Exemple #1
 def distance_to_points(self, points):
     xs, ys = array(points).T
     xds = array([self._min.x - xs, xs - self._max.x])
     yds = array([self._min.y - ys, ys - self._max.y])
     r = arange(len(xs))
     xds = xds[argmin(npabs(xds),axis=0),r]
     yds = yds[argmin(npabs(yds),axis=0),r]
     xds[xds<0] = 0
     yds[yds<0] = 0
     return hypot(xds,yds)
Exemple #2
 def identify(frequency):
     closest = npabs(NoteIdentifier._freqs - frequency).argmin()
     if npabs(frequency - NoteIdentifier._freqs[closest]) > \
             npabs(frequency - NoteIdentifier._freqs[closest + 1]):
         other = NoteIdentifier._freqs[closest + 1]
         other = NoteIdentifier._freqs[closest - 1]
     uncertainty = npabs(frequency - NoteIdentifier._freqs[closest]) / \
             npabs(other - NoteIdentifier._freqs[closest])
     return (NoteIdentifier._freqs[closest], 
             NoteIdentifier._notes[closest]), uncertainty
Exemple #3
def decorrelation_witer(W):
    Iterative MDUM decorrelation that avoids matrix inversion.
    lim = 1.0
    tol = 1.0e-05
    W = W/(W**2).sum()
    while lim > tol:
        W1 = (3.0/2.0)*W - 0.5*dot(dot(W,W.T),W)
        lim = npmax(npabs(npabs(diag(dot(W1,W.T))) - 1.0))
        W = W1
    return W
def conv_der(im):
    calculate derivative of the image with convolution we learn in class
    :param im: image
    :return: the derived image
    x_conv = array([[1, 0, -1]])
    x_der = convolve2d(im, x_conv, mode='same')
    y_der = convolve2d(im, x_conv.T, mode='same')
    magnitude = sqrt((npabs(x_der)**2) + (npabs(y_der)**2))
    del x_conv, x_der, y_der
    return magnitude
Exemple #5
def find_nearest(a, a0):
    "Element in nd array `a` closest to the scalar value `a0`"
    a0 = array(a0)
    s = a0.size
    idx = zeros(s)
    if s == 1:
        idx = npabs(a - a0).argmin()
        return idx
    elif s > 1:
        for i in range(s):
            idx[i] = npabs(a - a0[i]).argmin()
        return idx
 def undistortedCoordinates(map1, map2, x, y, maxDistance = 1.):
     '''Returns the coordinates of a point in undistorted image
     map1 and map2 are the mapping functions from undistorted image
     to distorted (original image)
     map1(x,y) = originalx, originaly'''
     distx = npabs(map1-x)
     disty = npabs(map2-y)
     indices = logical_and(distx<maxDistance, disty<maxDistance)
     closeCoordinates = unravel_index(find(indices), distx.shape) # returns i,j, ie y,x
     xWeights = 1-distx[indices]
     yWeights = 1-disty[indices]
     return dot(xWeights, closeCoordinates[1])/npsum(xWeights), dot(yWeights, closeCoordinates[0])/npsum(yWeights)
Exemple #7
def decorrelation_witer(W):
    Iterative MDUM decorrelation that avoids matrix inversion.
    lim = 1.0
    tol = 1.0e-05
    W = W / (W**2).sum()
    while lim > tol:
        W1 = (3.0 / 2.0) * W - 0.5 * dot(dot(W, W.T), W)
        lim = npmax(npabs(npabs(diag(dot(W1, W.T))) - 1.0))
        W = W1
    return W
Exemple #8
def _get_still(mag_acc_f, dt, window, gravity, thresholds):
    Stillness determination of acceleration magnitude data

    mag_acc_f : numpy.ndarray
        (N, 3) array of filtered acceleration data.
    dt : float
        Sampling time difference, in seconds.
    window : float
        Moving statistics window length, in seconds.
    gravity : float
        Gravitational acceleration, as measured by the sensor during static sitting or standing.
    thresholds : dict
        Dictionary of the 4 thresholds to be used - acceleration and jerk moving averages and standard deviations.

    acc_still : numpy.ndarray
        (N, ) boolean array indicating stillness
    starts : numpy.ndarray
        (Q, ) array of where stillness ends, where by necessity has to follow: Q < N / 2
    stops : numpy.ndarray
        (P, ) array of where stillness ends, where by necessity has to follow: P < N / 2
    # calculate the sample window from the time window
    n_window = int(around(window / dt))
    # compute the acceleration moving standard deviation
    am_avg, am_std, _ = mov_stats(mag_acc_f, n_window)
    # compute the jerk
    jerk = gradient(mag_acc_f, dt, edge_order=2)
    # compute the jerk moving average and standard deviation
    jm_avg, jm_std, _ = mov_stats(jerk, n_window)

    # create masks from the moving statistics of acceleration and jerk
    am_avg_mask = npabs(am_avg - gravity) < thresholds['accel moving avg']
    am_std_mask = am_std < thresholds['accel moving std']
    jm_avg_mask = npabs(jm_avg) < thresholds['jerk moving avg']
    jm_std_mask = jm_std < thresholds['jerk moving std']

    acc_still = am_avg_mask & am_std_mask & jm_avg_mask & jm_std_mask
    starts = where(diff(acc_still.astype(int)) == 1)[0]
    stops = where(diff(acc_still.astype(int)) == -1)[0]

    if acc_still[0]:
        starts = append(0, starts)
    if acc_still[-1]:
        stops = append(stops, len(acc_still) - 1)

    return acc_still, starts, stops
Exemple #9
def ica_par_fp(X, tolerance, g, gprime, orthog, alpha, maxIterations, Winit):
    n, p = X.shape
    W = orthog(Winit)
    lim = tolerance + 1
    it = 1
    while ((lim > tolerance) and (it < maxIterations)):
        wtx = dot(W, X)
        gwtx = g(wtx, alpha)
        g_wtx = gprime(wtx, alpha)
        W1 = dot(gwtx, X.T) / p - dot(diag(g_wtx.mean(axis=1)), W)
        W1 = orthog(W1)
        lim = npmax(npabs(npabs(diag(dot(W1, W.T))) - 1.0))
        W = W1
        it = it + 1
    return W
Exemple #10
    def _minimize(self, verbose=True, factr=FACTR, pgtol=PGTOL):
        from numpy import abs as npabs, max as npmax
        from numpy import empty, atleast_1d

        self.__verbose = verbose
        varnames = self.__varnames()

        grad = self.gradient()
        sign_grad = {
            name: self.__sign * atleast_1d(grad[name])
            for name in varnames

        self.__flat_gradient = empty(sum(s.size for s in sign_grad.values()))
        self.__flat_solution = empty(
            sum(self._variables[n].size for n in varnames))

        _set_flat_arr(sign_grad, varnames, self.__flat_gradient)
        if npmax(npabs(self.__flat_gradient)) <= pgtol:
            if verbose:
                print("Gradient near zero before the first iteration. "
                      "Returning the current value.")

        r = self.__try_minimize(5, factr=factr, pgtol=pgtol)

        if r[2]["warnflag"] == 1:
            msg = "L-BFGS-B: too many function evaluations or too many iterations"
            raise OptimixError(msg)
        if r[2]["warnflag"] == 2:
            raise OptimixError("L-BFGS-B: {}".format(r[2]["task"]))

        _set_var_arr(r[0], self.__varnames(), self._variables)
def Weiner(f,s,n,cut,p):
    p = int(4)
    inds = [i for i,nu in enumerate(f) if npabs(nu)<cut]
    w[inds] = s*nppower(cos(pi/2. * f[inds] / cut) , p)
    return w/(w+n)
Exemple #12
def bins_and_hist(a, b, w, size_hist, sigs, bin_size=11):
    bins = logspace(log10(a[w].min()), log10(a[w].max()), num=bin_size)
    a_bin = [0.5 * (bins[i - 1] + bins[i]) for i in range(1, len(bins))]
    b_bin = [
        median((b[w])[(a[w] <= bins[i]) & (a[w] > bins[i - 1])])
        for i in range(1, len(bins))
    e_b_bin = [
        std((b[w])[(a[w] <= bins[i]) & (a[w] > bins[i - 1])])
        for i in range(1, len(bins))

    x_bin, y_bin = linspace(log10(a[w]).min(), log10(a[w]).max(), num=size_hist),\
                   linspace(log10(b[w]).min(), log10(b[w]).max(), num=size_hist)
    H, xe, ye = histogram2d(log10(a[w]), log10(b[w]), bins=(x_bin, y_bin))

    H_sorted, lev = sort(H.flatten())[::-1], []

    for i in range(len(sigs)):
            npabs(cumsum(H_sorted) - H.sum() / 100. * sigs[i]))])

    lev = array(lev)
    lev[lev < 1.5] = 1.

    x, y = linspace(log10(a[w]).min(), log10(a[w]).max(), num=H.shape[0]), \
           linspace(log10(b[w]).min(), log10(b[w]).max(), num=H.shape[1])

    return x, y, H, log10(lev[::-1]), a_bin, b_bin, e_b_bin
Exemple #13
def stetson_kindex(fmags, ferrs):
    This calculates the Stetson K index (robust measure of the kurtosis).

    Requires finite mags and errs.


    # use a fill in value for the errors if they're none
    if ferrs is None:
        ferrs = npfull_like(mags, 0.005)

    ndet = len(fmags)

    if ndet > 9:

        # get the median and ndet
        medmag = npmedian(fmags)

        # get the stetson index elements
        delta_prefactor = (ndet / (ndet - 1))
        sigma_i = delta_prefactor * (fmags - medmag) / ferrs

        stetsonk = (npsum(npabs(sigma_i)) /
                    (npsqrt(npsum(sigma_i * sigma_i))) * (ndet**(-0.5)))

        return stetsonk


        LOGERROR('not enough detections in this magseries '
                 'to calculate stetson K index')
        return npnan
Exemple #14
def remove_dependent_cols(X, tol=1e-6, verbose=False):
    r"""Remove dependent columns.

    Return a matrix with dependent columns removed.

    X : array_like
        Matrix to might have dependent columns.

        Full column rank matrix.
    from scipy.linalg import qr
    from numpy import abs as npabs
    from numpy import any as npany
    from numpy import where

    R = qr(X, mode="r")[0][: X.shape[1], :]
    I = npabs(R.diagonal()) > tol
    if npany(~I) and verbose:
        msg = "Columns " + str(where(~I)[0])
        print(msg + " have been removed because linear dependence")
        R = X[:, I]
        R = X.copy()
    return R
Exemple #15
def dcpf(Ybus, Sbus, Ibus, V0, ref, pvpq, pq, pv):
    Solves a DC power flow.
    :param Ybus: Normal circuit admittance matrix
    :param Sbus: Complex power injections at all the nodes
    :param Ibus: Complex current injections at all the nodes
    :param V0: Array of complex seed voltage (it contains the ref voltages)
    :param ref: array of the indices of the slack nodes
    :param pvpq: array of the indices of the non-slack nodes
    :param pq: array of the indices of the pq nodes
    :param pv: array of the indices of the pv nodes
        Complex voltage solution
        Converged: Always true
        Solution error
        Computed power injections given the found solution

    start = time.time()

    # Decompose the voltage in angle and magnitude
    Va_ref = angle(V0[ref])  # we only need the angles at the slack nodes
    Vm = npabs(V0)

    # initialize result vector
    Va = empty(len(V0))

    # reconvert the pqpv vector to a matrix so that we can call numpy directly with it
    pvpq_ = matrix(pvpq)

    # Compile the reduced imaginary impedance matrix
    Bpqpv = Ybus.imag[pvpq_.T, pvpq_]
    Bref = Ybus.imag[pvpq_.T, ref]

    # compose the reduced power injections
    # Since we have removed the slack nodes, we must account their influence as injections Bref * Va_ref
    Pinj = Sbus[pvpq].real + (-Bref * Va_ref + Ibus[pvpq].real) * Vm[pvpq]

    # update angles for non-reference buses
    Va[pvpq] = spsolve(Bpqpv, Pinj)
    Va[ref] = Va_ref

    # re assemble the voltage
    V = Vm * exp(1j * Va)

    # compute the calculated power injection and the error of the voltage solution
    Scalc = V * conj(Ybus * V - Ibus)

    # compute the power mismatch between the specified power Sbus and the calculated power Scalc
    mis = Scalc - Sbus  # complex power mismatch
    F = r_[mis[pv].real, mis[pq].real, mis[pq].imag]  # concatenate again

    # check for convergence
    normF = linalg.norm(F, Inf)

    end = time.time()
    elapsed = end - start

    return V, True, normF, Scalc, 1, elapsed
Exemple #16
def compute_seq_corr_matrix(X, N):
    '''computes sequnece correlation matrix'''
    seq_mat_prod = dot(X, tp(X))/N
    seq_avg_prod = \
        dot(tp(matrix(mean(tp(X), 0))), matrix(mean(tp(X), 0)))

    seq_corr = npabs(seq_mat_prod - seq_avg_prod)
    return seq_corr
Exemple #17
def compute_seq_corr_matrix(X, N):
    '''computes sequnece correlation matrix'''
    seq_mat_prod = dot(X, tp(X)) / N
    seq_avg_prod = \
        dot(tp(matrix(mean(tp(X), 0))), matrix(mean(tp(X), 0)))

    seq_corr = npabs(seq_mat_prod - seq_avg_prod)
    return seq_corr
Exemple #18
def ica_par_fp(X, tolerance, g, gprime, orthog, alpha, maxIterations, Winit):
    """Parallel FastICA; orthog sets the method of unmixing vector decorrelation. This
    fucntion is not meant to be directly called; it is wrapped by fastica()."""
    n,p = X.shape
    W = orthog(Winit)
    lim = tolerance + 1
    it = 1
    while ((lim > tolerance) and (it < maxIterations)):
        wtx = dot(W,X)
        gwtx = g(wtx,alpha)
        g_wtx = gprime(wtx,alpha)
        W1 = dot(gwtx,X.T)/p - dot(diag(g_wtx.mean(axis=1)),W)
        W1 = orthog(W1)
        lim = npmax(npabs(npabs(diag(dot(W1,W.T))) - 1.0))
        W = W1
        it = it + 1
    return W
Exemple #19
def ica_par_fp(X, tolerance, g, gprime, orthog, alpha, maxIterations, Winit):
    """Parallel FastICA; orthog sets the method of unmixing vector decorrelation. This
    fucntion is not meant to be directly called; it is wrapped by fastica()."""
    n, p = X.shape
    W = orthog(Winit)
    lim = tolerance + 1
    it = 1
    while ((lim > tolerance) and (it < maxIterations)):
        wtx = dot(W, X)
        gwtx = g(wtx, alpha)
        g_wtx = gprime(wtx, alpha)
        W1 = dot(gwtx, X.T) / p - dot(diag(g_wtx.mean(axis=1)), W)
        W1 = orthog(W1)
        lim = npmax(npabs(npabs(diag(dot(W1, W.T))) - 1.0))
        W = W1
        it = it + 1
    return W
Exemple #20
def lightcurve_moments(ftimes, fmags, ferrs):
    '''This calculates the weighted mean, stdev, median, MAD, percentiles, skew,
    kurtosis, fraction of LC beyond 1-stdev, and IQR.


    ftimes,fmags,ferrs : np.array
        The input mag/flux time-series with all non-finite elements removed.


