Exemple #1
    def test_Sigma_dust_sync_betas_temp(self):
        NSIDE = 8
        MODEL = 'd0s0'
        INSTRUMENT = 'LiteBIRD'
        SIGNAL_TO_NOISE = 10000
        UNITS = 'uK_CMB'
        sky = get_sky(NSIDE, MODEL)
        instrument = get_instrument(INSTRUMENT)
        components = [
            cm.Dust(150., temp=20., units=UNITS),
            cm.Synchrotron(150., units=UNITS)
        ref = []
        for component in components:
            ref += component.defaults
        ref = np.array(ref)

        freq_maps = get_observation(instrument, sky, unit=UNITS)
        noise_maps = get_noise_realization(NSIDE, instrument, unit=UNITS)

        signal = freq_maps[:, 0, 0]  # Same signal for all the pixels
        noise = noise_maps[:, 0]
        signal_ver = signal / np.dot(signal, signal)**0.5
        noise_std = np.std([np.dot(n, signal_ver) for n in noise.T])
        maps = signal_ver * noise_std * SIGNAL_TO_NOISE
        maps = maps[:, np.newaxis] + noise
        if not hasattr(instrument, 'depth_i'):
            instrument['depth_i'] = instrument.depth_p / np.sqrt(2)

        res = basic_comp_sep(components, instrument, maps, nside=NSIDE)
        diff = (res.x.T - ref)
        postS = np.mean(diff[..., None] * diff[..., None, :], axis=0)
        S = res.Sigma.T[0]
        aac(postS, S, rtol=1. / NSIDE)
Exemple #2
 def test_basic_comp_sep_T(self):
     res_T = basic_comp_sep(self.components,
                            self.freq_maps[:, :1, :],
     aac(res_T.x, np.array(self.input), rtol=1e-4)
     aac(res_T.chi, 0, atol=0.05)
Exemple #3
def test_PYMC_Model_unmocked_mcmc_sample():
    pymc = inference_methods.PYMC_Model(1000, 2, 500, 'ch0')
    proteins, result = pymc.mcmc_sample(pd.DataFrame({
        'Protein ID':
        'b d c a'.split(),
        'ch0': [10, 250, 500, 1000],
        'sum': [1000, 1000, 1000, 1000]

    aae(proteins, 'b d c a'.split())
    aae(result.sum(axis=1), [2000, 2000, 2000, 2000])  # 1000 samples * 2 chain
    bins = np.array(range(10)) / 10
    aac(np.sum(result * bins[None, :] / 2000, axis=1),
        [0.38, 0.43, 0.45, 0.66],

    proteins, result = pymc.mcmc_sample(pd.DataFrame({
        'Protein ID': ['b', 'd', 'c', 'a'] * 10,
        'ch0': [10, 250, 500, 750] * 10,
        'sum': [1000, 1000, 1000, 1000] * 10

    aae(proteins, 'b d c a'.split())
    aae(result.sum(axis=1), [2000, 2000, 2000, 2000])  # 1000 samples * 2 chain
    aac(np.sum(result * bins[None, :] / 2000, axis=1), [0, 0.2, 0.45, 0.7],
        atol=0.05)  # this is low because of binning
Exemple #4
    def test_Sigma_dust_sync_betas_temp(self):
        NSIDE = 8
        MODEL = 'd0s0'
        INSTRUMENT = 'litebird'
        SIGNAL_TO_NOISE = 10000
        UNITS = 'uK_CMB'
        sky = pysm.Sky(get_sky(NSIDE, MODEL))
        instrument = pysm.Instrument(
            get_instrument(INSTRUMENT, NSIDE, units=UNITS))
        components = [
            cm.Dust(150., temp=20., units=UNITS),
            cm.Synchrotron(150., units=UNITS)
        ref = []
        for component in components:
            ref += component.defaults
        ref = np.array(ref)

        with suppress_stdout():
            freq_maps, noise_maps = instrument.observe(sky,

        signal = freq_maps[:, 0, 0]  # Same signal for all the pixels
        noise = noise_maps[:, 0]
        signal_ver = signal / np.dot(signal, signal)**0.5
        noise_std = np.std([np.dot(n, signal_ver) for n in noise.T])
        maps = signal_ver * noise_std * SIGNAL_TO_NOISE
        maps = maps[:, np.newaxis] + noise

