Exemple #1
 def _apply_array(self, arrays: tp.Sequence[np.ndarray],
                  rng: np.random.RandomState) -> np.ndarray:
     # checks
     arrays = list(arrays)
     if len(arrays) != 2:
         raise Exception(
             "Crossover can only be applied between 2 individuals")
     shape = arrays[0].shape
     assert shape == arrays[
         1].shape, "Individuals should have the same shape"
     # settings
     axis = tuple(range(len(shape))) if self.axis is None else self.axis
     max_size = int(
         ((arrays[0].size + 1) /
          2)**(1 / len(axis))) if self.max_size is None else self.max_size
     max_size = min(max_size, *(shape[a] - 1 for a in axis))
     size = 1 if max_size == 1 else rng.randint(1, max_size)
     # slices
     slices = []
     for a, s in enumerate(shape):
         if a in axis:
             if s <= 1:
                 raise ValueError("Cannot crossover an shape with size 1")
             start = rng.randint(s - size)
             slices.append(slice(start, start + size))
             slices.append(slice(0, s))
     result = np.array(arrays[0], copy=True)
     result[tuple(slices)] = arrays[1][tuple(slices)]
     return result
Exemple #2
def random_crop_and_scale_to_fit_target(
    src_img: np.array,
    target_width: int,
    target_height: int,
    rng: np.random.RandomState = np.random.RandomState()):

    # case 1: no cropping because size fits
    if src_img.shape[0] == target_height and src_img.shape[1] == target_width:
        return src_img

    crop_startY = 0
    crop_startX = 0
    img_height = src_img.shape[0]
    img_width = src_img.shape[1]

    s = np.min([
        float(img_width) / float(target_width),
        float(img_height) / float(target_height)

    cw = np.min([int(s * target_width), img_width])
    ch = np.min([int(s * target_height), img_height])

    crop_startX = rng.randint(0, img_width - cw + 1)
    crop_startY = rng.randint(0, img_height - ch + 1)

    cropped_img = src_img[crop_startY:crop_startY + ch,
                          crop_startX:crop_startX + cw]
    resized_img = cv2.resize(cropped_img, (target_width, target_height),
    return resized_img
Exemple #3
def create_offspring_pairs(species: Species, amount_offspring: int,
                           agent_id_generator: AgentIDGeneratorInterface,
                           generation: Generation, rnd: np.random.RandomState,
                           config: NeatConfig) -> List[Tuple[int, int, int]]:
    Create tuples, with ids of agents, that should be used in the crossover.
    :param species: the species, for which the crossover values should be generated
    :param amount_offspring: the amount of offspring for the given species
    :param agent_id_generator: the id generator for the agents
    :param generation the generation with all its members
    :param rnd: the random generator, to select the parents
    :param config: the neat config
    :return: a list with tuples. The tuple contains the id of the first parent, the second parent and the child id
    assert len(species.members) != 0

    result_list = []
    species_len = len(species.members)
    for i in range(amount_offspring):
        # TODO add probability only mutation
        # TODO add reproduction with different species
        first_parent_index = rnd.randint(species_len)
        second_parent_index = rnd.randint(species_len)
        new_agent_id = agent_id_generator.get_agent_id()

        first_parent_id = species.members[first_parent_index].id
        second_parent_id = species.members[second_parent_index].id

        result_list.append((first_parent_id, second_parent_id, new_agent_id))

    return result_list
Exemple #4
def GenerateDeadcodeMutations(
    kernels: typing.Iterator[str],
    rand: np.random.RandomState,
    num_permutations_of_kernel: int = 5,
    num_mutations_per_kernel: typing.Tuple[int, int] = (1, 5),
) -> typing.Iterator[str]:
    """Generate dead code mutations for a set of kernels.

    rand: A random seed.
    kernels: The OpenCL kernels to mutate.
    num_permutations_of_kernel: The number of permutations of each kernel to
    num_mutations_per_kernel: The minimum and maximum number of mutations to
      apply to each generated kernel.
    for kernel in kernels:
        for _ in range(num_permutations_of_kernel):
            # Apply random mutations to kernel and yield.
            rand_ = np.random.RandomState(rand.randint(0, int(1e9)))

