Exemple #1
    def run(function, queue, idx, rnd, *args):
		A helper function for handling return values. Takes a function and its
		arguments and stores its result in a queue.

		@type  function: function
		@param function: handle to function that will be called

		@type  queue: Queue
		@param queue: stores returned function values

		@type  idx: integer
		@param idx: index used to identify return values

		@type  rnd: float
		@param rnd: a random number to seed random number generator

        # compute random seed
        rnd_seed = int(1e6 * rnd + 1e6 * time())

        # without it, different processes are likely to use the same seed

        # evaluate function
        queue.put((idx, function(*args)))
 def sample_times(node, num_times):
     if not hasattr(GC,"NUMPY_SEEDED"):
         from numpy.random import seed as numpy_seed
         GC.random_number_seed += 1
         GC.NUMPY_SEEDED = True
     assert hasattr(GC,'transmissions'), "No transmission network found in global context! Run this after the transmission network simulation is done"
     first_time = node.get_first_infection_time()
     if first_time is None:
         return []
     windows = []
     last_time = first_time
     for u,v,t in GC.transmissions:
         if u == node and v == node:
             if last_time is not None and t > last_time:
             last_time = None
         elif last_time is None and v == node:
             last_time = t
     if last_time is not None and t > last_time:
         windows.append((last_time, GC.time))
     if len(windows) == 0:
         windows.append((first_time, GC.time))
     loc = (GC.ts_truncnorm_loc-0.5)*GC.ts_truncnorm_scale
     scale = 1.
     a = (-0.5 + (0.5-GC.ts_truncnorm_loc))*GC.ts_truncnorm_scale
     b = (0.5 + (0.5-GC.ts_truncnorm_loc))*GC.ts_truncnorm_scale
     truncnorm_variates = (truncnorm.rvs(a,b,loc=loc,scale=scale,size=num_times)/GC.ts_truncnorm_scale)+0.5
     out = []
     for i in range(num_times):
         start,end = choice(windows)
     return out
 def sample_times(node, num_times):
     if not hasattr(GC, "NUMPY_SEEDED"):
         from numpy.random import seed as numpy_seed
         GC.random_number_seed += 1
         GC.NUMPY_SEEDED = True
     assert hasattr(
         GC, 'transmissions'
     ), "No transmission network found in global context! Run this after the transmission network simulation is done"
     first_time = node.get_first_infection_time()
     if first_time is None:
         return []
     windows = []
     last_time = first_time
     for u, v, t in GC.transmissions:
         if u == node and v == node:
             if last_time is not None and t > last_time:
                 windows.append((last_time, t))
             last_time = None
         elif last_time is None and v == node:
             last_time = t
     if last_time is not None and t > last_time:
         windows.append((last_time, GC.time))
     if len(windows) == 0:
         windows.append((first_time, GC.time))
     out = []
     for i in range(num_times):
         start, end = choice(windows)
         length = end - start
         delta = float('inf')
         while delta > length:
             delta = gamma(GC.ts_gamma_shape, scale=GC.ts_gamma_scale)
         out.append(delta + start)
     return out
Exemple #4
 def sample_nodes(time):
     if not hasattr(GC, "NUMPY_SEEDED"):
         from numpy.random import seed as numpy_seed
         GC.random_number_seed += 1
         GC.NUMPY_SEEDED = True
     assert GC.next_trans is not None, "Must call TransmissionTimeSample_SI before TransmissionNodeSample_SI"
     u, v, t = GC.next_trans
     assert not v.is_infected(), "Destination virus is already infected"
     GC.next_trans = None
     for edge in GC.contact_network.get_edges_from(v):
         neighbor = edge.get_to()
         if not neighbor.is_infected():
             infected_neighbors = [
                 for edge in GC.contact_network.get_edges_to(neighbor)
                 if edge.get_from().is_infected()
             infector = choice(infected_neighbors)
             time = t + exponential(
                 scale=1 / (GC.infection_rate * len(infected_neighbors))
             )  # min of exponentials is exponential with sum of rates
             if neighbor in GC.trans_pq_v2trans:
             GC.trans_pq.put(neighbor, time)
             GC.trans_pq_v2trans[neighbor] = (infector, neighbor, time)
     return u, v
	def run(function, queue, idx, rnd, *args):
		A helper function for handling return values. Takes a function and its
		arguments and stores its result in a queue.