        res = basic_comp_sep(components, instrument, maps, nside=NSIDE)
        diff = (res.x.T - ref)
        postS = np.mean(diff[..., None] * diff[..., None, :], axis=0)
        S = res.Sigma.T[0]
        aac(postS, S, rtol=1. / NSIDE)
    def test_TQU_weights(self):
        theta = hp.pix2ang(self.nside, np.arange(hp.nside2npix(self.nside)))[0]
        weights = 1.0 / (1.0 + np.exp(-20.0 * (theta - 0.25 * np.pi)))
        weights *= 1.0 / (1.0 + np.exp(20.0 * (theta - 0.65 * np.pi)))
        bins = np.arange(1000) * self.BINS_WIDTH

        with suppress_stdout():
            res = harmonic_ilc(self.components,

        lmax = res.cl_out.shape[-1] - 1
        ell = np.arange(lmax + 1)
        ref = self.cl[:, :lmax + 1]
        norm_diff = (ref - res.cl_out[0, :4]) * np.sqrt((2 * ell + 1) / 2)
        norm_diff[:3] /= ref[:3]
        norm_diff = norm_diff[..., :int(2.5 * self.nside)]
        if False:  # Debug plots
            import pylab as pl
            pl.plot(norm_diff[..., 2:].T)
            pl.plot(self.cl[:4].T, ls='--')

        aac(norm_diff[..., 2:], np.zeros_like(norm_diff[..., 2:]), atol=5)

        # This is a weak test:
        # recovery is bad in polarization, mostly at small scales
        aac(res.s[0], self.s * weights, atol=self.TOL * self.s.max())
Exemple #6
    def test_P_dBdB_invN(self):
        invN = self.invN[0, 0]
        P_dBdB_analytic = P_dBdB(self.A, self.A_dB, self.A_dBdB,
                                 self.mm.comp_of_dB, invN)

        def get_P_displaced(i, j):
            def P_displaced(i_step, j_step):
                diff_params = [p for p in self.params]
                diff_params[i] = i_step * self.DX + diff_params[i]
                diff_params[j] = j_step * self.DX + diff_params[j]
                diff_A = self.mm.eval(self.nu, *diff_params)
                return P(diff_A, invN)

            return P_displaced

        for i in range(len(self.params)):
            for j in range(len(self.params)):
                Pdx = get_P_displaced(i, j)
                if i == j:
                    P_dBdB_numerical = (
                        (-2 * Pdx(0, 0) + Pdx(+1, 0) + Pdx(-1, 0)) /
                    P_dBdB_numerical = (
                        (Pdx(1, 1) - Pdx(+1, -1) - Pdx(-1, 1) + Pdx(-1, -1)) /
                        (4 * self.DX**2))
                aac(P_dBdB_numerical, P_dBdB_analytic[i][j], rtol=3.0e-1)
Exemple #7
    def test_W_dBdB_invN(self):
        W_dBdB_analytic = W_dBdB(self.A, self.A_dB, self.A_dBdB,
                                 self.mm.comp_of_dB, self.invN)

        def get_W_displaced(i, j):
            def W_displaced(i_step, j_step):
                diff_params = [p for p in self.params]
                diff_params[i] = i_step * self.DX + diff_params[i]
                diff_params[j] = j_step * self.DX + diff_params[j]
                diff_A = self.mm.eval(self.nu, *diff_params)
                return W(diff_A, self.invN)

            return W_displaced

        for i in range(len(self.params)):
            for j in range(len(self.params)):
                Wdx = get_W_displaced(i, j)
                if i == j:
                    W_dBdB_numerical = (
                        (-2 * Wdx(0, 0) + Wdx(+1, 0) + Wdx(-1, 0)) /
                    W_dBdB_numerical = (
                        (Wdx(1, 1) - Wdx(+1, -1) - Wdx(-1, 1) + Wdx(-1, -1)) /
                        (4 * self.DX**2))
                aac(W_dBdB_numerical, W_dBdB_analytic[i][j], rtol=2.5e-1)
Exemple #8
def test_bandpass_integration():
    frequency = np.array([[10., 20., 40.],
                          [60., 90., 100.]])

    transmittance = np.array([[1., 2., 4.],
                              [1., 3., 1.]])