        A dict with all of the light curve moments calculated.


    ndet = len(fmags)

    if ndet > 9:

        # now calculate the various things we need
        series_median = npmedian(fmags)
        series_wmean = (npsum(fmags * (1.0 / (ferrs * ferrs))) /
                        npsum(1.0 / (ferrs * ferrs)))
        series_mad = npmedian(npabs(fmags - series_median))
        series_stdev = 1.483 * series_mad
        series_skew = spskew(fmags)
        series_kurtosis = spkurtosis(fmags)

        # get the beyond1std fraction
        series_above1std = len(fmags[fmags > (series_median + series_stdev)])
        series_below1std = len(fmags[fmags < (series_median - series_stdev)])

        # this is the fraction beyond 1 stdev
        series_beyond1std = (series_above1std + series_below1std) / float(ndet)

        # get the magnitude percentiles
        series_mag_percentiles = nppercentile(
            fmags, [5.0, 10, 17.5, 25, 32.5, 40, 60, 67.5, 75, 82.5, 90, 95])

        return {
            'median': series_median,
            'wmean': series_wmean,
            'mad': series_mad,
            'stdev': series_stdev,
            'skew': series_skew,
            'kurtosis': series_kurtosis,
            'beyond1std': series_beyond1std,
            'mag_percentiles': series_mag_percentiles,
            'mag_iqr': series_mag_percentiles[8] - series_mag_percentiles[3],

        LOGERROR('not enough detections in this magseries '
                 'to calculate light curve moments')
        return None
 def draw_meas(self, ax_Meas, meas):
     measmax = npabs(meas).max()
     if self.max_meas is None or measmax > self.max_meas:
         self.max_meas = measmax
     return ax_Meas.pcolormesh(self.actions_grid,
Exemple #22
def ica_def(X, tolerance, g, gprime, orthog, alpha, maxIterations, Winit):
    n, p = X.shape
    W = Winit

    for j in xrange(n):
        w = Winit[j, :]
        it = 1
        lim = tolerance + 1
        while ((lim > tolerance) & (it < maxIterations)):
            wtx = dot(w, X)
            gwtx = g(wtx, alpha)
            g_wtx = gprime(wtx, alpha)
            w1 = (X * gwtx).mean(axis=1) - g_wtx.mean() * w
            w1 = decorrelation_gs(w1, W, j)
            lim = npabs(npabs((w1 * w).sum()) - 1.0)
            w = w1
            it = it + 1
        W[j, :] = w
    return W
Exemple #23
 def roundplot(traj, ax, linestyle, label=''):
     for j in range(rounds):
         index = (len(s)-1)*j
         x = traj[i*2, index]*1e3
         y = traj[i*2+1, index]*1e3
         if j == 0:
             ax.plot(x, y, linestyle, label=label)
             ax.plot(x, y, linestyle)
         axmax.append(max(npabs([x, y])))
    def map_deflection(self, A, d1, d2, d3, d4, i, aeroNode, dType='x'):
        see mapDeflections...
        based on the posiition matrix, finds the ith deflection component

        Then we ratios the new deflection diMax and compares it to the nearby points to 'test'.
        di = array([d1[i], d2[i], d3[i], d4[i]])
        diMax = max(npabs(di)) # L1 norm
        log.info("d%s = %s" % (dType, ListPrint(di)))

        abcd = solve(A, di)

        #ui = abcd*aeroNode # element-wise multiplication...faster, cant make it work; tried dot & transpose too...
        (a, b, c, d) = abcd
        ui = a + b*aeroNode[0] + c*aeroNode[1] + d*aeroNode[2]
        isRanged = is_list_ranged(0., abcd, 1.)
        log.info('isRanged=%s  u%sRatio=%g - a=%g b=%g c=%g d=%g' %(isRanged, dType, npabs(ui/diMax), a, b, c, d))
        return ui
Exemple #25
def ica_def(X, tolerance, g, gprime, orthog, alpha, maxIterations, Winit):
    """Deflationary FastICA using Gram-Schmidt decorrelation at each step. This
    function is not meant to be directly called; it is wrapped by fastica()."""
    n,p = X.shape
    W = Winit
    # j is the index of the extracted component
    for j in xrange(n):
        w = Winit[j, :]
        it = 1
        lim = tolerance + 1
        while ((lim > tolerance) & (it < maxIterations)):
            wtx = dot(w, X)
            gwtx = g(wtx, alpha)
            g_wtx = gprime(wtx, alpha)
            w1 = (X * gwtx).mean(axis=1) - g_wtx.mean() * w
            w1 = decorrelation_gs(w1, W, j)
            lim = npabs(npabs((w1 * w).sum()) - 1.0)
            w = w1
            it = it + 1
        W[j, :] = w
    return W
Exemple #26
def ica_def(X, tolerance, g, gprime, orthog, alpha, maxIterations, Winit):
    """Deflationary FastICA using Gram-Schmidt decorrelation at each step. This
    function is not meant to be directly called; it is wrapped by fastica()."""
    n, p = X.shape
    W = Winit
    # j is the index of the extracted component
    for j in xrange(n):
        w = Winit[j, :]
        it = 1
        lim = tolerance + 1
        while ((lim > tolerance) & (it < maxIterations)):
            wtx = dot(w, X)
            gwtx = g(wtx, alpha)
            g_wtx = gprime(wtx, alpha)
            w1 = (X * gwtx).mean(axis=1) - g_wtx.mean() * w
            w1 = decorrelation_gs(w1, W, j)
            lim = npabs(npabs((w1 * w).sum()) - 1.0)
            w = w1
            it = it + 1
        W[j, :] = w
    return W
Exemple #27
def _hist_diffs(batch, quantile=50, bins=16):
    """Compute differences between HSV histograms across a batch.
    bsize = batch.bsize
    msize = bsize + 1
    assert msize <= batch.get_frames().shape[0]

    hist_vals = _hsv_hist(batch, msize, bins=bins)
    norm = hist_vals[slice(0, bsize), :] - hist_vals[slice(1, bsize + 1), :]
    norm = norm / prod(batch.get_frames().shape[1:4]) * 100

    return percentile(npabs(norm), q=quantile, axis=(1))
    def map_deflection(self, A, d1, d2, d3, d4, i, aero_node, dType='x'):
        see mapDeflections...
        based on the posiition matrix, finds the ith deflection component

        Then we ratios the new deflection diMax and compares it to the nearby points to 'test'.
        di = array([d1[i], d2[i], d3[i], d4[i]])
        diMax = max(npabs(di)) # L1 norm
        log.info("d%s = %s" % (dType, list_print(di)))

        abcd = solve(A, di)

        #ui = abcd*aero_node # element-wise multiplication...faster,
        # cant make it work; tried dot & transpose too...
        (a, b, c, d) = abcd
        ui = a + b*aero_node[0] + c*aero_node[1] + d*aero_node[2]
        is_ranged = is_list_ranged(0., abcd, 1.)
        log.info('is_ranged=%s  u%sRatio=%g - a=%g b=%g c=%g d=%g' %(
            is_ranged, dType, npabs(ui/diMax), a, b, c, d))
        return ui
Exemple #29
def read_wav(filename, channel=0):
  a = read_wav0(filename)
  samplerate, data = a
    data = map(lambda x: x[channel], data)
  m = npmax(npabs(data), axis=0)
  print '# absolute sample maximum in percent'
  print 'SAMPLE_MAXIMUM=%s' % int((m * 100 + 32768 / 2) / 32768.0)
  if m > 0:
    data /= m 
  return samplerate, data
Exemple #30
def stetson_jindex(ftimes, fmags, ferrs, weightbytimediff=False):
    '''This calculates the Stetson index for the magseries, based on consecutive
    pairs of observations. Based on Nicole Loncke's work for her Planets and
    Life certificate at Princeton.

    This requires finite times, mags, and errs.

    If weightbytimediff is True, the Stetson index for any pair of mags will be
    reweighted by the difference in times between them using the scheme in
    Fruth+ 2012 and Zhange+ 2003 (as seen in Sokolovsky+ 2017).

    w_i = exp(- (t_i+1 - t_i)/ delta_t )


    ndet = len(fmags)

    if ndet > 9:

        # get the median and ndet
        medmag = npmedian(fmags)

        # get the stetson index elements
        delta_prefactor = (ndet / (ndet - 1))
        sigma_i = delta_prefactor * (fmags - medmag) / ferrs
        sigma_j = nproll(sigma_i,
                         1)  # Nicole's clever trick to advance indices
        # by 1 and do x_i*x_(i+1)

        if weightbytimediff:

            time_i = ftimes
            time_j = nproll(ftimes, 1)
            difft = npdiff(ftimes)
            deltat = npmedian(difft)

            weights_i = npexp(-difft / deltat)
            products = (weights_i * sigma_i[1:] * sigma_j[1:])
            # ignore first elem since it's actually x_0*x_n
            products = (sigma_i * sigma_j)[1:]

        stetsonj = (npsum(npsign(products) * npsqrt(npabs(products)))) / ndet

        return stetsonj


        LOGERROR('not enough detections in this magseries '
                 'to calculate stetson J index')
        return npnan
Exemple #31
def _l1_quantile(batch, quantile=50, size=32):
    """Compute differences between subsequent frames in a batch.
    bsize = batch.bsize
    msize = bsize + 1
    assert msize <= batch.get_frames().shape[0]

    simg = zeros((msize, size, size, 3))
    for iran in range(msize):
        fsmall = resize(batch.get_frames()[iran, :, :, :], (size, size))
        fsmall_hsv = cvtColor(fsmall, COLOR_RGB2HSV)
        simg[iran, :, :, :] = fsmall_hsv

    norm = simg[slice(0, bsize), :, :, :] - simg[slice(1, bsize + 1), :, :, :]

    return percentile(npabs(norm), q=quantile, axis=(1, 2, 3))
Exemple #32
def stetson_kindex(fmags, ferrs):
    '''This calculates the Stetson K index (a robust measure of the kurtosis).


    fmags,ferrs : np.array
        The input mag/flux time-series to process. Must have no non-finite


        The Stetson K variability index.


    # use a fill in value for the errors if they're none
    if ferrs is None:
        ferrs = npfull_like(fmags, 0.005)

    ndet = len(fmags)

    if ndet > 9:

        # get the median and ndet
        medmag = npmedian(fmags)

        # get the stetson index elements
        delta_prefactor = (ndet/(ndet - 1))
        sigma_i = delta_prefactor*(fmags - medmag)/ferrs

        stetsonk = (
            npsum(npabs(sigma_i))/(npsqrt(npsum(sigma_i*sigma_i))) *

        return stetsonk


        LOGERROR('not enough detections in this magseries '
                 'to calculate stetson K index')
        return npnan
Exemple #33
    def find_lines(self, bsax, num_bins=1, thresh=5):
        #self.flfig,self.flfig = plt.subplots(nrows=1,ncols=1)

        if len(self.flat_signal) > 15:
            wl = 15
            wl = len(self.flat_signal) - 1
        smoothed = savgol_filter(self.flat_signal,

        with catch_warnings():
            simplefilter("ignore", category=RuntimeWarning)
            noise_levels = std(self.flat_signal - smoothed, axis=0)
            abs_scatter = npabs(-log(self.flat_signal))

        self.mass_channel = arange(abs_scatter.shape[1]) + 1
        self.mass_channel_name = (arange(abs_scatter.shape[1]) +
        if self.bin_set:
            for i in range(self.num_bins):
                self.mass_channel_name[-(self.num_bins - i)] = "Bin %i" % (i +

        self.peak_counts = zeros(abs_scatter.shape[1])

        mean_level = mean(self.raw_signal, axis=0)

        for i in range(abs_scatter.shape[1]):
            if mean_level[i] > 50:
                ww = where(abs_scatter[:, i] > (noise_levels[i] * thresh))[0]
                self.peak_counts[i] = len(ww)

        bsax.ax.bar(self.mass_channel, self.peak_counts, width=1)

