async def do_mfcc_test(dut):
    input_features, index = na.get_random_featuremap()
    fc_exp, c1_exp, c2_exp = na.get_numpy_pred_custom_params(input_features, \
    wake = (fc_exp[0] > fc_exp[1])

    await write_input_features(dut, input_features)
    cocotb.fork(read_conv_output(dut, 1, 50, 8, c1_exp))
    cocotb.fork(read_conv_output(dut, 2, 25, 16, c2_exp))
    await read_fc_output(dut, fc_exp)
    await read_wake(dut, wake)
async def test_wakey_wakey(dut):
    # Create a 10us period clock on port clk
    clock = Clock(dut.clk_i, 10, units="us")

    # Reset DUT
    await FallingEdge(dut.clk_i)
    dut.rst_n_i <= 0
    dut.wbs_stb_i <= 0
    dut.wbs_cyc_i <= 0
    dut.wbs_we_i <= 0
    dut.wbs_sel_i <= 0
    dut.wbs_dat_i <= 0
    dut.wbs_adr_i <= 0
    # dut.pdm_data_i <= 0
    dut.dfe_data <= 0
    dut.dfe_valid <= 0
    dut.vad_i <= 0

    dut.la_data_in_i <= 0

    # wait long enough for reset to be effective
    for _ in range(50):
        await FallingEdge(dut.clk_i)
    dut.rst_n_i <= 1
    dut.vad_i <= 1
    await FallingEdge(dut.clk_i)
    print('=' * 100)
    print('Beginning Load/Store Test')
    print('=' * 100)
    # Store Test
    # Sequential Store - Conv 1 Memory Bank 0 (Weight - 104b)
    for i in range(8):
        await cfg_store(dut, i, i + 3, i + 2, i + 1, i)
    # Sequential Store - Conv 1 Memory Bank 1 (Weight - 104b)
    for i in range(8):
        await cfg_store(dut, i + 0x10, i + 3, i + 2, i + 1, i)
    # Sequential Store - Conv 1 Memory Bank 2 (Weight - 104b)
    for i in range(8):
        await cfg_store(dut, i + 0x20, i + 3, i + 2, i + 1, i)
    # Sequential Store - Conv 1 Memory Bank 3 (Bias - 32b)
    for i in range(8):
        await cfg_store(dut, i + 0x30, i + 3, i + 2, i + 1, i)
    # Sequential Store - Conv 1 Memory Bank 4 (Shift - 5b)
    await cfg_store(dut, 0x40, i + 3, i + 2, i + 1, i)
    # Sequential Store - Conv 2 Memory Bank 0 (Weight - 64b)
    for i in range(16):
        await cfg_store(dut, i + 0x50, i + 3, i + 2, i + 1, i)
    # Sequential Store - Conv 2 Memory Bank 1 (Weight - 64b)
    for i in range(16):
        await cfg_store(dut, i + 0x60, i + 3, i + 2, i + 1, i)
    # Sequential Store - Conv 2 Memory Bank 2 (Weight - 64b)
    for i in range(16):
        await cfg_store(dut, i + 0x70, i + 3, i + 2, i + 1, i)
    # Sequential Store - Conv 2 Memory Bank 3 (Bias - 32b)
    for i in range(16):
        await cfg_store(dut, i + 0x80, i + 3, i + 2, i + 1, i)
    # Sequential Store - Conv 2 Memory Bank 4 (Shift - 5b)
    await cfg_store(dut, 0x90, i + 3, i + 2, i + 1, i)
    # Sequential Store - FC Memory Bank 0 (Weight - 8b)
    for i in range(208):
        await cfg_store(dut, i + 0x100, i + 3, i + 2, i + 1, i)
    # Sequential Store - FC Memory Bank 1 (Weight - 8b)
    for i in range(208):
        await cfg_store(dut, i + 0x200, i + 3, i + 2, i + 1, i)
    # Sequential Store - FC Memory Bank 3 (Bias - 32b)
    await cfg_store(dut, 0x300, i + 3, i + 2, i + 1, i)
    # Sequential Store - FC Memory Bank 3 (Bias - 32b)
    await cfg_store(dut, 0x400, i + 3, i + 2, i + 1, i)

