class Model(object): def __init__(self): self.sensorEncoder = ScalarEncoder(n=512, w=21, minval=8.9, maxval=40, clipInput=True, forced=True) self.motorEncoder = ScalarEncoder(n=512, w=21, minval=-400, maxval=400, clipInput=True, forced=True) self.experimentRunner = SensorimotorExperimentRunner( tmOverrides={ "columnDimensions": [512], "maxNewSynapseCount": 21*2, "minThreshold": 16*2, "activationThreshold": 16*2 }, tpOverrides={ "columnDimensions": [512], "numActiveColumnsPerInhArea": 20, "poolingThreshUnpredicted": 0.5 } ) def feed(self, sensorValue, motorValue, sequenceLabel=None): sensorSDR = set(self.sensorEncoder.encode(sensorValue).nonzero()[0].tolist()) motorSDR = set((self.motorEncoder.encode(motorValue).nonzero()[0] + self.sensorEncoder.n).tolist()) sensorimotorSDR = sensorSDR.union(motorSDR) self.experimentRunner.feedTransition(sensorSDR, motorSDR, sensorimotorSDR, tmLearn=True, tpLearn=True, sequenceLabel=sequenceLabel)
def test_cla_se(): from nupic.encoders import ScalarEncoder from nupic.algorithms.sdr_classifier import SDRClassifier as npSDRClassifier se = ScalarEncoder(n=10, w=3, minval=0, maxval=20, forced=True) queue = cl.CommandQueue( cl.Context([cl.get_platforms()[0].get_devices()[0]])) classifier = SDRClassifier(queue, 30, len(se.getBucketValues())) np_cla = npSDRClassifier(verbosity=1) print("Buckets", se.getBucketValues()) val = 5 for _ in range(0, 2): for i in range(0, 10): encoding = np.where(se.encode(val) == 1)[0] bucketIdx = se.getBucketIndices(val)[0] print("Actual Value: {} , Active Bits: {}, BucketIdx: {}".format( val, encoding, bucketIdx)) classification = {'bucketIdx': bucketIdx, 'actValue': val} cl_preds = classifier.compute(i, encoding, classification, True, True) nupic_preds = np_cla.compute(i, encoding, classification, True, True) print("cl", cl_preds) print("nup", np_cla._actualValues) print("nup", nupic_preds) # assert cl_preds == nupic_preds val += 0.5 print("-" * 32)
def encodeLetters(self): letterEncoder = ScalarEncoder(n=self.numColumns, w=self.numActiveCells, minval=0, maxval=25) numLetters = np.shape(self.letters)[0] letterArray = np.zeros((numLetters, self.numColumns)) letterIndices = [] for k in range(numLetters): letterArray[k, :] = letterEncoder.encode(k) idxLetters = [i for i, j in izip(count(), letterArray[k]) if j == 1] letterIndices.append(idxLetters) return letterIndices
def loadThingData(dataDir="data", n=150, w=11): """ Load Thing sensation data. There is one file per object, each row contains one feature, location pairs. The format is as follows: [(-33.6705, 75.5003, 2.4207)/10] => [[list of active bits of location], [list of active bits of feature]] The content before "=>" is the true 3D location / sensation We ignore the encoded values after "=>" and use :class:`ScalarEncoder` to encode the sensation in a way that is compatible with the experiment network. :param dataDir: The location data files :type dataDir: str :param n: The number of bits in the feature SDR. Usually L4 column count :type n: int :param w: Number of 'on' bits in the feature SDR. Usually L4 sample size :type w: int :return: Dictionary mapping objects to sensations that can be used directly by class L246aNetwork 'infer' and 'learn' methods :rtype: dict[str,list] """ objects = defaultdict(list) # Thing features are scalar values ranging from 1-25 inclusive encoder = ScalarEncoder(n=n, w=w, minval=1, maxval=25, forced=True) dataPath = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) dataPath = os.path.join(dataPath, dataDir) objFiles = glob.glob1(dataPath, "*.log") for filename in objFiles: obj, _ = os.path.splitext(filename) # Read raw sensations from log file. Ignore SDRs after "=>" sensations = [] with open(os.path.join(dataPath, filename)) as f: for line in f.readlines(): # Parse raw location/feature values line = line.split("=>")[0].translate(None, "[,]()") locationStr, featureStr = line.split("/") location = map(float, locationStr.split()) feature = encoder.encode(int(featureStr)).nonzero()[0].tolist() sensations.append((location, feature)) # Assume single column objects[obj] = [sensations] return objects