        #self.flfig2.set_xlabel("Wavelength (nm)")
        #self.flfig2.set_ylabel("Ion Yield")

        bsax.ax.set_xlabel("Mass", fontsize=font)
        bsax.ax.set_ylabel("Channels", fontsize=font)
Exemple #34
def laser_corr(wls, signal, signal_err, pow_table="Power_Master_Full.txt"):

    wls_temp = []
    i_temp = []
    for i, w in enumerate(wls):
        if (w not in wls_temp):

    wls_pow = wls[i_temp]
    signal_pow = signal[i_temp]
    signal_err_pow = signal_err[i_temp]

    a = Power(array(wls_pow), signal_pow, signal_err_pow, pow_table)
    signal_pow = exp(-a.depletion)
    signal_err_pow = npabs(exp(-a.depletion) * a.depletion_error)

    return wls_pow, signal_pow, signal_err_pow
Exemple #35
    def random_walk(self, d=None, plot_h=None) -> None:
        '''Let all population walk randomly'''
        walk_left = self.move_per_day.copy()
        # Every day, people start from home
        pos = self.home.copy()
        # Some travel less, some more
        while npany(walk_left):
            walk_left -= 1

            # All randomly move an edge-length
            pos += nparray(npround(
                (nprandom.random(size=pos.shape) * 2 - 1) *
                self.rms_v.T[:, None]) * (walk_left != 0).T[:, None],

            # Can't jump beyond boundary
            # So, reflect exploration
            # pos = pos.clip(min=0, max=self.p_max-1)
            pos = nparray(npnot(pos > (self.p_max-1)) * npabs(pos),
                + nparray((pos > (self.p_max-1)) * (2 * (self.p_max - 1) - pos),
            for indiv in range(self.pop_size):
                # TODO: A ufunc or async map would have been faster
                if walk_left[indiv]:
                    self.calc_exposure(indiv, pos)
            if plot_h.contam_dots:
                strain_persist = self.strain_types[-1].persistence
                host_types = []
                    (pos *
                     (npnot(self.active[:, None]) * self.susceptible[:, None] >
                host_types.append((pos * self.active[:, None]).tolist())
                    pos *
                    (npnot(self.active[:, None]) *
                     (self.susceptible[:, None] <= self.resist_def))).tolist())
                pathn_pers = []
                for pers in range(int(strain_persist))[::-1]:
                        npnonzero(self.space_contam == (pers + 1)))
                plot_h.update_contam(host_types, pathn_pers)
Exemple #36
def uniaxial_stress_limit(X):
    Evaluate stress limit states for uniaxial tension. Dimensionality of problem
    is inferred from size of X.

        g_stress = uniaxial_stress_limit(X)
        X = array of composite laminate properties and loading
          = [E1, E2, nu12, G12, theta, t, ...
              sig_11_t, sig_22_t, sig_11_c, sig_22_c, sig_12_s, # for i = 1
                                  .  .  .
             E1, E2, nu12, G12, theta, t, ...
              sig_11_t, sig_22_t, sig_11_c, sig_22_c, sig_12_s, # for i = k
        g_stress = array of limit state values
                 = [g_11_t_1 g_22_t_1 g_11_c_1 g_22_c_1 g_s_12_1,
                            .  .  .
                    g_11_t_k g_22_t_k g_11_c_k g_22_c_k g_s_12_k]
    @pre ((len(X) - 1) % 11) == 0
    ## Pre-process inputs
    k = int((len(X) - 1) / 11)
    Y = reshape(array(X[:-1]), (k, 11))

    ## Unpack inputs
    Nx        = X[-1]
    Param     = Y[:, 0:4]  # [E1, E2, nu12, G12]
    Theta     = Y[:, 4]
    T         = Y[:, 5]
    Sigma_max = Y[:, 6:11] # [sig_11_t, sig_22_t, sig_11_c, sig_22_c, sig_12_s]

    ## Evaluate stress [\sigma_11, \sigma_22, \sigma_12]_i
    Stresses = Nx * uniaxial_stresses(Param, Theta, T)

    ## Construct limit state
    g_limit = zeros((k, 5))
    g_limit[:, (0,1)] = +1 - Stresses[:, (0,1)] / Sigma_max[:, (0,1)]
    g_limit[:, (2,3)] = +1 + Stresses[:, (0,1)] / Sigma_max[:, (2,3)]
    g_limit[:, 4]     = +1 - npabs(Stresses[:, 2]) / Sigma_max[:, 4]

    return g_limit.flatten()
Exemple #37
def _integrate_acc(acc, dt, still_at_end):
    Double integrate acceleration along 1 axis (ie 1D) to get velocity and position

    acc : numpy.ndarray
        (N, ) array of acceleration values to integrate
    dt : float
        Time difference between samples of acceleration in seconds.
    still_at_end : bool
        Whether or not the acceleration ends with a still period. Determines how drift is mitigated.

    vel : numpy.ndarray
        (N, ) array of velocities
    pos : numpy.ndarray
        (N, ) array of positions
    x = arange(acc.size)

    # integrate and drift mitigate
    if not still_at_end:
        # fc = butter(1, [2 * 0.1 * dt, 2 * 5 * dt], btype='band')
        # vel = cumtrapz(filtfilt(fc[0], fc[1], acc), dx=dt, initial=0)
        vel = detrend(cumtrapz(acc, dx=dt, initial=0))
        if npabs(vel[0]) > 0.05:  # if too far away from zero
            vel -= vel[
                0]  # reset the beginning back to 0, the integration always starts with stillness
        vel_dr = cumtrapz(acc, dx=dt, initial=0)
        vel = vel_dr - (
            ((vel_dr[-1] - vel_dr[0]) / (x[-1] - x[0])) * x)  # no intercept

    # integrate the velocity to get position
    pos = cumtrapz(vel, dx=dt, initial=0)

    return vel, pos
Exemple #38
def bins_and_hist(a, b, w, size_hist, sigs, bin_size=11):
    bins = logspace(log10(a[w].min()), log10(a[w].max()), num=bin_size)
    a_bin = [0.5*(bins[i-1]+bins[i]) for i in range(1, len(bins))]
    b_bin = [median((b[w])[(a[w] <= bins[i]) & (a[w] > bins[i-1])]) for i in range(1, len(bins))]
    e_b_bin = [std((b[w])[(a[w] <= bins[i]) & (a[w] > bins[i-1])]) for i in range(1, len(bins))]

    x_bin, y_bin = linspace(log10(a[w]).min(), log10(a[w]).max(), num=size_hist),\
                   linspace(log10(b[w]).min(), log10(b[w]).max(), num=size_hist)
    H, xe, ye = histogram2d(log10(a[w]), log10(b[w]), bins=(x_bin, y_bin))

    H_sorted, lev = sort(H.flatten())[::-1], []

    for i in range(len(sigs)):

    lev = array(lev)
    lev[lev < 1.5] = 1.

    x, y = linspace(log10(a[w]).min(), log10(a[w]).max(), num=H.shape[0]), \
           linspace(log10(b[w]).min(), log10(b[w]).max(), num=H.shape[1])

    return x, y, H, log10(lev[::-1]), a_bin, b_bin, e_b_bin
Exemple #39
 def I(t):
     i = (npabs(times - t)).argmin()
     return rates[i]
Exemple #40
def plot_angular_momentum_size_velocity():

    size = 50000
    # Planck parameters
    h, Om, OL = 0.677, 0.31, 0.69

    # uniform halo mass function
    mhalo = array(10. ** uniform(10.5, 13.5, size), dtype=float32)

    # read halo mass-function
    # mhf = genfromtxt('mVector_PLANCK-SMT_11-13.txt')
    # mhf = genfromtxt('mVector_PLANCK-SMT_10.5-13.txt')
    # mhf = genfromtxt('mVector_PLANCK-SMT_11-14.5.txt')
    # mhalo = array(choice(mhf[:, 0], p=mhf[:, 5]/sum(mhf[:, 5]), size=size), dtype=float32)

    # mhalo, _ = sample_mf(size, 11., Mmax=15.5, hmf_model=Tinker10)

    Ms = Mstar(0., mode='high', model='L12')
    mstar = []

    print("generating mstar...")
    for m in mhalo:
    mstar = array(mstar)

    # mstar = Mstar_vU(mhalo, mode='def')

    mstar = array(10. ** uniform(9.35, 11., size), dtype=float32)
    # mstar = array(10. ** uniform(9., 11., size), dtype=float32)
    mhalo = Mstar_D10_ltg(mstar)

    # ms_lowlim, ms_highlim = 7., 12.# 11.75
    # mhalo = mhalo[(log10(array(mstar)) > ms_lowlim) & (log10(array(mstar)) < ms_highlim)]
    # mstar = mstar[(log10(array(mstar)) > ms_lowlim) & (log10(array(mstar)) < ms_highlim)]

    # DM halo spin parameter distribution
    # from Maccio', Dutton & van den Bosch (2008)
    lambda_halo = 10. ** normal(-1.466, 0.253, len(mhalo))

    bt = get_bt_distribution_none(mstar)
    # bt = get_bt_distribution_from_SDSS(mstar)
    # bt = get_bt_distribution_from_meert14(mstar)
    # bt, mstar, mhalo, lambda_halo = get_bt_distribution_from_lambda(mstar, mhalo, lambda_halo)

    # Dutton & Maccio' (2014)
    # b = -0.101 + 0.026 * array([0., 1.])
    # a = 0.52 + (0.905 - 0.52) * exp(-0.617 * array([0., 1.]) ** 1.21)
    b = -0.097 + 0.024 * array([0., 1.])
    a = 0.537 + (1.025 - 0.537) * exp(-0.718 * array([0., 1.]) ** 1.08)
    # scatter 0.11dex
    cvir = []
    print ("generating concentrations...")
    for m in mhalo:
        cvir.append(10. ** normal(a[0] + b[0] * log10(m / (1e12 / h)), 0.11, 1)[0])
    cvir = array(cvir)

    # Circular velocity for NFW haloes
    G = 4.302e-3 * 1e-6  # Mpc Mo^-1 (km/s)^2
    f = lambda x: log(1.+asarray(x)) - asarray(x)/(1.+asarray(x))
    rho_c = 3. * (h * 100.)**2 / (8. * pi * G)
    # Bryan & Norman (1998)
    Oz = lambda z: Om * (1+z)**3 / (Om * (1.+z)**3+OL)
    Delta_c = lambda z: 18. * pi**2 + 82. * (Oz(z) - 1.) - 39. * (Oz(z) - 1.)**2
    rho_hat = 4. / 3. * pi * Delta_c(0.) * rho_c

    # 0.6 factor to account for different normalization in SHMR
    vc = sqrt(G * f(2.15) / f(cvir) * cvir / 2.15 * pow(rho_hat, 1./3.)) * power(mhalo / h, 1./3.)
    for i in range(len(vc)):
        vc[i] *= .6*vrot_vc_P12(vc[i])

    # print "%e %e" % (f(10.) * 2.15 / (f(2.15) * 10.), sqrt(2. * f(10.) * 2.15 / (f(2.15) * 10.)))

    # Kravtsov 2013
    # rho_200 = 4. / 3. * pi * 200. * rho_c
    r200 = 1e3 * power(mhalo / rho_hat, 1./3.)
    rs = []
    for r in r200:
        rs.append(10. ** normal(log10(0.015 * r), 0.25, 1)[0])
    rs = array(rs)
    js = rs * vc

    # jhalo - mhalo
    fe = cvir / 2. * (1.-1./power(1.+cvir, 2) - 2. * log(1.+cvir)/(1.+cvir)) / power(cvir/(1.+cvir)-log(1.+cvir), 2)
    # fe = f(2.15) / f(cvir) * cvir / 2.15
    j_halo = sqrt(2. / fe) * lambda_halo * sqrt(G * 1e3 * mhalo / r200) * r200
    # j_halo da Romanowsky & Fall (2012) eq. (14)
    # j_halo = 4.23e4 * lambda_halo * power(mhalo / 1e12, 2./3.)

    ------------- Definition of B/T cuts
    # bt_discs, bt_spirals, bt_ltg, bt_lents, bt_ells = 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 0.8, 0.95
    bt_discs, bt_spirals, bt_ltg, bt_lents, bt_ells = 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 0.65, 0.8
    # fj(Mhalo)
    def jstar_FR(mass, bf):
        if (bf >= 0.) & (bf <= bt_discs):
            # Sc
            j0, alpha, s = 3.29, 0.55, 0.18
        elif (bf > bt_discs) & (bf <= bt_spirals):
            # Sb
            j0, alpha, s = 3.21, 0.68, 0.15
        elif (bf > bt_spirals) & (bf <= bt_ltg):
            # Sa
            j0, alpha, s = 3.02, 0.64, 0.12
        elif (bf > bt_ltg) & (bf <= bt_lents):
            # S0
            j0, alpha, s = 3.05, 0.8, 0.22
        elif (bf > bt_lents) & (bf <= bt_ells):
            # fE
            j0, alpha, s = 2.875, 0.6, 0.2
        elif (bf > bt_ells) & (bf <= 1.):
            # sE
            j0, alpha, s = 2.73, 0.6, 0.2
        elif bf == -1:
            j0, alpha, s = 3. , 0.67, 0.22
            print (bf)
            raise ValueError("Problem in bt not in ]0,1]")

        return 10. ** normal(j0+alpha*(mass-11.), s, 1)[0]

    # fitting function to jb/jd estimated from Romanowsky & Fall (2012) data
    # jb/jd = 0.025 + B/T^2
    # jd = j_star / (1 + (jb/jd-1)B/T)
    # --> here jdisc = jstar / fb_func
    jb_over_jd_fit = lambda fb: 0.025 + fb**2
    fb_func = lambda fb: 1. + (jb_over_jd_fit(fb) - 1.) * fb

    jstar, jdisc, jbulge = [], [], []
    print ("generating jstar...")
    for i in range(len(mstar)):
        jstar.append(jstar_FR(log10(mstar[i]), bt[i]))
        jdisc.append(jstar[i] / fb_func(bt[i]))
        jbulge.append(jdisc[i] * jb_over_jd_fit(bt[i]))
    jstar, jdisc, jbulge = array(jstar), array(jdisc), array(jbulge)
    fj = jstar / j_halo  # jstar_FR(log10(0.158 * mhalo)) / j_halo