		@type  function: function
		@param function: handle to function that will be called

		@type  queue: Queue
		@param queue: stores returned function values

		@type  idx: integer
		@param idx: index used to identify return values

		@type  rnd: float
		@param rnd: a random number to seed random number generator

		# compute random seed
		rnd_seed = int(1e6 * rnd + 1e6 * time())

		# without it, different processes are likely to use the same seed

		# evaluate function
		queue.put((idx, function(*args)))
Exemple #6
def initialize_with_keras_hdf5(keras_model, dict_map, torch_model,
                               model_path=None, seed=None):
    :param keras_model: a keras model created by keras.models.Sequential
    :param dict_map: a dictionary maps keys from Kera => PyTorch
    :param torch_model: a PyTorch network
    :param model_path: path where h5 file located, if None, than keras will initialize a new network
    :return: PyTorch StateDict
    if model_path:
        weight_dict = load_weights_from_hdf5(model_path, keras_model)
        if seed:
        weight_dict = {}
        for layer in keras_model.layers:
            weight_dict.update({layer.name: layer.get_weights()})
    state_dict = torch_model.state_dict()
    for key in weight_dict.keys():
        destiny = dict_map[key]
        for i, item in enumerate(destiny):
            if len(weight_dict[key][i].shape) == 4:
                # Convolutional Layer
                tensor = np.transpose(weight_dict[key][i], (3, 2, 0, 1))
            elif len(weight_dict[key][i].shape) == 2:
                # Full Connection Layer
                tensor = np.transpose(weight_dict[key][i], (1, 0))
                tensor = weight_dict[key][i]
            state_dict[item] = torch.tensor(tensor)
    return torch_model
 def sample_time():
     if not hasattr(GC, "NUMPY_SEEDED"):
         from numpy.random import seed as numpy_seed
         GC.random_number_seed += 1
         GC.NUMPY_SEEDED = True
     return GC.time + exponential(scale=1 / (float(GC.time_sample_rate)))
Exemple #8
 def time_to_mutation_rate(tree):
     if not hasattr(GC,"NUMPY_SEEDED"):
         from numpy.random import seed as numpy_seed
         GC.random_number_seed += 1
         GC.NUMPY_SEEDED = True
     t = read_tree_newick(tree)
     for node in t.traverse_preorder():
         if node.edge_length is not None:
             node.edge_length *= noncentral_f(dfnum=GC.tree_rate_dfnum,dfden=GC.tree_rate_dfden,nonc=GC.tree_rate_lambda)
     return str(t)
 def sample_num_times(node):
     if not hasattr(GC, "NUMPY_SEEDED"):
         from numpy.random import seed as numpy_seed
         GC.random_number_seed += 1
         GC.NUMPY_SEEDED = True
     if node.get_first_infection_time(
     ) is not None and node.get_first_infection_time() != GC.time:
         return poisson(lam=GC.num_time_sample_lambda)
         return 0
Exemple #10
 def time_to_mutation_rate(tree):
     if not hasattr(GC, "NUMPY_SEEDED"):
         from numpy.random import seed as numpy_seed
         GC.random_number_seed += 1
         GC.NUMPY_SEEDED = True
     t = read_tree_newick(tree)
     for node in t.traverse_preorder():
         if node.edge_length is not None:
             node.edge_length *= pareto(a=GC.tree_rate_shape)
     return str(t)
Exemple #11
def make_deterministic(seed):
    torch.backends.cudnn.deterministic = True
    os.environ["PYTHONHASHSEED"] = str(seed)
    warnings.warn("You have chosen to seed training. "
                  "This will turn on the CUDNN deterministic setting, "
                  "which can slow down your training considerably! "
                  "You may see unexpected behavior when restarting "
                  "from checkpoints.")
Exemple #12
    def post_fork(arbiter, worker):
        """ A Gunicorn hook which initializes the worker.
        # Each subprocess needs to have the random number generator re-seeded.

