Exemple #1
    def averageHopDistance(transmissions):
        Take a list of numpy arrays which has rows as an information transmission.
        Outputs the total number of hops of information divided by the total
        number of original senders (those that did not receive from another person).
        A measure of the average spread of information from each source. 
        numIterations = len(transmissions)
        originalInfoSenders = numpy.array([])
        infoReceivers = numpy.array([])
        totalHops = 0

        #Assume transmissions are unique 
        for i in range(0, numIterations):
            currentAlters = transmissions[i][:, 1]
            infoReceivers = numpy.union1d(infoReceivers, currentAlters)
            totalHops += transmissions[i].shape[0]

            currentEgos = transmissions[i][:, 0]
            originalInfoSenders = numpy.union1d(originalInfoSenders, currentEgos)
            originalInfoSenders = numpy.setdiff1d(originalInfoSenders, infoReceivers)

        #Number of path ends is infoReceivers.shape[0]
        if originalInfoSenders.shape[0] != 0:
            return float(totalHops)/originalInfoSenders.shape[0]
            return 0 
    def chi(self, customattribute):
        attributeDict = dict()
        classAttributeDict = dict()
        for piece in self.chunks:
            for (attribute, classAttribute), arrays in piece.groupby([customattribute, self.classAttribute]).studentID.unique().iteritems():
                attributeDict.setdefault((attribute, classAttribute), np.array([]))
                attributeDict[(attribute, classAttribute)] = np.union1d(attributeDict[(attribute, classAttribute)], arrays)

            for classAttribute, arrays in piece.groupby(self.classAttribute).studentID.unique().iteritems():
                classAttributeDict.setdefault(classAttribute, np.array([]))
                classAttributeDict[classAttribute] = np.union1d(classAttributeDict[classAttribute], arrays)

        classSeries = Series(classAttributeDict).apply(lambda x:len(x))
        classSeries /= classSeries.sum()

        attributeObs = Series(attributeDict).apply(lambda x:len(x)).unstack(fill_value=0)

        attributeExp = DataFrame(index=attributeObs.index, columns=attributeObs.columns)

        for index in attributeExp.index:
            attributeExp.ix[index] = attributeObs.ix[index].sum()
        attributeExp = attributeExp.mul(classSeries).fillna(0)
        return chisquare(attributeObs.stack(), attributeExp.stack()), attributeObs
Exemple #3
Fichier : spec.py Projet : nhmc/LAE
def cr_reject2(fl, er, nsig=10.0, fwhm=2, grow=1, debug=True):
    """ interpolate across features that have widths smaller than the
    expected fwhm resolution.

    fwhm: int
      Resolution fwhm in pixels
    fl : array of floats, shape (N,)
    er : array of floats, shape (N,)

    Returns the interpolated flux and error arrays.
    fl, er = (np.array(a, dtype=float) for a in (fl, er))
    # interpolate over bad pixels 
    fl1 = convolve_psf(fl, fwhm)
    ibad = np.where(np.abs(fl1 - fl) > nsig*er)[0]
    if debug: print(len(ibad))
    extras1 = np.concatenate([ibad + 1 + i for i in range(grow)]) 
    extras2 = np.concatenate([ibad - 1 - i for i in range(grow)]) 
    ibad = np.union1d(ibad, np.union1d(extras1, extras2))
    ibad = ibad[(ibad > -1) & (ibad < len(fl))]
    igood = np.setdiff1d(np.arange(len(fl1)), ibad)
    fl[ibad] = np.interp(ibad, igood, fl[igood])
    er[ibad] = np.nan
    return fl,er
Exemple #4
    def fit(self, X, y):
        self._X_colcount = X.shape[1]
        #self.learner.fit(self._transform(X), y)
        self.get_learner(X, y)
        classifier_features = self.getClassifierFeatures()

        fe = SecondLayerFeatureEvaluator()
        local_excluded_features = np.union1d(self.excluded_features,
        local_X = utilities.exclude_cols(X,
        scores = fe.evaluate(local_X, X[:,classifier_features],
                             n_jobs = self.n_jobs)
        i = 0
        for feature in classifier_features:
            fc = sklearn.base.clone(
            fc.fit(X, feature,
            self.setFeatureConfidenceEstimator(feature, fc)
            self._second_layer_features = np.union1d(
                self._second_layer_features, fc.getFeatures())
            i += 1
Exemple #5
    def set_cavity_walls(self,walls=['left','right','bottom','west','east']): 
         set up to 5 walls as solid walls for the simulation
        solid_list_a = np.empty(0).flatten()
        solid_list_b = np.empty(0).flatten()
        solid_list_c = np.empty(0).flatten()
        solid_list_d = np.empty(0).flatten()
        solid_list_e = np.empty(0).flatten()

        for w in walls:
            if w=='right':
                solid_list_a = np.array(np.where((self.x==0.))).flatten()
            elif w=='left':
                solid_list_b = np.array(np.where((self.x > (self.Lx_p-self.dx/2.)))).flatten()
            elif w=='west':
                solid_list_d = np.array(np.where((self.z == 0.))).flatten()
            elif w=='bottom':
                solid_list_c = np.array(np.where((self.y == 0.))).flatten()
            elif w=='east':
                solid_list_e = np.array(np.where((self.z > (self.Lz_p - self.dx/2.)))).flatten()

        solid_list = np.array(np.union1d(solid_list_a,solid_list_b)); 
        solid_list = np.array(np.union1d(solid_list,solid_list_c));
        solid_list = np.array(np.union1d(solid_list,solid_list_e));
        self.solid_list = np.array(np.union1d(solid_list,solid_list_d))
        self.lid_list = np.array(np.where((self.y > (self.Ly_p-self.dx/2.)))).flatten()
Exemple #6
 def __call__(self, s, *pargs, **kargs):
     if len(kargs) == 0 and len(kargs) == 0:
         if s in self.a:
             at = np.searchsorted(self.a, s)
             return self.m[at]
             if s <= self.a[0]:
                 return self.m[0]
             elif s >= self.a[-1]:
                 return self.m[-1]
                 at = np.searchsorted(self.a, s)
                 d = (s - self.a[at-1]) / (self.a[at] - self.a[at-1])
                 r1 = self.m[at-1]
                 r2 = self.m[at]
                 # if isinstance(r1, mesh2d):
                 #    # X= np.union1d(r1.X, r2.X)
                 #    # Y = [res for res in r1(X)]
                 #    # print Y
                 if isinstance(r1, mesh3d):
                     X = np.union1d(r1.X, r2.X)
                     Y = np.union1d(r1.X, r2.X)
                     res = np.zeros((X.size, Y.size))
                     for ix, vx in enumerate(X):
                         for iy, vy in enumerate(Y):
                             a = r1(vx, vy)
                             b = r2(vx, vy)
                             res[ix, iy] = a + d * (b - a)
                     return mesh3d(X=X, Y=Y, Z=res)
                     print u"Pas dans la liste"
    def get_obstList(self,X,Y,Z):
   Define areas external to pipe.
       #Pipe in - find all points exterior of large pipe
	pipe_in = np.array(np.where((X - 1)**2 + (Y - 1)**2 > (self.diam_in/2)**2)).flatten()
	pipe_in_stop = np.array(np.where(Z <= 4)).flatten()
	pipe_in = np.intersect1d(pipe_in[:],pipe_in_stop[:])

	#Contraction - find all points exterior of contraction
	r_cone = self.diam_out
	h_cone = self.diam_out	
	contraction = np.array(np.where((X - 1)**2 + (Y - 1)**2 > (r_cone/h_cone)**2*(Z - (4 + h_cone))**2)).flatten()
	contraction_start = np.array(np.where(Z >= 4)).flatten()
	contraction_stop = np.array(np.where(Z <= 4 + .5*self.diam_out)).flatten()
	contraction = np.intersect1d(contraction[:],contraction_start[:])
	contraction = np.intersect1d(contraction[:],contraction_stop[:])

	#Pipe out - final all points exterior of smaller pipe
	pipe_out = np.array(np.where((X - 1)**2 + (Y - 1)**2 > (self.diam_out/2)**2)).flatten()
	pipe_out_start = np.array(np.where(Z >= 4 + .5*self.diam_out)).flatten()
	pipe_out = np.intersect1d(pipe_out[:],pipe_out_start[:])

	#Put the pieces together

	#pipe = pipe_in[:]
	pipe = np.union1d(contraction[:],pipe_in[:])
	pipe = np.union1d(pipe[:],pipe_out[:])

	obst_list = pipe[:]

        return list(obst_list[:])
    def get_obstList(self,X,Y,Z):
   Define areas external to pipe.
       #Pipe in - find all points exterior of small
	pipe_in = np.array(np.where((X - 1)**2 + (Y - 1)**2 > (self.diam_in/2)**2)).flatten()
	pipe_in_stop = np.array(np.where(Z <= 3 + 0.5*(self.diam_out - self.diam_in))).flatten()
	pipe_in = np.intersect1d(pipe_in[:],pipe_in_stop[:])

	#Expansion - find all points exterior of expansion
	r_cone = self.diam_in
	h_cone = self.diam_in	
	expansion = np.array(np.where((X - 1)**2 + (Y - 1)**2 > (r_cone/h_cone)**2*(Z - 3)**2)).flatten()
	expansion_start = np.array(np.where(Z >= 3 + 0.5*(self.diam_out - self.diam_in)))
	#expansion_stop = np.array(np.where(Z <= 4)).flatten()
	expansion = np.intersect1d(expansion[:],expansion_start[:])
	#expansion = np.intersect1d(expansion[:],expansion_stop[:])

	#Pipe out - final all points exterior of smaller pipe
	pipe_out = np.array(np.where((X - 1)**2 + (Y - 1)**2 > (self.diam_out/2)**2)).flatten()
	pipe_out_start = np.array(np.where(Z >= 3 + 0.5*(self.diam_in - self.diam_out))).flatten()
	pipe_out = np.intersect1d(pipe_out[:],pipe_out_start[:])

	#Put the pieces together

	pipe = expansion[:]
	pipe = np.union1d(expansion[:],pipe_in[:])
	pipe = np.union1d(pipe[:],pipe_out[:])

	obst_list = pipe[:]

        return list(obst_list[:])
Exemple #9
def dDCR_moments(SED1, SED2, bandpass):
    zenith_angle = np.pi/4.0 * galsim.radians
    R500 = galsim.dcr.get_refraction(500, zenith_angle)

    # analytic first moment differences
    R = lambda w:(galsim.dcr.get_refraction(w, zenith_angle) - R500) / galsim.arcsec
    x1 = np.union1d(bandpass.wave_list, SED1.wave_list)
    x1 = x1[(x1 >= bandpass.blue_limit) & (x1 <= bandpass.red_limit)]
    x2 = np.union1d(bandpass.wave_list, SED2.wave_list)
    x2 = x2[(x2 >= bandpass.blue_limit) & (x2 <= bandpass.red_limit)]
    numR1 = np.trapz(R(x1) * bandpass(x1) * SED1(x1), x1)
    numR2 = np.trapz(R(x2) * bandpass(x2) * SED2(x2), x2)
    den1 = SED1.calculateFlux(bandpass)
    den2 = SED2.calculateFlux(bandpass)

    R1 = numR1/den1
    R2 = numR2/den2
    dR_analytic = R1 - R2

    # analytic second moment differences
    V1_kernel = lambda w:(R(w) - R1)**2
    V2_kernel = lambda w:(R(w) - R2)**2
    numV1 = np.trapz(V1_kernel(x1) * bandpass(x1) * SED1(x1), x1)
    numV2 = np.trapz(V2_kernel(x2) * bandpass(x2) * SED2(x2), x2)
    V1 = numV1/den1
    V2 = numV2/den2
    dV_analytic = V1 - V2

    return dR_analytic, dV_analytic, len(x2)
Exemple #10
def reference_naive_aggregation(C):
    S = np.array_split(C.indices, C.indptr[1:-1])
    n = C.shape[0]
    aggregates = np.empty(n, dtype=C.indices.dtype)
    aggregates[:] = -1  # aggregates[j] denotes the aggregate j is in
    R = np.zeros((0,))     # R stores already aggregated nodes
    j = 0               # j is the aggregate counter
    Cpts = []

    # Only one aggregation pass
    for i, row in enumerate(S):

        # if i isn't already aggregated, grab all his neighbors
        if aggregates[i] == -1:
            unaggregated_neighbors = np.setdiff1d(row, R)
            aggregates[unaggregated_neighbors] = j
            aggregates[i] = j
            j += 1
            R = np.union1d(R, unaggregated_neighbors)
            R = np.union1d(R, np.array([i]))

    assert(np.unique(R).shape[0] == n)

    Pj = aggregates
    Pp = np.arange(n+1)
    Px = np.ones(n)

    return csr_matrix((Px, Pj, Pp)), np.array(Cpts)
Exemple #11
 def update_dimensions(self, test_cases):
     for tc in test_cases:
         self.x_range = num.union1d(self.x_range, 
         self.y_range = num.union1d(self.y_range, 
         self.z_range = num.union1d(self.z_range, 
    def change(self):
        suggests a potential change to state
        return a changed state
        if self.params['TtoDIsPhysical'] and np.random.rand()<=self.params['probFormChange'] and self.state[2][position_idx]==0:
        elif np.random.rand()<=ratio:
            if self.params['isAlt']:
                #Alternative dynamics, where proteins only move if nearby position is open
                #Perform change of position
                if u<= self.params['altProb'] and (self.state[0][position_idx]-1)%self.params['N'] not in self.state[0]:
                elif u> self.params['altProb'] and (self.state[0][position_idx]+1)%self.params['N'] not in self.state[0]:
                #where jumping through proteins is allowed.
                # to be more physical, we force proteins to get into empty slots
                # not connected to any other proteins before they can get back
                # into a slot next to other proteins.
                # flag of whether chosen protein is currently connected to 
                # other proteins
                if (self.state[0][position_idx]+1)%self.params['N'] in self.state[0] or (self.state[0][position_idx]-1)%self.params['N'] in self.state[0]:
                    # protein is currently connected to other proteins, 
                    # so we force it to go into empty slots not connected to proteins
                    slotsToChoose=np.array([x for x in xrange(self.params['N']) if x not in connectedEmptySlots])
                    # if protein is currently not conencted to proteins, any slot not occupied can be taken
                    slotsToChoose = np.array([x for x in xrange(self.params['N']) if x not in self.state[0]])
                if len(slotsToChoose)!=0:
            #note the above changedM, idx 1 is for row, while idx 0 is for column in the Type array. This is due to np.ravel of np.indices
#        changedState=self.checkATP(changedState)
        return changedState
Exemple #13
    def CONSTRUCT_TREE(df_nodes, df_edges,source=-1,sources=[-1,-2]):
        ids = np.union1d(df_edges.Pred_ID.unique(),df_edges.Prey_ID.unique())
        df_tree = pd.DataFrame(columns=df_edges.columns)

        for node_id in ids:
            if node_id in sources: continue
            df = df_edges[(df_edges.Pred_ID==node_id) & (df_edges.Prey_ID.isin(sources))].sort('BiomassIngested')
            if len(df) > 0:
                row = df.irow(-1)
                    row = df_edges[(df_edges.Pred_ID==node_id)].sort('BiomassIngested').irow(-1)
                    print 'Discarding node without prey...'
                    print node_id
                    print df_edges[(df_edges.Pred_ID==node_id)].sort('BiomassIngested')
                    raise Exception('nodes without prey')
            df_tree = df_tree.append(row)
        df_tree[['Pred_ID', 'Prey_ID']] = df_tree[['Pred_ID', 'Prey_ID']].astype(int)
        df_tree[['Biomass_Assimilated','BiomassIngested']] = df_tree[['Biomass_Assimilated','BiomassIngested']].astype(float)
        ids = np.union1d(df_tree.Pred_ID.unique(),df_tree.Prey_ID.unique())        
        df_nodes = df_nodes[df_nodes.ID.isin(ids)]                
        a_values = {ii:0 for ii in ids}
        c_values = {ii:0 for ii in ids}
        print len(a_values)
        print len(df_nodes)
        print a_values
        print df_tree.Prey_ID.unique()        
        df_nodes['A_value'] = a_values.values()
        df_nodes['C_value'] = a_values.values()     
        #return df_nodes,df_tree        
        df_nodes = df_nodes.set_index('ID',drop = False)
        for key,value in a_values.iteritems():
            #print key,value
            df_nodes.loc[key,'A_value'] = value
        for key,value in c_values.iteritems():
            df_nodes.loc[key,'C_value'] = value

        df_nodes[['A_value','C_value']] = df_nodes[['A_value','C_value']].astype(int)
        return df_nodes,df_tree
    def get_obstList(self,X,Y,Z):
   Define areas external to pipe.
	pipe_1 = np.array(np.where((X - 1)**2 + (Y - 4)**2 >= 0.5**2)).flatten()
	pipe_1_stop_z = np.array(np.where(Z <= 3.0)).flatten()
	pipe_1_stop_y = np.array(np.where(Y >= 3.25)).flatten()
	pipe_1_stop = np.intersect1d(pipe_1_stop_z[:],pipe_1_stop_y[:])
	pipe_1 = np.intersect1d(pipe_1[:],pipe_1_stop[:])