    class Mock(Model):
        def eval(self, nu=None, par=None):
            if isinstance(nu, list):
                return fgf._bandpass_integration()
            return np.ones_like(nu) * np.array(par)[..., np.newaxis]

    mock = Mock()
    nus = list(zip(frequency, transmittance))

    ress = mock(nus, 1)
    refs = [75., 80.]
    for res, ref in zip(refs, ress):
        aac(res, ref)

    ress = mock(nus, np.array([1., 2.]))
    refs = np.array([[75., 80.], [150., 160.]])
    for res, ref in zip(refs, ress):
        aac(res, ref)
    def test_QU_no_ids_no_patchy(self):
        with suppress_stdout():
            res = ilc(self.components, dict(Frequencies=self.freqs),
                      self.d[:, 1:])

        aac(res.s[0], self.s[1:], atol=self.TOL)
        aac(res.freq_cov, self.exp_freq_cov, atol=self.TOL)
    def test_QU_ids_patchy(self):
        patch_ids = np.arange(self.cov[1:].size).reshape(-1, 12) // 4
        patch_ids = hp.ud_grade(patch_ids, self.NSIDE)

        with suppress_stdout():
            res = ilc(self.components, dict(Frequencies=self.freqs),
                      self.d_patchy[:, 1:], patch_ids)
        aac(res.s[0], self.s_patchy[1:], atol=self.TOL)
    def test_TQU_ids_no_patchy(self):
        patch_ids = np.arange(self.cov.size).reshape(-1, 12) // 4
        patch_ids = hp.ud_grade(patch_ids, self.NSIDE)

        with suppress_stdout():
            res = ilc(self.components, dict(frequency=self.freqs), self.d,

        aac(res.s[0], self.s, atol=self.TOL)
 def test_TQU_1_id_no_patchy(self):
     # No patch and one patch has to give the same result
     patch_ids = np.zeros(hp.nside2npix(self.NSIDE), dtype=int)
     with suppress_stdout():
         res = ilc(self.components, dict(Frequencies=self.freqs), self.d)
         res_patch = ilc(self.components, dict(Frequencies=self.freqs),
                         self.d, patch_ids)
     aac(res.s, res_patch.s)
     aac(res.freq_cov, res_patch.freq_cov[0])
Exemple #13
 def test(self):
     cm = NoCrossCorrelation(truncation_level=3.)
     imts = [PGA(), SA(0.3), SA(0.6), SA(1.0)]
     eps = cm.get_inter_eps(imts, 2)  # a 4x2 matrix
         numpy.array([[-0.318959, 1.640001], [0.616954, 0.249188],
                      [-1.007084, -1.007184], [-1.560874, 1.103927]]),
Exemple #14
 def test(self):
     cm = FullCrossCorrelation(truncation_level=3.)
     imts = [PGA(), SA(0.3), SA(0.6), SA(1.0)]
     eps = cm.get_inter_eps(imts, 2)  # a 4x2 matrix with same eps per IMT
         numpy.array([[-0.318959, 1.640001], [-0.318959, 1.640001],
                      [-0.318959, 1.640001], [-0.318959, 1.640001]]),
Exemple #15
 def test_W_dB(self):
     W_dB_analytic = W_dB(self.A, self.A_dB, self.mm.comp_of_dB)
     W_params = W(self.A)
     for i in range(len(self.params)):
         diff_params = [p for p in self.params]
         diff_params[i] = self.DX + diff_params[i]
         diff_A = self.mm.eval(self.nu, *diff_params)
         diff_W = W(diff_A)
         W_dB_numerical = (diff_W - W_params) / self.DX
         aac(W_dB_numerical, W_dB_analytic[i], rtol=1e-3)
    def test_QU_ids_patchy_mask(self):
        mask_good = (np.arange(hp.nside2npix(self.NSIDE)) % 13).astype(bool)
        patch_ids = np.arange(self.cov[1:].size).reshape(-1, 12) // 4
        patch_ids = hp.ud_grade(patch_ids, self.NSIDE)

        data = self.d_patchy[:, 1:].copy()
        data[..., ~mask_good] = hp.UNSEEN
        ref = self.s_patchy[1:].copy()
        ref[..., ~mask_good] = hp.UNSEEN
        with suppress_stdout():
            res = ilc(self.components, dict(Frequencies=self.freqs), data,
        aac(res.s[0], ref, atol=self.TOL)
Exemple #17
    def test_dependence_on_nu0_RJ(self):
        NSIDE = 8
        MODEL = 'c1s0'
        INSTRUMENT = 'litebird'
        sky = pysm.Sky(get_sky(NSIDE, MODEL))
        instrument = pysm.Instrument(
            get_instrument(INSTRUMENT, NSIDE, units='uK_RJ'))
        components100 = [
            cm.Synchrotron(100., units='K_RJ')
        components10 = [
            cm.Synchrotron(10., units='K_RJ')

