def main(): numFailures = 0 numTests = 0 numSkippedTests = 0 numStagingFailures = 0 numStagingTests = 0 numStagingSkippedTests = 0 RunSuccessStr = "" logger = nvcstestutils.Logger() # parse arguments usage = "\n" \ "%prog <options> - Run NVCS sanity and conformance test suite \n\n" \ "Description:\n" \ "\t NVCS sanity tests consists of a series of simple basic\n" \ "\t tests to make sure that the nvcs infrastructure, basic\n" \ "\t odm functionalities, camera core and algorithm paths are\n" \ "\t functional.\n" \ "\n \t Conformance tests are more sophisticated and specific\n" \ "\t setup is required. Each test is designed to catch issues\n" \ "\t which have been seen by camera team while working on\n" \ "\t different customer devices. NVCS sanity test suite needs\n" \ "\t to pass in order to run conformance test suite." standard_options = [ make_option('-v', '--version', dest='version', default=False, action="store_true", help='Display version information'), make_option('-l', '--list', dest='listTestNames', default=False, action="store_true", help='Display list of sanity and conformance test names'), make_option( '-s', dest='sanity', default=False, action="store_true", help= 'Run NVCS sanity tests. If no -i option is specified, the command will' + ' run using default imager id 0. Use -l option to look at the' + ' list of sanity tests'), make_option( '-c', dest='conformance', default=False, action="store_true", help='Run Conformance tests. Use -l option to look at the' + ' list of conformance tests'), make_option( '--classic', dest='useClassicRanges', default=False, action="store_true", help='Do not query sensor for gain and exposure range.' + 'This option is only supported for \"linearity\" test at present'), make_option( '-t', dest='test_names', default=None, type="string", action="append", metavar="TEST_NAME", help= "Execute the specified test name. Multiple -t options are allowed to execute" + "more than one tests using a single command\n" + "example:\n" + "1) Command to run \"jpeg_capture\" test for imager id 0:\n" + " python %s -t jpeg_capture -i 0\n" % sys.argv[0] + "2) Command to run multiple tests \"jpeg_capture\" and \n" + " \"focuspos\" for imager id 0 using same command:\n" + " python %s -t jpeg_capture -t focuspos -i 0" % sys.argv[0]), make_option('--width', dest='width', default=0, type="int", help='set width of the jpeg capture\n' + 'currently only "jpeg_capture" test supports this'), make_option('--height', dest='height', default=0, type="int", help='set height of the jpeg capture\n' + 'currently only "jpeg_capture" test supports this'), make_option('--fdelay', dest='fdelay', default=0, type="float", help='set delay for focuser to converge\n' + 'currently only "jpeg_capture" test supports this'), make_option( '-d', dest='disabled_test_names', default=None, type="string", action="append", metavar="TEST_NAME", help= 'Disables the test. The test name specified as an argument will not' + ' execute. Multiple -d options are supported'), make_option( '-i', dest='imager_id', default=0, type="int", metavar="IMAGER_ID", help="set imager id. Most of the time imager id 0 is assigned for\n" + "rear facing and imager id 1 is assigned for front facing\n" + "camera sensor, but this might not be the case always\n" + "example:\n" + "- Command to run sanity test suite with imager id 1\n" + " python %s -s -i 1" % sys.argv[0]), make_option('--nofocus', dest='ignoreFocuser', default=False, action="store_true", help='Ignore ALL focuser commands in the test'), make_option('-f', dest='force', default=False, action="store_true", help='run the tests without any prompts', metavar="FORCE"), make_option('--overridesdir', dest='overridesDir', default='/data', type="string", metavar=" ", help='Set Directory for used to set Camera Overrides'), make_option( '--overridesname', dest='overridesName', default='camera_overrides', type="string", metavar=" ", help="Set the Name of the file used to set Camera Overrides\n" + "Note: Should not include the assumed \'.isp\' extension"), make_option('-h', '-?', '--help', dest='help', action='store_true', default=False, help='print this help message') ] advanced_options = [ make_option( '--nv', dest='advanced', action='store_true', default=False, help='Enable advanced options.' + ' This will enable options for advanced testing and debugging of tests' ), make_option( '-n', dest='numTimes', default=0, type="int", help='Set number of times the test should run.' + ' Currently only \"blacklevel\" and \"linearity\" test supports this option' ), make_option( '--nostaging', dest='stagingOff', default=False, action="store_true", help= 'Do not run any of the staging tests in sanity or conformance