Exemple #1
 def test_dict_numpy_complex(self):
     x = {'foo': np.complex128(1.0 + 1.0j),
          'bar': np.complex128(2.0 + 2.0j)}
     x_rec = self.encode_decode(x)
     self.assertEqual(x, x_rec)
     for key in x:
         self.assertEqual(type(x[key]), type(x_rec[key]))
Exemple #2
    def ordere(self, ms, v1_in):
        Modulator response to O(ε) slow-time input
        linearized about an O(1) behaviour
        # Check for a prior O(1) solution
        assert self.O1_complete, "O(1) solve must be performed before calling O(ε) solve"

        # Fiber parameters
        fiber = self.fibers[0]
        alpha = np.complex128(fiber.alpha(self.wl))
        gamma = np.complex128(fiber.gamma(self.wl))
        betaw = fiber.beta(self.wl, ms.omega).astype(np.complex128)

        # Solver only deals with flat arrays .. how sad
        y_in = ms.fft(v1_in).flatten()

        # Setup solver
        # r = odesolve.ode_rk45(df_nls_ordere, atol=1e-10, rtol=1e-10)
        r = ode(df_nls_ordere)
        r.set_integrator("zvode", method="adams", nsteps=5000, atol=1e-8, rtol=1e-8)
        r.set_initial_value(y_in, 0)
        r.set_f_params(self.O1_y, self.O1_z, alpha, gamma, betaw, v1_in.shape[0], v1_in.shape[1])

        # Solve to the end - no need for intermediate solutions
        v1_out = r.integrate(fiber.length)
        v1_out = ms.ifft(v1_out.reshape(v1_in.shape))

        return ms, v1_out
Exemple #3
    def order1(self, ps, vm_in):
        Optical propagation of O(1) periodic input
        Here we take the input as an phasor in the optical domain
        and the output is returned as a phasor in the optical domain
        vm_out = [a₀, a₁, a₂ ... aᵥ, a₋ᵥ ... a₋₂, a₋₁, a₋₀]

        where the optical signal at optical carrier frequency wc is:
        E(t) = sum_{k=-v}^v a_k exp(j k w0 t) exp(j wc t)

        using the positive frequency convention (as in Rubiola)

        from scipy.integrate import ode

        fiber = self.fibers[0]
        alpha = np.complex128(fiber.alpha(self.wl))
        gamma = np.complex128(fiber.gamma(self.wl))
        betaw = fiber.beta(self.wl, ps.omega).astype(np.complex128)

        r = ode(df_nls_order1)
        r.set_integrator('zvode', nsteps=1000, atol=1e-10, rtol=1e-10)
        r.set_initial_value(vm_in, 0)


        return ps, r.y
Exemple #4
    def test_numpy(self):
        assert chash(np.bool_(True)) == chash(np.bool_(True))

        assert chash(np.int8(1)) == chash(np.int8(1))
        assert chash(np.int16(1))
        assert chash(np.int32(1))
        assert chash(np.int64(1))

        assert chash(np.uint8(1))
        assert chash(np.uint16(1))
        assert chash(np.uint32(1))
        assert chash(np.uint64(1))

        assert chash(np.float32(1)) == chash(np.float32(1))
        assert chash(np.float64(1)) == chash(np.float64(1))
        assert chash(np.float128(1)) == chash(np.float128(1))

        assert chash(np.complex64(1+1j)) == chash(np.complex64(1+1j))
        assert chash(np.complex128(1+1j)) == chash(np.complex128(1+1j))
        assert chash(np.complex256(1+1j)) == chash(np.complex256(1+1j))

        assert chash(np.datetime64('2000-01-01')) == chash(np.datetime64('2000-01-01'))
        assert chash(np.timedelta64(1,'W')) == chash(np.timedelta64(1,'W'))

        self.assertRaises(ValueError, chash, np.object())

        assert chash(np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]])) == \
            chash(np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]]))
        assert chash(np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]])) != \
            chash(np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]]).T)
        assert chash(np.array([1, 2, 3])) == chash(np.array([1, 2, 3]))
        assert chash(np.array([1, 2, 3], dtype=np.int32)) != \
            chash(np.array([1, 2, 3], dtype=np.int64))
Exemple #5
    def eta_fil(self, x, V_app, apprx=(0, 0, 0, 0)):
        m_eff = self.m_r * const.electron_mass

        mpmath.mp.dps = 20
        x0 = Symbol('x0')  # eta_fil
        x1 = Symbol('x1')  # eta_ac
        x2 = Symbol('x2')  # eta_hop
        x3 = Symbol('x3')  # V_tunnel

        f0 = const.Boltzmann * self.T / (1 - self.alpha) / const.elementary_charge / self.z * \
             ln(self.A_fil/self.A_ac*(exp(- self.alpha * const.elementary_charge * self.z / const.Boltzmann / self.T * x0) - 1) + 1) - x1# eta_ac = f(eta_fil) x1 = f(x0)
        f1 = x*2*const.Boltzmann*self.T/self.a/self.z/const.elementary_charge*\
             asinh(self.j_0et/self.j_0hop*(exp(- self.alpha * const.elementary_charge * self.z / const.Boltzmann / self.T * x0) - 1)) - x2# eta_hop = f(eta_fil)
        f2 = x1 - x0 + x2 - x3

        f3 = -V_app + ((self.C * 3 * sqrt(2 * m_eff * ((4+x3/2)*const.elementary_charge)) / 2 / x * (const.elementary_charge / const.Planck)**2 * \
             exp(- 4 * const.pi * x / const.Planck * sqrt(2 * m_eff * ((4+x3/2)*const.elementary_charge))) * self.A_fil*x3)
                       + (self.j_0et*self.A_fil*(exp(-self.alpha*const.elementary_charge*self.z*x0/const.Boltzmann/self.T) - 1))) * (self.R_el + self.R_S + self.rho_fil*(self.L - x) / self.A_fil) \
             + x3

        eta_fil, eta_ac, eta_hop, V_tunnel = nsolve((f0, f1, f2, f3), [x0, x1, x2, x3], apprx)
        eta_fil = np.real(np.complex128(eta_fil))
        eta_ac = np.real(np.complex128(eta_ac))
        eta_hop = np.real(np.complex128(eta_hop))
        V_tunnel = np.real(np.complex128(V_tunnel))
        current = ((self.C * 3 * sqrt(2 * m_eff * ((4+V_tunnel)*const.elementary_charge)) / 2 / x * (const.elementary_charge / const.Planck)**2 * \
            exp(- 4 * const.pi * x / const.Planck * sqrt(2 * m_eff * ((4+V_tunnel)*const.elementary_charge))) * self.A_fil*V_tunnel)
                       + (self.j_0et*self.A_fil*(exp(-self.alpha*const.elementary_charge*self.z*eta_fil/const.Boltzmann/self.T) - 1)))
        print(eta_fil, eta_ac, eta_hop, V_tunnel)
        # print(eta_ac - eta_fil + eta_hop - V_tunnel)
        return eta_fil, eta_ac, eta_hop, V_tunnel, current
    def test_cublasZgemmBatched(self):
        l, m, k, n = 11, 7, 5, 3
        A = (np.random.rand(l, m, k)+1j*np.random.rand(l, m, k)).astype(np.complex128)
        B = (np.random.rand(l, k, n)+1j*np.random.rand(l, k, n)).astype(np.complex128)

        C_res = np.einsum('nij,njk->nik', A, B)

        a_gpu = gpuarray.to_gpu(A)
        b_gpu = gpuarray.to_gpu(B)
        c_gpu = gpuarray.empty((l, m, n), np.complex128)

        alpha = np.complex128(1.0)
        beta = np.complex128(0.0)

        a_arr = bptrs(a_gpu)
        b_arr = bptrs(b_gpu)
        c_arr = bptrs(c_gpu)

        cublas.cublasZgemmBatched(self.cublas_handle, 'n','n',
                                  n, m, k, alpha,
                                  b_arr.gpudata, n,
                                  a_arr.gpudata, k,
                                  beta, c_arr.gpudata, n, l)

        assert np.allclose(C_res, c_gpu.get())
 def test_dict_numpy_complex(self):
     x = {"foo": np.complex128(1.0 + 1.0j), "bar": np.complex128(2.0 + 2.0j)}
     x_rec = self.encode_decode(x)
         all(map(lambda x, y: x == y, x.values(), x_rec.values()))
         and all(map(lambda x, y: type(x) == type(y), x.values(), x_rec.values()))
Exemple #8
def distance_matrix(K, N, dim, obs, sampl, method):
	dist = np.zeros((K, N), dtype=np.complex128)
	if method == "eucl":
		for i in range(0, N): 
			for j in range(0, K): 
			  zero = np.complex128(0)
			  for h in range(0, dim): 
				zero += (obs[j, h] - sampl[i, h])**2  
			  dist[j,i] = ma.sqrt(zero)
	if method == "city":
		for i in range(0, N): 
			for j in range(0, K): 
			  zero = np.complex128(0)
			  for h in range(0, dim): 
				zero += abs(obs[j, h] - sampl[i, h])  
			  dist[j,i] = ma.sqrt(zero)
	return dist 
Exemple #9
    def order1_alt(self, ps, v0_in):
        fiber = self.fibers[0]
        alpha = np.complex128(fiber.alpha(self.wl))
        gamma = np.complex128(fiber.gamma(self.wl))
        betaw = fiber.beta(self.wl, ps.omega).astype(np.complex128)

        # r = odesolve.ode_rk45(df_nls_order1)
        r = integrate.ode(df_nls_order1)
        r.set_integrator("zvode", method="adams", nsteps=5000, atol=1e-12, rtol=1e-12)
        r.set_initial_value(v0_in, 0)
        r.set_f_params(alpha, gamma, betaw)

        # Solve
        Nz = 100
        dz = fiber.length / (Nz - 1.0)
        self.O1_z = np.arange(0, Nz) * dz
        self.O1_y = np.zeros(v0_in.shape + (Nz,), np.complex_)

        # Solve to each step in the given range
        self.O1_y[..., 0] = v0_in
        for ii in xrange(1, Nz):
            y_out = r.integrate(self.O1_z[ii])
            self.O1_y[..., ii] = y_out

