def perform_sample_manips(sampler, ndims, energy): """this function takes the mcmc sampler, grabs the chains from it, and generates plots and percentiles and most likely values from the sampled points""" # retrieve the samples num_samples = (CONFIG["Number of Walkers"] * (CONFIG["Sample Points"] - CONFIG["Burn-in Points"])) samples = sampler.chain[:, CONFIG["Burn-in Points"]:, :].reshape(( num_samples, ndims)) # save the samples to the disk in the sp if CONFIG["Save Chain Data"]: print "Saving MCMC samples for", energy, "MeV" chain_file_name = "" if CONFIG["Chain Directory"][-1] == '/': chain_file_name = CONFIG["Chain Directory"] +\ "A%d_chain_E%4.1f.npz" % (CONFIG["Target A"], energy) else: chain_file_name = CONFIG["Chain Directory"] +\ "/A%d_chain_E%4.1f.npz" % (CONFIG["Target A"], energy) np.savez_compressed(chain_file_name, sampler.chain) print "Done saving MCMC samples for", energy, "MeV" # extract the error bars quantile_list = np.array([(0.5 - CONFIG["Confidence Interval"] / 2.0), 0.5, (0.5 + CONFIG["Confidence Interval"] / 2.0)]) values = calc_param_values(samples, quantile_list, ndims) peak_vals = [param[0] for param in values[1]] # make the probability plots make_prob_plots(samples, energy, peak_vals) # make the corner plot if CONFIG["Generate Corner Plots"]: print "Commencing corner plot creation for", energy, "MeV" lbls = [r"$a_{%d}$" % i for i in range(ndims)] ranges = [(0.00, (0.0001 + samples[:, i].max())) for i in range(ndims)] fig = None if CONFIG["Corner Plot Samples"] >= num_samples: fig = corner.corner(samples, labels=lbls, range=ranges, quantiles=quantile_list, truths=peak_vals, verbose=False) else: # randomize the sample array and then extract the first chunk of it np.random.shuffle(samples) fig = corner.corner(samples[0:CONFIG["Corner Plot Samples"]], labels=lbls, range=ranges, quantiles=quantile_list, truths=peak_vals, verbose=False) # make the corner plot file_name if CONFIG["Corner Plots Directory"][-1] == '/': fig_file_name = CONFIG["Corner Plots Directory"] +\ "A%d_corner_E%4.1f.%s" % (CONFIG["Target A"], energy, CONFIG["Plot Format"]) else: fig_file_name = CONFIG["Corner Plots Directory"] +\ "/A%d_corner_E%4.1f.%s" % (CONFIG["Target A"], energy, CONFIG["Plot Format"]) fig.savefig(fig_file_name, bbox_inches='tight') plt.close(fig) print "Done creating corner plot for", energy, "MeV" # return the point and the errors return values
def compute_descriptors(self): descriptor_filename = '%s/descriptors.npz' % self.dataset_cache_dir if os.path.exists(descriptor_filename): self.descriptors = np.load(descriptor_filename)['descriptors'] else: self.descriptors = self.captioner.compute_descriptors(self.images) np.savez_compressed(descriptor_filename, descriptors=self.descriptors)
def compute_histogram(infiles, outfile): """ For each point, compute the distribution over pixel values. """ position_file = infiles[0] basedir = infiles[1] cf = pickle.load(open(infiles[2])) start_f = cf['start_f'] end_f = cf['end_f'] frame_shape = cf['frame_dim_pix'] FRAMEN = end_f - start_f + 1 allframes = np.arange(FRAMEN) def chunker(seq, size): return (seq[pos:pos + size] for pos in xrange(0, len(seq), size)) # incremental variance calculation hist = np.zeros((frame_shape[0], frame_shape[1], 256), dtype=np.float32) for fis in chunker(allframes, 1000): fs = get_frames(basedir, fis) print fis[0] for framei, frame in enumerate(fs): cutil.frame_hist_add(hist, frame) np.savez_compressed(outfile, hist=hist)
def save_data(self, fmt='npy', dest='.'): if not self.has_saved: #must specify a unique new directory name for this output if not os.path.exists(dest): os.makedirs(dest) sim_dir = os.path.join(dest,self.fname) i = 1 while os.path.exists(sim_dir): sim_dir = os.path.join(dest,self.fname,'-%i'%i) i += 1 os.mkdir(sim_dir) self.sim_dir = sim_dir self.has_saved = True fname = os.path.join(self.sim_dir, self.fname) params = {k:self.__dict__[k] for k in self.__dict__ if k not in ['cells','neuropil','t','mov','mov_nofilter','stim','mov_nojit','mov_filtered']} cells = [cell.get_dict() for cell in self.cells] npil = np.array([self.neuropil.get_dict()]) t = self.__dict__['t'] stim = self.__dict__['stim'] movie = np.array([{k:self.__dict__[k] for k in ['mov','mov_nofilter','mov_nojit','mov_filtered']}]) if fmt in ['npy','npz','numpy','n']: np.savez_compressed(fname, params=params, cells=cells, neuropil=npil, time=t, stim=stim, movie=movie) elif fmt in ['mat','matlab','m']: matdic = {'params':params, 'cells':cells, 'neuropil':npil, 'time':t, 'stim':stim, 'movie':movie} savemat(fname, matdic)
def save_images_to_disk(): print('Disk-saving thread active...') n = 0 frameTimeOutputFile = open(planOutputPath+'frameTimes.txt','w') frameTimeOutputFile.write('frameCount\t n\t frameCond\t frameT\t interval\n') currdict = im_queue.get() while currdict is not None: frameTimeOutputFile.write('%i\t %i\t %i\t %s\t %s\n' % (int(currdict['frame']),n,int(currdict['cond']),currdict['time'],currdict['interval'])) if save_as_tiff: fname = '%s/frame%i.tiff' % (dataOutputPath,int(currdict['frame'])) tiff =, mode='w') tiff.write_image(currdict['im']) tiff.close() elif save_as_npz: np.savez_compressed('%s/test%d.npz' % (output_path, n), currdict['im']) else: fname = '%s/frame%i.tiff' % (dataOutputPath,int(currdict['frame']),) with open(fname, 'wb') as f: pkl.dump(currdict, f, protocol=pkl.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) # print 'DONE SAVING FRAME: ', currdict['frame'], n #fdict n += 1 currdict = im_queue.get() disk_writer_alive = False #frameTimeOutputFile.close() print('Disk-saving thread inactive...')
def parse_to_word_vectors(input_file, output_dir, wordvectors, window, total_sentences, debug): print('Loading vectors', file=sys.stderr) if not debug: word2vec_model = gensim.models.Word2Vec.load_word2vec_format(wordvectors, binary=True) else: word2vec_model = gensim.models.Word2Vec() instance_extractor = WordVectorsExtractor(word2vec_model, window) instances = [] words = [] print('Getting instances from corpus {}'.format(input_file), file=sys.stderr) parser = WikipediaCorpusColumnParser(input_file) for sentence in tqdm(parser, total=total_sentences): sentence_words = [(word.idx, word.token, word.tag, word.is_doc_start) for word in sentence] sentence_instances, _, _ = instance_extractor.get_instances_for_sentence(sentence, 0) assert len(sentence_words) == len(sentence_instances) instances.extend(sentence_instances) words.extend(sentence_words) print('Saving matrix and words', file=sys.stderr) dataset_matrix = np.vstack(instances) np.savez_compressed(os.path.join(output_dir, 'evaluation_dataset_word_vectors.npz'), dataset=dataset_matrix) with open(os.path.join(output_dir, 'evaluation_words_word_vectors.pickle'), 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(words, f)
def save_npz(file, obj, compression=True): """Saves an object to the file in NPZ format. This is a short-cut function to save only one object into an NPZ file. Args: file (str or file-like): Target file to write to. obj: Object to be serialized. It must support serialization protocol. compression (bool): If ``True``, compression in the resulting zip file is enabled. .. seealso:: :func:`chainer.serializers.load_npz` """ if isinstance(file, six.string_types): with open(file, 'wb') as f: save_npz(f, obj, compression) return s = DictionarySerializer() if compression: numpy.savez_compressed(file, ** else: numpy.savez(file, **
def dump(self, path): """Save the log to an npz file. Stores the log in structured form in an npz file. The resulting file can be extracted using unzip, which will write every leaf node to its own file in an equivalent directory structure. Args: path: the path of the npz file to which to save. """ dikt = {} def _compile_npz_dict(item, path): i, node = item if isinstance(node, _Section): for subitem in node.items: _compile_npz_dict(subitem, os.path.join(path, "%s_%s" % (i, node.label))) else: for k, v in node.items(): dikt[os.path.join(path, "%s_%s" % (i, k))] = v _compile_npz_dict((0, self.root), "") with lib_util.atomic_file(path) as p: np.savez_compressed(p, **dikt)
def main(): if len(sys.argv) < 2: print("Not enough arguments supplied") return datapath = sys.argv[1] train_image_path = os.path.join(datapath, "train_images.npz") test_image_path = os.path.join(datapath, "test_images.npz") train_cap_path = os.path.join(datapath, "train_labels.txt") test_cap_path = os.path.join(datapath, "test_labels.txt") trX, teX, trY, teY = mnist(onehot=False) print("Generating Appended MNIST Training...") train_imgs, train_caps = generate_dataset(trX, trY) print("Generating Appended MNIST Testing...") test_imgs, test_caps = generate_dataset(teX, teY) print("Save Training/Testing Images...") np.savez_compressed(train_image_path, *train_imgs) np.savez_compressed(test_image_path, *test_imgs) print("Save Training/Testing Captions...") with open(train_cap_path, 'w') as train_cap_file: train_cap_file.writelines(train_caps) with open(test_cap_path, 'w') as test_cap_file: test_cap_file.writelines(test_caps) print("DONE. SUMMARY") print("# Train Examples: " + str(len(train_imgs))) print("# Test Examples: " + str(len(test_imgs)))
def do_save(grid, arrays): from tvtk.api import tvtk from tvtk.api import write_data pd = tvtk.PolyData() pd.points = grid.leaf_view.vertices.T pd.polys = grid.leaf_view.elements pd.point_data.scalars = grid.leaf_view.domain_indices = "domains" write_data(pd, "test_kitchen_sink_grid.vtk") abn = { for a in arrays} mgrid = abn["mgrid"] potential = abn["gscalar"] gradient = abn["gvector"] print dimensions, potential.shape print 'spacing:',spacing print 'origin:',origin print 'dimensions:',dimensions sp = tvtk.StructuredPoints(spacing=spacing, origin=origin, dimensions=dimensions) sp.point_data.scalars = potential.ravel(order='F') = "potential" sp.point_data.vectors = gradient.ravel(order='F') = "gradient" write_data(sp, "test_kitchen_sink_potential.vtk") numpy.savez_compressed("test_kitchen_sink.npz", **abn)
def do_gen(content, decision): SER_S = np.empty((tau_range.shape[0], phi_range.shape[0])) SER_U = np.empty((tau_range.shape[0], phi_range.shape[0])) for tau_idx, tau in enumerate(tau_range): print("tau = %.2f" % (tau)) # symbols of (synch"ed, unsynch"ed) sender if content in ("same",): tmp_syms = np.random.randint(16, size=nsyms + 2) send_syms = [tmp_syms, tmp_syms] else: send_syms = np.random.randint(16, size=2 * (nsyms + 2)).reshape(2, nsyms + 2) send_syms_s, send_syms_u = send_syms[0][1:-1], send_syms[1][1:-1] send_chips = pt.map_chips(*send_syms) RECV_CHIPS_I = pt.detect_i(send_chips[:2], send_chips[2:], phi_range, tau, As, Au) RECV_CHIPS_Q = pt.detect_q(send_chips[:2], send_chips[2:], phi_range, tau, As, Au) for phi_idx in range(len(phi_range)): recv_chips = np.empty(2 * RECV_CHIPS_I.shape[0]) recv_chips[::2] = RECV_CHIPS_I[:, phi_idx] recv_chips[1::2] = RECV_CHIPS_Q[:, phi_idx] # slice bits to simulate hard decision decoder if decision in ("hard",): recv_chips = np.sign(recv_chips) recv_syms = pt.detect_syms_corr(recv_chips)[1:-1] SER_S[tau_idx, phi_idx] = sum(recv_syms != send_syms_s) / (1.0 * len(recv_syms)) SER_U[tau_idx, phi_idx] = sum(recv_syms != send_syms_u) / (1.0 * len(recv_syms)) np.savez_compressed("data/ser_Au%.2f_%s_%s_v2.npz" % (Au, content, decision), SER_S=SER_S, SER_U=SER_U, **settings)
def _download_higgs_data_and_save_npz(data_dir): """Download higgs data and store as a numpy compressed file.""" input_url = os.path.join(URL_ROOT, INPUT_FILE) np_filename = os.path.join(data_dir, NPZ_FILE) if tf.gfile.Exists(np_filename): raise ValueError('data_dir already has the processed data file: {}'.format( np_filename)) if not tf.gfile.Exists(data_dir): tf.gfile.MkDir(data_dir) # 2.8 GB to download. try: print('Data downloading..') temp_filename, _ = urllib.request.urlretrieve(input_url) # Reading and parsing 11 million csv lines takes 2~3 minutes. print('Data processing.. taking multiple minutes..') data = pd.read_csv( temp_filename, dtype=np.float32, names=['c%02d' % i for i in range(29)] # label + 28 features. ).as_matrix() finally: os.remove(temp_filename) # Writing to temporary location then copy to the data_dir (0.8 GB). f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() np.savez_compressed(f, data=data) tf.gfile.Copy(, np_filename) print('Data saved to: {}'.format(np_filename))
