def kaiser_bessel(kwidth, grid_mod, over_samp = 1.375): # kernel = np.zeros(krad * grid_mod) beta = np.pi * np.sqrt((kwidth * kwidth) / (over_samp * over_samp) * (over_samp - 0.5) * (over_samp - 0.5) - 0.8) print beta x = np.linspace(0, kwidth, grid_mod) x1 = np.sqrt(1 - (x / kwidth) ** 2) y = np.i0(beta * x1) y = y / y[0] # pl.plot(x, y) # fx = np.arange(192) fx = fx - 192/2.0 fy = np.zeros(192, 'c16') deapp = np.sqrt(((np.pi * fx / kwidth)**2 - beta**2).astype('c16')) fy = np.sin(deapp)/deapp return(x, y, fy)
def mk_kbd_window(alpha, N): n = numpy.arange(0., N/2) n = (n - N/4)/(N/4) n = n * n W = numpy.i0(numpy.pi*alpha*numpy.sqrt(1.0 - n)) W = numpy.cumsum(W) W = numpy.sqrt(W / W[-1]) return W
def tlsAndMBT(params, temps, data, eps = None): """Return residual of model, weighted by uncertainties. Return value: residual -- the weighted or unweighted vector of residuals Arguments: params -- an lmfit Parameters object containing df, Fd, fRef, alpha, delta0 temps -- a list/vector of temperatures at which to evaluate the model data -- a list/vector of data to compare with model eps -- a list/vector of uncertainty values for data len(temps) == len(data) == len(eps)""" #Unpack parameter values from params df = params['df'].value Fd = params['Fd'].value fRef = params['fRef'].value alpha = params['alpha'].value delta0 = params['delta0'].value tc = params['tc'].value dtc = params['dtc'].value zn = params['zn'].value #Convert fRef to f0 f0 = fRef-df #Calculate model from parameters model = -df/(f0+df)+(f0/(f0+df))*(Fd/sc.pi* #TLS contribution (np.real(digamma(0.5+sc.h*f0/(1j*2*sc.pi*sc.k*(temps)))) -np.log(sc.h*f0/(2*sc.pi*sc.k*(temps))))- alpha/4.0* #MBD contribution (np.sqrt((2*sc.pi*sc.k*temps)/delta0)* np.exp(-delta0/(sc.k*temps))+ 2*np.exp(-delta0/(sc.k*temps))* np.exp(-sc.h*f0/(2*sc.k*temps))* np.i0(sc.h*f0/(2*sc.k*temps)))+ 0.5*zn*(1+np.tanh((temps-tc)/dtc))) #Weight the residual if eps is supplied if data is not None: if eps is not None: residual = (model-data)/eps else: residual = (model-data) return residual else: return model
def kaiser_bessel2(kwidth, grid_mod, over_samp, imsize=128): kw0 = kwidth/over_samp kr = kwidth/2.0 beta = np.pi*np.sqrt((kw0*(over_samp-0.5))**2-0.8) # print beta kosf = np.floor(0.91/(over_samp*1e-3)); # print kr # print kosf # print kosf*kr om = np.arange(kosf*kr)/(kosf*kr) # print om x = np.linspace(0, kr, grid_mod) x_bess = np.sqrt(1 - (x / kr) ** 2) # print x_bess y = np.i0(beta * x_bess) y = y / y[0] # pl.plot(y) # fx = np.arange(imsize*over_samp) fx = fx - imsize*over_samp/2 fx = fx / imsize * 1.5 # print fx sqa = np.sqrt((np.pi*np.pi*kw0*kw0*fx*fx-beta*beta).astype('c16')) # print sqa fy = np.sin(sqa)/sqa fy = abs(fy) fy = fy / fy.max() # print fy # pl.plot(fy) # return (x,y,fx,fy)
def calc_kernel_kb(self, grid_params): kw0 = 2.0 * grid_params.krad / grid_params.over_samp kr = grid_params.krad beta = np.pi * \ np.sqrt((kw0 * (grid_params.over_samp - 0.5)) ** 2 - 0.8) x = np.linspace(0, kr, grid_params.grid_mod) print x x_bess = np.sqrt(1 - (x / kr) ** 2) y = np.i0(beta * x_bess) y = y / y[0] x = np.concatenate((x, np.array([0.0, ]))) y = np.concatenate((y, np.array([0.0, ]))) self.kx = x = y pl.figure() pl.plot(y)