        # Flag O(1) run as done
        self.O1_run_complete = True
        return ps, y_out
Exemple #10
    def test_dict_numpy_complex(self):
        x = {'foo': np.complex128(1.0 + 1.0j),
             'bar': np.complex128(2.0 + 2.0j)}
        x_rec = self.encode_decode(x)
        tm.assert_dict_equal(x, x_rec)

        for key in x:
            tm.assert_class_equal(x[key], x_rec[key], obj="numpy complex128")
Exemple #11
def PV(fns,n,p,cols,rows,bands):
    '''Return p-values for change indices R^ell_j'''
    j = np.float64(len(fns))
    eps = sys.float_info.min
    k = 0.0; a = 0.0; rho = 0.0; xsi = 0.0; b = 0.0; zeta = 0.0
    for fn in fns:
        result = getmat(fn,cols,rows,bands)
        if p==3:
            k1,a1,rho1,xsi1,b1,zeta1 = result
            k1 = n*np.float64(k1)
            a1 = n*np.complex128(a1)
            rho1 = n*np.complex128(rho1)
            xsi1 = n*np.float64(xsi1)
            b1 = n*np.complex128(b1)
            zeta1 = n*np.float64(zeta1)
            k += k1; a += a1; rho += rho1; xsi += xsi1; b += b1; zeta += zeta1  
        elif p==2:
            k1,a1,xsi1 = result
            k1 = n*np.float64(k1)
            a1 = n*np.complex128(a1)
            xsi1 = n*np.float64(xsi1)
            k += k1; a += a1; xsi += xsi1
        elif p==1:
            k1 = n*np.float64(result[0])
            k += k1              
    if p==3: 
        detsumj = k*xsi*zeta + 2*np.real(a*b*np.conj(rho)) - xsi*(abs(rho)**2) - k*(abs(b)**2) - zeta*(abs(a)**2) 
        k -= k1; a -= a1; rho -= rho1; xsi -= xsi1; b -= b1; zeta -= zeta1 
        detsumj1 = k*xsi*zeta + 2*np.real(a*b*np.conj(rho)) - xsi*(abs(rho)**2) - k*(abs(b)**2) - zeta*(abs(a)**2)
        detj = k1*xsi1*zeta1 + 2*np.real(a1*b1*np.conj(rho1)) - xsi1*(abs(rho1)**2) - k1*(abs(b1)**2) - zeta1*(abs(a1)**2)
    elif p==2:
        detsumj = k*xsi - abs(a)**2 
        k -= k1; a -= a1; xsi -= xsi1
        detsumj1 = k*xsi - abs(a)**2
        detj = k1*xsi1 - abs(a1)**2
    elif p==1:
        detsumj = k  
        k -= k1
        detsumj1 = k
        detj = k1    
    detsumj = np.nan_to_num(detsumj)    
    detsumj = np.where(detsumj <= eps,eps,detsumj)
    logdetsumj = np.log(detsumj)
    detsumj1 = np.nan_to_num(detsumj1)
    detsumj1 = np.where(detsumj1 <= eps,eps,detsumj1)
    logdetsumj1 = np.log(detsumj1)
    detj = np.nan_to_num(detj)
    detj = np.where(detj <= eps,eps,detj)
    logdetj = np.log(detj)
#  test statistic    
    lnRj = n*( p*( j*np.log(j)-(j-1)*np.log(j-1.) ) + (j-1)*logdetsumj1 + logdetj - j*logdetsumj )   
    f =p**2
    rhoj = 1 - (2.*p**2 - 1)*(1. + 1./(j*(j-1)))/(6.*p*n)
    omega2j = -(p*p/4.)*(1.-1./rhoj)**2 + (1./(24.*n*n))*p*p*(p*p-1)*(1+(2.*j-1)/(j*(j-1))**2)/rhoj**2   
#  return p-values  
    Z = -2*rhoj*lnRj
    return 1.0 - ((1.-omega2j)*stats.chi2.cdf(Z,[f])+omega2j*stats.chi2.cdf(Z,[f+4]))
Exemple #12
def add_vdot(M, v, out, beta=0.0, transM='N', handle=None):
    if handle is None:
        handle = scm._global_cublas_handle

    assert M.strides[1] <= M.strides[0], 'only C-order arrays supported'

    transM = transM.lower()
    if transM == 'n':
        trans = 't'
        m = M.shape[1]
        n = M.shape[0]
        alpha = 1.0
        lda = M.strides[0] // M.dtype.itemsize
        if v.shape[0] != M.shape[1] or out.shape[0] != M.shape[0]:
            raise ValueError('dimension mismatch: %s %s %s' %
                             (M.shape, v.shape, out.shape))
    elif transM == 't':
        trans = 'n'
        m = M.shape[1]
        n = M.shape[0]
        alpha = 1.0
        lda = M.strides[0] // M.dtype.itemsize
        if v.shape[0] != M.shape[0] or out.shape[0] != M.shape[1]:
            raise ValueError('dimension mismatch: %s %s %s' %
                             (M.shape, v.shape, out.shape))
        raise ValueError('transM must be n or t')

    if (M.dtype == np.complex64 and v.dtype == np.complex64):
        cublas_func = scikits.cuda.cublas.cublasCgemv
        alpha = np.complex64(alpha)
        beta = np.complex64(beta)
    elif (M.dtype == np.float32 and v.dtype == np.float32):
        cublas_func = scikits.cuda.cublas.cublasSgemv
        alpha = np.float32(alpha)
        beta = np.float32(beta)
    elif (M.dtype == np.complex128 and v.dtype == np.complex128):
        cublas_func = scikits.cuda.cublas.cublasZgemv
        alpha = np.complex128(alpha)
        beta = np.complex128(beta)
    elif (M.dtype == np.float64 and v.dtype == np.float64):
        cublas_func = scikits.cuda.cublas.cublasDgemv
        alpha = np.float64(alpha)
        beta = np.float64(beta)
        raise ValueError('unsupported combination of input types')

    incx = 1
    incy = 1
                trans, m, n,
                M.gpudata, lda,
                v.gpudata, incx,
                out.gpudata, incy)
Exemple #13
 def test_dict_numpy_complex(self):
     x = {b'foo': np.complex128(1.0+1.0j), b'bar': np.complex128(2.0+2.0j)}
     x_rec = self.encode_decode(x)
     assert_array_equal(sorted(x.values(), key=np.linalg.norm),
                        sorted(x_rec.values(), key=np.linalg.norm))
     assert_array_equal([type(e) for e in sorted(x.values(), key=np.linalg.norm)],
                        [type(e) for e in sorted(x_rec.values(), key=np.linalg.norm)])
     assert_array_equal(sorted(x.keys()), sorted(x_rec.keys()))
     assert_array_equal([type(e) for e in sorted(x.keys())],
                        [type(e) for e in sorted(x_rec.keys())])
Exemple #14
    def test_legacy_mode_scalars(self):
        # in legacy mode, str of floats get truncated, and complex scalars
        # use * for non-finite imaginary part
        assert_equal(str(np.float64(1.123456789123456789)), '1.12345678912')
        assert_equal(str(np.complex128(complex(1, np.nan))), '(1+nan*j)')

        assert_equal(str(np.complex128(complex(1, np.nan))), '(1+nanj)')
 def test_cublasXtCgemm(self):
     a = (np.random.rand(4, 4)+1j*np.random.rand(4, 4)).astype(np.complex128)
     b = (np.random.rand(4, 4)+1j*np.random.rand(4, 4)).astype(np.complex128)
     c = np.zeros((4, 4), np.complex128)
     cublasxt.cublasXtDeviceSelect(handle, 2, np.array([0, 1], np.int32).ctypes.data)
     cublasxt.cublasXtCgemm(self.handle, cublasxt._CUBLAS_OP['N'],
                            cublasxt._CUBLAS_OP['N'], 4, 4, 4, np.complex128(1.0),
                            a.ctypes.data, 4, b.ctypes.data, 4, np.complex128(0.0),
                            c.ctypes.data, 4)
     np.allclose(np.dot(b.T, a.T).T, c)
Exemple #16
 def test_prod_sum_fn (self):
     compiled_prod_sum_fn = self.jit(argtypes = [complex128, complex128, complex128],
                                     restype = complex128)(prod_sum_fn)
     rng = numpy.arange(-1., 1.1, 0.5)
     for ar, ai, xr, xi, br, bi in itertools.product(rng, rng, rng, rng, rng,
         a = numpy.complex128(ar + ai * 1j)
         x = numpy.complex128(xr + xi * 1j)
         b = numpy.complex128(br + bi * 1j)
         self.assertEqual(prod_sum_fn(a, x, b),
                          compiled_prod_sum_fn(a, x, b))
Exemple #17
 def test_cublasXtCgemm(self):
     a = (np.random.rand(4, 4)+1j*np.random.rand(4, 4)).astype(np.complex128)
     b = (np.random.rand(4, 4)+1j*np.random.rand(4, 4)).astype(np.complex128)
     c = np.zeros((4, 4), np.complex128)
                            'N', 'N', 4, 4, 4,           
                            a.ctypes.data, 4, b.ctypes.data, 4, np.complex128(0.0),
                            c.ctypes.data, 4)
     np.allclose(np.dot(b.T, a.T).T, c)
Exemple #18
 def test_prod_sum_fn (self):
     compiled_prod_sum_fn = numba_compile(arg_types = ['D', 'D', 'D'],
                                          ret_type = 'D')(prod_sum_fn)
     rng = numpy.arange(-1., 1.1, 0.5)
     for ar, ai, xr, xi, br, bi in itertools.product(rng, rng, rng, rng, rng,
         a = numpy.complex128(ar + ai * 1j)
         x = numpy.complex128(xr + xi * 1j)
         b = numpy.complex128(br + bi * 1j)
         self.assertEqual(prod_sum_fn(a, x, b),
                          compiled_prod_sum_fn(a, x, b))
 def test_cublasZgemv(self):
     a = (np.random.rand(2, 3)+1j*np.random.rand(2, 3)).astype(np.complex128)
     x = (np.random.rand(3, 1)+1j*np.random.rand(3, 1)).astype(np.complex128)
     a_gpu = gpuarray.to_gpu(a.T.copy())
     x_gpu = gpuarray.to_gpu(x)
     y_gpu = gpuarray.empty((2, 1), np.complex128)
     alpha = np.complex128(1.0)
     beta = np.complex128(0.0)
     cublas.cublasZgemv('n', 2, 3, alpha, a_gpu.gpudata, 2, x_gpu.gpudata,
                        1, beta, y_gpu.gpudata, 1)
     assert np.allclose(y_gpu.get(), np.dot(a, x))
    def get_wavefunction(self, ibzk, n, check_focc=True, spin=0):
        if (self.calc.wfs.world.size == 1 or self.calc.wfs.gd.comm.size != 1 
            or self.calc.input_parameters['mode'] == 'lcao'):
            if not check_focc:
                psit_G = self.calc.wfs.get_wave_function_array(n, ibzk, spin)
                if self.calc.wfs.world.size == 1:
                    return np.complex128(psit_G)
                if self.calc.wfs.world.rank != 0:
                    psit_G = self.calc.wfs.gd.empty(dtype=self.calc.wfs.dtype,
                self.calc.wfs.world.broadcast(psit_G, 0)
                return np.complex128(psit_G)
            # support ground state calculation with kpoint and band parallelization
            # but domain decomposition must = 1
            kpt_rank, u = self.calc.wfs.kd.get_rank_and_index(0, ibzk)
            bzkpt_rank = self.kcomm.rank
            band_rank, myn = self.calc.wfs.bd.who_has(n)
            assert self.calc.wfs.gd.comm.size == 1
            world_rank = (kpt_rank * self.calc.wfs.band_comm.size + band_rank)

            # in the following, kpt_rank is assigned to world_rank
            klist = np.array([world_rank, u, bzkpt_rank, myn])
            klist_kcomm = np.zeros((self.kcomm.size, 4), dtype=int)            
            self.kcomm.all_gather(klist, klist_kcomm)

            check_focc_global = np.zeros(self.kcomm.size, dtype=bool)
            self.kcomm.all_gather(np.array([check_focc]), check_focc_global)

            psit_G = self.calc.wfs.gd.empty(dtype=self.calc.wfs.dtype)

            for i in range(self.kcomm.size):
                if check_focc_global[i]:
                    kpt_rank, u, bzkpt_rank, nlocal = klist_kcomm[i]
                    if kpt_rank == bzkpt_rank:
                        if rank == kpt_rank:
                            psit_G = self.calc.wfs.kpt_u[u].psit_nG[nlocal]
                        if rank == kpt_rank:
                                       bzkpt_rank, 1300+bzkpt_rank)
                        if rank == bzkpt_rank:
                            psit_G = self.calc.wfs.gd.empty(dtype=self.calc.wfs.dtype)
                            world.receive(psit_G, kpt_rank, 1300+bzkpt_rank)
            self.wScomm.broadcast(psit_G, 0)

            return psit_G
Exemple #21
    def get_wavefunction(self, ibzk, n, check_focc=True, spin=0):

        if self.calc.wfs.kpt_comm.size != world.size or world.size == 1:

            if check_focc == False:
                psit_G = self.calc.wfs.get_wave_function_array(n, ibzk, spin)
                if self.calc.wfs.world.size == 1:
                    return np.complex128(psit_G)
                if not self.calc.wfs.world.rank == 0:
                    psit_G = self.calc.wfs.gd.empty(dtype=self.calc.wfs.dtype,
                self.calc.wfs.world.broadcast(psit_G, 0)
                return np.complex128(psit_G)
            if self.nkpt % size != 0:
                raise ValueError('The number of kpoints should be divided by the number of cpus for no wfs dumping mode ! ')