def encodeTime(self): timeEncoder = ScalarEncoder(n=self.numTimeColumns, w=self.numActiveTimeCells, minval=0, maxval=self.numTimeSteps, forced=True) timeArray = np.zeros((self.numTimeSteps, self.numTimeColumns)) timeIndices = [] for k in range(self.numTimeSteps): timeArray[k, :] = timeEncoder.encode(k) idxTimes = [i for i, j in izip(count(), timeArray[k]) if j == 1] timeIndices.append(idxTimes) return timeIndices
def encodeLetters(self): letterEncoder = ScalarEncoder(n=self.numColumns, w=self.numActiveCells, minval=0, maxval=25) numLetters = np.shape(self.letters)[0] letterArray = np.zeros((numLetters, self.numColumns)) letterIndices = [] for k in range(numLetters): letterArray[k, :] = letterEncoder.encode(k) idxLetters = [ i for i, j in izip(count(), letterArray[k]) if j == 1 ] letterIndices.append(idxLetters) return letterIndices
def test_tm(): from nupic.encoders import ScalarEncoder from nupic.regions import TPRegion columns = 128 se = ScalarEncoder(n=21 + 50, w=3 + 9, minval=0, maxval=100, forced=True) queue = cl.CommandQueue( cl.Context([cl.get_platforms()[0].get_devices()[0]])) tm = TemporalMemory(queue, columnCount=columns, inputWidth=se.n, verbosity=1, inputActive=se.w) tm_nupic = TPRegion.TPRegion(columnCount=columns, inputWidth=se.n) val = 5 def make_output_dict(): return { 'topDownOut': np.zeros(64), 'bottomUpOut': np.zeros(columns, dtype=np.float), 'lrnActiveStateT': np.zeros(columns), 'anomalyScore': np.empty(1), 'activeCells': np.zeros(64), 'predictiveActiveCells': np.zeros(64) } cl_out = make_output_dict() nupic_out = make_output_dict() for _ in range(0, 2): for i in range(0, 10): encoding = se.encode(val) bucketIdx = se.getBucketIndices(val)[0] print("Actual Value: {} , Active Bits: {}, BucketIdx: {}".format( val, np.where(encoding == 1), bucketIdx)) tm.compute(encoding, cl_out) tm_nupic.compute(encoding, nupic_out) val += 0.5 print("-" * 10)
def test_sp(): from nupic.encoders import ScalarEncoder from nupic.regions import SPRegion columns = 128 se = ScalarEncoder(n=21 + 50, w=3 + 9, minval=0, maxval=100, forced=True) queue = cl.CommandQueue( cl.Context([cl.get_platforms()[0].get_devices()[0]])) sp = SpatialPooler(queue, columnCount=columns, inputWidth=se.n, spVerbosity=1) sp_nupic = SPRegion.SPRegion(columnCount=columns, inputWidth=se.n) val = 1 # return for _ in range(0, 2): for i in range(0, 10): encoding = se.encode(val) bucketIdx = se.getBucketIndices(val)[0] print("Actual Value: {} , Active Bits: {}, BucketIdx: {}".format( val, np.where(encoding == 1), bucketIdx)) sp.compute(encoding, True, method=2) val += 0.5 print("-" * 10)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Sun Nov 11 22:11:49 2018 @author: Arunodhaya """ import numpy as np from nupic.encoders import ScalarEncoder ScalarEncoder? enc = ScalarEncoder(n=22, w=3, minval=2.5, maxval=97.5, clipInput=False, forced=True) print "3 =", enc.encode(3) print "4 =", enc.encode(4) print "5 =", enc.encode(5) print "1000 =", enc.encode(1000) from nupic.encoders.random_distributed_scalar import RandomDistributedScalarEncoder RandomDistributedScalarEncoder? rdse = RandomDistributedScalarEncoder(n=21, w=3, resolution=5, offset=2.5) print "3 = ", rdse.encode(3) print "4 = ", rdse.encode(4) print "5 = ", rdse.encode(5) print print "100 = ", rdse.encode(100) print "100000 =", rdse.encode(1000)