	turn_1 = np.array(np.where((0.75 - np.sqrt((Y - 3.25)**2 + (Z -3)**2))**2 + (X - 1)**2 >= 0.5**2)).flatten()
	turn_1_stop_z = np.array(np.where(Z >= 3.0)).flatten()
	turn_1_stop_y = np.array(np.where(Y>= 1.75)).flatten()
	turn_1_stop = np.intersect1d(turn_1_stop_z[:],turn_1_stop_y[:])
	turn_1 = np.intersect1d(turn_1[:],turn_1_stop[:])

	pipe_2 = np.array(np.where((X - 1)**2 + (Y - 2.5)**2 >= 0.5**2)).flatten()
	pipe_2_start_z = np.array(np.where(Z >= 1.5)).flatten()
	pipe_2_start_y_up = np.array(np.where(Y <= 3.25)).flatten()
	pipe_2_start_y_down = np.array(np.where(Y >= 1.75)).flatten()
	pipe_2_start_y = np.intersect1d(pipe_2_start_y_up[:],pipe_2_start_y_down[:])	
	pipe_2_start = np.intersect1d(pipe_2_start_z[:],pipe_2_start_y[:])
	pipe_2 = np.intersect1d(pipe_2[:],pipe_2_start[:])
	pipe_2_stop_z = np.array(np.where(Z <= 3.0)).flatten()
	pipe_2_stop_y = np.array(np.where(Y <= 3.25)).flatten()
	pipe_2_stop = np.intersect1d(pipe_2_stop_z[:],pipe_2_stop_y[:])
	pipe_2 = np.intersect1d(pipe_2[:],pipe_2_stop[:])

	turn_2 = np.array(np.where((0.75 - np.sqrt((Y - 1.75)**2 + (Z -1.5)**2))**2 + (X - 1)**2 >= 0.5**2)).flatten()
	turn_2_stop_z = np.array(np.where(Z <= 1.5)).flatten()
	turn_2_stop_y = np.array(np.where(Y <= 3.25)).flatten()
	turn_2_stop = np.intersect1d(turn_2_stop_z[:],turn_2_stop_y[:])
	turn_2 = np.intersect1d(turn_2[:],turn_2_stop[:])
	pipe_3 = np.array(np.where((X - 1)**2 + (Y - 1.0)**2 >= 0.5**2)).flatten()
	pipe_3_start_z = np.array(np.where(Z >= 1.5)).flatten()
	pipe_3_start_y = np.array(np.where(Y <= 1.75)).flatten()
	pipe_3_start = np.intersect1d(pipe_3_start_z[:],pipe_3_start_y[:])
	pipe_3 = np.intersect1d(pipe_3[:],pipe_3_start[:])	

	#Put the pieces together

	pipe = np.union1d(pipe_1[:],turn_1[:])
	pipe = np.union1d(pipe[:],pipe_2[:])
	pipe = np.union1d(pipe[:],turn_2[:])	
	pipe = np.union1d(pipe[:],pipe_3[:])

	obst_list = pipe[:]

        return list(obst_list[:])
Exemple #15
def num_bipartisan_donors(df):
    """Find the number of people that have donated to more than one parties.
        df: A DataFrame generated from the campaign finance data csv file
            with the column "party" added.

        An integer count of the number of people that have donated to more than
        one parties.
    Initial Approach:
        Select only contb amts > 0 (i.e. it is a donation)
        Select only people, parties.
        Group by people.
        aggregate number of parties
        select > 1

        bipartyAgg= df[df['contb_receipt_amt']>0][['contbr_nm','party']].drop_duplicates(['contbr_nm','party']).groupby('contbr_nm', as_index=False).agg(lambda x: x.count())
        bipartySet= bipartyAgg[bipartyAgg['party']>1]
        return bipartySet['contbr_nm'].count()
        # TODO: Implement this function.

    # Obtain the set of unique contributor, party pairs
    pplSet= df[df['contb_receipt_amt']>0][['contbr_nm','party']].drop_duplicates(['contbr_nm','party']) 
    # Obtain all of the democrat info
    democ_d = np.array(pplSet[pplSet['party']=="Democrat"]["contbr_nm"])
    # Obtain the republican subset
    repub_d = np.array(pplSet[pplSet['party']=="Republican"]["contbr_nm"])
    # OBtain the libertarian subset
    liber_d = np.array(pplSet[pplSet['party']=="Libertarian"]["contbr_nm"])
    # Intersect democrat set with republican
    dr = np.intersect1d(democ_d, repub_d)
    # Intersect republican set with libertarian
    rl = np.intersect1d(repub_d, liber_d)
    # Intersect democrat set with libertarian
    ld = np.intersect1d(liber_d, democ_d)

    # Return the union of all three intersections
    retVal = np.union1d(dr, np.union1d(rl, ld))    
    return retVal
def create_error_matrix(obs_data, prd_data, compact=True, classes=None):
    Create an error (confusion) matrix from observed and predicted data.
    The data is assumed to represent classes rather than continuous data.

    obs_data : array-like
        Observed classes

    prd_data : array-like
        Predicted classes

    compact : bool
        Flag for whether or not to return error matrix in compact form.  If
        True, only the classes that are represented in the data will be
        returned.  If False, all classes in classes keyword should be
        returned.  Defaults to True.

    classes : array-like
        If compact is False, return error matrix for all classes.  Defaults
        to None.

    err_mat : np.array
        Error matrix of classes

    class_xwalk : dict
        Dictionary of class value to row or column number

    if compact == True:
        # Find all classes present in either the observed or predicted data
        classes = np.union1d(np.unique(obs_data), np.unique(prd_data))
        if classes == None:
            # No classes given - default to those present as above
            classes = np.union1d(np.unique(obs_data), np.unique(prd_data))
            # Use the user-defined classes
            classes = np.array(classes)

    n = classes.size

    # One liner for calculating error matrix
    # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10958702/
    # python-one-liner-for-a-confusion-contingency-matrix-needed
    err_mat = np.array([zip(obs_data, prd_data).count(x) for x in
        itertools.product(classes, repeat=2)]).reshape(n, n)

    # Create the dictionary of class value to row/column number
    class_xwalk = dict((c, i) for (c, i) in zip(classes, xrange(n)))

    return err_mat, class_xwalk
def check_taxa_names(SpeciesList_file):
	w=np.genfromtxt(SpeciesList_file, dtype=str, skiprows=1)[:,0]
	words = np.unique(w)
	print "\nTaxa names with possible misspells (if any) will be listed below..."
	word_combinations = itertools.combinations(words,2)
	# sensitivity settings
	max_length_diff = 2 # maximum allowed difference between string lengths
	threshold_score = 0.7
	threshold_s_diff = 3
	all_scores = []

	for w in word_combinations: 
		taxon1 = w[0]
		taxon2 = w[1]
		score_all, diff_all = get_score(taxon1,taxon2,max_length_diff)
		a = taxon1.split("_")[0]
		b = taxon2.split("_")[0]
		score_genus, diff_genus = get_score(a,b,max_length_diff)
		if len(taxon1.split("_")[0])>1 and len(taxon2.split("_")[0])>1:
			a = taxon1.split("_")[1]
			b = taxon2.split("_")[1]
			score_species, diff_species = get_score(a,b,max_length_diff)
		else: score_species, diff_species = score_genus,0	
		s_diff = diff_genus+diff_species	
		if (score_genus+score_species)<2:
			if score_all > threshold_score and diff_all <= threshold_s_diff:
				if np.mean([score_genus,score_species]) > threshold_score and s_diff <= threshold_s_diff:
					all_scores.append([taxon1, taxon2,round(score_all,3),round(score_genus,3),

	all_scores = np.array(all_scores)
	# top hits:
	score_float = all_scores[:,2].astype(float)
	diff_int    = all_scores[:,5].astype(int)
	if len(all_scores)==0: sys.exit("No typos founds!")
	th1,th2 = 0.9,1
	passed = np.array([])
	while True:
		pass1 = (score_float>th1).nonzero()[0]
		pass2 = (diff_int<=th2).nonzero()[0]
		res = np.union1d(pass1,pass2)
		for i in res: 
			if i not in passed: 
				print '\t'.join(all_scores[i])		
		passed = np.union1d(res,passed)
		if len(passed)==len(all_scores): break
		answ = raw_input("\nShow more results (y or n)? ")
		if answ=="y":
			th1 -= 0.1
			th2 += 1
		else: break
def process_eyelid_traces(traces,time_vect,idx_CS_US,idx_US,idx_CS,thresh_CR=.1,time_CR_on=-.1,time_US_on=.05):
    preprocess traces output of get_behavior_traces 


    traces: ndarray (N trials X t time points)
        eyelid traces output of get_behavior_traces. 

    thresh_CR: float
        fraction of eyelid closure considered a CR

    time_CR_on: float
        time of alleged beginning of CRs

    time_US_on: float
        time when US is considered to induce have a UR

    eye_traces: ndarray 
        normalized eyelid traces

    trigs: dict
        dictionary containing various subdivision of the triggers according to behavioral responses

        'idxCSUSCR': index of trials with  CS+US with CR
        'idxCSUSNOCR': index of trials with  CS+US without CR
        'idxNOCR': index of trials with no CRs
        'idxCR': index of trials with CRs

    #normalize by max amplitudes at US    

    eye_traces=old_div(traces,np.nanmax(np.nanmedian(traces[np.hstack([idx_CS_US,idx_US])][:,np.logical_and(time_vect>time_US_on,time_vect<time_US_on +.4 )],0)))

    amplitudes_at_US=np.mean(eye_traces[:,np.logical_and( time_vect > time_CR_on , time_vect <= time_US_on )],1)



    return eye_traces,amplitudes_at_US, trigs
Exemple #19
    def _intersect_nCk(self, mx):
#        import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
        f0fps = np.where(mx[:, 0] > .25)[0]
        f1fps = np.where(mx[:, 1] > .25)[0]
        f2fps, f3fps = np.nonzero(mx[:, 2] > .25)[0], np.nonzero(mx[:, 3] > .25)[0]
        f0_f1_fps, f2_f3_fps = np.intersect1d(f0fps, f1fps), np.intersect1d(f2fps, f3fps)
        intersect_nck = np.union1d(np.intersect1d(f0_f1_fps, f2fps), np.intersect1d(f0_f1_fps, f3fps))
        intersect_nck = np.union1d(intersect_nck,
                         np.union1d(np.intersect1d(f0fps, f2_f3_fps), np.intersect1d(f1fps, f2_f3_fps)))
#        intersect_nck = np.union1d(intersect_nck, f2_f3_fps)
        return intersect_nck
Exemple #20
 def get_obstList(self,X,Y,Z):
     x = np.array(X);
     y = np.array(Y);
     z = np.array(Z);
     xMax = np.max(x);
     xMin = np.min(x); # expect this to be zero
     yMax = np.max(y);
     yMin = np.min(y); # expect this to be zero
     xPitch = self.xPitch
     yPitch = self.yPitch
     xT = self.xT
     yT = self.yT
     zT = self.zT
     gridZ = self.gridZ
     hX = self.hX
     hY = self.hY
     hD = self.hD
     obst_list = [];
     # get x-center of vertical grids
     xC_vGrids = np.linspace(xMin+xT/2.,xMax-xT/2.,((xMax-xMin)/xPitch)+1);
     for i in range(len(xC_vGrids)):
         distX = np.abs(x - xC_vGrids[i]);
         distZ = np.abs(z - gridZ);
         gridObstA = np.where((distX < xT/2.))
         gridObstB = np.where((distZ < zT/2.))
         gridObst = np.intersect1d(gridObstA,gridObstB);
         obst_list = np.union1d(obst_list[:],gridObst)
     # get y-center of horizontal grids
     yC_hGrids = np.linspace(yMin+yT/2.,yMax-yT/2.,((yMax - yMin)/yPitch)+1);
     for i in range(len(yC_hGrids)):
         distY = np.abs(y - yC_hGrids[i]);
         distZ = np.abs(z - gridZ);
         gridObstA = np.where((distY < yT/2.))
         gridObstB = np.where((distZ < zT/2.))
         gridObst = np.intersect1d(gridObstA,gridObstB);
         obst_list = np.union1d(obst_list[:],gridObst)
     # remove grids within the hole region
     distH = np.sqrt((y - hY)**2. + (x - hX)**2.)
     obstH = np.where(distH < hD/2.)
     obst_list = np.setdiff1d(obst_list[:],obstH)
     obst_list = obst_list.astype(np.int)
     return obst_list[:]
    def __init__(self, cpfile1, cpfile2, smapfile, areafile, crop):
        self.cp1 = CropProgressCountyAdapter(cpfile1, smapfile, areafile, crop, 'nadata')
        self.cp2 = CropProgressCountyAdapter(cpfile2, smapfile, areafile, crop, 'data')

        self.year   = append(self.cp1.year, self.cp2.year)
        self.county = union1d(self.cp1.county, self.cp2.county)
        self.state  = union1d(self.cp1.state, self.cp1.state)
        self.per    = self.cp1.per

        if crop == 'wheat.winter':
            self.year = append(self.year - 1, self.year[-1])

        self.crop = crop
Exemple #22
  def getview (self, view, pbar):
  # {{{
    from numpy import arange, min, max, clip
    import numpy as np

    daxis = self.daxis
    Nd = self.shape[daxis]

    # Get integer indices along the differentiation axis
    ind = view.integer_indices[daxis]

    # Want to do the finite difference with values to the left & right
    left = ind-1
    centre = ind
    right = ind+1

    # Truncate to the left & right boundaries
    left[left==-1] = 2
    right[right==Nd] = Nd-3

    # All the points we need to request (unique occurrences only)
    allpoints = np.union1d(left, np.union1d(centre, right))

    allview = view.modify_slice(daxis, allpoints)

    # Get the data and axis values for these points
    allvalues = allview.get(self.var, pbar=pbar)
    allaxis = allview.get(self.dx)

    # Define a map from these unique points back to the left & right arrays
    getleft = np.searchsorted(allpoints,left)
    getcentre = np.searchsorted(allpoints,centre)
    getright = np.searchsorted(allpoints,right)
    # Make this 1D map into the right shape for the view (if multi-dimensional)
    getleft = [slice(None)]*daxis + [getleft] + [slice(None)]*(self.naxes-daxis-1)
    getcentre = [slice(None)]*daxis + [getcentre] + [slice(None)]*(self.naxes-daxis-1)
    getright = [slice(None)]*daxis + [getright] + [slice(None)]*(self.naxes-daxis-1)

    # Finally, get the left & right values, and do the finite difference
    L = allvalues[getleft]
    C = allvalues[getcentre]
    R = allvalues[getright]
    La = allaxis[getleft]
    Ca = allaxis[getcentre]
    Ra = allaxis[getright]

    den = 2. / ((Ra - Ca) * (Ca - La) * (Ra - La))
    dL = (Ra - Ca) * den
    dC = (La - Ra) * den
    dR = (Ca - La) * den
    return np.asarray(dL * L + dC * C + dR * R, self.dtype)
Exemple #23
    def get_matching_pulses(cls, task_pulse_ms, eeg_pulse_ms):
        Finds the pulses in the EEG recording which correspond to the times at which pulses were send on the
        task laptop
        :param task_pulse_ms: Times at which pulses were sent on task
        :param eeg_pulse_ms:  Samples at which pulses were received on eeg system
        :return: matching task pulses, matching eeg pulses, max residual from fit

        # Going to find differences between pulse times that match between task and eeg
        task_diff = np.diff(task_pulse_ms)
        eeg_diff = np.diff(eeg_pulse_ms)

        # We match the beginning and the end separately, then draw a line between them
        logger.debug('Scanning for start window')
        task_start_range, eeg_start_range = cls.find_matching_window(eeg_diff, task_diff, True)

        logger.debug('Scanning for end window')
        task_end_range, eeg_end_range = cls.find_matching_window(eeg_diff, task_diff, False)

        # This whole next part was just for confirming that the fit is good,
        # However, it was never really implemented...
        [slope_start, intercept_start, _, _, _] = cls.get_fit(task_pulse_ms[task_start_range[0]: task_start_range[1]],
                                                              eeg_pulse_ms[eeg_start_range[0]: eeg_start_range[1]])
        [slope_end, intercept_end, _, _, _] = cls.get_fit(task_pulse_ms[task_end_range[0]: task_end_range[1]],
                                                          eeg_pulse_ms[eeg_end_range[0]: eeg_end_range[1]])

        prediction_start = slope_start * task_pulse_ms[task_start_range[0]: task_start_range[1]] + intercept_start
        residuals_start = eeg_pulse_ms[eeg_start_range[0]: eeg_start_range[1]] - prediction_start
        max_residual_start = max(abs(residuals_start))
        logger.debug('Max residual start %.1f' % max_residual_start)

        prediction_end = slope_end * task_pulse_ms[task_end_range[0]: task_end_range[1]] + intercept_end
        residuals_end = eeg_pulse_ms[eeg_end_range[0]: eeg_end_range[1]] - prediction_end
        max_residual_end = max(abs(residuals_end))
        logger.debug('Max residual end %.1f;' % max_residual_end)

        max_residual = max(max_residual_start, max_residual_end)

