Exemple #1
def specwindow_lsp_value(times, mags, errs, omega):
    This calculates the peak associated with the spectral window function
    for times and at the specified omega.


    norm_times = times - times.min()

    tau = ((1.0 / (2.0 * omega)) * nparctan(
        npsum(npsin(2.0 * omega * norm_times)) /
        npsum(npcos(2.0 * omega * norm_times))))

    lspval_top_cos = (npsum(1.0 * npcos(omega * (norm_times - tau))) *
                      npsum(1.0 * npcos(omega * (norm_times - tau))))
    lspval_bot_cos = npsum((npcos(omega * (norm_times - tau))) *
                           (npcos(omega * (norm_times - tau))))

    lspval_top_sin = (npsum(1.0 * npsin(omega * (norm_times - tau))) *
                      npsum(1.0 * npsin(omega * (norm_times - tau))))
    lspval_bot_sin = npsum((npsin(omega * (norm_times - tau))) *
                           (npsin(omega * (norm_times - tau))))

    lspval = 0.5 * ((lspval_top_cos / lspval_bot_cos) +
                    (lspval_top_sin / lspval_bot_sin))

    return lspval
Exemple #2
def townsend_lombscargle_value(times, mags, omega):
    This calculates the periodogram value for each omega (= 2*pi*f). Mags must
    be normalized to zero with variance scaled to unity.

    cos_omegat = npcos(omega * times)
    sin_omegat = npsin(omega * times)

    xc = npsum(mags * cos_omegat)
    xs = npsum(mags * sin_omegat)

    cc = npsum(cos_omegat * cos_omegat)
    ss = npsum(sin_omegat * sin_omegat)

    cs = npsum(cos_omegat * sin_omegat)

    tau = nparctan(2 * cs / (cc - ss)) / (2 * omega)

    ctau = npcos(omega * tau)
    stau = npsin(omega * tau)

    leftsumtop = (ctau * xc + stau * xs) * (ctau * xc + stau * xs)
    leftsumbot = ctau * ctau * cc + 2.0 * ctau * stau * cs + stau * stau * ss
    leftsum = leftsumtop / leftsumbot

    rightsumtop = (ctau * xs - stau * xc) * (ctau * xs - stau * xc)
    rightsumbot = ctau * ctau * ss - 2.0 * ctau * stau * cs + stau * stau * cc
    rightsum = rightsumtop / rightsumbot

    pval = 0.5 * (leftsum + rightsum)

    return pval
Exemple #3
    def robot_curve(self, curve_type: CurveType, side: RobotSide):
        Calculates the given curve for the given side of the robot.
        :param curve_type: The type of the curve to calculate
        :param side: The side to use in the calculation
        :return: The points of the calculated curve
        coeff = (self.robot.robot_info[3] /
                 2) * (1 if side == RobotSide.LEFT else -1)
        cp = self.control_points()

        t = linspace(0, 1, samples=Trajectory.SAMPLE_SIZE + 1)
        curves = [
                  spline_type=SplineType.QUINTIC_HERMITE) for points in cp

        dx, dy = npconcat([c.calculate(t, CurveType.VELOCITY)
                           for c in curves]).T
        theta = nprads(angle_from_slope(dx, dy))

        points = npconcat([c.calculate(t, curve_type) for c in curves])
        normals = coeff * nparray([-npsin(theta), npcos(theta)]).T

        return points + normals
Exemple #4
def specwindow_lsp_value(times, mags, errs, omega):
    '''This calculates the peak associated with the spectral window function
    for times and at the specified omega.

    NOTE: this is classical Lomb-Scargle, not the Generalized
    Lomb-Scargle. `mags` and `errs` are silently ignored since we're calculating
    the periodogram of the observing window function. These are kept to present
    a consistent external API so the `pgen_lsp` function below can call this


    times,mags,errs : np.array
        The time-series to calculate the periodogram value for.

    omega : float
        The frequency to calculate the periodogram value at.


    periodogramvalue : float
        The normalized periodogram at the specified test frequency `omega`.