        worker.app.zato_wsgi_app.startup_callable_tool.invoke(SERVER_STARTUP.PHASE.BEFORE_POST_FORK, kwargs={
            'arbiter': arbiter,
            'worker': worker,

        worker.app.zato_wsgi_app.worker_pid = worker.pid
        ParallelServer.start_server(worker.app.zato_wsgi_app, arbiter.zato_deployment_key)
 def time_to_mutation_rate(tree):
     if not hasattr(GC, "NUMPY_SEEDED"):
         from numpy.random import seed as numpy_seed
         GC.random_number_seed += 1
         GC.NUMPY_SEEDED = True
     t = read_tree_newick(tree)
     for node in t.traverse_preorder():
         if node.is_root():
             node.rate = GC.tree_rate_R0
             node.rate = exponential(scale=node.parent.rate)
         if node.edge_length is not None:
             node.edge_length *= node.rate
     return str(t)
 def time_to_mutation_rate(tree):
     if not hasattr(GC, "NUMPY_SEEDED"):
         from numpy.random import seed as numpy_seed
         GC.random_number_seed += 1
         GC.NUMPY_SEEDED = True
     t = read_tree_newick(tree)
     for node in t.traverse_preorder():
         if node.edge_length is not None:
             node.edge_length *= truncnorm.rvs(a=GC.tree_rate_min,
     return str(t)
Exemple #15
 def time_to_mutation_rate(tree):
     if not hasattr(GC, "NUMPY_SEEDED"):
         from numpy.random import seed as numpy_seed
         GC.random_number_seed += 1
         GC.NUMPY_SEEDED = True
     t = read_tree_newick(tree)
     for node in t.traverse_preorder():
         if node.is_root():
             node.rate = GC.tree_rate_R0
             assert node.edge_length is not None and node.edge_length > 0, "All edges must have positive lengths for TreeUnit_AutocorrelatedLogNormal"
             node.rate = lognormal(mean=node.parent.rate,
                                   sigma=GC.tree_rate_v * node.edge_length)
         if node.edge_length is not None:  # root node might not have incident edge
             node.edge_length *= node.rate
     return str(t)
Exemple #16
def random_Filter(n=10, p=5, q=5, seed=None, name=None):
	Generate a n-th order stable filter, with q inputs and p outputs

		- n: number of states (default: 10)
		- p: number of outputs (default: 5)
		- q: number of inputs (default: 5)
		- seed: if not None, indicates the seed toi use for the random part (in order to be reproductible, the seed is stored in the name of the filter)
		- name: used to build a random filter from a string (a name of a filter previously built with random_Filter)
			-> should be of the form 'RandomFilter-7/1/4-12345678'

	Returns a Filter object
    if name:
        m = regRF.match(name)
        if m:
            res = tuple(map(int, m.groups()))
            n = res[0]
            p = res[1]
            q = res[2]
            seed = res[3]
            raise ValueError(
                "randomFilter: the string should be a valid string, ie be like 'RandomFilter-7/1/4-12345678'"
    # change the seed if asked
    if seed:
        name = 'RandomFilter-%d/%d/%d-%d' % (
            n, p, q, seed
        )  # for example 'RandomFilter-(5,10)/(1,2)/(1,10)-12345678' for a MISO filter (#states between 5 and 10, #inputs between 1 and 10), seed=12345678)
        name = 'RandomFilter'

    # return a Filter from a random dSS
    return Filter(ss=random_dSS(n, p, q), name=name, stable=True)
 def time_to_mutation_rate(tree):
     if not hasattr(GC, "NUMPY_SEEDED"):
         from numpy.random import seed as numpy_seed
         GC.random_number_seed += 1
         GC.NUMPY_SEEDED = True
     t = read_tree_newick(tree)
     for node in t.traverse_preorder():
         if node.edge_length is None:
             if node.is_root():
                 node.rate = GC.tree_rate_R0
                 node.rate = node.parent.rate
             if node.is_root():
                 parent_rate = GC.tree_rate_R0
                 parent_rate = node.parent.rate
             node.rate = noncentral_chisquare(
                 nonc=nonc(GC.tree_rate_b, GC.tree_rate_sigma, parent_rate,
             node.edge_length *= node.rate
     return str(t)
def make_results_reproducible(model_is_convolutional: bool = False) -> None:
    Make the subsequent instructions produce purely deterministic outputs
    by fixing all the relevant seeds:
    _ = numpy_seed(0)
    _ = torch_manual_seed(0)

    # since GPU computations may introduce additional stochasticity with
    # their convolutional operation optimizations:
    if model_is_convolutional:
        if cuda_is_available():
            # disabling benchmarking and choosing among convolution operation
            # implementation alternatives, which is stochastic based due to
            # noise and hardware:
            cudnn.benchmark = False
            # ansuring deterministic algorithms for colvolutional operations
            # are employed:
            cudnn.deterministic = True