["OMEGA"]
    TC_i = model.Const["TC"]
##    print "Ac",Ac,b_i
    fwi = 0.48+0.1574*W_i-0.176*power(W_i,2)
    Tr_i = T /TC_i
##    print Tr_i
    AlphaT = power(  ( 1+fwi*(1-sqrt(Tr_i) ) ),2)

    a_i = Ac * AlphaT
    A_i = ( a_i * P)/ pow( R * T,2)
    B_i = ( b_i * P )/( R * T)    
##    print "AiBi",A_i,B_i

    Zl_i = SRK.ZL(A_i,B_i)
    Zv_i = SRK.ZG(A_i,B_i)

    print "z", Zl_i, Zv_i

    CoeFugo_v = CoeFugo(Zv_i, A_i, B_i )
    CoeFugo_l = CoeFugo(Zl_i, A_i, B_i )

    #print CoeFugo_v/CoeFugo_l
    for i in range(3):

        A_vi = MixingRules.MolarK2( yf, A_i, k=0.5)
        B_vi = MixingRules.Molar( yf, B_i) 
        A_li = MixingRules.MolarK2( xf, A_i,k=0.5)
        B_li = MixingRules.Molar( xf,B_i) 
        B_v = MixingRules.Molar( yf, B_i)
        A_v = MixingRules.MolarK( yf, A_i, k=0.5)
        B_l = MixingRules.Molar( xf, B_i)
        A_l = MixingRules.MolarK( xf, A_i, k=0.5)

        Z_v = SRK.ZG(A_v,B_v)
        Z_l = SRK.ZL(A_l,B_l)
        CoeFugM_v = SRK.FugMix(Z_v, A_i,B_i,A_v,B_v)
        CoeFugM_l = SRK.FugMix(Z_l, A_i,B_i,A_l,B_l)

        fi = P*CoeFugM_v*yf
        ki = CoeFugM_l/CoeFugM_v
        #print xm
        FrVap, xf, yf = Flash(ki, xm)
        Z = FrVap*Z_v + (1- FrVap)* Z_l
        print CoeFugM_v,"\n",ki,"\n",FrVap,"\n",xf,"\n",yf,"\n",CoeFugM_l,"\n",Z_v,Z_l
Exemple #55
    def fit(self,
        Superimpose all coordinate frames on reference coordinates. Put rms
        values in a profile. If n_it > 1, the fraction of atoms considered
        for the fit is put into a profile called |prof|_considered
        (i.e. by default 'rms_considered').

        @param mask: atom mask, atoms to consider default: [all]
        @type  mask: [1|0]
        @param ref: use as reference, default: None, average Structure
        @type  ref: PDBModel
        @param n_it: number of fit iterations, kicking out outliers on the way
                     1 -> classic single fit, 0 -> until convergence
                     (default: 1)
        @type  n_it: int
        @param prof: save rms per frame in profile of this name, ['rms']
        @type  prof: str
        @param verbose: print progress info to STDERR (default: 1)
        @type  verbose: 1|0
        @param fit: transform frames after match, otherwise just calc rms
                    (default: 1)          
        @type  fit: 1|0
        @param profInfos: additional key=value pairs for rms profile info []
        @type profInfos: key=value
        if ref == None:
            refxyz = N.average(self.frames, 0)
            refxyz = ref.getXyz()

        if mask is None:
            mask = N.ones(len(refxyz), N.int32)

        refxyz = N.compress(mask, refxyz, 0)

        if verbose: T.errWrite("rmsd fitting...")

        rms = []  ## rms value of each frame
        non_outliers = []  ## fraction of atoms considered for rms and fit
        iterations = []  ## number of iterations performed on each frame

        for i in range(0, len(self.frames)):

            xyz = self.frames[i]

            if n_it != 1:
                (r, t), rmsdList = rmsFit.match(refxyz,
                                                N.compress(mask, xyz, 0), n_it)

                xyz_transformed = N.dot(xyz, N.transpose(r)) + t

                rms += [rmsdList[-1][1]]

                r, t = rmsFit.findTransformation(refxyz,
                                                 N.compress(mask, xyz, 0))

                xyz_transformed = N.dot(xyz, N.transpose(r)) + t

                d = N.sqrt(N.sum(N.power( N.compress(mask, xyz_transformed,0)\
                                          - refxyz, 2), 1))

                rms += [N.sqrt(N.average(d**2))]

            if fit:
                self.frames[i] = xyz_transformed.astype(N.float32)

            if verbose and i % 100 == 0:

        self.setProfile(prof, rms, n_iterations=n_it, **profInfos)

        if non_outliers:
                prof + '_considered',
                comment='fraction of atoms considered for iterative fit')

        if verbose: T.errWrite('done\n')
 def GetXCurrentRange(self):
     xAxis = self._getXCurrentRange()
     if self.getLogScale()[0]:
         xAxis = _Numeric.power(10,xAxis)
     return xAxis
Exemple #57
    def Isotermic(self, model, case):
        xm = case.Prop["x"]

        T = case.Prop["T"]
        P = case.Prop["P"]
        Ac = model["RK_A"]
        b_i = model["RK_B"]
        case.Prop["dadT"] = self.dadT(Ac, T)
        case.Prop["d2adT2"] = self.d2adT2(Ac, T)
        case.Prop["MolWt"] = sum(xm * model["MoleWt"])

        PreVap = self.PV.P(T, model)
        case.Prop["PreVap"] = PreVap

        AlphaT = 1 / sqrt(T)
        case.Prop["AlphaT"] = AlphaT

        a_i = Ac * AlphaT
        case.Prop["a"] = a_i

        A_i = (a_i * P) / pow(R * T, 2)
        B_i = (b_i * P) / (R * T)
        case.Prop["A"] = A_i
        case.Prop["B"] = B_i

        Zl_i = self.EOS.ZL(A_i, B_i)
        Zv_i = self.EOS.ZG(A_i, B_i)
        case.Prop["Zli"] = Zl_i
        case.Prop["Zvi"] = Zv_i

        case.Prop["Vli"] = Zl_i * R * T / P
        case.Prop["Vvi"] = Zv_i * R * T / P

        CoeFugo_v = self.FugaP(Zv_i, A_i, B_i)
        CoeFugo_l = self.FugaP(Zl_i, A_i, B_i)
        yf = xm
        xf = xm

        k_i = 1
        RFrac = 2
        FrVap, xf, yf = Flash(case.Prop["PreVap"] / P, xm)

        #Iteration to calculate the Fractio Vapor
        while k_i <= 10:
            B_v = MixingRules.Molar(yf, B_i)
            A_v = power(sum(yf * sqrt(A_i)), 2)

            B_l = MixingRules.Molar(xf, B_i)
            A_l = power(sum(xf * sqrt(A_i)), 2)

            Z_v = self.EOS.ZG(A_v, B_v)
            Z_l = self.EOS.ZL(A_l, B_l)

            CoeFugM_v = self.FugaM(Z_v, A_i, B_i, A_v, B_v)
            CoeFugM_l = self.FugaM(Z_l, A_i, B_i, A_l, B_l)

            fi = P * CoeFugM_v * yf

            ki = CoeFugM_l / CoeFugM_v
            FrVap, xf, yf = Flash(ki, xm)

            Z = FrVap * Z_v + (1 - FrVap) * Z_l

            if abs(RFrac - FrVap) <= 1e-10:
                case.Solve = 1

            RFrac = FrVap
            k_i += 1