    # Tully Fisher
    Mstar_TF = lambda t: 10.**(-0.61+4.93*asarray(t))  # McGaugh & Schombert (2015), sTF @ 3.6um
    vstar_TF = lambda t: 10.**(0.61/4.93 + 1./4.93*asarray(t))
    # Mstar_TF = lambda t: 10.**(1.49+4.09*asarray(t))  # McGaugh & Schombert (2015), Baryonic-TF @ 3.6um
    # vstar_TF = lambda t: 10.**(-1.49/4.09 + 1./4.09*asarray(t))

    sstar_FJ = lambda t: 10.**(2.054 + 0.286 * asarray(t-10.))
    Mstar_FJ = lambda t: 10.**(-2.054/0.286 + 10. + 1./0.286 * asarray(t))

    # Shen et al. (2003)
    mass_size_etg = lambda mass: -5.54061 + 0.56*log10(mass)
    mass_size_ltg = lambda mass: -1. + 0.14*log10(mass) + 0.25 * log10(1. + mass/3.98e10)

    # Lange et al. (2015) (Tables 2-3, g-i colour cut, r-band Re)
    # mass_size_etg = lambda mass: log10(8.25e-5) + 0.44*log10(mass)
    # mass_size_ltg = lambda mass: log10(13.98e-3) + 0.25*log10(mass)
    # mass_size_ltg = lambda mass: -1. + 0.16*log10(mass) + 0.65 * log10(1. + mass/17.1e10)

    # Cappellari et al. 13, sigma from mass plane
    sigma_MP = lambda mass: 10.**(0.5*(log10(mass)-10.6-log10(10.**mass_size_etg(mass)/2.))+log10(130.))

    factor = 1.1  # V_circ(R_50) := factor * sigma(R_50)

    js[bt<bt_spirals] = 10.**mass_size_ltg(mstar[bt<bt_spirals]) * vstar_TF(log10(mstar[bt<bt_spirals]))
    js[bt>bt_ells] = 10.**mass_size_etg(mstar[bt>bt_ells]) * 0.33 * factor * sstar_FJ(log10(mstar[bt>bt_ells]))
    # js[bt>bt_ells] = 10.**mass_size_etg(mstar[bt>bt_ells]) * 0.33 * factor * sigma_MP(mstar[bt>bt_ells])
    plt.plot(log10(mstar[bt<bt_spirals]), log10(js[bt<bt_spirals]), 'b.', alpha=0.1)
    plt.plot(log10(mstar[bt>bt_ells]), log10(js[bt>bt_ells]), 'r.', alpha=0.1)
    ms_rf12_discs_str = "11.06 9.84 9.23 10.46 11.31 11.50 11.34 10.13 11.42 10.62 10.61 10.74 11.03 11.31 10.93 11.32 10.01 11.34 10.67 11.33 10.81 10.83 10.65 11.31 11.23 11.10 10.32 10.74 11.13 10.95 11.12 10.61 8.62 10.49 11.37 10.39 9.86 11.07 10.22 9.43 11.08 11.42 10.43 10.03 11.56 9.58 10.73 10.96 10.76 10.54 11.10 11.31 11.11 11.50 10.84 11.07 11.34 10.47 11.23 11.34 10.86 10.44 11.51 9.14 11.74 10.82 11.26"
    jt_rf12_discs_str = "2230 2290 770 790 190 260 480 550 1480 1930 4270 4280 2070 2230 340 360 1810 2900 630 820 1360 1450 990 1090 1210 1720 2580 3370 2230 2280 3150 3380 470 500 2220 2300 580 760 1110 1300 1250 1430 1520 1620 1030 1210 1400 2020 2070 2190 1070 1180 460 480 900 1000 2100 2380 920 1070 1680 2190 550 600 120 120 990 1040 4250 4470 1320 1350 160 180 930 1070 550 610 580 610 2240 2410 1060 1850 370 400 300 320 2030 2380 130 140 1220 1460 790 850 180 360 260 330 1650 1740 2440 2620 1280 1590 1430 1560 1300 1650 590 1030 1450 1580 570 580 2050 2150 2540 2780 710 830 960 1040 2360 2890 70 190 7560 8380 2010 2090 3140 3350"
    ms_rf12_ell_str = "10.97 11.94 10.52 11.13 9.79 10.68 11.34 10.75 11.05 11.26 11.66 10.18 9.97 10.35 10.79 10.76 10.55 11.33 10.26 11.04 10.24 10.95 10.50 10.96 10.09"
    jt_rf12_ell_str = "1270 3640 400 240 25 70 2330 1040 3100 630 680 7 130 680 1000 610 240 3360 270 1150 240 1700 160 210 110"
    ms_dvdb12_str = "9.484 9.631 9.784 9.941 10.103 10.270 10.442 10.618 10.796 10.979 11.164 11.352"
    js_dvdb12_str = "2.417 2.482 2.550 2.621 2.697 2.779 2.868 2.960 3.050 3.154 3.261 3.391"
    ms_rf12_discs = [float(s) for s in ms_rf12_discs_str.split()]
    jt_rf12_discs = [float(s) for s in jt_rf12_discs_str.split()]
    ms_rf12_ell = [float(s) for s in ms_rf12_ell_str.split()]
    jt_rf12_ell = [float(s) for s in jt_rf12_ell_str.split()]
    ms_dvdb12 = [float(s) for s in ms_dvdb12_str.split()]
    js_dvdb12 = [float(s) for s in js_dvdb12_str.split()]
    plt.plot(ms_rf12_discs, log10(jt_rf12_discs[::2]), 'bs')
    plt.plot(ms_rf12_ell, log10(jt_rf12_ell), 'rs')
    plt.plot(ms_dvdb12, js_dvdb12, 'k^', markersize=20)
    plt.plot(linspace(9,12), 3.18+0.52*(linspace(9,12)-11.),'k--')
    plt.xlabel(r"$\log\rm\,M_\ast/M_\odot$", fontsize=16)
    plt.ylabel(r"$\log\rm\,j_\ast/km\,s^{-1}\,kpc$", fontsize=16)
    # plt.savefig('invEx_Mstar-jstar_wRF12.png', bbox_inches='tight')

    fig,ax = plt.subplots()
    mhalo_bin, fj_bin, e_fj_bin = median_bins(log10(mhalo), log10(js / j_halo), bt<bt_spirals, 19)
    plt.errorbar(mhalo_bin, fj_bin, yerr=e_fj_bin-fj_bin, fmt='o-', color='b')
    # plt.plot(log10(mhalo[bt<bt_spirals]), log10(js/j_halo)[bt<bt_spirals], 'b.', alpha=0.1)
    mhalo_bin, fj_bin, e_fj_bin = median_bins(log10(mhalo), log10(js / j_halo), bt>bt_ells, 17)
    plt.errorbar(mhalo_bin, fj_bin, yerr=e_fj_bin-fj_bin, fmt='o-', color='r')
    # plt.plot(log10(mhalo[bt>bt_ells]), log10(js/j_halo)[bt>bt_ells], 'r.', alpha=0.1)
    # mhalo_bin, fj_bin, e_fj_bin = median_bins(log10(mhalo), log10(js / j_halo), bt>0, 19)
    # plt.errorbar(mhalo_bin, fj_bin, yerr=e_fj_bin-fj_bin, fmt='--', color='k')
    ax.set_xlabel(r"$\log\rm\,M_h/M_\odot$", fontsize=16)
    ax.set_ylabel(r"$\log\rm\,f_j(M_h)\equiv j_\ast / j_h$", fontsize=16)
    # plt.savefig('invEx_Mhalo-fj.png', bbox_inches='tight')
    print (j[2])

    # Re = jdisc / (vstar_TF(log10(mstar)))
    # Re[bt > 0.8] = jbulge[bt > 0.8] / (0.7 * vstar_TF(log10(mstar[bt > 0.8])))
    # Re[bt > 0.8] = jbulge[bt > 0.8] / (10.**(-1.06 + 0.32*log10(mstar[bt > 0.8])))
    Re = jstar / vc  # vstar_TF(log10(mstar))
    Re[bt > bt_ells] = jstar[bt > bt_ells] / (vc[bt > bt_ells] / factor)  # sstar_FJ(log10(mstar[bt > bt_ltg])))

    # Mo, Mao & White (1998)
    # lambda_halo_prime = lambda_halo * jdisc / j_halo  # fj
    lambda_halo_prime = lambda_halo * fj  # fj
    cvir = array(cvir)
    fac_sis_nfw = 1. / sqrt(cvir / 2. * (1.-1./power(1.+cvir, 2) - 2. * log(1. + cvir) / (1. + cvir)) /
                            power(cvir / (1. + cvir) - log(1. + cvir), 2))
    # md = mstar / mhalo
    # fac_sis_nfw *= pow(lambda_halo_prime / 0.1, -0.0 + 2.71 * md + 0.0047 / lambda_halo_prime) * \
    #                (1-3.*md+5.2*md*md) * (1-0.019*cvir * 0.00025*cvir*cvir + 0.52 / cvir)
    Rd = 1. / sqrt(2.) * lambda_halo_prime * r200 * fac_sis_nfw

    # Compute dark matter fractions assuming NFW profile and that Re=stellar half mass radius
    rs = r200 / cvir
    rho_0 = mhalo / rs**3 / 4. / pi / (log(1.+cvir)-cvir/(1.+cvir))
    mh_re = 4. * pi * rho_0 * rs**3 * (log((rs+Re)/rs) - Re / (Re+rs))
    fDM = mh_re / (mstar / 2. + mh_re)

    w = bt < bt_spirals
    Ms_nos = Mstar(0., mode='high', model='L12', no_scatter=True)
    ms_scatter = (log10(mstar) - log10([Ms_nos(mh) for mh in mhalo])) # / log10([Ms_nos(mh) for mh in mhalo])
    x, y, H, lev, mhalo_bin, fj_bin, e_fj_bin = bins_and_hist(mhalo, fj, w, 20, [68., 90.], bin_size=30)
    fj_scatter = (log10(array(fj)) - interp(log10(mhalo), log10(mhalo_bin), log10(fj_bin))) # / \
    #                     interp(log10(mhalo), log10(mhalo_bin), log10(fj_bin))

    corner_data = vstack([log10(mstar)[w], log10(mstar/mhalo)[w], log10(fj)[w], log10(fDM)[w], log10(Re)[w], log10(vc)[w],
                          log10(jstar)[w], log10(j_halo)[w], ms_scatter[w], fj_scatter[w]]).T
    corner.corner(corner_data, labels=[r"$\rm\log\,M_\ast/M_\odot$", r"$\rm\log\,M_\ast/M_h$",
                                       r"$\rm\log\,f_j$", r"$\rm \log\,f_{DM}$", r"$\rm\log\,R_e/kpc$",
                                       r"$\rm \log\,j_\ast$", r"$\rm \log\,j_h$",
                                       r"$\sigma_{\log M_\ast-\log M_h}$",
                                       r"$\sigma_{\log f_j-\log M_h}$"],
                  quantiles=[0.16, 0.5, 0.84], show_titles=True, title_kwargs={"fontsize": 12},
                  range=[.99, .99, .99, .99, .99, .99, .99, .99, .95, .95],
    plt.savefig("corner_plot.pdf", bbox_inches='tight')
    print (j[2])

    HDF5 file output
    f = h5py.File("jstar-jhalo.hdf5", 'w')

    group = f.create_group("columns")

    dset_lambda = group.create_dataset("Lambda_Halo", data=lambda_halo)
    dset_mhalo = group.create_dataset("Halo_Mass", data=mhalo)
    dset_mstar = group.create_dataset("Galaxy_Mass", data=mstar)
    dset_jhalo = group.create_dataset("Halo_Specific_Angular_Momentum", data=j_halo)
    dset_jstar = group.create_dataset("Galaxy_Specific_Angular_Momentum", data=jstar)
    dset_cvir = group.create_dataset("Halo_Concentration", data=cvir)
    dset_fj = group.create_dataset("Retained_fraction_of_j", data=fj)
    dset_bt = group.create_dataset("Bulge_Fraction", data=bt)
    dset_vc = group.create_dataset("Circular_Velocity", data=vc)
    dset_vc = group.create_dataset("Velocity_Dispersion", data=vc/1.1)
    dset_Re = group.create_dataset("Effective_Radius", data=Re)
    dset_Rd = group.create_dataset("Disc_Scale_Radius", data=Rd)


    # plt.plot(log10(mstar * bt), log10(jbulge), 'r.', alpha=0.005)
    # plt.plot(log10(mstar * bt * (1./bt - 1.)), log10(jdisc), 'b.', alpha=0.005)
    # plt.plot(linspace(9, 12), 3.28+0.67*(linspace(9, 12)-11.), 'k-', lw=3)
    # plt.plot(linspace(9, 12), 2.75+0.67*(linspace(9, 12)-11.), 'k--', lw=3)
    # plt.show()

    size_hist = 20
    sigs = [68., 90.]
    save_plots = False

    ----------- Mstar-Mhalo
    # Dutton et al. 2010 relations
    d10_msmh_ltg = lambda x: 10.**1.61 * (asarray(x) / 10.**10.4)**-0.5 * (0.5 + 0.5 * (asarray(x) / 10.**10.4))**0.5
    d10_msmh_etg = lambda x: 10.**1.97 * (asarray(x) / 10.**10.8)**-0.15 * (0.5 + 0.5 * (asarray(x) / 10.**10.8)**2)**0.5
    d10_ms_ltg = logspace(9.35, 11)
    d10_ms_etg = logspace(9.85, 11.4)

    fig = plt.figure()
    ax = fig.add_subplot(211)
    ax.set_ylabel(r"$\log\rm\,M_\ast/M_\odot$", fontsize=16)
    # ax.xlabel(r"$\log\rm\,M_h/M_\odot$", fontsize=16)
    ax.set_ylim([8, 11.75])
    ax.set_xlim([10.75, 13.5])

    if len(bt[bt<0])>0:
        x, y, H, lev, _, _, _ = bins_and_hist(mhalo/h, mstar/h**2, bt<0, 30, sigs)
        x, y, H, lev, _, _, _ = bins_and_hist(mhalo/h, mstar/h**2, bt > 0, 30, sigs)
    # plt.plot(log10(d10_msmh_ltg(d10_ms_ltg) * d10_ms_ltg), log10(d10_ms_ltg), 'b-')
    # plt.plot(log10(d10_msmh_etg(d10_ms_etg) * d10_ms_etg), log10(d10_ms_etg), 'r-')
    plt.contourf(x, y, log10(H).T, levels=append(lev, log10(H).max()), cmap=plt.get_cmap('Greys'), alpha=0.75)

    ax2 = fig.add_subplot(212, sharex=ax)
    ax2.set_ylabel(r"$\log\rm\,M_\ast/M_\odot$", fontsize=16)
    ax2.set_xlabel(r"$\log\rm\,M_h/M_\odot$", fontsize=16)
    ax2.set_xlim([10.75, 13.5])

    if len(bt[bt<0])>0:
        x, y, H, lev, _, _, _ = bins_and_hist(mhalo, mstar/mhalo, bt<0, 30, sigs)
        x, y, H, lev, _, _, _ = bins_and_hist(mhalo, mstar/mhalo, bt > 0, 30, sigs)
    plt.contourf(x, y, log10(H).T, levels=append(lev, log10(H).max()), cmap=plt.get_cmap('Greys'), alpha=0.75)

    if save_plots:
        plt.savefig('SHMR_all_ref.pdf', bbox_inches='tight')