suite' + ' Staging tests are ran to provide information internally to qualify new tests' ), make_option('--noshuffle', dest='noShuffle', action='store_true', default=False, help='Do not shuffle capture order' + ' Currently only \"linearity\" test supports this option'), make_option('--eL', dest='exposureLow', default=0, type="float", help='Set minimum exposure for linearity3'), make_option('--eH', dest='exposureHigh', default=0, type="float", help='Set maximum expsoure for linearity3.'), make_option( '--threshold', dest='threshold', default=0, type="float", help='Set threshold for test (float).' + ' Currently only \"blacklevel\" test supports this option and it sets' + ' threshold for difference between the maximum and minimum black level' + ' variance'), make_option('--width', dest='width', default=2592, type="int", help='Set width for host sensor mode' + ' Default width used by host sensor mode is 2592'), make_option('--height', dest='height', default=1944, type="int", help='Set height for host sensor mode' + ' Default height used by host sensor mode is 1944'), make_option( '--gain', dest='utilGain', default=0, type="float", help='Set the gain for the capture.' + ' Currently only the \"hdr_ratio\" test supports this option'), make_option( '--exposure', dest='utilExposure', default=0, type="float", help='Set the exposure for the capture.' + ' Currently only the \"hdr_ratio\" test supports this option'), ] parser = OptionParser( usage, option_list=standard_options + advanced_options, add_help_option=False, formatter=nvcstestutils.IndentedHelpFormatterWithNL()) # make a standard option for error checking if --nv is not specified standard_parser = OptionParser( usage, option_list=standard_options, add_help_option=False, formatter=nvcstestutils.IndentedHelpFormatterWithNL()) # parse the command line arguments (test_options, args) = parser.parse_args() # parse the standard command line argument of the --nv is not present if (not test_options.advanced): (options, test_args) = standard_parser.parse_args() if ( if (test_options.advanced): # print help message with advanced options parser.print_help() else: # print help message wihtout advanced options standard_parser.print_help() sys.exit(0) if (test_options.listTestNames): # print test names # print sanity test names print "SANITY TEST NAMES:" for sanity_test in TestFactory.sanityNameList: print "\t%s" % sanity_test # print sanity staging test names print "SANITY STAGING TEST NAMES:" for staging_test in TestFactory.sanityStagingNameList: print "\t%s" % staging_test print "" # print conformance test names print "CONFORMANCE TEST NAMES:" for conformance_test in TestFactory.conformanceNameList: print "\t%s" % conformance_test # print conformance staging test names print "CONFORMANCE STAGING TEST NAMES:" for staging_test in TestFactory.conformanceStagingNameList: print "\t%s" % staging_test print "" sys.exit(0) # print version infortion nvcstest.printVersionInformation(logger) if (test_options.version): # Already printed version in previous statement sys.exit(0) stagingNamesList = [] testNamesList = [] if (test_options.sanity): testNamesList = TestFactory.sanityNameList stagingNamesList = TestFactory.sanityStagingNameList elif (test_options.conformance): testNamesList = TestFactory.conformanceNameList stagingNamesList = TestFactory.conformanceStagingNameList elif (test_options.test_names != None): testNamesList = test_options.test_names __validateTestNames(testNamesList) # create a dictionary for disabled test names if (test_options.disabled_test_names != None): for testName in test_options.disabled_test_names: # get the test object if (TestFactory.hasTest(testName)): TestFactory.disableTest(testName)"Imager ID: %d" % test_options.imager_id) if (test_options.stagingOff == False): for testName in stagingNamesList: # get the test object try: # if the test is enabled, execute the test if (TestFactory.isEnabled(testName)): numStagingTests = numStagingTests + 1 testOb = TestFactory.getTestObject(testName, test_options, logger) retVal = if (retVal == nvcstest.NvCSTestResult.SUCCESS):"STAGE TEST RESULT: PASS\n") elif (retVal == nvcstest.NvCSTestResult.SKIPPED):"STAGE RESULT: SKIP\n") numStagingSkippedTests = numStagingSkippedTests + 1 else:"STAGE RESULT: FAIL\n") numStagingFailures = numStagingFailures + 1 except Exception, err: print err numStagingFailures = numStagingFailures + 1"RESULT: FAIL\n") logger.setClientName("") if (numFailures == 0): RunSuccessStr = "PASS" else: RunSuccessStr = "FAIL" "=================================================================") logger.dumpWarnings("Accumulated WARNING messages from test run:") logger.dumpErrors("Accumulated ERROR messages from test run:") "=================================================================") nvcstest.printVersionInformation(logger) "=================================================================") if (numStagingTests > 0):"(STAGE RUNS DO NOT AFFECT NVCS FINAL RESULT)")"STAGE RUNS: %d" % numStagingTests)"STAGE FAILURES: %d" % numStagingFailures)"STAGE SKIPPED TESTS: %d" % numStagingSkippedTests) "=================================================================" )"TOTAL TEST RUNS: %d" % numTests)"TOTAL FAILURES: %d" % numFailures)"TOTAL SKIPPED TESTS: %d" % numSkippedTests) "=================================================================")