    norm_times = times - times.min()

    tau = ((1.0 / (2.0 * omega)) * nparctan(
        npsum(npsin(2.0 * omega * norm_times)) /
        npsum(npcos(2.0 * omega * norm_times))))

    lspval_top_cos = (npsum(1.0 * npcos(omega * (norm_times - tau))) *
                      npsum(1.0 * npcos(omega * (norm_times - tau))))
    lspval_bot_cos = npsum((npcos(omega * (norm_times - tau))) *
                           (npcos(omega * (norm_times - tau))))

    lspval_top_sin = (npsum(1.0 * npsin(omega * (norm_times - tau))) *
                      npsum(1.0 * npsin(omega * (norm_times - tau))))
    lspval_bot_sin = npsum((npsin(omega * (norm_times - tau))) *
                           (npsin(omega * (norm_times - tau))))

    lspval = 0.5 * ((lspval_top_cos / lspval_bot_cos) +
                    (lspval_top_sin / lspval_bot_sin))

    return lspval
def wind_components(wind_speed, wind_direction):
    return U and V wind components from wind speed and 
    wind direction (in degrees)
    U = wind_speed * npsin(npradians(wind_direction)) * -1
    V = wind_speed * npcos(npradians(wind_direction)) * -1
    return U, V
Exemple #6
 def ParamGrid(self, rez=256):
     Parameritized form (for plotting)
     th = linspace(self._l, self._r, num=rez, endpoint=True)
     X = th
     Y = npcos(th)
     return X,Y
Exemple #7
        def overlap_value(x, y, r, th):
			Find the overlap area between a cartesian and a polar bin.

            thmin = max(th - dth / 2, atan2(y - 0.5, x + 0.5))
            thmax = min(th + dth / 2, atan2(y + 0.5, x - 0.5))

            rin = lambda theta: maximum(
                r - dr / 2,
                maximum((x - 0.5) / npcos(theta), (y - 0.5) / npsin(theta)))
            rout = lambda theta: minimum(
                r + dr / 2,
                minimum((x + 0.5) / npcos(theta), (y + 0.5) / npsin(theta)))

            integrand = lambda theta: maximum(
                rout(theta)**2 - rin(theta)**2, 0)

            return 0.5 * quad(integrand, thmin, thmax)[0]
Exemple #8
def _fourier_func(fourierparams, phase, mags):
    '''This returns a summed Fourier cosine series.


    fourierparams : list
        This MUST be a list of the following form like so::

             [amplitude_1, amplitude_2, amplitude_3, ..., amplitude_X],
             [phase_1, phase_2, phase_3, ..., phase_X]]

        where X is the Fourier order.

    phase,mags : np.array
        The input phase and magnitude areas to use as the basis for the cosine
        series. The phases are used directly to generate the values of the
        function, while the mags array is used to generate the zeroth order
        amplitude coefficient.


        The Fourier cosine series function evaluated over `phase`.


    # figure out the order from the length of the Fourier param list
    order = int(len(fourierparams) / 2)

    # get the amplitude and phase coefficients
    f_amp = fourierparams[:order]
    f_pha = fourierparams[order:]

    # calculate all the individual terms of the series
    f_orders = [
        f_amp[x] * npcos(2.0 * pi_value * x * phase + f_pha[x])
        for x in range(order)

    # this is the zeroth order coefficient - a constant equal to median mag
    total_f = npmedian(mags)

    # sum the series
    for fo in f_orders:
        total_f += fo

    return total_f
Exemple #9
def fourier_sinusoidal_func(fourierparams, times, mags, errs):
    '''This generates a sinusoidal light curve using a Fourier series.

    The Fourier series is generated using the coefficients provided in
    fourierparams. This is a sequence like so:

     [ampl_1, ampl_2, ampl_3, ..., ampl_X],
     [pha_1, pha_2, pha_3, ..., pha_X]]

    where X is the Fourier order.


    period, epoch, famps, fphases = fourierparams

    # figure out the order from the length of the Fourier param list
    forder = len(famps)

    # phase the times with this period
    iphase = (times - epoch) / period
    iphase = iphase - npfloor(iphase)

    phasesortind = npargsort(iphase)
    phase = iphase[phasesortind]
    ptimes = times[phasesortind]
    pmags = mags[phasesortind]
    perrs = errs[phasesortind]

    # calculate all the individual terms of the series
    fseries = [
        famps[x] * npcos(2.0 * MPI * x * phase + fphases[x])
        for x in range(forder)

    # this is the zeroth order coefficient - a constant equal to median mag
    modelmags = npmedian(mags)

    # sum the series
    for fo in fseries:
        modelmags += fo

    return modelmags, phase, ptimes, pmags, perrs
Exemple #10
def _fourier_func(fourierparams, phase, mags):
    This returns a summed Fourier series generated using fourierparams.

    fourierparams is a sequence like so:

    [ampl_1, ampl_2, ampl_3, ..., ampl_X,
     pha_1, pha_2, pha_3, ..., pha_X]

    where X is the Fourier order.

    mags and phase MUST NOT have any nans.