    # Load Test
    # Sequential Load - Conv 1 Memory Bank 0 (Weight - 104b)
    for i in range(8):
        observed = await cfg_load(dut, i)
        expected = [i + 3, i + 2, i + 1, i]
        assert observed == expected
    # Sequential Load - Conv 1 Memory Bank 1 (Weight - 104b)
    for i in range(8):
        observed = await cfg_load(dut, i + 0x10)
        expected = [i + 3, i + 2, i + 1, i]
        assert observed == expected
    # Sequential Load - Conv 1 Memory Bank 2 (Weight - 104b)
    for i in range(8):
        observed = await cfg_load(dut, i + 0x20)
        expected = [i + 3, i + 2, i + 1, i]
        assert observed == expected
    # Sequential Load - Conv 1 Memory Bank 3 (Bias - 32b)
    for i in range(8):
        observed = await cfg_load(dut, i + 0x30)
        expected = [0, 0, 0, i]
        assert observed == expected
    # Sequential Load - Conv 1 Memory Bank 4 (Shift - 5b)
    observed = await cfg_load(dut, 0x40)
    expected = [0, 0, 0, i]
    assert observed == expected
    # Sequential Load - Conv 2 Memory Bank 0 (Weight - 64b)
    for i in range(16):
        observed = await cfg_load(dut, i + 0x50)
        expected = [0, 0, i + 1, i]
        assert observed == expected
    # Sequential Load - Conv 2 Memory Bank 1 (Weight - 64b)
    for i in range(16):
        observed = await cfg_load(dut, i + 0x60)
        expected = [0, 0, i + 1, i]
        assert observed == expected
    # Sequential Load - Conv 2 Memory Bank 2 (Weight - 64b)
    for i in range(16):
        observed = await cfg_load(dut, i + 0x70)
        expected = [0, 0, i + 1, i]
        assert observed == expected
    # Sequential Load - Conv 2 Memory Bank 3 (Bias - 32b)
    for i in range(16):
        observed = await cfg_load(dut, i + 0x80)
        expected = [0, 0, 0, i]
        assert observed == expected
    # Sequential Load - Conv 2 Memory Bank 4 (Shift - 5b)
    observed = await cfg_load(dut, 0x90)
    expected = [0, 0, 0, i]
    assert observed == expected
    # Sequential Load - FC Memory Bank 0 (Weight - 8b)
    for i in range(208):
        observed = await cfg_load(dut, i + 0x100)
        expected = [0, 0, 0, i]
        assert observed == expected
    # Sequential Load - FC Memory Bank 1 (Weight - 8b)
    for i in range(208):
        observed = await cfg_load(dut, i + 0x200)
        expected = [0, 0, 0, i]
        assert observed == expected
    # Sequential Load - FC Memory Bank 3 (Bias - 32b)
    observed = await cfg_load(dut, 0x300)
    expected = [0, 0, 0, i]
    assert observed == expected
    # Sequential Load - FC Memory Bank 3 (Bias - 32b)
    observed = await cfg_load(dut, 0x400)
    expected = [0, 0, 0, i]
    assert observed == expected

    #  n_fixed_tests = 4  # number of different types of fixed tests
    #  for i in range(n_fixed_tests):
    #      print('=' * 100)
    #      print('Beginning fixed test {}/{}.'.format(i+1, n_fixed_tests))
    #      print('=' * 100)
    #      await do_fixed_test(dut, i)
    #  n_random_tests = 3  # number of different types of random tests
    #  n_repeats = 5  # how many times to repeat each random test
    #  for i in range(n_random_tests):
    #      for j in range(n_repeats):
    #          print('=' * 100)
    #          print('Beginning random test {}/{} repeat num {}/{}.' \
    #                  .format(i+1, n_random_tests, j+1, n_repeats))
    #          print('=' * 100)
    #          await do_random_test(dut, i)
    #  n_mfcc_tests = 10  # number of tests to do with real MFCC features
    #  for i in range(n_mfcc_tests):
    #      print('=' * 100)
    #      print('Beginning MFCC test {}/{} '.format(i+1, n_mfcc_tests))
    #      print('=' * 100)
    #      params = na.get_params()
    #      await write_mem_params(dut, params)
    #      await do_mfcc_test(dut)