def save_cb(self, mode): """Save image, figure, and plot data arrays.""" # This just defines the basename. # Extension has to be explicitly defined or things can get messy. target = Widgets.SaveDialog( title='Save {0} data'.format(mode)).get_path() # Save cancelled if not target: return # TODO: This can be a user preference? fig_dpi = 100 if mode == 'cuts': # Save as fits file image = self.fitsimage.get_image() self.fv.error_wrap(image.save_as_file, target + '.fits') fig, xarr, yarr = self.cuts_plot.get_data() elif mode == 'slit': fig, xarr, yarr = self.slit_plot.get_data() fig.savefig(target + '.png', dpi=fig_dpi) numpy.savez_compressed(target + '.npz', x=xarr, y=yarr)
def _save_results(self, save_layers, sess): # Train loss np.savetxt(os.path.join(self.results_save_path, 'train_loss_record_%s.txt' % self.experiment_name), np.array(self.train_loss_record, dtype=np.float32), fmt='%.3f', delimiter=',') # Validation accuracy np.savetxt(os.path.join(self.results_save_path, 'validation_accuracy_record_%s.txt' % self.experiment_name), np.array(self.validation_accuracy_record, dtype=np.float32), fmt='%.3f', delimiter=',') # Test self.test_results.to_csv(os.path.join(self.results_save_path, 'test_results_%s.csv' % self.experiment_name), index=False) self.test_predictions_results.to_csv( os.path.join(self.results_save_path, 'test_predictions_%s.csv' % self.experiment_name), index=False) if save_layers: print('Saving weights and biases', file=sys.stderr) file_name_weights = os.path.join(self.pre_trained_weights_save_path, "%s_weights.npz" % self.experiment_name) file_name_biases = os.path.join(self.pre_trained_weights_save_path, "%s_biases.npz" % self.experiment_name) weights_dict = {} biases_dict = {} for layer_idx, (weights, biases) in enumerate(zip(self.weights, self.biases)): layer_name = 'hidden_layer_%02d' % layer_idx weights_dict[layer_name] = weights.eval(session=sess) biases_dict[layer_name] = biases.eval(session=sess) np.savez_compressed(file_name_weights, **weights_dict) np.savez_compressed(file_name_biases, **biases_dict)
def main(): if os.path.exists('points.npz'): print("Loading points from points.npz") points = np.load('points.npz')['points'] else: points = get_points() print("Saving points to points.npz") np.savez_compressed('points.npz', points=points) def point_input(): for x, y in points: yield '%s %s\n' % (x, y) b_i = [] b_j = [] b_x = [] b_y = [] t1 = time.time() for line in run_subprocess(('./union',), point_input()): i, j, x, y = line.split() b_i.append(int(i)) b_j.append(int(j)) b_x.append(float(x)) b_y.append(float(y)) t2 = time.time() b_i = np.asarray(b_i) b_j = np.asarray(b_j) b_x = np.asarray(b_x) b_y = np.asarray(b_y) print("Got %d boundary intersections" % len(b_i) + " in %.4f s" % (t2 - t1)) np.savez_compressed('boundary.npz', i=b_i, j=b_j, x=b_x, y=b_y)
def save_cb(self, mode): """Save image, figure, and plot data arrays.""" # This just defines the basename. # Extension has to be explicitly defined or things can get messy. w = Widgets.SaveDialog(title='Save {0} data'.format(mode)) filename = w.get_path() if filename is None: # user canceled dialog return # TODO: This can be a user preference? fig_dpi = 100 if mode == 'cuts': fig, xarr, yarr = self.cuts_plot.get_data() elif mode == 'slit': fig, xarr, yarr = self.slit_plot.get_data() figname = filename + '.png'"saving figure as: %s" % (figname)) fig.savefig(figname, dpi=fig_dpi) dataname = filename + '.npz'"saving data as: %s" % (dataname)) np.savez_compressed(dataname, x=xarr, y=yarr)
def _storeresult(result): """Test function to try various ways to store a tuple of numpy arrays. """ if False: # Try numpy npy.savez_compressed('store-npy.npz', *result) if False: # Try h5py import h5py store = h5py.File("store-h5py.hdf5", "w", compression='lzf') store['numoccs'] = numoccs store['occcounts'] = occcounts store['childoccfreqs'] = childoccfreqs store['numunique'] = numunique store['uniquecounts'] = childuniquefreqs store['childuniquefreqs'] = childuniquefreqs if False: # Try PyTables import tables store = tables.open_file( 'store-pytables.hdf5', mode="w", filters=tables.Filters(complib='bzip2', complevel=6)) def storearray(name, x): atom = tables.Atom.from_dtype(x.dtype) ds = store.createCArray(store.root, name, atom, x.shape) ds[:] = x storearray('numoccs', numoccs) storearray('occcounts', occcounts) storearray('childoccfreqs', childoccfreqs) storearray('numunique', numunique) storearray('uniquecounts', childuniquefreqs) storearray('childuniquefreqs', childuniquefreqs) store.close()
def align(movie_data, options, args, lrh): print 'pPCA(scikit-learn)' nvoxel = movie_data.shape[0] nTR = movie_data.shape[1] nsubjs = movie_data.shape[2] align_algo = args.align_algo nfeature = args.nfeature # zscore the data bX = np.nan((nsubjs*nvoxel,nTR)) for m in xrange(nsubjs): bX[m*nvoxel:(m+1)*nvoxel,:] = stats.zscore(movie_data[:, :, m].T, axis=0, ddof=1).T del movie_data U, s, VT = np.linalg.svd(bX, full_matrices=False) bW = np.zeros((nsubjs*nvoxel,nfeature)) for m in xrange(nsubjs): bW[m*nvoxel:(m+1)*nvoxel,:] = U[m*nvoxel:(m+1)*nvoxel,:nfeature] niter = 10 # initialization when first time run the algorithm np.savez_compressed(options['working_path']+align_algo+'_'+lrh+'_'+str(niter)+'.npz',\ bW = bW, niter=niter) return niter
def save_pruned_depthmap(self, image, points, normals, colors, labels, detections): io.mkdir_p(self._depthmap_path()) filepath = self._depthmap_file(image, 'pruned.npz') np.savez_compressed(filepath, points=points, normals=normals, colors=colors, labels=labels, detections=detections)
def testFileSeekableWithZip(self): # Note: Test case for GitHub issue 27276, issue only exposed in python 3.7+. filename = os.path.join(self._base_dir, "a.npz") np.savez_compressed(filename, {"a": 1, "b": 2}) with gfile.GFile(filename, "rb") as f: info = np.load(f, allow_pickle=True) _ = [i for i in info.items()]
def save(filename, grid, dirichlet_fun, neumann_fun): lv = grid.leaf_view import numpy numpy.savez_compressed(filename, elements=lv.elements, vertices=lv.vertices, domains=lv.domain_indices, dirichlet_coefficients = dirichlet_fun.coefficients, neumann_coefficients = neumann_fun.coefficients)
def write_npz_file(self): assert len(self.examples) >= self.Nperfile # put Nperfile random examples at the end of the list for i in xrange(self.Nperfile): a = len(self.examples) - i - 1 if a > 0: b = random.randint(0, a-1) self.examples[a], self.examples[b] = self.examples[b], self.examples[a] # pop Nperfile examples off the end of the list # put each component into a separate numpy batch array save_dict = {} for c in xrange(len(self.names)): batch_shape = (self.Nperfile,) + self.shapes[c] batch = np.empty(batch_shape, dtype=self.dtypes[c]) for i in xrange(self.Nperfile): batch[i,:] = self.examples[-1-i][c] save_dict[self.names[c]] = batch del self.examples[-self.Nperfile:] filename = os.path.join(self.out_dir, "examples.%d.%d" % (self.Nperfile, self.filenum)) #print "NPZ.RandomizingWriter: writing", filename np.savez_compressed(filename, **save_dict) self.filenum += 1
def creator(path): archive_path = download.cached_download(url) train_x = numpy.empty((5, 10000, 3072), dtype=numpy.uint8) train_y = numpy.empty((5, 10000), dtype=numpy.uint8) test_y = numpy.empty(10000, dtype=numpy.uint8) dir_name = '{}-batches-py'.format(name) with, 'r:gz') as archive: # training set for i in range(5): file_name = '{}/data_batch_{}'.format(dir_name, i + 1) d = pickle.load(archive.extractfile(file_name)) train_x[i] = d['data'] train_y[i] = d['labels'] # test set file_name = '{}/test_batch'.format(dir_name) d = pickle.load(archive.extractfile(file_name)) test_x = d['data'] test_y[...] = d['labels'] # copy to array train_x = train_x.reshape(50000, 3072) train_y = train_y.reshape(50000) numpy.savez_compressed(path, train_x=train_x, train_y=train_y, test_x=test_x, test_y=test_y) return {'train_x': train_x, 'train_y': train_y, 'test_x': test_x, 'test_y': test_y}
def split_dataset(labels, indices_save_path, classes_save_path, train_size=0.8, test_size=0.1, validation_size=0.1, min_count=3): classes = {} print('Getting YAGO labels', file=sys.stderr, flush=True) yago_labels = [label[1] for label in labels] print('Getting filtered classes', file=sys.stderr, flush=True) filtered_classes = {l for l, v in Counter(yago_labels).items() if v >= min_count} print('Getting filtered indices', file=sys.stderr, flush=True) filtered_indices = np.array([i for i, l in enumerate(yago_labels) if (l != 'O' and l in filtered_classes) or (l == 'O')], dtype=np.int32) strat_split = StratifiedSplitter(np.array(yago_labels), filtered_indices) print('Splitting the dataset', file=sys.stderr, flush=True) train_indices, test_indices, validation_indices = strat_split.get_splitted_dataset_indices( train_size=train_size, test_size=test_size, validation_size=validation_size) print('Saving indices to file %s' % indices_save_path, file=sys.stderr, flush=True) np.savez_compressed(indices_save_path, train_indices=train_indices, test_indices=test_indices, validation_indices=validation_indices, filtered_indices=filtered_indices) for idx, iteration in enumerate(CL_ITERATIONS[::-1]): print('Getting classes for iteration %s' % iteration, file=sys.stderr, flush=True) replaced_labels = [label[idx] for label in labels] classes[iteration] = np.unique(np.array(replaced_labels)[filtered_indices], return_counts=True) print('Saving classes to file %s' % classes_save_path, file=sys.stderr, flush=True) with open(classes_save_path, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(classes, f)
def feature_selection(dataset, features_names, matrix_file_path, features_file_path, max_features=12000): print('Calculating variance of dataset features', file=sys.stderr, flush=True) dataset = csc_matrix(dataset) square_dataset = dataset.copy() **= 2 variance = np.asarray(square_dataset.mean(axis=0) - np.square(dataset.mean(axis=0)))[0] print('Getting top %d features' % max_features, file=sys.stderr, flush=True) top_features = np.argsort(variance)[::-1][:max_features] min_variance = variance[top_features][-1] print('Min variance: %.2e. Getting features over min variance.' % min_variance, file=sys.stderr, flush=True) valid_indices = np.where(variance > min_variance)[0] print('Final features count: %d/%d' % (valid_indices.shape[0], dataset.shape[1]), file=sys.stderr, flush=True) print('Filtering features', file=sys.stderr, flush=True) dataset = csr_matrix(dataset[:, valid_indices]) print('Saving dataset to file {}'.format(matrix_file_path), file=sys.stderr, flush=True) np.savez_compressed(matrix_file_path,, indices=dataset.indices, indptr=dataset.indptr, shape=dataset.shape) print('Saving filtered features names', file=sys.stderr, flush=True) features_names = np.array(features_names) filtered_features_names = list(features_names[valid_indices]) with open(features_file_path, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(filtered_features_names, f)
def align(movie_data, options, args, lrh): print 'PCA' nvoxel = movie_data.shape[0] nTR = movie_data.shape[1] nsubjs = movie_data.shape[2] align_algo = args.align_algo nfeature = args.nfeature if not os.path.exists(options['working_path']): os.makedirs(options['working_path']) # zscore the data bX = np.zeros((nsubjs*nvoxel,nTR)) for m in range(nsubjs): bX[m*nvoxel:(m+1)*nvoxel,:] = stats.zscore(movie_data[:,:,m].T ,axis=0, ddof=1).T del movie_data U, s, VT = np.linalg.svd(bX, full_matrices=False) bW = U[:,range(nfeature)] ES = np.diag(s).dot(VT) ES = ES[:nfeature,:] niter = 10 # initialization when first time run the algorithm np.savez_compressed(options['working_path']+align_algo+'_'+lrh+'_'+str(niter)+'.npz',\ bW = bW, ES=ES, niter=niter) return niter