            # Use all kernels (including the current one we're mutating) as candidates
            # for mutation.
            dci = OpenClDeadcodeInserter(rand_,

            # RandomState.randint() is in range [low,high), hence add one to max to
            # make it inclusive.
            num_mutations = rand.randint(num_mutations_per_kernel[0],
                                         num_mutations_per_kernel[1] + 1)

            for _ in range(num_mutations):
            yield dci.opencl_source
Exemple #5
def init_board(size: int, state: numpy.random.RandomState) -> numpy.ndarray:
    Init board
    :param size: size of the board
    :param state: numpy random state
    board = numpy.zeros((size, size), dtype=int)
    board[state.randint(0, size), state.randint(0, size)] = 2
    return board
def salt_and_pepper(image, r: np.random.RandomState, s_vs_p=0.5, amount=0.004):
    # Salt sets pixels to all the way on for a channel
    num_salt = np.ceil(amount * image.size * s_vs_p)
    coords = [r.randint(0, i - 1, int(num_salt)) for i in image.shape]
    image[tuple(coords)] = 1

    # Pepper sets pixels to all the way off for a channel
    num_pepper = np.ceil(amount * image.size * (1.0 - s_vs_p))
    coords = [r.randint(0, i - 1, int(num_pepper)) for i in image.shape]
    image[tuple(coords)] = 0
def get_indices(length: int, full_length: int, method: Union[str, Method],
                random_state: np.random.RandomState):
    Get `start` and `stop` indices for a given slice method.

        >>> get_indices(3, 3, 'exact')
        (0, 3)
        >>> get_indices(3, 5, 'start')
        (0, 3)
        >>> get_indices(3, 5, 'stop')
        (2, 5)
        >>> get_indices(20, 30, 'middle', np.random.RandomState(42))
        (5, 25)
        >>> get_indices(20, 30, 'edges', np.random.RandomState(42))
        (8, 18)
    if isinstance(method, str):
        method = Method(method)
    assert method in Method

    if method in ["middle", "edges"] and random_state is None:
        random_state = np.random.RandomState()

    gap = full_length - length

    if method == Method.EXACT:
        assert length == full_length
        start = 0
        stop = full_length
    elif method == Method.START:
        start = 0
        stop = length
    elif method == Method.STOP:
        start = gap
        stop = start + length
    elif method == Method.MIDDLE:
        assert length >= 20
        start = random_state.randint(min(10, gap // 2),
                                     max(gap - 10, gap // 2) + 1)
        stop = start + length
    elif method == Method.EDGES:
        assert length >= 20
        start = random_state.randint(min(10, gap // 2),
                                     min(length - 10, gap) + 1)
        stop = full_length - (length - start)

    assert start >= 0, (length, full_length, method, start, stop)
    assert stop <= full_length, (length, full_length, method, start, stop)
    assert start <= stop, (length, full_length, method, start, stop)

    return start, stop
    def get_neighbors(self, value: int, rs: np.random.RandomState, number: Union[int, float] = np.inf, transform: bool = False) -> \
            List[Union[float, int, str]]:
        neighbors = []  # type: List[Union[float, int, str]]
        if number < len(self.choices):
            while len(neighbors) < number:
                rejected = True
                index = int(value)
                while rejected:
                    neighbor_idx = rs.randint(0, self._num_choices)
                    if neighbor_idx != index:
                        rejected = False

                if transform:
                    candidate = self._transform(neighbor_idx)
                    candidate = float(neighbor_idx)

                if candidate in neighbors:
            for candidate_idx, candidate_value in enumerate(self.choices):
                if int(value) == candidate_idx:
                    if transform:
                        candidate = self._transform(candidate_idx)
                        candidate = float(candidate_idx)