    # figure out the order from the length of the Fourier param list
    order = int(len(fourierparams) / 2)

    # get the amplitude and phase coefficients
    f_amp = fourierparams[:order]
    f_pha = fourierparams[order:]

    # calculate all the individual terms of the series
    f_orders = [
        f_amp[x] * npcos(2.0 * MPI * x * phase + f_pha[x])
        for x in range(order)

    # this is the zeroth order coefficient - a constant equal to median mag
    total_f = npmedian(mags)

    # sum the series
    for fo in f_orders:
        total_f += fo

    return total_f
Exemple #11
def generalized_lsp_value(times, mags, errs, omega):
    '''Generalized LSP value for a single omega.

    P(w) = (1/YY) * (YC*YC/CC + YS*YS/SS)

    where: YC, YS, CC, and SS are all calculated at T

    and where: tan 2omegaT = 2*CS/(CC - SS)

    and where:

    Y = sum( w_i*y_i )
    C = sum( w_i*cos(wT_i) )
    S = sum( w_i*sin(wT_i) )

    YY = sum( w_i*y_i*y_i ) - Y*Y
    YC = sum( w_i*y_i*cos(wT_i) ) - Y*C
    YS = sum( w_i*y_i*sin(wT_i) ) - Y*S

    CpC = sum( w_i*cos(w_T_i)*cos(w_T_i) )
    CC = CpC - C*C
    SS = (1 - CpC) - S*S
    CS = sum( w_i*cos(w_T_i)*sin(w_T_i) ) - C*S


    one_over_errs2 = 1.0 / (errs * errs)

    W = npsum(one_over_errs2)
    wi = one_over_errs2 / W

    sin_omegat = npsin(omega * times)
    cos_omegat = npcos(omega * times)

    sin2_omegat = sin_omegat * sin_omegat
    cos2_omegat = cos_omegat * cos_omegat
    sincos_omegat = sin_omegat * cos_omegat

    # calculate some more sums and terms
    Y = npsum(wi * mags)
    C = npsum(wi * cos_omegat)
    S = npsum(wi * sin_omegat)

    YpY = npsum(wi * mags * mags)

    YpC = npsum(wi * mags * cos_omegat)
    YpS = npsum(wi * mags * sin_omegat)

    CpC = npsum(wi * cos2_omegat)
    # SpS = npsum( wi*sin2_omegat )

    CpS = npsum(wi * sincos_omegat)

    # the final terms
    YY = YpY - Y * Y
    YC = YpC - Y * C
    YS = YpS - Y * S
    CC = CpC - C * C
    SS = 1 - CpC - S * S  # use SpS = 1 - CpC
    CS = CpS - C * S

    # calculate tau
    tan_omega_tau_top = 2.0 * CS
    tan_omega_tau_bottom = CC - SS
    tan_omega_tau = tan_omega_tau_top / tan_omega_tau_bottom
    tau = nparctan(tan_omega_tau / (2.0 * omega))

    periodogramvalue = (YC * YC / CC + YS * YS / SS) / YY

    return periodogramvalue
Exemple #12
def cos(x):
    return npcos(x)
Exemple #13
def generalized_lsp_value(times, mags, errs, omega):
    '''Generalized LSP value for a single omega.