            # support ground state calculation with only kpoint parallelization
            kpt_rank, u = self.calc.wfs.kd.get_rank_and_index(0, ibzk)
            bzkpt_rank = rank
            klist = np.array([kpt_rank, u, bzkpt_rank, n])
            klist_kcomm = np.zeros((self.kcomm.size, 4), dtype=int)            
            self.kcomm.all_gather(klist, klist_kcomm)

            check_focc_global = np.zeros(self.kcomm.size, dtype=bool)
            self.kcomm.all_gather(np.array([check_focc]), check_focc_global)

            psit_G = self.calc.wfs.gd.empty(dtype=self.calc.wfs.dtype)

	    for i in range(self.kcomm.size):
                if check_focc_global[i] == True:
                    kpt_rank, u, bzkpt_rank, nlocal = klist_kcomm[i]
                    if kpt_rank == bzkpt_rank:
                        if rank == kpt_rank:
                            psit_G = self.calc.wfs.kpt_u[u].psit_nG[nlocal]
                        if rank == kpt_rank:
                                       bzkpt_rank, 1300+bzkpt_rank)
                        if rank == bzkpt_rank:
                            psit_G = self.calc.wfs.gd.empty(dtype=self.calc.wfs.dtype)
                            world.receive(psit_G, kpt_rank, 1300+bzkpt_rank)
            self.wScomm.broadcast(psit_G, 0)

            return psit_G
Exemple #22
 def test_cublasZgeam(self):
     a = (np.random.rand(2, 3)+1j*np.random.rand(2, 3)).astype(np.complex128)
     b = (np.random.rand(2, 3)+1j*np.random.rand(2, 3)).astype(np.complex128)
     a_gpu = gpuarray.to_gpu(a.copy())
     b_gpu = gpuarray.to_gpu(b.copy())
     c_gpu = gpuarray.zeros_like(a_gpu)
     alpha = np.complex128(np.random.rand()+1j*np.random.rand())
     beta = np.complex128(np.random.rand()+1j*np.random.rand())
     cublas.cublasZgeam(self.cublas_handle, 'n', 'n', 2, 3,
                        alpha, a_gpu.gpudata, 2,
                        beta, b_gpu.gpudata, 2,
                        c_gpu.gpudata, 2)
     assert np.allclose(c_gpu.get(), alpha*a+beta*b)
Exemple #23
    def test_different_dtypes_fail(self):
        in_shape = self.input_shapes["2d"]
        out_shape = self.output_shapes["2d"]

        axes = (-1,)
        a, b = self.create_test_arrays(in_shape, out_shape)

        a_ = numpy.complex64(a)
        b_ = numpy.complex128(b)
        self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, "Invalid scheme", FFTW, *(a_, b_))

        a_ = numpy.complex128(a)
        b_ = numpy.complex64(b)
        self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, "Invalid scheme", FFTW, *(a_, b_))
def test32_1 ():
    rng = numpy.arange(-1., 1.0000001, 0.5)
    for ar, ai, xr, xi, br, bi in itertools.product(rng, repeat = 6):
        # So the call to prod_sum_fn() will corrupt the stack on a
        # 32-bit system, causing the next expression to generate an
        # invalid multiply.  I assume calling prod_sum_fn_wrap() on a
        # 64-bit system will also corrupt the stack?!
        ai * 1j
        a = numpy.complex128(ar + ai * 1j)
        x = numpy.complex128(xr + xi * 1j)
        b = numpy.complex128(br + bi * 1j)
        print "a = %r, x = %r, b = %r, a * x + b = %r, => %r" % (
            a, x, b, a * x + b, prod_sum_fn_wrap(a, x, b))
        print prod_sum_fn_wrap(a, x, b)
Exemple #25
 def test_prod_sum_fn (self):
     if self.skip:
         raise unittest.SkipTest(
             'Complex return values not supported on 32-bit systems.')
     compiled_prod_sum_fn = self.jit(argtypes = [complex128, complex128, complex128],
                                     restype = complex128)(prod_sum_fn)
     rng = numpy.arange(-1., 1.1, 0.5)
     for ar, ai, xr, xi, br, bi in itertools.product(rng, rng, rng, rng, rng,
         a = numpy.complex128(ar + ai * 1j)
         x = numpy.complex128(xr + xi * 1j)
         b = numpy.complex128(br + bi * 1j)
         self.assertEqual(prod_sum_fn(a, x, b),
                          compiled_prod_sum_fn(a, x, b))
def tfsf_field(fw, w_dt, m, n):
	x = 2 * np.sin(w_dt / 2)
	#k_dx = 2 * np.arcsin((-1 <= x) * (x <= 1) * x)
	k_dx = 2 * np.arcsin( np.complex128(x) )
	fxt = np.fft.irfft(fw[:] * np.exp(- 1j * k_dx[:] * m) * np.exp(- 1j * w_dt[:] * n))

	return fxt
Exemple #27
 def test_cublasZscal(self):
     x = (np.random.rand(5)+1j*np.random.rand(5)).astype(np.complex128)
     x_gpu = gpuarray.to_gpu(x)
     alpha = np.complex128(np.random.rand()+1j*np.random.rand())
     cublas.cublasZscal(self.cublas_handle, x_gpu.size, alpha,
                        x_gpu.gpudata, 1)
     assert np.allclose(x_gpu.get(), alpha*x)
Exemple #28
def logscale_spec(spec, sr=44100, factor=20.0):
    """ Scale frequency axis logarithmically. """
    timebins, freqbins = _np.shape(spec)

    scale = _np.linspace(0, 1, freqbins) ** factor
    scale *= (freqbins - 1) / max(scale)
    scale = _np.unique(_np.round(scale))

    # create spectrogram with new freq bins
    newspec = _np.complex128(_np.zeros([timebins, scale.size]))
    for i in range(0, scale.size):
        if i == scale.size - 1:
            newspec[:, i] = _np.sum(spec[:, scale[i] :], axis=1)
            newspec[:, i] = _np.sum(spec[:, scale[i] : scale[i + 1]], axis=1)

    # list center freq of bins
    allfreqs = _np.abs(_np.fft.fftfreq(freqbins * 2, 1.0 / sr)[: freqbins + 1])
    freqs = []
    for i in range(0, scale.size):
        if i == scale.size - 1:
            freqs += [_np.mean(allfreqs[scale[i] :])]
            freqs += [_np.mean(allfreqs[scale[i] : scale[i + 1]])]

    return newspec, freqs
Exemple #29
    def test_is_number(self):

        self.assertTrue(is_number(1 + 3j))
        self.assertTrue(is_number(np.complex128(1 + 3j)))

        self.assertFalse(is_number(datetime(2011, 1, 1)))
        self.assertFalse(is_number(Timedelta('1 days')))

        # questionable
        self.assertTrue(is_number(np.timedelta64(1, 'D')))
Exemple #30
    def test_compile_helperlib(self):
        with self.check_cc_compiled(self._test_module.cc_helperlib) as lib:
            res = lib.power(2, 7)
            self.assertPreciseEqual(res, 128)
            for val in (-1, -1 + 0j, np.complex128(-1)):
                res = lib.sqrt(val)
                self.assertPreciseEqual(res, 1j)
            for val in (4, 4.0, np.float64(4)):
                res = lib.np_sqrt(val)
                self.assertPreciseEqual(res, 2.0)
            res = lib.spacing(1.0)
            self.assertPreciseEqual(res, 2**-52)
            # Implicit seeding at startup should guarantee a non-pathological
            # start state.
            self.assertNotEqual(lib.random(-1), lib.random(-1))
            res = lib.random(42)
            expected = np.random.RandomState(42).random_sample()
            self.assertPreciseEqual(res, expected)
            res = lib.size(np.float64([0] * 3))
            self.assertPreciseEqual(res, 3)

            code = """if 1:
                from numpy.testing import assert_equal, assert_allclose
                res = lib.power(2, 7)
                assert res == 128
                res = lib.random(42)
                assert_allclose(res, %(expected)s)
                res = lib.spacing(1.0)
                assert_allclose(res, 2**-52)
                """ % {'expected': expected}
            self.check_cc_compiled_in_subprocess(lib, code)
Exemple #31
def Xfft_SNR(X_fft, Y, crop, SAMPLES):
    snr_t = SNR_wrapper(X_fft, Y[:crop], 256, SAMPLES, np.complex128, 10)
    # filtering if abs value is bigger than ...
    filter = np.abs(snr_t) < 3
    X_fft_filtered = X_fft
    X_fft_filtered[:, filter] = np.complex128(0)
Exemple #32
    def assemble_to(self, asm_obj, val, iels, mode='vector', diff_var=None):
        Assemble the results of term evaluation.

        For standard terms, assemble the values in `val` corresponding to
        elements/cells `iels` into a vector or a CSR sparse matrix `asm_obj`,
        depending on `mode`.

        For terms with a dynamic connectivity (e.g. contact terms), in
        `'matrix'` mode, return the extra COO sparse matrix instead. The extra
        matrix has to be added to the global matrix by the caller. By default,
        this is done in :func:`Equations.evaluate()
        import sfepy.discrete.common.extmods.assemble as asm

        vvar = self.get_virtual_variable()
        dc_type = self.get_dof_conn_type()

        extra = None

        if mode == 'vector':
            if asm_obj.dtype == nm.float64:
                assemble = asm.assemble_vector

                assert_(asm_obj.dtype == nm.complex128)
                assemble = asm.assemble_vector_complex
                for ii in range(len(val)):
                    if not (val[ii].dtype == nm.complex128):
                        val[ii] = nm.complex128(val[ii])

            if not isinstance(val, tuple):
                dc = vvar.get_dof_conn(dc_type)
                assert_(val.shape[2] == dc.shape[1])

                assemble(asm_obj, val, iels, 1.0, dc)

                vals, rows, var = val
                if var.eq_map is not None:
                    eq = var.eq_map.eq

                    rows = eq[rows]
                    active = (rows >= 0)
                    vals, rows = vals[active], rows[active]

                # Assumes no repeated indices in rows!
                asm_obj[rows] += vals

        elif mode == 'matrix':
            if asm_obj.dtype == nm.float64:
                assemble = asm.assemble_matrix

                assert_(asm_obj.dtype == nm.complex128)
                assemble = asm.assemble_matrix_complex

            svar = diff_var
            tmd = (asm_obj.data, asm_obj.indptr, asm_obj.indices)

            if ((asm_obj.dtype == nm.complex128)
                    and (val.dtype == nm.float64)):
                val = val.astype(nm.complex128)

            sign = 1.0
            if self.arg_derivatives[svar.name]:
                if not self.is_quasistatic or (self.step > 0):
                    sign *= 1.0 / self.dt

                    sign = 0.0

            if not isinstance(val, tuple):
                rdc = vvar.get_dof_conn(dc_type)

                is_trace = self.arg_traces[svar.name]
                trace_region = self.arg_trace_regions[svar.name]
                cdc = svar.get_dof_conn(dc_type, is_trace, trace_region)
                assert_(val.shape[2:] == (rdc.shape[1], cdc.shape[1]))

                assemble(tmd[0], tmd[1], tmd[2], val, iels, sign, rdc, cdc)

                from scipy.sparse import coo_matrix

                vals, rows, cols, rvar, cvar = val
                if rvar.eq_map is not None:
                    req, ceq = rvar.eq_map.eq, cvar.eq_map.eq

                    rows, cols = req[rows], ceq[cols]
                    active = (rows >= 0) & (cols >= 0)
                    vals, rows, cols = vals[active], rows[active], cols[active]

                extra = coo_matrix((sign * vals, (rows, cols)),

            raise ValueError('unknown assembling mode! (%s)' % mode)

        return extra
def kernel_matrix_sparse_opt(Nx, Nz, Npml, Cpml, omega, delta, rho, v):