        return neighbors
 def _sample(self,
             rs: np.random.RandomState,
             size: Union[int, None] = None) -> int:
     returns a random sample from our sequence as order/position index
     return rs.randint(0, self._num_elements, size=size)
Exemple #10
def play_move(board: numpy.ndarray, side: int, state: numpy.random.RandomState) -> int:
    Play a move
    :param board: board
    :param side: side (0, 1, 2, 3) (down, right, up, left)
    :param state: numpy random state
    :return score
    score = 0
    size = board.shape[0]
    direction = side % 2  # 0 down, 1 right
    sens = (direction == 0) * (side - 1) + (direction == 1) * (side - 2)  # -1 down/right, 1 up/down
    for i in (range(size - 1, -1, -1) if sens == -1 else range(size)):
        for j in range(size):
            a = (i, j) if direction == 0 else (j, i)
            b = (i + sens, j) if direction == 0 else (j, i + sens)
            while 0 <= b[0] < size > b[1] >= 0 <= a[0] < size > a[1] >= 0 and (board[a] == board[b] or board[a] == 0):
                board[a] += board[b]
                score += board[b]
                board[b] = 0
                a = (a[0] - sens, a[1]) if direction == 0 else (a[0], a[1] - sens)
                b = (b[0] - sens, b[1]) if direction == 0 else (b[0], b[1] - sens)
    if score != 0:
        x = state.randint(0, size ** 2)
        while board[x // size, x % size] != 0:
            x = (x + 1) % size ** 2

        board[x // size, x % size] = 2 + 2 * (state.rand() > 0.8)
    return score
def random_date_img_tuple(
    dataset: Dict[str, torch.Tensor],
    writer: Union[int, None] = None,
    rand: np.random.RandomState = np.random.RandomState(seed=1234),
) -> Tuple[Tuple[torch.Tensor, int], Tuple[torch.Tensor, int], Tuple[
        torch.Tensor, int]]:
    """Compose a tuple of images of a valid date written by one person."""

    # choose a consistent writer
    if writer is None:
        max_writer = min([d.shape[0] for d in dataset.values()]) - 1
        writer = rand.randint(low=0, high=max_writer, size=1).item()

    # choose whether the writer prepends zeros to day and month
    leading_zero = rand.randn(1) > 0.6

    return (random_day_img(dataset=dataset,
    def get_neighbors(self, value: int, rs: np.random.RandomState, number: Union[int, float] = np.inf, transform: bool = False) -> \
            List[Union[float, int, str]]:
        neighbors = []  # type: List[Union[float, int, str]]
        if number < len(self.choices):
            while len(neighbors) < number:
                rejected = True
                index = int(value)
                while rejected:
                    neighbor_idx = rs.randint(0, self._num_choices)
                    if neighbor_idx != index:
                        rejected = False

                if transform:
                    candidate = self._transform(neighbor_idx)
                    candidate = float(neighbor_idx)

                if candidate in neighbors:
            for candidate_idx, candidate_value in enumerate(self.choices):
                if int(value) == candidate_idx:
                    if transform:
                        candidate = self._transform(candidate_idx)
                        candidate = float(candidate_idx)


        return neighbors
def _pad_edges_shorter(
    ds: DataSetGAN,
    length: int,
    target_length: int,
    random_state: np.random.RandomState,
    offset: Optional[int] = None,
    if offset is None:
        start = random_state.randint(0, target_length - length + 1)
        start = offset
    pad_end = max(0, target_length - length - start)

    new_seqs = []
    for seq in ds.seqs:
        new_seq = b"." * start + seq + b"." * pad_end

    new_adjs = []
    for adj in ds.adjs:
        row = adj.row + start
        col = adj.col + start
        new_adj = sparse.coo_matrix((adj.data, (row, col)),
                                    shape=(target_length, target_length))
    return new_seqs, new_adjs
Exemple #14
 def sample_idx(self, rs: np.random.RandomState, size: int):
     upper_bound = len(self) - size
     if upper_bound <= 0:
         raise ValueError(
             f'Network (size:{size}) is too large for noise table (size:{len(self)})'
     return rs.randint(0, upper_bound)
Exemple #15
 def _select_train_indices(
     n_samples: int,
     random_state: np.random.RandomState,
     y: Union[np.ndarray, pd.Series, pd.DataFrame, None],
 ) -> np.ndarray:
     return random_state.randint(n_samples, size=n_samples)
Exemple #16
    def _select_train_indices(
        n_samples: int,
        random_state: np.random.RandomState,
        y: Union[np.ndarray, pd.Series, pd.DataFrame, None],
    ) -> np.ndarray:

        mean_block_size = self.mean_block_size
        if mean_block_size < 1:
            # if mean block size was set as a percentage, calculate the actual mean
            # block size
            mean_block_size = n_samples * mean_block_size

        p_new_block = 1.0 / mean_block_size

        train = np.empty(n_samples, dtype=np.int64)

        for i in range(n_samples):
            if i == 0 or random_state.uniform() <= p_new_block:
                idx = random_state.randint(n_samples)
                # noinspection PyUnboundLocalVariable
                idx += 1
                if idx >= n_samples:
                    idx = 0
            train[i] = idx

        return train
Exemple #17
def _read_random_row_group(
    parquet_file: Path,
    columns: Union[dict, tuple],
    filters: List[Callable],
    random_state: np.random.RandomState,
) -> pd.DataFrame:
    """Read a random row group from an open `parquet_file_obj`.

    TODO: Refactor this ugly function to take fewer arguments.
    column_renames = _get_column_renames(columns)
    parquet_file_obj = pq.ParquetFile(parquet_file)
    row_group_idx = random_state.randint(parquet_file_obj.num_row_groups)
    logger.debug("Reading row group %s from parquet file '%s'.", row_group_idx,
    table = parquet_file_obj.read_row_group(row_group_idx,
    df = table.to_pandas(use_threads=True)
    df = df.rename(columns=column_renames)
    for fn in filters:
        df = fn(df)
    df = df.sample(frac=1, random_state=random_state)
    assert not set(DataRow._fields) - set(df.columns)
    return df
Exemple #18
def mkimg(r:np.random.RandomState):
    """Make a typical random image

    :param r: A random state for generating images
    :returns: a 10x10x10 uint8 array
    return r.randint(0, 256, size=(10, 10), dtype=np.uint8)
Exemple #19
def split_train_test_userwise_random(
    df_: pd.DataFrame,
    user_colname: str,
    item_colname: str,
    item_ids: List[Any],
    heldout_ratio: float,
    n_heldout: Optional[int],
    rns: np.random.RandomState,
    rating_column: Optional[str] = None,
) -> UserTrainTestInteractionPair:
    """Split the user x item data frame into a pair of sparse matrix (represented as a UserDataSet).

        user x item interaction matrix.
        The column name for the users.
        The column name for the items.
        The mapper from item id to item index. If not supplied, create own mapping from df_.
        The percentage of items (per-user) to be held out as a test(validation) ones.
        The maximal number of items (per-user) to be held out as a test(validation) ones.
        The random state
        The column for the rating values. If None, the rating values will be all equal (1), by default None
        Resulting train-test split dataset.

    df_ = df_[df_[item_colname].isin(item_ids)]

    item_indices = pd.Categorical(df_[item_colname], categories=item_ids).codes

    user_ids, user_indices = np.unique(df_[user_colname], return_inverse=True)
    if rating_column is not None:
        data = df_[rating_column].values
        data = np.ones(df_.shape[0], dtype=np.int32)

    X_all = sps.csr_matrix(
        (data, (user_indices, item_indices)),
        shape=(len(user_ids), len(item_ids)),
    X_learn, X_predict = rowwise_train_test_split(
        random_seed=rns.randint(-(2**31), 2**31 - 1),

    return UserTrainTestInteractionPair(user_ids, X_learn.tocsr(),
                                        X_predict.tocsr(), item_ids)
def value_to_img(
    value: str,
    dataset: Dict[str, torch.Tensor],
    writer: Union[int, None] = None,
    spacing: float = 0.5,
    bkg_value: int = 255,
    fg_value: int = 0,
    check_input: bool = True,
    rand: np.random.RandomState = np.random.RandomState(seed=1234)
) -> torch.Tensor:
    """Convert a numerical value to an image of that value.

        value: The integer that should be converted to an image.
            This is input as a string so that you can choose to have
            a leading zero or not, but it must be a string of numbers.
        dataset: A pre-sorted lookup of a given dataset, where
            dataset[key] is a tensor containing all instances of
            that class of image specified by the key label.
        writer: The MNIST writer whose handwriting we will use.  An
            integer value from 0 to 5421.  `None` will pick at random.
        spacing: Value that controls the blank space between digits.
            Float between 0 and 1, where 0 is tight spacing.
        bkg_value: Value for background pixels.
        fg_value: Value for foreground (digit) pixels.
        check_input: False will disable input checking for a possible
            speed-up, but it's probably negligible on a cpu.
        rand: For reproducibility, pass a seeded numpy random
            number generator object.