        # Join the beginning and the end
        task_range = np.union1d(range(task_start_range[0], task_start_range[1]),
                               range(task_end_range[0], task_end_range[1]))
        eeg_range = np.union1d(range(eeg_start_range[0], eeg_start_range[1]),
                                 range(eeg_end_range[0], eeg_end_range[1]))

        # Return the times that were used
        task_pulse_out = task_pulse_ms[task_range]
        eeg_pulse_out = eeg_pulse_ms[eeg_range]

        return task_pulse_out, eeg_pulse_out, max_residual
Exemple #24
def deleteMolecule(atoms,bonds,angles,diheds,molId):
	molbonds = np.array([])
	molangles = np.array([])
	moldiheds = np.array([])
	for atom in molatoms:
		molbonds = np.union1d(molbonds,np.where(((bonds[:,2]==atom)|(bonds[:,3]==atom)))[0])
		molangles = np.union1d(molangles,np.where(((angles[:,2]==atom)|(angles[:,3]==atom)|(angles[:,4]==atom)))[0])
		moldiheds = np.union1d(moldiheds,np.where(((diheds[:,2]==atom)|(diheds[:,3]==atom)|(diheds[:,4]==atom)|(diheds[:,5]==atom)))[0])
	return (newatoms,newbonds,newangles,newdiheds)
Exemple #25
def common_nites_deep(nitelist1,nitelist2,obs1=None,obs2=None,SNRsel1=None,SNRsel2=None,SNRand=0):
    sel1 = np.zeros(len(nitelist1),dtype='bool')
    sel2 = np.zeros(len(nitelist2),dtype='bool')
    cnites = np.array([])
    if SNRsel1 == None:
        for lag in [-1,0,1]:
            goodnites1 = nitelist1 if obs1 is None else (nitelist1[obs1 == 2]+lag)
            goodnites2 = nitelist2 if obs2 is None else nitelist2[obs2 == 2]
            cnites_intersect = np.intersect1d(goodnites1,goodnites2)
            cnites = np.union1d(cnites,cnites_intersect)
            sel1 = sel1 | np.in1d(nitelist1,cnites-lag)
            sel2 = sel2 | np.in1d(nitelist2,cnites)
    elif SNRand == 0: 
        for lag in [-1,0,1]:
            goodnites1 = nitelist1 if obs1 is None else (nitelist1[obs1 == 2]+lag)
            goodnites1SNR = nitelist1 if obs1 is None else (nitelist1[(obs1 == 2) & SNRsel1]+lag)
            goodnites2 = nitelist2 if obs2 is None else nitelist2[obs2 == 2]
            goodnites2SNR = nitelist2 if obs2 is None else (nitelist2[(obs2 == 2) & SNRsel2])
            cnitesSNR1 = np.intersect1d(goodnites1SNR,goodnites2)
            cnitesSNR2 = np.intersect1d(goodnites1,goodnites2SNR)
            cnites_intersect = np.union1d(cnitesSNR1,cnitesSNR2)
            #cnites = np.union1d(cnites,cnites_intersect)
            cnites = np.union1d(np.union1d(cnites,cnites_intersect),np.union1d(cnites,cnites_intersect-lag))
            sel1 = (sel1 | np.in1d(nitelist1,cnites-lag)) & (obs1 == 2)
            sel2 = (sel2 | np.in1d(nitelist2,cnites)) & (obs2 == 2)
    elif SNRand == 1:
        for lag in [-1,0,1]:
            goodnites1SNR = nitelist1 if obs1 is None else (nitelist1[(obs1 == 2) & SNRsel1]+lag)
            goodnites2SNR = nitelist2 if obs2 is None else (nitelist2[(obs2 == 2) & SNRsel2])
            cnites_intersect = np.intersect1d(goodnites1SNR,goodnites2SNR)
            #cnites = np.union1d(cnites,cnites_intersect)
            cnites = np.union1d(np.union1d(cnites,cnites_intersect),np.union1d(cnites,cnites_intersect-lag))
            sel1 = (sel1 | np.in1d(nitelist1,cnites-lag)) & (obs1 == 2)
            sel2 = (sel2 | np.in1d(nitelist2,cnites)) & (obs2 == 2)
    return sel1, sel2,cnites
Exemple #26
    def get_obstList(self,X,Y,Z):
   Define solid areas


	pipe = np.array(np.where((X - 0.6)**2 + (Y - 0.6)**2 >= 0.5**2)).flatten()

	seat = np.array(np.where((X - 0.6)**2 + (Y - 0.6)**2 >= 0.42**2)).flatten()
	seat_start = np.array(np.where(Z >= 2.975)).flatten()
	seat_stop = np.array(np.where(Z <= 3.025)).flatten()
	seat = np.intersect1d(seat[:],seat_start[:])
	seat = np.intersect1d(seat[:],seat_stop[:])

	pivot = np.array(np.where((X - 0.6)**2 + (Z - 3)**2 <= 0.075**2)).flatten()

	#Front Disc
	front_disc = np.array(np.where((Y - 0.6)**2 + (Z - 3)**2 <= 0.5**2)).flatten()
	front_disc_stop = np.array(np.where(Z <= 3.0)).flatten()
	front_disc_x_min = np.array(np.where(X >= 0.525)).flatten()
	front_disc_x_max = np.array(np.where(X <= 0.575)).flatten()

	front_disc = np.intersect1d(front_disc[:],front_disc_stop[:])
	front_disc = np.intersect1d(front_disc[:],front_disc_x_min[:])
	front_disc = np.intersect1d(front_disc[:],front_disc_x_max[:])

	#Back Disc
	back_disc = np.array(np.where((Y - 0.6)**2 + (Z - 3)**2 <= 0.5**2)).flatten()
	back_disc_start = np.array(np.where(Z >= 3.0)).flatten()
	back_disc_x_min = np.array(np.where(X >= 0.625)).flatten()
	back_disc_x_max = np.array(np.where(X <= 0.675)).flatten()

	back_disc = np.intersect1d(back_disc[:],back_disc_start[:])
	back_disc = np.intersect1d(back_disc[:],back_disc_x_min[:])
	back_disc = np.intersect1d(back_disc[:],back_disc_x_max[:])

	#Put the pieces together

	valve = np.union1d(pipe[:],seat[:])
	valve = np.union1d(valve[:],pivot[:])
	valve = np.union1d(valve[:],front_disc[:])
	valve = np.union1d(valve[:],back_disc[:])
	obst_list = valve[:]

        return list(obst_list[:])
Exemple #27
    def testRepCrossValidation(self): 
        numExamples = 10
        folds = 3
        repetitions = 1

        indices = Sampling.repCrossValidation(folds, numExamples, repetitions)
        for i in range(folds):
            self.assertTrue((numpy.union1d(indices[i][0], indices[i][1]) == numpy.arange(numExamples)).all())
        repetitions = 2
        indices = Sampling.repCrossValidation(folds, numExamples, repetitions)
        for i in range(folds):
            self.assertTrue((numpy.union1d(indices[i][0], indices[i][1]) == numpy.arange(numExamples)).all())
def CalcSimilarUsersSongs(userid):
	usersongsset = userDict[userid].keys()
	usersongintersection = p.DataFrame(index = [userid])
	top5similarusers = []
	for otheruserid in userDict.iteritems():
		otherusersongsset = userDict[otheruserid].keys()
		usersongintersection.insert(0, otheruserid, len(np.intersect1d(usersongsset,otherusersongsset, False)), False)
		top5similarusers = usersongintersection.loc[userid][bn.argpartsort(-usersongintersection.loc[userid], 5)[:5]].index.values
	unlistenedsongs = np.array([])
	for userid in top5similarusers:
		otherusersongsset = userDict[otheruserid].keys()
		np.union1d(unlistenedsongs, np.setdiff1d(otherusersongsset, usersongsset))
		if(len(unlistenedsongs) >= 5):
	return unlistenedsongs
Exemple #29
def where_near_rope(demo, xyz, thresh=.04, add_other_points=-1):
    near_rope = []
    traj_len = 0
    for lr in "lr":
      if demo["arms_used"] in ["b", lr]:
        pos = np.array(demo["%s_gripper_tool_frame"%lr]["position"])
        traj_len = len(pos)
        dist_to_rope = ssd.cdist(pos, xyz).min(axis=1)
        close_inds = np.nonzero(dist_to_rope < thresh)[0]
        slice_step = len(close_inds)/50 or 1
        near_rope = np.union1d(near_rope, close_inds[::slice_step])
    if add_other_points > 0:
        near_rope = np.union1d(near_rope, np.arange(0, traj_len, traj_len/add_other_points))
        near_rope = np.union1d(near_rope, [0, traj_len-1])
    return near_rope.astype(int)
Exemple #30
    def setUp(self):

        # boundary and interior node sets


Exemple #31
    def simulate(self,
        Simulate the model. Integrator-specific options may be specified as
        keyword arguments and will be passed on to the integrator.

        numpoints : int
            The number of points for the profiles returned by the simulator.
            Default is 100

        tstep : int or float
            The time step to use in the profiles returned by the simulator.
            This is not the time step used internally by the integrators.
            This is an optional parameter that may be specified in place of

        integrator : string
            The string name of the integrator to use for simulation. The
            default is 'lsoda' when using Scipy and 'idas' when using CasADi

        varying_inputs : ``pyomo.environ.Suffix``
            A :py:class:`Suffix<pyomo.environ.Suffix>` object containing the
            piecewise constant profiles to be used for certain time-varying
            algebraic variables.

        initcon : list of floats
            The initial conditions for the the differential variables. This
            is an optional argument. If not specified then the simulator
            will use the current value of the differential variables at the
            lower bound of the ContinuousSet for the initial condition.

        integrator_options : dict
            Dictionary containing options that should be passed to the
            integrator. See the documentation for a specific integrator for a
            list of valid options.

        numpy array, numpy array
            The first return value is a 1D array of time points corresponding
            to the second return value which is a 2D array of the profiles for
            the simulated differential and algebraic variables.

        if not numpy_available:
            raise ValueError("The numpy module is not available. "
                             "Cannot simulate the model.")

        if integrator_options is None:
            integrator_options = {}

        if self._intpackage == 'scipy':
            # Specify the scipy integrator to use for simulation
            valid_integrators = ['vode', 'zvode', 'lsoda', 'dopri5', 'dop853']
            if integrator is None:
                integrator = 'lsoda'
            elif integrator is 'odeint':
                integrator = 'lsoda'
            # Specify the casadi integrator to use for simulation.
            # Only a subset of these integrators may be used for
            # DAE simulation. We defer this check to CasADi.
            valid_integrators = ['cvodes', 'idas', 'collocation', 'rk']
            if integrator is None:
                integrator = 'idas'

        if integrator not in valid_integrators:
            raise DAE_Error("Unrecognized %s integrator \'%s\'. Please select"
                            " an integrator from %s" %
                            (self._intpackage, integrator, valid_integrators))

        # Set the time step or the number of points for the lists
        # returned by the integrator
        if tstep is not None and \
           tstep > (self._contset.last() - self._contset.first()):
            raise ValueError(
                "The step size %6.2f is larger than the span of the "
                "ContinuousSet %s" % (tstep, self._contset.name()))

        if tstep is not None and numpoints is not None:
            raise ValueError(
                "Cannot specify both the step size and the number of "
                "points for the simulator")
        if tstep is None and numpoints is None:
            # Use 100 points by default
            numpoints = 100

        if tstep is None:
            tsim = np.linspace(self._contset.first(),

            # Consider adding an option for log spaced time points. Can be
            # important for simulating stiff systems.
            # tsim = np.logspace(-4,6, num=100)
            # np.log10(self._contset.first()),np.log10(
            # self._contset.last()),num=1000, endpoint=True)

            tsim = np.arange(self._contset.first(), self._contset.last(),

        switchpts = []
        self._siminputvars = {}
        self._simalgvars = []
        if varying_inputs is not None:
            if type(varying_inputs) is not Suffix:
                raise TypeError(
                    "Varying input values must be specified using a "
                    "Suffix. Please refer to the simulator documentation.")

            for alg in self._algvars:
                if alg._base in varying_inputs:
                    # Find all the switching points
                    switchpts += varying_inputs[alg._base].keys()
                    # Add to dictionary of siminputvars
                    self._siminputvars[alg._base] = alg

            if self._intpackage is 'scipy' and len(self._simalgvars) != 0:
                raise DAE_Error("When simulating with Scipy you must "
                                "provide values for all parameters "
                                "and algebraic variables that are indexed "
                                "by the ContinuoutSet using the "
                                "'varying_inputs' keyword argument. "
                                "Please refer to the simulator documentation "
                                "for more information.")

            # Get the set of unique points
            switchpts = list(set(switchpts))

            # Make sure all the switchpts are within the bounds of
            # the ContinuousSet
            if switchpts[0] < self._contset.first() or \
                            switchpts[-1] > self._contset.last():
                raise ValueError("Found a switching point for one or more of "
                                 "the time-varying inputs that is not within "
                                 "the bounds of the ContinuousSet.")

            # Update tsim to include input switching points
            # This numpy function returns the unique, sorted points
            tsim = np.union1d(tsim, switchpts)
            self._simalgvars = self._algvars

        # Check if initial conditions were provided, otherwise obtain
        # them from the current variable values
        if initcon is not None:
            if len(initcon) > len(self._diffvars):
                raise ValueError(
                    "Too many initial conditions were specified. The "
                    "simulator was expecting a list with %i values." %
            if len(initcon) < len(self._diffvars):
                raise ValueError(
                    "Too few initial conditions were specified. The "
                    "simulator was expecting a list with %i values." %
            initcon = []
            for v in self._diffvars:
                for idx, i in enumerate(v._args):
                    if type(i) is IndexTemplate:
                initpoint = self._contset.first()
                vidx = tuple(v._args[0:idx]) + (initpoint,) + \
                       tuple(v._args[idx + 1:])
                # This line will raise an error if no value was set

        # Call the integrator
        if self._intpackage is 'scipy':
            if not scipy_available:
                raise ValueError("The scipy module is not available. "
                                 "Cannot simulate the model.")
            tsim, profile = self._simulate_with_scipy(initcon, tsim, switchpts,

            if len(switchpts) != 0:
                tsim, profile = \
                    self._simulate_with_casadi_with_inputs(initcon, tsim,
                tsim, profile = \
                    self._simulate_with_casadi_no_inputs(initcon, tsim,

        self._tsim = tsim
        self._simsolution = profile

        return [tsim, profile]
Exemple #32
# <demo> --- stop ---
# Exercise 10
i = x.argmax()
# <demo> --- stop ---
# Exercise 11a
x = array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
y = array([1, 2, 4, 6])
print(y[logical_not(in1d(y, intersect1d(x, y)))])
# <demo> --- stop ---
# Exercise 11b
z = union1d(x, y)
print(z[logical_not(in1d(z, intersect1d(x, y)))])

y = array([nan, 2.2, 3.9, 4.6, nan, 2.4, 6.1, 1.8])
T = sum(logical_not(isnan(y)))
# <demo> --- stop ---
# Exercise 12
Ey2 = nansum(y**2) / T
Ey = nansum(y) / T
nanvar = Ey2 - Ey**2
Exemple #33
 def get_all_nodes(self):
     return np.union1d(
         np.where(self.nodes != 0)[0],
         np.where(self.node_to_n_edges > 0)[0])
elif design == 'CMIPunscaled_SOWs':
SOW_values = np.array([1,1,1,1,0,0]) #Default parameter values for base SOW
realizations = 10
params_no = len(param_names)
problem = {
    'num_vars': params_no,
    'names': param_names,
    'bounds': param_bounds.tolist()

# remove samples no longer in param_bounds
rows_to_keep = np.union1d(np.where(LHsamples[:,0]>=0)[0],np.where(LHsamples[:,0]<=0)[0])
for i in range(params_no):
    within_rows = np.intersect1d(np.where(LHsamples[:,i] >= param_bounds[i][0])[0], np.where(LHsamples[:,i] <= param_bounds[i][1])[0])
    rows_to_keep = np.intersect1d(rows_to_keep,within_rows)

LHsamples = LHsamples[rows_to_keep,:]
samples = len(LHsamples[:,0])

percentiles = np.arange(10, 110, 10)
all_IDs = np.genfromtxt('../Structures_files/metrics_structures.txt',dtype='str').tolist() 
nStructures = len(all_IDs)

# deal with fact that calling result.summary() in statsmodels.api
# calls scipy.stats.chisqprob, which no longer exists
scipy.stats.chisqprob = lambda chisq, df: scipy.stats.chi2.sf(chisq, df)
Exemple #35
# 집합 함수 : 수학의 집합 연산을 수행. 1차원 배열만을 대상
# 배열 요소에서 중복을 제거하고 정렬한 결과 반환 np.unique(), 합집합 np.union1d(), 교집합 np.intersect1d(), 차집합 np.setdified1d()
import numpy as np

arr1 = [2, 5, 7, 9, 5, 2]
arr2 = [2, 5, 8, 3, 1]
# np.unique() 사용해서 new_arr1에 대입
new_arr1 = np.unique(arr1)
print(new_arr1)  # [2 5 7 9]
# 합집합
print(np.union1d(new_arr1, arr2))  # [1 2 3 5 7 8 9]
# 교집합
print(np.intersect1d(new_arr1, arr2))  # [2 5]
# 차집합
print(np.setdiff1d(new_arr1, arr2))  # [7 9]
Exemple #36
def selcomps(seldict, comptable, mmix, manacc, n_echos):
    Classify components in seldict as "accepted," "rejected," "midk," or "ignored."