    ----------- lambda-Mhalo
    fig = plt.figure()
    plt.xlabel(r"$\log\rm\,M_h/M_\odot$", fontsize=16)
    plt.ylabel(r"$\log\rm\lambda_{halo}$", fontsize=16)
    plt.plot(log10(mhalo), log10(lambda_halo), 'b.', alpha=0.0025)
    if len(bt[bt<0])>0:
        x, y, H, lev, _, _, _ = bins_and_hist(mhalo, lambda_halo, bt<0,  size_hist, sigs)
        x, y, H, lev, _, _, _ = bins_and_hist(mhalo, lambda_halo, bt > 0,  size_hist, sigs)
    plt.contour(x, y, log10(H).T, levels=lev, colors='#151AB0')

    ----------- j_halo - M_halo
    fig = plt.figure()
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
    plt.xlabel(r"$\log\rm\,M_h/M_\odot$", fontsize=16)
    plt.ylabel(r"$\log\rm\,j_h/km\,s^{-1}\,kpc$", fontsize=16)
    if len(bt[bt<0])>0:
        x, y, H, lev, _, _, _ = bins_and_hist(mhalo, j_halo, bt<0, size_hist, sigs)
        x, y, H, lev, _, _, _ = bins_and_hist(mhalo, j_halo, bt > 0, size_hist, sigs)
    # ax.contour(x, y, log10(H).T, levels=lev, colors='#151AB0')
    ax.contourf(x, y, log10(H).T, levels=append(lev, log10(H).max()), cmap=plt.get_cmap('Greys'), alpha=0.75)

    ax.plot(linspace(10.75, 13), 3.28+0.67*(linspace(10.75, 13)-11.), 'k--', lw=3)
    # plt.plot([12.5, log10(0.158 * 10.**12.5)], [3.505, 3.7481], 'm-', lw=3)
    # ax.arrow(12.5, 3.505, -12.5+log10(0.08 * 10.**12.5), -3.505+3.28+0.67*(log10(0.08 * 10.**12.5)-11.)-0.045,
    #          head_width=0.075, head_length=0.05, fc='m', ec='m', lw=3)
    ax.arrow(12., 3.1704, -12.+log10(0.08 * 10.**12.), -3.1704+3.28+0.67*(log10(0.08 * 10.**12.)-11.)-0.045,
             head_width=0.075, head_length=0.05, fc='m', ec='m', lw=3)

    ax.text(11.15, 4., r"$f_{\rm baryon}\simeq 0.16$"+"\n"+r"$M_\ast=M_{\rm bar}/2$", color='m', fontsize=18)

    if save_plots:
        plt.savefig('jh-Mh_all_ref.pdf', bbox_inches='tight')

    ----------- fj(M_halo)
    fig = plt.figure()
    # ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
    ax = host_subplot(111)
    ax2 = ax.twiny()

    ax.set_xlabel(r"$\log\rm\,M_h/M_\odot$", fontsize=16)
    ax.set_ylabel(r"$\log\rm\,f_j(M_h)\equiv j_\ast / j_h$", fontsize=16)
    ax2.set_xlabel(r"$\log\,M_\ast/M_\odot$", fontsize=16)

    if len(bt[bt<0])>0:
        x, y, H, lev, mhalo_bin, fj_bin, e_fj_bin = bins_and_hist(mhalo, fj, bt<0, size_hist, sigs)
        plt.contourf(x, y, log10(H).T, levels=append(lev, log10(H).max()), cmap=plt.get_cmap('Greys'), alpha=0.75)

        # ------ Median relation
        x, y, H, lev, mhalo_bin, fj_bin, e_fj_bin = bins_and_hist(mhalo, fj, bt<0, size_hist, sigs, bin_size=15)
        plt.errorbar(log10(mhalo_bin), log10(fj_bin), yerr=abs(log10(fj_bin)-log10(e_fj_bin)), c='k', fmt='o')

        mhx = logspace(10.5, 13.5, num=100)
        # Ax2 tick location in stellar mass
        mstar_tick_loc = arange(8.0, 11.5, 0.5)
        ax.text(0.1, 0.9, r"$\rm late-types$", fontsize=18, color='#151AB0', transform=ax.transAxes)
        # ax.text(0.1, 0.85, r"$\rm Sa-S0$", fontsize=18, color='#009603', transform=ax.transAxes)
        ax.text(0.1, 0.825, r"$\rm early-types$", fontsize=18, color='#BD000D', transform=ax.transAxes)

        # spirals
        w = bt < bt_spirals
        # plt.plot(log10(mhalo[w]), log10(fj[w]), 'b.', alpha=0.0025)
        x, y, H, lev, mhalo_bin, fj_bin, e_fj_bin = bins_and_hist(mhalo, fj, w, size_hist, sigs)
        # plt.errorbar(log10(mhalo_bin), log10(fj_bin), yerr=abs(log10(fj_bin)-log10(e_fj_bin)), c='b', fmt='o')
        # plt.contour(x, y, log10(H).T, levels=lev, colors='#151AB0')
        ax.contourf(x, y, log10(H).T, levels=append(lev, log10(H).max()), cmap=plt.get_cmap('Blues'), alpha=0.75)

        # Sa and lenticulars
        w = (bt >= bt_spirals) & (bt < bt_ells)
        # plt.plot(log10(mhalo[w]), log10(fj[w]), 'b.', alpha=0.0025)
        x, y, H, lev, mhalo_bin, fj_bin, e_fj_bin = bins_and_hist(mhalo, fj, w, size_hist, sigs)
        # plt.errorbar(log10(mhalo_bin), log10(fj_bin), yerr=abs(log10(fj_bin)-log10(e_fj_bin)), c='g', fmt='o')
        # plt.contour(x, y, log10(H).T, levels=lev, colors='#AB9700')
        plt.contourf(x, y, log10(H).T, levels=append(lev, log10(H).max()), cmap=plt.get_cmap('Greens'), alpha=0.75)

        # ellipticals
        w = bt > bt_ells
        # plt.plot(log10(mhalo[w]), log10(fj[w]), 'r.', alpha=0.0025)
        x, y, H, lev, mhalo_bin, fj_bin, e_fj_bin = bins_and_hist(mhalo, fj, w, size_hist, sigs)
        # plt.errorbar(log10(mhalo_bin), log10(fj_bin), yerr=abs(log10(fj_bin)-log10(e_fj_bin)), c='r', fmt='o')
        # plt.contour(x, y, log10(H).T, levels=lev, colors='#BD000D')
        ax.contourf(x, y, log10(H).T, levels=append(lev, log10(H).max()), cmap=plt.get_cmap('Reds'), alpha=0.75)

        # ------ Median relation
        # x, y, H, lev, mhalo_bin, fj_bin, e_fj_bin = bins_and_hist(mhalo, fj, bt > 0, size_hist, sigs, bin_size=30)
        x, y, H, lev, mhalo_bin, fj_bin, e_fj_bin = bins_and_hist(mhalo, fj, (bt < bt_spirals), size_hist, sigs, bin_size=30)
        # plt.errorbar(log10(mhalo_bin), log10(fj_bin), yerr=abs(log10(fj_bin)-log10(e_fj_bin)), c='b', fmt='o')
        ax.plot(log10(mhalo_bin)[:8], log10(fj_bin)[:8], 'bo-')
        x, y, H, lev, mhalo_bin, fj_bin, e_fj_bin = bins_and_hist(mhalo, fj, (bt > bt_ells), size_hist, sigs, bin_size=30)
        # plt.errorbar(log10(mhalo_bin), log10(fj_bin), yerr=abs(log10(fj_bin)-log10(e_fj_bin)), c='r', fmt='s')
        ax.plot(log10(mhalo_bin)[2:], log10(fj_bin)[2:], 'rs-')

        # second x-axis with Mstar
        mhx = logspace(11, 13.5, num=100)
        # Ax2 tick location in stellar mass
        mstar_tick_loc = arange(9, 11.5, 0.5)

    Ms = Mstar(0., mode='high', model='L12', no_scatter=True)
    ms_mhx = array([Ms(m) for m in mhx])

    # Ax2 string tick definition
    ax2_tick_labels = ["%2.1f" % (m) for m in mstar_tick_loc]

    ax2_tick_loc = []
    for msx in mstar_tick_loc:
        ax2_tick_loc.append(log10(mhx[argmin(npabs( log10(ms_mhx) - msx))]))


    if save_plots:
        plt.savefig('fj-Mh_BT_ref.pdf', bbox_inches='tight')
    # plt.savefig('fj-Mh_BT_ref.pdf', bbox_inches='tight')

    ----------- Kravtsov
    fig = plt.figure()
    plt.ylabel(r"$\log\rm\,R_e/kpc$", fontsize=16)
    plt.xlabel(r"$\log\rm\,r_{\rm vir}/kpc$", fontsize=16)
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
    ax.text(0.1, 0.9, r"$\rm late-types$", fontsize=18, color='#151AB0', transform=ax.transAxes)
    # ax.text(0.1, 0.85, r"$\rm Sa-S0$", fontsize=18, color='#009603', transform=ax.transAxes)
    ax.text(0.1, 0.825, r"$\rm early-types$", fontsize=18, color='#BD000D', transform=ax.transAxes)
    # ax.text(0.4, 0.15, r"$\rm Kravtsov Plot$", fontsize=20, transform=ax.transAxes)

    if len(bt[bt<0])>0:
        x, y, H, lev, _, _, _ = bins_and_hist(r200, Re, bt<0, size_hist, sigs)
        plt.contourf(x, y, log10(H).T, levels=append(lev, log10(H).max()), cmap=plt.get_cmap('Greys'), alpha=0.75)

        # ------ Median relation
        x, y, H, lev, r200_bin, Rd_bin, e_Rd_bin = bins_and_hist(r200, Re, bt<0, size_hist, sigs, bin_size=30)
        plt.errorbar(log10(r200_bin), log10(Rd_bin), yerr=abs(log10(Rd_bin)-log10(e_Rd_bin)), c='k', fmt='o')
        # spirals
        w = bt < bt_spirals
        # plt.plot(log10(r200)[w], log10(Re)[w], 'b.', alpha=0.0075)
        x, y, H, lev, _, _, _ = bins_and_hist(r200, Re, w, size_hist, sigs)
        # plt.contour(x, y, log10(H).T, levels=lev, colors='#151AB0')
        plt.contourf(x, y, log10(H).T, levels=append(lev, log10(H).max()), cmap=plt.get_cmap('Blues'), alpha=0.75)

        # Sa and lenticulars
        w = (bt >= bt_spirals) & (bt < bt_ells)
        # plt.plot(log10(r200)[w], log10(Re)[w], 'b.', alpha=0.0075)
        x, y, H, lev, _, _, _ = bins_and_hist(r200, Re, w, size_hist, sigs)
        # plt.contour(x, y, log10(H).T, levels=lev, colors='#AB9700')
        plt.contourf(x, y, log10(H).T, levels=append(lev, log10(H).max()), cmap=plt.get_cmap('Greens'), alpha=0.75)

        # ellipticals
        w = bt > bt_ells
        # plt.plot(log10(r200)[w], log10(Re)[w], 'r.', alpha=0.0075)
        x, y, H, lev, _, _, _ = bins_and_hist(r200, Re, w, size_hist, sigs)
        # plt.contour(x, y, log10(H).T, levels=lev, colors='#BD000D')
        plt.contourf(x, y, log10(H).T, levels=append(lev, log10(H).max()), cmap=plt.get_cmap('Reds'), alpha=0.75)

        # ------ Median relation
        x, y, H, lev, r200_bin, Rd_bin, e_Rd_bin = bins_and_hist(r200, Re, (bt < bt_spirals), size_hist, sigs, bin_size=30)
        # plt.errorbar(log10(mhalo_bin), log10(fj_bin), yerr=abs(log10(fj_bin)-log10(e_fj_bin)), c='b', fmt='o')
        ax.plot(log10(r200_bin)[:8], log10(Rd_bin)[:8], 'bo-')
        x, y, H, lev, r200_bin, Rd_bin, e_Rd_bin = bins_and_hist(r200, Re, (bt > bt_ells), size_hist, sigs, bin_size=30)
        # plt.errorbar(log10(mhalo_bin), log10(fj_bin), yerr=abs(log10(fj_bin)-log10(e_fj_bin)), c='r', fmt='s')
        ax.plot(log10(r200_bin)[2:], log10(Rd_bin)[2:], 'rs-')

    plt.plot(log10(linspace(125, 800)), log10(0.015 * linspace(125, 800)), 'k-', lw=2)
    plt.plot(log10(linspace(125, 800)), log10(0.015 * linspace(125, 800))+0.5, 'k--', lw=2)
    plt.plot(log10(linspace(125, 800)), log10(0.015 * linspace(125, 800))-0.5, 'k--', lw=2)
    plt.xlim([log10(125.), log10(800.)])

    if save_plots:
        plt.savefig('Re-r200_BT_ref.pdf', bbox_inches='tight')

    ----------- Mo, Mao & White Rd-r200
    fig = plt.figure()
    plt.ylabel(r"$\log\rm\,R_d/kpc$", fontsize=16)
    plt.xlabel(r"$\log\rm\,r_{\rm vir}/kpc$", fontsize=16)
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
    ax.text(0.1, 0.9, r"$\rm Sc-Sb$", fontsize=18, color='#151AB0', transform=ax.transAxes)
    ax.text(0.1, 0.85, r"$\rm Sa-S0$", fontsize=18, color='#009603', transform=ax.transAxes)
    # ax.text(0.4, 0.15, r"$\rm Mo, Mao & White Plot$", fontsize=20, transform=ax.transAxes)

    if len(bt[bt<0])>0:
        x, y, H, lev, r200_bin, Rd_bin, e_Rd_bin = bins_and_hist(r200, Rd, bt<0, size_hist, sigs)
        plt.contourf(x, y, log10(H).T, levels=append(lev, log10(H).max()), cmap=plt.get_cmap('Greys'), alpha=0.75)

        # ------ Median relation
        x, y, H, lev, r200_bin, Rd_bin, e_Rd_bin = bins_and_hist(r200, Rd, bt<0, size_hist, sigs, bin_size=30)
        plt.errorbar(log10(r200_bin), log10(Rd_bin), yerr=abs(log10(Rd_bin)-log10(e_Rd_bin)), c='k', fmt='o')
        # spirals
        w = bt < bt_spirals
        # plt.plot(log10(r200[w]), log10(Rd[w]), 'b.', alpha=0.01)
        x, y, H, lev, r200_bin, Rd_bin, e_Rd_bin = bins_and_hist(r200, Rd, w, size_hist, sigs)
        # plt.errorbar(log10(r200_bin), log10(Rd_bin), yerr=abs(log10(Rd_bin)-log10(e_Rd_bin)), c='b', fmt='o')
        # plt.contour(x, y, log10(H).T, levels=lev, colors='#151AB0')
        plt.contourf(x, y, log10(H).T, levels=append(lev, log10(H).max()), cmap=plt.get_cmap('Blues'), alpha=0.75)

        # Sa and lenticulars
        w = (bt >= bt_spirals) & (bt < bt_lents)
        # plt.plot(log10(r200[w]), log10(Rd[w]), 'y.', alpha=0.01)
        x, y, H, lev, r200_bin, Rd_bin, e_Rd_bin = bins_and_hist(r200, Rd, w, size_hist, sigs)
        # plt.errorbar(log10(r200_bin), log10(Rd_bin), yerr=abs(log10(Rd_bin)-log10(e_Rd_bin)), c='g', fmt='o')
        # plt.contour(x, y, log10(H).T, levels=lev, colors='#AB9700')
        plt.contourf(x, y, log10(H).T, levels=append(lev, log10(H).max()), cmap=plt.get_cmap('Greens'), alpha=0.75)

        x, y, H, lev, r200_bin, Rd_bin, e_Rd_bin = bins_and_hist(r200, Rd, bt < bt_lents, size_hist, sigs, bin_size=30)
        plt.errorbar(log10(r200_bin), log10(Rd_bin), yerr=abs(log10(Rd_bin)-log10(e_Rd_bin)), c='k', fmt='o')

    plt.plot(log10(linspace(110, 800)), log10(0.0112*linspace(110, 800)), 'k-', lw=2)
    plt.xlim([log10(110.), log10(800.)])

    if save_plots:
        plt.savefig('Rd-r200_ScS0_ref.pdf', bbox_inches='tight')

    ----------- sTFR
    fig = plt.figure()
    plt.ylabel(r"$\log\rm\,M_\ast/M_\odot$", fontsize=16)
    plt.xlabel(r"$\log\rm\,V_{rot}/km\,s^{-1}$", fontsize=16)
    plt.ylim(8, 11.5)
    plt.xlim(1.8, 2.5)
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
    ax.text(0.1, 0.9, r"$\rm late-types$", fontsize=18, color='#151AB0', transform=ax.transAxes)

    if len(bt[bt<0])>0:
        x, y, H, lev, vc_bin, mstar_bin, e_mstar_bin = bins_and_hist(vc, mstar, bt<0, size_hist, sigs)
        plt.contourf(x, y, log10(H).T, levels=append(lev, log10(H).max()), cmap=plt.get_cmap('Greys'), alpha=0.75)

        # spirals
        w = bt < bt_spirals
        # plt.plot(log10(vc[w]), log10(mstar[w]), 'b.', alpha=0.0025)
        x, y, H, lev, vc_bin, mstar_bin, e_mstar_bin = bins_and_hist(vc, mstar, w, size_hist, sigs)
        # plt.errorbar(log10(vc_bin), log10(mstar_bin), yerr=abs(log10(mstar_bin)-log10(e_mstar_bin)), c='b', fmt='o')
        plt.contourf(x, y, log10(H).T, levels=append(lev, log10(H).max()), cmap=plt.get_cmap('Blues'))

    plt.plot(linspace(1.9, 2.4), log10(Mstar_TF(linspace(1.9, 2.4))), 'k-', lw=3)
    plt.plot(linspace(1.9, 2.4), log10(Mstar_TF(linspace(1.9, 2.4)))+0.15, 'k--', lw=3)
    plt.plot(linspace(1.9, 2.4), log10(Mstar_TF(linspace(1.9, 2.4)))-0.15, 'k--', lw=3)

    if save_plots:
        plt.savefig('sTF_BT_ref.pdf', bbox_inches='tight')

    if len(bt[bt<0])>0:

        ----------- Faber-Jackson
        fig = plt.figure()
        plt.ylabel(r"$\log\rm\,M_\ast/M_\odot$", fontsize=16)
        plt.xlabel(r"$\log\rm\,\sigma/km\,s^{-1}$", fontsize=16)
        plt.ylim(9, 11.75)
        plt.xlim(1.8, 2.6)
        ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
        ax.text(0.1, 0.9, r"$\rm early-types$", fontsize=18, color='#BD000D', transform=ax.transAxes)

        # ellipticals
        w = bt > bt_ells
        # turn vc to sigma for ellipticals
        vc[w] /= factor
        # Dutton et al. 2010 correction
        # (vc[w])[log10(mstar[w]) > 10.5] *= 10.**(0.1-0.3*(log10(mstar[w])[log10(mstar[w]) > 10.5]-10.5))
        # (vc[w])[log10(mstar[w]) <= 10.5] *= 10.**0.1
        # plt.plot(log10(mstar[w]), log10(vc[w]), 'r.', alpha=0.0025)
        x, y, H, lev, vc_bin, mstar_bin, e_mstar_bin = bins_and_hist(vc, mstar, w, size_hist, sigs)
        # plt.errorbar(log10(vc_bin), log10(mstar_bin), yerr=abs(log10(mstar_bin)-log10(e_mstar_bin)), c='r', fmt='o')
        plt.contourf(x, y, log10(H).T, levels=append(lev, log10(H).max()), cmap=plt.get_cmap('Reds'))
        plt.plot(linspace(1.8, 2.6), log10(Mstar_FJ(linspace(1.8, 2.6))), 'k-', lw=3)
        plt.plot(linspace(1.8, 2.6), log10(Mstar_FJ(linspace(1.8, 2.6)))+0.1, 'k--', lw=3)
        plt.plot(linspace(1.8, 2.6), log10(Mstar_FJ(linspace(1.8, 2.6)))-0.1, 'k--', lw=3)

        if save_plots:
            plt.savefig('FJ_BT_ref.pdf', bbox_inches='tight')
        ----------- FP
        fig = plt.figure()
        plt.xlabel(r"$\log\rm\,M_\ast/kpc$", fontsize=16)
        plt.ylabel(r"$\rm\,10.6+2\log\,\sigma/130\,km\,s^{-1}+\log\,R_e/2\,kpc$", fontsize=16)
        plt.xlim(9, 11.75)
        plt.xlim(9, 12.)
        ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
        ax.text(0.1, 0.825, r"$\rm early-types$", fontsize=18, color='#BD000D', transform=ax.transAxes)

        # etg
        w = bt > bt_ells
        # fp
        fp = 10.6+2.*log10(vc[w]/factor/130.)+log10(Re[w]/2.)
        x, y, H, lev, mstar_bin, fp_bin, e_fp_bin = bins_and_hist(mstar[w], 10.**fp, mstar[w] > 0, size_hist, sigs)
        # plt.errorbar(log10(mstar_bin), fp_bin, yerr=0.5, c='r', fmt='o')
        plt.contourf(x, y, log10(H).T, levels=append(lev, log10(H).max()), cmap=plt.get_cmap('Reds'))
        plt.plot(linspace(9, 12), linspace(9, 12), 'k-', lw=3)
        plt.plot(linspace(9, 12), linspace(9, 12)+0.06, 'k--', lw=3)
        plt.plot(linspace(9, 12), linspace(9, 12)-0.06, 'k--', lw=3)

        if save_plots:
            plt.savefig('FP_BT_ref.pdf', bbox_inches='tight')

    ----------- Mass - size relation
    fig = plt.figure()
    plt.xlabel(r"$\log\rm\,M_\ast/kpc$", fontsize=16)
    plt.ylabel(r"$\log\rm\,R_e/kpc$", fontsize=16)
    plt.xlim(8, 11.75)
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
    ax.text(0.1, 0.9, r"$\rm late-types$", fontsize=18, color='#151AB0', transform=ax.transAxes)
    # ax.text(0.1, 0.85, r"$\rm Sa-S0$", fontsize=18, color='#009603', transform=ax.transAxes)
    ax.text(0.1, 0.825, r"$\rm early-types$", fontsize=18, color='#BD000D', transform=ax.transAxes)

    if len(bt[bt<0])>0:
        x, y, H, lev, mstar_bin, Re_bin, e_Re_bin = bins_and_hist(mstar, Re, bt<0, size_hist, sigs)
        plt.contourf(x, y, log10(H).T, levels=append(lev, log10(H).max()), cmap=plt.get_cmap('Greys'), alpha=0.75)

        # spirals
        w = bt < bt_ltg
        # plt.plot(log10(r200)[w], log10(Re)[w], 'b.', alpha=0.0075)
        x, y, H, lev, mstar_bin, Re_bin, e_Re_bin = bins_and_hist(mstar, Re, w, size_hist, sigs)
        # plt.errorbar(log10(mstar_bin), log10(Re_bin), yerr=abs(log10(Re_bin)-log10(e_Re_bin)), c='b', fmt='o')
        plt.contourf(x, y, log10(H).T, levels=append(lev, log10(H).max()), cmap=plt.get_cmap('Blues'), alpha=0.75)

        # ellipticals
        w = bt > bt_ltg
        # plt.plot(log10(r200)[w], log10(Re)[w], 'r.', alpha=0.0075)
        x, y, H, lev, mstar_bin, Re_bin, e_Re_bin = bins_and_hist(mstar, Re, w, size_hist, sigs)
        # plt.errorbar(log10(mstar_bin), log10(Re_bin), yerr=abs(log10(Re_bin)-log10(e_Re_bin)), c='r', fmt='o')
        plt.contourf(x, y, log10(H).T, levels=append(lev, log10(H).max()), cmap=plt.get_cmap('Reds'), alpha=0.75)

    plt.plot(linspace(9, 11.75), mass_size_etg(logspace(9, 11.75)), 'r-', lw=2)
    plt.plot(linspace(9, 11.75), mass_size_ltg(logspace(9, 11.75)), 'b--', lw=2)

    if save_plots:
        plt.savefig('Re-Ms_BT_ref.pdf', bbox_inches='tight')