        img: An image of the hand-written value.


    if check_input:
        max_writer = min([d.shape[0] for d in dataset.values()]) - 1
        if writer is None:
            writer = rand.randint(low=0, high=max_writer, size=1).item()
            assert (writer >= 0) and (writer < max_writer), \
                f'writer must be >= 0 and less than the max, which is {max_writer}'

    # create blank canvas
    width = int(28 * (1 + 0.5 * (len(value) - 1) + 0.5 * spacing *
                      (len(value) - 1))) + 1
    img = torch.zeros((28, width))
    step = int(28 * (0.5 + 0.5 * spacing))
    ranges = zip(range(0, width - 28, step), range(28, width, step))

    # paste value images
    for v, region in zip(value, list(ranges)):
        digit = dataset[v][writer, ...]
        img[:, region[0]:region[1]] = img[:, region[0]:region[1]] + digit

    img = torch.clamp(img, min=0., max=1.)
    img = img * (fg_value - bkg_value) + bkg_value

    return img
Exemple #21
    def next_lane(
        current_index: LaneIndex,
        route: Route = None,
        position: np.ndarray = None,
        # Don't change this, since we need to make map identical to old version. get_np_random is used for traffic only.
        np_random: np.random.RandomState = None
    ) -> LaneIndex:
        Get the index of the next lane that should be followed after finishing the current lane.

        - If a plan is available and matches with current lane, follow it.
        - Else, pick next road randomly.
        - If it has the same number of lanes as current road, stay in the same lane.
        - Else, pick next road's closest lane.
        :param current_index: the index of the current lane.
        :param route: the planned route, if any.
        :param position: the vehicle position.
        :param np_random: a source of randomness.
        :return: the index of the next lane to be followed when current lane is finished.
        assert np_random

        _from, _to, _id = current_index
        next_to = None
        # Pick next road according to planned route
        if route:
            if route[
                       2] == current_index[:
                                           2]:  # We just finished the first step of the route, drop it.
            if route and route[0][
                    0] == _to:  # Next road in route is starting at the end of current road.
                _, next_to, _ = route[0]
            elif route:
                    "Route {} does not start after current road {}.".format(
                        route[0], current_index))
        # Randomly pick next road
        if not next_to:
                next_to = list(self.graph[_to].keys())[np_random.randint(
            except KeyError:
                # logger.warning("End of lane reached.")
                return current_index

        # If next road has same number of lane, stay on the same lane
        if len(self.graph[_from][_to]) == len(self.graph[_to][next_to]):
            next_id = _id
        # Else, pick closest lane
            lanes = range(len(self.graph[_to][next_to]))
            next_id = min(lanes,
                          key=lambda l: self.get_lane(
                              (_to, next_to, l)).distance(position))

        return _to, next_to, next_id
Exemple #22
def GenerateGraph(
    rand: np.random.RandomState,
    dimensions: int = 2,
    theta: float = 1000.0,
    rate: float = 1.0,
    weight_name: str = "distance",
) -> nx.Graph:
    """Creates a connected graph.

  The graphs are geographic threshold graphs, but with added edges via a
  minimum spanning tree algorithm, to ensure all nodes are connected.

    rand: A random seed for the graph generator.
    num_nodes_min_max: A sequence [lower, upper) number of nodes per graph.
    dimensions: (optional) An `int` number of dimensions for the positions.
      Default= 2.
    theta: (optional) A `float` threshold parameters for the geographic
      threshold graph's threshold. Large values (1000+) make mostly trees. Try
      20-60 for good non-trees. Default=1000.0.
    rate: (optional) A rate parameter for the node weight exponential sampling
      distribution. Default= 1.0.
    weight_name: The name for the weight edge attribute.