    The relations used are::

        P(w) = (1/YY) * (YC*YC/CC + YS*YS/SS)

        where: YC, YS, CC, and SS are all calculated at T

        and where: tan 2omegaT = 2*CS/(CC - SS)

        and where:

        Y = sum( w_i*y_i )
        C = sum( w_i*cos(wT_i) )
        S = sum( w_i*sin(wT_i) )

        YY = sum( w_i*y_i*y_i ) - Y*Y
        YC = sum( w_i*y_i*cos(wT_i) ) - Y*C
        YS = sum( w_i*y_i*sin(wT_i) ) - Y*S

        CpC = sum( w_i*cos(w_T_i)*cos(w_T_i) )
        CC = CpC - C*C
        SS = (1 - CpC) - S*S
        CS = sum( w_i*cos(w_T_i)*sin(w_T_i) ) - C*S


    times,mags,errs : np.array
        The time-series to calculate the periodogram value for.

    omega : float
        The frequency to calculate the periodogram value at.


    periodogramvalue : float
        The normalized periodogram at the specified test frequency `omega`.


    one_over_errs2 = 1.0 / (errs * errs)

    W = npsum(one_over_errs2)
    wi = one_over_errs2 / W

    sin_omegat = npsin(omega * times)
    cos_omegat = npcos(omega * times)

    sin2_omegat = sin_omegat * sin_omegat
    cos2_omegat = cos_omegat * cos_omegat
    sincos_omegat = sin_omegat * cos_omegat

    # calculate some more sums and terms
    Y = npsum(wi * mags)
    C = npsum(wi * cos_omegat)
    S = npsum(wi * sin_omegat)

    CpS = npsum(wi * sincos_omegat)
    CpC = npsum(wi * cos2_omegat)
    CS = CpS - C * S
    CC = CpC - C * C
    SS = 1 - CpC - S * S  # use SpS = 1 - CpC

    # calculate tau
    tan_omega_tau_top = 2.0 * CS
    tan_omega_tau_bottom = CC - SS
    tan_omega_tau = tan_omega_tau_top / tan_omega_tau_bottom
    tau = nparctan(tan_omega_tau) / (2.0 * omega)

    YpY = npsum(wi * mags * mags)

    YpC = npsum(wi * mags * cos_omegat)
    YpS = npsum(wi * mags * sin_omegat)

    # SpS = npsum( wi*sin2_omegat )

    # the final terms
    YY = YpY - Y * Y
    YC = YpC - Y * C
    YS = YpS - Y * S

    periodogramvalue = (YC * YC / CC + YS * YS / SS) / YY

    return periodogramvalue
Exemple #14
def generalized_lsp_value(times, mags, errs, omega):
    '''Generalized LSP value for a single omega.

    P(w) = (1/YY) * (YC*YC/CC + YS*YS/SS)

    where: YC, YS, CC, and SS are all calculated at T

    and where: tan 2omegaT = 2*CS/(CC - SS)

    and where:

    Y = sum( w_i*y_i )
    C = sum( w_i*cos(wT_i) )
    S = sum( w_i*sin(wT_i) )

    YY = sum( w_i*y_i*y_i ) - Y*Y
    YC = sum( w_i*y_i*cos(wT_i) ) - Y*C
    YS = sum( w_i*y_i*sin(wT_i) ) - Y*S

    CpC = sum( w_i*cos(w_T_i)*cos(w_T_i) )
    CC = CpC - C*C
    SS = (1 - CpC) - S*S
    CS = sum( w_i*cos(w_T_i)*sin(w_T_i) ) - C*S


    one_over_errs2 = 1.0/(errs*errs)

    W = npsum(one_over_errs2)
    wi = one_over_errs2/W

    sin_omegat = npsin(omega*times)
    cos_omegat = npcos(omega*times)

    sin2_omegat = sin_omegat*sin_omegat
    cos2_omegat = cos_omegat*cos_omegat
    sincos_omegat = sin_omegat*cos_omegat

    # calculate some more sums and terms
    Y = npsum( wi*mags )
    C = npsum( wi*cos_omegat )
    S = npsum( wi*sin_omegat )

    YpY = npsum( wi*mags*mags)

    YpC = npsum( wi*mags*cos_omegat )
    YpS = npsum( wi*mags*sin_omegat )

    CpC = npsum( wi*cos2_omegat )
    # SpS = npsum( wi*sin2_omegat )

    CpS = npsum( wi*sincos_omegat )

    # the final terms
    YY = YpY - Y*Y
    YC = YpC - Y*C
    YS = YpS - Y*S
    CC = CpC - C*C
    SS = 1 - CpC - S*S # use SpS = 1 - CpC
    CS = CpS - C*S

    # calculate tau
    tan_omega_tau_top = 2.0*CS
    tan_omega_tau_bottom = CC - SS
    tan_omega_tau = tan_omega_tau_top/tan_omega_tau_bottom
    tau = nparctan(tan_omega_tau/(2.0*omega))

    periodogramvalue = (YC*YC/CC + YS*YS/SS)/YY

    return periodogramvalue
Exemple #15
def aovhm_theta(times, mags, errs, frequency, nharmonics, magvariance):
    '''This calculates the harmonic AoV theta statistic for a frequency.

