def create_labels(label_name, label_ticks): if label_name == "months": if len(label_ticks) > 40: mult = 6 elif len(label_ticks) > 10: mult = 4 else: mult = 3 label_ticks = [ii for ii in label_ticks if ii % mult == 0] label = [calendar_months[ii % 12] for ii in label_ticks] elif label_name == "latitude": if len(label_ticks) < 40: mult = 10 else: mult = 20 label_ticks = [ii for ii in label_ticks if ii % mult == 0] if min(label_ticks) < 0 and max(label_ticks) > 0 and 0 not in label_ticks: label_ticks = NUMPYarray(label_ticks) while 0 not in label_ticks: label_ticks = label_ticks + 1 label = [str(abs(int(ii))) + '$^\circ$S' if ii < 0 else (str(abs(int(ii))) + '$^\circ$N' if ii > 0 else 'eq') for ii in label_ticks] elif label_name == "longitude": if len(label_ticks) < 200: mult = 40 else: mult = 90 label_ticks = [ii for ii in label_ticks if ii % mult == 0] if min(label_ticks) < 180 and max(label_ticks) > 180 and 180 not in label_ticks: label_ticks = NUMPYarray(label_ticks) while 180 not in label_ticks: label_ticks = label_ticks + 10 label = [str(int(ii)) + "$^\circ$E" if ii < 180 else ( str(abs(int(ii) - 360)) + "$^\circ$W" if ii > 180 else "180$^\circ$") for ii in label_ticks] return label_ticks, label
def my_mask(tab, remove_masked=False): tmp = NUMPYarray(tab, dtype=float) tmp = NUMPYwhere(tmp == None, NUMPYnan, tmp) tmp = NUMPYma__masked_invalid(tmp) if remove_masked is True: # tmp = tmp[~tmp.mask] tmp = tmp.compressed() return tmp
def FindXYMinMax(tab, return_val='both'): """ ################################################################################# Description: Finds in tab the position (t,x,y,z) of the minimum (return_val='mini') or the maximum (return_val='maxi') or both values (if return_val is neither 'mini' nor 'maxi') Returned position(s) are not the position in tab but in the (t,x,y,z) space defined by tab axes ################################################################################# :param tab: masked_array array for which you would like to know the position (t,x,y,z) of the minimum and/or the maximum values :param return_val: string, optional 'mini' to return the position of the minimum value 'maxi' to return the position of the maximum value to return both minimum and maximum values, pass anything else default value = 'both', returns both minimum and maximum values :return: minimum/maximum position or both minimum and maximum positions, int, float or list position(s) in the (t,x,y,z) space defined by tab axes of the minimum and/or maximum values of tab """ mini = NUMPYunravel_index(tab.argmin(), tab.shape) maxi = NUMPYunravel_index(tab.argmax(), tab.shape) list_ax = NUMPYarray([tab.getAxis(ii)[:] for ii in range(len(mini))]) axis_min = [list_ax[ii][mini[ii]] for ii in range(len(mini))] axis_max = [list_ax[ii][maxi[ii]] for ii in range(len(mini))] if return_val == 'mini': if len(axis_min) == 1: tab_out = axis_min[0] else: tab_out = axis_min elif return_val == 'maxi': if len(axis_max) == 1: tab_out = axis_max[0] else: tab_out = axis_max else: if len(axis_min) == 1 and len(axis_max) == 1: tab_out = [axis_min[0], axis_max[0]] else: tab_out = [axis_min, axis_max] return tab_out