    # propriedades indiretas
    b = 1. / (rho)
    K = rho * (v**2)

    imag = 1j

    csix = np.zeros((Nx, 1), dtype=np.complex128)

    for i in range(0, Nx):

        if (Npml > 1 and
                i < Npml):  # dentro da primeira camada de absorcao vertical
            gammax = Cpml * np.cos(np.pi / 2.0 * (i - 1) / (Npml - 1))

        elif (Npml > 1 and i >
              (Nx - Npml)):  # dentro da segunda camada de absorcao vertical
            gammax = Cpml * np.cos(np.pi / 2.0 * (Nx - i) / (Npml - 1))

        else:  # dentro do modelo
            gammax = 0.0

        csix[i] = 1.0 + imag * gammax / omega

    csiz = np.zeros((Nx, 1), dtype=np.complex128)

    for k in range(0, Nz):

        # so tem um else se so tiver a camada inferior
        if (Npml > 1 and k >
            (Nz -
             Npml)):  # dentro da segunda camada de absorcao horizontal (leito)
            gammaz = Cpml * np.cos(np.pi / 2.0 * (Nz - k) / (Npml - 1))

        elif (Npml > 1 and k <
              Npml):  # dentro da primeira camada de absorcao vertical (topo)
            gammaz = Cpml * np.cos(np.pi / 2.0 * (k - 1) / (Npml - 1))

        else:  # dentro do modelo
            gammaz = 0.0

        csiz[k] = 1.0 + imag * gammaz / omega

    from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix
    row = []
    col = []
    data = []

    # no interno - nao tem c.c. aplicada
    for i in range(1, Nx - 1):

        for j in range(1, Nz - 1):

            linha = (i) * Nz + j  #numero do noh ij

            # ordem das colunas, da menor p maior: col4, col2, col1, col3, col5
            col1 = linha  # corresponde ao noh i,k    #numero do noh ij
            col2 = linha - 1  # corresponde ao noh i-1,k  #numero do noh da esquerda
            col3 = linha + 1  # corresponde ao noh i+1,k  #numero do noh da direita
            col4 = linha - Nz  # corresponde ao noh i,k-1  #numero do noh de cima
            col5 = linha + Nz  # corresponde ao noh i,k+1  #numero do noh de baixo

            #            if(i != 0 and i != Nx-1 and j != 0 and j != Nz-1 ):
            # staggered grid five point stencil (hustedt et al., 2004 equacao 8)
            c2 = (1.0 / (csiz[j] * delta**2)) * (b[i, j] + b[i - 1, j]) / (
                csiz[j] + csiz[j - 1])
            c3 = (1.0 / (csiz[j] * delta**2)) * (b[i, j] + b[i + 1, j]) / (
                csiz[j] + csiz[j + 1])
            c4 = (1.0 / (csix[i] * delta**2)) * (b[i, j] + b[i, j - 1]) / (
                csix[i] + csix[i - 1])
            c5 = (1.0 / (csix[i] * delta**2)) * (b[i, j] + b[i, j + 1]) / (
                csix[i] + csix[i + 1])
            c1 = omega**2 / K[i, j] - c2 - c3 - c4 - c5






#    for i in range(0,Nx):

    for j in range(0, Nz):

        i = 0

        linha = (i) * Nz + j  #numero do noh ij

        # ordem das colunas, da menor p maior: col4, col2, col1, col3, col5
        col1 = linha  # corresponde ao noh i,k    #numero do noh ij
        #        col2 = linha - 1  # corresponde ao noh i-1,k  #numero do noh da esquerda
        #        col3 = linha + 1  # corresponde ao noh i+1,k  #numero do noh da direita
        #        col4 = linha - Nz  # corresponde ao noh i,k-1  #numero do noh de cima
        col5 = linha + Nz  # corresponde ao noh i,k+1  #numero do noh de baixo

        # borda esquerda
        #        if(i == 0):

        c1 = -(1.0 / delta + 1j * omega / np.sqrt(K[i, j] * b[i, j]))
        c5 = +(1.0 / delta)

        LB = c1
        LBI = c5



        #    for j in range(0,Nz):

        i = Nx - 1

        linha = (i) * Nz + j  #numero do noh ij

        # ordem das colunas, da menor p maior: col4, col2, col1, col3, col5
        col1 = linha  # corresponde ao noh i,k    #numero do noh ij
        #        col2 = linha - 1  # corresponde ao noh i-1,k  #numero do noh da esquerda
        #        col3 = linha + 1  # corresponde ao noh i+1,k  #numero do noh da direita
        col4 = linha - Nz  # corresponde ao noh i,k-1  #numero do noh de cima
        #        col5 = linha + Nz  # corresponde ao noh i,k+1  #numero do noh de baixo

        # borda direita
        #            elif(i == Nx-1):

        c1 = +(1.0 / delta + 1j * omega / np.sqrt(K[i, j] * b[i, j]))
        c4 = -(1.0 / delta)

        RB = c1
        RBI = c4



    for i in range(1, Nx - 1):

        j = 0

        linha = (i) * Nz + j  #numero do noh ij

        # ordem das colunas, da menor p maior: col4, col2, col1, col3, col5
        col1 = linha  # corresponde ao noh i,k    #numero do noh ij
        #        col2 = linha - 1  # corresponde ao noh i-1,k  #numero do noh da esquerda
        col3 = linha + 1  # corresponde ao noh i+1,k  #numero do noh da direita
        #        col4 = linha - Nz  # corresponde ao noh i,k-1  #numero do noh de cima
        #        col5 = linha + Nz  # corresponde ao noh i,k+1  #numero do noh de baixo
        # topo
        #            elif(j == 0):

        c1 = -(1.0 / delta + 1j * omega / np.sqrt(K[i, j] * b[i, j]))
        c3 = +(1.0 / delta)

        FS = c1
        FSI = c3

        #                FS = 1.0
        #                FSI = 1.0



        #    for i in range(1,Nx-1):

        j = Nz - 1

        linha = (i) * Nz + j  #numero do noh ij

        # ordem das colunas, da menor p maior: col4, col2, col1, col3, col5
        col1 = linha  # corresponde ao noh i,k    #numero do noh ij
        col2 = linha - 1  # corresponde ao noh i-1,k  #numero do noh da esquerda
        #        col3 = linha + 1  # corresponde ao noh i+1,k  #numero do noh da direita
        #        col4 = linha - Nz  # corresponde ao noh i,k-1  #numero do noh de cima
        #        col5 = linha + Nz  # corresponde ao noh i,k+1  #numero do noh de baixo
        # fundo
        #            elif(j == Nz-1):

        c1 = +(1.0 / delta + 1j * omega / np.sqrt(K[i, j] * b[i, j]))
        c2 = -(1.0 / delta)

        BB = c1
        BBI = c2



#    for i in range(0,Nx):
#        for j in range(0,Nz):
#            linha = (i)*Nz + j   #numero do noh ij
#            # ordem das colunas, da menor p maior: col4, col2, col1, col3, col5
#            col1 = linha	  # corresponde ao noh i,k    #numero do noh ij
#            col2 = linha - 1  # corresponde ao noh i-1,k  #numero do noh da esquerda
#            col3 = linha + 1  # corresponde ao noh i+1,k  #numero do noh da direita
#            col4 = linha - Nz  # corresponde ao noh i,k-1  #numero do noh de cima
#            col5 = linha + Nz  # corresponde ao noh i,k+1  #numero do noh de baixo
#            # borda esquerda
#            if(i == 0):
#                c1 = -(1.0/delta + 1j * omega/np.sqrt(K[i,j]*b[i,j]))
#                c5 = +(1.0/delta)
#                LB = c1
#                LBI = c5
#                row.append(linha)
#                col.append(col1)
#                data.append([np.complex128(LB)])
#                row.append(linha)
#                col.append(col3)
#                data.append([np.complex128(LBI)])
#            # borda direita
#            elif(i == Nx-1):
#                c1 = +(1.0/delta + 1j * omega/np.sqrt(K[i,j]*b[i,j]))
#                c4 = -(1.0/delta)
#                RB = c1
#                RBI = c4
#                row.append(linha)
#                col.append(col1)
#                data.append([np.complex128(RB)])
#                row.append(linha)
#                col.append(col2)
#                data.append([np.complex128(RBI)])
#            # topo
#            elif(j == 0):
#                c1 = -(1.0/delta + 1j * omega/np.sqrt(K[i,j]*b[i,j]))
#                c3 = +(1.0/delta)
#                FS = c1
#                FSI = c3
##                FS = 1.0
##                FSI = 1.0
#                row.append(linha)
#                col.append(col1)
#                data.append([np.complex128(FS)])
#                row.append(linha)
#                col.append(col5)
#                data.append([np.complex128(FSI)])
#            # fundo
#            elif(j == Nz-1):
#                c1 = +(1.0/delta + 1j * omega/np.sqrt(K[i,j]*b[i,j]))
#                c2 = -(1.0/delta)
#                BB = c1
#                BBI = c2
#                row.append(linha)
#                col.append(col1)
#                data.append([np.complex128(BB)])
#                row.append(linha)
#                col.append(col4)
#                data.append([np.complex128(BBI)])

    row = np.array(row)
    #    print(row)

    col = np.array(col)
    #    print(col)

    data = np.asarray(data)
    data = data.ravel()
    #    print(data)

    Csp = csr_matrix((data, (row, col)))
    #    Csp_ver = csr_matrix((data, (row, col)), shape=(Nx*Nz,Nx*Nz)).toarray()
    #    print(Csp_ver)

    return Csp
Exemple #34
 def test_list_mixed(self):
     x = [1.0, np.float32(3.5), np.complex128(4.25), b'foo']
     x_rec = self.encode_decode(x)
     assert_array_equal(x, x_rec)
     assert_array_equal([type(e) for e in x], [type(e) for e in x_rec])
Exemple #35
def dot_batch_nocheck(a_arr_gpu,
    Implementation of batched dot products using cuda.    

    a_arr_gpu : list of pycuda.gpuarray.GPUArray
        Input array.
    b_arr_gpu : list of pycuda.gpuarray.GPUArray
        Input array.
    c_arr_gpu : list of pycuda.gpuarray.GPUArray
        Input/Output array.
    a_ptr_gpu : pycuda.gpuarray.GPUArray
        Array of pointers to arrays in a_arr_gpu
    b_ptr_gpu : pycuda.gpuarray.GPUArray
        Array of pointers to arrays in b_arr_gpu
    c_ptr_gpu : pycuda.gpuarray.GPUArray
        Array of pointers to arrays in c_arr_gpu
    transa : char
        If 'T', compute the product of the transpose of `a_arr_gpu[i]`.
        If 'C', compute the product of the Hermitian of `a_arr_gpu[i]`.
    transb : char
        If 'T', compute the product of the transpose of `b_arr_gpu[i]`.
        If 'C', compute the product of the Hermitian of `b_arr_gpu[i]`.
    handle : int
        CUBLAS context. If no context is specified, the default handle from
        `scikits.cuda.misc._global_cublas_handle` is used.

    None. Output is stored into the arrays in c_arr_gpu

    The input matrices must all contain elements of the same data type.
    All matrics in a list must have same size.

    >>> import pycuda.driver
    >>> import pycuda.autoinit
    >>> from pycuda import gpuarray
    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> from scikits.cuda import linalg
    >>> linalg.init()
    >>> a_arr = [np.asarray(np.random.rand(4, 2), np.float32) for i in range(10)]
    >>> b_arr = [np.asarray(np.random.rand(2, 2), np.float32) for i in range(10)]
    >>> c_arr = [np.asarray(np.random.rand(4, 2), np.float32) for i in range(10)]
    >>> a_arr_gpu = [gpuarray.to_gpu(a_gpu) for a_gpu in a_arr]
    >>> b_arr_gpu = [gpuarray.to_gpu(b_gpu) for b_gpu in b_arr]
    >>> c_arr_gpu = [gpuarray.to_gpu(c_gpu) for c_gpu in c_arr]
    >>> a_ptr_gpu = gpuarray.to_gpu(np.asarray([int(a_gpu.gpudata) for a_gpu in a_arr_gpu]))    
    >>> b_ptr_gpu = gpuarray.to_gpu(np.asarray([int(b_gpu.gpudata) for b_gpu in b_arr_gpu]))
    >>> c_ptr_gpu = gpuarray.to_gpu(np.asarray([int(c_gpu.gpudata) for c_gpu in c_arr_gpu]))
    >>> linalg.dot_batch_nocheck(a_arr_gpu, b_arr_gpu, c_arr_gpu, a_ptr_gpu, b_ptr_gpu, c_ptr_gpu)
    >>> for i in range(10):
    ...   print np.allclose(np.dot(a_arr[i], b_arr[i]) + c_arr[i], c_arr_gpu[i].get())
    if handle is None:
        handle = misc._global_cublas_handle
    N = len(a_arr_gpu)
    a_shape = a_arr_gpu[0].shape
    a_dtype = a_arr_gpu[0].dtype
    b_shape = b_arr_gpu[0].shape
    b_dtype = b_arr_gpu[0].dtype
    c_shape = c_arr_gpu[0].shape
    c_dtype = c_arr_gpu[0].dtype

    for i in range(N):
        assert a_arr_gpu[i].shape == a_shape
        assert a_arr_gpu[i].dtype == a_dtype
        assert b_arr_gpu[i].shape == b_shape
        assert b_arr_gpu[i].dtype == b_dtype
        assert c_arr_gpu[i].shape == c_shape
        assert c_arr_gpu[i].dtype == c_dtype

        assert a_arr_gpu[i].flags.c_contiguous
        assert b_arr_gpu[i].flags.c_contiguous
        assert c_arr_gpu[i].flags.c_contiguous

    if len(a_shape) == 1:
        a_shape = (1, a_shape[0])
    if len(b_shape) == 1:
        b_shape = (1, b_shape[0])
    if len(c_shape) == 1:
        c_shape = (1, c_shape[0])

    transa = lower(transa)
    transb = lower(transb)

    if transb in ['t', 'c']:
        m, k = b_shape
    elif transb in ['n']:
        k, m = b_shape
        raise ValueError('invalid value for transb')

    if transa in ['t', 'c']:
        l, n = a_shape
    elif transa in ['n']:
        n, l = a_shape
        raise ValueError('invalid value for transa')

    i, j = c_shape

    if l != k:
        raise ValueError('objects are not aligned')
    if i != n:
        raise ValueError('objects are not aligned')
    if j != m:
        raise ValueError('objects are not aligned')

    if transb == 'n':
        lda = max(1, m)
        lda = max(1, k)

    if transa == 'n':
        ldb = max(1, k)
        ldb = max(1, n)

    ldc = max(1, m)

    if (a_dtype == np.complex64 and b_dtype == np.complex64 \
            and c_dtype == np.complex64):
        cublas_func = cublas.cublasCgemmBatched
        alpha = np.complex64(a)
        beta = np.complex64(b)
    elif (a_dtype == np.float32 and b_dtype == np.float32\
            and c_dtype == np.float32):
        cublas_func = cublas.cublasSgemmBatched
        alpha = np.float32(a)
        beta = np.float32(b)
    elif (a_dtype == np.complex128 and b_dtype == np.complex128\
            and c_dtype == np.complex128):
        cublas_func = cublas.cublasZgemmBatched
        alpha = np.complex128(a)
        beta = np.complex128(b)
    elif (a_dtype == np.float64 and b_dtype == np.float64\
            and c_dtype == np.float64):
        cublas_func = cublas.cublasDgemmBatched
        alpha = np.float64(a)
        beta = np.float64(b)
        raise ValueError('unsupported combination of input types')

    cublas_func(handle, transb, transa, m, n, k, alpha, b_ptr_gpu.gpudata, lda,
                a_ptr_gpu.gpudata, ldb, beta, c_ptr_gpu.gpudata, ldc, N)
Exemple #36
def geam(a_gpu,
    if handle is None:
        handle = misc._global_cublas_handle
    if len(a_gpu.shape) == 1 and len(b_gpu.shape) == 1:
        raise RuntimeError('dot products not supported for geam')

    # Get the shapes of the arguments (accounting for the
    # possibility that one of them may only have one dimension):
    a_shape = a_gpu.shape
    b_shape = b_gpu.shape
    if len(a_shape) == 1:
        a_shape = (1, a_shape[0])
    if len(b_shape) == 1:
        b_shape = (1, b_shape[0])

    # Perform matrix multiplication for 2D arrays:
    if (a_gpu.dtype == np.complex64 and b_gpu.dtype == np.complex64):
        cublas_func = cublas.cublasCgeam
        alpha = np.complex64(alpha)
        beta = np.complex64(beta)
    elif (a_gpu.dtype == np.float32 and b_gpu.dtype == np.float32):
        cublas_func = cublas.cublasSgeam
        alpha = np.float32(alpha)
        beta = np.float32(beta)
    elif (a_gpu.dtype == np.complex128 and b_gpu.dtype == np.complex128):
        cublas_func = cublas.cublasZgeam
        alpha = np.complex128(alpha)
        beta = np.complex128(beta)
    elif (a_gpu.dtype == np.float64 and b_gpu.dtype == np.float64):
        cublas_func = cublas.cublasDgeam
        alpha = np.float64(alpha)
        beta = np.float64(beta)
        raise ValueError('unsupported combination of input types')

    transa = transa.lower()
    transb = transb.lower()

    if a_gpu.flags.c_contiguous != b_gpu.flags.c_contiguous:
        raise ValueError('unsupported combination of input order')

    if a_gpu.flags.f_contiguous:
        if transa in ['t', 'c']:
            k, m = a_shape
        elif transa in ['n']:
            m, k = a_shape
            raise ValueError('invalid value for transa')

        if transb in ['t', 'c']:
            n, l = b_shape
        elif transb in ['n']:
            l, n = b_shape
            raise ValueError('invalid value for transb')

        if m != l or k != n:
            raise ValueError('objects are not aligned')

        lda = max(1, a_shape[0])
        ldb = max(1, b_shape[0])
        ldc = max(1, m)

        if c_gpu.shape != (m, n) or c_gpu.dtype != a_gpu.dtype:
            raise ValueError('invalid value for c_gpu')
        if a_gpu.flags.f_contiguous != c_gpu.flags.f_contiguous:
            raise ValueError('invalid order for c_gpu')
        cublas_func(handle, transa, transb, m, n, alpha, a_gpu.gpudata, lda,
                    beta, b_gpu.gpudata, ldb, c_gpu.gpudata, ldc)
        if transb in ['t', 'c']:
            m, k = b_shape
        elif transb in ['n']:
            k, m = b_shape
            raise ValueError('invalid value for transb')

        if transa in ['t', 'c']:
            l, n = a_shape
        elif transa in ['n']:
            n, l = a_shape
            raise ValueError('invalid value for transa')

        if m != l or k != n:
            raise ValueError('objects are not aligned')

        lda = max(1, b_shape[1])
        ldb = max(1, a_shape[1])
        ldc = max(1, m)

        # Note that the desired shape of the output matrix is the transpose
        # of what CUBLAS assumes:
        if c_gpu.shape != (n, ldc) or c_gpu.dtype != a_gpu.dtype:
            raise ValueError('invalid value for c_gpu')
        if a_gpu.flags.f_contiguous != c_gpu.flags.f_contiguous:
            raise ValueError('invalid order for c_gpu')
        cublas_func(handle, transb, transa, m, n, alpha, a_gpu.gpudata, lda,
                    beta, b_gpu.gpudata, ldb, c_gpu.gpudata, ldc)
         "charge": (1 + 2j) * u.dimensionless_unscaled
 (CustomParticle, {
     "charge": 5 + 2j
 }, InvalidParticleError),
 (CustomParticle, {
     "mass": 5 + 2j
 }, InvalidParticleError),
 (CustomParticle, {
     "charge": np.complex128(5 + 2j)
 }, InvalidParticleError),
 (CustomParticle, {
     "mass": np.complex128(5 + 2j)
 }, InvalidParticleError),
 (CustomParticle, {
     "mass": -1e-36 * u.kg
 }, InvalidParticleError),
 (CustomParticle, {
     "mass": "not a mass"
 }, InvalidParticleError),
 (CustomParticle, {
     "mass": "5.0 km"
 }, InvalidParticleError),
 (CustomParticle, {
     "mass": np.array([1, 1]) * u.kg
Exemple #38
def main(_):
    # CHECK-LABEL: TEST: bitwise_not bool[7]
    # CHECK: mhlo.not
    # CHECK-SAME: tensor<7xi1>
    print_ir(np.empty([7], np.bool_))(lax.bitwise_not)

    # CHECK-LABEL: TEST: neg int8[]
    # CHECK: mhlo.negate
    # CHECK-SAME: tensor<i8>

    # CHECK-LABEL: TEST: neg int16[0]
    # CHECK: mhlo.negate
    # CHECK-SAME: tensor<0xi16>
    print_ir(np.empty([0], np.int16))(lax.neg)

    # CHECK-LABEL: TEST: neg int32[2,3]
    # CHECK: mhlo.negate
    # CHECK-SAME: tensor<2x3xi32>
    print_ir(np.empty([2, 3], np.int32))(lax.neg)

    # CHECK-LABEL: TEST: neg int64[2,3,4]
    # CHECK: mhlo.negate
    # CHECK-SAME: tensor<2x3x4xi64>
    print_ir(np.empty([2, 3, 4], np.int64))(lax.neg)

    # CHECK-LABEL: TEST: add uint8[4,0,1] uint8[4,0,1]
    # CHECK: mhlo.add
    # CHECK-SAME: tensor<4x0x1xui8>
    print_ir(np.empty([4, 0, 1], np.uint8), np.empty([4, 0, 1],

    # CHECK-LABEL: TEST: add uint16[] uint16[]
    # CHECK: mhlo.add
    # CHECK-SAME: tensor<ui16>
    print_ir(np.uint16(0), np.uint16(0))(lax.add)

    # CHECK-LABEL: TEST: add uint32[] uint32[]
    # CHECK: mhlo.add
    # CHECK-SAME: tensor<ui32>
    print_ir(np.uint32(0), np.uint32(0))(lax.add)

    # CHECK-LABEL: TEST: add uint64[] uint64[]
    # CHECK: mhlo.add
    # CHECK-SAME: tensor<ui64>
    print_ir(np.uint64(0), np.uint64(0))(lax.add)

    # CHECK-LABEL: TEST: sin float16[]
    # CHECK: mhlo.sine
    # CHECK-SAME: tensor<f16>

    # CHECK-LABEL: TEST: sin bfloat16[]
    # CHECK: mhlo.sine
    # CHECK-SAME: tensor<bf16>

    # CHECK-LABEL: TEST: sin float32[]
    # CHECK: mhlo.sine
    # CHECK-SAME: tensor<f32>

    # CHECK-LABEL: TEST: sin float64[]
    # CHECK: mhlo.sine
    # CHECK-SAME: tensor<f64>

    # CHECK-LABEL: TEST: cos complex64[]
    # CHECK: mhlo.cosine
    # CHECK-SAME: tensor<complex<f32>>

    # CHECK-LABEL: TEST: cos complex128[]
    # CHECK: mhlo.cosine
    # CHECK-SAME: tensor<complex<f64>>
Exemple #39
 def test_list_numpy_float_complex(self):
     x = [np.float32(np.random.rand()) for i in range(5)] + \
         [np.complex128(np.random.rand() + 1j * np.random.rand()) for i in range(5)]
     x_rec = self.encode_decode(x)
     assert all(map(lambda x, y: x == y, x, x_rec)) and all(
         map(lambda x, y: type(x) == type(y), x, x_rec))
Exemple #40
def spod(
    Spectral proper orthogonal decomposition
    x : array or function object
        Data array whose first dimension is time, or function that retrieves
        one snapshot at a time like x(i).  x(i), like x, can have any dimension. 
        If x is a function, it is recommended to specify the total number of 
        snaphots in nt (see below). If not specified, nt defaults to 10000. 
        isreal should be specified if a two-sided spectrum is desired even 
        though the data is real-valued, or if the data is initially real-valued,
        but complex-valued-valued for later snaphots.
    window : vector, int, or string, optional
        A temporal window. If WINDOW is a vector, X
        is divided into segments of the same length as WINDOW. Each segment is
        then weighted (pointwise multiplied) by WINDOW. If WINDOW is a scalar,
        a Hamming window of length WINDOW is used. If WINDOW is none or 'hamming',
        a Hamming window is used.
    weight : array, optional
        A spatial inner product weight.  SPOD modes are optimally ranked and 
        orthogonal at each frequency. WEIGHT must have the same spatial 
        dimensions as x.
    noverlap : int, optional
        Number of snaptions to overlap consecutive blocks.  noverlap defaults
        to 50% of the length of WINDOW if not specified.
    dt : float, optional
        Time step between consecutive snapshots to determine a physical 
        frequency F.  dt defaults to 1 if not specified.
    mean : array or string, optional
        A mean that is subtracted from each snapshot.  If 'blockwise', the mean
        of each block is subtracted from itself.  If x is a function the mean
        provided is a temporal mean.
    isreal : bool, optional
        Describes if x data is real.
    nt : int, optional
        Number of snapshots.  If x is an array, this is determined from x
        dimensions.  If x is a function, this defaults to 10000 if not specified.
    conflvl : bool or float, optional
        Calculate and return confidence interval levels of L (Lc).  If True,
        the lower and upper 95% confidence levels of the j-th
        most energetic SPOD mode at the i-th frequency are returned in
        Lc(i,j,1) and Lc(i,j,2), respectively.  If a float between 0 and 1, 
        the conflvl*100% confidence interval of L is returned. A 
        chi-squared distribution is used, i.e. we assume a standard normal 
        distribution of the SPOD eigenvalues.  Defaults to None/False.
    normvar : bool, optional
        Normalize each block by pointwise variance.  Defaults to false.
    debug : {0, 1, 2}, optional
        Verbosity of output.  0 hides output.  1 shows some output, 2 shows all output.
        Defaults to 0.
    lowmem : bool, optional
        Specifies whether to use low-memory mode.  If True, this stores the FFT blocks in a
        temporary file on disk, and also stores all returned quantities on disk, returning
        a file handle. Default is False, keeping everything in memory.  If
        lowmem is True, savefile must be specified for the returned data.  This mode requires
        the h5py package.
    savefile : string, optional
        Filename to which to save the results in HDF5 format.  If lowmem is True,
        a handle for this file is returned.  If False or None, the in-memory results 
        are returned in a dictionary.  If file exists, it is overwritten.  Defaults to None/False.
    nmodes : int, optional
        Number of most energetic SPOD modes to be saved.  Defaults to all modes.
    savefreqs: list of ints, optional
        List of frequency indices to calculate modes (P) and spectral energies (L).  Meant 
        to reduce size of data if not all frequences are needed.  Defaults to all frequences.
        A dictionary containing SPOD modes (P), modal energy spectra (L), and frequency
        vector (f).  If conflvl is specified, confidence interval is returned (Lc).  If
        lowmem is True, a file object is returned which points to the on-disk HDF5 dataset.
    # verbosity of output
    global verbosity
    verbosity = debug

    # In low memory mode, a save file must be specified
    if lowmem:
        assert savefile is not None, "savefile must be provided in lowmem mode"

    # Warn about overwriting file
    if savefile and os.path.exists(savefile):
        warn("%s will be overwritten" % savefile)

    # Get problem dimensions
    if isinstance(x, FunctionType) or callable(x):
        xfun = True
        if nt is None:
                'Please specify number of snapshots in "opts.nt". Trying to use default value of 10000 snapshots.'
            nt = 10000
        x0 = x(0)
        sizex = np.shape(x0)
        xtype = x0.dtype
        nx = np.prod(sizex)
        dim = [nt] + list(sizex)
        xfun = False
        dim = np.shape(x)
        nt = dim[0]
        nx = np.prod(dim[1:]).astype(int)

    # Determine if data is real or complex
    if isreal is not None:
        isrealx = isreal
    elif not xfun:
        isrealx = np.isrealobj(x)
        isrealx = np.isrealobj(x0)
        del x0

    # Fix datatype
    if not xfun:
        x = np.float64(x) if isrealx else np.complex128(x)

    # Parse parameters
    window, weight, noverlap, nDFT, nBlks, conflvl, nmodes = spod_parser(
        nt, nx, isrealx, window, weight, noverlap, conflvl, nmodes

    # determine correction for FFT window gain
    winWeight = 1.0 / np.mean(window)

    # Use data mean if not provided through opts['mean']
    if type(mean) == str and mean == "blockwise":
        blk_mean = True
        blk_mean = False

    # Calculate mean
    if xfun:
        if (mean is not None) and (not blk_mean):
            x_mean = mean.flatten()
            mean_name = "user specified"
        elif blk_mean:
            mean_name = "blockwise mean"
            x_mean = 0
                "No mean subtracted. Consider providing long-time mean through opts['mean'] for better accuracy at low frequencies."
            mean_name = "0"
        if blk_mean:
            mean_name = "blockwise mean"
            x_mean = np.mean(x, axis=0).flatten()
            mean_name = "long-time (true) mean"

    printer("Mean                      : %s" % mean_name, 1)

    # obtain frequency axis
    if isrealx:
        f = np.arange(np.ceil(nDFT / 2) + 1) / dt / nDFT
        f = np.arange(nDFT) / dt / nDFT
        if np.mod(nDFT, 2) == 0:
            f[nDFT / 2 :] -= 1.0 / dt
            f[(nDFT + 1) / 2 :] -= 1.0 / dt

    nFreq = np.size(f)

    if savefreqs is None:
        savefreqs = np.arange(nFreq)

    # In low memory mode, open temporary file for Q_hat.  Else, hold in memory.
    if lowmem:
        tempf = tempfile.TemporaryFile()
        tempfh5 = h5py.File(tempf, "a")
        Q_hat = tempfh5.create_dataset(
            "Q_hat", (nFreq, nx, nBlks), dtype=np.cdouble, compression="gzip"
        Q_hat = np.zeros((nFreq, nx, nBlks), dtype=np.cdouble)

    # loop over number of blocks and generate Fourier realizations
    printer("\nCalculating temporal DFT\n------------------------------------", 1)
    for iBlk in range(nBlks):
        offset = int(min(iBlk * (nDFT - noverlap) + nDFT, nt) - nDFT)
        timeIdx = np.arange(nDFT) + offset
            "block %d  / %d (%d:%d)" % (iBlk + 1, nBlks, timeIdx[0] + 1, timeIdx[-1] + 1), 2,

        # build present block
        if blk_mean:
            x_mean = 0
        if xfun:
            Q_blk = np.zeros((nDFT, nx), dtype=xtype)
            for ti in timeIdx:
                Q_blk[ti - offset, :] = x(ti).flatten() - x_mean
            Q_blk = np.subtract(np.reshape(x[timeIdx, :], (nDFT, -1)), np.expand_dims(x_mean, 0))

        # if block mean is to be subtracted, do it now that all data is collected
        if blk_mean:
            Q_blk = np.subtract(Q_blk, np.mean(Q_blk, axis=0, keepdims=True))

        # normalize by pointwise variance
        if normvar:
            Q_var = np.sum(
                np.power(np.subtract(Q_blk, np.mean(Q_blk, axis=0, keepdims=True)), 2), axis=0,
            ) / (nDFT - 1)
            # address division-by-0 problem with NaNs
            eps = np.finfo(Q_var.dtype).eps
            Q_var[Q_var < 4 * eps] = 1
            Q_blk = np.divide(Q_blk, Q_var)

        # window and Fourier transform block
        Q_blk = np.multiply(Q_blk, np.expand_dims(window, axis=1))
        Q_blk_hat = (winWeight / nDFT) * scipy.fft.fft(Q_blk, axis=0, workers=-1)
        Q_blk_hat = Q_blk_hat[:nFreq, :]

        # correct Fourier coefficients for one-sided spectrum
        if isrealx:
            Q_blk_hat[1:-1, :] *= 2.0

        # keep FFT blocks in memory
        Q_hat[:, :, iBlk] = Q_blk_hat

    # Dimensions of P
    pDim = [nFreq] + list(dim[1:]) + [nmodes]

    # In low memory mode, save L and P to files.  Else, hold in memory.
    if lowmem:
        output = h5py.File(savefile, "a")
        if "L" in output:
            del output["L"]
        L = output.create_dataset("L", (nFreq, nBlks), dtype=np.double, compression="gzip")
        if nmodes > 0:
            if "P" in output:
                del output["P"]
            P = output.create_dataset("P", pDim, dtype=np.cdouble, compression="gzip")
        L = np.zeros((nFreq, nBlks), dtype=np.double)
        if nmodes > 0:
            P = np.zeros(pDim, dtype=np.cdouble)

    # loop over all frequencies and calculate SPOD
    printer("\nCalculating SPOD\n------------------------------------", 1)
    for iFreq in savefreqs:
        printer("frequency %d / %d (f=%g)" % (iFreq + 1, nFreq, f[iFreq]), 2)
        Q_hat_f = Q_hat[iFreq, :, :]
        M = (
                np.multiply(Q_hat_f, np.expand_dims(weight, axis=1)),
            / nBlks
        if nmodes > 0:
            Lambda, Theta = scipy.linalg.eig(M)
            Lambda = scipy.linalg.eigvals(M)
        Lambda = np.abs(Lambda)
        idx = np.argsort(Lambda)[::-1]
        Lambda = Lambda[idx]
        if nmodes > 0:
            Theta = Theta[:, idx[:nmodes]]
            Psi = np.matmul(
                np.matmul(Q_hat_f, Theta),
                np.diag(np.reciprocal(np.lib.scimath.sqrt(Lambda[:nmodes])) / np.sqrt(nBlks)),
            P[iFreq, :] = Psi.reshape(pDim[1:])  # mode
        L[iFreq, :] = Lambda  # energy distribution

    # Calculate confidence interval
    if conflvl:
        if lowmem:
            Lc = output.create_dataset(
                "Lc", shape=(nFreq, nBlks, 2), dtype=L.dtype, compression="gzip"
            Lc = np.zeros((nFreq, nBlks, 2), dtype=L.dtype)
        Lc[:, :, 0] = L * nBlks / gammaincinv(nBlks, conflvl)
        Lc[:, :, 1] = L * nBlks / gammaincinv(nBlks, 1.0 - conflvl)

    # If held in memory, create output dictionary
    if not lowmem:
        output = {"L": L, "f": f}
        if nmodes > 0:
            output["P"] = P
        if conflvl:
            output["Lc"] = Lc

    # Create output save file
    if savefile:
        if lowmem:
            if "f" in output:
                del output["f"]
            output.create_dataset("f", data=f, compression="gzip")
            with h5py.File(savefile, "a") as outputfile:
                for key, value in output.items():
                    if key in outputfile:
                        del outputfile[key]
                    outputfile.create_dataset(key, data=value, compression="gzip")

    # Return either in-memory or on-disk dictionary
    return output
Exemple #41
 def test_type_match_complex128(self):
     assert (self.converter.type_match(numpy.complex128(5. + 1j)))
Exemple #42
def random_complex_nonzero(shape, eps=1e-4, rng=None):
    return np.complex128(random_nonzero(shape, eps, rng=rng))
Exemple #43
 def test_inline(self):
     a = numpy.complex128(1 + 1j)
     result = inline_tools.inline("return_val=1.0/a;", ['a'])
     assert (result == .5 - .5j)
Exemple #44
            converter = converter.vararray_type(field, converter, arraysize,

    return converter

numpy_dtype_to_field_mapping = {
    np.float64().dtype.num: 'double',
    np.float32().dtype.num: 'float',
    np.bool_().dtype.num: 'bit',
    np.uint8().dtype.num: 'unsignedByte',
    np.int16().dtype.num: 'short',
    np.int32().dtype.num: 'int',
    np.int64().dtype.num: 'long',
    np.complex64().dtype.num: 'floatComplex',
    np.complex128().dtype.num: 'doubleComplex',
    np.unicode_().dtype.num: 'unicodeChar'

numpy_dtype_to_field_mapping[np.bytes_().dtype.num] = 'char'

def _all_matching_dtype(column):
    first_dtype = False
    first_shape = ()
    for x in column:
        if not isinstance(x, np.ndarray) or len(x) == 0:

        if first_dtype is False:
            first_dtype = x.dtype
Exemple #45
 def test_list_numpy_float_complex(self):
     x = [np.float32(np.random.rand()) for i in range(5)] + \
       [np.complex128(np.random.rand()+1j*np.random.rand()) for i in range(5)]
     x_rec = self.encode_decode(x)
     assert_array_equal(x, x_rec)
     assert_array_equal([type(e) for e in x], [type(e) for e in x_rec])
Exemple #46
 def test_complex64(self):
     s = readsav(path.join(DATA_PATH, 'scalar_complex64.sav'), verbose=False)
     assert_identical(s.c64, np.complex128(1.1987253647623157e+112-5.1987258887729157e+307j))
Exemple #47
 def zpaxz(self, z, a, x):
     arr_size = x.size
     WGS, WGS_tot = self.get_wgs(arr_size)
     self._zpaxz_c2c_knl(self.queue, (WGS_tot, ), (WGS, ), np.complex128(a),
                         x.data, z.data, np.uint32(arr_size)).wait()
Exemple #48
 def test_pointers(self):
     s = readsav(path.join(DATA_PATH, 'scalar_heap_pointer.sav'), verbose=False)
     assert_identical(s.c64_pointer1, np.complex128(1.1987253647623157e+112-5.1987258887729157e+307j))
     assert_identical(s.c64_pointer2, np.complex128(1.1987253647623157e+112-5.1987258887729157e+307j))
     assert_true(s.c64_pointer1 is s.c64_pointer2)
Exemple #49
    def __init__(
        """Generic component based on Precomputed Alms

        Load a set of Alms from a FITS file and generate maps at the requested
        resolution and frequency assuming the CMB black body spectrum.
        A single set of Alms is used for all frequencies requested by PySM,
        consider that PySM expects the output of components to be in uK_RJ.

        See more details at https://so-pysm-models.readthedocs.io/en/latest/so_pysm_models/models.html

        filename : string
            Path to the input Alms in FITS format
        input_units : string
            Input unit strings as defined by pysm.convert_units, e.g. K_CMB, uK_RJ, MJysr
        input_reference_frequency_GHz : float
            If input units are K_RJ or Jysr, the reference frequency
        nside : int
            HEALPix NSIDE of the output maps
        precompute_output_map : bool
            If True (default), Alms are transformed into a map in the constructor,
            if False, the object only stores the Alms and generate the map at each
            call of the signal method, this is useful to generate maps convolved
            with different beams
        has_polarization : bool
            whether or not to simulate also polarization maps
            Default: True
        pixel_indices : ndarray of ints
            Output a partial maps given HEALPix pixel indices in RING ordering

        self.nside = nside
        self.shape = target_shape
        self.wcs = target_wcs
        self.filename = filename
        self.input_units = input_units
        if not input_units.endswith(
                "CMB") and input_reference_frequency_GHz is None:
            raise Exception(
                "If the input maps are in not in K_CMB, you need to specify `input_reference_frequency_GHz`"
        self.input_reference_frequency_GHz = input_reference_frequency_GHz
        self.pixel_indices = pixel_indices
        self.has_polarization = has_polarization

        alm = np.complex128(
                        hdu=(1, 2, 3) if self.has_polarization else 1))

        if precompute_output_map:
            self.output_map = self.compute_output_map(alm)
            self.alm = alm
Exemple #50
    def testJSONSerialize(self):
        provider = JsonSerializeProvider()

        node2 = Node2(a=[['ss'], ['dd']], data=[3, 7, 212])
        node1 = Node1(a='test1',
                      cl1=1 + 2j,
                      cl2=2.5 + 3.1j,
                      g=Node2(a=[['1', '2'], ['3', '4']]),
                      h=[[2, 3], node2, True, {
                          1: node2
                         np.timedelta64(1, 'D'),
                         np.complex64(1 + 2j),
                         np.complex128(2 + 3j)],
                      i=[Node8(b1=111), Node8(b1=222)])
        node3 = Node3(value=node1)

        serials = serializes(provider, [node2, node3])
        serials = [
            json.loads(json.dumps(s), object_hook=OrderedDict) for s in serials
        d_node2, d_node3 = deserializes(provider, [Node2, Node3], serials)

        self.assertIsNot(node2, d_node2)
        self.assertEqual(node2.a, d_node2.a)
        self.assertEqual(node2.data, d_node2.data)

        self.assertIsNot(node3, d_node3)
        self.assertIsInstance(d_node3.value, Node8)
        self.assertIsNot(node3.value, d_node3.value)
        self.assertEqual(node3.value.a, d_node3.value.a)
        self.assertEqual(node3.value.b1, d_node3.value.b1)
        self.assertEqual(node3.value.b2, d_node3.value.b2)
        self.assertEqual(node3.value.b3, d_node3.value.b3)
        self.assertEqual(node3.value.b4, d_node3.value.b4)
        self.assertEqual(node3.value.c1, d_node3.value.c1)
        self.assertEqual(node3.value.c2, d_node3.value.c2)
        self.assertEqual(node3.value.c3, d_node3.value.c3)
        self.assertEqual(node3.value.c4, d_node3.value.c4)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(node3.value.d1, d_node3.value.d1, places=2)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(node3.value.d2, d_node3.value.d2, places=4)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(node3.value.d3, d_node3.value.d3)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(node3.value.cl1, d_node3.value.cl1)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(node3.value.cl2, d_node3.value.cl2)
        self.assertEqual(node3.value.e, d_node3.value.e)
        self.assertIsNot(node3.value.f, d_node3.value.f)
        self.assertEqual(node3.value.f.a, d_node3.value.f.a)
        self.assertIsNot(node3.value.g, d_node3.value.g)
        self.assertEqual(node3.value.g.a, d_node3.value.g.a)
        self.assertEqual(node3.value.h[0], d_node3.value.h[0])
        self.assertNotIsInstance(d_node3.value.h[1], six.string_types)
        self.assertIs(d_node3.value.h[1], d_node3.value.f)
        self.assertEqual(node3.value.h[2], True)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(node3.value.h[6], d_node3.value.h[6])
        self.assertAlmostEqual(node3.value.h[7], d_node3.value.h[7])
        self.assertEqual([n.b1 for n in node3.value.i],
                         [n.b1 for n in d_node3.value.i])
        self.assertIsInstance(d_node3.value.i[0], Node8)

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            serializes(provider, [Node3(value='sth else')])
Exemple #51
I = np.zeros((M, M))

print "SpatialOrbitals: ", M
w = 1.0
a = np.sqrt(w)
r = sp.Symbol('r')

for j in range(0, M):
    nj, mj = indexMapSpinFree[j]
    R_njmj = R_nm(int(nj), int(mj), r)
    N_njmj = N(int(nj), int(mj))
    for k in range(j, M):
        nk, mk = indexMapSpinFree[k]
        R_nkmk = R_nm(int(nk), int(mk), r)
        N_nkmk = N(int(nk), int(mk))
        theta_int = a**2 * np.complex128(theta_integral2(int(mj), int(mk)))
        if (abs(mk - mj) != 1):
            R_integral = sp.integrate(
                R_njmj * R_nkmk * r**2,
                (r, 0, sp.oo))  #One r from r dr dt, and one from r |cost|
        Integral = N_nkmk * N_njmj * float(R_integral) * theta_int.real
        I[j, k] = Integral
        I[k, j] = Integral

#Assemble H = [H_{jk}]
H = np.zeros((M, M))
R = 2.0
for j in range(0, M):
    nj, mj = indexMapSpinFree[j]
    eps_j = 2.0 * nj + abs(mj) + 1.0
    H[j, j] = eps_j + (1.0 / 8.0) * w**2 * R**2
Exemple #52
import numpy as np

c16 = np.complex128()
f8 = np.float64()
i8 = np.int64()
u8 = np.uint64()

c8 = np.complex64()
f4 = np.float32()
i4 = np.int32()
u4 = np.uint32()

dt = np.datetime64(0, "D")
td = np.timedelta64(0, "D")

b_ = np.bool_()

b = bool()
c = complex()
f = float()
i = int()

AR = np.array([0], dtype=np.int64)

SEQ = (0, 1, 2, 3, 4)

# Time structures

dt > dt
Exemple #53
    def testJSONSerialize(self):
        provider = JsonSerializeProvider()

        node2 = Node2(a=[['ss'], ['dd']], data=[3, 7, 212])
        node1 = Node1(a='test1',
                      b1=2, b2=2000, b3=5000, b4=500000,
                      c1=2, c2=2000, c3=5000, c4=500000,
                      d1=2.5, d2=7.37, d3=5.976321,
                      cl1=1+2j, cl2=2.5+3.1j,
                      g=Node2(a=[['1', '2'], ['3', '4']]),
                      h=[[2, 3], node2, True, {1: node2}, np.datetime64('1066-10-13'),
                         np.timedelta64(1, 'D'), np.complex64(1+2j), np.complex128(2+3j),
                         lambda x: x + 2, pytz.timezone('Asia/Shanghai'),
                         pd.arrays.IntervalArray([pd.Interval(0, 1), pd.Interval(1, 5)])],
                      i=[Node8(b1=111), Node8(b1=222)],
                      j=Node2(a=[['u'], ['v']]),
                      k=[Node5(a='uvw'), Node8(b1=222, j=Node5(a='xyz')), None],
                      l=lambda x: x + 1,
                      n=pd.arrays.IntervalArray([pd.Interval(0, 1), pd.Interval(1, 5)]))
        node3 = Node3(value=node1)

        serials = serializes(provider, [node2, node3])
        serials = [json.loads(json.dumps(s), object_hook=OrderedDict) for s in serials]
        d_node2, d_node3 = deserializes(provider, [Node2, Node3], serials)

        self.assertIsNot(node2, d_node2)
        self.assertEqual(node2.a, d_node2.a)
        self.assertEqual(node2.data, d_node2.data)

        self.assertIsNot(node3, d_node3)
        self.assertIsInstance(d_node3.value, Node8)
        self.assertIsNot(node3.value, d_node3.value)
        self.assertEqual(node3.value.a, d_node3.value.a)
        self.assertEqual(node3.value.b1, d_node3.value.b1)
        self.assertEqual(node3.value.b2, d_node3.value.b2)
        self.assertEqual(node3.value.b3, d_node3.value.b3)
        self.assertEqual(node3.value.b4, d_node3.value.b4)
        self.assertEqual(node3.value.c1, d_node3.value.c1)
        self.assertEqual(node3.value.c2, d_node3.value.c2)
        self.assertEqual(node3.value.c3, d_node3.value.c3)
        self.assertEqual(node3.value.c4, d_node3.value.c4)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(node3.value.d1, d_node3.value.d1, places=2)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(node3.value.d2, d_node3.value.d2, places=4)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(node3.value.d3, d_node3.value.d3)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(node3.value.cl1, d_node3.value.cl1)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(node3.value.cl2, d_node3.value.cl2)
        self.assertEqual(node3.value.e, d_node3.value.e)
        self.assertIsNot(node3.value.f1, d_node3.value.f1)
        self.assertEqual(node3.value.f1.a, d_node3.value.f1.a)
        self.assertIsNot(node3.value.f2, d_node3.value.f2)
        self.assertEqual(node3.value.f2.a, d_node3.value.f2.a)
        self.assertIsNot(node3.value.g, d_node3.value.g)
        self.assertEqual(node3.value.g.a, d_node3.value.g.a)
        self.assertEqual(node3.value.h[0], d_node3.value.h[0])
        self.assertNotIsInstance(d_node3.value.h[1], str)
        self.assertIs(d_node3.value.h[1], d_node3.value.f1)
        self.assertEqual(node3.value.h[2], True)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(node3.value.h[6], d_node3.value.h[6])
        self.assertAlmostEqual(node3.value.h[7], d_node3.value.h[7])
        self.assertEqual(node3.value.h[8](2), 4)
        self.assertEqual(node3.value.h[9], d_node3.value.h[9])
        np.testing.assert_array_equal(node3.value.h[10], d_node3.value.h[10])
        self.assertEqual([n.b1 for n in node3.value.i], [n.b1 for n in d_node3.value.i])
        self.assertIsInstance(d_node3.value.i[0], Node8)
        self.assertIsInstance(d_node3.value.j, Node2)
        self.assertEqual(node3.value.j.a, d_node3.value.j.a)
        self.assertIsInstance(d_node3.value.k[0], Node5)
        self.assertEqual(node3.value.k[0].a, d_node3.value.k[0].a)
        self.assertIsInstance(d_node3.value.k[1], Node8)
        self.assertEqual(node3.value.k[1].b1, d_node3.value.k[1].b1)
        self.assertIsInstance(d_node3.value.k[1].j, Node5)
        self.assertEqual(node3.value.k[1].j.a, d_node3.value.k[1].j.a)
        self.assertEqual(d_node3.value.l(1), 2)
        self.assertEqual(d_node3.value.m, node3.value.m)
        np.testing.assert_array_equal(d_node3.value.n, node3.value.n)

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            serializes(provider, [Node3(value='sth else')])
Exemple #54
def dot(x_gpu, y_gpu, transa='N', transb='N', handle=None, target=None):
    Dot product of two arrays.

    For 1D arrays, this function computes the inner product. For 2D
    arrays of shapes `(m, k)` and `(k, n)`, it computes the matrix
    product; the result has shape `(m, n)`.

    x_gpu : pycuda.gpuarray.GPUArray
        Input array.
    y_gpu : pycuda.gpuarray.GPUArray
        Input array.
    transa : char
        If 'T', compute the product of the transpose of `x_gpu`.
        If 'C', compute the product of the Hermitian of `x_gpu`.
    transb : char
        If 'T', compute the product of the transpose of `y_gpu`.
        If 'C', compute the product of the Hermitian of `y_gpu`.
    handle : int
        CUBLAS context. If no context is specified, the default handle from
        `scikits.cuda.misc._global_cublas_handle` is used.

    c_gpu : pycuda.gpuarray.GPUArray, float{32,64}, or complex{64,128}
        Inner product of `x_gpu` and `y_gpu`. When the inputs are 1D
        arrays, the result will be returned as a scalar.

    The input matrices must all contain elements of the same data type.

    >>> import pycuda.gpuarray as gpuarray
    >>> import pycuda.autoinit
    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> import linalg
    >>> import misc
    >>> linalg.init()
    >>> a = np.asarray(np.random.rand(4, 2), np.float32)
    >>> b = np.asarray(np.random.rand(2, 2), np.float32)
    >>> a_gpu = gpuarray.to_gpu(a)
    >>> b_gpu = gpuarray.to_gpu(b)
    >>> c_gpu = linalg.dot(a_gpu, b_gpu)
    >>> np.allclose(np.dot(a, b), c_gpu.get())
    >>> d = np.asarray(np.random.rand(5), np.float32)
    >>> e = np.asarray(np.random.rand(5), np.float32)
    >>> d_gpu = gpuarray.to_gpu(d)
    >>> e_gpu = gpuarray.to_gpu(e)
    >>> f = linalg.dot(d_gpu, e_gpu)
    >>> np.allclose(np.dot(d, e), f)


    if handle is None:
        handle = _global_cublas_handle

    if len(x_gpu.shape) == 1 and len(y_gpu.shape) == 1:

        if x_gpu.size != y_gpu.size:
            raise ValueError('arrays must be of same length')

        # Compute inner product for 1D arrays:
        if (x_gpu.dtype == np.complex64 and y_gpu.dtype == np.complex64):
            cublas_func = cublas.cublasCdotu
        elif (x_gpu.dtype == np.float32 and y_gpu.dtype == np.float32):
            cublas_func = cublas.cublasSdot
        elif (x_gpu.dtype == np.complex128 and y_gpu.dtype == np.complex128):
            cublas_func = cublas.cublasZdotu
        elif (x_gpu.dtype == np.float64 and y_gpu.dtype == np.float64):
            cublas_func = cublas.cublasDdot
            raise ValueError('unsupported combination of input types')

        return cublas_func(handle, x_gpu.size, x_gpu.gpudata, 1, y_gpu.gpudata,

        # Get the shapes of the arguments (accounting for the
        # possibility that one of them may only have one dimension):
        x_shape = x_gpu.shape
        y_shape = y_gpu.shape
        if len(x_shape) == 1:
            x_shape = (1, x_shape[0])
        if len(y_shape) == 1:
            y_shape = (1, y_shape[0])

        # Perform matrix multiplication for 2D arrays:
        if (x_gpu.dtype == np.complex64 and y_gpu.dtype == np.complex64):
            cublas_func = cublas.cublasCgemm
            alpha = np.complex64(1.0)
            beta = np.complex64(0.0)
        elif (x_gpu.dtype == np.float32 and y_gpu.dtype == np.float32):
            cublas_func = cublas.cublasSgemm
            alpha = np.float32(1.0)
            beta = np.float32(0.0)
        elif (x_gpu.dtype == np.complex128 and y_gpu.dtype == np.complex128):
            cublas_func = cublas.cublasZgemm
            alpha = np.complex128(1.0)
            beta = np.complex128(0.0)
        elif (x_gpu.dtype == np.float64 and y_gpu.dtype == np.float64):
            cublas_func = cublas.cublasDgemm
            alpha = np.float64(1.0)
            beta = np.float64(0.0)
            raise ValueError('unsupported combination of input types')

        transa = lower(transa)
        transb = lower(transb)

        if transb in ['t', 'c']:
            m, k = y_shape
        elif transb in ['n']:
            k, m = y_shape
            raise ValueError('invalid value for transb')

        if transa in ['t', 'c']:
            l, n = x_shape
        elif transa in ['n']:
            n, l = x_shape
            raise ValueError('invalid value for transa')

        if l != k:
            raise ValueError('objects are not aligned')

        if transb == 'n':
            lda = max(1, m)
            lda = max(1, k)

        if transa == 'n':
            ldb = max(1, k)
            ldb = max(1, n)

        ldc = max(1, m)

        # Note that the desired shape of the output matrix is the transpose
        # of what CUBLAS assumes:

        if target is None:
            target = gpuarray.empty((n, ldc), x_gpu.dtype)

        cublas_func(handle, transb, transa, m, n, k, alpha, y_gpu.gpudata, lda,
                    x_gpu.gpudata, ldb, beta, target.gpudata, ldc)

        return target
    def click_figure(depth, x_0 = x_0, x_1 = x_1, y_0 = y_0, y_1 = y_1, _ix = _ix, _iy = _iy, \
                    init_r = init_r, init_c = init_c, base = base, p = p, my_cmap = my_cmap):
        global ix
        global iy
        global images

        ix = _ix
        iy = _iy

        x_range = x_1 - x_0
        y_range = y_1 - y_0

        f = plt.figure()
        ax = f.add_subplot(1,1,1)


        ax.imshow(mandel(0, f_str, seed = np.complex128(init_r+init_c*1j), res = (res_x,res_y),
            xrng = (x_0,x_1), yrng = (y_0,y_1), iter_max = base+int(math.log10(((float(y_range)/x_range)))**p),
            julia = jules, esc_radius = esc_radius), cmap=my_cmap)

        def on_click(event):
            global ix
            global iy
            ix, iy = pixToCoor((event.xdata, event.ydata), res_x, res_y, x_range, y_range, x_0, y_0)

            print("Zooming on (real: " + str(ix) + ", complex: " + str(iy) + ")")

        cid = f.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', on_click)


        bar = progressbar.ProgressBar(maxval=depth, \
                    widgets=[progressbar.Bar('=', '[', ']'), ' ', progressbar.Percentage(), ' ', progressbar.ETA()])

        center = (float(ix), float(iy))

        images = []
        for i in range(1, depth+1):
            x_range = x_range / float(scale)
            y_range = x_range / float(scale)
            x_0, x_1 = center[0] - (x_range / 2.0), center[0] + (x_range / 2.0)
            y_0, y_1 = center[1] - (y_range / 2.0), center[1] + (y_range / 2.0)

            # TODO: every once in a while, find brightest set of pixels in image (max pooling) and zoom in there

            data = mandel(i, f_str, seed = np.complex128(init_r+init_c*1j), res = (res_x,res_y),
                xrng = (x_0,x_1), yrng = (y_0,y_1), iter_max = base,#+int(math.log10(((4.0/float(y_range))))**p),
                julia = jules, esc_radius = esc_radius)



        input("Calculated zoom, hit any key to render.")


        fig = plt.figure()
        ax = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1)


        im = ax.imshow(images[0], cmap=my_cmap)
        def update_image(i):
            """Returns updated ax"""
            return ax

        ani = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, lambda x: update_image(x), \
                frames=np.arange(0, depth), interval=10, repeat=False)

Exemple #56
 def test_impl():
     return np.complex128(1.)
Exemple #57
reveal_type(x.itemsize)  # E: int
reveal_type(x.shape)  # E: Tuple[]
reveal_type(x.strides)  # E: Tuple[]

reveal_type(x.ndim)  # E: Literal[0]
reveal_type(x.size)  # E: Literal[1]

reveal_type(x.squeeze())  # E: {complex64}
reveal_type(x.byteswap())  # E: {complex64}
reveal_type(x.transpose())  # E: {complex64}

reveal_type(x.dtype)  # E: numpy.dtype[{complex64}]

reveal_type(np.complex64().real)  # E: {float32}
reveal_type(np.complex128().imag)  # E: {float64}

reveal_type(np.unicode_('foo'))  # E: numpy.str_
reveal_type(np.str0('foo'))  # E: numpy.str_

# Aliases
reveal_type(np.unicode_())  # E: numpy.str_
reveal_type(np.str0())  # E: numpy.str_

reveal_type(np.byte())  # E: {byte}
reveal_type(np.short())  # E: {short}
reveal_type(np.intc())  # E: {intc}
reveal_type(np.intp())  # E: {intp}
reveal_type(np.int0())  # E: {intp}
reveal_type(np.int_())  # E: {int_}
reveal_type(np.longlong())  # E: {longlong}
Exemple #58
 def test_impl():
     return np.ones((10, 10)) + np.complex128(1.)
Exemple #59
 def test_complex(self):
     s = compute_fingerprint(1j)
     self.assertEqual(s, compute_fingerprint(1+0j))
     s = compute_fingerprint(np.complex64())
     self.assertEqual(compute_fingerprint(np.complex64(2.0)), s)
     self.assertNotEqual(compute_fingerprint(np.complex128()), s)
Exemple #60
 def test_list_mixed(self):
     x = [1.0, np.float32(3.5), np.complex128(4.25), 'foo']
     x_rec = self.encode_decode(x)
     assert all(map(lambda x, y: x == y, x, x_rec)) and all(
         map(lambda x, y: type(x) == type(y), x, x_rec))