    The selection process uses previously calculated parameters listed in `seldict`
    for each ICA component such as Kappa (a T2* weighting metric), Rho (an S0 weighting metric),
    and variance explained. See `Notes` for additional calculated metrics used to
    classify each component into one of the four listed groups.

    seldict : :obj:`dict`
        A dictionary with component-specific features used for classification.
        As output from `fitmodels_direct`
    comptable : (C x X) :obj:`pandas.DataFrame`
        Component metric table. One row for each component, with a column for
        each metric. The index should be the component number.
    mmix : (T x C) array_like
        Mixing matrix for converting input data to component space, where `C`
        is components and `T` is the number of volumes in the original data
    manacc : :obj:`list`
        Comma-separated list of indices of manually accepted components
    n_echos : :obj:`int`
        Number of echos in original data

    comptable : :obj:`pandas.DataFrame`
        Updated component table with additional metrics and with
        classification (accepted, rejected, or ignored)

    The selection algorithm used in this function was originated in ME-ICA
    by Prantik Kundu, and his original implementation is available at:

    This component selection process uses multiple, previously calculated metrics that include:
    kappa, rho, variance explained, component spatial weighting maps, noise and spatial
    frequency metrics, and measures of spatial overlap across metrics.

    Prantik began to update these selection criteria to use SVMs to
    distinguish components, a hypercommented version of this attempt is available at:

    cols_at_end = ['classification', 'rationale']
    comptable['classification'] = 'accepted'
    comptable['rationale'] = ''

    Z_maps = seldict['Z_maps']
    Z_clmaps = seldict['Z_clmaps']
    F_R2_maps = seldict['F_R2_maps']
    F_S0_clmaps = seldict['F_S0_clmaps']
    F_R2_clmaps = seldict['F_R2_clmaps']
    Br_S0_clmaps = seldict['Br_S0_clmaps']
    Br_R2_clmaps = seldict['Br_R2_clmaps']

    n_vols, n_comps = mmix.shape

    # Set knobs
    LOW_PERC = 25
    HIGH_PERC = 90
    if n_vols < 100:
        EXTEND_FACTOR = 3
        EXTEND_FACTOR = 2

    # List of components
    midk = []
    ign = []
    all_comps = np.arange(comptable.shape[0])
    # acc remains a full list that is whittled down over criteria
    acc = np.arange(comptable.shape[0])

    # If user has specified
    if manacc:
        acc = sorted([int(vv) for vv in manacc.split(',')])
        rej = sorted(np.setdiff1d(all_comps, acc))
        comptable.loc[acc, 'classification'] = 'accepted'
        comptable.loc[rej, 'classification'] = 'rejected'
        comptable.loc[rej, 'rationale'] += 'I001;'
        # Move decision columns to end
        comptable = comptable[[c for c in comptable if c not in cols_at_end] +
                              [c for c in cols_at_end if c in comptable]]
        comptable['rationale'] = comptable['rationale'].str.rstrip(';')
        return comptable
    Tally number of significant voxels for cluster-extent thresholded R2 and S0
    model F-statistic maps.
    comptable['countsigFR2'] = F_R2_clmaps.sum(axis=0)
    comptable['countsigFS0'] = F_S0_clmaps.sum(axis=0)
    Generate Dice values for R2 and S0 models
    - dice_FR2: Dice value of cluster-extent thresholded maps of R2-model betas
      and F-statistics.
    - dice_FS0: Dice value of cluster-extent thresholded maps of S0-model betas
      and F-statistics.
    comptable['dice_FR2'] = np.zeros(all_comps.shape[0])
    comptable['dice_FS0'] = np.zeros(all_comps.shape[0])
    for i_comp in acc:
        comptable.loc[i_comp, 'dice_FR2'] = utils.dice(Br_R2_clmaps[:, i_comp],
                                                       F_R2_clmaps[:, i_comp])
        comptable.loc[i_comp, 'dice_FS0'] = utils.dice(Br_S0_clmaps[:, i_comp],
                                                       F_S0_clmaps[:, i_comp])

    comptable.loc[np.isnan(comptable['dice_FR2']), 'dice_FR2'] = 0
    comptable.loc[np.isnan(comptable['dice_FS0']), 'dice_FS0'] = 0
    Generate three metrics of component noise:
    - countnoise: Number of "noise" voxels (voxels highly weighted for
      component, but not from clusters)
    - signal-noise_t: T-statistic for two-sample t-test of F-statistics from
      "signal" voxels (voxels in clusters) against "noise" voxels (voxels not
      in clusters) for R2 model.
    - signal-noise_p: P-value from t-test.
    comptable['countnoise'] = 0
    comptable['signal-noise_t'] = 0
    comptable['signal-noise_p'] = 0
    for i_comp in all_comps:
        # index voxels significantly loading on component but not from clusters
        comp_noise_sel = ((np.abs(Z_maps[:, i_comp]) > 1.95) &
                          (Z_clmaps[:, i_comp] == 0))
        comptable.loc[i_comp, 'countnoise'] = np.array(comp_noise_sel,
        # NOTE: Why only compare distributions of *unique* F-statistics?
        noise_FR2_Z = np.log10(np.unique(F_R2_maps[comp_noise_sel, i_comp]))
        signal_FR2_Z = np.log10(
            np.unique(F_R2_maps[Z_clmaps[:, i_comp] == 1, i_comp]))
        (comptable.loc[i_comp, 'signal-noise_t'],
                       'signal-noise_p']) = stats.ttest_ind(signal_FR2_Z,

    comptable.loc[np.isnan(comptable['signal-noise_t']), 'signal-noise_t'] = 0
    comptable.loc[np.isnan(comptable['signal-noise_p']), 'signal-noise_p'] = 0
    Assemble decision table with five metrics:
    - Kappa values ranked from largest to smallest
    - R2-model F-score map/beta map Dice scores ranked from largest to smallest
    - Signal F > Noise F t-statistics ranked from largest to smallest
    - Number of "noise" voxels (voxels highly weighted for component, but not
      from clusters) ranked from smallest to largest
    - Number of voxels with significant R2-model F-scores within clusters
      ranked from largest to smallest

    Smaller values (i.e., higher ranks) across metrics indicate more BOLD
    dependence and less noise.
    d_table_rank = np.vstack([
        n_comps - stats.rankdata(comptable['kappa'], method='ordinal'),
        n_comps - stats.rankdata(comptable['dice_FR2'], method='ordinal'),
        n_comps -
        stats.rankdata(comptable['signal-noise_t'], method='ordinal'),
        stats.rankdata(comptable['countnoise'], method='ordinal'),
        n_comps - stats.rankdata(comptable['countsigFR2'], method='ordinal')
    n_decision_metrics = d_table_rank.shape[1]
    comptable['d_table_score'] = d_table_rank.sum(axis=1)
    Step 1: Reject anything that's obviously an artifact
    a. Estimate a null variance
    # Rho is higher than Kappa
    temp_rej0a = all_comps[(comptable['rho'] > comptable['kappa'])]
    comptable.loc[temp_rej0a, 'classification'] = 'rejected'
    comptable.loc[temp_rej0a, 'rationale'] += 'I002;'

    # Number of significant voxels for S0 model is higher than number for R2
    # model *and* number for R2 model is greater than zero.
    temp_rej0b = all_comps[(
        (comptable['countsigFS0'] > comptable['countsigFR2']) &
        (comptable['countsigFR2'] > 0))]
    comptable.loc[temp_rej0b, 'classification'] = 'rejected'
    comptable.loc[temp_rej0b, 'rationale'] += 'I003;'
    rej = np.union1d(temp_rej0a, temp_rej0b)

    # Dice score for S0 maps is higher than Dice score for R2 maps and variance
    # explained is higher than the median across components.
    temp_rej1 = all_comps[(comptable['dice_FS0'] > comptable['dice_FR2'])
                          & (comptable['variance explained'] > np.median(
                              comptable['variance explained']))]
    comptable.loc[temp_rej1, 'classification'] = 'rejected'
    comptable.loc[temp_rej1, 'rationale'] += 'I004;'
    rej = np.union1d(temp_rej1, rej)

    # T-value is less than zero (noise has higher F-statistics than signal in
    # map) and variance explained is higher than the median across components.
    temp_rej2 = acc[(comptable.loc[acc, 'signal-noise_t'] < 0)
                    & (comptable.loc[acc, 'variance explained'] > np.median(
                        comptable['variance explained']))]
    comptable.loc[temp_rej2, 'classification'] = 'rejected'
    comptable.loc[temp_rej2, 'rationale'] += 'I005;'
    rej = np.union1d(temp_rej2, rej)

    acc = np.setdiff1d(acc, rej)
    Step 2: Make a guess for what the good components are, in order to
    estimate good component properties
    a. Not outlier variance
    b. Kappa>kappa_elbow
    c. Rho<Rho_elbow
    d. High R2* dice compared to S0 dice
    e. Gain of F_R2 in clusters vs noise
    f. Estimate a low and high variance
    # Step 2a
    # Upper limit for variance explained is median across components with high
    # Kappa values. High Kappa is defined as Kappa above Kappa elbow.
    varex_upper_p = np.median(comptable.loc[
        comptable['kappa'] > getelbow(comptable['kappa'], return_val=True),
        'variance explained'])
    ncls = acc.copy()
    # NOTE: We're not sure why this is done, nor why it's specifically done
    # three times. Need to look into this deeper, esp. to make sure the 3
    # isn't a hard-coded reference to the number of echoes.
    # Reduce components to investigate as "good" to ones in which change in
    # variance explained is less than the limit defined above.... What?
    for nn in range(3):
        ncls = comptable.loc[ncls].loc[comptable.loc[
            ncls, 'variance explained'].diff() < varex_upper_p].index.values

    # Compute elbows from other elbows
    kappas_under_f01 = (
        comptable.loc[comptable['kappa'] < utils.getfbounds(n_echos)[-1],
    # NOTE: Would an elbow from all Kappa values *ever* be lower than one from
    # a subset of lower values?
    kappa_elbow = np.min((getelbow(kappas_under_f01, return_val=True),
                          getelbow(comptable['kappa'], return_val=True)))
    rho_elbow = np.mean(
        (getelbow(comptable.loc[ncls, 'rho'], return_val=True),
                  return_val=True), utils.getfbounds(n_echos)[0]))

    # Provisionally accept components based on Kappa and Rho elbows
    acc_prov = ncls[(comptable.loc[ncls, 'kappa'] >= kappa_elbow)
                    & (comptable.loc[ncls, 'rho'] < rho_elbow)]

    if len(acc_prov) == 0:
        LGR.warning('No BOLD-like components detected')
        ign = sorted(np.setdiff1d(all_comps, rej))
        comptable.loc[ign, 'classification'] = 'ignored'
        comptable.loc[ign, 'rationale'] += 'I006;'

        # Move decision columns to end
        comptable = comptable[[c for c in comptable if c not in cols_at_end] +
                              [c for c in cols_at_end if c in comptable]]
        comptable['rationale'] = comptable['rationale'].str.rstrip(';')
        return comptable

    # Calculate "rate" for kappa: kappa range divided by variance explained
    # range, for potentially accepted components
    # NOTE: What is the logic behind this?
    kappa_rate = ((np.max(comptable.loc[acc_prov, 'kappa']) -
                   np.min(comptable.loc[acc_prov, 'kappa'])) /
                  (np.max(comptable.loc[acc_prov, 'variance explained']) -
                   np.min(comptable.loc[acc_prov, 'variance explained'])))
    kappa_ratios = kappa_rate * comptable['variance explained'] / comptable[
    varex_lower = stats.scoreatpercentile(
        comptable.loc[acc_prov, 'variance explained'], LOW_PERC)
    varex_upper = stats.scoreatpercentile(
        comptable.loc[acc_prov, 'variance explained'], HIGH_PERC)
    Step 3: Get rid of midk components; i.e., those with higher than
    max decision score and high variance
    max_good_d_score = EXTEND_FACTOR * len(acc_prov) * n_decision_metrics
    midk = acc[(comptable.loc[acc, 'd_table_score'] > max_good_d_score)
               & (comptable.loc[acc, 'variance explained'] > EXTEND_FACTOR *
    comptable.loc[midk, 'classification'] = 'rejected'
    comptable.loc[midk, 'rationale'] += 'I007;'
    acc = np.setdiff1d(acc, midk)
    acc_prov = np.setdiff1d(acc_prov, midk)
    Step 4: Find components to ignore
    high_varex = np.union1d(
        acc_prov, acc[comptable.loc[acc, 'variance explained'] > varex_lower])
    ign = np.setdiff1d(acc, high_varex)  # ignore low variance components
    ign = np.setdiff1d(
        ign, ign[comptable.loc[ign, 'd_table_score'] < max_good_d_score])
    ign = np.setdiff1d(ign, ign[comptable.loc[ign, 'kappa'] > kappa_elbow])
    comptable.loc[ign, 'classification'] = 'ignored'
    comptable.loc[ign, 'rationale'] += 'I008;'
    acc = np.setdiff1d(acc, ign)
    Step 5: Scrub the set if there are components that haven't been rejected or
    ignored, but are still not listed in the possible accepted group.
    if len(acc) > len(acc_prov):
        comptable['d_table_score_scrub'] = np.nan
        # Recompute the midk steps on the limited set to clean up the tail
        d_table_rank = np.vstack([
            len(acc) -
            stats.rankdata(comptable.loc[acc, 'kappa'], method='ordinal'),
            len(acc) -
            stats.rankdata(comptable.loc[acc, 'dice_FR2'], method='ordinal'),
            len(acc) - stats.rankdata(comptable.loc[acc, 'signal-noise_t'],
            stats.rankdata(comptable.loc[acc, 'countnoise'], method='ordinal'),
            len(acc) -
            stats.rankdata(comptable.loc[acc, 'countsigFR2'], method='ordinal')
        comptable.loc[acc, 'd_table_score_scrub'] = d_table_rank.sum(1)
        num_acc_guess = int(
                np.sum((comptable.loc[acc, 'kappa'] > kappa_elbow)
                       & (comptable.loc[acc, 'rho'] < rho_elbow)),
                np.sum(comptable.loc[acc, 'kappa'] > kappa_elbow)
        conservative_guess = num_acc_guess * n_decision_metrics / RESTRICT_FACTOR

        # Rejection candidate based on artifact type A: candartA
        candartA = np.intersect1d(
                              'd_table_score_scrub'] > conservative_guess],
            acc[kappa_ratios[acc] > EXTEND_FACTOR * 2])
        candartA = np.intersect1d(
                                   'variance explained'] > varex_upper *
        comptable.loc[candartA, 'classification'] = 'rejected'
        comptable.loc[candartA, 'rationale'] += 'I009;'
        midk = np.union1d(midk, candartA)

        # Rejection candidate based on artifact type B: candartB
        candartB = comptable.loc[acc].loc[
            comptable.loc[acc, 'd_table_score_scrub'] > num_acc_guess *
            n_decision_metrics * HIGH_PERC / 100.].index.values
        candartB = np.intersect1d(
                                   'variance explained'] > varex_lower *
        comptable.loc[candartB, 'classification'] = 'rejected'
        comptable.loc[candartB, 'rationale'] += 'I010;'
        midk = np.union1d(midk, candartB)

        # Find components to ignore
        new_varex_lower = stats.scoreatpercentile(
            comptable.loc[acc[:num_acc_guess], 'variance explained'], LOW_PERC)
        candart = comptable.loc[acc].loc[
            comptable.loc[acc, 'd_table_score_scrub'] > num_acc_guess *
        ign_add0 = np.intersect1d(
                                  'variance explained'] > new_varex_lower],
        ign_add0 = np.setdiff1d(ign_add0, midk)
        comptable.loc[ign_add0, 'classification'] = 'ignored'
        comptable.loc[ign_add0, 'rationale'] += 'I011;'
        ign = np.union1d(ign, ign_add0)

        ign_add1 = np.intersect1d(
            acc[comptable.loc[acc, 'kappa'] <= kappa_elbow],
            acc[comptable.loc[acc, 'variance explained'] > new_varex_lower])
        ign_add1 = np.setdiff1d(ign_add1, midk)
        comptable.loc[ign_add1, 'classification'] = 'ignored'
        comptable.loc[ign_add1, 'rationale'] += 'I012;'

    # Move decision columns to end
    comptable = comptable[[c for c in comptable if c not in cols_at_end] +
                          [c for c in cols_at_end if c in comptable]]
    comptable['rationale'] = comptable['rationale'].str.rstrip(';')
    return comptable
def estimate_w_CK__given_pi_DK(dataset=None,
    """ Estimate regression weights from provided probability features.

