Exemple #1
    def __call__(self, htmPredictionModel):

        import pickle

        # Get the TM args dictionary
        assert isinstance(htmPredictionModel, HTMPredictionModel)

        tpRegion = htmPredictionModel._getTPRegion().getSelf()

        tfdr = tpRegion._tfdr

        initArgsDict = tfdr._initArgsDict

        # Write it out to a file as json
        absFilePath = os.path.abspath(self.__filePath)

        absDir = os.path.dirname(absFilePath)

        with open(absFilePath, 'wb') as pickleFile:
            pickle.dump(initArgsDict, pickleFile)

  def __call__(self, htmPredictionModel):

    import pickle

    # Get the TM args dictionary
    assert isinstance(htmPredictionModel, HTMPredictionModel)

    tpRegion = htmPredictionModel._getTPRegion().getSelf()

    tfdr = tpRegion._tfdr

    initArgsDict = tfdr._initArgsDict

    # Write it out to a file as json
    absFilePath = os.path.abspath(self.__filePath)

    absDir = os.path.dirname(absFilePath)

    with open(absFilePath, 'wb') as pickleFile:
      pickle.dump(initArgsDict, pickleFile)

    # Add unmatched remaining properties to custom config store
    for propertyName, value in copyOfProperties.iteritems():
      newProp = ElementTree.Element('property')
      nameTag = ElementTree.Element('name')
      nameTag.text = propertyName

      valueTag = ElementTree.Element('value')
      valueTag.text = str(value)


      with open(configFilePath,'w') as fp:
    except Exception, e:
      _getLogger().exception("Error while saving custom configuration "
        "properties %s in %s.", properties, configFilePath)

  def _setPath(cls):
    """ Sets the path of the custom configuration file
    cls._path = os.path.join(os.environ['NTA_DYNAMIC_CONF_DIR'],
Exemple #4
def initLogging(verbose=False, console='stdout', consoleLevel='DEBUG'):
  Initilize NuPic logging by reading in from the logging configuration file. The
  logging configuration file is named ``nupic-logging.conf`` and is expected to
  be in the format defined by the python logging module.

  If the environment variable ``NTA_CONF_PATH`` is defined, then the logging
  configuration file is expected to be in the ``NTA_CONF_PATH`` directory. If
  ``NTA_CONF_PATH`` is not defined, then it is found in the 'conf/default'
  subdirectory of the NuPic installation directory (typically

  The logging configuration file can use the environment variable
  ``NTA_LOG_DIR`` to set the locations of log files. If this variable is not
  defined, logging to files will be disabled.

  :param console: Defines console output for the default "root" logging
              configuration; this may be one of 'stdout', 'stderr', or None;
              Use None to suppress console logging output
  :param consoleLevel:
              Logging-level filter string for console output corresponding to
              logging levels in the logging module; may be one of:
              'DEBUG', 'INFO', 'WARNING', 'ERROR', or 'CRITICAL'.
              E.g.,  a value of'WARNING' suppresses DEBUG and INFO level output
              to console, but allows WARNING, ERROR, and CRITICAL

    # NOTE: If you call this twice from the same process there seems to be a
    # bug - logged messages don't show up for loggers that you do another
    # logging.getLogger() on.
    global gLoggingInitialized
    if gLoggingInitialized:
        if verbose:
            print("Logging already initialized, doing nothing.",

    consoleStreamMappings = {
        'stdout': 'stdoutConsoleHandler',
        'stderr': 'stderrConsoleHandler',

    consoleLogLevels = [

    assert console is None or console in list(consoleStreamMappings.keys()), (
        'Unexpected console arg value: %r') % (console, )

    assert consoleLevel in consoleLogLevels, (
        'Unexpected consoleLevel arg value: %r') % (consoleLevel)

    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Setup logging. Look for the nupic-logging.conf file, first in the
    #   NTA_CONFIG_DIR path (if defined), then in a subdirectory of the nupic
    #   module
    configFilename = 'nupic-logging.conf'
    configFilePath = resource_filename("nupic.support", configFilename)

    configLogDir = os.environ.get('NTA_LOG_DIR', None)

    # Load in the logging configuration file
    if verbose:
        print(("Using logging configuration file: %s") % (configFilePath),

    # This dict will hold our replacement strings for logging configuration
    replacements = dict()

    def makeKey(name):
        """ Makes replacement key """
        return "$$%s$$" % (name)

    platform = sys.platform.lower()
    if platform.startswith('java'):
        # Jython
        import java.lang
        platform = java.lang.System.getProperty("os.name").lower()
        if platform.startswith('mac os x'):
            platform = 'darwin'

    if platform.startswith('darwin'):
        replacements[makeKey('SYSLOG_HANDLER_ADDRESS')] = '"/var/run/syslog"'
    elif platform.startswith('linux'):
        replacements[makeKey('SYSLOG_HANDLER_ADDRESS')] = '"/dev/log"'
    elif platform.startswith('win'):
        replacements[makeKey('SYSLOG_HANDLER_ADDRESS')] = '"log"'
        raise RuntimeError(
            "This platform is neither darwin, win32, nor linux: %s" %
            (sys.platform, ))