def process_glove(args, vocab_list, save_path, size=4e5, random_init=True): """ :param vocab_list: [vocab] :return: """ if not gfile.Exists(save_path + ".npz"): glove_path = os.path.join(args.glove_dir, "glove.6B.{}d.txt".format(args.glove_dim)) if random_init: glove = np.random.randn(len(vocab_list), args.glove_dim) else: glove = np.zeros((len(vocab_list), args.glove_dim)) found = 0 with open(glove_path, 'r') as fh: for line in tqdm(fh, total=size): array = line.lstrip().rstrip().split(" ") word = array[0] vector = list(map(float, array[1:])) if word in vocab_list: idx = vocab_list.index(word) glove[idx, :] = vector found += 1 if word.capitalize() in vocab_list: idx = vocab_list.index(word.capitalize()) glove[idx, :] = vector found += 1 if word.upper() in vocab_list: idx = vocab_list.index(word.upper()) glove[idx, :] = vector found += 1 print("{}/{} of word vocab have corresponding vectors in {}".format(found, len(vocab_list), glove_path)) np.savez_compressed(save_path, glove=glove) print("saved trimmed glove matrix at: {}".format(save_path))
def save_vocab(self, path_count, path_vocab, word_limit=100000): """ Saves the master vocabulary into a file. """ # reserve space for 10 special tokens words = OrderedDict() for token in SPECIAL_TOKENS: # store -1 instead of np.inf, which can overflow words[token] = -1 # sort words by frequency desc_order = OrderedDict(sorted(self.master_vocab.items(), key=lambda kv: kv[1], reverse=True)) words.update(desc_order) # use encoding of up to 30 characters (no token conversions) # use float to store large numbers (we don't care about precision loss) np_vocab = np.array(words.items(), dtype=([('word','|S30'),('count','float')])) # output count for debugging counts = np_vocab[:word_limit] np.savez_compressed(path_count, counts=counts) # output the index of each word for easy lookup final_words = OrderedDict() for i, w in enumerate(words.keys()[:word_limit]): final_words.update({w:i}) with open(path_vocab, 'w') as f: f.write(json.dumps(final_words, indent=4, separators=(',', ': ')))
def main(): desc = 'Applies summarize_scores on a given score matrix' parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description = desc) parser.add_argument('infile') parser.add_argument('idfile', help = 'File with region ids') parser.add_argument('outfile') args = parser.parse_args() data = np.load(args.infile) scores = data['scores'] motif_names = data['motif_names'] data.close() is_score = np.array([not'_scores', m) is None for m in motif_names], np.bool) is_count = np.array([not s for s in is_score], np.bool) region_ids = [] with open(args.idfile, 'r') as infile: for line in infile: if line.strip() == '.': region_ids.append(None) else: region_ids.append(line.strip()) scores_tmp, new_names = summarize_scores(scores[:, is_score], region_ids, np.max) counts_tmp, new_names_tmp = summarize_scores(scores[:, is_count], region_ids, np.sum) motif_names = np.array(motif_names) motif_names = list(np.concatenate((motif_names[is_score], motif_names[is_count]))) scores = np.concatenate((scores_tmp, counts_tmp), axis = 1) np.savez_compressed(args.outfile, scores = scores, motif_names = motif_names, region_names = new_names)
def write_sparse_matrix(matrix, filepath, compressed=True): """ Write a ``scipy.sparse.csr_matrix`` or ``scipy.sparse.csc_matrix`` to disk at ``filepath``, optionally compressed. Args: matrix (``scipy.sparse.csr_matrix`` or ``scipy.sparse.csr_matrix``) filepath (str): /path/to/file on disk to which matrix objects will be written; if ``filepath`` does not end in ``.npz``, that extension is automatically appended to the name compressed (bool): if True, save arrays into a single file in compressed .npz format .. seealso: .. seealso: """ if not isinstance(matrix, (csc_matrix, csr_matrix)): raise TypeError('input matrix must be a scipy sparse csr or csc matrix') make_dirs(filepath, 'w') if compressed is False: savez(filepath,, indices=matrix.indices, indptr=matrix.indptr, shape=matrix.shape) else: savez_compressed(filepath,, indices=matrix.indices, indptr=matrix.indptr, shape=matrix.shape)
# Get facial image face = extract_face(model, pixels) if face is None: continue faces.append(face) if len(faces) >= n: break return np.asarray(faces) def plot_faces(faces, n): for i in range(n*n): plt.subplot(n, n, i+1) plt.axis('off') plt.imshow(faces[i]) plt.savefig("artifacts/sample_faces.png") if __name__ == "__main__": dirname = "data/img_align_celeba" # faces = load_faces(dirname, 25) # print("Loaded faces shape: ", faces.shape) # plot_faces(faces, 5) n = 50_000 all_faces = load_faces(dirname, n) print("Loaded: ", all_faces.shape) np.savez_compressed("img_align_celeba.npz", all_faces)
def save_weights(self): weights = { name: p.get_value() for name, p in LasagneNetwork._get_named_params(self.out_layer) } np.savez_compressed(self.filepath, **weights)
def train_med2vec(seqFile='seqFile.txt', demoFile='demoFile.txt', labelFile='labelFile.txt', outFile='outFile.txt', modelFile='modelFile.txt', L2_reg=0.001, numXcodes=20000, numYcodes=20000, embDimSize=1000, hiddenDimSize=2000, batchSize=100, demoSize=2, logEps=1e-8, windowSize=1, verbose=False, maxEpochs=1000): options = locals().copy() print 'initializing parameters' params = init_params(options) #params = load_params(options) tparams = init_tparams(params) print 'building models' f_grad_shared = None f_update = None if demoSize > 0 and numYcodes > 0: x, d, y, mask, iVector, jVector, cost = build_model(tparams, options) grads = T.grad(cost, wrt=tparams.values()) f_grad_shared, f_update = adadelta(tparams, grads, x, mask, iVector, jVector, cost, options, d=d, y=y) elif demoSize == 0 and numYcodes > 0: x, y, mask, iVector, jVector, cost = build_model(tparams, options) grads = T.grad(cost, wrt=tparams.values()) f_grad_shared, f_update = adadelta(tparams, grads, x, mask, iVector, jVector, cost, options, y=y) elif demoSize > 0 and numYcodes == 0: x, d, mask, iVector, jVector, cost = build_model(tparams, options) grads = T.grad(cost, wrt=tparams.values()) f_grad_shared, f_update = adadelta(tparams, grads, x, mask, iVector, jVector, cost, options, d=d) else: x, mask, iVector, jVector, cost = build_model(tparams, options) grads = T.grad(cost, wrt=tparams.values()) f_grad_shared, f_update = adadelta(tparams, grads, x, mask, iVector, jVector, cost, options) print 'loading data' seqs, demos, labels = load_data(seqFile, demoFile, labelFile) n_batches = int(np.ceil(float(len(seqs)) / float(batchSize))) print 'training start' for epoch in xrange(maxEpochs): iteration = 0 costVector = [] for index in random.sample(range(n_batches), n_batches): batchX = seqs[batchSize * index:batchSize * (index + 1)] batchY = [] batchD = [] if demoSize > 0 and numYcodes > 0: batchY = labels[batchSize * index:batchSize * (index + 1)] x, y, mask, iVector, jVector = padMatrix( batchX, batchY, options) batchD = demos[batchSize * index:batchSize * (index + 1)] cost = f_grad_shared(x, batchD, y, mask, iVector, jVector) elif demoSize == 0 and numYcodes > 0: batchY = labels[batchSize * index:batchSize * (index + 1)] x, y, mask, iVector, jVector = padMatrix( batchX, batchY, options) cost = f_grad_shared(x, y, mask, iVector, jVector) elif demoSize > 0 and numYcodes == 0: x, mask, iVector, jVector = padMatrix(batchX, batchY, options) batchD = demos[batchSize * index:batchSize * (index + 1)] cost = f_grad_shared(x, batchD, mask, iVector, jVector) else: x, mask, iVector, jVector = padMatrix(batchX, batchY, options) cost = f_grad_shared(x, mask, iVector, jVector) costVector.append(cost) f_update() if (iteration % 10 == 0) and verbose: print 'epoch:%d, iteration:%d/%d, cost:%f' % (epoch, iteration, n_batches, cost) iteration += 1 print 'epoch:%d, mean_cost:%f' % (epoch, np.mean(costVector)) tempParams = unzip(tparams) np.savez_compressed(outFile + '.' + str(epoch), **tempParams)
# axs[i].set_ylim([0.9*ymin[i]/vthE, 1.1*ymax[i]/vthE]) # axs[i].set_xlabel("$x/\lambda_D$") # axs[i].set_xlim([0,lx_norm]) # axs[i].set_title(labels[i]+" (time = %f"%time+" $t\omega_{pi}$)") xI = np.array(xI) vI = np.array(vI) xE = np.array(xE) vE = np.array(vE) time = np.array(time) # print(xI.shape,vI.shape,time.shape) timer.task('Save data') np.savez_compressed(pjoin(folder, 'xv_data.npz'), time=time, xI=xI, vI=vI, xE=xE, vE=vE) ##### FIG SIZE CALC ############ figsize = np.array([77, 77 * 1.618]) #Figure size in mm dpi = 300 #Print resolution ppi = np.sqrt(1920**2 + 1200**2) / 24 #Screen resolution mp.rc('text', usetex=True) mp.rc('font', family='sans-serif', size=10, serif='Computer Modern Roman') mp.rc('axes', titlesize=10) mp.rc('axes', labelsize=10) mp.rc('xtick', labelsize=10) mp.rc('ytick', labelsize=10) mp.rc('legend', fontsize=10)
elif plane == 'Z': pred__[:, :, minR] /= 2 pred__[:, :, minR + 1:maxR - 1] /= 3 pred__[:, :, maxR - 1] /= 2 print(' Testing is finished: ' + str(time.time() - start_time) + ' second(s) elapsed.') pred_ = pred_ + pred__ pred[pred_ > 3 / 2] = 1 #pred = post_processing(pred, pred, 0.5, organ_ID) print(' Testing is finished: ' + \ str(time.time() - start_time) + ' second(s) elapsed.') np.savez_compressed(volume_file, volume=pred) else: volume_data = np.load(volume_file) pred = volume_data['volume'] print(' Testing result is loaded: ' + \ str(time.time() - start_time) + ' second(s) elapsed.') DSC[r, i], inter_sum, pred_sum, label_sum = DSC_computation( label, pred) print(' DSC = 2 * ' + str(inter_sum) + ' / (' + str(pred_sum) + ' + ' + \ str(label_sum) + ') = ' + str(DSC[r, i]) + ' .') output = open(result_file, 'a+') output.write(' Round ' + str(r) + ', ' + 'DSC = 2 * ' + str(inter_sum) + ' / (' + \ str(pred_sum) + ' + ' + str(label_sum) + ') = ' + str(DSC[r, i]) + ' .\n') output.close()
for i in range(len(features)): feature_array[i,:len(features[i]),:] = features[i][:max_seq_length] feature_array[i,len(features[i]):,:] = padding_feature ss3_labels = ['H', 'E', 'C', 'NA'] ss8_labels = ['H', 'G', 'I', 'E', 'B', 'T', 'S', 'L', 'NA'] ss3_labels_lookup = {'H': ['G','H','I'], 'E':['E','B'], 'C':['S','T','L', 'NA']} ss3_labels_lookup_inv = {'H':'H', 'G':'H', 'I':'H', 'E':'E', 'B':'E', 'T':'C', 'S':'C', 'L':'C'} ss_output_dim = len(ss3_labels) dummy_indices = [3] padding_label = np.zeros(ss_output_dim) padding_label[dummy_indices] = 1 label_array = np.zeros([len(labels), max_seq_length, ss_output_dim]) for i in range(len(labels)): label_ss8_indices = labels[i] label_ss3_indices = [ss3_labels.index(ss3_labels_lookup_inv[ss8_labels[label_index]]) for label_index in label_ss8_indices] # print label_ss3_indices # print label_array[i] label_array[i,:len(labels[i])] = np.eye(ss_output_dim)[label_ss3_indices] label_array[i,len(labels[i]):] = padding_label # label_array[i,:,label_ss3_indices] = 1 data = np.concatenate([feature_array, label_array], axis=2) np.savez_compressed(options.output_data_filename, data=data) print(data.shape)
else: tracks2, d02 = loadData(str(dataSet)) tracks = np.concatenate((tracks, tracks2)) d0 = np.concatenate((d0, d02)) print("Total Tracks: " + str(tracks.shape)) indices = np.arange(len(tracks)) np.random.shuffle(indices) tracks = tracks[indices] d0 = d0[indices] model = callModel() model.load_weights(weightsDir + 'model.99.h5') predictions = model.predict(tracks) pred_fakes = np.argwhere(predictions >= 0.5) pred_reals = np.argwhere(predictions < 0.5) print("Number of predicted fakes: " + str(len(pred_fakes)) + ", Number of predicted Reals: " + str(len(pred_reals))) #plotMetrics.predictionCorrelation(predictions, d0, 20, -1, 1, 'predictionD0Correlation', plotDir) #plotMetrics.comparePredictions(predictions, d0, 20, -1, 1, 'd0', plotDir) plotMetrics.plotScores(predictions, sys.argv[1], plotDir) np.savez_compressed(outputDir + "predictions.npz", tracks = tracks, d0 = d0, predictions = predictions)