from nupic.encoders import ScalarEncoder # Scalar encoders # n is number of bits # w is the number of on bits # minval and maxval is the range the bits represent enc = ScalarEncoder(n=22, w=3, minval=2.5, maxval=97.5, clipInput=True, forced=True) enc = ScalarEncoder(n=22, w=3, minval=0, maxval=100, clipInput=True, forced=True) [print(enc.encode(i)) for i in xrange(1, 10)] print("3 =", enc.encode(10200)) enc = ScalarEncoder(n=14, w=3, minval=1, maxval=8, clipInput=True, forced=True, periodic=True) enc.encode(1.5)
#!/usr/bin/env python import rospy import numpy from nupic.encoders import ScalarEncoder from nupic.research.spatial_pooler import SpatialPooler enc = ScalarEncoder(n=10000, w=21, minval = 0, maxval=10000) from std_msgs.msg import String, Float64 t =[] for i in range(10000): t.append(enc.encode(i)) print("Encoding is done") sp = SpatialPooler(inputDimensions=(10000,), columnDimensions=(20,), potentialRadius=15, numActiveColumnsPerInhArea=1, globalInhibition=True, synPermActiveInc=0.03, potentialPct=1.0) output = numpy.zeros((20,),dtype="int") for _ in range(10): for i in xrange(10000): sp.compute(t[i], learn=True, activeArray=output) print("Spatial pooler strengthened")
start_time = timeit.default_timer() total_n = 5 keras_model = Sequential() keras_model.add(Dense(41, input_dim=total_n, activation=discrete_sigmoid)) #keras_model.add(Activation(discrete_sigmoid)) #keras_model.add(Dropout(0.25)) keras_model.add(Dense(buckets, input_shape=(total_n,), activation='softmax' )) keras_model.compile(loss='categorical_crossentropy', optimizer=adam(lr=lr)) data=[] labels=[] for i in range(0,nTrain): inputRecord = getInputRecord(df, predictedField, i) encoded = [] if use_pred: encoded.extend(enc.encode(inputRecord[predictedField]).tolist()) if use_date: encoded.extend(encDate.encode(inputRecord['dayofweek']).tolist()) if use_time: encoded.extend(encTime.encode(inputRecord['timeofday']).tolist()) # time_sin = np.sin(2 * np.pi * inputRecord['timeofday'] / 1410) time_cos = np.cos(2 * np.pi * inputRecord['timeofday'] / 1410) day_sin = np.sin(2 * np.pi * inputRecord['dayofweek'] / 7) day_cos = np.cos(2 * np.pi * inputRecord['dayofweek'] / 7) raw = [inputRecord[predictedField] / 40000.0, time_sin, time_cos, day_sin, day_cos] data.append(raw) outputRecord = getInputRecord(df, predictedField, i+5) encodedOut = encOut.encode(outputRecord[predictedField]) encodedOutIndex = np.where(encodedOut==1)[0][0] encodedOut = np.zeros((buckets,),
b += 1 # Grab a sample from our audio input. stream.start_stream() data =*5) stream.stop_stream() # Turn our sample into a decibel measurement. rms = audioop.rms(data,2) decibel = int(20 * math.log10(rms)) # Turn our decibel number into a sparse distributed representation. encoded = enc.encode(decibel) # Add our encoded representation to the temporal pooler. tp.compute(encoded, enableLearn = True, computeInfOutput = True) # For the curious: #tp.printCells() #tp.printStates(printPrevious=False, printLearnState=False) predictedCells = tp.getPredictedState() decval = 0 if predictedCells.any(): decval = predictedCells.max(axis=1).nonzero()[0][-1]
b += 1 # Grab a sample from our audio input. stream.start_stream() data = * 5) stream.stop_stream() # Turn our sample into a decibel measurement. rms = audioop.rms(data, 2) decibel = int(20 * math.log10(rms)) # Turn our decibel number into a sparse distributed representation. encoded = enc.encode(decibel) # Add our encoded representation to the temporal pooler. tp.compute(encoded, enableLearn=True, computeInfOutput=True) # For the curious: #tp.printCells() #tp.printStates(printPrevious=False, printLearnState=False) predictedCells = tp.getPredictedState() decval = 0 if predictedCells.any(): decval = predictedCells.max(axis=1).nonzero()[0][-1]