    # Nupic logs go to file
    replacements[makeKey('PERSISTENT_LOG_HANDLER')] = 'fileHandler'
    if platform.startswith('win'):
        replacements[makeKey('FILE_HANDLER_LOG_FILENAME')] = '"NUL"'
        replacements[makeKey('FILE_HANDLER_LOG_FILENAME')] = '"/dev/null"'

    # Set up log file path for the default file handler and configure handlers
    handlers = list()

    if configLogDir is not None:
        logFilePath = _genLoggingFilePath()
        replacements[makeKey('FILE_HANDLER_LOG_FILENAME')] = repr(logFilePath)


    if console is not None:

    replacements[makeKey('ROOT_LOGGER_HANDLERS')] = ", ".join(handlers)

    # Set up log level for console handlers
    replacements[makeKey('CONSOLE_LOG_LEVEL')] = consoleLevel

    customConfig = StringIO()

    # Using pkg_resources to get the logging file, which should be packaged and
    # associated with this source file name.
    loggingFileContents = resource_string(__name__, configFilename)

    for lineNum, line in enumerate(loggingFileContents.splitlines()):
        if "$$" in line:
            for (key, value) in list(replacements.items()):
                line = line.replace(key, value)

        # If there is still a replacement string in the line, we're missing it
        #  from our replacements dict
        if "$$" in line and "$$<key>$$" not in line:
            raise RuntimeError(
                ("The text %r, found at line #%d of file %r, "
                 "contains a string not found in our replacement "
                 "dict.") % (line, lineNum, configFilePath))

        customConfig.write("%s\n" % line)

    if python_version()[:3] >= '2.6':
        logging.config.fileConfig(customConfig, disable_existing_loggers=False)

    gLoggingInitialized = True
Exemple #5
    def edit(cls, properties):
        """ Edits the XML configuration file with the parameters specified by

    properties: dict of settings to be applied to the custom configuration store
                 (key is property name, value is value)
        copyOfProperties = copy(properties)

        configFilePath = cls.getPath()

            with open(configFilePath, 'r') as fp:
                contents = fp.read()
        except IOError as e:
            if e.errno != errno.ENOENT:
                    "Error %s reading custom configuration store "
                    "from %s, while editing properties %s.", e.errno,
                    configFilePath, properties)
            contents = '<configuration/>'

            elements = ElementTree.XML(contents)
        except Exception as e:
            # Raising error as RuntimeError with custom message since ElementTree
            # exceptions aren't clear.
            msg = "File contents of custom configuration is corrupt.  File " \
              "location: %s; Contents: '%s'. Original Error (%s): %s." % \
              (configFilePath, contents, type(e), e)
            raise RuntimeError(msg).with_traceback(sys.exc_info()[2])

        if elements.tag != 'configuration':
            e = "Expected top-level element to be 'configuration' but got '%s'" % \
            raise RuntimeError(e)

        # Apply new properties to matching settings in the custom config store;
        # pop matching properties from our copy of the properties dict
        for propertyItem in elements.findall('./property'):
            propInfo = dict((attr.tag, attr.text) for attr in propertyItem)
            name = propInfo['name']
            if name in copyOfProperties:
                foundValues = propertyItem.findall('./value')
                if len(foundValues) > 0:
                    foundValues[0].text = str(copyOfProperties.pop(name))
                    if not copyOfProperties:
                    e = "Property %s missing value tag." % (name, )
                    raise RuntimeError(e)

        # Add unmatched remaining properties to custom config store
        for propertyName, value in copyOfProperties.items():
            newProp = ElementTree.Element('property')
            nameTag = ElementTree.Element('name')
            nameTag.text = propertyName

            valueTag = ElementTree.Element('value')
            valueTag.text = str(value)


            with open(configFilePath, 'w') as fp:
        except Exception as e:
                "Error while saving custom configuration "
                "properties %s in %s.", properties, configFilePath)
        # Add unmatched remaining properties to custom config store
        for propertyName, value in copyOfProperties.iteritems():
            newProp = ElementTree.Element('property')
            nameTag = ElementTree.Element('name')
            nameTag.text = propertyName

            valueTag = ElementTree.Element('value')
            valueTag.text = str(value)


            with open(configFilePath, 'w') as fp:
        except Exception, e:
                "Error while saving custom configuration "
                "properties %s in %s.", properties, configFilePath)

    def _setPath(cls):
        """ Sets the path of the custom configuration file
        cls._path = os.path.join(os.environ['NTA_DYNAMIC_CONF_DIR'],
Exemple #7
def initLogging(verbose=False, console='stdout', consoleLevel='DEBUG'):
  Initilize NuPic logging by reading in from the logging configuration file. The
  logging configuration file is named ``nupic-logging.conf`` and is expected to
  be in the format defined by the python logging module.