print "SEED: ", traj_seed err = init_instability(inst, traj_seed) if err == 1: print 'Bad trajectory! ', ii inst.set_pert_seed(ii) inst.run_dynamics() answers.append(inst.distance) lambdas.append(inst.lambdas[0]) lambdas_no_regr.append(inst.lambdas_no_regr[0]) polarisation.append(inst.polarisation) polarisation1.append(inst.polarisation1) dist.append(inst.distance) energy.append( rhosq = (inst.X ** 2 + inst.Y ** 2) rho1sq = (inst.X1 ** 2 + inst.Y1 ** 2) rev_idx = np.arange(rho1sq.shape[3])[::-1] full_tmp.append(np.sqrt(np.sum((rhosq - rho1sq[:,:,:,rev_idx]) ** 2, axis=(0,1,2)))) np.savez_compressed(vis.filename(my_id), full=full_tmp, data=answers, lambdas=lambdas, lambdas_no_regr=lambdas_no_regr, polar=polarisation, polar1=polarisation1, distance=dist, energy=energy, step=inst.step, time=inst.time, n_steps=inst.n_steps, well_indices=inst.wells_indices, my_info=[seed_from, seed_to, my_id], needed_trajs=needed_trajs, description='Loschmidt echo for 10000 replicates, trying to calculate F(t)')
def main( video_path: str, exp_cfg, show: bool = False, demo_output_folder: str = 'demo_output', pause: float = -1, focal_length: float = 5000, rcnn_batch: int = 1, sensor_width: float = 36, save_vis: bool = True, save_params: bool = False, save_mesh: bool = False, degrees: Optional[List[float]] = [], ) -> None: device = torch.device('cuda') if not torch.cuda.is_available(): logger.error('CUDA is not available!') sys.exit(3) logger.remove() logger.add(lambda x: tqdm.write(x, end=''), level=exp_cfg.logger_level.upper(), colorize=True) # 画像フォルダ作成 image_folder = osp.join(osp.dirname(osp.abspath(video_path)), osp.basename(video_path).replace(".", "_")) os.makedirs(image_folder, exist_ok=True) # 動画を静画に変えて出力 idx = 0 cap = cv2.VideoCapture(video_path) # 幅と高さを取得 original_width = int(cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH)) original_height = int(cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT)) while (cap.isOpened()): # 動画から1枚キャプチャして読み込む flag, frame = # Capture frame-by-frame # 終わったフレームより後は飛ばす # 明示的に終わりが指定されている場合、その時も終了する if flag == False: break cv2.imwrite(osp.join(image_folder, "capture_{0:012d}.png".format(idx)), frame) idx += 1 cap.release() expose_dloader = preprocess_images(image_folder + "/*.png", exp_cfg, batch_size=rcnn_batch, device=device) demo_output_folder = osp.join( osp.expanduser(osp.expandvars(demo_output_folder)), osp.basename(video_path).replace(".", "_"),'%Y%m%d_%H%M%S'))'Saving results to: {demo_output_folder}') os.makedirs(demo_output_folder, exist_ok=True) #関節位置情報ファイル posf = open(osp.join(demo_output_folder, 'pos.txt'), 'w') model = SMPLXNet(exp_cfg) try: model = except RuntimeError: # Re-submit in case of a device error sys.exit(3) output_folder = exp_cfg.output_folder checkpoint_folder = osp.join(output_folder, exp_cfg.checkpoint_folder) checkpointer = Checkpointer(model, save_dir=checkpoint_folder, pretrained=exp_cfg.pretrained) arguments = {'iteration': 0, 'epoch_number': 0} extra_checkpoint_data = checkpointer.load_checkpoint() for key in arguments: if key in extra_checkpoint_data: arguments[key] = extra_checkpoint_data[key] model = model.eval() means = np.array(exp_cfg.datasets.body.transforms.mean) std = np.array(exp_cfg.datasets.body.transforms.std) render = save_vis or show body_crop_size = exp_cfg.get('datasets', {}).get('body', {}).get('transforms').get( 'crop_size', 256) if render: hd_renderer = HDRenderer(img_size=body_crop_size) total_time = 0 cnt = 0 for bidx, batch in enumerate(tqdm(expose_dloader, dynamic_ncols=True)): full_imgs_list, body_imgs, body_targets = batch if full_imgs_list is None: continue full_imgs = to_image_list(full_imgs_list) body_imgs = body_targets = [ for target in body_targets] full_imgs = torch.cuda.synchronize() start = time.perf_counter() model_output = model(body_imgs, body_targets, full_imgs=full_imgs, device=device) torch.cuda.synchronize() elapsed = time.perf_counter() - start cnt += 1 total_time += elapsed hd_imgs = full_imgs.images.detach().cpu().numpy().squeeze() body_imgs = body_imgs.detach().cpu().numpy() body_output = model_output.get('body') _, _, H, W = full_imgs.shape #'{H}, {W}') # H, W, _ = hd_imgs.shape if render: hd_imgs = np.transpose(undo_img_normalization(hd_imgs, means, std), [0, 2, 3, 1]) hd_imgs = np.clip(hd_imgs, 0, 1.0) right_hand_crops = body_output.get('right_hand_crops') left_hand_crops = torch.flip(body_output.get('left_hand_crops'), dims=[-1]) head_crops = body_output.get('head_crops') bg_imgs = undo_img_normalization(body_imgs, means, std) right_hand_crops = undo_img_normalization(right_hand_crops, means, std) left_hand_crops = undo_img_normalization(left_hand_crops, means, std) head_crops = undo_img_normalization(head_crops, means, std) body_output = model_output.get('body', {}) num_stages = body_output.get('num_stages', 3) stage_n_out = body_output.get(f'stage_{num_stages - 1:02d}', {}) model_vertices = stage_n_out.get('vertices', None) if stage_n_out is not None: model_vertices = stage_n_out.get('vertices', None) faces = stage_n_out['faces'] if model_vertices is not None: model_vertices = model_vertices.detach().cpu().numpy() camera_parameters = body_output.get('camera_parameters', {}) camera_scale = camera_parameters['scale'].detach() camera_transl = camera_parameters['translation'].detach() out_img = OrderedDict() final_model_vertices = None stage_n_out = model_output.get('body', {}).get('final', {}) if stage_n_out is not None: final_model_vertices = stage_n_out.get('vertices', None) if final_model_vertices is not None: final_model_vertices = final_model_vertices.detach().cpu().numpy() camera_parameters = model_output.get('body', {}).get( 'camera_parameters', {}) camera_scale = camera_parameters['scale'].detach() camera_transl = camera_parameters['translation'].detach() hd_params = weak_persp_to_blender( body_targets, camera_scale=camera_scale, camera_transl=camera_transl, H=H, W=W, sensor_width=sensor_width, focal_length=focal_length, ) if save_vis: bg_hd_imgs = np.transpose(hd_imgs, [0, 3, 1, 2]) out_img['hd_imgs'] = bg_hd_imgs if render: # Render the initial predictions on the original image resolution hd_orig_overlays = hd_renderer( model_vertices, faces, focal_length=hd_params['focal_length_in_px'], camera_translation=hd_params['transl'], camera_center=hd_params['center'], bg_imgs=bg_hd_imgs, return_with_alpha=True, ) out_img['hd_orig_overlay'] = hd_orig_overlays # Render the overlays of the final prediction if render: # bbox保持 cbbox = body_targets[0].bbox.detach().cpu().numpy() bbox_size = np.array(body_targets[0].size) dset_center = np.array(body_targets[0].extra_fields['center']) dset_size = np.array(body_targets[0].extra_fields['bbox_size']) # 画面サイズに合わせる(描画のため、int) bbox = np.tile(dset_center, 2) + ( (cbbox / np.tile(bbox_size, 2) - np.tile(0.5, 4)) * np.tile(dset_size, 4)) img_bbox = bbox.astype( hd_params['img_bbox'] = bbox hd_overlays = hd_renderer( final_model_vertices, faces, focal_length=hd_params['focal_length_in_px'], camera_translation=hd_params['transl'], camera_center=hd_params['center'], bg_imgs=bg_hd_imgs, return_with_alpha=True, body_color=[0.4, 0.4, 0.7]) proj_joints = stage_n_out['proj_joints'][0].detach().cpu().numpy() hd_params['proj_joints'] = proj_joints try: # 横線 for x in range(img_bbox[0], img_bbox[2] + 1): for y in [img_bbox[1], img_bbox[3] + 1]: if hd_overlays.shape[2] > x and hd_overlays[3] > y: hd_overlays[:, :, y, x] = np.array([1, 0, 0, 1]) # 縦線 for x in [img_bbox[0], img_bbox[2] + 1]: for y in range(img_bbox[1], img_bbox[3] + 1): if hd_overlays.shape[2] > x and hd_overlays[3] > y: hd_overlays[:, :, y, x] = np.array([1, 0, 0, 1]) # カメラ中央 for x in range(int(hd_params['center'][0, 0] - 1), int(hd_params['center'][0, 0] + 2)): for y in range(int(hd_params['center'][0, 1] - 1), int(hd_params['center'][0, 1] + 2)): if hd_overlays.shape[2] > x and hd_overlays[3] > y: hd_overlays[:, :, y, x] = np.array([0, 1, 0, 1]) min_joints = np.min(proj_joints, axis=0) max_joints = np.max(proj_joints, axis=0) diff_joints = max_joints - min_joints diff_bbox = np.array([ hd_params['img_bbox'][2] - hd_params['img_bbox'][0], hd_params['img_bbox'][3] - hd_params['img_bbox'][1] ]) jscale = diff_joints / diff_bbox jscale = np.mean([jscale[0], jscale[1]]) for jidx, jname in enumerate(KEYPOINT_NAMES): j2d = proj_joints[jidx] / jscale # ジョイント for x in range(int(hd_params['center'][0, 0] + j2d[0] - 1), int(hd_params['center'][0, 0] + j2d[0] + 2)): for y in range( int(hd_params['center'][0, 1] + j2d[1] - 1), int(hd_params['center'][0, 1] + j2d[1] + 2)): if hd_overlays.shape[2] > x and hd_overlays[3] > y: hd_overlays[:, :, y, x] = np.array([0, 0, 1, 1]) except Exception as e: print('hd_overlays error: %s' % e) pass out_img['hd_overlay'] = hd_overlays for deg in degrees: hd_overlays = hd_renderer( final_model_vertices, faces, focal_length=hd_params['focal_length_in_px'], camera_translation=hd_params['transl'], camera_center=hd_params['center'], bg_imgs=bg_hd_imgs, return_with_alpha=True, render_bg=False, body_color=[0.4, 0.4, 0.7], deg=deg, ) out_img[f'hd_rendering_{deg:03.0f}'] = hd_overlays if save_vis: for key in out_img.keys(): out_img[key] = np.clip( np.transpose(out_img[key], [0, 2, 3, 1]) * 255, 0, 255).astype(np.uint8) for idx in tqdm(range(len(body_targets)), 'Saving ...'): # TODO 複数人対応 if idx > 0: break fname = body_targets[idx].get_field('fname') curr_out_path = osp.join(demo_output_folder, fname) os.makedirs(curr_out_path, exist_ok=True) if save_vis: for name, curr_img in out_img.items(): pil_img.fromarray(curr_img[idx]).save( osp.join(curr_out_path, f'{name}.png')) if save_mesh: # Store the mesh predicted by the body-crop network naive_mesh = o3d.geometry.TriangleMesh() naive_mesh.vertices = Vec3d(model_vertices[idx] + hd_params['transl'][idx]) naive_mesh.triangles = Vec3i(faces) mesh_fname = osp.join(curr_out_path, f'body_{fname}.ply'), naive_mesh) # Store the final mesh expose_mesh = o3d.geometry.TriangleMesh() expose_mesh.vertices = Vec3d(final_model_vertices[idx] + hd_params['transl'][idx]) expose_mesh.triangles = Vec3i(faces) mesh_fname = osp.join(curr_out_path, f'{fname}.ply'), expose_mesh) if save_params: params_fname = osp.join(curr_out_path, f'{fname}_params.npz') out_params = dict(fname=fname) for key, val in stage_n_out.items(): if torch.is_tensor(val): val = val.detach().cpu().numpy()[idx] out_params[key] = val for key, val in hd_params.items(): if torch.is_tensor(val): val = val.detach().cpu().numpy() if np.isscalar(val[idx]): out_params[key] = val[idx].item() else: out_params[key] = val[idx] try: for param_name in ['center']: params_txt_fname = osp.join( curr_out_path, f'{fname}_params_{param_name}.txt') np.savetxt(params_txt_fname, out_params[param_name]) for param_name in ['img_bbox']: params_txt_fname = osp.join( curr_out_path, f'{fname}_params_{param_name}.txt') np.savetxt(params_txt_fname, hd_params[param_name]) for param_name in ['joints']: params_txt_fname = osp.join( curr_out_path, f'{fname}_params_{param_name}.json') # json出力 joint_dict = {} joint_dict["image"] = {"width": W, "height": H} joint_dict["depth"] = { "depth": float(hd_params["depth"][0][0]) } joint_dict["center"] = { "x": float(hd_params['center'][0, 0]), "y": float(hd_params['center'][0, 1]) } joint_dict["bbox"] = { "x": float(hd_params["img_bbox"][0]), "y": float(hd_params["img_bbox"][1]), "width": float(hd_params["img_bbox"][2]), "height": float(hd_params["img_bbox"][3]) } joint_dict["joints"] = {} joint_dict["proj_joints"] = {} proj_joints = hd_params["proj_joints"] joints = out_params["joints"] min_joints = np.min(proj_joints, axis=0) max_joints = np.max(proj_joints, axis=0) diff_joints = max_joints - min_joints diff_bbox = np.array([ hd_params['img_bbox'][2] - hd_params['img_bbox'][0], hd_params['img_bbox'][3] - hd_params['img_bbox'][1] ]) jscale = diff_joints / diff_bbox jscale = np.mean([jscale[0], jscale[1]]) for jidx, jname in enumerate(KEYPOINT_NAMES): j2d = proj_joints[jidx] / jscale joint_dict["proj_joints"][jname] = { 'x': float(hd_params['center'][0, 0] + j2d[0]), 'y': float(hd_params['center'][0, 1] + j2d[1]) } joint_dict["joints"][jname] = { 'x': float(joints[jidx][0]), 'y': float(-joints[jidx][1]), 'z': float(joints[jidx][2]) } with open(params_txt_fname, 'w') as f: json.dump(joint_dict, f, indent=4) # 描画設定 fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 15), dpi=100) # 3DAxesを追加 ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') # ジョイント出力 ax.set_xlim3d(int(-(original_width / 