    The graph.
    # Sample num_nodes.
    num_nodes = rand.randint(*num_nodes_min_max)

    # Create geographic threshold graph.
    pos_array = rand.uniform(size=(num_nodes, dimensions))
    pos = dict(enumerate(pos_array))
    weight = dict(enumerate(rand.exponential(rate, size=num_nodes)))
    geo_graph = nx.geographical_threshold_graph(num_nodes,

    # Create minimum spanning tree across geo_graph's nodes.
    distances = spatial.distance.squareform(spatial.distance.pdist(pos_array))
    i_, j_ = np.meshgrid(range(num_nodes), range(num_nodes), indexing="ij")
    weighted_edges = list(zip(i_.ravel(), j_.ravel(), distances.ravel()))
    mst_graph = nx.Graph()
    mst_graph.add_weighted_edges_from(weighted_edges, weight=weight_name)
    mst_graph = nx.minimum_spanning_tree(mst_graph, weight=weight_name)
    # Put geo_graph's node attributes into the mst_graph.
    for i in mst_graph.nodes():

    # Compose the graphs.
    combined_graph = nx.compose_all((mst_graph, geo_graph.copy()))
    # Put all distance weights into edge attributes.
    for i, j in combined_graph.edges():
        combined_graph.get_edge_data(i, j).setdefault(weight_name,
                                                      distances[i, j])
    return combined_graph
    def sample_index(self, rng: np.random.RandomState) -> int:
        """Sample a random index within the table, taking into account the size of the noise vector.

        :param rng: Maze random number generator to be used.

        :return: A noise index to be passed to
        return rng.randint(0, len(self.noise))
def mutate_add_node(
        genome: Genome, rnd: np.random.RandomState,
        generator: InnovationNumberGeneratorInterface,
        config: NeatConfig) -> (Genome, Node, Connection, Connection):
    Add with a given probability from the config a new node to the genome.
    A random connections is selected, which will be disabled. A new node will be placed between the in and out node of
    the connection. Then two new connections will be created, one which leads into the new node (weight=1) and one out
    (weight = weight of the disabled connection).
    :param genome: the genome that should be modified
    :param rnd: a random generator to determine if, the genome is mutated, and how
    :param generator: a generator for innovation number for nodes and connections
    :param config: a config that specifies the mutation params
    :return: the modified genome, as well as the generated node and the two connections (if they were mutated)
    # Check if node should mutate
    if rnd.uniform(0, 1) > config.probability_mutate_add_node:
        return genome, None, None, None

    selected_connection = genome.connections[rnd.randint(
        0, len(genome.connections))]
    selected_connection.enabled = False

    in_node = next(x for x in genome.nodes
                   if x.innovation_number == selected_connection.input_node)
    out_node = next(x for x in genome.nodes
                    if x.innovation_number == selected_connection.output_node)

    # Select activation function either from one of the nodes
    new_node_activation = in_node.activation_function if rnd.uniform(
        0, 1) <= 0.5 else out_node.activation_function
    new_node_x_position = (in_node.x_position + out_node.x_position) / 2
    new_node = Node(
                                             out_node), NodeType.HIDDEN,
        rnd.uniform(low=config.bias_initial_min, high=config.bias_initial_max),
        new_node_activation, new_node_x_position)

    new_connection_in = Connection(generator.get_connection_innovation_number(
        in_node, new_node),
    new_connection_out = Connection(generator.get_connection_innovation_number(
        new_node, out_node),


    return genome, new_node, new_connection_in, new_connection_out
def get_offset(length: int, random_state: np.random.RandomState):
    """Chose a random offset (useful for permutations, etc).

        >>> get_offset(10, np.random.RandomState(42))
    min_offset = min(10, length // 2)
    offset = random_state.randint(min_offset, length - min_offset + 1)
    return offset
Exemple #26
def make_trials(system: VisionSystem, image_collection: ImageCollection,
                repeats: int, random: np.random.RandomState):
    # Get the true motions, for making trials
    true_motions = [
        image_collection.images[frame_idx - 1].camera_pose.find_relative(
        if frame_idx > 0 else None
        for frame_idx in range(len(image_collection))