    print('To limit the number of tests, run with: make PLUSARGS="+n_tests=2"')
    params = na.get_params()
    await write_mem_params(dut, params)
    print('Preparing software model expected output:')
    fnames, wakes_expected = parse_mic_data.eval_pipeline(
    )  # get input file names and wakes
    sort_order = np.argsort(
        fnames)  # sort fnames so they're ordered in an expected way
    sort_order[::2] = sort_order[::-2]
    fnames = np.array(fnames)[sort_order]
    wakes_expected = np.array(wakes_expected)[sort_order]
    n_correct = 0
    print('cocotb plusargs: ', cocotb.plusargs)
    if 'n_tests' in cocotb.plusargs:
        n_tests = int(cocotb.plusargs['n_tests'])
        print('Running only {} tests'.format(n_tests))
        n_tests = len(fnames)
    # test_num = int(cocotb.plusargs['test_num'])
    for test_num in range(n_tests):
        print('Running test {}/{} with {}'.format(test_num, n_tests - 1,
        print('=' * 100)
        print('Beginning end-to-end test {}/{} '.format(test_num, n_tests - 1))
        print('=' * 100)
        wake = await do_pcm_test_fft_correction(dut, fnames[test_num],
        # wake = await do_pcm_test(dut, fnames[test_num])
        if wake != wakes_expected[test_num]:
            print('DUT output of {} when expected {}'.format(
                wake, wakes_expected[test_num]))
            print('DUT output of {} as expected.'.format(wake))
            n_correct += 1
    accuracy = n_correct / n_tests * 100
    print('Results: {}/{} correct, accuracy: {:.03f}'.format(
        n_correct, n_tests, accuracy))
Exemple #3
async def test_conv1d(dut):
    """ Test Conv1D Module """
    # Create a 10us period clock on port clk
    clock = Clock(dut.clk_i, 10, units="us")

    # Reset DUT
    await FallingEdge(dut.clk_i)
    dut.rst_n_i <= 0
    dut.data_i <= 0
    dut.valid_i <= 0
    dut.last_i <= 0

    dut.conv1_rd_en_i <= 0
    dut.conv1_wr_en_i <= 0
    dut.conv1_rd_wr_bank_i <= 0
    dut.conv1_rd_wr_addr_i <= 0
    dut.conv1_wr_data_i <= 0

    dut.conv2_rd_en_i <= 0
    dut.conv2_wr_en_i <= 0
    dut.conv2_rd_wr_bank_i <= 0
    dut.conv2_rd_wr_addr_i <= 0
    dut.conv2_wr_data_i <= 0

    dut.fc_rd_en_i <= 0
    dut.fc_wr_en_i <= 0
    dut.fc_rd_wr_bank_i <= 0
    dut.fc_rd_wr_addr_i <= 0
    dut.fc_wr_data_i <= 0

    # wait long enough for reset to be effective
    for _ in range(50):
        await FallingEdge(dut.clk_i)
    dut.rst_n_i <= 1
    await FallingEdge(dut.clk_i)

    n_fixed_tests = 4  # number of different types of fixed tests
    for i in range(n_fixed_tests):
        print('=' * 100)
        print('Beginning fixed test {}/{}.'.format(i+1, n_fixed_tests))
        print('=' * 100)
        await do_fixed_test(dut, i)

    n_random_tests = 3  # number of different types of random tests
    n_repeats = 5  # how many times to repeat each random test
    for i in range(n_random_tests):
        for j in range(n_repeats):
            print('=' * 100)
            print('Beginning random test {}/{} repeat num {}/{}.' \
                    .format(i+1, n_random_tests, j+1, n_repeats))
            print('=' * 100)
            await do_random_test(dut, i)

    n_mfcc_tests = 10  # number of tests to do with real MFCC features
    for i in range(n_mfcc_tests):
        print('=' * 100)
        print('Beginning MFCC test {}/{} '.format(i+1, n_mfcc_tests))
        print('=' * 100)
        params = na.get_params()
        await write_mem_params(dut, params)
        await do_mfcc_test(dut)
Exemple #4
async def test_cfg(dut):
    # Create a 10us period clock on port clk
    clock = Clock(dut.clk_i, 10, units="us")