    This is a mostly faithful translation of the inner loop in `aovper.f90`. See
    the following for details:

    - http://users.camk.edu.pl/alex/
    - Schwarzenberg-Czerny (`1996

    Schwarzenberg-Czerny (1996) equation 11::

        theta_prefactor = (K - 2N - 1)/(2N)
        theta_top = sum(c_n*c_n) (from n=0 to n=2N)
        theta_bot = variance(timeseries) - sum(c_n*c_n) (from n=0 to n=2N)

        theta = theta_prefactor * (theta_top/theta_bot)

        N = number of harmonics (nharmonics)
        K = length of time series (times.size)


    times,mags,errs : np.array
        The input time-series to calculate the test statistic for. These should
        all be of nans/infs and be normalized to zero.

    frequency : float
        The test frequency to calculate the statistic for.

    nharmonics : int
        The number of harmonics to calculate up to.The recommended range is 4 to

    magvariance : float
        This is the (weighted by errors) variance of the magnitude time
        series. We provide it as a pre-calculated value here so we don't have to
        re-calculate it for every worker.


    aov_harmonic_theta : float
        THe value of the harmonic AoV theta for the specified test `frequency`.


    period = 1.0 / frequency

    ndet = times.size
    two_nharmonics = nharmonics + nharmonics

    # phase with test period
    phasedseries = phase_magseries_with_errs(times,

    # get the phased quantities
    phase = phasedseries['phase']
    pmags = phasedseries['mags']
    perrs = phasedseries['errs']

    # this is sqrt(1.0/errs^2) -> the weights
    pweights = 1.0 / perrs

    # multiply by 2.0*PI (for omega*time)
    phase = phase * 2.0 * pi_value

    # this is the z complex vector
    z = npcos(phase) + 1.0j * npsin(phase)

    # multiply phase with N
    phase = nharmonics * phase

    # this is the psi complex vector
    psi = pmags * pweights * (npcos(phase) + 1j * npsin(phase))

    # this is the initial value of z^n
    zn = 1.0 + 0.0j

    # this is the initial value of phi
    phi = pweights + 0.0j

    # initialize theta to zero
    theta_aov = 0.0

    # go through all the harmonics now up to 2N
    for _ in range(two_nharmonics):

        # this is <phi, phi>
        phi_dot_phi = npsum(phi * phi.conjugate())

        # this is the alpha_n numerator
        alpha = npsum(pweights * z * phi)

        # this is <phi, psi>. make sure to use npvdot and NOT npdot to get
        # complex conjugate of first vector as expected for complex vectors
        phi_dot_psi = npvdot(phi, psi)

        # make sure phi_dot_phi is not zero
        phi_dot_phi = npmax([phi_dot_phi, 10.0e-9])

        # this is the expression for alpha_n
        alpha = alpha / phi_dot_phi

        # update theta_aov for this harmonic
        theta_aov = (theta_aov +
                     npabs(phi_dot_psi) * npabs(phi_dot_psi) / phi_dot_phi)

        # use the recurrence relation to find the next phi
        phi = phi * z - alpha * zn * phi.conjugate()

        # update z^n
        zn = zn * z

    # done with all harmonics, calculate the theta_aov for this freq
    # the max below makes sure that magvariance - theta_aov > zero
    theta_aov = ((ndet - two_nharmonics - 1.0) * theta_aov /
                 (two_nharmonics * npmax([magvariance - theta_aov, 1.0e-9])))

    return theta_aov
Exemple #16
def cos(x):
    return npcos(x)
Exemple #17
def generalized_lsp_value_notau(times, mags, errs, omega):
    This is the simplified version not using tau.