        with suppress_stdout():
            freq_maps, _ = instrument.observe(sky, write_outputs=False)

        res100 = basic_comp_sep(components100, instrument, freq_maps)
        res10 = basic_comp_sep(components10, instrument, freq_maps)
        aac(res100.Sigma, res10.Sigma)
        aac(res100.x, res10.x)
        aac(res100.s[0], res10.s[0])
        aac(res100.s[1], res10.s[1] * 10**res10.x[0])
    def test(self, tag):
        # NOTE: this does not test the funciton when the nsides are actually
        # defferent. It just checks that, if they are all the same, the results
        # is equal to the basic_comp_sep result despite all the parameters were
        # fitted at once.
        _, sky_tag, comp_sep_tag = tag.split('___')

        data, s, x = _get_sky(sky_tag)

        components, instrument, nsidepar = comp_sep_tag.split('__')
        components = _get_component(components)
        for c in components:
            c.defaults = [1.1 * d for d in c.defaults]

        instrument = _get_instrument(instrument)
        nsidepar = _get_nside(nsidepar)
        assert len(nsidepar) == 1
        nsidepar = nsidepar[0]

        # basic comp sep call
        res_multipatch = basic_comp_sep(components, instrument, data, nsidepar)

        # multi res comp sep call, with equal resolutions for each spectral index
        res_multires = multi_res_comp_sep(components,
                                          nsides=[nsidepar] * len(x))

        aac(res_multipatch.s, s, rtol=2e-5)
        aac(res_multires.s, s, rtol=2e-5)
        aac(res_multipatch.s, res_multires.s, rtol=2e-5)
        for res_x, xx in zip(res_multires.x, x):
            aac(res_x, xx, rtol=2e-5)
    def test(self, tag):
        _, sky_tag, comp_sep_tag = tag.split('___')

        data, s, x = _get_sky(sky_tag)

        components, instrument, nsidepar = comp_sep_tag.split('__')
        components = _get_component(components)
        for c in components:
            c.defaults = [1.1 * d for d in c.defaults]

        nside = hp.get_nside(data[0])
        instrument = _get_instrument(instrument, nside)
        nsidepar = _get_nside(nsidepar)
        assert len(nsidepar) == 1
        nsidepar = nsidepar[0]

        cov = self._get_cov(instrument, sky_tag.split('__')[0], nside)
        res = weighted_comp_sep(components, instrument, data, cov, nsidepar)

        if len(x):
            aac(res.x, x, rtol=1e-5)

        aac(res.s, s, rtol=1e-4)
        aac(res.chi[data == hp.UNSEEN], hp.UNSEEN, rtol=0)
        aac(res.chi[data != hp.UNSEEN], 0, atol=0.05)
    def test_1_rlz(self):
        # test with one GMPE, 1 TRT, checking additivity
        inp = read_input(
            PARAM, gsim_logic_tree_file=os.path.join(CWD, 'data', 'lt01.xml'))
        [cmaker] = inp.cmakerdict.values()
        [src_group] = inp.groups
        ctxs = cmaker.from_srcs(src_group, inp.sitecol)
        assert len(ctxs) == 100
        ctxs1 = ctxs[:50]
        ctxs2 = ctxs[50:]

        c1, s1 = cmaker.get_cs_contrib(ctxs1, imti, imls)
        c2, s2 = cmaker.get_cs_contrib(ctxs2, imti, imls)
        c, s = cmaker.get_cs_contrib(ctxs, imti, imls)
        aac((c1 + c2) / (s1 + s2), c / s)
Exemple #21
    def test(self):
        corma = self.cm._get_correlation_matrix(self.imts)
            numpy.array([[1., 0.71678166, 0.41330149, 0.23046633],
                         [0.71678166, 1., 0.83261724, 0.68322083],
                         [0.41330149, 0.83261724, 1., 0.88167281],
                         [0.23046633, 0.68322083, 0.88167281, 1.]]))