def plot_curves(tab_mod, tab_obs, name_png, title='', xname='', yname='', units='', mytext=[]): axisname = tab_mod.coords.keys()[0] axis = list(NUMPYarray(tab_mod.coords[axisname])) tab_mod = NUMPYarray(tab_mod) tab_obs = NUMPYarray(tab_obs) # figure initialization if (axisname == "month" or axisname == "months" or axisname == "time") and len(tab_mod) == 72: fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 4)) else: fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(4, 4)) # title ax.set_title(title, fontsize=20, y=1.01, loc='left') # x axis tmp = list(range(int(MATHfloor(min(axis))), int(MATHceil(max(axis))) + 1)) plt.xlim(min(axis), max(axis)) if axisname == "month" or axisname == "months" or axisname == "time": if len(tmp) > 40: mult = 6 else: mult = 4 tmp = [ii for ii in tmp if ii % mult == 0] label = [seasons_1m[ii % 12] for ii in tmp] if xname == '': xname = 'months' elif "lat" in axisname: if len(tmp) < 40: mult = 10 else: mult = 20 tmp = [ii for ii in tmp if ii % mult == 0] if min(tmp) < 0 and max(tmp) > 0 and 0 not in tmp: tmp = NUMPYarray(tmp) while 0 not in tmp: tmp = tmp + 1 label = [ str(abs(int(ii))) + '$^\circ$S' if ii < 0 else (str(abs(int(ii))) + '$^\circ$N' if ii > 0 else 'eq') for ii in tmp ] if xname == '': xname = 'latitude' elif "lon" in axisname: if len(tmp) < 200: mult = 40 else: mult = 90 tmp = [ii for ii in tmp if ii % mult == 0] if min(tmp) < 180 and max(tmp) > 180 and 180 not in tmp: tmp = NUMPYarray(tmp) while 180 not in tmp: tmp = tmp + 10 label = [ str(int(ii)) + '$^\circ$E' if ii < 180 else (str(abs(int(ii) - 360)) + '$^\circ$W' if ii > 180 else '180$^\circ$') for ii in tmp ] if xname == '': xname = 'longitude' plt.xticks(tmp, label) ax.set_xlabel(xname, fontsize=20) for tick in ax.xaxis.get_major_ticks(): tick.label.set_fontsize(15) # y axis minmax, mult = create_minmax_plot( [tab_mod.min(), tab_mod.max(), tab_obs.min(), tab_obs.max()]) if mult != 1.: tab_mod = tab_mod / mult tab_obs = tab_obs / mult tmp = units.split(" ") if len(tmp) == 1: scale = format_scale(mult) name_units = deepcopy(units) else: scale = format_scale(float(tmp[0]) * mult) name_units = deepcopy(tmp[1]) ylabel = yname.replace(units, scale + " " + name_units) else: ylabel = deepcopy(yname) plt.ylim(min(minmax), max(minmax)) plt.locator_params(axis='y', nbins=4) ax.set_ylabel(ylabel, fontsize=20) for tick in ax.yaxis.get_major_ticks(): tick.label.set_fontsize(15) if min(minmax) < 0 and max(minmax) > 0: ax.axhline(0, color='k', linestyle='-', linewidth=2) # plot curves ax.plot(axis, list(tab_mod), lw=4, label='model', color=ref_colors['model']) ax.plot(axis, list(tab_obs), lw=4, label='obs', color=ref_colors['obs']) # relative space x1 = min(axis) x2 = max(axis) dx = (x2 - x1) / 100. y1 = min(minmax) y2 = max(minmax) dy = (y2 - y1) / 100. # legend leg_text = ['obs', 'model'] for ii, txt in enumerate(leg_text): plt.text((2 * dx) + x1, y2 - (((ii + 1) * 6) * dy), txt, fontsize=15, color=ref_colors[txt], horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='center') # my text for ii, txt in enumerate(mytext): plt.text(x2 - (2 * dx), y2 - (((ii + 1) * 6) * dy), txt, fontsize=15, color='k', horizontalalignment='right', verticalalignment='center') plt.grid(linestyle='--', linewidth=1, which='major') plt.savefig(name_png, bbox_inches='tight') plt.close() return
def get_metric_values(project, metric_collection, dict_json, dict_mod_mem, reduced_set=True, portraitplot=False): """ Finds fixed variables, here areacell and sftlf (landmask), mostly used for observational dataset Inputs: ------ :param project: strings project name (e.g., "CMIP5", "CMIP6") :param metric_collection: strings metric collection (e.g., "ENSO_perf", "ENSO_proc", "ENSO_tel") :param dict_json: dictionary Dictionary with path and name of json files output of the CLIVAR PRP ENSO metrics package. :param dict_mod_mem: dictionary Dictionary with every models available and members in the given json files, for the given projects and metric collections. **Optional arguments:** :param reduced_set: boolean, optional True to remove extra metrics that are not in the