    Uses sklearn's regularized regressors under the hood.

    w_CK : 2D array, size C x K
        Regression weights

    K = pi_DK.shape[1]
    C = int(dataset['n_labels'])
    if verbose:
        pprint('%s Fitting %d regressions...' % (prefix, C))

    w_CK = np.zeros((C, K))

    u_y_vals = np.unique(dataset['y_DC'].flatten())
    if u_y_vals.size <= 2 and np.union1d([0.0, 1.0], u_y_vals).size == 2:
        output_data_type = 'binary'
        output_data_type = 'real'

    if 'y_rowmask' in dataset:
        y_DC = dataset['y_DC'][1 == dataset['y_rowmask']]
        pi_DK = pi_DK[1 == dataset['y_rowmask']]
        u_y_vals = np.unique(y_DC.sum(axis=1))
        assert u_y_vals.size > 1
        y_DC = dataset['y_DC']

    for c in range(C):
        # Do a quick regression to get initial weights!
        if output_data_type.count('binary') > 0:
            clf = LogisticRegression(
                C=0.5 / lambda_w,
            clf = RidgeRegression(

        clf.fit(pi_DK, y_DC[:, c])
        w_CK[c] = clf.coef_
        if verbose:
            pprint('  w_CK[%d, :5]=' % c +
                   ' '.join(['% .2f' % w for w in w_CK[c, :5]]))
            pprint('  label id %d / %d done with lambda_w = %.5f' %
                   (c + 1, C, lambda_w))
    return w_CK
Exemple #38
    def _detect_outliers_core(self, imgfile, motionfile, runidx, cwd=None):
        Core routine for detecting outliers
        if not cwd:
            cwd = os.getcwd()

        # read in functional image
        if isinstance(imgfile, str):
            nim = load(imgfile)
        elif isinstance(imgfile, list):
            if len(imgfile) == 1:
                nim = load(imgfile[0])
                images = [load(f) for f in imgfile]
                nim = funcs.concat_images(images)

        # compute global intensity signal
        (x, y, z, timepoints) = nim.get_shape()

        data = nim.get_data()
        affine = nim.get_affine()
        g = np.zeros((timepoints, 1))
        masktype = self.inputs.mask_type
        if masktype == 'spm_global':  # spm_global like calculation
            iflogger.debug('art: using spm global')
            intersect_mask = self.inputs.intersect_mask
            if intersect_mask:
                mask = np.ones((x, y, z), dtype=bool)
                for t0 in range(timepoints):
                    vol = data[:, :, :, t0]
                    # Use an SPM like approach
                    mask_tmp = vol > \
                               (_nanmean(vol) / self.inputs.global_threshold)
                    mask = mask * mask_tmp
                for t0 in range(timepoints):
                    vol = data[:, :, :, t0]
                    g[t0] = _nanmean(vol[mask])
                if len(find_indices(mask)) < (np.prod((x, y, z)) / 10):
                    intersect_mask = False
                    g = np.zeros((timepoints, 1))
            if not intersect_mask:
                iflogger.info('not intersect_mask is True')
                mask = np.zeros((x, y, z, timepoints))
                for t0 in range(timepoints):
                    vol = data[:, :, :, t0]
                    mask_tmp = vol > \
                                 (_nanmean(vol) / self.inputs.global_threshold)
                    mask[:, :, :, t0] = mask_tmp
                    g[t0] = np.nansum(vol * mask_tmp)/np.nansum(mask_tmp)
        elif masktype == 'file':  # uses a mask image to determine intensity
            maskimg = load(self.inputs.mask_file)
            mask = maskimg.get_data()
            affine = maskimg.get_affine()
            mask = mask > 0.5
            for t0 in range(timepoints):
                vol = data[:, :, :, t0]
                g[t0] = _nanmean(vol[mask])
        elif masktype == 'thresh':  # uses a fixed signal threshold
            for t0 in range(timepoints):
                vol = data[:, :, :, t0]
                mask = vol > self.inputs.mask_threshold
                g[t0] = _nanmean(vol[mask])
            mask = np.ones((x, y, z))
            g = _nanmean(data[mask > 0, :], 1)

        # compute normalized intensity values
        gz = signal.detrend(g, axis=0)  # detrend the signal
        if self.inputs.use_differences[1]:
            gz = np.concatenate((np.zeros((1, 1)), np.diff(gz, n=1, axis=0)),
        gz = (gz - np.mean(gz)) / np.std(gz)  # normalize the detrended signal
        iidx = find_indices(abs(gz) > self.inputs.zintensity_threshold)

        # read in motion parameters
        mc_in = np.loadtxt(motionfile)
        mc = deepcopy(mc_in)

        (artifactfile, intensityfile, statsfile, normfile, plotfile,
         displacementfile, maskfile) = self._get_output_filenames(imgfile, cwd)
        mask_img = Nifti1Image(mask.astype(np.uint8), affine)

        if self.inputs.use_norm:
            brain_pts = None
            if self.inputs.bound_by_brainmask:
                voxel_coords = np.nonzero(mask)
                coords = np.vstack((voxel_coords[0],
                brain_pts = np.dot(affine,
                                              np.ones((coords.shape[0], 1)))).T)
            # calculate the norm of the motion parameters
            normval, displacement = _calc_norm(mc,
            tidx = find_indices(normval > self.inputs.norm_threshold)
            ridx = find_indices(normval < 0)
            if displacement is not None:
                dmap = np.zeros((x, y, z, timepoints), dtype=np.float)
                for i in range(timepoints):
                         voxel_coords[2], i] = displacement[i, :]
                dimg = Nifti1Image(dmap, affine)
            if self.inputs.use_differences[0]:
                mc = np.concatenate((np.zeros((1, 6)),
                                     np.diff(mc_in, n=1, axis=0)),
            traval = mc[:, 0:3]  # translation parameters (mm)
            rotval = mc[:, 3:6]  # rotation parameters (rad)
            tidx = find_indices(np.sum(abs(traval) >
                                       self.inputs.translation_threshold, 1)
                                > 0)
            ridx = find_indices(np.sum(abs(rotval) >
                                       self.inputs.rotation_threshold, 1) > 0)

        outliers = np.unique(np.union1d(iidx, np.union1d(tidx, ridx)))

        # write output to outputfile
        np.savetxt(artifactfile, outliers, fmt='%d', delimiter=' ')
        np.savetxt(intensityfile, g, fmt='%.2f', delimiter=' ')
        if self.inputs.use_norm:
            np.savetxt(normfile, normval, fmt='%.4f', delimiter=' ')

        if isdefined(self.inputs.save_plot) and self.inputs.save_plot:
            import matplotlib
            matplotlib.use(config.get("execution", "matplotlib_backend"))
            import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
            fig = plt.figure()
            if isdefined(self.inputs.use_norm) and self.inputs.use_norm:
            self._plot_outliers_with_wave(gz, iidx, 'Intensity')
            if isdefined(self.inputs.use_norm) and self.inputs.use_norm:
                self._plot_outliers_with_wave(normval, np.union1d(tidx, ridx),
                                              'Norm (mm)')
                diff = ''
                if self.inputs.use_differences[0]:
                    diff = 'diff'
                self._plot_outliers_with_wave(traval, tidx,
                                              'Translation (mm)' + diff)
                self._plot_outliers_with_wave(rotval, ridx,
                                              'Rotation (rad)' + diff)

        motion_outliers = np.union1d(tidx, ridx)
        stats = [{'motion_file': motionfile,
                  'functional_file': imgfile},
                 {'common_outliers': len(np.intersect1d(iidx, motion_outliers)),
                  'intensity_outliers': len(np.setdiff1d(iidx,
                  'motion_outliers': len(np.setdiff1d(motion_outliers, iidx)),
         {'motion': [{'using differences': self.inputs.use_differences[0]},
                      {'mean': np.mean(mc_in, axis=0).tolist(),
                       'min': np.min(mc_in, axis=0).tolist(),
                       'max': np.max(mc_in, axis=0).tolist(),
                       'std': np.std(mc_in, axis=0).tolist()},
         {'intensity': [{'using differences': self.inputs.use_differences[1]},
                         {'mean': np.mean(gz, axis=0).tolist(),
                          'min': np.min(gz, axis=0).tolist(),
                          'max': np.max(gz, axis=0).tolist(),
                          'std': np.std(gz, axis=0).tolist()},
        if self.inputs.use_norm:
            stats.insert(3, {'motion_norm':
                                 {'mean': np.mean(normval, axis=0).tolist(),
                                  'min': np.min(normval, axis=0).tolist(),
                                  'max': np.max(normval, axis=0).tolist(),
                                  'std': np.std(normval, axis=0).tolist(),
        save_json(statsfile, stats)
def connected_components_analysis(g, er_g, ba_g):
    if nx.is_strongly_connected(g):
        print '\nThe original network is strongly connected with ' + \
            str(nx.number_strongly_connected_components(g)) + ' strongly ' \
            'connected components'
    elif nx.is_weakly_connected(g):
        print '\nThe original network is weakly connected with ' + \
            str(nx.number_weakly_connected_components(g)) + \
            ' weakly connected components'
        print '\nThe original network is neither strongly connected nor ' + \
            'weakly connected'

    if nx.is_strongly_connected(er_g):
        print 'The Erdős–Rényi network is strongly connected with ' + \
            str(nx.number_strongly_connected_components(er_g)) + ' strongly ' \
            'connected components'
    elif nx.is_weakly_connected(er_g):
        print 'The Erdős–Rényi is weakly connected with ' + \
            str(nx.number_weakly_connected_components(er_g)) + \
            ' weakly connected components'
        print 'The Erdős–Rényi is neither strongly connected nor weakly ' + \

    if nx.is_connected(ba_g):
        print 'The Barabási–Albert network is connected with ' + \
            str(nx.number_connected_components(ba_g)) + \
            ' connected components'
        print 'The Barabási–Albert is not connected'

    g_weak = collections.Counter(len(c)
                                 for c in nx.weakly_connected_components(g))
    g_strong = collections.Counter(
        len(c)for c in nx.strongly_connected_components(g)
    er_weak = collections.Counter(len(c) for c in nx.
    er_strong = collections.Counter(len(c) for c in nx.

    x_weak = list(np.union1d(g_weak.keys(), er_weak.keys()))
    x_strong = list(np.union1d(g_strong.keys(), er_strong.keys()))

            [g_weak[k] if k in g_weak else 0 for k in x_weak],
            color='tomato', label='Orginal', alpha=.5)
            [er_weak[k] if k in er_weak else 0 for k in x_weak],
            color='steelblue', label=u'Erdős–Rényi', alpha=.5)
    plt.xticks(range(len(x_weak)), x_weak)
    plt.title('Weakly connected components by length')
    plt.ylabel('Connected components')

            [g_strong[k] if k in g_strong else 0 for k in x_strong],
            color='tomato', label='Original', log=True, alpha=.5)
            [er_strong[k] if k in er_strong else 0 for k in x_strong],
            color='steelblue', label=u'Erdős–Rényi', log=True, alpha=.5)
    plt.xticks(range(len(x_strong)), x_strong)
    plt.title('Strongly connected components by length')
    plt.ylabel('Connected components')
    plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.125, right=0.9, bottom=0.1, top=1.4, wspace=0.2,
    plt.savefig('./imgs/connectivity.pdf', format='pdf')
Exemple #40
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        self.instrument = kwargs.get('instrument', 'nirspec')
        if self.instrument == 'nirspec':
            self.name = kwargs.get('name')
            self.order = kwargs.get('order')
            self.path = kwargs.get('path')
            self.applymask = kwargs.get('applymask', False)
            #self.manaulmask = kwargs('manaulmask', False)

            if self.path == None:
                self.path = './'

            fullpath = self.path + '/' + self.name + '_' + str(
                self.order) + '_all.fits'

            hdulist = fits.open(fullpath, ignore_missing_end=True)

            #The indices 0 to 3 correspond to wavelength, flux, noise, and sky
            self.header = hdulist[0].header
            self.wave = hdulist[0].data
            self.flux = hdulist[1].data
            self.noise = hdulist[2].data
                self.sky = hdulist[3].data
            except IndexError:
                print("No sky line data.")
                self.sky = np.zeros(self.wave.shape)

            self.mask = []

            # define a list for storing the best wavelength shift
            self.bestshift = []

            # store the original parameters
            self.oriWave = hdulist[0].data
            self.oriFlux = hdulist[1].data
            self.oriNoise = hdulist[2].data

        elif self.instrument == 'apogee':
            self.name = kwargs.get('name')
            self.path = kwargs.get('path')
            self.datatype = kwargs.get('datatype', 'aspcap')
            self.applymask = kwargs.get('applymask', False)
            self.applytell = kwargs.get('applytell', False)
            self.chip = kwargs.get('chip', 'all')

            hdulist = fits.open(self.path)

            if self.datatype == 'aspcap':
                crval1 = hdulist[1].header['CRVAL1']
                cdelt1 = hdulist[1].header['CDELT1']
                naxis1 = hdulist[1].header['NAXIS1']
                self.header4 = hdulist[4].header
                self.param = hdulist[4].data['PARAM']
                self.wave = np.array(
                    pow(10, crval1 + cdelt1 * np.arange(naxis1)))
                self.oriWave = np.array(
                    pow(10, crval1 + cdelt1 * np.arange(naxis1)))
                self.flux = np.array(hdulist[1].data)
                self.noise = np.array(hdulist[2].data)

            elif self.datatype == 'ap1d':
                self.header4 = hdulist[4].header
                self.header5 = hdulist[5].header
                # use aspcap data as wavelength calibrators
                self.wave = np.array(hdulist[4].data)
                self.flux = np.array(hdulist[1].data)
                self.noise = np.array(hdulist[2].data)
                # store the original parameters
                self.oriWave = np.array(hdulist[4].data)
                self.oriFlux = np.array(hdulist[1].data)
                self.oriNoise = np.array(hdulist[2].data)

            elif self.datatype == 'apvisit':
                self.header1 = hdulist[1].header
                self.header2 = hdulist[2].header
                self.header3 = hdulist[3].header
                self.header4 = hdulist[4].header
                self.header5 = hdulist[5].header
                self.header6 = hdulist[6].header
                self.header7 = hdulist[7].header
                self.header8 = hdulist[8].header
                self.header9 = hdulist[9].header
                self.header10 = hdulist[10].header

                # read the bitmask
                self.bitmask = hdulist[3].data

                #import bitmask
                # chip a
                if self.chip == 'all' or self.chip == 'a':
                    mask_0 = []
                    for i in range(len(hdulist[3].data[0])):
                        bitmask = smart.bits_set(hdulist[3].data[0][i])
                        if (0 in bitmask) or (1 in bitmask) or (2 in bitmask) or \
                        (3 in bitmask) or (4 in bitmask) or (5 in bitmask) or \
                        (6 in bitmask) or (12 in bitmask) or (14 in bitmask):

                # chip b
                if self.chip == 'all' or self.chip == 'b':
                    mask_1 = []
                    for i in range(len(hdulist[3].data[1])):
                        bitmask = smart.bits_set(hdulist[3].data[1][i])
                        if (0 in bitmask) or (1 in bitmask) or (2 in bitmask) or \
                        (3 in bitmask) or (4 in bitmask) or (5 in bitmask) or \
                        (6 in bitmask) or (12 in bitmask) or (14 in bitmask):