def main(): numFailures = 0 numTests = 0 numSkippedTests = 0 logger = nvcstestutils.Logger() # parse arguments usage = "Usage: %prog <options>" options = [ make_option('-s', dest='sanity', default=False, action="store_true", help = 'Run Sanity tests'), make_option('--odm', dest='odm_conformance', default=False, action="store_true", help = 'Run ODM Conformance tests'), make_option('-t', dest='test_names', default=None, type="string", action = "append", help = 'Test name to execute', metavar="TEST_NAME"), make_option('-d', dest='disabled_test_names', default=None, type="string", action = "append", help = 'Disable the test', metavar="TEST_NAME"), make_option('-i', dest='imager_id', default=0, type="int", help = 'set imager id. 0 for rear facing, 1 for front facing', metavar="IMAGER_ID"), make_option('-f', dest='force', default=False, action="store_true", help = 'run the tests without any prompts', metavar="FORCE") ] options_parser = OptionParser(usage, option_list=options) # parse the command line arguments (test_options, args) = options_parser.parse_args() # print version infortion nvcstest.printVersionInformation() testNamesList = [] if (test_options.sanity): testNamesList = ["jpeg_capture", "raw_capture", "concurrent_raw", "exposuretime", "gain", "focuspos"] elif (test_options.odm_conformance): testNamesList = ["linearity"] elif (test_options.test_names != None): testNamesList = test_options.test_names __validateTestNames(testNamesList) # create a dictionary for disabled test names if (test_options.disabled_test_names != None): for testName in test_options.disabled_test_names: # get the test object if (TestFactory.hasTest(testName)): TestFactory.disableTest(testName)"Imager ID: %d" % test_options.imager_id) for testName in testNamesList: # get the test object try: # if the test is enabled, execute the test if (TestFactory.isEnabled(testName)): numTests = numTests + 1 testOb = TestFactory.getTestObject(testName, test_options) retVal = if (retVal == nvcstest.NvCSTestResult.SUCCESS):"RESULT: PASS\n") elif (retVal == nvcstest.NvCSTestResult.SKIPPED):"RESULT: SKIP\n") numSkippedTests = numSkippedTests + 1 else:"RESULT: FAIL\n") numFailures = numFailures + 1 except Exception, err: print err numFailures = numFailures + 1"RESULT: FAIL\n")
def main(): numFailures = 0 numTests = 0 numSkippedTests = 0 logger = nvcstestutils.Logger() # parse arguments usage = "Usage: %prog <options>" options = [ make_option('-s', dest='sanity', default=False, action="store_true", help='Run Sanity tests'), make_option('--odm', dest='odm_conformance', default=False, action="store_true", help='Run ODM Conformance tests'), make_option('-t', dest='test_names', default=None, type="string", action="append", help='Test name to execute', metavar="TEST_NAME"), make_option('-d', dest='disabled_test_names', default=None, type="string", action="append", help='Disable the test', metavar="TEST_NAME"), make_option( '-i', dest='imager_id', default=0, type="int", help='set imager id. 0 for rear facing, 1 for front facing', metavar="IMAGER_ID"), make_option('-f', dest='force', default=False, action="store_true", help='run the tests without any prompts', metavar="FORCE") ] options_parser = OptionParser(usage, option_list=options) # parse the command line arguments (test_options, args) = options_parser.parse_args() # print version infortion nvcstest.printVersionInformation() testNamesList = [] if (test_options.sanity): testNamesList = [ "jpeg_capture", "raw_capture", "concurrent_raw", "exposuretime", "gain", "focuspos" ] elif (test_options.odm_conformance): testNamesList = ["linearity"] elif (test_options.test_names != None): testNamesList = test_options.test_names __validateTestNames(testNamesList) # create a dictionary for disabled test names if (test_options.disabled_test_names != None): for testName in test_options.disabled_test_names: # get the test object if (TestFactory.hasTest(testName)): TestFactory.disableTest(testName)"Imager ID: %d" % test_options.imager_id) for testName in testNamesList: # get the test object try: # if the test is enabled, execute the test if (TestFactory.isEnabled(testName)): numTests = numTests + 1 testOb = TestFactory.getTestObject(testName, test_options) retVal = if (retVal == nvcstest.NvCSTestResult.SUCCESS):"RESULT: PASS\n") elif (retVal == nvcstest.NvCSTestResult.SKIPPED):"RESULT: SKIP\n") numSkippedTests = numSkippedTests + 1 else:"RESULT: FAIL\n") numFailures = numFailures + 1 except Exception, err: print err numFailures = numFailures + 1"RESULT: FAIL\n")