    # Make some plausible trial results
    trial_results = []
    for repeat in range(repeats):
        start_idx = random.randint(0, len(image_collection) - 2)
        frame_results = [
                processing_time=random.uniform(0.001, 1.0),
                    Transform(location=random.normal(0, 1, 3),
                                  random.uniform(-1, 1, 3),
                                  random.normal(0, np.pi / 2)),
                if frame_idx > start_idx else None,
                if frame_idx > start_idx else TrackingState.NOT_INITIALIZED,
                num_matches=random.randint(10, 100))
            for frame_idx, (timestamp, image) in enumerate(image_collection)
        frame_results[start_idx].estimated_pose = Transform()
        trial_settings = {'random': random.randint(0, 10), 'repeat': repeat}
        trial_result = SLAMTrialResult(system=system,
    return trial_results
Exemple #27
 def _apply_array(self, arrays: tp.Sequence[np.ndarray],
                  rng: np.random.RandomState) -> np.ndarray:
     arrays = list(arrays)
     assert len(arrays) == 1
     data = arrays[0]
     if rng is None:
         rng = np.random.RandomState()
     axis = tuple(range(data.dim)) if self.axis is None else self.axis
     shifts = [rng.randint(data.shape[a]) for a in axis]
     return np.roll(data, shifts, axis=axis)  # type: ignore
Exemple #28
def cluster_into_random_sized_groups(
        orig_list: List[int], min_group_size: int, max_group_size: int,
        numpy_rng: np.random.RandomState) -> List[List[int]]:
    final_list = []
    cnt = 0
    while cnt < len(orig_list):
        size = numpy_rng.randint(min_group_size, max_group_size + 1)
        final_list.append(orig_list[cnt:cnt + size])
        cnt += size
    return final_list
Exemple #29
def sample_subtasks(rng: np.random.RandomState,
                    pool: List[str],
                    minimum_size: int,
                    maximum_size: Optional[int] = None,
                    replace: bool = False) -> List[str]:
    if maximum_size is not None:
        assert maximum_size <= len(pool), 'Invalid maximum_size.'
    maximum_size = maximum_size or len(pool)
    random_size = rng.randint(minimum_size, maximum_size + 1)
    sampled_subtasks = rng.choice(pool, size=random_size, replace=replace)
    return list(sampled_subtasks)
Exemple #30
def random_crop_and_scale_to_fit_target(
    src_img: np.array,
    target_width: int,
    target_height: int,
    rng: np.random.RandomState = np.random.RandomState()):

    # case 1: no cropping because size fits
    if src_img.shape[0] == target_height and src_img.shape[1] == target_width:
        return src_img

    crop_startY = 0
    crop_startX = 0
    img_height = src_img.shape[0]
    img_width = src_img.shape[1]

    # cropped width  cw = s * target_width, s scalar unknown
    # cropeed height ch = s * target_height, same s to maintain aspect ratio
    # maximize s so that cw and ch are within target image limits

    # 0 <= cw <= src_img_w
    # 0 <= ch <= src_img_h
    # 0 <= s * target_width <= src_img_w
    # 0 <= s * target_height <= src_img_h
    # s = min(src_img_w/target_width, src_img_h / target_height)

    s = np.min([
        float(img_width) / float(target_width),
        float(img_height) / float(target_height)

    cw = np.min([int(s * target_width), img_width])
    ch = np.min([int(s * target_height), img_height])

    crop_startX = rng.randint(0, img_width - cw + 1)
    crop_startY = rng.randint(0, img_height - ch + 1)

    cropped_img = src_img[crop_startY:crop_startY + ch,
                          crop_startX:crop_startX + cw]
    resized_img = cv2.resize(cropped_img, (target_width, target_height),
    return resized_img
Exemple #31
def _make_slices(shape: tp.Tuple[int, ...], axes: tp.Tuple[int, ...],
                 size: int, rng: np.random.RandomState) -> tp.List[slice]:
    slices = []
    for a, s in enumerate(shape):
        if a in axes:
            if s <= 1:
                raise ValueError("Cannot crossover on axis with size 1")
            start = rng.randint(s - size)
            slices.append(slice(start, start + size))
    return slices
 def _sample(self, rs: np.random.RandomState, size: Union[int, None] = None) -> int:
     returns a random sample from our sequence as order/position index
     return rs.randint(0, self._num_elements, size=size)
 def _sample(self, rs: np.random.RandomState, size: int = None) -> Union[int, np.ndarray]:
     return rs.randint(0, self._num_choices, size=size)