  If the environment variable ``NTA_CONF_PATH`` is defined, then the logging
  configuration file is expected to be in the ``NTA_CONF_PATH`` directory. If
  ``NTA_CONF_PATH`` is not defined, then it is found in the 'conf/default'
  subdirectory of the NuPic installation directory (typically

  The logging configuration file can use the environment variable
  ``NTA_LOG_DIR`` to set the locations of log files. If this variable is not
  defined, logging to files will be disabled.

  :param console: Defines console output for the default "root" logging
              configuration; this may be one of 'stdout', 'stderr', or None;
              Use None to suppress console logging output
  :param consoleLevel:
              Logging-level filter string for console output corresponding to
              logging levels in the logging module; may be one of:
              'DEBUG', 'INFO', 'WARNING', 'ERROR', or 'CRITICAL'.
              E.g.,  a value of'WARNING' suppresses DEBUG and INFO level output
              to console, but allows WARNING, ERROR, and CRITICAL

  # NOTE: If you call this twice from the same process there seems to be a
  # bug - logged messages don't show up for loggers that you do another
  # logging.getLogger() on.
  global gLoggingInitialized
  if gLoggingInitialized:
    if verbose:
      print >> sys.stderr, "Logging already initialized, doing nothing."

  consoleStreamMappings = {
    'stdout'  : 'stdoutConsoleHandler',
    'stderr'  : 'stderrConsoleHandler',

  consoleLogLevels = ['DEBUG', 'INFO', 'WARNING', 'WARN', 'ERROR', 'CRITICAL',

  assert console is None or console in consoleStreamMappings.keys(), (
    'Unexpected console arg value: %r') % (console,)

  assert consoleLevel in consoleLogLevels, (
    'Unexpected consoleLevel arg value: %r') % (consoleLevel)

  # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
  # Setup logging. Look for the nupic-logging.conf file, first in the
  #   NTA_CONFIG_DIR path (if defined), then in a subdirectory of the nupic
  #   module
  configFilename = 'nupic-logging.conf'
  configFilePath = resource_filename("nupic.support", configFilename)

  configLogDir = os.environ.get('NTA_LOG_DIR', None)

  # Load in the logging configuration file
  if verbose:
    print >> sys.stderr, (
      "Using logging configuration file: %s") % (configFilePath)

  # This dict will hold our replacement strings for logging configuration
  replacements = dict()

  def makeKey(name):
    """ Makes replacement key """
    return "$$%s$$" % (name)

  platform = sys.platform.lower()
  if platform.startswith('java'):
    # Jython
    import java.lang
    platform = java.lang.System.getProperty("os.name").lower()
    if platform.startswith('mac os x'):
      platform = 'darwin'

  if platform.startswith('darwin'):
    replacements[makeKey('SYSLOG_HANDLER_ADDRESS')] = '"/var/run/syslog"'
  elif platform.startswith('linux'):
    replacements[makeKey('SYSLOG_HANDLER_ADDRESS')] = '"/dev/log"'
  elif platform.startswith('win'):
    replacements[makeKey('SYSLOG_HANDLER_ADDRESS')] = '"log"'
    raise RuntimeError("This platform is neither darwin, win32, nor linux: %s" % (

  # Nupic logs go to file
  replacements[makeKey('PERSISTENT_LOG_HANDLER')] = 'fileHandler'
  if platform.startswith('win'):
    replacements[makeKey('FILE_HANDLER_LOG_FILENAME')] = '"NUL"'
    replacements[makeKey('FILE_HANDLER_LOG_FILENAME')] = '"/dev/null"'

  # Set up log file path for the default file handler and configure handlers
  handlers = list()

  if configLogDir is not None:
    logFilePath = _genLoggingFilePath()
    replacements[makeKey('FILE_HANDLER_LOG_FILENAME')] = repr(logFilePath)


  if console is not None:

  replacements[makeKey('ROOT_LOGGER_HANDLERS')] = ", ".join(handlers)

  # Set up log level for console handlers
  replacements[makeKey('CONSOLE_LOG_LEVEL')] = consoleLevel

  customConfig = StringIO()

  # Using pkg_resources to get the logging file, which should be packaged and
  # associated with this source file name.
  loggingFileContents = resource_string(__name__, configFilename)

  for lineNum, line in enumerate(loggingFileContents.splitlines()):
    if "$$" in line:
      for (key, value) in replacements.items():
        line = line.replace(key, value)

    # If there is still a replacement string in the line, we're missing it
    #  from our replacements dict
    if "$$" in line and "$$<key>$$" not in line:
      raise RuntimeError(("The text %r, found at line #%d of file %r, "
                          "contains a string not found in our replacement "
                          "dict.") % (line, lineNum, configFilePath))

    customConfig.write("%s\n" % line)

  if python_version()[:3] >= '2.6':
    logging.config.fileConfig(customConfig, disable_existing_loggers=False)

  gLoggingInitialized = True