    W = sum (1.0/(errs*errs) )
    w_i = (1/W)*(1/(errs*errs))

    Y = sum( w_i*y_i )
    C = sum( w_i*cos(wt_i) )
    S = sum( w_i*sin(wt_i) )

    YY = sum( w_i*y_i*y_i ) - Y*Y
    YC = sum( w_i*y_i*cos(wt_i) ) - Y*C
    YS = sum( w_i*y_i*sin(wt_i) ) - Y*S

    CpC = sum( w_i*cos(w_t_i)*cos(w_t_i) )
    CC = CpC - C*C
    SS = (1 - CpC) - S*S
    CS = sum( w_i*cos(w_t_i)*sin(w_t_i) ) - C*S

    D(omega) = CC*SS - CS*CS
    P(omega) = (SS*YC*YC + CC*YS*YS - 2.0*CS*YC*YS)/(YY*D)


    one_over_errs2 = 1.0/(errs*errs)

    W = npsum(one_over_errs2)
    wi = one_over_errs2/W

    sin_omegat = npsin(omega*times)
    cos_omegat = npcos(omega*times)

    sin2_omegat = sin_omegat*sin_omegat
    cos2_omegat = cos_omegat*cos_omegat
    sincos_omegat = sin_omegat*cos_omegat

    # calculate some more sums and terms
    Y = npsum( wi*mags )
    C = npsum( wi*cos_omegat )
    S = npsum( wi*sin_omegat )

    YpY = npsum( wi*mags*mags)

    YpC = npsum( wi*mags*cos_omegat )
    YpS = npsum( wi*mags*sin_omegat )

    CpC = npsum( wi*cos2_omegat )
    # SpS = npsum( wi*sin2_omegat )

    CpS = npsum( wi*sincos_omegat )

    # the final terms
    YY = YpY - Y*Y
    YC = YpC - Y*C
    YS = YpS - Y*S
    CC = CpC - C*C
    SS = 1 - CpC - S*S # use SpS = 1 - CpC
    CS = CpS - C*S

    # P(omega) = (SS*YC*YC + CC*YS*YS - 2.0*CS*YC*YS)/(YY*D)
    # D(omega) = CC*SS - CS*CS
    Domega = CC*SS - CS*CS
    lspval = (SS*YC*YC + CC*YS*YS - 2.0*CS*YC*YS)/(YY*Domega)

    return lspval
Exemple #18
def generalized_lsp_value_notau(times, mags, errs, omega):
    This is the simplified version not using tau.

    The relations used are::

        W = sum (1.0/(errs*errs) )
        w_i = (1/W)*(1/(errs*errs))

        Y = sum( w_i*y_i )
        C = sum( w_i*cos(wt_i) )
        S = sum( w_i*sin(wt_i) )

        YY = sum( w_i*y_i*y_i ) - Y*Y
        YC = sum( w_i*y_i*cos(wt_i) ) - Y*C
        YS = sum( w_i*y_i*sin(wt_i) ) - Y*S

        CpC = sum( w_i*cos(w_t_i)*cos(w_t_i) )
        CC = CpC - C*C
        SS = (1 - CpC) - S*S
        CS = sum( w_i*cos(w_t_i)*sin(w_t_i) ) - C*S

        D(omega) = CC*SS - CS*CS
        P(omega) = (SS*YC*YC + CC*YS*YS - 2.0*CS*YC*YS)/(YY*D)


    times,mags,errs : np.array
        The time-series to calculate the periodogram value for.

    omega : float
        The frequency to calculate the periodogram value at.


    periodogramvalue : float
        The normalized periodogram at the specified test frequency `omega`.


    one_over_errs2 = 1.0 / (errs * errs)

    W = npsum(one_over_errs2)
    wi = one_over_errs2 / W

    sin_omegat = npsin(omega * times)
    cos_omegat = npcos(omega * times)

    sin2_omegat = sin_omegat * sin_omegat
    cos2_omegat = cos_omegat * cos_omegat
    sincos_omegat = sin_omegat * cos_omegat

    # calculate some more sums and terms
    Y = npsum(wi * mags)
    C = npsum(wi * cos_omegat)
    S = npsum(wi * sin_omegat)

    YpY = npsum(wi * mags * mags)