        eps = self.cm.get_inter_eps(self.imts, 2)  # a 4x2 matrix
            numpy.array([[-0.60624845, -0.3066977], [-0.13441677, 0.62122982],
                         [-0.667341, 0.28429873], [-0.3573499, 0.0350888]]),
    def test_no_stokes(self):
        NFREQ = 3
        NSIDE = 2
        alms = [
            hp.map2alm(np.random.normal(size=(12 * NSIDE**2)))
            for i in range(NFREQ)
        res = _empirical_harmonic_covariance(alms)
        ref = np.empty_like(res)
        for f1 in range(NFREQ):
            for f2 in range(NFREQ):
                ref[f1, f2] = hp.alm2cl(alms[f1], alms[f2])

        aac(ref, res)
Exemple #23
    def test_1_rlz(self):
        # test with one GMPE, 1 TRT, checking additivity
        inp = read_input(PARAM,
                             CWD, 'data', 'lt01.xml'))
        [cmaker] = inp.cmakerdict.values()
        [src_group] = inp.groups
        ctxs = cmaker.from_srcs(src_group, inp.sitecol)
        assert len(ctxs) == 100
        ctxs1 = ctxs[:50]
        ctxs2 = ctxs[50:]

        dic1 = cmaker.get_cs_contrib(ctxs1, imti, imls)[0]
        dic2 = cmaker.get_cs_contrib(ctxs2, imti, imls)[0]
        dic = cmaker.get_cs_contrib(ctxs, imti, imls)[0]
        aac((dic1['_c'] + dic2['_c']) / (dic1['_s'] + dic2['_s']),
            dic['_c'] / dic['_s'])
Exemple #24
def test_PYMC_Model_fit_histogram(pymc, mocker):
    mock_sample = mocker.patch.object(inference_methods.PYMC_Model,
                                      return_value=('a b c'.split(),
                                                        [[0, 10, 20, 10, 0],
                                                         [40, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                                                         [0, 0, 0, 30, 10]])))
    result = pymc.fit_histogram(
        pd.DataFrame({'Protein ID': 'a b c'.split()}),  # doesn't matter
    mock_sample.assert_called_with(mocker.ANY, 0.2)

    # because pandas df equality is infuriating!
    assert (result.index == 'a b c'.split()).all()
    assert result.index.name == 'Protein ID'
    aac(result.columns.values, [0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8])
    assert (result.values == [[0, 10, 20, 10, 0], [40, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                              [0, 0, 0, 30, 10]]).all()
    def test_point(self):
        # point source with 3 ruptures, checking additivity
        inp = read_input(
            PARAM, source_model_file=os.path.join(CWD, 'data', 'point.xml'),
            gsim_logic_tree_file=os.path.join(CWD, 'data', 'lt01.xml'))
        [cmaker] = inp.cmakerdict.values()
        [src_group] = inp.groups
        ctxs = cmaker.from_srcs(src_group, inp.sitecol)
        aac([ctx.occurrence_rate for ctx in ctxs], [0.00018, 0.00018, 0.00054])
        ctxs1 = ctxs[:2]
        ctxs2 = ctxs[2:]

        # check that the total spectra is a weighted mean of the two
        # rupture spectra; the weight is the same for all IMTs
        c1, s1 = cmaker.get_cs_contrib(ctxs1, imti, imls)
        c2, s2 = cmaker.get_cs_contrib(ctxs2, imti, imls)
        comp_spectra = (c1 + c2) / (s1 + s2)
        c, s = cmaker.get_cs_contrib(ctxs, imti, imls)
        aac(comp_spectra, c / s)
    def test_2_rlzs(self):
        # test with two GMPEs, 1 TRT
        inp = read_input(PARAM)
        [cmaker] = inp.cmakerdict.values()
        [src_group] = inp.groups
        ctxs = cmaker.from_srcs(src_group, inp.sitecol)
        [c_], [s_] = cmaker.get_cs_contrib(ctxs, imti, imls)
        spectra = [c / s for c, s in zip(c_, s_)]

        # check the result
        expected = os.path.join(CWD, 'expected', 'spectra2.csv')
            rlzs = list(inp.gsim_lt)
            spectra_to_df(spectra, cmaker.imts, rlzs).to_csv(
                expected, index=False, line_terminator='\r\n',
        df = pandas.read_csv(expected)
        for g, gsim in enumerate(cmaker.gsims):
            dfg = df[df.rlz_id == g]
            aac(dfg.cs_exp, np.exp(spectra[g][0]), atol=1e-6)
            aac(dfg.cs_std, np.sqrt(spectra[g][1]), atol=1e-6)
    def test_6_rlzs(self):
        # test with 2x3 realizations and TRTA, TRTB
        # rlzs_by_g = 012, 345, 03, 14, 25
        inp = read_input(
            PARAM, source_model_file=os.path.join(CWD, 'data', 'sm02.xml'))
        rlzs = list(inp.gsim_lt)
        R = len(rlzs)