def KBDWindow(dataSampleArray,alpha=4.): """ Returns a copy of the dataSampleArray KBD-windowed KBD window is defined following pp. 108-109 and pp. 117-118 of Bosi & Goldberg, "Introduction to Digital Audio..." book """ N = float(len(dataSampleArray)) t = arange(int(N/2 + 1)) input = dataSampleArray.copy() # i0 --> 0th modified bessel function kaiser = i0(alpha * pi * sqrt(1.0 - (4.0 * t / N - 1.0) ** 2)) / np.i0(np.pi * alpha) denominator = sum(kaiser ** 2) numerator = cumsum(kaiser[:-1] ** 2) numerator = concatenate((numerator, numerator[::-1]), axis=0) window = sqrt(numerator / denominator) out = input * window return out
def importanceSampling(self, K): # Init variables nx = ny = logZ = 0. samples = np.zeros( (K, nx, ny) ) evalPQ = np.zeros( K ) for iX in range(nx): for iY in range(ny): kappa = 0. logZ += np.log( 2 * np.pi * np.i0(kappa) ) samples[:, iX, iY] = np.random.vonmises(0, kappa, K) #print logZ for iSample in range(K): for iX in range(nx): for iY in range(ny): curInd = hlp.ravel_multi_index( (iX, iY), (nx,ny) ) if iX > 0: neiInd = hlp.ravel_multi_index( (iX-1, iY), (nx,ny) ) evalPQ[iSample] += self.J * np.cos( samples[iSample, iX, iY] - samples[iSample, iX-1, iY] ) else: neiInd = hlp.ravel_multi_index( (nx-1, iY), (nx,ny) ) evalPQ[iSample] += self.J * np.cos( samples[iSample, iX, iY] - samples[iSample, nx-1, iY] ) if iY > 0: neiInd = hlp.ravel_multi_index( (iX, iY-1), (nx,ny) ) evalPQ[iSample] += self.J * np.cos( samples[iSample, iX, iY] - samples[iSample, iX, iY-1] ) else: neiInd = hlp.ravel_multi_index( (iX, ny-1), (nx,ny) ) evalPQ[iSample] += self.J * np.cos( samples[iSample, iX, iY] - samples[iSample, iX, ny-1] ) evalMax = np.max( evalPQ ) evalPQ = np.exp( evalPQ - evalMax ) logZ += evalMax - np.log(K) + np.log( np.sum( evalPQ ) ) return logZ
def sample(self): if self.tr_cond == 'all_gains': G = (1.0 / self.stim_dur) * np.random.choice( [1.0], size=(self.n_loc, self.batch_size)) G = np.repeat(G, self.n_in, axis=0).T G = np.tile(G, (self.stim_dur, 1, 1)) G = np.swapaxes(G, 0, 1) else: G = (0.5 / self.stim_dur) * np.random.choice( [1.0], size=(1, self.batch_size)) G = np.repeat(G, self.n_in * self.n_loc, axis=0).T G = np.tile(G, (self.stim_dur, 1, 1)) G = np.swapaxes(G, 0, 1) H = (1.0 / self.resp_dur) * np.ones( (self.batch_size, self.resp_dur, self.nneuron)) # Target presence/absence and stimuli C = np.random.choice([0.0, 1.0], size=(self.batch_size, )) C1ind = np.where(C == 1.0)[0] # change S1 = np.pi * np.random.rand(self.n_loc, self.batch_size) S2 = S1 S1 = np.repeat(S1, self.n_in, axis=0).T S1 = np.tile(S1, (self.stim_dur, 1, 1)) S1 = np.swapaxes(S1, 0, 1) S2[np.random.randint(0, self.n_loc, size=(len(C1ind), )), C1ind] = np.pi * np.random.rand(len(C1ind)) S2 = np.repeat(S2, self.n_in, axis=0).T S2 = np.tile(S2, (self.resp_dur, 1, 1)) S2 = np.swapaxes(S2, 0, 1) # Noisy responses L1 = G * np.exp(self.kappa * (np.cos(2.0 * (S1 - np.tile( self.phi, (self.batch_size, self.stim_dur, self.n_loc)))) - 1.0)) # stim 1 L2 = H * np.exp(self.kappa * (np.cos(2.0 * (S2 - np.tile( self.phi, (self.batch_size, self.resp_dur, self.n_loc)))) - 1.0)) # stim 2 Ld = (self.spon_rate / self.delay_dur) * np.ones( (self.batch_size, self.delay_dur, self.nneuron)) # delay R1 = np.random.poisson(L1) R2 = np.random.poisson(L2) Rd = np.random.poisson(Ld) example_input = np.concatenate((R1, Rd, R2), axis=1) example_output = np.repeat(C[:, np.newaxis], self.total_dur, axis=1) example_output = np.repeat(example_output[:, :, np.newaxis], 1, axis=2) cum_R1 = np.sum(R1, axis=1) cum_R2 = np.sum(R2, axis=1) mu_x = np.asarray([ np.arctan2([:, i * self.n_in:(i + 1) * self.n_in], np.sin(2.0 * self.phi)),[:, i * self.n_in:(i + 1) * self.n_in], np.cos(2.0 * self.phi))) for i in range(self.n_loc) ]) mu_y = np.asarray([ np.arctan2([:, i * self.n_in:(i + 1) * self.n_in], np.sin(2.0 * self.phi)),[:, i * self.n_in:(i + 1) * self.n_in], np.cos(2.0 * self.phi))) for i in range(self.n_loc) ]) temp_x = np.asarray([ np.swapaxes(np.multiply.outer(cum_R1, cum_R1), 1, 2)[i, i, :, :] for i in range(self.batch_size) ]) temp_y = np.asarray([ np.swapaxes(np.multiply.outer(cum_R2, cum_R2), 1, 2)[i, i, :, :] for i in range(self.batch_size) ]) kappa_x = np.asarray([ np.sqrt( np.sum(temp_x[:, i * self.n_in:(i + 1) * self.n_in, i * self.n_in:(i + 1) * self.n_in] * np.repeat(np.cos( np.subtract( np.expand_dims(self.phi, axis=1), np.expand_dims(self.phi, axis=1).T))[np.newaxis, :, :], self.batch_size, axis=0), axis=(1, 2))) for i in range(self.n_loc) ]) kappa_y = np.asarray([ np.sqrt( np.sum(temp_y[:, i * self.n_in:(i + 1) * self.n_in, i * self.n_in:(i + 1) * self.n_in] * np.repeat(np.cos( np.subtract( np.expand_dims(self.phi, axis=1), np.expand_dims(self.phi, axis=1).T))[np.newaxis, :, :], self.batch_size, axis=0), axis=(1, 2))) for i in range(self.n_loc) ]) if self.n_loc == 1: d = np.i0(kappa_x) * np.i0(kappa_y) / np.i0( np.sqrt(kappa_x**2 + kappa_y**2 + 2.0 * kappa_x * kappa_y * np.cos(mu_y - mu_x))) else: d = np.nanmean(np.i0(kappa_x) * np.i0(kappa_y) / np.i0( np.sqrt(kappa_x**2 + kappa_y**2 + 2.0 * kappa_x * kappa_y * np.cos(mu_y - mu_x))), axis=0) P = d / (d + 1.0) return example_input, example_output, C, P
import numpy as np from pylab import * x = np.linspace(0, 4, 100) vals = np.i0(x) plot(x, vals) show()
reason="NEP-18 support is not available in NumPy"), ), pytest.param( lambda x: np.imag(x), marks=pytest.mark.skipif( not IS_NEP18_ACTIVE, reason="NEP-18 support is not available in NumPy"), ), pytest.param( lambda x: np.fix(x), marks=pytest.mark.skipif( not IS_NEP18_ACTIVE, reason="NEP-18 support is not available in NumPy"), ), pytest.param( lambda x: np.i0(x.reshape((24, ))), marks=pytest.mark.skipif( not IS_NEP18_ACTIVE, reason="NEP-18 support is not available in NumPy"), ), pytest.param( lambda x: np.sinc(x), marks=pytest.mark.skipif( not IS_NEP18_ACTIVE, reason="NEP-18 support is not available in NumPy"), ), pytest.param( lambda x: np.nan_to_num(x), marks=pytest.mark.skipif( not IS_NEP18_ACTIVE, reason="NEP-18 support is not available in NumPy"),
def vonmises(x, amp, cen, kappa): # "1-d vonmises" return (amp / (np.pi * 2 * np.i0(kappa))) * np.exp(kappa * np.cos(x - cen))
# print('kappa estimate with formula = ',k_est) # use fsolve, to estimate 'kappa', when 'mu' has been estimated through # equation (2.4) of Banerjee(2005): #r_min = optimize.fsolve(myF_kappa, [0.0], args=r_bar) ## r_min = optimize.fmin_bfgs(myF, (0,0)) #print(r_min) # ## use fsolve, to estimate 'kappa' and 'mu': #initParams = [ 1, 1 ] #results = optimize.minimize(vmf_log2, initParams, method='nelder-mead') #print(results.x) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # # define the von Mises with an expression: num = 1.0 denom = (2 * np.pi) * i0(kappa_) conss = num / denom y11 = stats.vonmises.logpdf(X_samples, kappa=kappa_, loc=loc_) y22 = np.log(conss * np.exp(kappa_ * # plot the logarithm of the pdf of the von Mises distribution sample: fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(8, 4)) ax.plot(y11, 'r', label='yPred') ax.plot(y22, 'b', label='yObs') ax.legend() sy1 = -np.sum(y11) sy2 = -np.sum(y22) #return X, X_samples
def bessel_(x): bessel_.NumParam = 0 bessel_.NumVars = 1 return np.i0(x)