final set chosen by CLIVAR PRP. If set to False it removes metrics that are in more than one metric collection. Default value is True. :param portraitplot: boolean, optional True to remove extra metrics that are not in the final set chosen by CLIVAR PRP but keep metrics that are in more than one metric collection. If set to False it removes metrics that are in more than one metric collection. Default value is False. Output: ------ :return dict_out: dictionary Dictionary with every models available and metrics, member values averaged """ # open and read json file data_json = read_json(dict_json[project][metric_collection]) list_models = list(dict_mod_mem[project].keys()) dict_out = dict() for mod in list_models: list_members = sort_members(dict_mod_mem[project][mod]) dict2 = dict() for mem in list_members: try: data_mod = data_json[mod][mem]["value"] except: data_mod = None list_metrics = list() try: list(data_mod.keys()) except: pass else: list_metrics += list(data_mod.keys()) list_metrics = remove_metrics(list_metrics, metric_collection, reduced_set=reduced_set, portraitplot=portraitplot) dict3 = dict() if len(list_metrics) > 0: for met in list_metrics: dict3[met] = data_mod[met]["metric"][get_reference( metric_collection, met)]["value"] dict2[mem] = dict3 del data_mod, dict3, list_metrics # models and metrics list_metrics = list() for mem in list_members: try: list(dict2[mem].keys()) except: pass else: list_metrics += list(dict2[mem].keys()) # average member values if there is more than one available dict_met = dict() for met in list_metrics: tmp = [ dict2[mem][met] for mem in list_members if dict2[mem][met] is not None and dict2[mem][met] != 1e20 ] if len(tmp) > 0: dict_met[met] = float(tmp[0]) if len(tmp) == 1 else float( NUMPYarray(tmp).mean()) del tmp dict_out[mod] = dict_met del dict2, dict_met, list_members, list_metrics return dict_out
def my_bootstrap(tab1, tab2): mea1 = float(NUMPYarray(tab1).mean()) mea2 = float(NUMPYarray(tab2).mean()) bst1 = bootstrap(NUMPYarray(tab1), nech=len(tab2)) bst2 = bootstrap(NUMPYarray(tab2), nech=len(tab1)) return bst1, bst2, mea1, mea2
def minmax_plot(tab, metric=False): # define minimum and maximum mini, maxi = minimaxi(tab) if mini == maxi or abs(maxi - mini) / float(abs(maxi + mini)) < 1e-2: tt = max(abs(mini), abs(maxi)) / 10. tmp = int(str("%.e" % tt)[3:]) if mini == maxi or (mini < 0 and maxi > 0): tmp = 10**-tmp if tt < 1 else 10**tmp elif mini >= 0: tmp = 10**-tmp if tt < 1 else 10**tmp else: tmp = 10**-tmp if tt < 1 else 10**tmp mini = 0 if mini > 0 and (mini - tmp) < 0 else mini - tmp maxi = 0 if maxi < 0 and (maxi + tmp) > 0 else maxi + tmp if mini < 0 and maxi > 0: locmaxi = max([abs(mini), abs(maxi)]) locmini = -deepcopy(locmaxi) else: locmini, locmaxi = deepcopy(mini), deepcopy(maxi) # find the power of ten to get an interval between 1 and 10 mult = pow(10, int(str("%e" % abs(locmaxi - locmini)).split('e')[1])) locmini, locmaxi = int(MATHfloor(float(locmini) / mult)), int( MATHceil(float(locmaxi) / mult)) if locmaxi == 2 and maxi < 15 and mult == 10 and abs(locmini) != locmaxi: locmini, locmaxi = 0, 15 mult = 1. scalmini, scalemaxi = mini / mult, maxi / mult interval = locmaxi - locmini listbase = list( NUMPYaround( [ii * 10**exp for exp in range(-1, 1) for ii in range(1, 6)], decimals=1)) listbase = listbase + listbase listmult = [3] * int(round(len(listbase) / 2.)) + [4] * int( round(len(listbase) / 2.)) list1 = list( NUMPYaround( [listbase[ii] * listmult[ii] for ii in range(len(listbase))], decimals=1)) list2 = list(NUMPYaround([abs(ii - interval) for ii in list1], decimals=1)) interval = list1[list2.index(min(list2))] base = listbase[list1.index(interval)] if base * 4.5 < interval: ii = 1 tmp = sorted(list2) while base * 4.5 < interval: interval = list1[list2.index(tmp[ii])] base = listbase[list1.index(interval)] ii += 1 if abs(locmini) == locmaxi: maxi_out = 2 * base while maxi_out - base > locmaxi: maxi_out -= base if metric is True and maxi_out < scalemaxi + base * 0.4: maxi_out += base mini_out = -maxi_out else: if locmini < 0 and locmaxi <= 0: locmini, locmaxi = abs(locmaxi), abs(locmini) sign = -1 else: sign = 1 half_int = int(round(interval / 2.)) tmp_middle = locmini + half_int mini_out = max([0, tmp_middle - half_int]) while mini_out > locmini: mini_out -= base while mini_out + base < locmini: mini_out += base maxi_out = mini_out + 2 * base while maxi_out < locmaxi: maxi_out += base while maxi_out - base > locmaxi: maxi_out -= base minmax = list( NUMPYaround(NUMPYarray([mini_out, maxi_out]) * sign, decimals=0).astype(int)) mini_out, maxi_out = min(minmax), max(minmax) if metric is True: if maxi_out < scalemaxi + base * 0.4: maxi_out += base tick_labels = NUMPYarange(mini_out, maxi_out + base / 2., base) tick_labels = list(NUMPYaround(tick_labels * mult, decimals=4)) if all([True if int(ii) == float(ii) else False for ii in tick_labels]): tick_labels = list(NUMPYaround(tick_labels, decimals=0).astype(int)) if len(tick_labels) > 7: list_strings = [ "WARNING" + EnsoErrorsWarnings.message_formating(INSPECTstack()) + ": too many ticks for axis", str().ljust(5) + str(len(tick_labels)) + " ticks: " + str(tick_labels), str().ljust(5) + "there should not be more than 7" ] EnsoErrorsWarnings.my_warning(list_strings) if min(tick_labels) > mini or max(tick_labels) < maxi: list_strings = [ "WARNING" + EnsoErrorsWarnings.message_formating(INSPECTstack()) + ": wrong bounds in ticks for axis" ] if min(tick_labels) > mini: list_strings += [ str().ljust(5) + "ticks minimum (" + str(min(tick_labels)) + ") > tab minimum (" + str(mini) + ")" ] if max(tick_labels) < maxi: list_strings += [ str().ljust(5) + "ticks maximum (" + str(max(tick_labels)) + ") > tab maximum (" + str(maxi) + ")" ] EnsoErrorsWarnings.my_warning(list_strings) return tick_labels
def my_map(model, filename_nc, dict_param, reference, metric_variables, figure_name, metric_type=None, metric_values=None, metric_units=None, diagnostic_values=None, diagnostic_units=None, regions=None): # get data variables = dict_param["varpattern"] if isinstance(variables, str): nbr_val = 1 else: nbr_val = len(variables) tab_mod, tab_obs, metval, obsname = \ read_var(variables, filename_nc, model, reference, metric_variables, metric_values) if metric_type is not None: plot_metric = True else: plot_metric = False if metric_units is not None: metric_units = metric_units.replace("C", "$^\circ$C").replace( "long", "$^\circ$long") if isinstance(filename_nc, str): lon = list(NUMPYarray(tab_mod[0].coords[tab_mod[0].dims[1]])) lat = list(NUMPYarray(tab_mod[0].coords[tab_mod[0].dims[0]])) else: lon = list(NUMPYarray(tab_mod[0][0].coords[tab_mod[0][0].dims[1]])) lat = list(NUMPYarray(tab_mod[0][0].coords[tab_mod[0][0].dims[0]])) # figure initialization nbr_panel = dict_param["nbr_panel"] if isinstance(filename_nc, list): nbr_panel = nbr_panel + ((len(tab_mod) - 1) * nbr_val) title = dict_param["title"] xname = dict_param["xname"] yname = dict_param["yname"] zname = dict_param["zname"] if isinstance(filename_nc, list): if nbr_val == 1: title = [obsname] + mod_nicknames # model else: title = [obsname] + mod_nicknames #list() title = title * nbr_val # for tt in dict_param["title"]: # title.append(tt + ": " + obsname) # for mod in