        # compute the contributions by trt
        all_cs = []
        for src_group in inp.groups:
            cmaker = inp.cmakerdict[src_group.trt]
            ctxs = cmaker.from_srcs(src_group, inp.sitecol)
            [c], [s] = cmaker.get_cs_contrib(ctxs, imti, imls)
            for cs in zip(c, s):

        # compose the contributions by rlz, 0+2, 0+3, 0+4, 1+2, 1+3, 1+4
        rlzs_by_g = inp.gsim_lt.get_rlzs_by_g()
        nums = np.zeros((R, 2, len(cmaker.imts)))
        denums = np.zeros(R)
        for g, rlz_ids in enumerate(rlzs_by_g):
            c, s = all_cs[g]
            for r in rlz_ids:
                nums[r] += c
                denums[r] += s
        spectra = [nums[r] / denums[r] for r in range(R)]

        # check the results
        expected = os.path.join(CWD, 'expected', 'spectra6.csv')
            spectra_to_df(spectra, cmaker.imts, rlzs).to_csv(
                expected, index=False, line_terminator='\r\n',
        df = pandas.read_csv(expected)
        for rlz in rlzs:
            r = rlz.ordinal
            df_rlz = df[df.rlz_id == r]
            aac(df_rlz.cs_exp, np.exp(spectra[r][0]), atol=1e-6)
            aac(df_rlz.cs_std, np.sqrt(spectra[r][1]), atol=1e-6)
    def test_TQU(self):
        bins = np.arange(1000) * self.BINS_WIDTH
        with suppress_stdout():
            res = harmonic_ilc(self.components,

        lmax = res.cl_out.shape[-1] - 1
        ell = np.arange(lmax + 1)
        ref = self.cl[:, :lmax + 1]
        norm_diff = (ref - res.cl_out[0, :4]) * np.sqrt((2 * ell + 1) / 2)
        norm_diff[:3] /= ref[:3]

        aac(norm_diff[..., 2:int(2.5 * self.nside)],
            np.zeros_like(norm_diff[..., 2:int(2.5 * self.nside)]),

        # This is a very weak test:
        # recovery is bad at small scales at the poles, especially in Q and U
        aac(res.s[0], self.s, atol=3 * self.TOL * self.s.max())
    def test(self, tag):
        _, sky_tag, comp_sep_tag = tag.split('___')

        data, s, x = _get_sky(sky_tag)

        components, instrument, nsidepar = comp_sep_tag.split('__')
        components = _get_component(components)
        for c in components:
            c.defaults = [1.1 * d for d in c.defaults]

        instrument = _get_instrument(instrument)
        nsidepar = _get_nside(nsidepar)

        # multi res comp sep call, with equal resolutions for each spectral index
        res_multires = multi_res_comp_sep(components,

        aac(res_multires.s, s, rtol=2e-5)
        for res_x, xx in zip(res_multires.x, x):
            aac(res_x, xx, rtol=2e-5)
Exemple #30
def test_PYMC_Model_fit_quantiles(pymc, mocker):
    return_quants = np.zeros((3, 10000))
    return_quants[0, 1000:1101] = 1  # 100 1's
    return_quants[1, 0] = 1  # first index
    return_quants[2, 9999] = 1  # last index
    mock_sample = mocker.patch.object(inference_methods.PYMC_Model,
                                      return_value=('a c b'.split(),
    result = pymc.fit_quantiles(
        pd.DataFrame({'Protein ID': 'a b c'.split()}),  # doesn't matter
        [0.025, 0.5, 0.975])
    assert mock_sample.call_args[1]['bin_width'] == 0.0001
    assert (result.index == 'a c b'.split()).all()
    assert result.index.name == 'Protein ID'
    assert (result.columns.values == ['0.025', '0.5', '0.975']).all()
    aac(result.values, [
        [0.1002, 0.1050, 0.1098],
        [0, 0, 0],
        [0.9999, 0.9999, 0.9999],