2)), int(original_width / 2)) ax.set_ylim3d(0, int(original_height / 2)) ax.set_zlim3d(0, int(original_height)) ax.set(xlabel='x', ylabel='y', zlabel='z') xs = [] ys = [] zs = [] for j3d_from_idx, j3d_to_idx in ALL_CONNECTIONS: jfname = KEYPOINT_NAMES[j3d_from_idx] jtname = KEYPOINT_NAMES[j3d_to_idx] xs = [ joint_dict[jfname]['x'], joint_dict[jtname]['x'] ] ys = [ joint_dict[jfname]['y'], joint_dict[jtname]['y'] ] zs = [ joint_dict[jfname]['z'], joint_dict[jtname]['z'] ] ax.plot3D(xs, ys, zs, marker="o", ms=2, c="#0000FF") plt.savefig( os.path.join(curr_out_path, f'{fname}_{param_name}.png')) plt.close() # posの出力 joint_names = [(0, 'pelvis'), (1, 'right_hip'), (2, 'right_knee'), (3, 'right_ankle'), \ (6, 'left_hip'), (7, 'left_knee'), (8, 'left_ankle'), \ (12, 'spine1'), (13, 'spine2'), (14, 'neck'), (15, 'head'), \ (17, 'left_shoulder'), (18, 'left_elbow'), (19, 'left_wrist'), \ (25, 'right_shoulder'), (26, 'right_elbow'), (27, 'right_wrist') ] N = [] I = [] for (jnidx, iname) in joint_names: for jidx, smplx_jn in enumerate(KEYPOINT_NAMES): if smplx_jn == iname: N.append(jnidx) I.append([ joint_dict[iname]['x'], joint_dict[iname]['y'], joint_dict[iname]['z'] ]) for i in np.arange(len(I)): # 0: index, 1: x軸, 2:Y軸, 3:Z軸 posf.write( str(N[i]) + " " + str(I[i][0]) + " " + str(I[i][2]) + " " + str(I[i][1]) + ", ") #終わったら改行 posf.write("\n") except Exception as e: print('savetxt error: %s' % e) pass np.savez_compressed(params_fname, **out_params) if show: nrows = 1 ncols = 4 + len(degrees) fig, axes = plt.subplots(ncols=ncols, nrows=nrows, num=0, gridspec_kw={ 'wspace': 0, 'hspace': 0 }) axes = axes.reshape(nrows, ncols) for ax in axes.flatten(): ax.clear() ax.set_axis_off() axes[0, 0].imshow(hd_imgs[idx]) axes[0, 1].imshow(out_img['rgb'][idx]) axes[0, 2].imshow(out_img['hd_orig_overlay'][idx]) axes[0, 3].imshow(out_img['hd_overlay'][idx]) start = 4 for deg in degrees: axes[0, start].imshow( out_img[f'hd_rendering_{deg:03.0f}'][idx]) start += 1 plt.draw() if pause > 0: plt.pause(pause) else: fmt = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'mp4v') # メッシュの結合 writer = cv2.VideoWriter(osp.join(demo_output_folder, 'hd_overlay.mp4'), fmt, 30, (original_width, original_height)) for img_path in glob.glob(osp.join(demo_output_folder, "**/hd_overlay.png")): writer.write(cv2.imread(img_path)) writer.release() # JOINTの結合 writer = cv2.VideoWriter(osp.join(demo_output_folder, 'joints.mp4'), fmt, 30, (1500, 1500)) for img_path in glob.glob(osp.join(demo_output_folder, "**/*_joints.png")): writer.write(cv2.imread(img_path)) writer.release() cv2.destroyAllWindows() posf.close()'Average inference time: {total_time / cnt}')
# N(theta_new, theta^(t-1)_j, sigma) pdf_theta = mvn.pdf(theta_new, mean=data_calculation[j, 0:6], cov=np.diag(sigma)) sum_w += w_j * pdf_theta w = mvn.pdf(theta_new, mean=mu_prior, cov=sigma_prior) / sum_w # new samples data_calculation[i, 0:6] = theta_new data_calculation[i, 6] = w data_calculation[i, 7] = pho if pho < kesi: p_acc_cal += 1 p_acc = p_acc_cal / (N - N * alpha) print(p_acc) index = np.argsort(data_calculation[:, -1]) data_calculation = data_calculation[index] kesi = data_calculation[int(N * alpha), -1] std = np.std(data_calculation[0:int(N * alpha), 0:6], 0) print('Iter' + str(t) + '_std:', std) sigma = 2 * np.var(data_calculation[0:int(N * alpha), 0:6], 0) P_acc_record.append(p_acc) Kesi_record.append(kesi) Sigma_record.append(sigma) Appro_poster.append(data_calculation) save_name = 'ABC_results' np.savez_compressed(save_name, a=Appro_poster, b=Kesi_record)
def save_segmentation_nifti_from_softmax(segmentation_softmax, out_fname, dct, order=1, region_class_order=None, seg_postprogess_fn=None, seg_postprocess_args=None, resampled_npz_fname=None, non_postprocessed_fname=None, force_separate_z=None): """ This is a utility for writing segmentations to nifto and npz. It requires the data to have been preprocessed by GenericPreprocessor because it depends on the property dictionary output (dct) to know the geometry of the original data. segmentation_softmax does not have to have the same size in pixels as the original data, it will be resampled to match that. This is generally useful because the spacings our networks operate on are most of the time not the native spacings of the image data. If seg_postprogess_fn is not None then seg_postprogess_fnseg_postprogess_fn(segmentation, *seg_postprocess_args) will be called before nifto export There is a problem with python process communication that prevents us from communicating obejcts larger than 2 GB between processes (basically when the length of the pickle string that will be sent is communicated by the multiprocessing.Pipe object then the placeholder (\%i I think) does not allow for long enough strings (lol). This could be fixed by changing i to l (for long) but that would require manually patching system python code.) We circumvent that problem here by saving softmax_pred to a npy file that will then be read (and finally deleted) by the Process. save_segmentation_nifti_from_softmax can take either filename or np.ndarray for segmentation_softmax and will handle this automatically :param segmentation_softmax: :param out_fname: :param dct: :param order: :param region_class_order: :param seg_postprogess_fn: :param seg_postprocess_args: :param resampled_npz_fname: :param non_postprocessed_fname: :param force_separate_z: if None then we dynamically decide how to resample along z, if True/False then always /never resample along z separately. Do not touch unless you know what you are doing :return: """ if isinstance(segmentation_softmax, str): assert isfile(segmentation_softmax), "If isinstance(segmentation_softmax, str) then " \ "isfile(segmentation_softmax) must be True" del_file = deepcopy(segmentation_softmax) segmentation_softmax = np.load(segmentation_softmax) os.remove(del_file) # first resample, then put result into bbox of cropping, then save current_shape = segmentation_softmax.shape shape_original_after_cropping = dct.get('size_after_cropping') shape_original_before_cropping = dct.get('original_size_of_raw_data') # current_spacing = dct.get('spacing_after_resampling') # original_spacing = dct.get('original_spacing') if np.any( np.array(current_shape) != np.array(shape_original_after_cropping) ): if force_separate_z is None: if get_do_separate_z(dct.get('original_spacing')): do_separate_z = True lowres_axis = get_lowres_axis(dct.get('original_spacing')) elif get_do_separate_z(dct.get('spacing_after_resampling')): do_separate_z = True lowres_axis = get_lowres_axis( dct.get('spacing_after_resampling')) else: do_separate_z = False lowres_axis = None else: do_separate_z = force_separate_z if do_separate_z: lowres_axis = get_lowres_axis(dct.get('original_spacing')) else: lowres_axis = None print("separate z:", do_separate_z, "lowres axis", lowres_axis) seg_old_spacing = resample_data_or_seg(segmentation_softmax, shape_original_after_cropping, is_seg=False, axis=lowres_axis, order=order, do_separate_z=do_separate_z, cval=0) #seg_old_spacing = resize_softmax_output(segmentation_softmax, shape_original_after_cropping, order=order) else: seg_old_spacing = segmentation_softmax if resampled_npz_fname is not None: np.savez_compressed(resampled_npz_fname, softmax=seg_old_spacing.astype(np.float16)) save_pickle(dct, resampled_npz_fname[:-4] + ".pkl") if region_class_order is None: seg_old_spacing = seg_old_spacing.argmax(0) else: seg_old_spacing_final = np.zeros(seg_old_spacing.shape[1:]) for i, c in enumerate(region_class_order): seg_old_spacing_final[seg_old_spacing[i] > 0.5] = c seg_old_spacing = seg_old_spacing_final bbox = dct.get('crop_bbox') if bbox is not None: seg_old_size = np.zeros(shape_original_before_cropping) for c in range(3): bbox[c][1] = np.min((bbox[c][0] + seg_old_spacing.shape[c], shape_original_before_cropping[c])) seg_old_size[bbox[0][0]:bbox[0][1], bbox[1][0]:bbox[1][1], bbox[2][0]:bbox[2][1]] = seg_old_spacing else: seg_old_size = seg_old_spacing if seg_postprogess_fn is not None: seg_old_size_postprocessed = seg_postprogess_fn( np.copy(seg_old_size), *seg_postprocess_args) else: seg_old_size_postprocessed = seg_old_size seg_resized_itk = sitk.GetImageFromArray( seg_old_size_postprocessed.astype(np.uint8)) seg_resized_itk.SetSpacing(dct['itk_spacing']) seg_resized_itk.SetOrigin(dct['itk_origin']) seg_resized_itk.SetDirection(dct['itk_direction']) sitk.WriteImage(seg_resized_itk, out_fname) if (non_postprocessed_fname is not None) and (seg_postprogess_fn is not None): seg_resized_itk = sitk.GetImageFromArray(seg_old_size.astype(np.uint8)) seg_resized_itk.SetSpacing(dct['itk_spacing']) seg_resized_itk.SetOrigin(dct['itk_origin']) seg_resized_itk.SetDirection(dct['itk_direction']) sitk.WriteImage(seg_resized_itk, non_postprocessed_fname)
def fit_interval(self, tmin=None, tmax=None, plot=None, save=None): sl = fu.get_window_slice(tmin * us,, tmax * us) V = self.Vps[sl] td =[sl] dt = self.dt # Vline=np.array([]) #to save fitted line # tline=np.array([]) #to save time point for fitted line (even though they should be same as td) if len(V) > 1000000: print('Too much to plot, will skip plotting.') plot = False plot_s = False #do not plot if interval is not specified Vstep = self.par['Vstep'] Vth = self.par['Vth'] sig = self.par['sig'] if sig == None: dtmin = self.par['dtmin'] n_samp = self.par['n_samp'] ts = td[0:n_samp] - dtmin sig = fu.peak(ts, 1 / self.par['decay_time'], 1 / self.par['rise_time'])[0] bkg_len = self.var['bkg_len'] vary_codes_bkg = self.var['vary_codes_bkg'] poly_order = self.par['poly_order'] def lish(x): #''' Vectorize the line shape''' return LF.line_shape(x) line_shape = np.vectorize(lish) alpha = B.Parameter(1. / self.par['decay_time'], 'alpha') beta = B.Parameter(1. / self.par['rise_time'], 'beta') results = np.zeros((2, ), dtype='int32') pmin = np.zeros((len(V) / 5, ), dtype='int32') pmax = np.zeros((len(V) / 5, ), dtype='int32') FP.find_peaks(len(V), Vstep, V, results, pmin, pmax) ## number of maxima n_max = results[1] print(" found : ", n_max, " maxima") imax = pmax[:n_max] ## number of minima nmin = results[0] print(" found : ", nmin, " minima") imin = pmin[:nmin] ## get the indices of peaks higher then threshold ipeak_tr = np.delete(np.where(V[imax] > Vth)[0], -1) #choose minimums close to previous maximum (to filter out electrical switching noise peaks) closete = np.where((td[imin][ipeak_tr] - td[imax][ipeak_tr]) < 0.5)[0] # check if next minimum is not too negative (removing switching noize) clles = np.where(V[imin][ipeak_tr][closete] < -0.3)[0] ipeak = np.delete(ipeak_tr, closete[clles]) # peak locations after electrical switching noise filtering Vp = V[imax][ipeak] tp = td[imax][ipeak] imax_fit = imax[ipeak] #indeces of peaks to fit in raw data array # loop over the peaks Np = Vp.shape[0] t_start = time.clock() # forming fit groups n_sig_low = self.par['n_sig_low'] n_sig_boundary = self.par['n_sig_boundary'] n_peaks_to_fit = self.par['n_peaks_to_fit'] #-------------------------------- # define window edges for fitting #-------------------------------- # lower edge dt_l = n_sig_low * sig dl = int(dt_l / dt) boundary = n_sig_boundary * sig in_boundary = (np.zeros_like(tp) == 1) # determine the fit groups fg, fw = fu.get_fit_groups_new(n_peaks_to_fit, imax_fit, 0., td) fg_shift, fw = fu.get_fit_groups_new(n_peaks_to_fit, imax_fit, fw / 2., td) #if interval is specified for fitting if tmin and tmax: if (tmin * us >= self.par['dtmin']) and ( tmax * us <= self.par['dtmax']) and tmin < tmax: #find fit groups covering the interval # print td[imax_fit][0], td[imax_fit][-1], tmin*us, tmax*us inmin = np.where(td[imax_fit] >= tmin * us)[0][ 0] #index of first peak in fitting interval in time data in_max = np.where( td[imax_fit] <= tmax * us)[0][-1] #index of tmax in time data gtf = np.empty((0, 2), int) #list of groups in interval to fit gtfs = np.empty((0, 2), int) for f in fg: if f[0] > in_max and f[1] > in_max: break if f[0] > inmin or f[1] > inmin: gtf = np.vstack([gtf, f]) for f in fg_shift: if f[0] > in_max and f[1] > in_max: break