#width = pulseWidth(period, meanFref,randomNum) count = 0 #1/width/width > 100 #exp(-pow(phase,2)/2.0/width/width)/width/sqrt(2.* 3.14159265) * randarr[phasenum]* exp(gasdev(&idum)) / e; profile = np.zeros(phaseNum) for i in range(phaseNum): tval = i*tsamp phase = tval/period % 1. if (phase < 0.) : phase += 1. phase -= 0.5; #phasenum = (int)(tval/head->p0-fmod(tval/head->p0, 1.)); if 1/width/width > 100: profile[i] = math.exp(-pow(phase,2)/2.0/width/width)/width/np.sqrt(2.* math.pi) #* randarr[phasenum]* exp(gasdev(&idum)) / e else: profile[i] = math.exp((1/width/width) * math.cos(phase))/2./math.pi/np.i0((1/width/width)) # * randarr[phasenum] * exp(gasdev(&idum)) / e; for i in range(phaseNum): if profile[i] >= max(profile)*0.7: count += 1 #profile[i] = math.exp((1/width/width) * math.cos(phase))/2./math.pi/np.i0((1/width/width)) # * randarr[phasenum] * exp(gasdev(&idum)) / e; print sum(profile)*1./phaseNum profile = profile *0.001/ (sum(profile)*1./phaseNum) print count,len(profile),count*1./float(len(profile)) print int(period / tsamp) print 'width: %s' % (np.size(np.where(profile > 0.00001))/(phaseNum*1.)) print 'num of profile > 0: %s' %(np.size(np.where(profile > 0.00001))) print 'width: %s, phaseNum: %s' %(width, phaseNum) plt.plot(profile) #plt.scatter(np.arange(len(profile)),profile) plt.xlabel('phaseNum')
def smc(self, order, N, NT=1.1, resamp='mult', verbose=False): """ SMC algorithm to estimate (log)Z of the classical XY model with free boundary conditions. Parameters ---------- order : 1-D array_like The order in which to add the random variables x, flat index. N : int The number of particles used to estimate Z. NT : int Threshold for ESS-based resampling (0,1] or 1.1. Resample if ESS < NT*N (NT=1.1, resample every time) resamp : string Type of resampling scheme {mult, res, strat, sys}. verbose : bool Output changed to logZk, xMean, ESS. Output ------ logZ : float Estimate of (log)Z in double precision. """ # Init variables nx = ny = logZ = np.zeros( nx*ny ) indSorted = order.argsort() orderSorted = order[indSorted] # SMC specific trajectory = np.zeros( (N, len(order)) ) ancestors = np.zeros( N, ) nu = np.zeros( N ) tempNu = np.zeros( N ) ess = np.zeros( len(order)-1 ) iter = 0 # ------- # SMC # ------- # First iteration ix, iy = hlp.unravel_index( order[0], (nx,ny) ) tempMean = 0. tempDispersion = 0. trajectory[:,0] = np.random.vonmises(tempMean, tempDispersion, N) # Log-trick update of adjustment multipliers and logZ tempDispersion = np.zeros(N) for iSMC in range( 1, len(order) ): # Resampling with log-trick update nu += np.log(2 * np.pi * np.i0(tempDispersion)) nuMax = np.max(nu) tempNu = np.exp( nu - nuMax ) c = np.sum(tempNu) tempNu /= c ess[iSMC-1] = 1 / (np.sum(tempNu**2)) if ess[iSMC-1] < NT*float(N): nu = np.exp( nu - nuMax ) if iter > 0: logZ[iter] = logZ[iter-1] + nuMax + np.log( np.sum(nu) ) - np.log(N) else: logZ[iter] = nuMax + np.log( np.sum(nu) ) - np.log(N) c = np.sum(nu) nu /= c ancestors = hlp.resampling( nu, scheme=resamp ) nu = np.zeros( N ) trajectory[:,:iSMC] = trajectory[ancestors, :iSMC] iter += 1 # Calculate optimal proposal and adjustment multipliers ix, iy = hlp.unravel_index( order[iSMC], (nx,ny) ) tempMean = np.zeros( N ) tempDispersion = np.zeros( N ) if ix > 0: tempInd = hlp.ravel_multi_index( (ix-1,iy), (nx,ny) ) if tempInd in order[:iSMC]: kappa = self.J tempIndSMC = indSorted[orderSorted.searchsorted(tempInd)] Y = tempDispersion*np.sin( -tempMean ) + kappa*np.sin( -trajectory[:,tempIndSMC] ) X = tempDispersion*np.cos( -tempMean ) + kappa*np.cos( -trajectory[:,tempIndSMC] ) tempDispersion = np.sqrt( tempDispersion**2 + kappa**2 + 2*kappa*tempDispersion*np.cos(-tempMean+trajectory[:,tempIndSMC] ) ) tempMean = -np.arctan2(Y ,X) else: tempInd = hlp.ravel_multi_index( (nx-1,iy), (nx,ny) ) if tempInd in order[:iSMC]: kappa = self.J tempIndSMC = indSorted[orderSorted.searchsorted(tempInd)] Y = tempDispersion*np.sin( -tempMean ) + kappa*np.sin( -trajectory[:,tempIndSMC] ) X = tempDispersion*np.cos( -tempMean ) + kappa*np.cos( -trajectory[:,tempIndSMC] ) tempDispersion = np.sqrt( tempDispersion**2 + kappa**2 + 2*kappa*tempDispersion*np.cos(-tempMean+trajectory[:,tempIndSMC] ) ) tempMean = -np.arctan2(Y ,X) if ix < nx-1: tempInd = hlp.ravel_multi_index( (ix+1,iy), (nx,ny) ) if tempInd in order[:iSMC]: kappa = self.J tempIndSMC = indSorted[orderSorted.searchsorted(tempInd)] Y = tempDispersion*np.sin( -tempMean ) + kappa*np.sin( -trajectory[:,tempIndSMC] ) X = tempDispersion*np.cos( -tempMean ) + kappa*np.cos( -trajectory[:,tempIndSMC] ) tempDispersion = np.sqrt( tempDispersion**2 + kappa**2 + 2*kappa*tempDispersion*np.cos(-tempMean+trajectory[:,tempIndSMC] ) ) tempMean = -np.arctan2(Y ,X) else: tempInd = hlp.ravel_multi_index( (0,iy), (nx,ny) ) if tempInd in order[:iSMC]: kappa = self.J tempIndSMC = indSorted[orderSorted.searchsorted(tempInd)] Y = tempDispersion*np.sin( -tempMean ) + kappa*np.sin( -trajectory[:,tempIndSMC] ) X = tempDispersion*np.cos( -tempMean ) + kappa*np.cos( -trajectory[:,tempIndSMC] ) tempDispersion = np.sqrt( tempDispersion**2 + kappa**2 + 2*kappa*tempDispersion*np.cos(-tempMean+trajectory[:,tempIndSMC] ) ) tempMean = -np.arctan2(Y ,X) if iy > 0: tempInd = hlp.ravel_multi_index( (ix,iy-1), (nx,ny) ) if tempInd in order[:iSMC]: kappa = self.J tempIndSMC = indSorted[orderSorted.searchsorted(tempInd)] Y = tempDispersion*np.sin( -tempMean ) + kappa*np.sin( -trajectory[:,tempIndSMC] ) X = tempDispersion*np.cos( -tempMean ) + kappa*np.cos( -trajectory[:,tempIndSMC] ) tempDispersion = np.sqrt( tempDispersion**2 + kappa**2 + 2*kappa*tempDispersion*np.cos(-tempMean+trajectory[:,tempIndSMC] ) ) tempMean = -np.arctan2(Y ,X) else: tempInd = hlp.ravel_multi_index( (ix,ny-1), (nx,ny) ) if tempInd in order[:iSMC]: kappa = self.J tempIndSMC = indSorted[orderSorted.searchsorted(tempInd)] Y = tempDispersion*np.sin( -tempMean ) + kappa*np.sin( -trajectory[:,tempIndSMC] ) X = tempDispersion*np.cos( -tempMean ) + kappa*np.cos( -trajectory[:,tempIndSMC] ) tempDispersion = np.sqrt( tempDispersion**2 + kappa**2 + 2*kappa*tempDispersion*np.cos(-tempMean+trajectory[:,tempIndSMC] ) ) tempMean = -np.arctan2(Y ,X) if iy < ny-1: tempInd = hlp.ravel_multi_index( (ix,iy+1), (nx,ny) ) if tempInd in order[:iSMC]: kappa = self.J tempIndSMC = indSorted[orderSorted.searchsorted(tempInd)] Y = tempDispersion*np.sin( -tempMean ) + kappa*np.sin( -trajectory[:,tempIndSMC] ) X = tempDispersion*np.cos( -tempMean ) + kappa*np.cos( -trajectory[:,tempIndSMC] ) tempDispersion = np.sqrt( tempDispersion**2 + kappa**2 + 2*kappa*tempDispersion*np.cos(-tempMean+trajectory[:,tempIndSMC] ) ) tempMean = -np.arctan2(Y ,X) else: tempInd = hlp.ravel_multi_index( (ix,0), (nx,ny) ) if tempInd in order[:iSMC]: kappa = self.J tempIndSMC = indSorted[orderSorted.searchsorted(tempInd)] Y = tempDispersion*np.sin( -tempMean ) + kappa*np.sin( -trajectory[:,tempIndSMC] ) X = tempDispersion*np.cos( -tempMean ) + kappa*np.cos( -trajectory[:,tempIndSMC] ) tempDispersion = np.sqrt( tempDispersion**2 + kappa**2 + 