    YpC = npsum(wi * mags * cos_omegat)
    YpS = npsum(wi * mags * sin_omegat)

    CpC = npsum(wi * cos2_omegat)
    # SpS = npsum( wi*sin2_omegat )

    CpS = npsum(wi * sincos_omegat)

    # the final terms
    YY = YpY - Y * Y
    YC = YpC - Y * C
    YS = YpS - Y * S
    CC = CpC - C * C
    SS = 1 - CpC - S * S  # use SpS = 1 - CpC
    CS = CpS - C * S

    # P(omega) = (SS*YC*YC + CC*YS*YS - 2.0*CS*YC*YS)/(YY*D)
    # D(omega) = CC*SS - CS*CS
    Domega = CC * SS - CS * CS
    lspval = (SS * YC * YC + CC * YS * YS - 2.0 * CS * YC * YS) / (YY * Domega)

    return lspval
Exemple #19
def exact_N(x):
    L = xf - xi
    return p * L * npcos(pi * x / L) / pi + p * L / pi
Exemple #20
def prepare_plan(im, beta, delta, energy, distance, pixsize, method=1, padding=False):
	"""Pre-compute data to save time in further execution of phase_retrieval

	im : array_like
		Image data as numpy array. Only image size (shape) is actually used.
	beta : double
		Immaginary part of the complex X-ray refraction index.
	delta : double
		Decrement from unity of the complex X-ray refraction index.
	energy [KeV]: double
		Energy in KeV of the incident X-ray beam.
	distance [mm]: double
		Sample-to-detector distance in mm.
	pixsize [mm]: double
		Size in mm of the detector element.
	method : int 
		Phase retrieval algorithm {1 = TIE (default), 2 = Born, 3 = Rytov, 4 = Wu}
	padding : bool
		Apply image padding to better process the boundary of the image
	# Get additional values:
	lam = (12.398424 * 10 ** (-7)) / energy # in mm
	mu = 4 * pi * beta / lam
	# Replicate pad image to power-of-2 dimensions:
	dim0_o = im.shape[0]
	dim1_o = im.shape[1]
	if (padding):		
		n_pad0 = dim0_o
		n_pad1 = n_pad1 = im.shape[1] + im.shape[1] / 2
		n_pad0 = dim0_o
		n_pad1 = dim1_o

	# Set the transformed frequencies according to pixelsize:
	rows = n_pad0
	cols = n_pad1
	ulim = arange(-(cols) / 2, (cols) / 2)
	ulim = ulim * (2 * pi / (cols * pixsize))
	vlim = arange(-(rows) / 2, (rows) / 2)  
	vlim = vlim * (2 * pi / (rows * pixsize))
	u,v = meshgrid(ulim, vlim)

	# Apply formula:
	if method == 1:    
		den = 1 + distance * delta / mu * (u * u + v * v) + finfo(float32).eps # Avoids division by zero		
	elif method == 2:
		chi = pi * lam * distance * (u * u + v * v)
		den = (beta / delta) * npcos(chi) + npsin(chi) + finfo(float32).eps # Avoids division by zero		
	elif method == 3:
		chi = pi * lam * distance * (u * u + v * v)
		den = (beta / delta) * npcos(chi) + npsin(chi) + finfo(float32).eps # Avoids division by zero		
	elif method == 4:
		den = 1 + pi * (delta / beta) * lam * distance * (u * u + v * v) + finfo(float32).eps        
	# Shift the denominator now:
	den = fftshift(den)

	return {'dim0':dim0_o, 'dim1':dim1_o ,'npad0':n_pad0, 'npad1':n_pad1, 'den':den , 'mu':mu }
Exemple #21
def generalized_lsp_value_notau(times, mags, errs, omega):
    This is the simplified version not using tau.

    W = sum (1.0/(errs*errs) )
    w_i = (1/W)*(1/(errs*errs))

    Y = sum( w_i*y_i )
    C = sum( w_i*cos(wt_i) )
    S = sum( w_i*sin(wt_i) )

    YY = sum( w_i*y_i*y_i ) - Y*Y
    YC = sum( w_i*y_i*cos(wt_i) ) - Y*C
    YS = sum( w_i*y_i*sin(wt_i) ) - Y*S

    CpC = sum( w_i*cos(w_t_i)*cos(w_t_i) )
    CC = CpC - C*C
    SS = (1 - CpC) - S*S
    CS = sum( w_i*cos(w_t_i)*sin(w_t_i) ) - C*S

    D(omega) = CC*SS - CS*CS
    P(omega) = (SS*YC*YC + CC*YS*YS - 2.0*CS*YC*YS)/(YY*D)


    one_over_errs2 = 1.0 / (errs * errs)

    W = npsum(one_over_errs2)
    wi = one_over_errs2 / W

    sin_omegat = npsin(omega * times)
    cos_omegat = npcos(omega * times)

    sin2_omegat = sin_omegat * sin_omegat
    cos2_omegat = cos_omegat * cos_omegat
    sincos_omegat = sin_omegat * cos_omegat

    # calculate some more sums and terms
    Y = npsum(wi * mags)
    C = npsum(wi * cos_omegat)
    S = npsum(wi * sin_omegat)

    YpY = npsum(wi * mags * mags)

    YpC = npsum(wi * mags * cos_omegat)
    YpS = npsum(wi * mags * sin_omegat)

    CpC = npsum(wi * cos2_omegat)
    # SpS = npsum( wi*sin2_omegat )

    CpS = npsum(wi * sincos_omegat)

    # the final terms
    YY = YpY - Y * Y
    YC = YpC - Y * C
    YS = YpS - Y * S
    CC = CpC - C * C
    SS = 1 - CpC - S * S  # use SpS = 1 - CpC
    CS = CpS - C * S

    # P(omega) = (SS*YC*YC + CC*YS*YS - 2.0*CS*YC*YS)/(YY*D)
    # D(omega) = CC*SS - CS*CS
    Domega = CC * SS - CS * CS
    lspval = (SS * YC * YC + CC * YS * YS - 2.0 * CS * YC * YS) / (YY * Domega)

    return lspval
Exemple #22
def tiehom_plan2020(im, beta, delta, energy, distance, pixsize, padding):
	"""Pre-compute data to save time in further execution of phase_retrieval with TIE-HOM
	(Paganin's) algorithm.

	im : array_like
		Image data as numpy array. Only image size (shape) is actually used.

	beta : double
		Immaginary part of the complex X-ray refraction index.

	delta : double
		Decrement from unity of the real part of the complex X-ray refraction index.

	energy [KeV]: double
		Energy in KeV of the incident X-ray beam.

	distance [mm]: double
		Sample-to-detector distance in mm.

	pixsize [mm]: double
		Size in mm of the detector element.

	padding : bool
		Apply image padding to better process the boundary of the image
	# Get additional values:
	lam = (12.398424 * 10 ** (-7)) / energy # in mm
	mu = 4 * pi * beta / lam
	# Replicate pad image if required:
	dim0_o = im.shape[0]
	dim1_o = im.shape[1]
	if (padding):		
		n_pad0 = im.shape[0] + im.shape[0] / 2
		n_pad1 = im.shape[1] + im.shape[1] / 2
		n_pad0 = dim0_o
		n_pad1 = dim1_o

	# Ensure even size:
	if (n_pad0 % 2 == 1):
		n_pad0 = n_pad0 + 1
	if (n_pad1 % 2 == 1):
		n_pad1 = n_pad1 + 1

	# Set the transformed frequencies according to pixelsize:
	rows = n_pad0
	cols = n_pad1
	ulim = arange(-(cols) / 2, (cols) / 2)
	ulim = ulim * (2 * pi / (cols * pixsize))
	vlim = arange(-(rows) / 2, (rows) / 2)
	vlim = vlim * (2 * pi / (rows * pixsize))
	u,v = meshgrid(ulim, vlim)

	# Apply formula:
	den = 1 - (2 *(distance * delta / mu) / (pixsize * pixsize) ) * (npcos(u * pixsize) + npcos(v * pixsize) - 2) + finfo(float32).eps # Avoids division by zero

	# Shift the denominator and get only real components (half of the
	# frequencies):
	den = fftshift(den)	
	den = den[:,0:den.shape[1] / 2 + 1] 
	return {'dim0':dim0_o, 'dim1':dim1_o ,'npad0':n_pad0, 'npad1':n_pad1, 'den':den , 'mu':mu }