if f[0] > inmin or f[1] > inmin: gtfs = np.vstack([gtfs, f]) #plot=True #pl.figure() fg = gtf fg_shift = gtfs #to fit only specified groups else: print("Interval out of range or incorrect.", self.par['dtmin'] / us, self.par['dtmax'] / us) return # the number of peaks in each fit group fg_n_peaks = fg[:, 1] - fg[:, 0] + 1 fg_shift_n_peaks = fg_shift[:, 1] - fg_shift[:, 0] + 1 # loop over fit groups and define peaks in the boundary area # arrays for storing fit results A_fit = np.zeros_like(tp) sig_A_fit = np.zeros_like(tp) # bkg fit parameters bkg_par = np.zeros(shape=(len(tp), bkg_len)) #-------------------------------- #-------------------------------- # loop over fit groups for fitting N_fitted = 0 lims = [] ifailed = 0 if plot: pl.xlabel('t(us)') pl.ylabel('V') pl.title('Not shifted fitting groups') for i, ff in enumerate(fg[:]): N_fitted += fg_n_peaks[i] if (i % 10 == 0) & (i != 0): t_current = time.clock() a_rate = 0. t_diff = (t_current - t_start) if (t_diff != 0.): a_rate = float(N_fitted) / t_diff print("Fit ", i, float(N_fitted) / Np * 100., "% completed, time ", t_current, ' rate =', a_rate) # form a slice for the current peaks sl = slice(ff[0], ff[1] + 1) # times for the peaks tp_fit = tp[sl] # amplitudes for the peaks Vp_fit = Vp[sl] # array indices into full data arrays for the peaks ipos_fit = imax_fit[sl] # first peak to be fitted is at 0. tpk = tp_fit[0] # get full range data for fitting # index of peak into the data array first_peak_ind = ipos_fit[0] last_peak_ind = ipos_fit[-1] # slice for data range for fitting into the full array i_start_data = max(0, first_peak_ind - dl) i_stop_data = min(last_peak_ind + dl, td.shape[0]) it_fit = slice(i_start_data, i_stop_data) # find which peaks are in a boundary area if (it_fit.start == it_fit.stop): # nothing to fit continue continue start_fit_time = td[it_fit][0] end_fit_time = td[it_fit][-1] lims.append([start_fit_time, end_fit_time, tpk, it_fit]) # determine of the peaks are in a boundar region in_boundary[sl] = ((tp_fit - start_fit_time) < boundary) | ( (end_fit_time - tp_fit) < boundary) # place first peak at 0 tt = td[it_fit] - tpk Vt = V[it_fit] # initialize fortran fit t_peaks = tp_fit - tp_fit[0] n_peaks = Vp_fit.shape[0] # initialize vary codes array vc = np.array(vary_codes_bkg + [1 for v in Vp_fit]) # initalize fit LF.init_all(alpha(), beta(), t_peaks, n_peaks, poly_order, vc) # do the fit chisq = LF.peak_fit(tt, Vt, np.ones_like(Vt), Vt.shape[0]) if (chisq < 0.): # failed fit print(' fit ', i, 'failed, chisq = ', chisq) ifailed += 1 LF.free_all() continue # if len(tt)!=0: # Vline=np.concatenate((Vline, line_shape(tt))) # tline=np.concatenate((tline, tt+tpk)) # # plot fitting results for check if interval specified if plot and len(tt) != 0: pl.plot(tt + tpk, Vt, '.', color='b') pl.plot(tt + tpk, line_shape(tt), color='m') # get the amplitudes the first 3 parameters are the bkg. fitted_A = np.copy(LF.a[bkg_len:]) # get background parameters bkg = np.copy(LF.a[:bkg_len]) # get covariance matrix cov = np.copy(LF.covar) # calculate the error of the amplitudes sig_fitted_A = np.sqrt(cov.diagonal()[bkg_len:] * chisq) # get the relevant fit parameters if (chisq > 0.): # its_shift.append((tp_fit, sl, Vp_fit, chisq, np.copy(LF.a), np.copy(LF.covar))) # same the values A_fit[sl] = fitted_A sig_A_fit[sl] = sig_fitted_A bkg_par[sl] = bkg # free the arrays LF.free_all() print(ifailed, ' fits failed out of', i) # if tmin and tmax: # return #don't do the second pass if checking the fitting in specified interval # #-------------------------------- # get second pass for boundary fit #-------------------------------- # loop over the peaks lims_s = [] t_start = time.clock() N_fitted = 0 # arrays for storing fit results A_fit_s = np.zeros_like(tp) sig_A_fit_s = np.zeros_like(tp) # fit parameters bkg_par_s = np.zeros(shape=(len(tp), bkg_len)) print('new start time: ', t_start) # fit shifted set ifailed1 = 0 for i, ff in enumerate(fg_shift[:]): N_fitted += fg_shift_n_peaks[i] if (i % 10 == 0) & (i != 0): t_current = time.clock() a_rate = 0. t_diff = (t_current - t_start) if (t_diff != 0.): a_rate = float(N_fitted) / t_diff print("Fit ", i, float(N_fitted) / Np * 100., "% completed, time ", t_current, ' rate =', a_rate) # form a slice for the current peaks sl = slice(ff[0], ff[1] + 1) # times for the peaks tp_fit = tp[sl] # amplitudes for the peaks Vp_fit = Vp[sl] # array indices into full data arrays for the peaks ipos_fit = imax_fit[sl] # first peak to be fitted is at 0. tpk = tp_fit[0] # get full range data for fitting # index of peak into the data array first_peak_ind = ipos_fit[0] last_peak_ind = ipos_fit[-1] # slice for data range for fitting into the full array i_start_data = max(0, first_peak_ind - dl) i_stop_data = min(last_peak_ind + dl, td.shape[0]) it_fit = slice(i_start_data, i_stop_data) # find which peaks are in a boundary area if (it_fit.start == it_fit.stop): # nothing to fit continue continue start_fit_time = td[it_fit][0] end_fit_time = td[it_fit][-1] lims_s.append([start_fit_time, end_fit_time, tpk, it_fit]) # place first peak at 0 tt = td[it_fit] - tpk Vt = V[it_fit] # initialize fortran fit t_peaks = tp_fit - tp_fit[0] n_peaks = Vp_fit.shape[0] # initialize vary codes array vc = np.array(vary_codes_bkg + [1 for v in Vp_fit]) # initalize fit LF.init_all(alpha(), beta(), t_peaks, n_peaks, poly_order, vc) # do the fit chisq = LF.peak_fit(tt, Vt, np.ones_like(Vt), Vt.shape[0]) if (chisq < 0.): # failed fit print(' fit ', i, 'failed, chisq = ', chisq) ifailed1 += 1 LF.free_all() continue # plot result if interval specified if plot_s: pl.figure() if len(tt) != 0: pl.plot(tt + tpk, Vt, '.', color='b') pl.plot(tt + tpk, line_shape(tt), color='m') pl.title('Shifted fitting groups') # save the parameters # get the amplitudes the first 3 parameters are the bkg. fitted_A = np.copy(LF.a[bkg_len:]) # get background parameters bkg = np.copy(LF.a[:bkg_len]) # get covariance matrix cov = np.copy(LF.covar) # calculate the error of the amplitudes sig_fitted_A = np.sqrt(cov.diagonal()[bkg_len:] * chisq) # get the relevant fit parameters if (chisq > 0.): # its_shift.append((tp_fit, sl, Vp_fit, chisq, np.copy(LF.a), np.copy(LF.covar))) # same the values A_fit_s[sl] = fitted_A sig_A_fit_s[sl] = sig_fitted_A bkg_par_s[sl] = bkg # free the arrays LF.free_all() print(ifailed1, ' fits failed out of', i) #-------------------------------- # copy results of those peaks that are in the boundaryregion from the 2nd fit # in_boundary is try for all peaks that lie in a boundary region # need to get the fit results from the shifted fit for those peaks e.g. for the indices #-------------------------------- A_fit[in_boundary] = A_fit_s[in_boundary] sig_A_fit[in_boundary] = sig_A_fit_s[in_boundary] bkg_par[in_boundary] = bkg_par_s[in_boundary] #--------------------------------------------- # save the data as numpy compressed data files #--------------------------------------------- if not save: print('no results saved!') else: # save the fitted data o_file = self.var['res_dir'] + "fit_results_" + str( self.par['shot']) + "_{0:5.3f}_{1:5.3f}_{2:d}.npz".format( tmin, tmax, self.par['channel']) if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(o_file)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(o_file)) if os.path.isfile(o_file): o_file = self.var['res_dir'] + "fit_results_" + str( self.par['shot']) + "_{0:5.3f}_{1:5.3f}_{2:d}".format( tmin, tmax, self.par['channel']) + time.strftime( '%d_%m_%Y_%H_%M_%S') + ".npz" n_lines = tp.shape[0] np.savez_compressed(o_file, t=tp, V=Vp, A=A_fit, sig_A=sig_A_fit, bkg=bkg_par) print("Wrote : ", n_lines, " lines to the output file") #save fitted lines to the file # np.savez_compressed(self.var['res_dir'] + "fit_line_"+ str(self.par['shot']) + ".npz", Vline=Vline, tline=tline) # print "saved line"
X = list() Y = list() for i in listdir(link): path = link + i + '/' faces = load_face(path) label = [i for _ in range(len(faces))] X.extend(faces) Y.extend(label) return X, Y link_train = '/home/face_id/Facenet/VN_train/' link_test = '/home/face_id/Facenet/VN_test/' train_x, train_y = load_data(link_train) test_x, test_y = load_data(link_test) savez_compressed('/home/face_id/Facenet/data.npz', train_x, train_y, test_x, test_y) data = numpy.load('/home/face_id/Facenet/data.npz') train_x, train_y, test_x, test_y = data['arr_0'], data['arr_1'], data[ 'arr_2'], data['arr_3'] model = load_model('/home/face_id/Facenet/facenet_keras.h5') def get_embedding(model, face_pixels): face_pixels = face_pixels.astype('float32') mean = face_pixels.mean() std = face_pixels.std() face_pixels = (face_pixels - mean) / std samples = numpy.expand_dims(face_pixels, axis=0) a = model.predict(samples) return a[0]
# Normalize input so we can train ANN with it. # Will be converted back to integers for SNN layer. x_train = x_train / 255 x_test = x_test / 255 # Add a channel dimension. axis = 1 if keras.backend.image_data_format() == 'channels_first' else -1 x_train = np.expand_dims(x_train, axis) x_test = np.expand_dims(x_test, axis) # One-hot encode target vectors. y_train = to_categorical(y_train, 10) y_test = to_categorical(y_test, 10) # Save dataset so SNN toolbox can find it. np.savez_compressed(os.path.join(path_wd, 'x_test'), x_test) np.savez_compressed(os.path.join(path_wd, 'y_test'), y_test) # SNN toolbox will not do any training, but we save a subset of the training # set so the toolbox can use it when normalizing the network parameters. np.savez_compressed(os.path.join(path_wd, 'x_norm'), x_train[::10]) # CREATE ANN # ############## # This section creates a simple CNN using Keras, and trains it # with backpropagation. There are no spikes involved at this point. input_shape = x_train.shape[1:] input_layer = Input(input_shape) layer = Conv2D(filters=16, kernel_size=(5, 5), strides=(2, 2))(input_layer)
def save_weights(self, path): np.savez_compressed('e' + str(self.nb_epoch) + '_w1.npz', self.W[1]) np.savez_compressed('e' + str(self.nb_epoch) + '_w2.npz', self.W[2]) np.savez_compressed('e' + str(self.nb_epoch) + '_w3.npz', self.W[3]) np.savez_compressed('e' + str(self.nb_epoch) + '_b1.npz', self.b[1]) np.savez_compressed('e' + str(self.nb_epoch) + '_b2.npz', self.b[2]) np.savez_compressed('e' + str(self.nb_epoch) + '_b3.npz', self.b[3])
import gridfs db = pymongo.MongoClient().maxilafacial fileDB = gridfs.GridFS(db) sample_size = 4096 if __name__ == "__main__": #Generate Training Data Here! patients = db.patient.find({}) for element in patients: patientID = element["_id"] if not element['status']: continue train_data = utils.make_trainin_data(patientID, size=100, sample_size=sample_size) input_data = [] gt_data = [] for data in train_data: input_data.append(data['input']) gt_data.append(data['gt']) #Save By Patient ID np.savez_compressed(os.path.join('processed', str(patientID)), input=input_data, gt=gt_data)
data_dict = json.load(f) elif data_type == 'val': with open(os.path.join(val_dir, 'AgriculturalDisease_validation_annotations.json'), 'r') as f: data_dict = json.load(f) else: raise Exception('[KF ERROR] data_type not correct: train or val') print('') print('============================================================') print(' LOAD DATA') print('============================================================') print('[KF INFO] Total %s sample to be loaded: ' % data_type, len(data_dict)) print("[KF INFO] Loading %s data ..." % data_type) for item in data_dict: image = load_img(os.path.join(data_dir, 'images', item['image_id']), target_size=image_shape) image_np = img_to_array(image) data.append(image_np) labels.append(item['disease_class']) print(os.path.join(data_dir, 'images', item['image_id']), " is loaded.") # Save data and labels into npz file if not os.path.exists(output_dir): os.makedirs(output_dir) save_name = data_type + '-' + img_size print("[KF INFO] Saving %s data and labels into %s.npz ..." % (data_type, save_name)) np.savez_compressed(os.path.join(output_dir, save_name), data=data, labels=labels) print("[KF INFO] Data and labels are saved successfully!")