mod_nicknames:#model: # title.append(tt + ": " + mod) if isinstance(filename_nc, str): units = tab_mod[0].units.replace("C", "$^\circ$C").replace( "long", "$^\circ$long") else: units = tab_mod[0][0].units.replace("C", "$^\circ$C").replace( "long", "$^\circ$long") if units != "": zname = zname + " (" + units + ")" colorbar = "cmo." + dict_param["colorbar"] labelbar = dict_param["label"] if "maskland" in dict_param.keys(): maskland = dict_param["maskland"] else: maskland = False nbrl = int(round(nbr_panel / 2.)) nbrc = 1 if nbr_panel == 1 else 2 fig, axes = plt.subplots(nbrl, nbrc, figsize=(4 * nbrc, 4 * nbrl), sharex="col", sharey="row") hspa1 = 0.1 hspa2 = 0.01 if nbr_panel in [3, 4]: plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=-0.75, wspace=0.2) elif nbr_panel in [5, 6]: plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=-0.8, wspace=0.2) elif nbr_panel in [7, 8]: plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=-0.85, wspace=0.2) elif nbr_panel in [11, 12]: plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=-0.9, wspace=0.2) else: plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=hspa1, wspace=0.2) xlabel_ticks = list( range(int(MATHfloor(min(lon))), int(MATHceil(max(lon))) + 1)) xlabel_ticks, xlabel = create_labels(xname, xlabel_ticks) ylabel_ticks = list( range(int(MATHfloor(min(lat))), int(MATHceil(max(lat))) + 1)) ylabel_ticks, ylabel = create_labels(yname, ylabel_ticks) tab = list() if isinstance(filename_nc, str): legend = ["ref: " + obsname, model] for ii in range(len(tab_mod)): tab.append(tab_obs[ii]) tab.append(tab_mod[ii]) else: legend = ["ref: " + obsname] + model for ii in range(len(tab_obs)): tab.append(tab_obs[ii]) for kk in range(len(tab_mod)): tab.append(tab_mod[kk][ii]) for ii in range(nbr_panel): if nbr_panel == 1: ax = axes elif nbrl == 1 and nbrc != 1: ax = axes[ii % 2] else: ax = axes[ii / 2, ii % 2] if isinstance(filename_nc, list): if ii % 2 == 0: ax.set_title(title[ii], fontsize=15, y=1. + hspa2, loc="left") else: ax.set_title(title[ii], fontsize=15, y=1. + hspa2, loc="right") if nbr_val > 1: if ii % (len(filename_nc) + 1) == 0: ax.text(1.1, 1.02, dict_param["title"][ii / (len(filename_nc) + 1)], fontsize=15, weight="bold", horizontalalignment="center", verticalalignment="bottom", transform=ax.transAxes) else: ax.set_title(title[ii / 2], fontsize=15, y=1. + hspa2, loc="left") if isinstance(filename_nc, str): if ii in [0, 1]: ax.text(0.5, 1. + hspa1 * 6, legend[ii % 2], fontsize=15, weight="bold", horizontalalignment="center", verticalalignment="center", transform=ax.transAxes) # map xx, yy = NUMPYmeshgrid(lon, lat) if lat[-1] - lat[0] < 40: locmap = Basemap(projection="cyl", llcrnrlat=lat[0] - 5, urcrnrlat=lat[-1] + 5, llcrnrlon=lon[0], urcrnrlon=lon[-1], ax=ax) else: locmap = Basemap(projection="cyl", llcrnrlat=lat[0], urcrnrlat=lat[-1], llcrnrlon=lon[0], urcrnrlon=lon[-1], ax=ax) # draw coastlines locmap.drawcoastlines() # fill continents if maskland is True: locmap.fillcontinents(color="gainsboro") # draw parallels locmap.drawparallels(ylabel_ticks, labels=[1, 0, 0, 0], fontsize=12, dashes=[3, 1], linewidth=1) # draw meridians locmap.drawmeridians(xlabel_ticks, labels=[0, 0, 0, 1], fontsize=12, dashes=[3, 1], linewidth=1) #cs = locmap.pcolormesh(xx, yy, tab[ii], vmin=min(labelbar), vmax=max(labelbar), cmap=colorbar) levels = create_levels(labelbar) cs = locmap.contourf(xx, yy, tab[ii], levels=levels, extend="both", cmap=colorbar) # my text if ii == 0 and plot_metric is True: x1 = ax.get_position().x1 y2 = ax.get_position().y1 if nbrl == 1: ax2 = axes[(ii + 1) % 2] else: ax2 = axes[(ii + 1) / 2, (ii + 1) % 2] x2 = ax2.get_position().x0 txt = format_metric(metric_type, metval, metric_units) ax.text(x1 + ((x2 - x1) / 2.), y2 + 0.1, txt, fontsize=12, color="k", horizontalalignment="center", verticalalignment="center", transform=fig.transFigure) if ii == nbr_panel - 2: x1 = ax.get_position().x0 elif ii == nbr_panel - 1: x2 = ax.get_position().x1 y1 = ax.get_position().y0 # add colorbar if nbr_panel in [3, 4]: cax = plt.axes([x1, y1 + 0.21, x2 - x1, 0.015]) elif nbr_panel in [5, 6]: cax = plt.axes([x1, y1 + 0.2, x2 - x1, 0.015]) elif nbr_panel in [7, 8]: cax = plt.axes([x1, y1 + 0.21, x2 - x1, 0.01]) elif nbr_panel in [11, 12]: cax = plt.axes([x1, y1 + 0.22, x2 - x1, 0.005]) else: cax = plt.axes([x1, y1 + 0.2, x2 - x1, 0.03]) cbar = plt.colorbar(cs, cax=cax, orientation="horizontal", ticks=labelbar, pad=0.35, extend="both") cbar.set_label(zname, fontsize=15) plt.savefig(figure_name, bbox_inches="tight") plt.close() return
def my_hovmoeller(model, filename_nc, dict_param, reference, metric_variables, figure_name, metric_type=None, metric_values=None, metric_units=None, diagnostic_values=None, diagnostic_units=None, regions=None): # get data variables = dict_param["varpattern"] if isinstance(variables, str): nbr_val = 1 else: nbr_val = len(variables) tab_mod, tab_obs, metval, obsname = \ read_var(variables, filename_nc, model, reference, metric_variables, metric_values) if isinstance(filename_nc, str): tim = list(NUMPYarray(tab_mod[0].coords[tab_mod[0].dims[0]])) lon = list(NUMPYarray(tab_mod[0].coords[tab_mod[0].dims[1]])) else: tim = list(NUMPYarray(tab_mod[0][0].coords[tab_mod[0][0].dims[0]])) lon = list(NUMPYarray(tab_mod[0][0].coords[tab_mod[0][0].dims[1]])) nbr_years = len(tim) / 12. # figure initialization nbr_panel = dict_param["nbr_panel"] if isinstance(filename_nc, list): nbr_panel = nbr_panel + ((len(tab_mod) - 1) * nbr_val) title = dict_param["title"] if isinstance(filename_nc, list): if nbr_val == 1: title = [obsname] + mod_nicknames # model[ii] else: title = [obsname] + mod_nicknames # list() title = title * nbr_val # for tt in dict_param["title"]: # title.append(tt + ": " + obsname) # for mod in mod_nicknames:#model: # title.append(tt + ": " + mod) xname = dict_param["xname"] yname = dict_param["yname"] zname = dict_param["zname"] if isinstance(filename_nc, str): units = tab_mod[0].units.replace("C", "$^\circ$C").replace( "long", "$^\circ$long") else: units = tab_mod[0][0].units.replace("C", "$^\circ$C").replace( "long", "$^\circ$long") if units != "": zname = zname + " (" + units + ")" colorbar = "cmo." + dict_param["colorbar"] labelbar = dict_param["label"] nbrl = int(round(nbr_panel / 2.)) nbrc = 1 if nbr_panel == 1 else 2 fig, axes = plt.subplots(nbrl, nbrc, figsize=(4 * nbrc, 4 * nbr_years * nbrl), sharex="col", sharey="row") hspa1 = 0.3 / nbr_years hspa2 = 0.01 / nbr_years plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=hspa1, wspace=0.1) xlabel_ticks = list( range(int(MATHfloor(min(lon))), int(MATHceil(max(lon))) + 1)) xlabel_ticks, xlabel = create_labels(xname, xlabel_ticks) ylabel_ticks = list( range(int(MATHfloor(min(tim))), int(MATHceil(max(tim))) + 1)) ylabel_ticks, ylabel = create_labels(yname, ylabel_ticks) tab = list() if isinstance(filename_nc, str): legend = ["ref: " + obsname, model] for ii in range(len(tab_obs)): tab.append(tab_obs[ii]) tab.append(tab_mod[ii]) else: legend = ["ref: " + obsname] + model for ii in range(len(tab_obs)): tab.append(tab_obs[ii]) for kk in range(len(tab_mod)): tab.append(tab_mod[kk][ii]) for ii in range(nbr_panel): if nbr_panel == 1: ax = axes elif nbrl == 1 and nbrc != 1: ax = axes[ii % 2] else: ax = axes[ii / 2, ii % 2] # title if isinstance(filename_nc, str): ax.set_title(title[ii / 2], fontsize=15, y=1. + hspa2, loc="left") else: if ii % 2 == 0: ax.set_title(title[ii], fontsize=15, y=1. + hspa2, loc="left") else: ax.set_title(title[ii], fontsize=15, y=1. + hspa2, loc="right") if nbr_val > 1: if ii % (len(filename_nc) + 1) == 0: ttx2 = ax.get_position().x1 elif (ii - 1) % (len(filename_nc) + 1) == 0: ttx1 = ax.get_position().x0 tty2 = ax.get_position().y1 ax.text(ttx2 + (ttx1 - ttx2) / 2., tty2 + hspa2 / 2, dict_param["title"][(ii - 1) / (len(filename_nc) + 1)], fontsize=15, weight="bold", horizontalalignment="center", verticalalignment="center", transform=fig.transFigure) if isinstance(filename_nc, str): if ii in [0, 1]: ax.text(0.5, 1. + hspa1, legend[ii % 2], fontsize=15, weight="bold", horizontalalignment="center", verticalalignment="center", transform=ax.transAxes) # x axis ax.set_xlim(xmin=min(lon), xmax=max(lon)) if ii >= nbr_panel - 2: ax.set_xticks(xlabel_ticks) ax.set_xticklabels(xlabel) ax.set_xlabel(xname, fontsize=15) for tick in ax.xaxis.get_major_ticks(): tick.label.set_fontsize(12) # y axis ax.set_ylim(ymin=min(tim), ymax=max(tim)) if ii % 2 == 0: ax.set_yticks(ylabel_ticks) ax.set_yticklabels(ylabel) ax.set_ylabel(yname, fontsize=15) for tick in ax.yaxis.get_major_ticks(): tick.label.set_fontsize(12) # hovmoeller levels = create_levels(labelbar) xx, yy = NUMPYmeshgrid(lon, tim) cs = ax.contourf(xx, yy, tab[ii], levels=levels, extend="both", cmap=colorbar) if ii == nbr_panel - 2: x1 = ax.get_position().x0 elif ii == nbr_panel - 1: x2 = ax.get_position().x1 # add colorbar if nbr_years == 1 and nbrl == 1: cax = plt.axes([x1, -0.1, x2 - x1, 0.04]) else: if nbr_panel in [5, 6]: if nbr_years == 6: cax = plt.axes([x1, 0.09, x2 - x1, 0.005]) else: cax = plt.axes([x1, 0.03, x2 - x1, 0.02]) elif nbr_panel in [3, 4] and nbr_years == 6: cax = plt.axes([x1, 0.09, x2 - x1, 0.006]) elif nbr_panel in [7, 8] and nbr_years == 6: cax = plt.axes([x1, 0.1, x2 - x1, 0.002]) elif nbr_panel in [11, 12] and nbr_years == 6: cax = plt.axes([x1, 0.1, x2 - x1, 0.002]) elif nbr_panel in [17, 18]: if nbr_years < 1: cax = plt.axes([x1, 0.07, x2 - x1, 0.01]) else: cax = plt.axes([x1, 0.08, x2 - x1, 0.005]) else: cax = plt.axes([x1, 0.0, x2 - x1, 0.02]) cbar = plt.colorbar(cs, cax=cax, orientation="horizontal", ticks=labelbar, pad=0.35, extend="both") cbar.set_label(zname, fontsize=15) plt.savefig(figure_name, bbox_inches="tight") plt.close() return
def my_curve(model, filename_nc, dict_param, reference, metric_variables, figure_name, metric_type=None, metric_values=None, metric_units=None, diagnostic_values=None, diagnostic_units=None, regions=None): # get data variables = dict_param["varpattern"] if isinstance(variables, str): nbr_val = 1 else: nbr_val = len(variables) tab_mod, tab_obs, metval, obsname =\ read_var(deepcopy(variables), filename_nc, model, reference, metric_variables, metric_values) if metric_type is not None and isinstance(filename_nc, str) is True: plot_metric = True else: plot_metric = False if isinstance(filename_nc, str): axis = list(NUMPYarray(tab_mod[0].coords[tab_mod[0].coords.keys()[0]])) else: axis = list( NUMPYarray(tab_mod[0][0].coords[tab_mod[0][0].coords.keys()[0]])) # figure initialization title = dict_param["title"] xname = dict_param["xname"] yname = dict_param["yname"] if isinstance(filename_nc, str): units = tab_mod[0].units.replace("C", "$^\circ$C").replace( "long", "$^\circ$long") else: units = tab_mod[0][0].units.replace("C", "$^\circ$C").replace( "long", "$^\circ$long") if units != "": yname = yname + " (" + units + ")" if "colors" in