2*kappa*tempDispersion*np.cos(-tempMean+trajectory[:,tempIndSMC] ) ) tempMean = -np.arctan2(Y ,X) for iParticle in range(N): trajectory[iParticle, iSMC] = hlp.vonmises(tempMean[iParticle], tempDispersion[iParticle]) nu += np.log(2 * np.pi * np.i0(tempDispersion)) nuMax = np.max(nu) nu = np.exp( nu - nuMax ) logZ[iter] = logZ[iter-1] + nuMax + np.log( np.sum(nu) ) - np.log(N) if verbose: c = np.sum(nu) nu /= c trajMean = np.mean( (np.tile(nu, (len(order),1))).T*trajectory, axis=0 ) return logZ, trajMean[order].reshape( (nx,ny) ), ess else: return logZ[iter]
# General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with BASILISK. If not, see <>. """ Von Mises sampler and density. """ from math import pi, acos, cos, sin from numpy import log, exp, i0 # i0 is modified Bessel function of first kind from random import vonmisesvariate i0_float = lambda x: float(i0(float(x))) def to_radian(coords): if coords[1]>0: return acos(coords[0]) else: return 2*pi-acos(coords[0]) def to_coords(angle): return array([cos(angle), sin(angle)]) def mod2pi(x): if x >= 2*pi: return mod2pi(x - 2*pi) if x < 0:
lambda x: x.reshape((x.shape[0] * x.shape[1], x.shape[2])), lambda x: abs(x), lambda x: x > 0.5, lambda x: x.rechunk((4, 4, 4)), lambda x: x.rechunk((2, 2, 1)), pytest.param(lambda x: da.einsum("ijk,ijk", x, x), marks=pytest.mark.xfail( reason='depends on resolution of')), lambda x: np.isreal(x), lambda x: np.iscomplex(x), lambda x: np.isneginf(x), lambda x: np.isposinf(x), lambda x: np.real(x), lambda x: np.imag(x), lambda x: np.fix(x), lambda x: np.i0(x.reshape((24,))), lambda x: np.sinc(x), lambda x: np.nan_to_num(x), ] @pytest.mark.parametrize('func', functions) def test_basic(func): c = cupy.random.random((2, 3, 4)) n = c.get() dc = da.from_array(c, chunks=(1, 2, 2), asarray=False) dn = da.from_array(n, chunks=(1, 2, 2)) ddc = func(dc) ddn = func(dn)
def get_angle_biased(x, k): random_angle = np.random.uniform(-np.pi, np.pi) angle = (1/(2*np.pi*np.i0(k)))*(np.e**(k*(x-random_angle))) return angle
def forward(ctx, inp, nu): ctx._nu = nu ctx.save_for_backward(inp) return torch.from_numpy(np.i0(inp.detach().numpy()))
import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as mp x = np.linspace(-5, 5, 1001) y = np.i0(x) mp.gcf().set_facecolor(np.ones(3) * 240 / 255) mp.title('Bessel Function', fontsize=20) mp.xlabel('x', fontsize=14) mp.ylabel('y', fontsize=14) mp.tick_params(labelsize=10) mp.grid(linestyle=':') mp.plot(x, y, c='dodgerblue', label='Bessel') mp.legend()
def vonmises(x, amp, cen, kappa): # "1-d vonmises" top = (amp / (np.pi * 2 * np.i0(kappa))) bot = np.exp(kappa * np.cos(x / 360.0 * 2.0 * np.pi - cen)) return top * bot
def tune(plotfreq=False, plottime=False, input_device_index=None): # Set up the Kaiser window n = np.arange(CHUNK_SIZE) + 0.5 # Assuming CHUNK_SIZE is even x = (n - CHUNK_SIZE / 2) / (CHUNK_SIZE / 2) window = np.i0(KAISER_BETA * np.sqrt(1 - x ** 2)) / np.i0(KAISER_BETA) # Get audio data p = pyaudio.PyAudio() #device_info = p.get_device_info_by_index(input_device_index) #print(device_info) stream =, channels=1, rate=RATE, input=True, input_device_index=input_device_index, frames_per_buffer=CHUNK_SIZE) if plotfreq or plottime: # Set up plotting paraphernalia plt.ion() if plottime: figtime = plt.figure() axtime = figtime.gca() if plotfreq: figfreq = plt.figure() axfreq = figfreq.gca() print 'Press return to stop...' i = 0 while 1: i += 1 # Check if something has been input. If so, exit. if sys.stdin in select([sys.stdin, ], [], [], 