Exemple #1
def MC(temperature, spins, MCc,
       MSpins):  # Temperature, Number of Spins, Number of cycles
    PBC = lambda idx, lim, add: (idx + lim + add) % lim

    E = 0.
    Eavr = 0.
    M = 0.
    Mavr = 0.
    lMl = 0.
    VE = np.zeros(MCc + 1)
    VM = np.zeros(MCc + 1)

    # Sampling rule
    w = np.zeros(17, np.float64)
    for de in range(-8, 9, 4):
        w[de + 8] = math.exp(-de / temperature)

    # Initial energy and magnetization
    M = MSpins.sum()
    for ii in range(spins):
        for jj in range(spins):
            E -= MSpins[ii, jj] * (MSpins[PBC(ii, spins, -1), jj] +
                                   MSpins[ii, PBC(jj, spins, 1)])

    VE[0] = E
    VM[0] = M

    for ii in range(MCc):
        # print(ii)
        for ss in range(spins**2):
            x = int(nrand() * spins)
            y = int(nrand() * spins)
            # print(x,y)
            dE = 2 * MSpins[x, y] * (
                MSpins[PBC(x, spins, -1), y] + MSpins[PBC(x, spins, 1), y] +
                MSpins[x, PBC(y, spins, -1)] + MSpins[x, PBC(y, spins, 1)])
            # print(dE)
            if nrand() <= w[dE + 8]:
                MSpins[x, y] *= -1
                M += 2 * MSpins[x, y]
                E += dE

        Eavr += E
        VE[ii + 1] = Eavr / (ii + 1)
        lMl += int(math.fabs(M))
        VM[ii + 1] = lMl / (ii + 1)

    #Eavr /= float(MCc*  spins**2)
    #Mavr /= float(MCc)
    #lMl /= float(MCc * spins**2)
    VE /= float(spins**2)
    VM /= float(spins**2)

    return (VE, VM)
 def sim(self, arm):
     """ Draw a sample from given arm """
     self.nsamples += 1
     self.sample_size[arm] += 1
     if self.dist == 'bernoulli':
         if random.random() > self.mean_list[arm]:
             return 0
             return 1
         return nrand(self.mean_list[arm], 0.25)
Exemple #3
def MCC(MCc, spins, MSpins, E, M, Eavr, E2av, Mavr, M2av, lMl, w):
    for ii in range(MCc):
        for ss in range(spins**2):
            x = int(nrand() * spins)  #Pick up a spin
            y = int(nrand() * spins)  #Pick up a spin
            dE = 2 * MSpins[x, y] * (
                MSpins[PBC(x, spins, -1), y] + MSpins[PBC(x, spins, 1), y] +
                MSpins[x, PBC(y, spins, -1)] + MSpins[x, PBC(y, spins, 1)])

            # Metropolis
            if nrand() <= w[dE + 8]:
                MSpins[x, y] *= -1
                M += 2 * MSpins[x, y]
                E += dE

        Eavr += E
        E2av += E**2
        Mavr += M
        M2av += M**2
        lMl += int(math.fabs(M))
    return (Eavr, E2av, Mavr, M2av, lMl)
Exemple #4
    f_in = open(input, 'r')
    f_out_raw = open(output_raw, 'w')
    f_out_error = []
    for e in output_error:
        f_out_error.append(open(e, 'w'))

    lines = f_in.readlines()
    for l in lines:
        seq = l.rstrip().split(" ")

        for data in seq:
            f_out_raw.write(data + ":" + data + ":" + '0' + " ")

            for j in range(1, 11):
                stddev = 0.2 * j
                error = nrand(data, stddev)
                f_out_error[j-1].write(data + ":" + str(error) + ":" + str(stddev) + " ")
        for e in f_out_error:

    for e in f_out_error: