def mean_std(): activities= ['Entertainment','Cooking','Cleaning','Bathroom'] subjects = ['sub1','sub2'] dir_name = 'FullResults/' for act in activities: file1 = dir_name+'sub1/'+act+'.csv' data1 = np.genfromtxt(file1, delimiter=",") file2 = dir_name+'sub2/'+act+'.csv' data2 = np.genfromtxt(file2, delimiter=",") data = data1 + data2 data = data/2.0 row,col = data1.shape data_mean = [] data_std = [] for i in range(row): std = [] mn = [] for j in range(col): a = np.array([data1[i][j],data2[i][j]]) mn.append(np.mean(a)) std.append(np.std(a)) data_mean+=[mn] data_std+=[std] data_mean = np.array(data_mean) print data print data_mean data_std = np.array(data_std) print data_std np.savetxt(dir_name+'mean_std/'+act+'_mean.csv',data_mean,delimiter=',') np.savetxt(dir_name+'mean_std/'+act+'_std.csv',data_std,delimiter=',')
def read_all_pot(nmodes, fc_init_pot,fc_decay_pot,fc_fin_pot): R={};Vg={};Vd={};Vf={} for i in range(nmodes): R[i],Vg[i]=np.genfromtxt(fc_init_pot[i],skip_header=1,unpack=True,dtype=float) R[i],Vd[i]=np.genfromtxt(fc_decay_pot[i],skip_header=1,unpack=True,dtype=float) R[i],Vf[i]=np.genfromtxt(fc_fin_pot[i],skip_header=1,unpack=True,dtype=float) return R,Vg,Vd,Vf
def _Load_InfData_LabView(file_path): '''info from inf file ''' Cycles, dump, Frequency, LED_Voltage, dump, dump, dump, dump, DataPoints, dump = np.genfromtxt( Directory + InfFile, skip_header=20, skip_footer=22, delimiter=':', usecols=(1), autostrip=True, unpack=True) Waveform, LED_intensity = np.genfromtxt( Directory + InfFile, skip_header=31, skip_footer=20, delimiter=':', usecols=(1), dtype=None, autostrip=True, unpack=True) l = np.genfromtxt( Directory + InfFile, skip_header=36, delimiter=':', usecols=(1)) Doping = l[9] Ai = l[6] Fs = l[7] Thickness = l[12] Quad = l[12] Lin = l[12] Const = 0 Binning = int(l[2]) Reflection = (1 - l[16]) * 100 dic = locals() del dic['self'] del dic['l'] del dic['dump'] return dic
def compare(mooseCsv, nrnCsv): mooseData = None nrnData = None with open(mooseCsv, "r") as f: mooseTxt ="\n") mooseHeader, mooseData = mooseTxt[0].split(","), np.genfromtxt(mooseTxt[1:], delimiter=',').T with open(nrnCsv, "r") as f: nrnTxt ="\n") nrnHeader, nrnData = nrnTxt[0].split(','), 1e-3*np.genfromtxt(nrnTxt[1:], delimiter=',').T nrnTimeVec, nrnData = nrnData[0], nrnData[1:] mooseTimeVec, mooseData = mooseData[0], mooseData[1:] for i, comptName in enumerate(nrnHeader[1:]): if i == 1: break nrnComptName = comptName.replace("table_", "") mooseComptId, mooseComptName = get_index(nrnComptName, mooseHeader[1:]) print("%s %s- moose equivalent %s %s" % (i, nrnComptName, mooseComptId, mooseComptName)) pylab.plot(mooseTimeVec, mooseData[ mooseComptId ], label = "Neuron: " + nrnComptName) pylab.plot(nrnTimeVec, nrnData[i], label = "MOOSE: " + mooseComptName) pylab.legend(loc='best', framealpha=0.4)
def learn(tuned_parameters,model): # produceFeature(trainfile) dataset = genfromtxt(open('Data/'+trainfile,'r'), delimiter=',',dtype='f8')[0:] target = [x[0] for x in dataset] train = [x[1:] for x in dataset] # print train[1:10] # print target # print len(train) # produceFeature(testfile) test = genfromtxt(open('Data/'+testfile,'r'),delimiter=',',dtype='f8')[0:] test_target = [x[1:] for x in test] # X, y =, trainnp = np.asarray(train) targetnp = np.asarray(target) # turn the data in a (samples, feature) matrix: X, y = trainnp, targetnp # X = digits.images.reshape((n_samples, -1)) # y = # Split the dataset in two equal parts X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split( X, y, test_size=0.5, random_state=0) scores = ['precision', 'recall'] for score in scores: print("# Tuning hyper-parameters for %s" % score) print() clf = GridSearchCV(model, tuned_parameters, cv=5, scoring='%s_weighted' % score), y_train) print("Best parameters set found on development set:") print() print(clf.best_params_) print() print("Grid scores on development set:") print() for params, mean_score, scores in clf.grid_scores_: print("%0.3f (+/-%0.03f) for %r" % (mean_score, scores.std() * 2, params)) print() print("Detailed classification report:") print() print("The model is trained on the full development set.") print("The scores are computed on the full evaluation set.") print() y_true, y_pred = y_test, clf.predict(X_test) print(classification_report(y_true, y_pred)) print()
def test_run(xTrainFile, yTrainFile): X = np.genfromtxt(xTrainFile,delimiter=",") Y = np.genfromtxt(yTrainFile,delimiter=",") TEST = np.genfromtxt("/home/john/Downloads/kaggle.X1.test.txt",delimiter=",") M = X.shape[0] #maxDepth ######################## nBags = 125 rforest = [None] * nBags maxDepth = 40 nFeatures = 100 minParent = 8 for l in range(nBags): print "bags", l Xi,Yi = ml.bootstrapData(X,Y, M) rforest[l] = dtree.treeRegress() rforest[l].train(Xi,Yi,maxDepth=maxDepth) mTest = TEST.shape[0] predict = np.zeros( (mTest, nBags) ) for i in range(nBags): predict[:,i] = rforest[i].predict(TEST).T[0] predict = predict[:,0] _write_to_kaggle("treebag.csv",predict)
def setUp(self): """ """ # Read initial dataset filename = os.path.join(self.BASE_DATA_PATH, 'completeness_test_cat.csv') test_data = np.genfromtxt(filename, delimiter=',', skip_header=1) # Create the catalogue A self.catalogueA = Catalogue.make_from_dict( {'year': test_data[:,3], 'magnitude': test_data[:,17]}) # Read initial dataset filename = os.path.join(self.BASE_DATA_PATH, 'recurrence_test_cat_B.csv') test_data = np.genfromtxt(filename, delimiter=',', skip_header=1) # Create the catalogue A self.catalogueB = Catalogue.make_from_dict( {'year': test_data[:,3], 'magnitude': test_data[:,17]}) # Read the verification table A filename = os.path.join(self.BASE_DATA_PATH, 'recurrence_table_test_A.csv') self.true_tableA = np.genfromtxt(filename, delimiter = ',') # Read the verification table A filename = os.path.join(self.BASE_DATA_PATH, 'recurrence_table_test_B.csv') self.true_tableB = np.genfromtxt(filename, delimiter = ',')
def spin_stiffness(h,vector=np.array([0.,0.,1.]), qrange = None,atoms = None): """ Calculates the spin stiffness by performing a set of selfconsistent calculations""" from copy import deepcopy if qrange == None: qrange = np.arange(0.01,2.,0.02) feq = open("EnergyVSq.OUT","w") feq.write("# qx qy qz Energy\n") for q in qrange: # loop over qvectors hi = deepcopy(h) # copy the hamiltonian hi.generate_spin_spiral(vector=vector,angle=q,atoms=atoms) # generate spin spiral in the hamiltonian hi.write(output_file="") # write te hamiltonian os.system("tb90.x") # run the calculation try: energy = np.genfromtxt("ENERGY.OUT").transpose()[0][-1] # last energy except: # only one iteration energy = np.genfromtxt("ENERGY.OUT")[0] # last energy iq = vector*q feq.write(str(iq[0])+" ") feq.write(str(iq[1])+" ") feq.write(str(iq[2])+" ") feq.write(str(energy)+"\n") # write in file feq.close()
def wide_dataset_large(): print("Reading in Arcene training data for binomial modeling.") trainDataResponse = np.genfromtxt(pyunit_utils.locate("smalldata/arcene/arcene_train_labels.labels"), delimiter=' ') trainDataResponse = np.where(trainDataResponse == -1, 0, 1) trainDataFeatures = np.genfromtxt(pyunit_utils.locate("smalldata/arcene/"), delimiter=' ') xtrain = np.transpose(trainDataFeatures).tolist() ytrain = trainDataResponse.tolist() trainData = h2o.H2OFrame.fromPython([ytrain]+xtrain) trainData[0] = trainData[0].asfactor() print("Run model on 3250 columns of Arcene with strong rules off.") model = H2OGeneralizedLinearEstimator(family="binomial", lambda_search=False, alpha=1) model.train(x=range(1,3250), y=0, training_frame=trainData) print("Test model on validation set.") validDataResponse = np.genfromtxt(pyunit_utils.locate("smalldata/arcene/arcene_valid_labels.labels"), delimiter=' ') validDataResponse = np.where(validDataResponse == -1, 0, 1) validDataFeatures = np.genfromtxt(pyunit_utils.locate("smalldata/arcene/"), delimiter=' ') xvalid = np.transpose(validDataFeatures).tolist() yvalid = validDataResponse.tolist() validData = h2o.H2OFrame.fromPython([yvalid]+xvalid) prediction = model.predict(validData) print("Check performance of predictions.") performance = model.model_performance(validData) print("Check that prediction AUC better than guessing (0.5).") assert performance.auc() > 0.5, "predictions should be better then pure chance"
def imp(*args): global pathname global filename global first tmp= [] tmp Tk().withdraw() # we don't want a full GUI, so keep the root window from appearing filename = askopenfilename() # show an "Open" dialog box and return the path to the selected file pathname = filename.rsplit(".", 1)[0] if filename.split(".")[-1] == "wfm": os.system('c:/temp/ConvertTekWfm \"' + filename + '\" /CSV c:/temp/temp.csv') tmp = genfromtxt('c:/temp/temp.csv', delimiter=',') return import_tek(tmp) if filename.split(".")[-1] == "csv": f = open(filename, 'r') first = f.readline().split(",")[0] f.close() tmp = genfromtxt(filename, delimiter=',') print first if first == '"Record Length"': return import_tek(tmp) else: a = 5
def make_dtopo(): ''' Make geoclaw dtopo file ''' from numpy import genfromtxt,zeros #Run params f='/Users/dmelgarm/Research/Slip_Inv/tohoku_tsunami/' stafile='tohoku.sta' dlon=0.033333 dlat=0.033333 dt=5 stat_or_dyn='s' #Get station list sta=genfromtxt(f+'data/station_info/'+stafile,usecols=0,dtype='S4') s=genfromtxt(f+'data/station_info/'+stafile,usecols=[1,2]) lon=s[:,0] lat=s[:,1] if stat_or_dyn.lower()=='s': n=zeros(len(sta)) e=n.copy() u=n.copy() for ksta in range(len(sta)): print ksta neu=genfromtxt(f+'output/forward_models/'+str(sta[ksta])+'.static.neu') n[ksta]=neu[0] e[ksta]=neu[1] u[ksta]=neu[2] print neu[2]
def load_lexicons(): """ This function loads in Harvard's postivie/negative word lexicons. """ positive_words = np.genfromtxt('Positive_&_Negative_Words.csv', skip_header = 1, usecols = (0, ), delimiter = ',', dtype = 'str') negative_words = np.genfromtxt('Positive_&_Negative_Words.csv', skip_header = 1, usecols = (1, ), delimiter = ',', dtype = 'str') return positive_words, negative_words
def test_dtype_with_object(self): "Test using an explicit dtype with an object" from datetime import date import time data = """ 1; 2001-01-01 2; 2002-01-31 """ ndtype = [('idx', int), ('code', np.object)] func = lambda s: strptime(s.strip(), "%Y-%m-%d") converters = {1: func} test = np.genfromtxt(StringIO.StringIO(data), delimiter=";", dtype=ndtype, converters=converters) control = np.array([(1, datetime(2001,1,1)), (2, datetime(2002,1,31))], dtype=ndtype) assert_equal(test, control) # ndtype = [('nest', [('idx', int), ('code', np.object)])] try: test = np.genfromtxt(StringIO.StringIO(data), delimiter=";", dtype=ndtype, converters=converters) except NotImplementedError: pass else: errmsg = "Nested dtype involving objects should be supported." raise AssertionError(errmsg)
def RunNBCShogun(q): totalTimer = Timer() Log.Info("Loading dataset", self.verbose) try: # Load train and test dataset. trainData = np.genfromtxt(self.dataset[0], delimiter=',') testData = np.genfromtxt(self.dataset[1], delimiter=',') # Labels are the last row of the training set. labels = MulticlassLabels(trainData[:, (trainData.shape[1] - 1)]) with totalTimer: # Transform into features. trainFeat = RealFeatures(trainData[:,:-1].T) testFeat = RealFeatures(testData.T) # Create and train the classifier. nbc = GaussianNaiveBayes(trainFeat, labels) nbc.train() # Run Naive Bayes Classifier on the test dataset. nbc.apply(testFeat).get_labels() except Exception as e: q.put(-1) return -1 time = totalTimer.ElapsedTime() q.put(time) return time
def read(input_file="POSITIONS.OUT"): """ Reads a geometry """ m = np.genfromtxt(input_file).transpose() g = geometry() # cretae geometry g.dimensionality = 0 g.x = m[0] g.y = m[1] g.x = g.x - sum(g.x)/len(g.x) # normalize g.y = g.y - sum(g.y)/len(g.y) # normalize g.z = m[2] g.xyz2r() # create r coordinates try: lat = np.genfromtxt("LATTICE.OUT") # read lattice except: lat = None try: # two dimensional g.a1 = np.array([lat[0,0],lat[0,1],0.0]) g.a2 = np.array([lat[1,0],lat[1,1],0.0]) g.dimensionality=2 return g except: pass try: g.celldis = lat g.dimensionality = 1 return g except: pass g.dimensionality = 0 return g
def RunExp(StrModel:str, Param:str, FeaUsed:list, DataPath:str, Label:str, StrMeasure:str, std:bool = False, N:int = 0): Data = np.genfromtxt(DataPath + Label, delimiter = ',', dtype = int) Data = Data[:, np.newaxis] for f in FeaUsed: T = (np.genfromtxt(DataPath + Features[f], delimiter = ',' , dtype = float)) if len(T.shape) < 2: T = T[:, np.newaxis] Data = np.concatenate((Data, T), axis = 1) if N > 0: Data = Data[:N, :] Lbl = Data[:, 0] Fea = Data[:,1:] if std: scaler = preprocessing.StandardScaler() Fea = scaler.fit_transform(Fea) Model = base.clone(Models[StrModel]) SetParam(Model, Param), Lbl) Pred = Model.predict(Fea) st = Measures[StrMeasure](Lbl, Pred) sv = cross_validation.cross_val_score(base.clone(Models[StrModel]), Fea, Lbl, metrics.make_scorer(Measures[StrMeasure]), cv = 5, n_jobs = 5) return st, np.mean(sv)
def main(): trainset = np.genfromtxt(open('train.csv','r'), delimiter=',')[1:] X = np.array([x[1:8] for x in trainset]) y = np.array([x[8] for x in trainset]) #print X,y import math for i, x in enumerate(X): for j, xx in enumerate(x): if(math.isnan(xx)): X[i][j] = 26.6 testset = np.genfromtxt(open('test.csv','r'), delimiter = ',')[1:] test = np.array([x[1:8] for x in testset]) for i, x in enumerate(test): for j, xx in enumerate(x): if(math.isnan(xx)): test[i][j] = 26.6 X, test = decomposition_pca(X, test) bdt = AdaBoostClassifier(base_estimator = KNeighborsClassifier(n_neighbors=20, algorithm = 'auto'), algorithm="SAMME", n_estimators = 200), y) print 'PassengerId,Survived' for i, t in enumerate(test): print '%d,%d' % (i + 892, int(bdt.predict(t)[0]))
def load_nanoZInFolder(dirname): #function that loads all the nanoZ measurements in a folder. #returns a list of the names of the txt files. #make sure there was an input directory, otherwise use a default one if not dirname: dirname = '/Users/danieljdenman/Academics/allen/BlancheLab/electrodeMeasurements/imec/data/impTesting_r37_stability/' #go through each file in the folder, open it, determine if it is nanoZ data #allow the user to skip, force load, or abort loading altogether nms=[]; rL=[] for file_name in os.listdir(dirname): fullPath = dirname+file_name; tmp = np.genfromtxt(fullPath,skip_header=3,skip_footer=1,filling_values = '-1',invalid_raise=False,usecols=(1,2)) #if no exception (or user forces), put this file in the tuple of open files #and the name of this file in the list of filenames that corresponds to the tuple. if not tmp.any(): print "------------------------------------------------" print "found a bad one!: "+fullPath print "------------------------------------------------" else: rL.append(np.genfromtxt(fullPath,skip_header=3,skip_footer=1,filling_values = '-1',invalid_raise=False, usecols=(1,2))) nms.append(file_name) return [nms,rL]
def wide_dataset_large(): print("Reading in Arcene training data for binomial modeling.") trainDataResponse = np.genfromtxt(tests.locate("smalldata/arcene/arcene_train_labels.labels"), delimiter=' ') trainDataResponse = np.where(trainDataResponse == -1, 0, 1) trainDataFeatures = np.genfromtxt(tests.locate("smalldata/arcene/"), delimiter=' ') trainData = h2o.H2OFrame(np.column_stack((trainDataResponse, trainDataFeatures)).tolist()) print("Run model on 3250 columns of Arcene with strong rules off.") model = h2o.glm(x=trainData[1:3250], y=trainData[0].asfactor(), family="binomial", lambda_search=False, alpha=[1]) print("Test model on validation set.") validDataResponse = np.genfromtxt(tests.locate("smalldata/arcene/arcene_valid_labels.labels"), delimiter=' ') validDataResponse = np.where(validDataResponse == -1, 0, 1) validDataFeatures = np.genfromtxt(tests.locate("smalldata/arcene/"), delimiter=' ') validData = h2o.H2OFrame(np.column_stack((validDataResponse, validDataFeatures)).tolist()) prediction = model.predict(validData) print("Check performance of predictions.") performance = model.model_performance(validData) print("Check that prediction AUC better than guessing (0.5).") assert performance.auc() > 0.5, "predictions should be better then pure chance"
def loadTables(self, filesDir, varianceTbl = True): """ Read in and store in dictionary the IGM Lookup Tables that contain IGM transmission for a given redshift and must be formatted in two columns: (wavelength (nm), IGM Transmission %) or for variance (wavelength (nm), IGM Transmission % Variance). Variance tables are not required and can be turned off as a requirement. Names in directory formatted as 'MeanLookupTable_zSourceX.X.tbl' or 'VarLookupTable_zSourceX.X.tbl' where X.X is the redshift of the given lookup table. @param [in] filesDir is the location of the directory where lookup table are stored @param [in] varianceTbl is a boolean that is True if variance tables are present in dir for loading. """ self.meanLookups = {} self.varLookups = {} for zValue in self.zRange: self.meanLookups['%.1f' % zValue] = np.genfromtxt(str(filesDir + '/MeanLookupTable_zSource' + '%.1f' % zValue + '.tbl.gz')) if varianceTbl == True: try: self.varLookups['%.1f' % zValue] = np.genfromtxt(str(filesDir + '/VarLookupTable_zSource' + '%.1f' % zValue + '.tbl.gz')) except IOError: raise IOError("Cannot find variance tables.") self.tablesPresent = True
def cvalidate(): from sklearn import cross_validation trainset = np.genfromtxt(open('train','r'), delimiter=' ') targetset = np.genfromtxt(open('target','r'), delimiter=' ') X = np.array([x[0:64] for x in trainset]) y = np.array([x for x in targetset]) #print X,y X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = cross_validation.train_test_split(X, y, test_size = 0.3, random_state = 0) #X_train, X_test = decomposition_pca(X_train, X_test) X_train, X_test = decomposition_pca(X_train, X_test) c_range = 10.0 ** np.arange(6.5,7.5,1) gamma_range = 10.0 ** np.arange(-2.5,0.5,1) #parameters = {'kernel':['rbf'], 'C':c_range} parameters = {'kernel':['rbf'], 'C':c_range, 'gamma':gamma_range} svr = SVC(kernel = 'rbf', C = 0.72, gamma = 0.299) #clf = grid_search.GridSearchCV(svr, parameters) #print clf.estimator ##clf = Pipeline([('scale', Scaler()), ('svm', SVC())]), y_train) print svr.score(X_test, y_test)
def RunQDAShogun(q): totalTimer = Timer() Log.Info("Loading dataset", self.verbose) try: # Load train and test dataset. trainData = np.genfromtxt(self.dataset[0], delimiter=',') trainFeat = modshogun.RealFeatures(trainData[:,:-1].T) if len(self.dataset) == 2: testSet = np.genfromtxt(self.dataset[1], delimiter=',') testFeat = modshogun.RealFeatures(testData.T) # Labels are the last row of the training set. labels = modshogun.MulticlassLabels(trainData[:, (trainData.shape[1] - 1)]) with totalTimer: model = modshogun.QDA(trainFeat, labels) model.train() if len(self.dataset) == 2: model.apply(testFeat).get_labels() except Exception as e: q.put(-1) return -1 time = totalTimer.ElapsedTime() q.put(time) return time
def plotme(typeid,num,h): yMax = '6' cuibmFolder = '/scratch/src/cuIBM' caseFolder = cuibmFolder + '/validation/error/cylinder/'+typeid+num validationData = cuibmFolder + '/validation-data/cylinderRe40-KL95.txt' print caseFolder+'/forces' my_data = genfromtxt(caseFolder+'/forces',dtype=float,delimiter='\t') time = [my_data[i][0] for i in xrange(1,len(my_data))] force = [my_data[i][1]*2 for i in xrange(1,len(my_data))] validation_data = genfromtxt(validationData, dtype=float, delimiter='\t') validation_time=[validation_data[i][0]*0.5 for i in xrange(1,len(validation_data))] validation_force=[validation_data[i][1] for i in xrange(1,len(validation_data))] plt.plot(validation_time,validation_force, 'o', color = 'red', markersize = 8, label = 'Koumoutsakos and Leonard, 1995') plt.plot(time,force, '-', color='blue', linewidth=2, label='Present Work') plt.title('Flow over an impulsively started cylinder at Reynolds number 40') plt.legend(loc='upper right', numpoints=1, fancybox=True) plt.xlabel('Non-dimensional time') plt.ylabel('Drag Coefficient') plt.xlim([0,3]) plt.ylim([0,int(yMax)]) plt.savefig('/scratch/src/cuIBM/validation/error/cylinder/'+typeid+h+'.pdf') plt.clf()
def load(self): # load data values = [] if verbose: print() if verbose: print("visualization: loading chains ...") f = "prob-chain0.dump" if not os.path.exists(f): raise Exception("visualization: chains not available yet.") try: # I think the first column is the probabilities, the second is without prior probabilities = numpy.genfromtxt(f, skip_footer=1, dtype='f')[:,0] except Exception as e: raise Exception("visualization: chains couldn't be loaded; perhaps no data yet: " + str(e)) for p in self.params: f = "%s-chain-0.prob.dump" % p['name'] if verbose: print(" loading chain %s" % f) if not os.path.exists(f): raise Exception("visualization: chains not available yet.") try: v = numpy.genfromtxt(f, skip_footer=1, dtype='f') except Exception as e: raise Exception("visualization: chains couldn't be loaded; perhaps no data yet: " + str(e)) values.append(v) nvalues = min(map(len, values)) if verbose: print("visualization: loading chains finished; %d values" % nvalues) self.values = [v[:nvalues][-self.nlast::nevery] for v in values] self.probabilities = probabilities[:nvalues][-self.nlast::nevery]
def read_gf_from_txt(block_txtfiles, block_name): """ Read a GfReFreq from text files with the format (w, Re(G), Im(G)) for a single block. Notes ----- A BlockGf must be constructed from multiple GfReFreq objects if desired. The mesh must be the same for all files read in. Non-uniform meshes are not supported. Parameters ---------- block_txtfiles: Rank 2 square np.array(str) or list[list[str]] The text files containing the GF data that need to read for the block. e.g. [['up_eg1.dat']] for a one-dimensional block and [['up_eg1_1.dat','up_eg2_1.dat'], ['up_eg1_2.dat','up_eg2_2.dat']] for a 2x2 block. block_name: str Name of the block. Returns ------- g: GfReFreq The real frequency Green's function read in. """ block_txtfiles = np.array(block_txtfiles) # Must be an array to use certain functions N1,N2 = block_txtfiles.shape mesh = np.genfromtxt(block_txtfiles[0,0],usecols=[0]) # Mesh needs to be the same for all blocks g = GfReFreq(indices=range(N1),window=(np.min(mesh),np.max(mesh)),n_points=len(mesh),name=block_name) for i,j in product(range(N1),range(N2)): data = np.genfromtxt(block_txtfiles[i,j],usecols=[1,2])[:,i,j] = data[:,0] + 1j*data[:,1] return g
def main(): print "Solve small matrix..." R = array([0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2]) C = array([0, 1, 0, 1, 2, 1, 2]) V = array([4.0, -1.0, -1.0, 4.0, -1.0, -1.0, 4.0]) b = array([3.0, 2.0, 3.0]) A = coo_matrix((V, (R, C)), shape=(3, 3)) # convert to csr format for efficiency x = spsolve(A.tocsr(), b) print "x = ", x print "Solve psd matrix..." # skip the first row (n, nnz) A = numpy.genfromtxt('../data/psd.txt', skiprows=1) b = numpy.genfromtxt('../data/b.txt') coo = coo_matrix((A[:, 2], (A[:, 0], A[:, 1]))) x = spsolve(coo.tocsr(), b) print 'x = ', x print "Solve big matrix..." A = numpy.genfromtxt('../data/mat_helmholtz.txt', skiprows=1) coo = coo_matrix((A[:, 2], (A[:, 0], A[:, 1]))) n = coo.shape[0] b = numpy.ones(n) x = spsolve(coo.tocsr(), b) print 'x = ', x
def load_hop(s, hop=hop_script_path): """ Loads the hop catalog for the given RAMSES snapshot. If the catalog doesn't exist, it tries to run hop to create one via the '' script found in the RAMSES distribution. The hop output should be in a 'hop' directory in the base directory of the simulation. **Input**: *s* : loaded RAMSES snapshot **Optional Keywords**: *hop* : path to `` """ if s.filename[-1] == '/' : name = s.filename[-6:-1] filename = s.filename[:-13]+'hop/grp%s.pos'%name else: name = s.filename[-5:] filename = s.filename[:-12]+'hop/grp%s.pos'%name try : data = np.genfromtxt(filename,unpack=True) except IOError : import os dir = s.filename[:-12] if len(s.filename[:-12]) else './' os.system('cd %s;/home/itp/roskar/ramses/galaxy_formation/ %d;cd ..'%(dir,int(name))) data = np.genfromtxt(filename,unpack=True) return data
def co(): import numpy as np import os home = os.path.expanduser('~') band = raw_input('Select the band:') if band == 'pacs': upper, lower = 200, 54 if band == 'spire': upper, lower = 671, 200 level = np.genfromtxt(home+'/data/co_level.txt', dtype='str') ref = np.genfromtxt(home+'/data/co_ref.txt','str') for i in range(0,len(level[0:])): for j in range(0, len(ref[0:])): if ref[j,1] == level[i,0]: ref[j,0] = level[i,2] ref[j,1] = level[i,3] if ref[j,2] == level[i,0]: ref[j,2] = level[i,3] c = 2.998e8 ref[:,4] = c/ref[:,4].astype(float)/1e9*1e6 ref = ref[np.argsort(ref[:,4].astype(float))] ref_sort = ref dummy = np.copy(ref[:,0]) ref_sort[:,0],ref_sort[:,1],ref_sort[:,2],ref_sort[:,3],ref_sort[:,4] = ref[:,1],ref[:,2],ref[:,4],ref[:,3],ref[:,5] ref_sort[:,5] = dummy ind = np.where((ref_sort[:,2].astype(float) >= lower) & (ref_sort[:,2].astype(float) <= upper)) slt_trans = ref_sort[ind,:] print slt_trans print len(slt_trans[0,:,0]) foo = open(home+'/data/co_ref_sort.txt','w') np.savetxt(foo,ref_sort, fmt='%s') foo.close()
def main(options): freq_range=range(options["from"], options["to"]+1)["gt_file"], "r")["pos_file"], "r")["out_root"]+"/haps.gz", "w") out_haps_fn=[["out_root"]+"/haps.f"+str(x)+".gz", "w") for x in freq_range] out_samples=open(options["out_root"]+"/samples.txt", "w") gt=np.genfromtxt(gt_file, delimiter=1) pos=np.genfromtxt(pos_file) pos=np.floor(pos*options["chr_len"]).astype(int) gt=gt.transpose().astype(int) # This is because on some platforms the np.genfromtxt tries to import the line endings... gt=gt[range(len(pos)),] (nsnp,nind)=gt.shape ACs=np.sum(gt, axis=1) MACs=np.minimum(ACs, nind-ACs) for i in range(nsnp): out_haps.write(("\t".join(["%d"]*(nind+1))+"\n")%((pos[i],)+tuple(gt[i,]))) if MACs[i]>=options["from"] and MACs[i]<= options["to"]: idx=MACs[i]-options["from"] out_haps_fn[idx].write(("\t".join(["%d"]*(nind+1))+"\n")%((pos[i],)+tuple(gt[i,]))) for i in range(int(nind/2)): out_samples.write("SIM%d\n"%(i+1,)) for fil in [gt_file, pos_file, out_haps]+out_haps_fn: fil.close()
def get_spec(file, nfreq=300, mu=-1, nmu=10): #Read file assumed to be in the format of tlusty uni 14 file. File has lines with wavelengths and h followed by blocks with #intensities and polariztions spec=np.genfromtxt(file, skip_header=1, invalid_raise=False) wlh=np.genfromtxt(file, invalid_raise=False) spec=spec.flatten() wlh=wlh.flatten() spec=spec[::2] wl=wlh[::2] #mu is and index for the polar angle to use. -1 corresponds to returning emergent flux from the disk if mu == -1: h=wlh[1::2] spec=4*np.pi*h spec=np.vstack((wl, spec)) return spec spec=spec.reshape(( nfreq, nmu)) spec=spec[:, mu] spec=np.vstack((wl,spec)) return spec
def get_cellmap_tensors(mesh,subdomains_assigned,Domains,MRI_param,DTI_param,default_material): #Tissue_array_get=read_csv('MRI_DTI_derived_data/Tissue_array_MRI.csv', delimiter=' ', header=None) #Tissue_array=Tissue_array_get.values Tissue_array=np.load('MRI_DTI_derived_data/Tissue_array_MRI.npy') x_vect=np.genfromtxt('MRI_DTI_derived_data/x_vector_MRI_Box.csv', delimiter=' ') y_vect=np.genfromtxt('MRI_DTI_derived_data/y_vector_MRI_Box.csv', delimiter=' ') z_vect=np.genfromtxt('MRI_DTI_derived_data/z_vector_MRI_Box.csv', delimiter=' ') #DTI_array_get=read_csv('MRI_DTI_derived_data/Tensor_array_DTI.csv', delimiter=' ', header=None) #DTI_array=DTI_array_get.values DTI_array=np.load('MRI_DTI_derived_data/Tensor_array_DTI.npy') x_vect_DTI=np.genfromtxt('MRI_DTI_derived_data/x_vector_DTI_Box.csv', delimiter=' ') y_vect_DTI=np.genfromtxt('MRI_DTI_derived_data/y_vector_DTI_Box.csv', delimiter=' ') z_vect_DTI=np.genfromtxt('MRI_DTI_derived_data/z_vector_DTI_Box.csv', delimiter=' ') #[Mx_dti,My_dti,Mz_dti]=map_DTI() #voxel_array_get=read_csv('voxel_array_ROI.csv', delimiter=' ', header=None) #print voxel_array[0:3,:] '''structure of voxel array''' '''rows: x,y,z,material index''' '''first voxel has to have coordinates: 0+voxelsize_x,0+voxelsize_y,0+voxelsize_z''' '''Indeed, such a structure of the array is not optimal, since x,y,z coordinates can be simply stored in coordinate vectors''' '''Any suggestions (incl. minimal working example) will be appreciated''' '''ROUND DTI DATA!''' #[aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,x_start_DTI,y_start_DTI,z_start_DTI]=np.genfromtxt('MRI_DTI_files/DTI_misc.csv', delimiter=' ') voxel_size_x=MRI_param.x_vox_size voxel_size_y=MRI_param.y_vox_size voxel_size_z=MRI_param.z_vox_size Mx_mri=MRI_param.M_x My_mri=MRI_param.M_y Mz_mri=MRI_param.M_z voxel_size_x_DTI=DTI_param.x_vox_size voxel_size_y_DTI=DTI_param.y_vox_size voxel_size_z_DTI=DTI_param.z_vox_size Mx_dti=DTI_param.M_x My_dti=DTI_param.M_y Mz_dti=DTI_param.M_z x_vect_DTI[:]=x_vect_DTI[:]+DTI_param.x_start y_vect_DTI[:]=y_vect_DTI[:]+DTI_param.y_start z_vect_DTI[:]=z_vect_DTI[:]+DTI_param.z_start # subdomains =MeshFunctionSizet(mesh, 3, 0) subdomains = MeshFunction('size_t',mesh,3) subdomains.set_all(0) #Create mesh functions for c00, c01, c11 c00 = MeshFunction("double", mesh, 3, 1.0) c01 = MeshFunction("double", mesh, 3, 0.0) c02 = MeshFunction("double", mesh, 3, 0.0) c11 = MeshFunction("double", mesh, 3, 1.0) c12 = MeshFunction("double", mesh, 3, 0.0) c22 = MeshFunction("double", mesh, 3, 1.0) for cell in cells(mesh): x_coord=cell.midpoint().x() y_coord=cell.midpoint().y() z_coord=cell.midpoint().z() xv_mri=int(x_coord/voxel_size_x-0.000000001) #defines number of steps to get to the voxels containing x[0] coordinate yv_mri=xv_mri+(int(y_coord/voxel_size_y-0.000000001))*Mx_mri #defines number of steps to get to the voxels containing x[0] and x[1] coordinates zv_mri=yv_mri+(int(z_coord/voxel_size_z-0.000000001))*Mx_mri*My_mri #defines number of steps to get to the voxels containing x[0], x[1] and x[2] coordinates k_mri=zv_mri k_mri=int(k_mri) if k_mri>=Mx_mri*My_mri*Mz_mri or k_mri<0: k_mri=0 #cell is outside MRI data, assign first voxel of MRI, which will not fullfil the following condition, and the cell will be remain marked with 0 (default) x_vect_index=(int((x_coord)/voxel_size_x-0.000000001)) y_vect_index=(int((y_coord)/voxel_size_y-0.000000001)) z_vect_index=(int((z_coord)/voxel_size_z-0.000000001)) if x_vect_index>=Mx_mri or y_vect_index>=My_mri or z_vect_index>=Mz_mri or x_coord<0.0 or y_coord<0.0 or z_coord<0.0: x_vect_index,y_vect_index,z_vect_index=0,0,0 #cell is outside MRI data, assign first voxel of MRI, which will not fullfil the following condition, and the cell will be remain marked with 0 (default) xv_dti=int((x_coord-DTI_param.x_start)/voxel_size_x_DTI-0.00000001) yv_dti=xv_dti+(int((y_coord-DTI_param.y_start)/voxel_size_y_DTI-0.00000001))*Mx_dti zv_dti=yv_dti+(int((z_coord-DTI_param.z_start)/voxel_size_z_DTI-0.00000001))*Mx_dti*My_dti k_dti=zv_dti k_dti=int(k_dti) if k_dti>=Mx_dti*My_dti*Mz_dti or k_dti<0: k_dti=0 #cell is outside DTI data, assign first voxel of DTI, which will not fullfil the following condition, and the cell will be considered as isotropic ''' otherwise comment it out''' x_vect_DTI_index=(int((x_coord-DTI_param.x_start)/voxel_size_x_DTI-0.000000001)) y_vect_DTI_index=(int((y_coord-DTI_param.y_start)/voxel_size_y_DTI-0.000000001)) z_vect_DTI_index=(int((z_coord-DTI_param.z_start)/voxel_size_z_DTI-0.000000001)) if x_vect_DTI_index>=Mx_dti or y_vect_DTI_index>=My_dti or z_vect_DTI_index>=Mz_dti or x_coord<0.0 or y_coord<0.0 or z_coord<0.0 or z_vect_DTI_index<0 or y_vect_DTI_index<0 or x_vect_DTI_index<0: x_vect_DTI_index,y_vect_DTI_index,z_vect_DTI_index=0,0,0 #cell is outside MRI data, assign first voxel of MRI, which will not fullfil the following condition, and the cell will be remain marked with 0 (default) '''First, find it in DTI''' if round(y_vect_DTI[y_vect_DTI_index]-y_coord,8)<=voxel_size_y_DTI and round(y_vect_DTI[y_vect_DTI_index]-y_coord,8)>=0 and round(x_vect_DTI[x_vect_DTI_index]-x_coord,8)<=voxel_size_x_DTI and round(x_vect_DTI[x_vect_DTI_index]-x_coord,8)>=0 and (round(z_vect_DTI[z_vect_DTI_index]-z_coord,8)<=voxel_size_z_DTI and round(z_vect_DTI[z_vect_DTI_index]-z_coord,8)>=0): if int(Tissue_array[k_mri])==3.0 and (round(y_vect[y_vect_index]-y_coord,8)<=voxel_size_y and round(y_vect[y_vect_index]-y_coord,8)>=0 and (round(x_vect[x_vect_index]-x_coord,8)<=voxel_size_x and round(x_vect[x_vect_index]-x_coord,8)>=0) and round(z_vect[z_vect_index]-z_coord)<=voxel_size_z and round(z_vect[z_vect_index]-z_coord,8)>=0): subdomains[cell]=3 if int(Tissue_array[k_mri])==2.0 and (round(y_vect[y_vect_index]-y_coord,8)<=voxel_size_y and round(y_vect[y_vect_index]-y_coord,8)>=0 and (round(x_vect[x_vect_index]-x_coord,8)<=voxel_size_x and round(x_vect[x_vect_index]-x_coord,8)>=0) and round(z_vect[z_vect_index]-z_coord)<=voxel_size_z and round(z_vect[z_vect_index]-z_coord,8)>=0): subdomains[cell]=2 if int(Tissue_array[k_mri])==1.0 and (round(y_vect[y_vect_index]-y_coord,8)<=voxel_size_y and round(y_vect[y_vect_index]-y_coord,8)>=0 and (round(x_vect[x_vect_index]-x_coord,8)<=voxel_size_x and round(x_vect[x_vect_index]-x_coord,8)>=0) and round(z_vect[z_vect_index]-z_coord)<=voxel_size_z and round(z_vect[z_vect_index]-z_coord,8)>=0): subdomains[cell]=1 if int(Tissue_array[k_mri])==0.0 and (round(y_vect[y_vect_index]-y_coord,8)<=voxel_size_y and round(y_vect[y_vect_index]-y_coord,8)>=0 and (round(x_vect[x_vect_index]-x_coord,8)<=voxel_size_x and round(x_vect[x_vect_index]-x_coord,8)>=0) and round(z_vect[z_vect_index]-z_coord)<=voxel_size_z and round(z_vect[z_vect_index]-z_coord,8)>=0): #print "Unknown material, assigning GM marker" subdomains[cell]=int(default_material) c00[cell] = DTI_array[k_dti,0] #we don't scale tensor with cond. values, because they depend on frequency, will do it directly in EQS_function2 c01[cell] = DTI_array[k_dti,1] c02[cell] = DTI_array[k_dti,2] c11[cell] = DTI_array[k_dti,3] c12[cell] = DTI_array[k_dti,4] c22[cell] = DTI_array[k_dti,5] '''if MRI data set is not for the full computational domain, the following condition will be triggered (cell does not correspond to MRI voxel)''' if not (round(y_vect[y_vect_index]-y_coord,8)<=voxel_size_y and round(y_vect[y_vect_index]-y_coord,8)>=0 and (round(x_vect[x_vect_index]-x_coord,8)<=voxel_size_x and round(x_vect[x_vect_index]-x_coord,8)>=0) and round(z_vect[z_vect_index]-z_coord)<=voxel_size_z and round(z_vect[z_vect_index]-z_coord,8)>=0): subdomains[cell]=int(default_material) '''If DTI voxel wasn't found (we might have DTI data only for a part of MRI data)''' #else: if not(round(y_vect_DTI[y_vect_DTI_index]-y_coord,8)<=voxel_size_y_DTI and round(y_vect_DTI[y_vect_DTI_index]-y_coord,8)>=0 and round(x_vect_DTI[x_vect_DTI_index]-x_coord,8)<=voxel_size_x_DTI and round(x_vect_DTI[x_vect_DTI_index]-x_coord,8)>=0 and (round(z_vect_DTI[z_vect_DTI_index]-z_coord,8)<=voxel_size_z_DTI and round(z_vect_DTI[z_vect_DTI_index]-z_coord,8)>=0)): if int(Tissue_array[k_mri])==3.0 and (round(y_vect[y_vect_index]-y_coord,8)<=voxel_size_y and round(y_vect[y_vect_index]-y_coord,8)>=0 and (round(x_vect[x_vect_index]-x_coord,8)<=voxel_size_x and round(x_vect[x_vect_index]-x_coord,8)>=0) and round(z_vect[z_vect_index]-z_coord)<=voxel_size_z and round(z_vect[z_vect_index]-z_coord,8)>=0): subdomains[cell]=3 if int(Tissue_array[k_mri])==2.0 and (round(y_vect[y_vect_index]-y_coord,8)<=voxel_size_y and round(y_vect[y_vect_index]-y_coord,8)>=0 and (round(x_vect[x_vect_index]-x_coord,8)<=voxel_size_x and round(x_vect[x_vect_index]-x_coord,8)>=0) and round(z_vect[z_vect_index]-z_coord)<=voxel_size_z and round(z_vect[z_vect_index]-z_coord,8)>=0): subdomains[cell]=2 if int(Tissue_array[k_mri])==1.0 and (round(y_vect[y_vect_index]-y_coord,8)<=voxel_size_y and round(y_vect[y_vect_index]-y_coord,8)>=0 and (round(x_vect[x_vect_index]-x_coord,8)<=voxel_size_x and round(x_vect[x_vect_index]-x_coord,8)>=0) and round(z_vect[z_vect_index]-z_coord)<=voxel_size_z and round(z_vect[z_vect_index]-z_coord,8)>=0): subdomains[cell]=1 if int(Tissue_array[k_mri])==0.0 and (round(y_vect[y_vect_index]-y_coord,8)<=voxel_size_y and round(y_vect[y_vect_index]-y_coord,8)>=0 and (round(x_vect[x_vect_index]-x_coord,8)<=voxel_size_x and round(x_vect[x_vect_index]-x_coord,8)>=0) and round(z_vect[z_vect_index]-z_coord)<=voxel_size_z and round(z_vect[z_vect_index]-z_coord,8)>=0): subdomains[cell]=int(default_material) c00[cell] = 1.0 #no anisotropy defined for this voxel c01[cell] = 0.0 c02[cell] = 0.0 c11[cell] = 1.0 c12[cell] = 0.0 c22[cell] = 1.0 #'''if MRI data set is not for the full computational domain, the following condition will be triggered (cell does not correspond to MRI voxel)''' #if not (round(voxel_array[k_mri,1]-y_coord,8)<=voxelsize and round(voxel_array[k_mri,1]-y_coord,8)>=0) and (round(voxel_array[k_mri,0]-x_coord,8)<=voxelsize and round(voxel_array[k_mri,0]-x_coord,8)>=0) and (round(voxel_array[k_mri,2]-z_coord,8)<=voxelsize and round(voxel_array[k_mri,2]-z_coord,8)>=0): # subdomains[cell]=int(default_material) for i in range(len(Domains.Encup_index)): subdomains.array()[subdomains_assigned.array()==Domains.Encup_index[i]]=4 #mark every cell with value 3 from xml to index c00.array()[subdomains_assigned.array()==Domains.Encup_index[i]]=1.0 #no anisotropy in encap, index 3 is from xml c01.array()[subdomains_assigned.array()==Domains.Encup_index[i]]=0.0 #no anisotropy in encap c02.array()[subdomains_assigned.array()==Domains.Encup_index[i]]=0.0 #no anisotropy in encap c11.array()[subdomains_assigned.array()==Domains.Encup_index[i]]=1.0 #no anisotropy in encap c12.array()[subdomains_assigned.array()==Domains.Encup_index[i]]=0.0 #no anisotropy in encap c22.array()[subdomains_assigned.array()==Domains.Encup_index[i]]=1.0 #no anisotropy in encap if Domains.Float_contacts!=-1: if isinstance(Domains.Float_contacts,int): subdomains.array()[subdomains_assigned.array()==Domains.Float_contacts]=5 #4 is index of encap c00.array()[subdomains_assigned.array()==Domains.Float_contacts]=1.0 #no anisotropy in encap, index 3 is from xml c01.array()[subdomains_assigned.array()==Domains.Float_contacts]=0.0 #no anisotropy in encap c02.array()[subdomains_assigned.array()==Domains.Float_contacts]=0.0 #no anisotropy in encap c11.array()[subdomains_assigned.array()==Domains.Float_contacts]=1.0 #no anisotropy in encap c12.array()[subdomains_assigned.array()==Domains.Float_contacts]=0.0 #no anisotropy in encap c22.array()[subdomains_assigned.array()==Domains.Float_contacts]=1.0 #no anisotropy in encap else: for i in range(len(Domains.Float_contacts)): subdomains.array()[subdomains_assigned.array()==Domains.Float_contacts[i]]=5 c00.array()[subdomains_assigned.array()==Domains.Float_contacts[i]]=1.0 #no anisotropy in encap, index 3 is from xml c01.array()[subdomains_assigned.array()==Domains.Float_contacts[i]]=0.0 #no anisotropy in encap c02.array()[subdomains_assigned.array()==Domains.Float_contacts[i]]=0.0 #no anisotropy in encap c11.array()[subdomains_assigned.array()==Domains.Float_contacts[i]]=1.0 #no anisotropy in encap c12.array()[subdomains_assigned.array()==Domains.Float_contacts[i]]=0.0 #no anisotropy in encap c22.array()[subdomains_assigned.array()==Domains.Float_contacts[i]]=1.0 #no anisotropy in encap #subdomains.array()[subdomains_assigned.array()==3]=4 #mark every cell with value 3 from xml to index encap as 4 #here we also keep a reference to the number of elements as the mesh identifier hdf = HDF5File(mesh.mpi_comm(), 'Results_adaptive/Tensors_to_solve_num_el_'+str(mesh.num_cells())+'.h5', 'w') hdf.write(c00, "/c00") hdf.write(c01, "/c01") hdf.write(c02, "/c02") hdf.write(c11, "/c11") hdf.write(c12, "/c12") hdf.write(c22, "/c22") hdf.close() file=File('Tensors/c00_unscaled.pvd') file<<c00,mesh file=File('Tensors/c01_unscaled.pvd') file<<c01,mesh file=File('Tensors/c02_unscaled.pvd') file<<c02,mesh file=File('Tensors/c11_unscaled.pvd') file<<c11,mesh file=File('Tensors/c12_unscaled.pvd') file<<c12,mesh file=File('Tensors/c22_unscaled.pvd') file<<c22,mesh #Store to file #mesh_file = File("mesh.xml.gz") #c00_file = File("Tensors/c00.xml.gz") #c01_file = File("Tensors/c01.xml.gz") #c02_file = File("Tensors/c02.xml.gz") #c11_file = File("Tensors/c11.xml.gz") #c12_file = File("Tensors/c12.xml.gz") #c22_file = File("Tensors/c22.xml.gz") ##mesh_file << mesh #c00_file << c00 #c01_file << c01 #c02_file << c02 #c11_file << c11 #c12_file << c12 #c22_file << c22 return (subdomains) #cond, perm are cell functions and can be directly used
def read_file(file_name): return np.genfromtxt('data/' + file_name, delimiter=',')
sys.stdout.flush() # reset seed the same each sample k if (seed > 0): np.random.seed(seed) # put everything in "try", so error on one sample run won't crash whole job. But this makes it hard to debug, so may want to comment this out when debugging. # try: ###################################################################################### if model_mode == 'sensitivity': #####FLOW GENERATOR##### print(k) # read in k'th sample from sensitivity sample file sensitivity_sample = np.genfromtxt(sensitivity_sample_file, delimiter='\t', skip_header=k + 1, max_rows=1)[1:] with open(sensitivity_sample_file, 'r') as f: sensitivity_sample_names = f.readlines()[0].split('\n')[0] np.savetxt(results_folder + '/sample' + str(k) + '.txt', sensitivity_sample.reshape(1, len(sensitivity_sample)), delimiter=',', header=sensitivity_sample_names) sensitivity_sample_names = sensitivity_sample_names.split('\t')[1:] #Initialize flow input scenario based on sensitivity sample new_inputs = Inputter(base_data_file, expected_release_datafile, model_mode, results_folder, k,
subj_corrs = [] for net in nets: for hemi in ['L', 'R']: # figure out all ROIs for which to compute correlation if age=='adults': rois_fname = data_dir + '/regionsIn%d_%s.1D'%(net,hemi) else: rois_fname = data_dir + '/regionsIn%d_%s.1D'%(net,hemi) fid = open(rois_fname, 'r') rois = [line.rstrip() for line in fid] fid.close() # calculate the pairwise correlations within the network net_dir = data_dir + '/net%d/'%net for rcomb in itertools.combinations(rois,2): seed1 = np.genfromtxt('%s/%s_%sin%d.1D'%(net_dir,subj,rcomb[0],net)) seed2 = np.genfromtxt('%s/%s_%sin%d.1D'%(net_dir,subj,rcomb[1],net)) # if there were problems creating the seed average if len(seed1)==0 or len(seed2)==0: val = np.nan else: val = np.corrcoef(seed1,seed2)[0,1] subj_corrs.append(val) all_corrs.append(subj_corrs) # construct first column rows = [[i] + k for i,k in zip(subjs, all_corrs)] # construct header (only for adults), slim version if age=='adults': header = ['maskids']
cs = 0 i = 0 ms = 0 mf = 0 df = [] ds = [] l = [] lf = 0 ls = 0 lcf = 0 lcs = 0 fs = 0 ff = 0 train_label = [] test_label = [] train_dat = np.genfromtxt('P2_train.csv', delimiter=',') test_dat = np.genfromtxt('P2_test.csv', delimiter=',') train_data = np.array(train_dat) train_label = train_data[:, 2] train_data = train_data[:, (0, 1)] test_data = np.array(test_dat) test_label = test_data[:, 2] test_data = test_data[:, (0, 1)] for i in range(0, 310): if (train_label[i] == 1): mf = mf + train_data[i] df.append(train_data[i]) cf = cf + 1 else: ms = ms + train_data[i] ds.append(train_data[i])
# plt.scatter(angles_cut[phase_mask], cosqm_obs[:,9][phase_mask],s=0.1, label='Y',c='y') # plt.legend() #%%-------------------- # # AOD Values from AERONET network # Values are from level 1.0, meaning there are no corrections # # COSQM Day format changed from 06-11: full night to split at midnight, so beware # read from columns 4 to 25 (aod 1640 to 340nm) cols = np.arange(4, 26) path = 'cosqm_santa/20190611_20191231_Santa_Cruz_Tenerife.lev10' header = 7 data_aod = np.genfromtxt(path, delimiter=',', skip_header=header, usecols=cols) data_aod[data_aod < 0] = 0 # DATES dates_str = np.genfromtxt(path, delimiter=',', skip_header=header, usecols=[0, 1], dtype=str) dates_aod = np.array([ dt.strptime(dates + times, '%d:%m:%Y%H:%M:%S').timestamp() for dates, times in dates_str ]) # BANDS AOD_1640nm', 'AOD_1020nm', 'AOD_870nm', 'AOD_865nm', 'AOD_779nm', # 'AOD_675nm', 'AOD_667nm', 'AOD_620nm', 'AOD_560nm', 'AOD_555nm',
def get_cellmap(mesh,subdomains_assigned,Domains,MRI_param,default_material): #Tissue_array_get=read_csv('MRI_DTI_derived_data/Tissue_array_MRI.csv', delimiter=' ', header=None) #Tissue_array=Tissue_array_get.values Tissue_array=np.load('MRI_DTI_derived_data/Tissue_array_MRI.npy') x_vect=np.genfromtxt('MRI_DTI_derived_data/x_vector_MRI_Box.csv', delimiter=' ') y_vect=np.genfromtxt('MRI_DTI_derived_data/y_vector_MRI_Box.csv', delimiter=' ') z_vect=np.genfromtxt('MRI_DTI_derived_data/z_vector_MRI_Box.csv', delimiter=' ') #[Mx_mri,My_mri,Mz_mri]=map_MRI() #don't need to run know, the voxel_array already formed #voxel_array_get=read_csv('voxel_array_ROI.csv', delimiter=' ', header=None) #voxel_array_get=read_csv('MRI_DTI_files/voxel_array_'[:-4]+'.csv', delimiter=' ', header=None) #voxel_array=voxel_array_get.values #print voxel_array[0:3,:] '''structure of voxel array''' '''rows: x,y,z,material index''' '''first voxel has to have coordinates: 0+voxelsize_x,0+voxelsize_y,0+voxelsize_z''' '''Indeed, such a structure of the array is not optimal, since x,y,z coordinates can be simply stored in coordinate vectors''' '''Any suggestions (incl. minimal working example) will be appreciated''' voxel_size_x=MRI_param.x_vox_size voxel_size_y=MRI_param.y_vox_size voxel_size_z=MRI_param.z_vox_size #print MRI_param.M_x,MRI_param.M_y,MRI_param.M_z Mx_mri=MRI_param.M_x My_mri=MRI_param.M_y Mz_mri=MRI_param.M_z subdomains = MeshFunction('size_t',mesh,3) subdomains.set_all(0) #subdomains = MeshFunctionSizet(mesh, 3, 0) for cell in cells(mesh): x_coord=cell.midpoint().x() y_coord=cell.midpoint().y() z_coord=cell.midpoint().z() xv_mri=int((x_coord)/voxel_size_x-0.000000001) #defines number of steps to get to the voxels containing x[0] coordinate yv_mri=(int((y_coord)/voxel_size_y-0.000000001))*Mx_mri #defines number of steps to get to the voxels containing x[0] and x[1] coordinates zv_mri=(int((z_coord)/voxel_size_z-0.000000001))*Mx_mri*My_mri #defines number of steps to get to the voxels containing x[0], x[1] and x[2] coordinates k_mri=xv_mri+yv_mri+zv_mri #print k_mri k_mri=int(k_mri) x_vect_index=(int((x_coord)/voxel_size_x-0.000000001)) y_vect_index=(int((y_coord)/voxel_size_y-0.000000001)) z_vect_index=(int((z_coord)/voxel_size_z-0.000000001)) if x_vect_index>=Mx_mri or y_vect_index>=My_mri or z_vect_index>=Mz_mri or x_coord<0.0 or y_coord<0.0 or z_coord<0.0: x_vect_index,y_vect_index,z_vect_index=0,0,0 #cell is outside MRI data, assign first voxel of MRI, which will not fullfil the following condition, and the cell will be remain marked with 0 (default) if k_mri>=Mx_mri*My_mri*Mz_mri or k_mri<0: k_mri=0 #cell is outside MRI data, assign first voxel of MRI, which will not fullfil the following condition, and the cell will be remain marked with 0 (default) '''First, find the corresponding voxel in MRI, then check the value of the voxel and assign a corresponding conductivity''' if (round(y_vect[y_vect_index]-y_coord,8)<=voxel_size_y and round(y_vect[y_vect_index]-y_coord,8)>=0 and (round(x_vect[x_vect_index]-x_coord,8)<=voxel_size_x and round(x_vect[x_vect_index]-x_coord,8)>=0) and round(z_vect[z_vect_index]-z_coord)<=voxel_size_z and round(z_vect[z_vect_index]-z_coord,8)>=0): if int(Tissue_array[k_mri])==3: #cell.mark(subdomains, 1) subdomains[cell]=3 if int(Tissue_array[k_mri])==2: subdomains[cell]=2 if int(Tissue_array[k_mri])==1: subdomains[cell]=1 if int(Tissue_array[k_mri])==0: subdomains[cell]=default_material #old way # if Domains.Float_contacts!=-1: # subdomains.array()[subdomains_assigned.array()==Domains.Float_contacts]=5 #5 is index for float contact (very high cond and perm) if Domains.Float_contacts!=-1: if isinstance(Domains.Float_contacts,int): subdomains.array()[subdomains_assigned.array()==Domains.Float_contacts]=5 else: for i in range(len(Domains.Float_contacts)): subdomains.array()[subdomains_assigned.array()==Domains.Float_contacts[i]]=5 #5 is index for float contact (very high cond and perm) for i in range(len(Domains.Encup_index)): subdomains.array()[subdomains_assigned.array()==Domains.Encup_index[i]]=4 #4 is index of encap # boundaries = MeshFunction('size_t',mesh,'Meshes/Mesh_unref_facet_region.xml') # # for cell in cells(mesh): # for f in facets(cell): # #print(boundaries[f]!=0) # if boundaries[f]!=0: # subdomains[cell]=4 #cells on the interface should be marked with encap, otherwise no current on the floating contact # for v in vertices(f): #also all cells which vertices are on the active boundaries should be marked # for c in cells(v): # subdomains[c]=4 # #cell_markers[cell] = True #file=File('subdomains.pvd') #file<<subdomains del Tissue_array return (subdomains) #cond, perm are cell functions and can be directly used
inferredNetworkFileName = str(sys.argv[3]) N = int(sys.argv[4]) plot = False if dataset != 0: filename = 'CRCNS/data/DataSet' + str(dataset) + '.mat' N =['data']['nNeurons'][0][0][0][0] x_array =['data']['x'][0][0][0] y_array =['data']['y'][0][0][0] S_hat = np.zeros((N,N)) for i in range(N): filename = aHatFileName + str(i+1) + '.csv' S_hat[i] = np.genfromtxt(filename, delimiter=',') # Transpose the inferred matrix S_hat = S_hat.T # Convert NaN to zeros S_hat[np.where(np.isnan(S_hat))] = 0 # Remove values very close to zero S_hat[np.where(S_hat <= np.percentile(S_hat,99, interpolation='lower'))] = 0 S_hat = np.interp(S_hat, np.linspace(S_hat.min(),S_hat.max(),1000), np.linspace(0,30,1000)) # S_hat[np.where(S_hat < 5)] = 0 if dataset != 0 and plot:
print new_file old_file = newD = sio.loadmat(new_file) print newD newD = newD['fibergraph'] newD = newD.todense() print newD #newD = np.delete(newD,0,1) #newD = np.delete(newD,0,0) oldD = genfromtxt(old_file, delimiter=' ') oldD = np.delete(oldD, 0, 1) oldD = np.delete(oldD, 0, 0) diff = np.subtract(newD, oldD) absdiff = np.absolute(diff) result = np.divide(absdiff, oldD) resultArray = np.add(diff, resultArray) #np.savetxt((outputDir + "analysis" + str(counter) + ".csv"), result, delimiter=",") #counter = counter + 1 tempRow = list()
def main(): """ Train the TensorFlow models. """ # Get hyper-parameters if os.path.exists(FLAGS.checkpoint_path) == False: os.makedirs(FLAGS.checkpoint_path) checkpoint_file_path = FLAGS.checkpoint_path + "/checkpoint.ckpt" latest_checkpoint_file_path = tf.train.latest_checkpoint( FLAGS.checkpoint_path) if os.path.exists(FLAGS.output_path) == False: os.makedirs(FLAGS.output_path) # Step 1: Construct the dataset op epoch_number = FLAGS.epoch_number if epoch_number <= 0: epoch_number = -1 train_buffer_size = FLAGS.train_batch_size * 3 validation_buffer_size = FLAGS.train_batch_size * 3 train_filename_list = [filename for filename in FLAGS.train_files.split(",")] train_filename_placeholder = tf.placeholder(tf.string, shape=[None]) if FLAGS.file_format == "tfrecords": train_dataset = train_dataset = epoch_number).batch(FLAGS.train_batch_size).shuffle( buffer_size=train_buffer_size) elif FLAGS.file_format == "csv": # Skip the header or not train_dataset = train_dataset = epoch_number).batch(FLAGS.train_batch_size).shuffle( buffer_size=train_buffer_size) train_dataset_iterator = train_dataset.make_initializable_iterator() train_features_op, train_label_op = train_dataset_iterator.get_next() validation_filename_list = [ filename for filename in FLAGS.validation_files.split(",") ] validation_filename_placeholder = tf.placeholder(tf.string, shape=[None]) if FLAGS.file_format == "tfrecords": validation_dataset = validation_filename_placeholder) validation_dataset = parse_tfrecords_function).repeat(epoch_number).batch( FLAGS.validation_batch_size).shuffle( buffer_size=validation_buffer_size) elif FLAGS.file_format == "csv": validation_dataset = validation_filename_placeholder) validation_dataset = epoch_number).batch(FLAGS.validation_batch_size).shuffle( buffer_size=validation_buffer_size) validation_dataset_iterator = validation_dataset.make_initializable_iterator( ) validation_features_op, validation_label_op = validation_dataset_iterator.get_next( ) # Step 2: Define the model input_units = FLAGS.feature_size output_units = FLAGS.label_size logits = inference(train_features_op, input_units, output_units, True) if FLAGS.loss == "sparse_cross_entropy": cross_entropy = tf.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits( logits=logits, labels=train_label_op) loss = tf.reduce_mean(cross_entropy, name="loss") elif FLAGS.loss == "cross_entropy": #train_label_op = #validation_label_op = cross_entropy = tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits( logits=logits, labels=train_label_op) loss = tf.reduce_mean(cross_entropy, name="loss") elif FLAGS.loss == "mean_square": msl = tf.square(logits - train_label_op, name="msl") loss = tf.reduce_mean(msl, name="loss") global_step = tf.Variable(0, name="global_step", trainable=False) learning_rate = FLAGS.learning_rate if FLAGS.enable_lr_decay: "Enable learning rate decay rate: {}".format(FLAGS.lr_decay_rate)) starter_learning_rate = FLAGS.learning_rate learning_rate = tf.train.exponential_decay( starter_learning_rate, global_step, 100000, FLAGS.lr_decay_rate, staircase=True) optimizer = get_optimizer_by_name(FLAGS.optimizer, learning_rate) train_op = optimizer.minimize(loss, global_step=global_step) # Need to re-use the Variables for training and validation tf.get_variable_scope().reuse_variables() # Define accuracy op and auc op for train train_accuracy_logits = inference(train_features_op, input_units, output_units, False) train_softmax_op, train_accuracy_op = model.compute_softmax_and_accuracy( train_accuracy_logits, train_label_op) train_auc_op = model.compute_auc(train_softmax_op, train_label_op, FLAGS.label_size) # Define accuracy op and auc op for validation validation_accuracy_logits = inference(validation_features_op, input_units, output_units, False) validation_softmax_op, validation_accuracy_op = model.compute_softmax_and_accuracy( validation_accuracy_logits, validation_label_op) validation_auc_op = model.compute_auc(validation_softmax_op, validation_label_op, FLAGS.label_size) # Define inference op inference_features = tf.placeholder( "float", [None, FLAGS.feature_size], name="features") inference_logits = inference(inference_features, input_units, output_units, False) inference_softmax_op = tf.nn.softmax( inference_logits, name="inference_softmax") inference_prediction_op = tf.argmax( inference_softmax_op, 1, name="inference_prediction") keys_placeholder = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, shape=[None, 1], name="keys") keys_identity = tf.identity(keys_placeholder, name="inference_keys") model_signature = signature_def_utils.build_signature_def( inputs={ "keys": utils.build_tensor_info(keys_placeholder), "features": utils.build_tensor_info(inference_features) }, outputs={ "keys": utils.build_tensor_info(keys_identity), "prediction": utils.build_tensor_info(inference_prediction_op), "softmax": utils.build_tensor_info(inference_softmax_op), }, method_name=signature_constants.PREDICT_METHOD_NAME) # Initialize saver and summary saver = tf.train.Saver() tf.summary.scalar("loss", loss) if FLAGS.scenario == "classification": tf.summary.scalar("train_accuracy", train_accuracy_op) tf.summary.scalar("train_auc", train_auc_op) tf.summary.scalar("validate_accuracy", validation_accuracy_op) tf.summary.scalar("validate_auc", validation_auc_op) summary_op = tf.summary.merge_all() init_op = [ tf.global_variables_initializer(), tf.local_variables_initializer() ] # Step 3: Create session to run with tf.Session() as sess: writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(FLAGS.output_path, sess.graph) [ train_dataset_iterator.initializer, validation_dataset_iterator.initializer ], feed_dict={ train_filename_placeholder: train_filename_list, validation_filename_placeholder: validation_filename_list }) if FLAGS.mode == "train": if FLAGS.resume_from_checkpoint: restore_from_checkpoint(sess, saver, latest_checkpoint_file_path) try: start_time = while True: if FLAGS.enable_benchmark: else: _, global_step_value =[train_op, global_step]) # Step 4: Display training metrics after steps if global_step_value % FLAGS.steps_to_validate == 0: if FLAGS.scenario == "classification": loss_value, train_accuracy_value, train_auc_value, validate_accuracy_value, validate_auc_value, summary_value = [ loss, train_accuracy_op, train_auc_op, validation_accuracy_op, validation_auc_op, summary_op ]) end_time = "[{}] Step: {}, loss: {}, train_acc: {}, train_auc: {}, valid_acc: {}, valid_auc: {}". format(end_time - start_time, global_step_value, loss_value, train_accuracy_value, train_auc_value, validate_accuracy_value, validate_auc_value)) elif FLAGS.scenario == "regression": loss_value, summary_value =[loss, summary_op]) end_time ="[{}] Step: {}, loss: {}".format( end_time - start_time, global_step_value, loss_value)) writer.add_summary(summary_value, global_step_value) sess, checkpoint_file_path, global_step=global_step_value) start_time = end_time except tf.errors.OutOfRangeError: if FLAGS.enable_benchmark:"Finish training for benchmark") else: # Step 5: Export the model after training save_model( FLAGS.model_path, FLAGS.model_version, sess, model_signature, is_save_graph=False) elif FLAGS.mode == "savedmodel": if restore_from_checkpoint(sess, saver, latest_checkpoint_file_path) == False: logging.error("No checkpoint for exporting model, exit now") return save_model( FLAGS.model_path, FLAGS.model_version, sess, model_signature, is_save_graph=False) elif FLAGS.mode == "inference": if restore_from_checkpoint(sess, saver, latest_checkpoint_file_path) == False: logging.error("No checkpoint for inference, exit now") return # Load test data inference_result_file_name = FLAGS.inference_result_file inference_test_file_name = FLAGS.inference_data_file inference_data = np.genfromtxt(inference_test_file_name, delimiter=",") inference_data_features = inference_data[:, 0:9] inference_data_labels = inference_data[:, 9] # Run inference start_time = prediction, prediction_softmax = [inference_prediction_op, inference_softmax_op], feed_dict={inference_features: inference_data_features}) end_time = # Compute accuracy label_number = len(inference_data_labels) correct_label_number = 0 for i in range(label_number): if inference_data_labels[i] == prediction[i]: correct_label_number += 1 accuracy = float(correct_label_number) / label_number # Compute auc y_true = np.array(inference_data_labels) y_score = prediction_softmax[:, 1] fpr, tpr, thresholds = metrics.roc_curve(y_true, y_score, pos_label=1) auc = metrics.auc(fpr, tpr)"[{}] Inference accuracy: {}, auc: {}".format( end_time - start_time, accuracy, auc)) # Save result into the file np.savetxt(inference_result_file_name, prediction_softmax, delimiter=",") "Save result to file: {}".format(inference_result_file_name))