    # Reset DUT
    await FallingEdge(dut.clk_i)
    dut.rst_n_i <= 0
    dut.wbs_stb_i <= 0
    dut.wbs_cyc_i <= 0
    dut.wbs_we_i <= 0
    dut.wbs_sel_i <= 0
    dut.wbs_dat_i <= 0
    dut.wbs_adr_i <= 0
    dut.data_i <= 0
    dut.valid_i <= 0
    dut.last_i <= 0

    # wait long enough for reset to be effective
    for _ in range(50):
        await FallingEdge(dut.clk_i)
    dut.rst_n_i <= 1
    await FallingEdge(dut.clk_i)

    print('=' * 100)
    print('Beginning Load/Store Test')
    print('=' * 100)
    # Store Test
    # Sequential Store - Conv 1 Memory Bank 0 (Weight - 104b)
    for i in range(8):
        await cfg_store(dut, i, i + 3, i + 2, i + 1, i)
    # Sequential Store - Conv 1 Memory Bank 1 (Weight - 104b)
    for i in range(8):
        await cfg_store(dut, i + 0x10, i + 3, i + 2, i + 1, i)
    # Sequential Store - Conv 1 Memory Bank 2 (Weight - 104b)
    for i in range(8):
        await cfg_store(dut, i + 0x20, i + 3, i + 2, i + 1, i)
    # Sequential Store - Conv 1 Memory Bank 3 (Bias - 32b)
    for i in range(8):
        await cfg_store(dut, i + 0x30, i + 3, i + 2, i + 1, i)
    # Sequential Store - Conv 1 Memory Bank 4 (Shift - 5b)
    await cfg_store(dut, 0x40, i + 3, i + 2, i + 1, i)
    # Sequential Store - Conv 2 Memory Bank 0 (Weight - 64b)
    for i in range(16):
        await cfg_store(dut, i + 0x50, i + 3, i + 2, i + 1, i)
    # Sequential Store - Conv 2 Memory Bank 1 (Weight - 64b)
    for i in range(16):
        await cfg_store(dut, i + 0x60, i + 3, i + 2, i + 1, i)
    # Sequential Store - Conv 2 Memory Bank 2 (Weight - 64b)
    for i in range(16):
        await cfg_store(dut, i + 0x70, i + 3, i + 2, i + 1, i)
    # Sequential Store - Conv 2 Memory Bank 3 (Bias - 32b)
    for i in range(16):
        await cfg_store(dut, i + 0x80, i + 3, i + 2, i + 1, i)
    # Sequential Store - Conv 2 Memory Bank 4 (Shift - 5b)
    await cfg_store(dut, 0x90, i + 3, i + 2, i + 1, i)
    # Sequential Store - FC Memory Bank 0 (Weight - 8b)
    for i in range(208):
        await cfg_store(dut, i + 0x100, i + 3, i + 2, i + 1, i)
    # Sequential Store - FC Memory Bank 1 (Weight - 8b)
    for i in range(208):
        await cfg_store(dut, i + 0x200, i + 3, i + 2, i + 1, i)
    # Sequential Store - FC Memory Bank 3 (Bias - 32b)
    await cfg_store(dut, 0x300, i + 3, i + 2, i + 1, i)
    # Sequential Store - FC Memory Bank 3 (Bias - 32b)
    await cfg_store(dut, 0x400, i + 3, i + 2, i + 1, i)