dict_param.keys(): linecolors = dict_param["colors"] else: linecolors = {"model": ["r"], "reference": ["k"]} if "linestyles" in dict_param.keys(): linestyles = dict_param["linestyles"] else: linestyles = {"model": ["-"], "reference": ["-"]} if "legend" in dict_param.keys(): legend = dict_param["legend"] else: if isinstance(filename_nc, str): legend = ["ref: " + obsname, model] else: legend = ["ref: " + obsname] + mod_nicknames # model nbr = len(tab_mod[0]) if isinstance(filename_nc, str) else len( tab_mod[0][0]) if isinstance(filename_nc, str): tmp = tab_mod + tab_obs else: tmp = deepcopy(tab_obs) for ii in range(len(tab_mod)): tmp += tab_mod[ii] ytick_labels = minmax_plot(tmp, metric=plot_metric) # plot if isinstance(filename_nc, str): if xname == "months" and nbr == 72: fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 4)) else: fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(4, 4)) plot_curve(tab_mod, tab_obs, ax, title, axis, xname, yname, ytick_labels, linecolors, linestyles, metric_type, metval, metric_units, model=model, obsname=obsname, legend=legend, multimodel=False, plot_metric=plot_metric) else: if metric_type is not None: plot_metric = True if xname == "months" and nbr == 72: nbrl = nbr_val nbrc = 1 fig, axes = plt.subplots(nbrl, nbrc, figsize=(8, 4 * nbrl), sharex="col", sharey="row") else: nbrl = int(round(nbr_val / 2.)) nbrc = 1 if nbr_val == 1 else 2 fig, axes = plt.subplots(nbrl, nbrc, figsize=(4 * nbrc, 4 * nbrl), sharex="col", sharey="row") old_leg = deepcopy(legend) legend = ["ref: " + obsname] + mod_nicknames # model for kk in range(len(tab_obs)): tab_tmp = [tab_mod[jj][kk] for jj in range(len(tab_mod))] if nbr_val == 1: ax = axes elif (nbrl == 1 and nbrc != 1) or (nbrl != 1 and nbrc == 1): ax = axes[kk % 2] else: ax = axes[kk / 2, kk % 2] if "legend" in dict_param.keys(): title_tmp = title + ": " + old_leg[kk] else: title_tmp = title lcol = {"model": ["dodgerblue"], "reference": ["k"]} lsty = {"model": ["-"], "reference": ["-"]} for jj in range(len(filename_nc) - 1): lcol["model"].append(colors_sup[jj]) lsty["model"].append("-") if (nbrc == 2 and kk == 1) or (nbrc == 1 and kk == 0) or nbr_val == 1: plot_legend = True else: plot_legend = False plot_curve(tab_tmp, [tab_obs[kk]], ax, title_tmp, axis, xname, yname, ytick_labels, lcol, lsty, metric_type, metval, metric_units, model=model, obsname=obsname, legend=legend, multimodel=True, plot_metric=plot_metric, plot_legend=plot_legend) plt.savefig(figure_name, bbox_inches='tight') plt.close() return
list_metrics += list(dict_met[k1][k2].keys()) list_metrics = sort_metrics(list(set(list_metrics))) opposed_groups = deepcopy( list_projects) if big_ensemble is False else deepcopy(my_project) # mean metric evaluation tab_bst, tab_val = list(), list() for met in list_metrics: tab_tmp = list() for grp in opposed_groups: tab = list() for mod in list(dict_met[grp].keys()): if met in list(dict_met[grp][mod].keys()): if dict_met[grp][mod][met] is not None and dict_met[grp][ mod][met] != 1e20: tab.append(dict_met[grp][mod][met]) tab = NUMPYarray(tab) tab_tmp.append(NUMPYma__masked_invalid(tab).compressed()) del tab tab1, tab2 = list(), list() for ii in range(len(tab_tmp)): tab1.append(float(NUMPYmean(tab_tmp[ii]))) nbr = nbr = len(tab_tmp[1]) if ii == 0 else len(tab_tmp[0]) bst = bootstrap(tab_tmp[ii], nech=nbr) tab2.append(bst) del bst, nbr tab_bst.append(tab2) tab_val.append(tab1) tab_bst = NUMPYmoveaxis(NUMPYarray(tab_bst), 0, 1) tab_bst = NUMPYma__masked_where(tab_bst == 1e20, tab_bst) tab_val = NUMPYmoveaxis(NUMPYarray(tab_val), 0, -1) tmp = NUMPYmoveaxis(NUMPYarray([tab_val[1], tab_val[1]]), 0, 1)