                # chip c
                if self.chip == 'all' or self.chip == 'c':
                    mask_2 = []
                    for i in range(len(hdulist[3].data[2])):
                        bitmask = smart.bits_set(hdulist[3].data[2][i])
                        if (0 in bitmask) or (1 in bitmask) or (2 in bitmask) or \
                        (3 in bitmask) or (4 in bitmask) or (5 in bitmask) or \
                        (6 in bitmask) or (12 in bitmask) or (14 in bitmask):

                if self.chip == 'all':
                    self.wave = np.array(
                        list(np.delete(hdulist[4].data[0], mask_0)) +
                        list(np.delete(hdulist[4].data[1], mask_1)) +
                        list(np.delete(hdulist[4].data[2], mask_2)))
                    self.flux = np.array(
                        list(np.delete(hdulist[1].data[0], mask_0)) +
                        list(np.delete(hdulist[1].data[1], mask_1)) +
                        list(np.delete(hdulist[1].data[2], mask_2)))
                    self.noise = np.array(
                        list(np.delete(hdulist[2].data[0], mask_0)) +
                        list(np.delete(hdulist[2].data[1], mask_1)) +
                        list(np.delete(hdulist[2].data[2], mask_2)))
                    self.sky = np.array(
                        list(hdulist[5].data[0]) + list(hdulist[5].data[1]) +
                    self.skynoise = np.array(
                        list(hdulist[6].data[0]) + list(hdulist[6].data[1]) +
                    self.tell = np.array(
                        list(np.delete(hdulist[7].data[0], mask_0)) +
                        list(np.delete(hdulist[7].data[1], mask_1)) +
                        list(np.delete(hdulist[7].data[2], mask_2)))
                    self.tellnoise = np.array(
                        list(np.delete(hdulist[8].data[0], mask_0)) +
                        list(np.delete(hdulist[8].data[1], mask_1)) +
                        list(np.delete(hdulist[8].data[2], mask_2)))

                    # store the original parameters
                    self.oriWave = np.array(
                        list(hdulist[4].data[0]) + list(hdulist[4].data[1]) +
                    self.oriFlux = np.array(
                        list(hdulist[1].data[0]) + list(hdulist[1].data[1]) +
                    self.oriNoise = np.array(
                        list(hdulist[2].data[0]) + list(hdulist[2].data[1]) +

                elif self.chip == 'a':
                    self.wave = np.array(
                        list(np.delete(hdulist[4].data[0], mask_0)))
                    self.flux = np.array(
                        list(np.delete(hdulist[1].data[0], mask_0)))
                    self.noise = np.array(
                        list(np.delete(hdulist[2].data[0], mask_0)))
                    self.sky = np.array(list(hdulist[5].data[0]))
                    self.skynoise = np.array(list(hdulist[6].data[0]))
                    self.tell = np.array(
                        list(np.delete(hdulist[7].data[0], mask_0)))
                    self.tellnoise = np.array(
                        list(np.delete(hdulist[8].data[0], mask_0)))

                    # store the original parameters
                    self.oriWave = np.array(list(hdulist[4].data[0]))
                    self.oriFlux = np.array(list(hdulist[1].data[0]))
                    self.oriNoise = np.array(list(hdulist[2].data[0]))

                elif self.chip == 'b':
                    self.wave = np.array(
                        list(np.delete(hdulist[4].data[1], mask_1)))
                    self.flux = np.array(
                        list(np.delete(hdulist[1].data[1], mask_1)))
                    self.noise = np.array(
                        list(np.delete(hdulist[2].data[1], mask_1)))
                    self.sky = np.array(list(hdulist[5].data[1]))
                    self.skynoise = np.array(list(hdulist[6].data[1]))
                    self.tell = np.array(
                        list(np.delete(hdulist[7].data[1], mask_1)))
                    self.tellnoise = np.array(
                        list(np.delete(hdulist[8].data[1], mask_1)))

                    # store the original parameters
                    self.oriWave = np.array(list(hdulist[4].data[1]))
                    self.oriFlux = np.array(list(hdulist[1].data[1]))
                    self.oriNoise = np.array(list(hdulist[2].data[1]))

                elif self.chip == 'c':
                    self.wave = np.array(
                        list(np.delete(hdulist[4].data[2], mask_2)))
                    self.flux = np.array(
                        list(np.delete(hdulist[1].data[2], mask_2)))
                    self.noise = np.array(
                        list(np.delete(hdulist[2].data[2], mask_2)))
                    self.sky = np.array(list(hdulist[5].data[2]))
                    self.skynoise = np.array(list(hdulist[6].data[2]))
                    self.tell = np.array(
                        list(np.delete(hdulist[7].data[2], mask_2)))
                    self.tellnoise = np.array(
                        list(np.delete(hdulist[8].data[2], mask_2)))

                    # store the original parameters
                    self.oriWave = np.array(list(hdulist[4].data[2]))
                    self.oriFlux = np.array(list(hdulist[1].data[2]))
                    self.oriNoise = np.array(list(hdulist[2].data[2]))

                if self.applytell:
                    self.flux *= self.tell
                self.wavecoeff = hdulist[9].data
                self.lsfcoeff = hdulist[10].data

                if self.wave[0] > self.wave[-1]:
                    self.wave = self.wave[::-1]
                    self.flux = self.flux[::-1]
                    self.noise = self.noise[::-1]
                    self.sky = self.sky[::-1]
                    self.skynoise = self.skynoise[::-1]
                    self.tell = self.tell[::-1]
                    self.tellnoise = self.tellnoise[::-1]
                    self.oriWave = self.oriWave[::-1]
                    self.oriFlux = self.oriFlux[::-1]
                    self.oriNoise = self.oriNoise[::-1]

                # to separate the continuum end points
                self.oriWave0 = hdulist[4].data
                self.oriFlux0 = hdulist[1].data

                ## APOGEE APVISIT has corrected the telluric absorption; the forward-modeling routine needs to put it back
                #self.flux     *= self.tell

            elif self.datatype == 'apstar':
                crval1 = hdulist[0].header['CRVAL1']
                cdelt1 = hdulist[0].header['CDELT1']
                naxis1 = hdulist[0].header['NWAVE']
                self.header4 = hdulist[4].header
                self.header5 = hdulist[5].header
                self.header6 = hdulist[6].header
                self.header7 = hdulist[7].header
                self.header8 = hdulist[8].header
                self.header9 = hdulist[9].header


                self.wave = np.array(
                    pow(10, crval1 + cdelt1 * np.arange(1, naxis1 + 1)))
                self.flux = hdulist[1].data
                self.noise = hdulist[2].data
                self.sky = hdulist[4].data
                self.skynoise = hdulist[5].data
                self.tell = hdulist[6].data
                self.tellnoise = hdulist[7].data
                self.lsfcoeff = hdulist[8].data
                self.binary = hdulist[9].data

                # store the original parameters
                self.oriWave = np.array(
                    pow(10, crval1 + cdelt1 * np.arange(1, naxis1 + 1)))
                self.oriFlux = hdulist[1].data
                self.oriNoise = hdulist[2].data

                ## APOGEE APVISIT has corrected the telluric absorption; the forward-modeling routine needs to put it back
                #self.flux     *= self.tell

            self.header = hdulist[0].header
            self.header1 = hdulist[1].header
            self.header2 = hdulist[2].header
            self.header3 = hdulist[3].header

            self.model = np.array(hdulist[3].data)
            self.mask = []

        elif self.instrument == 'igrins':
            self.name = kwargs.get('name')
            self.order = kwargs.get('order')
            self.path = kwargs.get('path')
            self.applymask = kwargs.get('applymask', False)
            #self.manaulmask = kwargs('manaulmask', False)

            if self.path == None:
                self.path = './'

            fullpath = self.path + '/' + self.name + '_' + str(
                self.order) + '.fits'

            hdulist = fits.open(fullpath, ignore_missing_end=True)

            #The indices 0 to 3 correspond to wavelength, flux, noise, and sky
            self.header = hdulist[0].header
            self.wave = hdulist[0].data * 10000.0  # convert to Angstrom
            self.flux = hdulist[1].data
            self.noise = hdulist[2].data

        if self.applymask:
            # set up masking criteria
            self.avgFlux = np.mean(self.flux)
            self.stdFlux = np.std(self.flux)

            self.smoothFlux = self.flux
            # set the outliers as the flux below
            #self.smoothFlux[self.smoothFlux <= self.avgFlux - 2 * self.stdFlux] = 0
            #self.smoothFlux[ np.abs(self.smoothFlux - self.avgFlux ) <= 2 * self.stdFlux] = 0

            self.mask = np.where(
                np.abs(self.flux - self.avgFlux) >= 3. * self.stdFlux)

            if self.instrument == 'apogee':
                #self.mask = np.union1d(self.mask[0],np.where(self.noise >= self.flux)[0])
                noise_median = np.median(self.noise)
                self.mask = np.union1d(
                    np.where(self.noise >= 3. * noise_median)[0])
            self.wave = np.delete(self.wave, list(self.mask))
            self.flux = np.delete(self.flux, list(self.mask))
            self.noise = np.delete(self.noise, list(self.mask))

            if self.instrument == 'nirspec':
                self.sky = np.delete(self.sky, list(self.mask))
            self.mask = self.mask[0]
Exemple #41
               if(total_sum > min_val):
                 min_val = total_sum
                 m_min = m
                 c_min = c
                 y_min = y
                 x_min = x

      for m in range(m_min, m_min+args.m):
        for c in range(c_min, c_min+args.c):
          for y in range(y_min, y_min+args.y):
            for x in range(x_min, x_min+args.x):
              prune_weight(net, layer_name, m, c, y, x)
              pruning_signals[layer_name] = net.layer_dict[layer_name].blobs[0].data[m][c][y][x]
              prune_state[layer_name] = np.union1d(prune_state[layer_name], pruning_signals[layer_name])
              #make the 
    test_acc, ce_loss = test(pruning_solver, args.test_iterations, args.accuracy_layer_name, args.loss_layer_name)
    removed_weights = 0
    total_weights = 0
    for layer_name in layer_list:
      removed_weights += prune_state[layer_name].size
      total_weights += net.layer_dict[layer_name].blobs[0].data.size
      print("Test accuracy:", test_acc)
      print("Removed", removed_weights, "of", total_weights, "weights", " in layer ", layer_name)

def convert_btag_csv_file(csvFilePath):
    btag_f = open(csvFilePath)
    nameandcols = btag_f.readline().split(';')
    name = nameandcols[0].strip()
    columns = nameandcols[1].strip()
    columns = [column.strip() for column in columns.split(',')]

    corrections = np.genfromtxt(csvFilePath,
                                    1: lambda s: s.strip(),
                                    2: lambda s: s.strip(),
                                    10: lambda s: s.strip(' "')

    all_names = corrections[[columns[i] for i in range(4)]]
    labels = np.unique(corrections[[columns[i] for i in range(4)]])
    names_and_bins = np.unique(
        corrections[[columns[i] for i in [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8]]])
    wrapped_up = {}
    for label in labels:
        etaMins = np.unique(
            corrections[np.where(all_names == label)][columns[4]])
        etaMaxs = np.unique(
            corrections[np.where(all_names == label)][columns[5]])
        etaBins = np.union1d(etaMins, etaMaxs)
        ptMins = np.unique(
            corrections[np.where(all_names == label)][columns[6]])
        ptMaxs = np.unique(
            corrections[np.where(all_names == label)][columns[7]])
        ptBins = np.union1d(ptMins, ptMaxs)
        discrMins = np.unique(
            corrections[np.where(all_names == label)][columns[8]])
        discrMaxs = np.unique(
            corrections[np.where(all_names == label)][columns[9]])
        discrBins = np.union1d(discrMins, discrMaxs)
        vals = np.zeros(shape=(len(discrBins) - 1, len(ptBins) - 1,
                               len(etaBins) - 1),
        for i, eta_bin in enumerate(etaBins[:-1]):
            for j, pt_bin in enumerate(ptBins[:-1]):
                for k, discr_bin in enumerate(discrBins[:-1]):
                    this_bin = np.where((all_names == label)
                                        & (corrections[columns[4]] == eta_bin)
                                        & (corrections[columns[6]] == pt_bin) &
                                        (corrections[columns[8]] == discr_bin))
                    vals[k, j, i] = corrections[this_bin][columns[10]][0]
        label_decode = []
        for i in range(len(label)):
            if isinstance(label_decode[i], bytes):
                label_decode[i] = label_decode[i].decode()
                label_decode[i] = str(label_decode[i])
        str_label = '_'.join([name] + label_decode)
        feval_dim = btag_feval_dims[label[0]]
        wrapped_up[(str_label, 'dense_evaluated_lookup')] = (vals,
                                                             (etaBins, ptBins,
    return wrapped_up
Exemple #43
def concatenate(datasets, missing='intersect'):
    '''Concatenate a list of datasets

        datasets (list): list of singlet.Dataset objects to be concatenated.
            The function runs over it more than once so a consuming lazy iterator
            is not a valid input.
        missing (str): What to do with genes that are missing from any of the
            datasets. 'pad' means pad the missing genes with zeros, 'intersect'
            means take only the intersection

        concatenated singlet.Dataset
    if len(datasets) == 0:
        raise ValueError('Cannot concatenate empty list')

    ns = []
    feas = []
    for ds in datasets:

    if missing == 'intersect':
        features = feas[0]
        if len(datasets) > 1:
            for fea in feas[1:]:
                features = np.intersect1d(features, fea)
    elif missing == 'pad':
        features = feas[0]
        if len(datasets) > 1:
            for fea in feas[1:]:
                features = np.union1d(features, fea)
        features = np.sort(features)
        raise ValueError('missing must be "pad" or "intersect"')

    samplesheet = pd.concat([ds.samplesheet for ds in datasets], axis=0)
    if Counter(samplesheet.index.values).most_common(1)[0][1] > 1:
        raise ValueError(
                'Samples cannot share names, make sure they are unique',

    fea_vect = pd.Series(np.arange(len(features)), index=features)
    m = len(features)
    ntot = sum(ns)
    mat = np.zeros((m, ntot), dtype=datasets[0].counts.values.dtype)
    i = 0
    for ii, (ds, n) in enumerate(zip(datasets, ns)):
        # Shortcut if the features are alright
        if (len(feas[ii]) == m) and (feas[ii] == features).all():
            mat[:, i: i+n] = ds.counts.values
        elif missing == 'intersect':
            mat[:, i: i+n] = ds.counts.loc[features].values
            js = fea_vect.loc[feas[ii]].values
            mat[js, i: i+n] = ds.counts.values

        i += n

    counts = datasets[0].counts.__class__(
    if missing == 'intersect':
        featuresheet = datasets[0].featuresheet.loc[features].copy()
        featuresheet = None

    return datasets[0].__class__(
Exemple #44
CUDA = torch.cuda.is_available()
print("On GPU: ", CUDA)

if CUDA:
    dtype = torch.cuda.FloatTensor
    dtype = torch.FloatTensor

signal = s.gen_data(LENGTH, 0.5, 1)

target_range = np.array(range(
    400, 430))  #the range in the signal where the target appears
target_range = np.union1d(target_range, np.array(range(800, 830)))
target_len = len(list(target_range))

signal[target_range] += 0.04  #add artificial target to the background signal

signal += np.random.normal(loc=0, scale=0.0075,
                           size=LENGTH)  #add background noise
signal = inverse_utils.normalise(signal)  #normalise signal to range [-1, 1]

x = np.zeros((LENGTH, 1))
x[:, 0] = signal
plt.plot(range(LENGTH), signal)
plt.title("Original Signal")
Exemple #45
    def test_union1d_1(self):

        a = np.union1d([-1, 0, 1], [-2, 0, 2])
Exemple #46
# Apply per-class non-max suppression
pre_nms_boxes = refined_proposals[keep]
pre_nms_scores = roi_scores[keep]
pre_nms_class_ids = roi_class_ids[keep]

nms_keep = []
for class_id in np.unique(pre_nms_class_ids):
    # Pick detections of this class
    ixs = np.where(pre_nms_class_ids == class_id)[0]
    # Apply NMS
    class_keep = utils.non_max_suppression(pre_nms_boxes[ixs], 
    # Map indicies
    class_keep = keep[ixs[class_keep]]
    nms_keep = np.union1d(nms_keep, class_keep)
    print("{:22}: {} -> {}".format(dataset.class_names[class_id][:20], 
                                   keep[ixs], class_keep))

keep = np.intersect1d(keep, nms_keep).astype(np.int32)
print("\nKept after per-class NMS: {}\n{}".format(keep.shape[0], keep))

# In[28]:

# Show final detections
ixs = np.arange(len(keep))  # Display all
# ixs = np.random.randint(0, len(keep), 10)  # Display random sample
captions = ["{} {:.3f}".format(dataset.class_names[c], s) if c > 0 else ""
            for c, s in zip(roi_class_ids[keep][ixs], roi_scores[keep][ixs])]
Exemple #47
def proclus(X, k=2, l=3, minDeviation=0.1, A=30, B=3, niters=30, seed=1234):
    """ Run PROCLUS on a database to obtain a set of clusters and 
		dimensions associated with each one.

		- X: 	   		the data set
		- k: 	   		the desired number of clusters
		- l:	   		average number of dimensions per cluster
		- minDeviation: for selection of bad medoids
		- A: 	   		constant for initial set of medoids
		- B: 	   		a smaller constant than A for the final set of medoids
		- niters:  		maximum number of iterations for the second phase
		- seed:    		seed for the RNG

    N, d = X.shape

    if B > A:
        raise Exception("B has to be smaller than A.")

    if l < 2:
        raise Exception("l must be >=2.")