def preprocess(path): n_features = 18 data = np.genfromtxt(path, delimiter=',', encoding='big5')[1:, 3:] # original delete 722 ~ 1441 (march and april) # data = np.delete(data, range(721,1441), axis=0) # data = np.delete(data, range(10,data.shape[0], n_features), axis=0) # delete RAINFALL (NR) for i in range(10, data.shape[0], n_features): # data[i] = np.zeros(24) # convert RAINFALL to 0 for j in range(data[i].shape[0]): # convert nan(NR) to 0 if np.isnan(data[i][j]): data[i][j] = 0 n_data = data.shape[0] // 18 # interpolation for negative value # for i in range(data.shape[0]): # for j in range(data.shape[1]): # if data[i][j] < 0: # if j == 0 or data[i][j-1]<0: # if data[i][j+1] > 0: # data[i][j] = data[i][1] # else: # data[i][j] = 0 # elif j == 23 or data[i][j+1]<0: # if data[i][j-1] > 0: # data[i][j] = data[i][22] # else: # data[i][j] = 0 # else: # data[i][j] = (data[i][j-1] + data[i][j+1]) / 2 # data.shape = (240*18,24) # data indexed 9 is PM2.5 # x_train = [] # y_train = [] # for i in range(0, n_data): # for j in range(0, 24-10): # x_train.append(data[i*n_features:(i+1)*n_features, j:j+9]) # get previous 9 hours # y_train.append(data[i*n_features+9][j+9]) # predict the 10-th hour # return np.array(x_train), np.array(y_train) # contact data into (12,18,480) concat_data = [] data = np.array_split(data, n_data) for i in range(12): concat_data.append( np.concatenate(data[(i * 20):((i + 1) * 20)], axis=1)) concat_data = np.array(concat_data) # linear interpolation for i in range(12): for j in range(18): for k in range(480): if concat_data[i][j][k] < 0: l, r = 0, 0 if k == 0 or k == 479: concat_data[i][j][k] = 0 continue else: l = k - 1 r = k + 1 while (concat_data[i][j][l] < 0): l -= 1 if l < 0: concat_data[i][j][0] = 0 l = 1 break while (concat_data[i][j][r] < 0): r += 1 if r > 479: concat_data[i][j][479] = 0 r = 478 break delta = (concat_data[i][j][r] - concat_data[i][j][l]) / (r - l) concat_data[i][j][l:r] = [ concat_data[i][j][l] + (x - l) * delta for x in range(l, r) ] x_train = [] y_train = [] for i in range(0, 12): for j in range(0, 480 - 9): x_train.append(concat_data[i][:, j:j + 9]) # get previous 9 hours y_train.append(concat_data[i][9, j + 9]) # predict the 10-th hour print(len(x_train)) return np.array(x_train), np.array(y_train)
from sklearn.preprocessing import Imputer def calculateErrorRates(clf, testset, testresult): errorRates = 0; totalPoints = 0; for data, realresult in zip(testset,testresult): prediction = clf.predict([data]) errorRates += math.sqrt((realresult-prediction)*(realresult-prediction)) totalPoints += 1; errorRates = errorRates / totalPoints; print(errorRates) return(errorRates) print('start') data = np.genfromtxt('modifiedData.csv', delimiter= ",") imp = Imputer(missing_values='NaN', strategy='mean', axis=0) for i in data: if math.isnan(i[3]): i[3] = 0.0 #data = preprocessing.scale(data) pca = PCA(n_components=3) data = pca.fit_transform(data)
#/usr/local/bin/python import matplotlib from matplotlib import rc from matplotlib.font_manager import FontProperties from matplotlib.ticker import MaxNLocator, FormatStrFormatter import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np matplotlib.rcParams['mathtext.fontset'] = 'cm' matplotlib.rcParams[''] = 'STIXGeneral' majorFormatter = FormatStrFormatter('%d') data = np.genfromtxt('banditMeanAERVsTimeSummaryPostProcessed.csv', delimiter=',', names=True) fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.set_title( r"$Ensemble\ Algorithm\ Comparison\ -\ Mean\ Relative\ AER\ vs.\ Time$", fontsize='16', y=1.02) ax.set_xlabel(r"$Time\ (Seconds)$") ax.set_ylabel(r"$Mean\ Relative\ AER$") ax.plot(data['TimeBin'], data['EnsembleRandom'] / data['Random'], lw='1.25',
from import fits import numpy as np from astropy.table import Table from collections import OrderedDict data ="catalogue.fits") snData ="../line_fluxes/sn_R1000_lines_combined.fits") lineArr = ["C4_1548","C4_1551","O3_1661","O3_1666","C3_1907_C3_1910","O2_3726_O2_3729","Ne3_3869","O3_4363","HBaB_4861","O3_4959","O3_5007","HBaA_6563","N2_6584","S2_6716","S2_6731"] eMPTout1 = np.genfromtxt("output_dither_MDC_00.txt", dtype=None, names=True) eMPTout2 = np.genfromtxt("output_dither_MDC_01.txt", dtype=None, names=True) eMPTout3 = np.genfromtxt("output_dither_MDC_02.txt", dtype=None, names=True) outputDict = OrderedDict() outputDict["ID"] = snData[1].data["ID"] id_for_peter = np.zeros_like(snData[1].data["ID"])-1 for i in range(len(id_for_peter)): tempIdx = np.where(eMPTout1["ID_cat"] == snData[1].data["ID"][i])[0] if len(tempIdx) > 0: id_for_peter[i] = eMPTout1["ID_emma"][tempIdx]-1 else: tempIdx = np.where(eMPTout2["ID_cat"] == snData[1].data["ID"][i])[0] if len(tempIdx) > 0: id_for_peter[i] = eMPTout2["ID_emma"][tempIdx]-1 else: tempIdx = np.where(eMPTout3["ID_cat"] == snData[1].data["ID"][i])[0] if len(tempIdx) > 0: id_for_peter[i] = eMPTout3["ID_emma"][tempIdx]-1 outputDict["ID_for_peter"] = id_for_peter outputDict["redshift"] = data['GALAXY PROPERTIES'].data['redshift']
rand_col_verif = 100*np.random.rand(len(x_verif)) x_verif = np.insert(x_verif, 2, rand_col_verif, axis=1) N = 100 #Select noise iter_noise = 2.1 #Select training set train_filename = 'samples-'+str(N)+'/'+str(N)+'_'+str(iter_noise).replace('.','-')+'_1-train'#+str(case)+'-train' #Select test set test_filename = 'samples-'+str(N)+'/'+str(N)+'_'+str(iter_noise).replace('.','-')+'_1-test'#+str(case)+'-test' metric_array = [] mse_array = [] train_data = np.genfromtxt(train_filename, delimiter=",") test_data = np.genfromtxt(test_filename, delimiter=",") x_train = train_data[:,:-1] y_train = train_data[:,-1] x_test = test_data[:,:-1] y_test = test_data[:,-1] #Add a column of random values - these should be bad for performance rand_col_train = 100*np.random.rand(len(x_train)) x_train = np.insert(x_train, 2, rand_col_train, axis=1) rand_col_test = 100*np.random.rand(len(x_test)) x_verif = np.insert(x_test, 2, rand_col_test, axis=1) #3 nested loops - generate scaled weights lin_combos = []
from uncertainties.unumpy import nominal_values as noms from uncertainties.unumpy import std_devs as stds def E_00(d,I_0,d_0, omega): return I_0*np.exp( -2*( (d-d_0)/omega )**2 ) def E_10(d, I_01, d_01, omega_1, I_02, d_02, omega_2): return I_01 * np.exp( -2 * ( (d-d_01) / omega_1 )**2 )+ I_02 * np.exp( -2 * ( ( d-d_02) / omega_2 )**2 ) def polarisation( phi, I_0, phi_0): return I_0*( np.cos(phi-phi_0) )**2 ################### # Auswertung T_00 # ################### print('\n\n\n-----------------------------------------------------------\n','Auswertung der Grundmode T_00', '\n', '-----------------------------------------------------------\n\n\n') r_00, I_00=np.genfromtxt('Messwerte\Grundmode.txt',unpack=True) params_I_00, cov_I_00 = curve_fit(E_00,r_00,I_00 ) error_I_00= np.sqrt(np.diag(cov_I_00)) amplitude_I_00 = ufloat(params_I_00[0],error_I_00[0]) verschiebung_I_00 = ufloat( params_I_00[1], error_I_00[1]) omega_I_00 = ufloat( params_I_00[2], error_I_00[2]) print('Amplitude: ', amplitude_I_00,'\n') print('Verschiebung ', verschiebung_I_00,'\n') print('Frequenz ', omega_I_00, '\n') # Plotten d_00=np.linspace(r_00[0],r_00[-1],10000)
import numpy as np import matplotlib.pylab as plt import sys def exp(x,Lambda=1): return Lambda*np.exp(-Lambda*x) datos=sys.argv[1] Lambda = float(sys.argv[2]) archivo=np.genfromtxt(datos) a=archivo x = np.linspace(0,10.0*1.0/Lambda**2) plt.plot(x,exp(x,Lambda)) plt.hist(a,bins=50,density=True) # plt.savefig("Histogram.pdf")
def read(filename, delimiter=','): return np.genfromtxt(filename, delimiter=delimiter)
#Ben Moreau import numpy as np from math import * from matplotlib import pyplot as plt import os Num_exp = np.genfromtxt("param.txt", skip_header=1)[101, 0] Num_rolls = np.genfromtxt("param.txt", skip_header=1)[101, 1] Num_sides = np.genfromtxt("param.txt", skip_header=1)[101, 2] Side_number = np.genfromtxt("param.txt", skip_header=1)[101, 3] Dice_power = np.genfromtxt("param.txt", skip_header=1)[101, 4] LogLikeRatio0I = np.genfromtxt("log_like0.txt", skip_header=0)[:] LogLikeRatio1I = np.genfromtxt("log_like1.txt", skip_header=0)[:] LogLikeRatio0 = [] LogLikeRatio1 = [] for i in range(len(LogLikeRatio0I)): LogLikeRatio0.append((LogLikeRatio0I[i])) LogLikeRatio1.append((LogLikeRatio1I[i])) Num_rolls = int(Num_rolls) # make LLR figure plt.hist(LogLikeRatio1, Num_rolls + 1, density=True, facecolor='green', alpha=0.7, label="assuming $\\mathbb{H}_1$") plt.hist(LogLikeRatio0,
def optimum_rotor(): #====INPUT starts here================ #setup_file=input("Enter the setup file: ") setup_file='setup/optimum_rotor.inp' #---Read input setup file with open(setup_file,'r') as f: lines = f.readlines() #---save file related save_folder= lines[3].split(' ')[0] save_file= lines[4].split(' ')[0] save_file=save_folder+'/'+save_file #---Computation related wake_rotation=str2bool(lines[6].split(' ')[0]) # Flag to include wake rotation in optimum rotor calculation. True or False (logic) #---Rotor parameters Drotor =float(lines[11].split(' ')[0]) # Rotor diameter Rad_rotor=Drotor/2.0 # Radius of rotor Nblade =int(lines[12].split(' ')[0]) # Number of blades tsr =float(lines[13].split(' ')[0]) # Tip speed ratio #---Airfoil properties Nairfoil =int(lines[17].split(' ')[0]) # Number of airfoils Airfoilfile=np.empty((Nairfoil),dtype=object) Airfoil_no =np.empty((Nairfoil),dtype=int) AoA_col =np.empty((Nairfoil),dtype=int) # Column with angle of attack in Cl Cd file Cl_col =np.empty((Nairfoil),dtype=int) Cd_col =np.empty((Nairfoil),dtype=int) header =np.empty((Nairfoil),dtype=int) footer =np.empty((Nairfoil),dtype=int) #---Airoifl file information for n in range(Nairfoil): Airfoilfile[n]=lines[19+n].split(',')[0] Airfoil_no[n] =int(lines[19+n].split(',')[1])-1 AoA_col[n] =int(lines[19+n].split(',')[2])-1 Cl_col[n] =int(lines[19+n].split(',')[3])-1 Cd_col[n] =int(lines[19+n].split(',')[4])-1 header[n] =int(lines[19+n].split(',')[5]) #No. lines as header in airfoil dat file footer[n] =int(lines[19+n].split(',')[6]) #---Blade properties Nnode =int(lines[30].split(' ')[0]) Rnode =np.empty((Nnode),dtype=float) # Center of node dRnode =np.empty((Nnode),dtype=float) # Span of node Airfoil_id=np.empty((Nnode),dtype=int) # Airfoil number to use at the node for n in range(Nnode): Rnode[n]=float(lines[32+n].split(',')[0]) dRnode[n]=float(lines[32+n].split(',')[1]) Airfoil_id[n]=int(lines[32+n].split(',')[2])-1 #====INPUT ends here================== #---Some checks # Check if Rnode values in setup files are correct. if np.abs(Rnode[-1]-Rad_rotor)/Rad_rotor*100>5: print("WARNING: The last Rnode value ",str(Rnode[-1]), "m is different from Radius of the rotor", str(Rad_rotor),"m by more than",str(5),"%.\nThe calculation will terminate here.") sys.exit() # Check if dRnode values in setup files are correct. if np.abs(np.sum(dRnode)-Rad_rotor)/Rad_rotor*100>5: print("WARNING: Sum of dRnode values of",str(np.sum(dRnode)), "m is different from Radius of the rotor", str(Rad_rotor),"m by more than",str(5),"%.