def main(): args = check_argv() if not path.isdir(args.data_dir): os.makedirs(args.data_dir) print( # Training data: ICASSP 2015 scp_fn = path.join(data_base_dir, "data/clusters_gt/clusters_gt.mfcc.scp") print("Reading:", scp_fn) ark_dict = read_kaldi_ark_from_scp(scp_fn, data_base_dir) ids = sorted(ark_dict.keys()) mats = [ark_dict[i].T for i in ids] train_mean = np.mean(np.hstack(mats).flatten()) mats = pad_images_width(mats, n_padded, train_mean) - train_mean print("Padded and normalized", mats.shape[0], "data instances") npz_fn = path.join(args.data_dir, "swbd.train.npz") print("Writing:", npz_fn) npz_dict = {} for i, utt_id in enumerate(ids): npz_dict[utt_id] = mats[i] np.savez_compressed(npz_fn, **npz_dict) train_mean_fn = path.join(args.data_dir, "train.mean") print("Writing:", train_mean_fn) with open(train_mean_fn, "w") as f: f.write(str(train_mean) + "\n") # plot_fn = path.join(args.data_dir, "train_example.png") # print("Saving:", plot_fn) # image = Image.fromarray(plotting.array_to_pixels(mats[0])) # # # Training data: ASRU 2013 # scp_fn = path.join(data_base_dir, "data/clusters_gt_asru13/clusters_gt_asru13.mfcc.scp") # print "Reading:", scp_fn # ark_dict = read_kaldi_ark_from_scp(scp_fn, data_base_dir) # ids = sorted(ark_dict.keys()) # mats = [ark_dict[i].T for i in ids] # train_mean_asru13 = np.mean(np.hstack(mats).flatten()) # mats = pad_images_width(mats, n_padded, train_mean_asru13) - train_mean_asru13 # print "Padded and normalized", mats.shape[0], "data instances" # npz_fn = path.join(args.data_dir, "swbd.train_asru13.npz") # print "Writing:", npz_fn # npz_dict = {} # for i, utt_id in enumerate(ids): # npz_dict[utt_id] = mats[i] # np.savez_compressed(npz_fn, **npz_dict) # train_mean_fn = path.join(args.data_dir, "train_asru13.mean") # print "Writing:", train_mean_fn # with open(train_mean_fn, "w") as f: # f.write(str(train_mean_asru13) + "\n") # plot_fn = path.join(args.data_dir, "train_asru13_example.png") # print "Saving:", plot_fn # image = Image.fromarray(plotting.array_to_pixels(mats[0])) # # Test data scp_fn = path.join(data_base_dir, "data/samediff_test/samediff_test.mfcc.scp") print("Reading:", scp_fn) ark_dict = read_kaldi_ark_from_scp(scp_fn, data_base_dir) ids = sorted(ark_dict.keys()) mats = [ark_dict[i].T for i in ids] mats = pad_images_width(mats, n_padded, train_mean) - train_mean print("Padded and normalized", mats.shape[0], "data instances") npz_fn = path.join(args.data_dir, "swbd.test.npz") print("Writing:", npz_fn) npz_dict = {} for i, utt_id in enumerate(ids): npz_dict[utt_id] = mats[i] np.savez_compressed(npz_fn, **npz_dict) # # Development data scp_fn = path.join(data_base_dir, "data/samediff_dev/samediff_dev.mfcc.scp") print("Reading:", scp_fn) ark_dict = read_kaldi_ark_from_scp(scp_fn, data_base_dir) ids = sorted(ark_dict.keys()) mats = [ark_dict[i].T for i in ids] mats = pad_images_width(mats, n_padded, train_mean) - train_mean print("Padded and normalized", mats.shape[0], "data instances") npz_fn = path.join(args.data_dir, "") print("Writing:", npz_fn) npz_dict = {} for i, utt_id in enumerate(ids): npz_dict[utt_id] = mats[i] np.savez_compressed(npz_fn, **npz_dict) print(
def hmm_inference(self, models, test_X, test_y): EMOTIONS = self.emotions RR_1 = { emotion: {emotion: 0 for emotion in EMOTIONS} for emotion in EMOTIONS } RR_2 = { emotion: {emotion: 0 for emotion in EMOTIONS} for emotion in EMOTIONS } RR_cum = { emotion: {emotion: 0 for emotion in EMOTIONS} for emotion in EMOTIONS } gt_counts = {emotion: 0 for emotion in EMOTIONS} pred_pos_1 = { emotion: {emotion: 0 for emotion in EMOTIONS} for emotion in EMOTIONS } # Number predicted at position 1 pred_pos_2 = { emotion: {emotion: 0 for emotion in EMOTIONS} for emotion in EMOTIONS } # Number predicted at position 2 print('Predicting emotion from model...') for i, vid in enumerate(test_X): gt = test_y[i] print("Predicting emotion for gt " + gt) gt_counts[gt] += 1 predictions = { emotion: models[emotion].viterbi(vid) for emotion in EMOTIONS } predictions = [predictions[emotion][0] for emotion in EMOTIONS] emotion_pred_0 = EMOTIONS[np.argmax(predictions)] print("Predicted emotion is: " + emotion_pred_0) predictions[np.argmax(predictions)] = 0 emotion_pred_1 = EMOTIONS[np.argmax(predictions)] print("Second predicted emotion is: " + emotion_pred_1) RR_1[gt][emotion_pred_0] += 1 RR_2[gt][emotion_pred_1] += 1 pred_pos_1[gt][emotion_pred_0] += 1 pred_pos_2[gt][emotion_pred_1] += 1 for emotion1 in RR_1: for emotion2 in RR_1[emotion1]: RR_1[emotion1][ emotion2] = RR_1[emotion1][emotion2] / gt_counts[emotion1] RR_2[emotion1][ emotion2] = RR_2[emotion1][emotion2] / gt_counts[emotion1] RR_cum[emotion1][emotion2] = RR_1[emotion1][emotion2] + RR_2[ emotion1][emotion2] print("Writing recognition results to " + self.model_results_path + "...") np.savez_compressed(self.model_results_path, RR_1=RR_1, RR_2=RR_2, RR_cum=RR_cum, pred_pos_1=pred_pos_1, pred_pos_2=pred_pos_2) print('Done')
def test(self): epoch = self.scheduler1.last_epoch + 1 self.ckp.write_log('\nEvaluation:') self.ckp.add_log(torch.zeros(1, len(self.scale))) self.model1.eval() if (self.args.nmodels == 2): self.ckp2.write_log('\nEvaluation:') self.ckp2.add_log(torch.zeros(1, len(self.scale))) self.model2.eval() timer_test = utility.timer() with torch.no_grad(): for idx_scale, scale in enumerate(self.scale): eval_acc = 0 if (self.args.nmodels == 2): eval_acc2 = 0 self.loader_test.dataset.set_scale(idx_scale) tqdm_test = tqdm(self.loader_test, ncols=80) n_test_data = len(self.loader_test.dataset) print("n_test_data", n_test_data) Test_pred_mat_HR = np.zeros((n_test_data, 3, 111, 111)) Test_pred_mat_LR = np.zeros((n_test_data, 3, 111, 111)) Test_pred_mat_SR = np.zeros((n_test_data, 3, 111, 111)) Test_pred_mat_Limg = np.zeros((n_test_data, 3, 111, 111)) if (self.args.nmodels == 2): Test_pred_mat_HR_2 = np.zeros((n_test_data, 3, 111, 111)) Test_pred_mat_LR_2 = np.zeros((n_test_data, 3, 111, 111)) Test_pred_mat_SR_2 = np.zeros((n_test_data, 3, 111, 111)) #Test_pred_mat_Limg_2 = np.zeros((n_test_data,3,111,111)) k = 0 for idx_img, (lr, hr, lr2, hr2, filename, _) in enumerate(tqdm_test): filename = filename[0] #no_eval = (hr.item() == -1) no_eval = False # print ("before prep", lr.dtype,hr.dtype) # print ("before prep", lr.max(),lr.min(),hr.max(),hr.min()) if not no_eval: if (self.args.model == 'MWCNN'): lr, hr = self.prepare_test([lr, hr]) else: lr, hr = self.prepare([lr, hr]) else: if (self.args.model == 'MWCNN'): lr = self.prepare_test([lr])[0] else: lr = self.prepare([lr])[0] # print ("After prep", lr.dtype,hr.dtype) # print ("After prep", lr.max(),lr.min(),hr.max(),hr.min()) sr1 = self.model1(lr, idx_scale) if (self.args.model == 'MWCNN'): hr = hr[:, :, 1:, 1:] lr = lr[:, :, 1:, 1:] if (self.args.nmodels == 2): if (self.args.Test_feed_model1_out): ###### the SR from Model 1 id used as LR for model 2 if not no_eval: #lr2, hr2 = self.prepare([sr1, hr2]) #lr2, hr2 = self.prepare([lr2, hr2]) lr2 ='cuda')) lr2 = utility.quantize(lr2, self.args.rgb_range) hr2 ='cuda')) else: if (self.args.model == 'MWCNN'): lr2 = self.prepare_test([sr1])[0] else: lr2 = self.prepare([lr2])[0] else: if not no_eval: if (self.args.model == 'MWCNN'): lr2, hr2 = self.prepare_test([lr2, hr2]) else: lr2, hr2 = self.prepare([lr2, hr2]) else: if (self.args.model == 'MWCNN'): lr2 = self.prepare_test([lr2])[0] else: lr2 = self.prepare([lr2])[0] #lr2 = sr1 #sr1_prep = self.prepare([sr1])[0] sr2 = self.model2(lr2, idx_scale) if (self.args.model == 'MWCNN'): #hr2 = hr[:,:,1:,1:] lr2 = lr2[:, :, 1:, 1:] sr2 = sr2[:, :, 1:, 1:] # print ("After eval", sr.dtype) # print ("After eval", sr.max(),sr.min()) if (self.args.model == 'MWCNN'): sr1 = sr1[:, :, 1:, 1:] sr1 = utility.quantize(sr1, self.args.rgb_range) Test_pred_mat_HR[k * 250:(k + 1) * 250, :, :, :] = hr Test_pred_mat_LR[k * 250:(k + 1) * 250, :, :, :] = lr Test_pred_mat_SR[k * 250:(k + 1) * 250, :, :, :] = sr1 Test_pred_mat_Limg[k * 250:(k + 1) * 250:, :, :] = hr2 save_list = [sr1] if (self.args.nmodels == 2): sr2 = utility.quantize(sr2, self.args.rgb_range) # print ("After quantize", sr.dtype) # print ("After quantize", sr.max(),sr.min()) Test_pred_mat_HR_2[k * 250:(k + 1) * 250, :, :, :] = hr2 Test_pred_mat_LR_2[k * 250:(k + 1) * 250, :, :, :] = lr2 Test_pred_mat_SR_2[k * 250:(k + 1) * 250, :, :, :] = sr2 #Test_pred_mat_Limg_2[k,:,:,:] = hr2 #print ("TEST-Data shape-LR",lr.size()) #print ("TEST-Data shape-HR",hr.size()) #print ("TEST-Data shape-SR",sr.size()) save_list2 = [sr2] if not no_eval: eval_acc += utility.calc_psnr( sr1, hr, scale, self.args.rgb_range, benchmark=self.loader_test.dataset.benchmark) save_list.extend([lr, hr]) if (self.args.nmodels == 2): eval_acc2 += utility.calc_psnr( sr2, hr2, scale, self.args.rgb_range, benchmark=self.loader_test.dataset.benchmark) #print ("eval_acc",eval_acc,"eval_acc2",eval_acc2) save_list2.extend([lr2, hr2]) if self.args.save_results: self.ckp.save_results(filename, save_list, scale) if (self.args.nmodels == 2): self.ckp2.save_results(filename, save_list2, scale) k = k + 1 dir_save = '/gpfs/jlse-fs0/users/sand33p/stronglensing/Image_Enhancement/EDSR_MWCNN/experiment/' + filename_save_HR = '{}/results/Array_HR.npz'.format(dir_save) filename_save_LR = '{}/results/Array_LR.npz'.format(dir_save) filename_save_SR = '{}/results/Array_SR.npz'.format(dir_save) filename_save_Limg = '{}/results/Array_Limg.npz'.format( dir_save) np.savez_compressed(filename_save_HR, X=Test_pred_mat_HR) np.savez_compressed(filename_save_LR, X=Test_pred_mat_LR) np.savez_compressed(filename_save_SR, X=Test_pred_mat_SR) np.savez_compressed(filename_save_Limg, X=Test_pred_mat_Limg) if not self.args.test_only: print("self.it_ckp", self.it_ckp) with h5py.File(self.HDF5_file_model1_loc, 'a') as hf: hf["Array_HR"][ self.it_ckp, :, :, :, :] = Test_pred_mat_HR hf["Array_LR"][ self.it_ckp, :, :, :, :] = Test_pred_mat_LR hf["Array_SR"][ self.it_ckp, :, :, :, :] = Test_pred_mat_SR hf["Array_Limg"][ self.it_ckp, :, :, :, :] = Test_pred_mat_Limg hf.close() self.ckp.log[-1, idx_scale] = eval_acc / len(self.loader_test) best = self.ckp.log.max(0) self.ckp.write_log( '[{} x{}]\tPSNR-ckp: {:.3f} (Best: {:.3f} @epoch {})'. format(self.args.data_test, scale, self.ckp.log[-1, idx_scale], best[0][idx_scale], best[1][idx_scale] + 1)) if (self.args.nmodels == 2): dir_save = '/gpfs/jlse-fs0/users/sand33p/stronglensing/Image_Enhancement/EDSR_MWCNN/experiment/' + filename_save_HR_2 = '{}/results/Array_HR_2.npz'.format( dir_save) filename_save_LR_2 = '{}/results/Array_LR_2.npz'.format( dir_save) filename_save_SR_2 = '{}/results/Array_SR_2.npz'.format( dir_save) #filename_save_Limg_2 = '{}/results/Array_Limg_2.npz'.format(dir_save) np.savez_compressed(filename_save_HR_2, X=Test_pred_mat_HR_2) np.savez_compressed(filename_save_LR_2, X=Test_pred_mat_LR_2) np.savez_compressed(filename_save_SR_2, X=Test_pred_mat_SR_2) if not self.args.test_only: with h5py.File(self.HDF5_file_model2_loc, 'a') as hf2: hf2["Array_HR"][ self.it_ckp, :, :, :, :] = Test_pred_mat_HR_2 hf2["Array_LR"][ self.it_ckp, :, :, :, :] = Test_pred_mat_LR_2 hf2["Array_SR"][ self.it_ckp, :, :, :, :] = Test_pred_mat_SR_2 hf2.close() self.ckp2.log[-1, idx_scale] = eval_acc2 / len( self.loader_test) best2 = self.ckp2.log.max(0) self.ckp2.write_log( '[{} x{}]\tPSNR-ckp2: {:.3f} (Best: {:.3f} @epoch {})'. format(self.args.data_test, scale, self.ckp2.log[-1, idx_scale], best2[0][idx_scale], best2[1][idx_scale] + 1)) self.ckp.write_log('Total time: {:.2f}s\n'.format(timer_test.toc()), refresh=True) if (self.args.nmodels == 2): self.ckp2.write_log('Total time: {:.2f}s\n'.format( timer_test.toc()), refresh=True) if not self.args.test_only: #save(self, trainer, epoch, is_best=False,model=trainer.model1,loss=trainer.loss1,optimizer=trainer.optimizer1,model_name='model1'):, epoch, is_best=(best[1][0] + 1 == epoch), model=self.model1, loss=self.loss1, optimizer=self.optimizer1, model_name='model1') if ((self.args.nmodels == 2) & (self.args.numloss == 2)): if (self.use_two_opt):, epoch, is_best=(best2[1][0] + 1 == epoch), model=self.model2, loss=self.loss2, optimizer=self.optimizer2, model_name='model2') else:, epoch, is_best=(best2[1][0] + 1 == epoch), model=self.model2, loss=self.loss2, optimizer=self.optimizer1, model_name='model2') #elif (self.args.nmodels == 2): #, epoch, is_best=(best2[1][0] + 1 == epoch),model=self.model2,loss=self.loss1,optimizer=self.optimizer1,model_name='model2') if not self.args.test_only: self.it_ckp = self.it_ckp + 1
(poisson_mag + 6) * (np.arange(ramp_length) / poisson_mag) ** 0.5).astype(int) np.clip(v1, 0, None, v1) #plt.plot(v1) volume_noise = np.random.normal(scale=0.05, size=(p, w, w)) indices_pln = (horizon[np.newaxis, ...] + np.arange(m, p - M)[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis]) indices_row = np.arange(w)[np.newaxis, :, np.newaxis] indices_col = np.arange(w)[np.newaxis, np.newaxis, :] index_vol = (indices_pln, indices_row, indices_col) volume_noise[index_vol] += v0[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis] #plt.imshow(volume_noise[:, 50, :]) #plt.hist(volume_noise.ravel(), bins=256) volume_noise2 = np.random.poisson(2, size=(p, w, w)) - 2 volume_noise2[index_vol] += v1[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis] np.clip(volume_noise2, 0, None, volume_noise2) #plt.imshow(volume_noise2[:, 50, :]) MM = max(abs(M), abs(m)) volume0 = volume_noise[MM:-MM, :, :] _, bins = np.histogram(volume0, bins=255) volume0 = np.clip(np.digitize(volume0, bins), 0, 255).astype(np.uint8) volume1 = volume_noise2[MM:-MM, :, :].astype(np.uint8) np.savez_compressed('geo.npz', strata=volume0, density=volume1)