Exemple #41
def compute_pos_corr_matrix(X, N):
    '''computes positional correlation matrix'''
    pos_mat_prod = dot(tp(X), X)/N
    pos_avg_prod = dot(tp(matrix(mean(X, 0))), matrix(mean(X, 0)))
    pos_corr = npabs(pos_mat_prod - pos_avg_prod)
    return pos_corr
    def feature_sign_search_algorithm(self,
                                      single=False, timed=True,
        Returns sparse features representation
        self.min_coeff_rat = co.CONST['sparse_fss_min_coeff_rat']
        self.min_coeff = max([self.min_coeff,
                              self.min_coeff_rat *
        if self.inp_feat_list is not None:
            self.inp_feat_list = [inp_features.ravel()]
        self.inp_features = inp_features.copy().reshape((-1,1))
        # Step 1
        btb = dot(self.codebook_comps.T, self.codebook_comps)
        btf = dot(self.codebook_comps.T, self.inp_features)
        if self.rat is not None:
            self.gamma = np.max(np.abs(-2 * btf)) * self.rat

        gamma = self.gamma
        if starting_points is not None:
            self.sparse_features = starting_points.reshape((self.sparse_dim,
            self.theta = np.sign(self.sparse_features)
            self.active_set[:] = False
            self.active_set[self.sparse_features.ravel()!=0] = True
            step2 = 0
            step2 = 1
        count = 0
        prev_objval = 0
        if max_iter == 0:
            max_iter = self.max_iter
            self.max_iter = max_iter
        self.prev_sparse_feats = None
        prev_error = 0
        initial_energy = compute_lineq_error(inp_features, 0,
        interm_error = initial_energy
        SPLOG.info('Initial Signal Energy: ' + str(initial_energy))
        SPLOG.info('Initial nonzero elements number: ' +
        converged = False
        for count in range(self.max_iter):
            # Step 2    
            if step2:
                zero_coeffs = (self.sparse_features == 0)
                qp_der_outfeati = 2 * \
                    (dot(btb, self.sparse_features)
                     - btf) * zero_coeffs.reshape((-1,1))
                i = argmax(npabs(qp_der_outfeati))
                if (npabs(qp_der_outfeati[i]) > gamma
                    or npsum(self.active_set) < self.min_coeff):
                    self.theta[i] = -sign(qp_der_outfeati[i])
                    self.active_set[i] = True
            # Step 3
            codebook_comps_h = self.codebook_comps[:, self.active_set]
            sparse_feat_h = self.sparse_features[self.active_set].reshape(
            theta_h = self.theta[self.active_set].reshape((-1,1))
            _q_ = dot(codebook_comps_h.T, self.inp_features) - gamma * theta_h / 2.0
            codebook_comps_h2 = dot(codebook_comps_h.T, codebook_comps_h)
            rank = matrix_rank(codebook_comps_h2)
            zc_search = True
            if rank == codebook_comps_h2.shape[0]:
                new_sparse_f_h = np.linalg.solve(codebook_comps_h2, _q_)
                u,s,v = np.linalg.svd(codebook_comps_h2)
                col_space = u[:, :rank]
                null_space = u[:, rank:]
                #Check if q belongs in column space, ie the projection of
                #q in the column space is q itself
                q_proj = np.zeros_like(_q_).reshape(-1, 1)
                for i in range(col_space.shape[1]):
                    col = col_space[:,i].reshape(-1, 1)
                    q_proj+=((dot(_q_.reshape(1,-1),col) /
                                   np.dot(col.T, col).astype(float))*col)
                LOG.info('q|Projection: ' +
                LOG.info('Projection Energy: '+ str(np.sum(q_proj**2)))
                LOG.info('Distance between q and projection: '+str(np.linalg.norm(q_proj.ravel()-_q_.ravel())))
                if np.allclose(q_proj.ravel()-_q_.ravel(), 0, atol=1.e-6):
                    new_sparse_f_h = dot(pinv(codebook_comps_h2),_q_)
                    #direction z in nullspace of codebook_comps_h2 can not be
                    #perpendicular to _q_, because then _q_ = C(codebook_comps_h2),
                    #which was proven not to hold.
                    #I take the principal vector that belongs in null_space of
                    #codebook_comps_h2 and add it to the current sparse_feat_h
                    #so that to search for zerocrossings
                    #inside the line constructed
                    # by this vector and sparse_feat_h, which has direction,
                    # belonging to null_space of codebook_comps_h2
                    tmp_sparse_f_h = sparse_feat_h + dot(null_space,
                    zero_points_lin_par = sparse_feat_h / (sparse_feat_h
                    # find _t_ that corresponds to the closest zero crossing to
                    # sparse_feat_h
                    _t_ind = np.argmin(np.abs(zero_points_lin_par[
                    _t_ = zero_points_lin_par[
                    null_vec = _t_ * tmp_sparse_f_h + (1 - _t_) * sparse_feat_h
                    new_sparse_f_h = null_vec
                    zc_search = False

            if (np.prod(sign(sparse_feat_h) != sign(new_sparse_f_h))
                and zc_search):
                zero_points_lin_par = sparse_feat_h / (sparse_feat_h -
                zero_points_lin_par = concatenate((zero_points_lin_par[
                    ((zero_points_lin_par > 0) *
                     (zero_points_lin_par < 1)).astype(bool)][:], array([1])), axis=0)
                _t_ = zero_points_lin_par
                null_vecs = _t_ * new_sparse_f_h + (1 - _t_) * sparse_feat_h
                objvals = self.object_val_calc(codebook_comps_h, self.inp_features, gamma,
                objval_argmin = argmin(objvals)
                objval = np.min(objvals)
                new_sparse_f_h = null_vecs[:, objval_argmin][:, None].copy()
                objval = self.object_val_calc(codebook_comps_h, self.inp_features, gamma, theta_h,
            self.sparse_features[self.active_set] = new_sparse_f_h.copy()
            self.active_set[self.active_set] = np.logical_not(
                isclose(new_sparse_f_h, 0))
            if npsum(self.active_set) < self.min_coeff:
                step2 = 1
            self.theta = sign(self.sparse_features)
            # Step 4
            nnz_coeff = self.sparse_features != 0
            # a

            new_qp_der_outfeati = 2 * (dot(btb, self.sparse_features) - btf)
            cond_a = (new_qp_der_outfeati +
                      gamma * sign(self.sparse_features)) * nnz_coeff
            if np.abs(objval) - np.abs(prev_objval) > 100 and not\
                    self.allow_big_vals and not count == 0:
                if self.prev_sparse_feats is not None:
                    SPLOG.info('Current Objective Function value: ' +
                    SPLOG.info('Previous Objective Function value: ' +
                    SPLOG.info('Problem with big values of inv(B^T*B)' +
                              ',you might want to increase atol' +
                              ' or set flag allow_big_vals to true' +
                              ' (this might cause' +
                              ' problems)')
                    SPLOG.info('Reverting to previous iteration result ' +
                              'and exiting loop..')
                    self.sparse_features = self.prev_sparse_feats.ravel()
                    LOG.error('Current Objective Function value: ' +
                    LOG.error('Previous Objective Function value: ' +
                    LOG.error('Problem with big values of inv(B^T*B),increase atol' +
                              ' or set flag allow_big_vals to true (this might cause' +
                              ' serious convergence problems)')
                    LOG.error('Exiting as algorithm has not produced any'
                              + ' output results.')
            prev_objval = objval
            self.prev_sparse_feats = self.sparse_features
            if allclose(cond_a, 0, atol=acondtol):
                # go to cond b:
                z_coeff = self.sparse_features == 0
                cond_b = npabs(new_qp_der_outfeati * z_coeff) <= gamma
                if npsum(cond_b) == new_qp_der_outfeati.shape[0]:
                    self.sparse_features = self.sparse_features.reshape((-1,1))
                    converged = True
                    # go to step 2
                    step2 = 1
                # go to step 3
                step2 = 0
            if count % 10 == 0:
                interm_error = compute_lineq_error(
                    self.inp_features, self.codebook_comps,
                if interm_error == prev_error or interm_error > initial_energy:
                    prev_error = interm_error
                SPLOG.info('\t Epoch:' + str(count))
                SPLOG.info('\t\t Intermediate Error=' +
                if interm_error < 0.001:
                    SPLOG.info('Small error, asssuming  convergence')
        if initial_energy < interm_error:
            if not training:
                LOG.warning('FSS Algorithm did not converge, using pseudoinverse' +
                            ' of provided codebook instead')
                if self.inv_codebook_comps is None:
                    self.inv_codebook_comps = pinv(self.codebook_comps)
                SPLOG.info('FSS Algorithm did not converge,' +
                            ' removing sample from training dataset...')
                self.sparse_features = None
            return (interm_error), False, initial_energy
        if not converged:
            SPLOG.info('FSS Algorithm did not converge' +
                  ' in the given iterations')
            SPLOG.info('Successful Convergence')
        SPLOG.info('\tFinal error: ' + str(interm_error))
        SPLOG.info('\tNumber of nonzero elements: ' +
        if not single:
            if self.sparse_feat_list is None:
                self.sparse_feat_list = [self.sparse_features.ravel()]
        if ret_error:
            return (compute_lineq_error(self.inp_features, self.codebook_comps,
                    True, initial_energy)
        self.sparse_features = self.sparse_features.ravel()
        return None, True, None
def write_buckling_bdfs(bdf_model, op2_filename, xyz_cid0, patches, patch_edges_array,
                        isubcase=1, mode='displacement', workpath='results'):

    # TODO: Create 'BDF' of deflected shape that doesn't include the wing up bend from the CAERO1
    #       boxes.  This will allow you to visually see where the wing undulates relative to the
    #       center plane of the wing
    assert mode in ['load', 'displacement'], 'mode=%r' % mode
    model = bdf_model

    subcase = bdf_model.subcases[isubcase]
    # TODO: add title, subtitle from the actual load case for cross validation
    header = ''
    header += 'SOL 105\n'
    header += 'CEND\n'
    header += 'ECHO = NONE\n'

    if subcase.has_parameter('TITLE'):
        header += '  TITLE = %s\n' % subcase.get_parameter('TITLE')[0]
        header += 'TITLE = BUCKLING\n'
    header += 'SUBCASE 1\n'
    # header += '  SUPORT = 1\n'
    #if mode == 'load':
    header += '  LOAD = 55\n'
    header += '  METHOD = 42\n'
    #header += '  SPCFORCES(PLOT,PRINT) = ALL\n'
    header += '  DISPLACEMENT(PLOT,PRINT) = ALL\n'
    header += '  SPC = 100\n'
    if 'SUBTITLE' in subcase:
        header += '  SUBTITLE = %s\n' % subcase.get_parameter('SUBTITLE')[0]

    #header += '  MPC = 1\n'
    #header += '  TRIM = 1\n'
    header += 'BEGIN BULK\n'
    header += 'PARAM,GRDPNT,0\n'
    header += 'PARAM,COUPMASS,1\n'
    #header += 'PARAM,AUNITS,0.00259\n'
    #header += 'PARAM,WTMASS,0.00259\n'
    #header += 'PARAM,BAILOUT,-1\n'
    header += 'PARAM,PRTMAXIM,YES\n'
    header += 'PARAM,POST,-1    \n'

    eig1 = 0.0
    eig2 = 100.
    nroots = 20
    method = 42
    spc_id = 100
    load_id = 55
    header += 'EIGB,%s,INV,%s,%s,%s\n' % (method, eig1, eig2, nroots)

    out_model = OP2()
    print('**** workpath', workpath)
    if mode == 'displacement':
        #print('out_model.displacements =', out_model.displacements)
        displacements = out_model.displacements[isubcase]
        node_ids_full_model = displacements.node_gridtype[:, 0]
        ## TODO: check for cd != 0
    elif mode == 'load':
        nodal_forces = out_model.grid_point_forces[isubcase]
        raise RuntimeError(mode)

    edge_nids = unique(patch_edges_array.ravel())
    #free_nodes = setdiff1d(node_ids_full_model, edge_nids) # A-B

    # TODO: support excluded pids
    excluded_pids = []

    patch_dir = os.path.join(workpath, 'patches')
    edge_dir = os.path.join(workpath, 'edges')
    if not os.path.exists(patch_dir):
    if not os.path.exists(edge_dir):
    for ipatch, patch_eids in enumerate(patches):
        patch_eids_array = array(patch_eids, dtype='int32')

        patch_filename = os.path.join(patch_dir, 'patch_%i.bdf' % ipatch)
        edge_filename = os.path.join(edge_dir, 'edge_%i.csv' % ipatch)
        patch_file = open(patch_filename, 'w')
        edge_file = open(edge_filename, 'w')

        # get list of all nodes on patch_eids_array; write elements
        all_nids_on_patch = []
        pids_on_patch = set([])
        for eid in patch_eids_array:
            elem = model.elements[eid]
            node_ids = elem.node_ids


        # TODO: assumes a patch has only one property region
        pid = elem.Pid()

        if pid in excluded_pids:
            print('pid=%s is excluded; patch_filename=%s' % patch_filename)

        all_nids_on_patch = unique(hstack(all_nids_on_patch))

        nnodes = len(all_nids_on_patch)

        # get nodal cd; write nodes
        if mode == 'load':
            cd = zeros(nnodes, dtype='int32')
            for i, nid in enumerate(all_nids_on_patch):
                node = model.nodes[nid]
                cdi = node.Cd()
                cd[i] = cdi
        elif mode == 'displacement':
            for i, nid in enumerate(all_nids_on_patch):
                node = model.nodes[nid]
            raise NotImplementedError(mode)

        # model._write_common(patch_file, size=8, is_double=False)
        size = 8
        is_double = False
        model._write_coords(patch_file, size, is_double)
        model._write_materials(patch_file, size, is_double)

        for pid in pids_on_patch:
            prop = model.properties[pid]
            patch_file.write(prop.write_card(size=size, is_double=is_double))
            #model._write_properties(patch_file, size, is_double)

        # msg = ['                                          G R I D   P O I N T   F O R C E   B A L A N C E\n',
            # '  POINT-ID    ELEMENT-ID    SOURCE         T1             T2             T3             R1             R2             R3\n', ]
            #'0     13683          3736    TRIAX6         4.996584E+00   0.0            1.203093E+02   0.0            0.0            0.0'
            #'      13683          3737    TRIAX6        -4.996584E+00   0.0           -1.203093E+02   0.0            0.0            0.0'
            #'      13683                  *TOTALS*       6.366463E-12   0.0           -1.364242E-12   0.0            0.0            0.0'
        zero = ' '
        if 0:
            msg = []
            self = nodal_forces
            for ekey, force in sorted(iteritems(self.force_moment)):
                for iload, forcei in enumerate(force):
                    (f1, f2, f3, m1, m2, m3) = forcei
                    elem_name = self.elemName[ekey][iload]
                    eid = self.eids[ekey][iload]
                    # vals = [f1, f2, f3, m1, m2, m3]
                    # vals2 = write_floats_13e(vals)
                    # [f1, f2, f3, m1, m2, m3] = vals2
                    if eid == 0:
                        eid = ''
                    msg.append('%s  %8s    %10s    %-8s      %-13s  %-13s  %-13s  %-13s  %-13s  %s\n' % (
                        zero, ekey, eid, elem_name, f1, f2, f3, m1, m2, m3))
                    zero = ' '
                zero = '0'

        if mode == 'displacement':
            # the displacement are in the Cd coordinate frame
            # because we're just carrying along the GRID cards
            # we shouldn't need to do anything
            patch_edge_nids = []
            for edge in patch_edges_array:
                n1, n2 = edge
                if n1 in all_nids_on_patch and n2 in all_nids_on_patch:
            patch_edge_nids = unique(vstack(patch_edge_nids))
            #print('patch_edge_nids = %s' % patch_edge_nids)
            #print('node_ids_full_model = %s' % node_ids_full_model)
            idisp_full_model = searchsorted(node_ids_full_model, patch_edge_nids)
            nids2 = node_ids_full_model[idisp_full_model]