\nThe calculation will terminate here.") sys.exit() Chord =np.empty((Nnode),dtype=float) # Chord length of the section BlAngleRelWind=np.empty((Nnode),dtype=float) # Angle of relative wind at node position BlSectionPitch=np.empty((Nnode),dtype=float) # Pitch/twist angle at node position BlAoA =np.empty((Nnode),dtype=float) # Angle of attack with min(Cd/Cl) #---Run the iteration for each blade node for n in range(Nnode): # read airfoil file data_clcd=np.genfromtxt(Airfoilfile[Airfoil_id[n]],skip_header=header[Airfoil_id[n]],skip_footer=footer[Airfoil_id[n]],delimiter="",dtype=float,encoding="ISO-8859-1") # read data file AoA=data_clcd[:,AoA_col[Airfoil_id[n]]] Cl =data_clcd[:,Cl_col[Airfoil_id[n]]] Cd =data_clcd[:,Cd_col[Airfoil_id[n]]] imin=np.argmin(np.abs(Cd/Cl)) imax=np.argmax(Cl/Cd) BlAoA[n]=AoA[imax] # AoA with maximum Cd/Cl value Clopt = Cl[imax] # Cl with maximum Cd/Cl value Cdopt = Cd[imax] # Cd with maximum Cd/Cl value # BlAoA[n]=7.0;Clopt=1.0; # just for checking print('AoA for max Cl/Cd',BlAoA[n],' Clopt',Clopt,' Cdopt',Cdopt) tsr_node= tsr*Rnode[n]/Rad_rotor #---Calculate angle of relative wind and chord lenght if wake_rotation: #---Wake rotation included BlAngleRelWind[n]=2.0/3.0*np.arctan(1.0/tsr_node) # Eq. (3.105) of reference Chord[n] = 8*np.pi*Rnode[n]*(1.0-np.cos(BlAngleRelWind[n]))/(Nblade*Clopt) # Eq. (3.106) else: # Wake rotation ignored BlAngleRelWind[n]=np.arctan(2.0/(3.0*tsr_node)) # Eq. (3.78) of reference Chord[n] = 8*np.pi*Rnode[n]*np.sin(BlAngleRelWind[n])/(3.0*Nblade*Clopt*tsr_node) # Eq. (3.79) BlAngleRelWind[n] =BlAngleRelWind[n]*180.0/np.pi BlSectionPitch[n]=BlAngleRelWind[n]-BlAoA[n] del AoA,Cl,Cd,imin,Clopt,Cdopt save_dat = np.array([Rnode[:],dRnode[:],Chord[:],BlSectionPitch[:],Airfoil_id[:]+1]).T with open(save_file,'w') as f: f.write('Parameters for Betz Optimum blade'+'\n') f.write('Rotor diameter:'+str(Drotor)+' Tip speed ratio: '+str(tsr)+'\n') f.write('Rnode,dRnode, Chord,Twist, Afoil no.'+'\n') f.write(' [m] , [m] , [m] ,[deg], [-] '+'\n') with open(save_file,'ab') as f: np.savetxt(f,save_dat[:,:],fmt='%s,%s,%s,%s,%s') return
import keras import keras.preprocessing.text as kpt from keras.preprocessing.text import Tokenizer from keras.models import Sequential from keras.layers import Dense, Dropout, Activation #find most popular words and use those max_words = 750 tokenizer = Tokenizer(num_words=max_words) #extract data from csv #only use cols 1,3 training = np.genfromtxt('data.csv', delimiter=',', skip_header=1, usecols=( 1, 3), dtype=None, encoding=None) train_x = [x[1] for x in training] # index all the sentiment labels train_y = np.asarray([x[0] for x in training]) #sort data into dictionary with most frequent words having lower index tokenizer.fit_on_texts(train_x) #tokenizer comes with its own dictionary of words with IDs dictionary = tokenizer.word_index #save it to json with open('dic.json','w') as dictionary_file: json.dump(dictionary,dictionary_file)
import numpy as np import tensorflow as tf from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split from sklearn.utils import shuffle import csv import tensorflow as tf import os import argparse import re import matplotlib.pyplot as plt with open('/home/daanvir/gg/project/SRM_project/x.csv') as f: shape = tuple(int(num) for num in re.findall(r'\d+', f.readline())) X = np.loadtxt('/home/daanvir/gg/project/SRM_project/x.csv').reshape(shape) Y = np.genfromtxt( r'/home/daanvir/gg/project/SRM_project/y.csv', delimiter=',') yp=np.zeros((1024,8)) print(Y[0]) for i in range(1024): yp[i][int(Y[i])]=1 print(X,Y) X, Y = shuffle(X, Y, random_state=1) train_x, test_x, train_y, test_y = train_test_split( X, yp, test_size=0.2, random_state=415) x_test = X n_dim = 48
import operator import math import random import numpy import pygraphviz as pgvusing from deap import algorithms from deap import base from deap import creator from deap import tools from deap import gp data = numpy.genfromtxt('training.csv', delimiter=",") def protectedDiv(left, right): if right == 0: right = 1 return left / right pset = gp.PrimitiveSet("MAIN", 4) pset.addPrimitive(operator.add, 2) pset.addPrimitive(operator.sub, 2) pset.addPrimitive(operator.mul, 2) pset.addPrimitive(protectedDiv, 2) pset.addPrimitive(operator.neg, 1) pset.addEphemeralConstant("rand101", lambda: random.randrange(-1, 1)) pset.renameArguments(ARG0='Column1')
import numpy as np import sys sys.path.insert( 0, '/home/david/Work/DFT-Surface-Science/sublattice-method/funcs') from funcs import rep, rot, lsave, genPOSCAR lvecs = np.genfromtxt('../in/_lvecs') bases = np.genfromtxt('../in/_bases') zn1, zn2, o1, o2 = bases a, b, c = lvecs R = 12. #Angstroms arange = int(np.ceil(R / np.linalg.norm(a))) brange = int(np.ceil(R / np.linalg.norm(b))) crange = int(np.ceil(R / np.linalg.norm(c))) comb = [] lstzn1 = [] lstzn2 = [] lsto1 = [] lsto2 = [] i1 = 0 i2 = 0 for na in range(-arange, arange): for nb in range(-brange, brange): for nc in range(-crange, crange): dist = np.linalg.norm(na * a + nb * b + nc * c) i1 += 1 if dist < R: i2 += 1 comb.append([na, nb, nc])
def read_data(): train_set = np.genfromtxt(train_data_name, comments='#', delimiter=';') return (train_set, train_set)
def main(): print( '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------' ) print('Training...') random.seed(256) pop = toolbox.population(n=50) hof = tools.HallOfFame(5) stats_fit = tools.Statistics(lambda ind: stats_size = tools.Statistics(len) mstats = tools.MultiStatistics(fitness=stats_fit, size=stats_size) mstats.register("avg", numpy.mean) mstats.register("std", numpy.std) mstats.register("min", numpy.min) mstats.register("max", numpy.max) pop, log = algorithms.eaSimple(pop, toolbox, 0.8, 0.2, 50, stats=mstats, halloffame=hof, verbose=True) best = hof.__getitem__(0) print(best) func = toolbox.compile(expr=best) expr = tools.selBest(pop, 1)[0] nodes, edges, labels = gp.graph(expr) # Plot the tree g = pgv.AGraph(nodeSep=1.0) g.add_nodes_from(nodes) g.add_edges_from(edges) g.layout(prog="dot") for i in nodes: n = g.get_node(i) n.attr["label"] = [i] g.draw("tree.pdf") print( '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------' ) print('Testing...') print(''.join( row.ljust(15) for row in ['Row', 'Predicted', 'Actual', 'Error'])) i = 0 for row in numpy.genfromtxt('testing.csv', delimiter=","): result = func(row[0], row[1], row[2], row[3]) actual = row[4] diff = (100 * abs((result - actual)) / actual) i += 1 result = '%f' % result actual = '%f' % actual diff = '%.3f%%' % diff print(''.join(row.ljust(15) for row in [str(i), result, actual, diff])) return pop, log, hof
# Claire Nolan 24Apr2019 # PANDS Project 2019 # AIM: Small module to analyse a data set and output the standard deviation # Data set to be analysed is Fisher's Iris Data Set # code copied from initial work done for mean values ( # Step 1: Format data set for analysis import numpy data = numpy.genfromtxt('DataSet.csv', delimiter=',') # this line of code states that the data to be analysed is generarted from the DataSet.csv file and that the data should be separated into columns using the comma as a delimiter. SepLeng = data[:, 0] SepWid = data[:, 1] PetLeng = data[:, 2] PetWid = data[:, 3] Species = data[:, 4] # SepLen is used to identify all Sepal length data, SepWid identifies Sepal Width, PetLeng identifes petal length, PetWid identifes petal width and species defines the iris species # First code: Get the standard deviation of each column with numerical values # Using ipython i found that "std" is used to calculate the standard deviation StdSepLeng = numpy.std(data[:, 0]) print("Sepal length standard deviation is ", StdSepLeng) StdSepWid = numpy.std(data[:, 1]) print("Sepal Width standard deviation is ", StdSepWid)
projdir = mygithub + 'CIM-work/Mayak lung/' modinfodir = hdf5path + 'mayak/mwds16lung/' # rlzdir = hdf5path + 'mayak/mwds2016/' os.chdir(projdir) sys.path.append('../pythonutils') # import utility functions for this applicaiton from psvdict2 import modeleval, getmodinfo, calc_fvalues, showfittedcases from doseintfun import setdoseintinfo, doseinterp from cimfuncs import mkcim, mkcimdr, getCI, dispcimbnds, mkQmat, modcimprmbnds # open dose replocatom and modcov files intdrep = np.genfromtxt(modinfodir + intdrepfn, delimiter=',', names=True) mwcmc = np.genfromtxt(modinfodir + mcfname, delimiter=',', names=True) print "Ungrouped record count:", len(mwcmc) # open psave file and get model information psavef = open(modinfodir + psvname, 'r') models = getmodinfo(psavef) for mno in range(len(models)): print "model ", mno, models[mno]['title'] psavef.close() # ## Set model form and analysis subset ''' umod = 0 | 3 # male + F:M sex ratio model umod = 1 | 4 # female + M"F sex ratio model umod = 2 | 5 # male +_ female dose effect model
import sensor_msgs.point_cloud2 as pc2 import PyKDL as kd import math import cPickle import pickle from PIL import Image import threading from std_msgs.msg import String import random from mychallenge.msg import MyOption heightmaps = [] bridge = CvBridge() time_stamp_count = [0] tracklet = np.genfromtxt("/home/xiaoyu/Documents/Tracklet.csv", delimiter=",") DEFAULT_FILE_DIR = '/home/xiaoyu/Documents/data/release/train' class HrdSemaphore: def __init__(self): self.hrd_img = None self.stamp = None self.event = threading.Event() self.event.clear() def set(self, im, stamp): self.hrd_img = im self.stamp = stamp
import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from collections import OrderedDict filename = './befkbhalderstatkode.csv' data = np.genfromtxt(filename, delimiter=',', dtype=np.uint, skip_header=1) neighb = { 1: 'Indre By', 2: 'Østerbro', 3: 'Nørrebro', 4: 'Vesterbro/Kgs. Enghave', 5: 'Valby', 6: 'Vanløse', 7: 'Brønshøj-Husum', 8: 'Bispebjerg', 9: 'Amager Øst', 10: 'Amager Vest', 99: 'Udenfor' } norseCountryCodes = { 5104: 'Finland', 5106: 'Island', 5110: 'Norge', 5120: 'Sverige' } def getSomething(hood): deezMask = (data[:, 0] == 2015) & (data[:, 1] == hood) return np.sum(data[deezMask][:, 4])