test_acc = th.eq(test_pred[test_mask], labels[test_mask]).float().mean().item() test_hidden_features = net.gat1(g, features).cpu().numpy() final_train_pred = test_pred[train_mask].cpu().numpy() final_val_pred = test_pred[val_mask].cpu().numpy() final_test_pred = test_pred[test_mask].cpu().numpy() results_dict = vars(args) results_dict['test_loss'] = test_loss results_dict['test_acc'] = test_acc results_dict['actual_epochs'] = 1 + epoch results_dict['val_acc_max'] = vacc_mx results_dict['val_loss_min'] = vlss_mn results_dict['total_time'] = sum(dur) with open(os.path.join('runs', f'{args.model}_{args.run_id}_results.txt'), 'w') as outfile: outfile.write(json.dumps(results_dict) + '\n') np.savez_compressed(os.path.join( 'runs', f'{args.model}_{args.run_id}_hidden_features.npz'), hidden_features=test_hidden_features) np.savez_compressed(os.path.join( 'runs', f'{args.model}_{args.run_id}_final_train_predictions.npz'), final_train_predictions=final_train_pred) np.savez_compressed(os.path.join( 'runs', f'{args.model}_{args.run_id}_final_val_predictions.npz'), final_val_predictions=final_val_pred) np.savez_compressed(os.path.join( 'runs', f'{args.model}_{args.run_id}_final_test_predictions.npz'), final_test_predictions=final_test_pred)
def learn(self, total_timesteps, callback=None, log_interval=1, tb_log_name="PPO2", reset_num_timesteps=True): # Transform to callable if needed self.learning_rate = get_schedule_fn(self.learning_rate) self.cliprange = get_schedule_fn(self.cliprange) cliprange_vf = get_schedule_fn(self.cliprange_vf) new_tb_log = self._init_num_timesteps(reset_num_timesteps) if self.savpath is not None: rewardlist = [] obslist = [] actionlist = [] with SetVerbosity(self.verbose), TensorboardWriter(self.graph, self.tensorboard_log, tb_log_name, new_tb_log) \ as writer: self._setup_learn() runner = Runner(env=self.env, model=self, n_steps=self.n_steps, gamma=self.gamma, lam=self.lam) t_first_start = time.time() n_updates = total_timesteps // self.n_batch for update in range(1, n_updates + 1): assert self.n_batch % self.nminibatches == 0, ( "The number of minibatches (`nminibatches`) " "is not a factor of the total number of samples " "collected per rollout (`n_batch`), " "some samples won't be used.") batch_size = self.n_batch // self.nminibatches t_start = time.time() frac = 1.0 - (update - 1.0) / n_updates lr_now = self.learning_rate(frac) cliprange_now = self.cliprange(frac) cliprange_vf_now = cliprange_vf(frac) # true_reward is the reward without discount obs, returns, masks, actions, values, neglogpacs, states, ep_infos, true_reward = ) if self.savpath is not None: rewardlist += [true_reward] obslist += [obs] actionlist += [actions] self.num_timesteps += self.n_batch self.ep_info_buf.extend(ep_infos) mb_loss_vals = [] if states is None: # nonrecurrent version update_fac = self.n_batch // self.nminibatches // self.noptepochs + 1 inds = np.arange(self.n_batch) for epoch_num in range(self.noptepochs): np.random.shuffle(inds) for start in range(0, self.n_batch, batch_size): timestep = self.num_timesteps // update_fac + ( (self.noptepochs * self.n_batch + epoch_num * self.n_batch + start) // batch_size) end = start + batch_size mbinds = inds[start:end] slices = (arr[mbinds] for arr in (obs, returns, masks, actions, values, neglogpacs)) mb_loss_vals.append( self._train_step( lr_now, cliprange_now, *slices, writer=writer, update=timestep, cliprange_vf=cliprange_vf_now)) else: # recurrent version update_fac = self.n_batch // self.nminibatches // self.noptepochs // self.n_steps + 1 assert self.n_envs % self.nminibatches == 0 env_indices = np.arange(self.n_envs) flat_indices = np.arange(self.n_envs * self.n_steps).reshape( self.n_envs, self.n_steps) envs_per_batch = batch_size // self.n_steps for epoch_num in range(self.noptepochs): np.random.shuffle(env_indices) for start in range(0, self.n_envs, envs_per_batch): timestep = self.num_timesteps // update_fac + ( (self.noptepochs * self.n_envs + epoch_num * self.n_envs + start) // envs_per_batch) end = start + envs_per_batch mb_env_inds = env_indices[start:end] mb_flat_inds = flat_indices[mb_env_inds].ravel() slices = (arr[mb_flat_inds] for arr in (obs, returns, masks, actions, values, neglogpacs)) mb_states = states[mb_env_inds] mb_loss_vals.append( self._train_step( lr_now, cliprange_now, *slices, update=timestep, writer=writer, states=mb_states, cliprange_vf=cliprange_vf_now)) loss_vals = np.mean(mb_loss_vals, axis=0) t_now = time.time() fps = int(self.n_batch / (t_now - t_start)) if writer is not None: total_episode_reward_logger( self.episode_reward, true_reward.reshape((self.n_envs, self.n_steps)), masks.reshape((self.n_envs, self.n_steps)), writer, self.num_timesteps) if self.verbose >= 1 and (update % log_interval == 0 or update == 1): explained_var = explained_variance(values, returns) logger.logkv("serial_timesteps", update * self.n_steps) logger.logkv("n_updates", update) logger.logkv("total_timesteps", self.num_timesteps) logger.logkv("fps", fps) logger.logkv("explained_variance", float(explained_var)) if len(self.ep_info_buf) > 0 and len( self.ep_info_buf[0]) > 0: logger.logkv( 'ep_reward_mean', safe_mean([ ep_info['r'] for ep_info in self.ep_info_buf ])) logger.logkv( 'ep_len_mean', safe_mean([ ep_info['l'] for ep_info in self.ep_info_buf ])) logger.logkv('time_elapsed', t_start - t_first_start) for (loss_val, loss_name) in zip(loss_vals, self.loss_names): logger.logkv(loss_name, loss_val) logger.dumpkvs() if callback is not None: # Only stop training if return value is False, not when it is None. This is for backwards # compatibility with callbacks that have no return statement. if callback(locals(), globals()) is False: break if self.savpath is not None: np.savez_compressed(self.savpath, rewards=rewardlist, observations=obslist, actions=actionlist) return self
# Generates face landmarks one-by-one # This part can be modified to predict the whole sequence at one, but may introduce discontinuities for i in tqdm(range(upper_limit)): cur_features = np.zeros((1, num_frames, features.shape[2])) if i + 1 > 75: lower = i + 1 - 75 cur_features[:, -i - 1:, :] = features[:, lower:i + 1, :] pred = model.predict(cur_features) generated = np.append(generated, np.reshape(pred[0, -1, :], (1, num_features_Y)), axis=0) # Shift the array to remove the delay generated = generated[trainDelay:, :] tmp = generated[-1:, :] for _ in range(trainDelay): generated = np.append(generated, tmp, axis=0) if len(generated.shape) < 3: generated = np.reshape( generated, (generated.shape[0], int(generated.shape[1] / 2), 2)) keypoints = generated * 100 print(keypoints.shape) data = asarray(keypoints) savez_compressed(output_path + '/data.npz', data)
no_workers, in_dim, data_func, data_type=data_type, seed=seed) for i in range(no_workers) ] i = 0 current_params = ray.get(ps.pull.remote(all_keys)) path_prefix = 'logs/distributed_training/' path = path_prefix + 'gra_pvi_sync_%s_data_%s_seed_%d_no_workers_%d_damping_%.3f/' % ( dataset, data_type, seed, no_workers, damping) if not os.path.exists(path): os.makedirs(path) np.savez_compressed(path + 'params_interval_%d.npz' % i, n1=current_params[0], n2=current_params[1]) time_fname = path + 'train_time.txt' time_file = open(time_fname, 'w', 0) time_file.write('%.4f\n' % 0) tracker_file = "logs/gra_indiv_terms.txt" if os.path.exists(tracker_file): os.remove(tracker_file) while i < no_intervals: start_time = time.time() ########### deltas = [ worker.get_delta.remote(current_params, damping=damping) for worker in workers
np.unique(names) ints = np.array([3, 3, 3, 2, 2, 1, 1, 4, 4]) np.unique(ints) values = np.array([6, 0, 0, 3, 2, 5, 6]) np.in1d(values, [2, 3, 6]) arr = np.arange(10)'some_array', arr) np.load('some_array.npy') np.savez('array_archive.npz', a = arr, b = arr) arch = np.load('array_archive.npz') arch['a'] np.savez_compressed('arrays_compressed.npz', a = arr, b = arr) ####################################### Linear Algebra ############################# x = np.array([[1., 2., 3.], [4., 5., 6.]]) y = np.array([[6., 23.], [-1, 7], [8, 9]]) x y, np.ones(3)) x @ np.ones(3) from numpy.linalg import inv, qr
def bam2clusters(bam, fasta, outdir, minSize=2000, mapq=10, threads=4, dpi=100, upto=0, nchr=0, verbose=1, minchr=3, method="ward", contigs=[]): """Return clusters computed from from windowSizes""" logger("=== Clustering ===") outbase = os.path.join(outdir, "chr_%s"%nchr if nchr else "auto") # link with auto if nchr and os.path.isfile(os.path.join(outdir, "auto.npz")) and not os.path.isfile(outbase+".npz"): logger(" reusing %s/auto.* ..."%outbase) for ext in (".npz", "", ".distance.params"): os.system("ln -s auto%s %s%s"%(ext, outbase, ext)) # load clusters fname = outbase + "" if os.path.isfile(fname): clusters = [l[:-1].split('\t') for l in open(fname)] logger(" %s clusters loaded from %s."%(len(clusters), fname)) return clusters # get windows minSize, windows, chr2window, contig2size = contigs2windows(fasta, minSize, verbose, contigs=contigs) # generate missing handles bin_chr, bin_position = [], [] for c, s, e in windows: bin_chr.append(c) bin_position.append((s, e)) bin_chr = np.array(bin_chr) bin_position = np.array(bin_position) if not os.path.isfile(outbase+".npz"): #.balanced # get array from bam logger("Parsing BAM...") d, c2dists = bam2array(windows, contig2size, chr2window, bam, mapq, upto, threads=threads, minSize=minSize) # save windows, array and plot logger("Saving array...") with + "", "w") as out: out.write("\n".join("\t".join(map(str, w)) for w in windows)+"\n") with open(outbase+".npz", "w") as out: np.savez_compressed(out, d) # estimate parameters params = estimate_distance_parameters(outbase, contig2size=contig2size, c2dists=c2dists, windowSize=minSize, contigs=contigs) # load from file else: npy = np.load(outbase+".npz") d = npy[npy.files[0]] params = pickle.load(open(outbase+".distance.params")) # make symmetric d += d.T - np.diag(d.diagonal()) #d = normalize(d) #params = estimate_distance_parameters(outbase, contig2size=contig2size, c2dists=c2dists, windowSize=minSize) # get clusters on transformed matrix transform = lambda x: distance_func(x+1, *params); print "dist" #transform = lambda x: np.sum(x+1.) / (1e6*(x+1)); print "sum / xM" #transform = lambda x: np.max(x+1., axis=0) / (x+1) - 1; print "max0/x - 1" #transform = lambda x: np.max(x+1.) / (x+1) - 1; print "max/x - 1" #transform = lambda x: np.log(np.max(x+1))-np.log(x+1); print "log max x - log x" #transform = lambda x: np.log(np.max(x+1, axis=0))-np.log(x+1); print "log max x0 - log x" clusters = cluster_contigs(outbase, transform(d), bin_chr, bin_position, dpi=dpi, minchr=minchr, nchr=nchr) # skip empty clusters clusters = filter(lambda x: x, clusters) totsize = contigs = 0 outfn = outbase+"" logger("Reporting %s clusters to %s ..."%(len(clusters), outfn)) with open(outfn, "w") as out: for i, cluster in enumerate(clusters, 1): clSize = sum(contig2size[c] for c in cluster) totsize += clSize contigs += len(cluster) out.write("\t".join(cluster)+"\n") logger(" %3s bp in %s clusters generated from %s contigs."%(totsize, len(clusters), contigs)) return clusters
rough_mask_model = get_rough_model(args.weights + 'rough_model_weights.h5', args.learning_rate, args.decay_rate, args.no_gpus) refined_mask_model = get_refined_model( args.weights + 'refine_model_weights.h5', args.learning_rate, args.decay_rate, args.no_gpus) # create the rough masks mask = rough_mask_model.predict(dataset, batch_size=args.batch_size * args.no_gpus) # How many rough POCs? print("Roughly detected POCs: {}".format(mask.any(axis=(1, 2, 3)).sum())) # TODO I might be able to speed up the following by only applying it to this subset of images np.savez_compressed('rough.npz', mask=mask >= 0.5) # dilate them and apply to the dataset dataset_masked = get_masked_dataset(mask, dataset) np.savez_compressed('dilated_mask.npz', mask=dataset_masked >= 0.5) # refine the masked dataset refined_mask = refined_mask_model.predict(dataset_masked, batch_size=args.batch_size * args.no_gpus) # Create the final mask pre = refined_mask >= 0.5 # How many rough POCs? print("Final detected POCs: {}".format(pre.any(axis=(1, 2, 3)).sum()))
dataset, action_dataset = load_raw_data_list(filelist) reset_graph() vae = ConvVAE(z_size=z_size, batch_size=batch_size, learning_rate=learning_rate, kl_tolerance=kl_tolerance, is_training=False, reuse=False, gpu_mode=True) # use GPU on batchsize of 1000 -> much faster vae.load_json(os.path.join(model_path_name, 'vae.json')) mu_dataset = [] logvar_dataset = [] for i in range(len(dataset)): data_batch = dataset[i] mu, logvar, z = encode_batch(data_batch) mu_dataset.append(mu.astype(np.float16)) logvar_dataset.append(logvar.astype(np.float16)) if ((i + 1) % 100 == 0): print(i + 1) action_dataset = np.array(action_dataset) mu_dataset = np.array(mu_dataset) logvar_dataset = np.array(logvar_dataset) np.savez_compressed(os.path.join(SERIES_DIR, "series.npz"), action=action_dataset, mu=mu_dataset, logvar=logvar_dataset)
def saveMatrix(matrix, outFile): outf = open(outFile, 'w') np.savez_compressed(outf, matrix) outf.close()