    # 1.) Initialization phase

    # first find a superset of the set of k medoids by random sampling
    idxs = np.arange(N)
    S = idxs[0:(A * k)]
    M = greedy(X, S, B * k)

    # 2.) Iterative phase

    BestObjective = np.inf

    # choose a random set of k medoids from M:
    Mcurr = np.random.permutation(M)[0:k]  # M current
    Mbest = None  # Best set of medoids found

    D = squareform(pdist(X))  # precompute the euclidean distance matrix

    it = 0  # iteration counter
    L = []  # locality sets of the medoids, i.e., points within delta_i of m_i.
    Dis = []  # important dimensions for each cluster
    assigns = []  # cluster membership assignments

    while True:
        it += 1
        L = []

        for i in range(len(Mcurr)):
            mi = Mcurr[i]
            # compute delta_i, the distance to the nearest medoid of m_i:
            di = D[mi, np.setdiff1d(Mcurr, mi)].min()
            # compute L_i, points in sphere centered at m_i with radius d_i
            L.append(np.where(D[mi] <= di)[0])

        # find dimensions:
        Dis = findDimensions(X, k, l, L, Mcurr)

        # form the clusters:
        assigns = assignPoints(X, Mcurr, Dis)

        # evaluate the clusters:
        ObjectiveFunction = evaluateClusters(X, assigns, Dis, Mcurr)

        badM = []  # bad medoids

        Mold = Mcurr.copy()

        if ObjectiveFunction < BestObjective:
            BestObjective = ObjectiveFunction
            Mbest = Mcurr.copy()
            # compute the bad medoids in Mbest:
            badM = computeBadMedoids(X, assigns, Dis, Mcurr, minDeviation)
            print("bad medoids:")

        if len(badM) > 0:
            # replace the bad medoids with random points from M:
            print("old mcurr:")
            Mavail = np.setdiff1d(M, Mbest)
            newSel = np.random.choice(Mavail, size=len(badM), replace=False)
            Mcurr = np.setdiff1d(Mbest, badM)
            Mcurr = np.union1d(Mcurr, newSel)
            print("new mcurr:")

        print("finished iter: %d" % it)

        if np.allclose(Mold, Mcurr) or it >= niters:

    print("finished iterative phase...")

    # 3.) Refinement phase

    # compute a new L based on assignments:
    L = []
    for i in range(len(Mcurr)):
        mi = Mcurr[i]
        L.append(np.where(assigns == mi)[0])

    Dis = findDimensions(X, k, l, L, Mcurr)
    assigns = assignPoints(X, Mcurr, Dis)

    # handle outliers:

    # smallest Manhattan segmental distance of m_i to all (k-1)
    # other medoids with respect to D_i:
    deltais = np.zeros(k)
    for i in range(k):
        minDist = np.inf
        for j in range(k):
            if j != i:
                dist = manhattanSegmentalDist(X[Mcurr[i]], X[Mcurr[j]], Dis[i])
                if dist < minDist:
                    minDist = dist
        deltais[i] = minDist

    # mark as outliers the points that are not within delta_i of any m_i:
    for i in range(len(assigns)):
        clustered = False
        for j in range(k):
            d = manhattanSegmentalDist(X[Mcurr[j]], X[i], Dis[j])
            if d <= deltais[j]:
                clustered = True
        if not clustered:
            #print "marked an outlier"
            assigns[i] = -1

    return (Mcurr, Dis, assigns)
Exemple #48
 def get_negative_pool(self, adj, entities, all_entities):
     pos_neighbors = np.union1d(
         entities, np.unique(np.concatenate(adj[entities])))
     neg_entities = np.setdiff1d(all_entities, pos_neighbors)
     return neg_entities
Exemple #49
    def _sample(self, X, y):
        """Resample the dataset.

        X : {array-like, sparse matrix}, shape (n_samples, n_features)
            Matrix containing the data which have to be sampled.

        y : array-like, shape (n_samples,)
            Corresponding label for each sample in X.

        X_resampled : {ndarray, sparse matrix}, shape \
(n_samples_new, n_features)
            The array containing the resampled data.

        y_resampled : ndarray, shape (n_samples_new,)
            The corresponding label of `X_resampled`

        idx_under : ndarray, shape (n_samples, )
            If `return_indices` is `True`, a boolean array will be returned
            containing the which samples have been selected.

        enn = EditedNearestNeighbours(ratio=self.ratio, return_indices=True,
        _, _, index_not_a1 = enn.fit_sample(X, y)
        index_a1 = np.ones(y.shape, dtype=bool)
        index_a1[index_not_a1] = False
        index_a1 = np.flatnonzero(index_a1)

        # clean the neighborhood
        target_stats = Counter(y)
        class_minority = min(target_stats, key=target_stats.get)
        # compute which classes to consider for cleaning for the A2 group
        classes_under_sample = [c for c, n_samples in target_stats.items()
                                if (c in self.ratio_.keys() and
                                    (n_samples > X.shape[0] *
        class_minority_indices = np.flatnonzero(y == class_minority)
        X_class = safe_indexing(X, class_minority_indices)
        y_class = safe_indexing(y, class_minority_indices)
        nnhood_idx = self.nn_.kneighbors(
            X_class, return_distance=False)[:, 1:]
        nnhood_label = y[nnhood_idx]
        if self.kind_sel == 'mode':
            nnhood_label_majority, _ = mode(nnhood_label, axis=1)
            nnhood_bool = np.ravel(nnhood_label_majority) == y_class
        elif self.kind_sel == 'all':
            nnhood_label_majority = nnhood_label == class_minority
            nnhood_bool = np.all(nnhood_label, axis=1)
            raise NotImplementedError
        # compute a2 group
        index_a2 = np.ravel(nnhood_idx[~nnhood_bool])
        index_a2 = np.unique([index for index in index_a2
                              if y[index] in classes_under_sample])

        union_a1_a2 = np.union1d(index_a1, index_a2).astype(int)
        selected_samples = np.ones(y.shape, dtype=bool)
        selected_samples[union_a1_a2] = False
        index_target_class = np.flatnonzero(selected_samples)

        if self.return_indices:
            return (safe_indexing(X, index_target_class),
                    safe_indexing(y, index_target_class),
            return (safe_indexing(X, index_target_class),
                    safe_indexing(y, index_target_class))
Exemple #50
def connectivity(labels, neigh=None):
    CONNECTIVITY: given a labeling of an image, find the neighbors for each label.

    cmap = connectivity(labels, neigh=None, keep_bakground)

    labels: [M x N, uint64] a pseudo-image with a labeling of objects; label==0
        indicates background
    neighborhood: type of neighborhood: either a neighborhood matrix or None
        If None, a 4-connected neighborhood is assumed,
                     | 0 1 0 |
            neigh =  | 1 0 1 |
                     | 0 1 0 |
    cmap: a dictionary containing the connectivity list: cmap[label] is a list
        of all neighbors for that label
    borders: a dictionary containing the pixels on the borders between objects.
        For each object, all the pixels on the border that are in the neighborhood
        of another object (but not background), are stored in a list with elements
        of the form  ((row,column), [list of neighboring labels])

    if neigh is None:
        neigh = np.array([[0, 1, 0],
                          [1, 0, 1],
                          [0, 1, 0]])

    if neigh.shape[0] != neigh.shape[1]:
        raise ValueError('Improper neighborhood specification')

    if neigh.shape[0] % 2 != 1:
        raise ValueError('Neighborhood size must be odd')

    h = neigh.shape[0] / 2

    # To be fixed: in some cases, the neighborhood is lost for objects with
    # width (or height) of 1 pixel:
    # find pixels on the edge - simple differetial operator img(i+1) - img(i)
    # edg_h = labels.copy()
    # edg_h[1:,:] = np.abs(edg_h[:-1,:] - edg_h[1:,:])
    # edg_v = labels.copy()
    # edg_v[:,1:] = np.abs(edg_v[:,:-1] - edg_v[:,1:])
    # edg = np.zeros(labels.shape, dtype=int)
    # edg = edg_h + edg_v  # find all edge pixels, does not matter the magnitude

    labels = np.pad(labels, ((h,h),(h,h)), mode='constant', constant_values=0)
    # edg    = np.pad(edg,    ((h,h),(h,h)), mode='constant', constant_values=0)

    (n,m) = labels.shape

    cmap = {}                          # connectivity map
    borders = {}                       # borders

    # idx = np.where(edg > 0)
    idx = np.where(labels > 0)
    for (r,c) in zip(idx[0], idx[1]):        # for all points on the boundaries
        roi = labels[max(0, r-h):min(n, r+h+1), max(0, c-h):min(m, c+h+1)]
        lb  = roi[neigh == 1]
        # labels around current point, excluding its own label
        lb = np.setdiff1d(np.unique(roi), [labels[r,c]], assume_unique=True)
        if labels[r,c] in cmap:
            cmap[labels[r,c]] = np.union1d(cmap[labels[r,c]], lb)
            cmap[labels[r,c]] = lb

        lb = lb.tolist()
        if 0 in lb:                    # remove bkg
        if len(lb) == 0:               # no other neighbors for this pixel
        # otherwise, add all neighboring objects:
        if labels[r,c] not in borders:
            # this is a new object to add: initialize with an empty list
            # then append the info (in any case)
            borders[labels[r,c]] = list()
        borders[labels[r,c]].append( ((r,c), lb) )

    return cmap, borders
Exemple #51
# left side wall (minus upmost and lowermost nodes)
Dleftx = np.nonzero(mesh.p[0, :] == 0)[0]
Dleftx = np.setdiff1d(Dleftx, np.nonzero(mesh.p[1, :] == 0)[0])
Dleftx = np.setdiff1d(Dleftx, np.nonzero(mesh.p[1, :] == 1)[0])
# right side wall (minus upmost and lowermost nodes)
Drightx = np.nonzero(mesh.p[0, :] == 1)[0]
Drightx = np.setdiff1d(Drightx, np.nonzero(mesh.p[1, :] == 0)[0])
Drightx = np.setdiff1d(Drightx, np.nonzero(mesh.p[1, :] == 1)[0])
# lower and upper side wall
Dlowerx = np.nonzero(mesh.p[1, :] == 0)[0]
Dupperx = np.nonzero(mesh.p[1, :] == 1)[0]
# all dirichlet nodes
Dallx = mesh.boundary_nodes()
Dally = Dallx + N

D = np.union1d(Dallx, Dally)
I = np.setdiff1d(np.arange(0, 3 * N), D)

# index sets for accessing different components
I1 = np.arange(0, N)
I2 = I1 + N
Ip = I2 + N

print "NDOF: " + str(N)
print "NELS: " + str(mesh.t.shape[1])

a = fem.asm.AssemblerTriP1(mesh)

mu = 1

def IndexByTeamSeason(seasonyear, d, c, Matzero=True):
    # =============================================================================
    #     ### Description:   Selecting distinct ids of Teams
    #                          For each team:
    #                             Select the ids of the players by season and the matches played
    #                             Put index from 1 to n as a counter table
    #                             Create an empty np.zeros(matrix) or np.ones
    #     ### Args:
    #     #     seasonyear: integer value. Only 2007-2014 years are accepted
    #     #     Matzero: if True, np.zeroMatrix is created, else, np.ones(matrix)
    #     #     c: cursor
    #     #     d: db_connection
    #    ###Return:
    #     #     It returns a pd.Dataframe with Players by team and Season with
    #           0 value by default
    # =============================================================================

    Alltables = []

    query = """SELECT DISTINCT TeamId 
    FROM Plays_In 
    where GameId LIKE '{0}'
    """.format(str(seasonyear) + '%')
    TeamIds = c.fetchall()

    for Id in TeamIds:
        IdTeam = Id[0]
        query2 = """
        SELECT GameId , Venue 
        FROM Plays_in 
        WHERE TeamId = {0} 
        AND GameId LIKE '{1}'
        ORDER BY GameId ASC
                   str(seasonyear) + '%')

        res = c.fetchall()
        listGames = ([int(i[0]) for i in res])
        n = len(res)
        Totalarray = []
        for i in range(n):
            GameIndex = res[i][0]
            Venue = res[i][1]
            ######LEFT to set it to some table
            playersarray = UniqueplayersperMatch(GameIndex, Venue, d)
            Totalarray = np.union1d(Totalarray, playersarray)
        Totalarray = Totalarray.astype(int).astype(str).tolist()
        columnnames = ['GameId', 'CountGame'] + Totalarray
        zeromatrix = np.zeros([n, len(Totalarray)])
        if Matzero != True:
            zeromatrix = np.ones([n, len(Totalarray)])
        data = np.column_stack((np.column_stack(
            (listGames, range(n))), zeromatrix))

        d1 = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=columnnames, index=listGames)
    return Alltables
Exemple #53

# In[213]:


# In[214]:


# In[215]:


# In[216]:


# In[217]:


Exemple #54
        al27_sab[i] = al27_sab[i] + xs
# combined
al27_total_e = numpy.concatenate((al27_sab_e, al27_e[al27_dex:]))
al27_total = numpy.concatenate((al27_sab, al27_xs[al27_dex:])) + numpy.interp(
    al27_total_e, al27_e, al27_a)

### sapphire
al_frac = 0.4
o_frac = 0.6
Md = (26.9815385 * al_frac + 15.99491461956 * o_frac) * 1.008664916
Na = 6.022e23
b = 1e-24
density = 3.98
Nd = density * Na * b / Md
Nd_sapp = density * Na * b / Md
sapp_e = numpy.union1d(o16_lib.energy, al27_lib.energy)
sapp_xs = (
    o_frac * numpy.interp(sapp_e, o16_lib.energy, o16_lib.reactions[2].sigma) +
    al_frac *
    numpy.interp(sapp_e, al27_lib.energy, al27_lib.reactions[2].sigma)) * Nd
sapp_a = (
    o_frac * numpy.interp(sapp_e, o16_lib.energy, o16_lib.reactions[102].sigma)
    + al_frac *
    numpy.interp(sapp_e, al27_lib.energy, al27_lib.reactions[102].sigma)) * Nd
sapp_sab = (o_frac * osapp_sab_lib.inelastic_sigma +
            al_frac * alsapp_sab_lib.inelastic_sigma) * Nd
sapp_sab_e = osapp_sab_lib.inelastic_e_in
#find e dex where sab stops
sapp_dex = numpy.where(sapp_e >= sapp_sab_e[-1])[0][0]
## add carbon to deuterium inelastic
#for i in range(0,len(sapp_sab_e)):
elif offline_file == '/opt/local/Data/JGauthier-J115/offline_results/results_analysis_offline_JEFF_90k.npz':
    idx_components_r = np.where(r_values >= .95)[0]
    idx_components_raw = np.where(fitness_raw < -55)[0]
    idx_components_delta = np.where(fitness_delta < -55)[0]

    idx_components_r = np.where(r_values >= .8)[0]
    idx_components_raw = np.where(fitness_raw < -40)[0]
    idx_components_delta = np.where(fitness_delta < -40)[0]

#min_radius = gSig[0] - 2
# masks_ws, idx_blobs, idx_non_blobs = extract_binary_masks_blob(
#    A.tocsc(), min_radius, dims, num_std_threshold=1,
#    minCircularity=0.7, minInertiaRatio=0.2, minConvexity=.5)

idx_components = np.union1d(idx_components_r, idx_components_raw)
idx_components = np.union1d(idx_components, idx_components_delta)
#idx_blobs = np.intersect1d(idx_components, idx_blobs)
idx_components_bad = np.setdiff1d(list(range(len(r_values))), idx_components)

print(' ***** ')
    A_off = A_off.toarray()[:, idx_components]
    A_off = A_off[:, idx_components]
C_off = C_off[idx_components]
#    OASISinstances = OASISinstances[()]
Exemple #56
def make_classification_histograms(overall_classifications, classifications,
    working_dir = join(working_dir, "D_classification_histograms")
    if not exists(working_dir):
    db_types, counts = np.unique(overall_classifications, return_counts=True)
    sort_idx = np.argsort(counts)[::-1]
    db_types = db_types[sort_idx]
    counts = counts[sort_idx]
    plt.bar(np.arange(1, len(db_types) + 1), counts, tick_label=db_types)
    plt.xticks(rotation='vertical', fontsize=8)
    plt.title("# of query cells that are classified as each cell type")
    plt.savefig(join(working_dir, "overall.pdf"), bbox_inches="tight")
    plt.savefig(join(working_dir, "overall.png"), bbox_inches="tight")
    control_clfs = []
    disease_clfs = []
    for query_type, clfs in classifications.items():
        db_types, counts = np.unique(clfs, return_counts=True)
        sort_idx = np.argsort(counts)[::-1]
        db_types = db_types[sort_idx]
        counts = counts[sort_idx]
        plt.bar(np.arange(1, len(db_types) + 1), counts, tick_label=db_types)
        plt.xticks(rotation='vertical', fontsize=8)
        plt.title("# of query cells that are classified as each cell type")
        plt.savefig(join(working_dir, query_type + ".pdf"),
        plt.savefig(join(working_dir, query_type + ".png"),
        if 'control' in query_type:
        elif 'disease' in query_type:
    db_types_control, counts_control = np.unique(control_clfs,
    sort_idx = np.argsort(counts_control)[::-1]
    db_types_control = db_types_control[sort_idx]
    counts_control = counts_control[sort_idx]
                      len(db_types_control) + 1),
    plt.xticks(rotation='vertical', fontsize=8)
    plt.title("# of query cells that are classified as each cell type")
    plt.savefig(join(working_dir, "control_all.pdf"), bbox_inches="tight")
    plt.savefig(join(working_dir, "control_all.png"), bbox_inches="tight")
    db_types_disease, counts_disease = np.unique(disease_clfs,
    sort_idx = np.argsort(counts_disease)[::-1]
    db_types_disease = db_types_disease[sort_idx]
    counts_disease = counts_disease[sort_idx]
                      len(db_types_disease) + 1),
    plt.xticks(rotation='vertical', fontsize=8)
    plt.title("# of query cells that are classified as each cell type")
    plt.savefig(join(working_dir, "disease_all.pdf"), bbox_inches="tight")
    plt.savefig(join(working_dir, "disease_all.png"), bbox_inches="tight")