    # Load Test
    # Sequential Load - Conv 1 Memory Bank 0 (Weight - 104b)
    for i in range(8):
        observed = await cfg_load(dut, i)
        expected = [i + 3, i + 2, i + 1, i]
        assert observed == expected
    # Sequential Load - Conv 1 Memory Bank 1 (Weight - 104b)
    for i in range(8):
        observed = await cfg_load(dut, i + 0x10)
        expected = [i + 3, i + 2, i + 1, i]
        assert observed == expected
    # Sequential Load - Conv 1 Memory Bank 2 (Weight - 104b)
    for i in range(8):
        observed = await cfg_load(dut, i + 0x20)
        expected = [i + 3, i + 2, i + 1, i]
        assert observed == expected
    # Sequential Load - Conv 1 Memory Bank 3 (Bias - 32b)
    for i in range(8):
        observed = await cfg_load(dut, i + 0x30)
        expected = [0, 0, 0, i]
        assert observed == expected
    # Sequential Load - Conv 1 Memory Bank 4 (Shift - 5b)
    observed = await cfg_load(dut, 0x40)
    expected = [0, 0, 0, i]
    assert observed == expected
    # Sequential Load - Conv 2 Memory Bank 0 (Weight - 64b)
    for i in range(16):
        observed = await cfg_load(dut, i + 0x50)
        expected = [0, 0, i + 1, i]
        assert observed == expected
    # Sequential Load - Conv 2 Memory Bank 1 (Weight - 64b)
    for i in range(16):
        observed = await cfg_load(dut, i + 0x60)
        expected = [0, 0, i + 1, i]
        assert observed == expected
    # Sequential Load - Conv 2 Memory Bank 2 (Weight - 64b)
    for i in range(16):
        observed = await cfg_load(dut, i + 0x70)
        expected = [0, 0, i + 1, i]
        assert observed == expected
    # Sequential Load - Conv 2 Memory Bank 3 (Bias - 32b)
    for i in range(16):
        observed = await cfg_load(dut, i + 0x80)
        expected = [0, 0, 0, i]
        assert observed == expected
    # Sequential Load - Conv 2 Memory Bank 4 (Shift - 5b)
    observed = await cfg_load(dut, 0x90)
    expected = [0, 0, 0, i]
    assert observed == expected
    # Sequential Load - FC Memory Bank 0 (Weight - 8b)
    for i in range(208):
        observed = await cfg_load(dut, i + 0x100)
        expected = [0, 0, 0, i]
        assert observed == expected
    # Sequential Load - FC Memory Bank 1 (Weight - 8b)
    for i in range(208):
        observed = await cfg_load(dut, i + 0x200)
        expected = [0, 0, 0, i]
        assert observed == expected
    # Sequential Load - FC Memory Bank 3 (Bias - 32b)
    observed = await cfg_load(dut, 0x300)
    expected = [0, 0, 0, i]
    assert observed == expected
    # Sequential Load - FC Memory Bank 3 (Bias - 32b)
    observed = await cfg_load(dut, 0x400)
    expected = [0, 0, 0, i]
    assert observed == expected

    n_fixed_tests = 4  # number of different types of fixed tests
    for i in range(n_fixed_tests):
        print('=' * 100)
        print('Beginning fixed test {}/{}.'.format(i + 1, n_fixed_tests))
        print('=' * 100)
        await do_fixed_test(dut, i)

    n_random_tests = 3  # number of different types of random tests
    n_repeats = 5  # how many times to repeat each random test
    for i in range(n_random_tests):
        for j in range(n_repeats):
            print('=' * 100)
            print('Beginning random test {}/{} repeat num {}/{}.' \
                    .format(i+1, n_random_tests, j+1, n_repeats))
            print('=' * 100)
            await do_random_test(dut, i)

    n_mfcc_tests = 10  # number of tests to do with real MFCC features
    for i in range(n_mfcc_tests):
        print('=' * 100)
        print('Beginning MFCC test {}/{} '.format(i + 1, n_mfcc_tests))
        print('=' * 100)
        params = na.get_params()
        await write_mem_params(dut, params)
        await do_mfcc_test(dut)