0)[0]: # Absorb the input and break sys.stdin.readline() break # Acquire sound data snd_data = array('h', signal = np.array(snd_data) #if sys.byteorder == 'big': #snd_data.byteswap() if plottime: if i > 1: axtime.lines.remove(timeline) [timeline, ] = axtime.plot(signal, 'b-') figtime.canvas.draw() # Apply a Kaiser window on the signal before taking the FFT. This # makes the signal look better if it is periodic. Derivatives at the # edges of the signal match better, which means that the frequency # domain will have fewer side-lobes. However, it does cause each spike # to grow a bit broader. # One can change the value of beta to tradeoff between side-lobe height # and main lobe width. signal *= window spectrum = np.fft.rfft(signal, int(RATE / RESOLUTION)) peak = np.argmax(abs(spectrum)) # peak directly gives the # desired frequency # Threshold on the maximum peak present in the signal (meaning we # expect the signal to be approximately unimodal) if spectrum[peak] > THRESHOLD: # Put a band-pass filter in place to look at only those frequencies # we want. The desired peak is the harmonic located in the # frequency region of interest. desired_peak = np.argmax(abs(spectrum[90:550])) print desired_peak if plotfreq: try: axfreq.lines.remove(freqline) except UnboundLocalError: pass [freqline, ] = axfreq.plot(abs(spectrum), 'b-') figfreq.canvas.draw() stream.stop_stream() stream.close() p.terminate()
def myF_2vM1U(theta, *params): """ The first derivative of the log-likelihood function 'l' to be set equal to zero in order to estimate the mixture parameters: p1, p2: the weights of the two von Mises distributions on semi-circle kappa2, kappa2: the concentrations of the two von Mises distributions mu1, mu2: the locations of the two von Mises distributions theta:= [ p1, kappa1, mu1, p2, kappa2, mu2 ] params:= X_samples: the observations sample The function returns a vector F with the derivatives of 'l' wrt the components of theta. This function is to be called with optimize.fsolve function of scipy: roots_ = optimize.fsolve( myF_2vM1U, in_guess, args=my_par ) """ # scal_ = 0.5 ll = 2.0 x_ = np.array(params).T # print(type(x_)) # print('x_=', x_.shape) # the unknown parameters: p1_ = theta[0] kappa1_ = theta[1] m1_ = theta[2] p2_ = theta[3] kappa2_ = theta[4] m2_ = theta[5] pu_ = 1.0 - p1_ - p2_ # the 1st von Mises distribution on semi-circle: fvm1_ = _vmf_pdf(x_, kappa1_, m1_, ll) # fvm1_ = stats.vonmises.pdf( x_, kappa1_, m1_, scal_ ) # the 2nd von Mises distribution on semi-circle: fvm2_ = _vmf_pdf(x_, kappa2_, m2_, ll) # fvm2_ = stats.vonmises.pdf( x_, kappa2_, m2_, scal_ ) # the uniform distribution: xu_1 = min(x_) xu_2 = (max(x_) - min(x_)) fu_ = stats.uniform.pdf(x_, loc=xu_1, scale=xu_2) # mixture distribution: fm_ = p1_ * fvm1_ + p2_ * fvm2_ + pu_ * fu_ # first derivative wrt weight p1: dldp1 = sum(np.divide(np.subtract(fvm1_, fu_), fm_)) # first derivative wrt weight p2: dldp2 = sum(np.divide(np.subtract(fvm2_, fu_), fm_)) # first derivative wrt location mu1:= dldm1 = (ll*kappa1_*p1_)*sum( np.multiply( np.divide( fvm1_, fm_ ), \ np.sin(ll*(x_ - m1_)) ) ) # first derivative wrt location mu2:= dldm2 = (ll*kappa2_*p2_)*sum( np.multiply( np.divide( fvm2_, fm_ ), \ np.sin(ll*(x_ - m2_)) ) ) # first derivative wrt concentration kappa1: Ak1 = (iv(1.0, kappa1_) / i0(kappa1_)) dldk1 = p1_*sum( np.multiply( np.divide( fvm1_, fm_ ), \ ( np.cos(ll*(x_ - m1_)) - Ak1 ) ) ) # first derivative wrt concentration kappa1: Ak2 = (iv(1.0, kappa2_) / i0(kappa2_)) dldk2 = p2_*sum( np.multiply( np.divide( fvm2_, fm_ ), \ ( np.cos(ll*(x_ - m2_)) - Ak2 ) ) ) F = [dldp1[0], dldk1[0], dldm1[0], dldp2[0], dldk2[0], dldm2[0]] return F