    # merge the cases
    merged_db_types = np.union1d(db_types_control, db_types_disease)
    control_counts = []
    for label in merged_db_types:
        count = 0
        for c in control_clfs:
            if c == label:
                count += 1
    control_counts = np.array(control_counts, dtype=float)
    control_fracs = control_counts / len(control_clfs)
    disease_counts = []
    for label in merged_db_types:
        count = 0
        for c in disease_clfs:
            if c == label:
                count += 1
    disease_counts = np.array(disease_counts, dtype=float)
    disease_fracs = disease_counts / len(disease_clfs)
    x_locations = np.arange(1, len(merged_db_types) + 1)
    width = 0.35
    labels_sort_idx = np.argsort(control_fracs)[::-1]
    merged_db_types = merged_db_types[labels_sort_idx]
    disease_fracs = disease_fracs[labels_sort_idx]
    disease_counts = disease_counts[labels_sort_idx]
    control_fracs = control_fracs[labels_sort_idx]
    control_counts = control_counts[labels_sort_idx]
    merged_db_types = [' '.join(name.split()[1:]) for name in merged_db_types]
    merged_db_types = np.array(merged_db_types)
    rects1 = plt.bar(x_locations,
    rects2 = plt.bar(x_locations + width,
    #plt.bar(np.arange(1, len(merged_db_types)+1), disease_counts, tick_label=merged_db_types, color='r', label='disease')
    plt.xticks(x_locations + width / 2,
    plt.ylabel('Fraction of query cells')
    plt.title("Portion of query cells classified as each cell type")
    # add p-vals
    for rect1, rect2 in zip(rects1, rects2):
        height1 = rect1.get_height()
        height2 = rect2.get_height()
        count1 = math.floor(1000 * height1)
        count2 = math.floor(1000 * height2)
        pval = binom_test(count1, count1 + count2, p=0.5)
                       1.05 * max(height1, height2),
    plt.savefig(join(working_dir, "grouped_bar.pdf"), bbox_inches="tight")
    plt.savefig(join(working_dir, "grouped_bar.png"), bbox_inches="tight")
    # Fisher's test comparing the two (control vs disease)
    contingency_table = np.stack((control_counts, disease_counts), axis=0)
    np.save('contingency_table', contingency_table)
    np.savetxt('contingency_table.csv', contingency_table, delimiter=',')

    keep = [
        i for i in range(contingency_table.shape[1])
        if 0 not in contingency_table[:, i]
    merged_db_types = merged_db_types[keep]
    control_counts = control_counts[keep]
    control_fracs = control_counts / np.sum(control_counts)
    disease_counts = disease_counts[keep]
    disease_fracs = disease_counts / np.sum(disease_counts)
    contingency_table = np.stack((control_counts, disease_counts), axis=0)
    x_locations = np.arange(1, len(merged_db_types) + 1)
    rects1 = plt.bar(x_locations,
    rects2 = plt.bar(x_locations + width,
    plt.xticks(x_locations + width / 2,
    plt.ylabel('Fraction of query cells')
    plt.title("Portion of query cells classified as each cell type")
    for rect1, rect2 in zip(rects1, rects2):
        height1 = rect1.get_height()
        height2 = rect2.get_height()
        count1 = math.floor(1000 * height1)
        count2 = math.floor(1000 * height2)
        pval = binom_test(count1, count1 + count2, p=0.5)
                       1.05 * max(height1, height2),
    plt.savefig(join(working_dir, "grouped_bar_non_zero.pdf"),
    plt.savefig(join(working_dir, "grouped_bar_non_zero.png"),
    np.save('contingency_table2', contingency_table)
Exemple #57
def _find_events(data, first_samp, verbose=None, output='onset',
                 consecutive='increasing', min_samples=0, mask=0,
    """Helper function for find events"""
    if min_samples > 0:
        merge = int(min_samples // 1)
        if merge == min_samples:
            merge -= 1
        merge = 0

    data = data.astype(np.int)
    if uint_cast:
        data = data.astype(np.uint16).astype(np.int)
    if data.min() < 0:
        warn('Trigger channel contains negative values, using absolute '
             'value. If data were acquired on a Neuromag system with '
             'STI016 active, consider using uint_cast=True to work around '
             'an acquisition bug')
        data = np.abs(data)  # make sure trig channel is positive

    events = _find_stim_steps(data, first_samp, pad_stop=0, merge=merge)
    events = _mask_trigs(events, mask)

    # Determine event onsets and offsets
    if consecutive == 'increasing':
        onsets = (events[:, 2] > events[:, 1])
        offsets = np.logical_and(np.logical_or(onsets, (events[:, 2] == 0)),
                                 (events[:, 1] > 0))
    elif consecutive:
        onsets = (events[:, 2] > 0)
        offsets = (events[:, 1] > 0)
        onsets = (events[:, 1] == 0)
        offsets = (events[:, 2] == 0)

    onset_idx = np.where(onsets)[0]
    offset_idx = np.where(offsets)[0]

    if len(onset_idx) == 0 or len(offset_idx) == 0:
        return np.empty((0, 3), dtype='int32')

    # delete orphaned onsets/offsets
    if onset_idx[0] > offset_idx[0]:
        logger.info("Removing orphaned offset at the beginning of the file.")
        offset_idx = np.delete(offset_idx, 0)

    if onset_idx[-1] > offset_idx[-1]:
        logger.info("Removing orphaned onset at the end of the file.")
        onset_idx = np.delete(onset_idx, -1)

    if output == 'onset':
        events = events[onset_idx]
    elif output == 'step':
        idx = np.union1d(onset_idx, offset_idx)
        events = events[idx]
    elif output == 'offset':
        event_id = events[onset_idx, 2]
        events = events[offset_idx]
        events[:, 1] = events[:, 2]
        events[:, 2] = event_id
        events[:, 0] -= 1
        raise Exception("Invalid output parameter %r" % output)

    logger.info("%s events found" % len(events))
    logger.info("Events id: %s" % np.unique(events[:, 2]))

    return events
Exemple #58

args = parser.parse_args()
args.cuda = torch.cuda.is_available()
print('cuda: %s' % args.cuda)
device = torch.device("cuda:0" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")

if args.cuda:

data = Dataset(root='/tmp/', name=args.dataset)
adj, features, labels = data.adj, data.features, data.labels
idx_train, idx_val, idx_test = data.idx_train, data.idx_val, data.idx_test
idx_unlabeled = np.union1d(idx_val, idx_test)

# Setup Attack Model
model = DICE()

n_perturbations = int(args.ptb_rate * (adj.sum()//2))

modified_adj = model.attack(adj, labels, n_perturbations)

adj, features, labels = preprocess(adj, features, labels, preprocess_adj=False, sparse=True, device=device)

modified_adj = normalize_adj(modified_adj)
modified_adj = sparse_mx_to_torch_sparse_tensor(modified_adj)
modified_adj = modified_adj.to(device)

def test(adj):

#define our X variables :
#add technical analysis features filling Nans values
data = add_all_ta_features(data, "Open", "High", "Low", "Close", "Volume", fillna=True)

#define our Y variable :
#evaluating the percentage of change in stock prices

#drop features corresponding to current stock price (e.g. Open, High, Low, Close, Volume)
features=['momentum_ao', 'momentum_mfi', 'volume_adi', 'volume_em', 'volatility_bbhi', 'volatility_bbli', 'trend_adx']
columns = np.union1d(['diff', 'Close'], features)
data = data[columns]

#plot heatmap of feature correlation :
corr = data.corr().abs()  #construction of correlation matrix
#generate a mask to ignore upper triangle
mask = np.zeros_like(corr, dtype=np.bool)
mask[np.triu_indices_from(mask)] = True
sns.heatmap(corr, xticklabels=corr.columns, yticklabels=corr.columns, annot=True, mask=mask, cmap='coolwarm', fmt='.2f')

#drop rows and columns with NaN :
data.dropna(axis=1, how=any, thresh=100, inplace=True)  #first drop columns that mostly have NaN
Exemple #60
    def performConvolution(self, out_times=None, ntrunc=None, topo=None,
                            verbose=False, eliter=5, nrem=1, massconerr=1e-2):  
        """Convolve an ice load and an earth response model in fft space.
        Calculate the uplift associated with stored earth and ice model.
        out_times : an array of times at which to caluclate the convolution.
                    (default is to use previously stored values).
        ntrunc : int
           The truncation number of the spherical harmonic expansion. Default
           is from the earth model, must be <= ice model's and < grid.nlat
        topo   : array
            Topography on which to compute. If None (default), assumes a flat
            topography. Must be the same shapt as ice.
        verbose : boolean
            Display progress on computation. Depends on progressbar module.
            Default is False.
        eliter  : int
            The maximum number of iterations allowed to compute initial elastic
            response to redistributed load at each stage. If 0, instantaneous
            elastic response is not computed. Default 5.
        nrem   : int
            Number of removal stages between the provided ice stages
            (intermediate steps are interpolated linearly). Default 1.
        observerDict : GiaSimOutput
            A dictionary whose keys are fields of interest, such as uplift
            ('upl'), geoid ('geo'), and solid surface topography ('sstopo'),
            computed on the input grid at out_times.
        DENICE      = 931.   #934.           # kg/m^3
        DENWAT      = 1000.  #999.           # kg/m^3
        DENSEA      = 1000.  #1029.          # kg/m^3
        GSURF       = 9.815          # m/s^2
        #PAperM      = DENSEA*GSURF
        NREM        = nrem           # number of intermediate steps

        earth = self.earth
        ice = self.ice
        grid = self.grid
        if topo is None and self.topo is not None:
            topo = self.topo
        if topo is not None:
            assert topo.shape == ice.shape, 'Topo and Ice must have the same shape'

        # Resolution
        ntrunc = ntrunc or min(earth.nmax, ice.nlat-1)
        assert ntrunc <= ice.nlat-1, 'ntrunc > ice.nlat-1'
        ms, ns = spharm.getspecindx(ice.nlat-1)
        # npad is the indices in the larger (padded) array of spherical
        # harmonics that correspond to the smaller (response) array.
        npad = (ns <= ntrunc)
        # Store out_times
        if out_times is None:
            out_times = self.out_times
            out_times = out_times
        self.out_times = out_times
        assert out_times is not None, 'out_times is not set'
        # Calculate times of intermediate removal stages.
        diffs = np.diff(ice.times)
        addRemovalTimes = []
        for i in range(1, NREM+1):
        addRemovalTimes = np.array(addRemovalTimes).flatten()
        remTimes = np.union1d(ice.times, addRemovalTimes)[::-1]
        calcTimes = np.union1d(remTimes, out_times)[::-1]

        # Initialize output observer         
        observerDict = initialize_output(self, out_times, calcTimes, ice.nlat-1, 
                                            ntrunc, ns, ice.shape) 

        for o in observerDict:
            o.loadStageUpdate(ice.times[0], sstopo=topo)

        esl = 0                 # Equivalent sea level assumed to start at 0.

        elRespArray = earth.getResp(0.)
        ssResp = np.zeros_like(ns) 
        ssResp[npad] = observerDict['SS'].isolateRespArray(elRespArray)

        # Convolve each ice stage to the each output time.
        # Primary loop: over ice load changes.
        for icea, ta, iceb, tb in ice.pairIter():
            ################### LOAD STAGE CALCULATION ###################
            # Determine the water load redistribution for ice, uplift, and
            # geoid changes between ta and tb,
            if topo is not None:
                # Get index for starting time.
                nta = observerDict['SS'].locateByTime(ta)
                # Collect the solid-surface topography at beginning of step.
                Ta = observerDict['sstopo'].array[nta]

                # Redistribute the ocean by change in ocean floor / surface.
                ssa, ssb = observerDict['SS'].array[[nta, nta+1]] 
                dSS = self.harmTrans.spectogrd(ssb-ssa)
                dhwBarU = sealevelChangeByUplift(dSS, Ta+DENICE/DENSEA*icea, 
                dhwU = oceanUpliftLoad(dhwBarU, Ta+DENICE/DENSEA*icea, dSS)

                # Update the solid-surface topography with uplift / geoid.
                Tb = Ta + dSS - dhwBarU
                esl += dhwBarU
                dLoad = dhwU.copy()
                dwLoad = dhwU.copy()                # Save the water load

                # Redistribute ice, consistent with current floating ice. 
                dILoad, dhwBarI = floatingIceRedistribute(icea, iceb, Tb, grid,

                # Combine loads from ocean changes and ice volume changes.
                dLoad += dILoad
                esl += dhwBarI
                dwLoad += volumeChangeLoad(dhwBarI, Tb+DENICE/DENSEA*iceb)
                Tb -= dhwBarI

                # Calculate instantaneous (elastic and gravity) responses to
                # the load shift and redistribute ocean accordingly.
                if eliter:
                    # Get elastic and geoid response to the water load.
                    # Find the elastic uplift in response to stage's load
                    # redistribution.
                    dSSel = self.harmTrans.spectogrd((ssResp)*\

                    dhwBarUel = sealevelChangeByUplift(dSSel, 
                                                        Tb+DENICE/DENSEA*iceb, grid)
                    dhwUel = oceanUpliftLoad(dhwBarUel, 
                                                Tb+DENICE/DENSEA*iceb, dSSel)

                    Tb = Tb + dSSel - dhwBarUel
                    esl += dhwBarUel
                    dLoad = dLoad + dhwUel
                    dwLoad += dhwUel

                    # Iterate elastic responses until they are sufficiently small.
                    for i in range(eliter):
                        # Need to save elastic uplift and geoid at each iteration
                        # to compare to previous steps for convergence.
                        dSSelp = self.harmTrans.spectogrd((ssResp)*\

                        dhwBarUel = sealevelChangeByUplift(dSSelp, 
                                                            Tb+DENICE/DENSEA*iceb, grid)
                        dhwUel = oceanUpliftLoad(dhwBarUel, 
                                                    Tb+DENICE/DENSEA*iceb, dSSelp)

                        # Correct topography
                        Tb = Tb + dSSelp - dhwBarUel
                        esl += dhwBarUel
                        dLoad = dLoad + dhwUel
                        dwLoad += dhwUel

                        # Truncation error from further iteration
                        err = np.mean(np.abs(dSSelp))/np.mean(np.abs(dSSel))
                        if err <= massconerr:
                            dSSel = dSSel + dSSelp

                observerDict['SS'].array[nta+1] += self.harmTrans.grdtospec(dSSel) 

                for o in observerDict:
                    # Topography and load for time tb are updated and saved.
                    o.loadStageUpdate(tb, dLoad=dLoad, 
                                      topo=Tb+iceb*(Tb + DENICE/DENSEA*iceb>=0), 
                                      esl=esl, dwLoad=dwLoad, sstopo=Tb)

                dLoad = (iceb-icea)*DENICE/DENSEA
                Tb = None

                for o in observerDict:
                    # Topography and load for time tb are updated and saved.
                    o.loadStageUpdate(tb, dLoad=dLoad)

            # Transform load change into spherical harmonics.
            loadChangeSpec = self.harmTrans.grdtospec(dLoad)/NREM
            # Check for mass conservation.
            massConCheck = np.abs(loadChangeSpec[0])/np.abs(loadChangeSpec.max())
            if  verbose and massConCheck >= massconerr:
                print("Load at {0} doesn't conserve mass: {1}.".format(ta,
            # N.B. the n=0 load should be zero in cases of glacial isostasy, as 
            # mass is conserved during redistribution.

            ################# RESPONSE STAGE CALCULATION #################
            # Secondary loop: over output times.
            for inter_time in np.linspace(tb, ta, NREM, endpoint=False)[::-1]:
                # Perform the time convolution for each output time
                for t_out in calcTimes[calcTimes < inter_time]:
                    respArray = earth.getResp(inter_time-t_out)
                    for o in observerDict:
                        o.respStageUpdate(t_out, respArray, 

        # Don't keep the intermediate uplift stages for water redistribution
        #observerDict.removeObserver('eslUpl', 'eslGeo') 

        return observerDict