            #print('idisp_full_model = %s' % idisp_full_model)
            #print('nids2 = %s' % nids2)
            #print('delta = %s' % (node_ids_full_model[idisp_full_model] - patch_edge_nids))

            # make sure we're in Cd == 0
            disp = displacements.data[0, idisp_full_model, :]
            #disp = displacements.data[:, 3]

            ipack = 0
            spc_pack = []
            #$SPCD         100   20028       1.0009906   20028       24.3233-4
            #$SPCD         100   20028       3.3169889   20028       41.6345-4
            #$SPCD         100   20028       5.0004592   20028       6-2.092-3

            n1 = patch_edge_nids[0]
            n2 = patch_edge_nids[1]

            spc1 = ['SPC1', spc_id, 123] + list(patch_edge_nids)
            #patch_file.write('SPC1,%i,123456,%i\n' % (spc_id, n1))

            # dummy load
            # TODO: figure out free node
            #edge_nids = unique(patch_edges_array.ravel())
            #free_nodes = setdiff1d(node_ids_full_model, edge_nids) # A-B
            #free_nodes_on_patch = setdiff1d(free_nodes, all_nids_on_patch) # A-B
            #free_nodes_on_patch = in1d(free_nodes, all_nids_on_patch) # A and B

            free_nodes_on_patch = setdiff1d(all_nids_on_patch, edge_nids)
            #print('free_nodes_on_patch =', free_nodes_on_patch)
            if len(free_nodes_on_patch) == 0:
                print('couldnt find free node for patch_filename=%s' % patch_filename)
            free_node = free_nodes_on_patch[0]
            assert free_node in all_nids_on_patch, 'free_node=%s is not patch_filename=in %s' % (free_node, patch_filename)
            patch_file.write('FORCE,%i,%i,0,0.000001,1.0,1.0,1.0\n' % (load_id, free_node))

            for i, nid in enumerate(patch_edge_nids):
                #if i == 0:
                xyz = xyz_cid0[nid]
                edge_file.write('%f, %f, %f\n' % (xyz[0], xyz[1], xyz[2]))
                assert nids2[i] == nid, 'nid=%s nid2=%s' % (nid, node_ids_full_model[i])
                for j in range(3):
                #for j in range(6):
                    dispi = disp[i, j]
                    if npabs(dispi) > 0.0:
                        # SPCD, sid, g1, c1, d1
                        #patch_file.write(print_card_8(['SPCD', spc_id, nid, j + 1, dispi]))
                        if ipack == 0:
                            # SPCDs are loads, not SPCs.  Don't change this!!!
                            spc_pack = ['SPCD', load_id, nid, j + 1, dispi]
                            ipack += 1
                            # ipack = 1
                            spc_pack += [nid, j + 1, dispi]
                            ipack = 0
                            spc_pack = []
            if len(spc_pack):

        elif mode == 'load':
            # TODO: does this work for vectorized classes?
            for node_id, cdi in zip(all_nids_on_patch[1:], cd[1:]):
                force = nodal_forces.force_moment[node_id]
                force_moment_sum = zeros(6, dtype='float32')
                for iload, forcei in enumerate(force):
                    eid = nodal_forces.eids[node_id][iload]
                    element_name = nodal_forces.elemName[node_id][iload]
                    if eid not in patch_eids_array: # neighboring element
                        force_moment_sum += force[iload]
                    elif eid == 0 and element_name != '*TOTALS*':
                        force_moment_sum += force[iload]

                abs_force_moment_sum = npabs(force_moment_sum)
                forcei = abs_force_moment_sum[:3]
                momenti = abs_force_moment_sum[3:]
                if forcei.sum() > 0.0:
                    # write force
                    card = ['FORCE', load_id, node_id, cdi, 1.0, ] + list(forcei)
                if momenti.sum() > 0.0:
                    # write moment
                    card = ['MOMENT', load_id, node_id, cdi, 1.0, ] + list(momenti)
            raise RuntimeError(mode)
Exemple #44
def plot_mag_series(times,
    '''This plots a magnitude time series.

    If outfile is none, then plots to matplotlib interactive window. If outfile
    is a string denoting a filename, uses that to write a png/eps/pdf figure.

    timebin is either a float indicating binsize in seconds, or None indicating
    no time-binning is required.


    if errs is not None:

        # remove nans
        find = npisfinite(times) & npisfinite(mags) & npisfinite(errs)
        ftimes, fmags, ferrs = times[find], mags[find], errs[find]

        # get the median and stdev = 1.483 x MAD
        median_mag = npmedian(fmags)
        stddev_mag = (npmedian(npabs(fmags - median_mag))) * 1.483

        # sigclip next
        if sigclip:

            sigind = (npabs(fmags - median_mag)) < (sigclip * stddev_mag)

            stimes = ftimes[sigind]
            smags = fmags[sigind]
            serrs = ferrs[sigind]

            LOGINFO('sigclip = %s: before = %s observations, '
                    'after = %s observations' %
                    (sigclip, len(times), len(stimes)))


            stimes = ftimes
            smags = fmags
            serrs = ferrs


        # remove nans
        find = npisfinite(times) & npisfinite(mags)
        ftimes, fmags, ferrs = times[find], mags[find], None

        # get the median and stdev = 1.483 x MAD
        median_mag = npmedian(fmags)
        stddev_mag = (npmedian(npabs(fmags - median_mag))) * 1.483

        # sigclip next
        if sigclip:

            sigind = (npabs(fmags - median_mag)) < (sigclip * stddev_mag)

            stimes = ftimes[sigind]
            smags = fmags[sigind]
            serrs = None

            LOGINFO('sigclip = %s: before = %s observations, '
                    'after = %s observations' %
                    (sigclip, len(times), len(stimes)))


            stimes = ftimes
            smags = fmags
            serrs = None

    # now we proceed to binning
    if timebin and errs is not None:

        binned = time_bin_magseries_with_errs(stimes, smags, serrs,
        btimes, bmags, berrs = (binned['binnedtimes'],

    elif timebin and errs is None:

        binned = time_bin_magseries(stimes, smags,
        btimes, bmags, berrs = binned['binnedtimes'], binned['binnedmags'], None


        btimes, bmags, berrs = stimes, smags, serrs

    # finally, proceed with plotting
    fig = plt.figure()

    plt.errorbar(btimes, bmags, fmt='go', yerr=berrs,
                 markersize=2.0, markeredgewidth=0.0, ecolor='grey',

    # make a grid

    # fix the ticks to use no offsets

    # get the yrange
    if yrange and isinstance(yrange,list) and len(yrange) == 2:
        ymin, ymax = yrange
        ymin, ymax = plt.ylim()

    plt.xlim(npmin(btimes) - 0.001*npmin(btimes),
             npmax(btimes) + 0.001*npmin(btimes))

    plt.xlabel('time [JD]')

    if outfile and isinstance(outfile, str):

        return os.path.abspath(outfile)


Exemple #45
def plot_phased_mag_series(times,
    '''This plots a phased magnitude time series using the period provided.

    If epoch is None, uses the min(times) as the epoch.

    If epoch is a string 'min', then fits a cubic spline to the phased light
    curve using min(times), finds the magnitude minimum from the fitted light
    curve, then uses the corresponding time value as the epoch.

    If epoch is a float, then uses that directly to phase the light curve and as
    the epoch of the phased mag series plot.

    If outfile is none, then plots to matplotlib interactive window. If outfile
    is a string denoting a filename, uses that to write a png/eps/pdf figure.


    if errs is not None:

        # remove nans
        find = npisfinite(times) & npisfinite(mags) & npisfinite(errs)
        ftimes, fmags, ferrs = times[find], mags[find], errs[find]

        # get the median and stdev = 1.483 x MAD
        median_mag = npmedian(fmags)
        stddev_mag = (npmedian(npabs(fmags - median_mag))) * 1.483

        # sigclip next
        if sigclip:

            sigind = (npabs(fmags - median_mag)) < (sigclip * stddev_mag)

            stimes = ftimes[sigind]
            smags = fmags[sigind]
            serrs = ferrs[sigind]

            LOGINFO('sigclip = %s: before = %s observations, '
                    'after = %s observations' %
                    (sigclip, len(times), len(stimes)))


            stimes = ftimes
            smags = fmags
            serrs = ferrs


        # remove nans
        find = npisfinite(times) & npisfinite(mags)
        ftimes, fmags, ferrs = times[find], mags[find], None

        # get the median and stdev = 1.483 x MAD
        median_mag = npmedian(fmags)
        stddev_mag = (npmedian(npabs(fmags - median_mag))) * 1.483

        # sigclip next
        if sigclip:

            sigind = (npabs(fmags - median_mag)) < (sigclip * stddev_mag)

            stimes = ftimes[sigind]
            smags = fmags[sigind]
            serrs = None

            LOGINFO('sigclip = %s: before = %s observations, '
                    'after = %s observations' %
                    (sigclip, len(times), len(stimes)))


            stimes = ftimes
            smags = fmags
            serrs = None

    # figure out the epoch, if it's None, use the min of the time
    if epoch is None:

        epoch = npmin(stimes)

    # if the epoch is 'min', then fit a spline to the light curve phased
    # using the min of the time, find the fit mag minimum and use the time for
    # that as the epoch
    elif isinstance(epoch,str) and epoch == 'min':

        spfit = spline_fit_magseries(stimes, smags, serrs, period)
        epoch = spfit['fitepoch']

    # now phase (and optionally, phase bin the light curve)
    if errs is not None:

        # phase the magseries
        phasedlc = phase_magseries_with_errs(stimes,
        plotphase = phasedlc['phase']
        plotmags = phasedlc['mags']
        ploterrs = phasedlc['errs']

        # if we're supposed to bin the phases, do so
        if phasebin:

            binphasedlc = phase_bin_magseries_with_errs(plotphase,
            plotphase = binphasedlc['binnedphases']
            plotmags = binphasedlc['binnedmags']
            ploterrs = binphasedlc['binnederrs']


        # phase the magseries
        phasedlc = phase_magseries(stimes,
        plotphase = phasedlc['phase']
        plotmags = phasedlc['mags']
        ploterrs = None

        # if we're supposed to bin the phases, do so
        if phasebin:

            binphasedlc = phase_bin_magseries(plotphase,
            plotphase = binphasedlc['binnedphases']
            plotmags = binphasedlc['binnedmags']
            ploterrs = None

    # finally, make the plots

    # initialize the plot
    fig = plt.figure()

    plt.errorbar(plotphase, plotmags, fmt='bo', yerr=ploterrs,
                 markersize=2.0, markeredgewidth=0.0, ecolor='#B2BEB5',

    # make a grid

    # make lines for phase 0.0, 0.5, and -0.5

    # fix the ticks to use no offsets

    # get the yrange
    if yrange and isinstance(yrange,list) and len(yrange) == 2:
        ymin, ymax = yrange
        ymin, ymax = plt.ylim()

    # set the x axis limit
    if not plotphaselim:
        plot_xlim = plt.xlim()

    # set up the labels
    plt.title('using period: %.6f d and epoch: %.6f' % (period, epoch))

    # make the figure
    if outfile and isinstance(outfile, str):

        return os.path.abspath(outfile)


Exemple #46
def calculate_levels(data, chunk_size, sample_rate, frequency_limits, num_bins, input_channels=2):
    """Calculate frequency response for each channel defined in frequency_limits

    :param data: decoder.frames(), audio data for fft calculations
    :type data: decoder.frames

    :param chunk_size: chunk size of audio data
    :type chunk_size: int

    :param sample_rate: audio file sample rate
    :type sample_rate: int

    :param frequency_limits: list of frequency_limits
    :type frequency_limits: list

    :param num_bins: length of gpio to process
    :type num_bins: int

    :param input_channels: number of audio input channels to process for (default=2)
    :type input_channels: int

    :rtype: numpy.array

    # create a numpy array, taking just the left channel if stereo
    data_stereo = frombuffer(data, dtype=int16)
    if input_channels == 2:
        # data has 2 bytes per channel
        data = empty(len(data) / (2 * input_channels))

        # pull out the even values, just using left channel
        data[:] = data_stereo[::2]
    elif input_channels == 1:
        data = data_stereo

    # if you take an FFT of a chunk of audio, the edges will look like
    # super high frequency cutoffs. Applying a window tapers the edges
    # of each end of the chunk down to zero.
    data = data * hanning(len(data))

    # Apply FFT - real data
    fourier = fft.rfft(data)

    # Remove last element in array to make it the same size as chunk_size
    fourier = delete(fourier, len(fourier) - 1)

    # Calculate the power spectrum
    power = npabs(fourier) ** 2

    matrix = zeros(num_bins, dtype='float64')
    for pin in range(num_bins):
        # take the log10 of the resulting sum to approximate how human ears 
        # perceive sound levels
        # Get the power array index corresponding to a particular frequency.
        idx1 = int(chunk_size * frequency_limits[pin][0] / sample_rate)
        idx2 = int(chunk_size * frequency_limits[pin][1] / sample_rate)
        # if index1 is the same as index2 the value is an invalid value
        # we can fix this by incrementing index2 by 1, This is a temporary fix
        # for RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in double_scalars
        # generated while calculating the standard deviation.  This warning
        # results in some channels not lighting up during playback.
        if idx1 == idx2:
            idx2 += 1
        npsums = npsum(power[idx1:idx2:1])
        # if the sum is 0 lets not take log10, just use 0
        # eliminates RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in log10, does not insert -inf
        if npsums == 0:
            matrix[pin] = 0
            matrix[pin] = log10(npsums)

    return matrix
 def abs_volume(self):
     return npabs(self.volume())