def c1(cls, th, k1, a, b): """First component of the fitted function. """ return a * b * np.exp(k1 * np.cos(th)) / (2. * np.pi * np.i0(k1))
left=cutoff1d[0] right=cutoff1d[1] if left==0: scalefreq=0.0 elif right==1: scalefreq=1 else: scalefreq=0.5*(left+right) s=0 kais=[] for i in range(N): # print sp.bessel(0,beta*np.sqrt(1-np.power((i-alpha)/alpha,2)),analog=True) # print beta c.append(np.cos(np.pi*m[i]*scalefreq)) kais.append(np.i0(beta*np.sqrt(1-np.power((i-alpha)/alpha,2)))/np.i0(beta)) FIR.append(h[i]*kais[i]) s=s+FIR[i]*c[i] pl.plot(c,label='c') pl.plot(h,label='h') pl.plot(kais,label='kais') pl.plot(FIR,label='FIR') pl.legend() pl.figure() Fh=np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fft(h)) Fc=np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fft(c)) Fkais=np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fft(kais))
#!/usr/bin/python import numpy from pylab import * x = numpy.linspace(0, 4, 100) vals = numpy.i0(x) plot(x, vals) show()
""" #Script to evaluation the response of each angle relative to the imaging angle import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np from smart_rotation import smart_rotation filepath = "/mnt/fileserver/Henry-SPIM/smart_rotation/06142018/sample1/merged/workspace_final3/angularcount_final/" sr = smart_rotation(24,10) sr.evaluate_angles(filepath,24,10,0,False) savepath = "/mnt/fileserver/Henry-SPIM/smart_rotation/06142018/sample1/merged/workspace_final3/figures/" alpha = 0.2 fig,(a0,a1,a2,a3) = plt.subplots(4,1,sharex = True,figsize=(4.5,3),gridspec_kw={'height_ratios':[12,1,1,1]}) plt.subplots_adjust(left=0,right=1,top=1,bottom=0,hspace=0.03) linewidth = 1 markersize=2 a0.plot(np.arange(0,360,10),np.divide(sr.a[:,0]/np.pi/2,np.i0(sr.k))*np.exp(np.abs(sr.k))[:,0],'g-o',label="max",lw =linewidth,markersize=markersize) a0.plot(np.arange(0,360,10),np.divide(sr.a[:,0]/np.pi/2,np.i0(sr.k))*np.exp(-np.abs(sr.k))[:,0],'r-o',label="min",lw=linewidth,markersize=markersize) a0.grid(False) a0.legend(loc="upper right") a0.set_xlim(0,360) a0.set_ylim(0,15000) a0.xaxis.tick_top() #a0.set_xlabel('imaging angle') a0.set_xlabel('Angle within sample') axis = [a1,a2] for i in axis: i.set_yticklabels([]) i.xaxis.set_ticks_position('none') i.yaxis.set_ticks_position('none') i.set_xlim(0,360) mini = 1
print u"分期付款" #pmt输入为利率和期数,总价,输出每期钱数 print "Payment",np.pmt(0.10/12,12*30,100000) #nper参数为贷款利率,固定的月供和贷款额,输出付款期数 print "Number of payments", np.nper(0.10/12,-100,9000) #rate参数为付款期数,每期付款资金,现值和终值计算利率 print "Interest rate",12*np.rate(167,-100,9000,0) print u"窗函数" #bartlett函数可以计算巴特利特窗 window = np.bartlett(42) print "bartlett",window #blackman函数返回布莱克曼窗。该函数唯一的参数为输出点的数量。如果数量 #为0或小于0,则返回一个空数组。 window = np.blackman(10) print "blackman",window # hamming函数返回汉明窗。该函数唯一的参数为输出点的数量。如果数量为0或 # 小于0,则返回一个空数组。 window = np.hamming(42) print "hamming",window # kaiser函数返回凯泽窗。该函数的第一个参 # 数为输出点的数量。如果数量为0或小于0,则返回一个空数组。第二个参数为β值。 window = np.kaiser(42,14) print "kaiser",window # 以i0 表示第一类修正的零阶贝塞尔函数。 x= np.linspace(0,4,100) vals = np.i0(x) print "i0",vals val = np.sinc(x) print "sinc",val
def likelyhood(self,theta, r): """likelyhood computes the likelyhood that an ellipticity with angle theta at distance r is recorded""" br = self.b0 * r**self.alpha expar = (1./(2.*numpy.pi * numpy.i0(br))) return numpy.exp(-(br*cos(2*theta))) * expar