def main(): numFailures = 0 numTests = 0 numSkippedTests = 0 numStagingFailures = 0 numStagingTests = 0 numStagingSkippedTests = 0 RunSuccessStr = "" logger = nvcstestutils.Logger() # parse arguments usage = "\n" \ "%prog <options> - Run NVCS sanity and conformance test suite \n\n" \ "Description:\n" \ "\t NVCS sanity tests consists of a series of simple basic\n" \ "\t tests to make sure that the nvcs infrastructure, basic\n" \ "\t odm functionalities, camera core and algorithm paths are\n" \ "\t functional.\n" \ "\n \t Conformance tests are more sophisticated and specific\n" \ "\t setup is required. Each test is designed to catch issues\n" \ "\t which have been seen by camera team while working on\n" \ "\t different customer devices. NVCS sanity test suite needs\n" \ "\t to pass in order to run conformance test suite." standard_options = [ make_option('-v', '--version', dest='version', default=False, action="store_true", help = 'Display version information'), make_option('-l', '--list', dest='listTestNames', default=False, action="store_true", help = 'Display list of sanity and conformance test names'), make_option('-s', dest='sanity', default=False, action="store_true", help = 'Run NVCS sanity tests. If no -i option is specified, the command will' + ' run using default imager id 0. Use -l option to look at the' + ' list of sanity tests'), make_option('-c', dest='conformance', default=False, action="store_true", help = 'Run Conformance tests. Use -l option to look at the' + ' list of conformance tests'), make_option('--classic', dest='useClassicRanges', default=False, action="store_true", help = 'Do not query sensor for gain and exposure range.' + 'This option is only supported for \"linearity\" test at present'), make_option('-t', dest='test_names', default=None, type="string", action = "append", metavar="TEST_NAME", help = "Execute the specified test name. Multiple -t options are allowed to execute" + "more than one tests using a single command\n" + "example:\n" + "1) Command to run \"jpeg_capture\" test for imager id 0:\n" + " python %s -t jpeg_capture -i 0\n" % sys.argv[0] + "2) Command to run multiple tests \"jpeg_capture\" and \n" + " \"focuspos\" for imager id 0 using same command:\n" + " python %s -t jpeg_capture -t focuspos -i 0" % sys.argv[0]), make_option('--width', dest='width', default=0, type="int", help = 'set width of the jpeg capture\n' + 'currently only "jpeg_capture" test supports this'), make_option('--height', dest='height', default=0, type="int", help = 'set height of the jpeg capture\n' + 'currently only "jpeg_capture" test supports this'), make_option('--fdelay', dest='fdelay', default=0, type="float", help = 'set delay for focuser to converge\n' + 'currently only "jpeg_capture" test supports this'), make_option('-d', dest='disabled_test_names', default=None, type="string", action = "append", metavar="TEST_NAME", help = 'Disables the test. The test name specified as an argument will not' + ' execute. Multiple -d options are supported'), make_option('-i', dest='imager_id', default=0, type="int", metavar="IMAGER_ID", help = "set imager id. Most of the time imager id 0 is assigned for\n" + "rear facing and imager id 1 is assigned for front facing\n" + "camera sensor, but this might not be the case always\n" + "example:\n" + "- Command to run sanity test suite with imager id 1\n" + " python %s -s -i 1" % sys.argv[0]), make_option('--nofocus', dest='ignoreFocuser', default=False, action="store_true", help = 'Ignore ALL focuser commands in the test'), make_option('-f', dest='force', default=False, action="store_true", help = 'run the tests without any prompts', metavar="FORCE"), make_option('--overridesdir', dest='overridesDir', default='/data', type="string", metavar=" ", help = 'Set Directory for used to set Camera Overrides'), make_option('--overridesname', dest='overridesName', default='camera_overrides', type="string", metavar=" ", help = "Set the Name of the file used to set Camera Overrides\n" + "Note: Should not include the assumed \'.isp\' extension"), make_option('-h', '-?', '--help', dest='help', action='store_true', default=False, help = 'print this help message') ] advanced_options = [ make_option('--nv', dest='advanced', action='store_true', default=False, help = 'Enable advanced options.' + ' This will enable options for advanced testing and debugging of tests'), make_option('-n', dest='numTimes', default=0, type="int", help = 'Set number of times the test should run.' + ' Currently only \"blacklevel\" and \"linearity\" test supports this option'), make_option('--nostaging', dest='stagingOff', default=False, action="store_true", help = 'Do not run any of the staging tests in sanity or conformance suite' + ' Staging tests are ran to provide information internally to qualify new tests'), make_option('--noshuffle', dest='noShuffle', action='store_true', default=False, help = 'Do not shuffle capture order' + ' Currently only \"linearity\" test supports this option'), make_option('--eL', dest='exposureLow', default=0, type="float", help = 'Set minimum exposure for linearity3'), make_option('--eH', dest='exposureHigh', default=0, type="float", help = 'Set maximum expsoure for linearity3.'), make_option('--threshold', dest='threshold', default=0, type="float", help = 'Set threshold for test (float).' + ' Currently only \"blacklevel\" test supports this option and it sets' + ' threshold for difference between the maximum and minimum black level' + ' variance'), make_option('--width', dest='width', default=2592, type="int", help = 'Set width for host sensor mode' + ' Default width used by host sensor mode is 2592'), make_option('--height', dest='height', default=1944, type="int", help = 'Set height for host sensor mode' + ' Default height used by host sensor mode is 1944'), make_option('--gain', dest='utilGain', default=0, type="float", help = 'Set the gain for the capture.' + ' Currently only the \"hdr_ratio\" test supports this option'), make_option('--exposure', dest='utilExposure', default=0, type="float", help = 'Set the exposure for the capture.' + ' Currently only the \"hdr_ratio\" test supports this option'), ] parser = OptionParser(usage, option_list=standard_options + advanced_options, add_help_option=False, formatter=nvcstestutils.IndentedHelpFormatterWithNL()) # make a standard option for error checking if --nv is not specified standard_parser = OptionParser(usage, option_list=standard_options, add_help_option=False, formatter=nvcstestutils.IndentedHelpFormatterWithNL()) # parse the command line arguments (test_options, args) = parser.parse_args() # parse the standard command line argument of the --nv is not present if(not test_options.advanced): (options, test_args) = standard_parser.parse_args() if( if(test_options.advanced): # print help message with advanced options parser.print_help() else: # print help message wihtout advanced options standard_parser.print_help() sys.exit(0) if (test_options.listTestNames): # print test names # print sanity test names print "SANITY TEST NAMES:" for sanity_test in TestFactory.sanityNameList: print "\t%s" % sanity_test # print sanity staging test names print "SANITY STAGING TEST NAMES:" for staging_test in TestFactory.sanityStagingNameList: print "\t%s" % staging_test print "" # print conformance test names print "CONFORMANCE TEST NAMES:" for conformance_test in TestFactory.conformanceNameList: print "\t%s" % conformance_test # print conformance staging test names print "CONFORMANCE STAGING TEST NAMES:" for staging_test in TestFactory.conformanceStagingNameList: print "\t%s" % staging_test print "" sys.exit(0) # print version infortion nvcstest.printVersionInformation(logger) if(test_options.version): # Already printed version in previous statement sys.exit(0) stagingNamesList = [] testNamesList = [] if (test_options.sanity): testNamesList = TestFactory.sanityNameList stagingNamesList = TestFactory.sanityStagingNameList elif (test_options.conformance): testNamesList = TestFactory.conformanceNameList stagingNamesList = TestFactory.conformanceStagingNameList elif (test_options.test_names != None): testNamesList = test_options.test_names __validateTestNames(testNamesList) # create a dictionary for disabled test names if (test_options.disabled_test_names != None): for testName in test_options.disabled_test_names: # get the test object if (TestFactory.hasTest(testName)): TestFactory.disableTest(testName)"Imager ID: %d" % test_options.imager_id) if (test_options.stagingOff == False): for testName in stagingNamesList: # get the test object try: # if the test is enabled, execute the test if (TestFactory.isEnabled(testName)): numStagingTests = numStagingTests + 1 testOb = TestFactory.getTestObject(testName, test_options, logger) retVal = if (retVal == nvcstest.NvCSTestResult.SUCCESS):"STAGE TEST RESULT: PASS\n") elif (retVal == nvcstest.NvCSTestResult.SKIPPED):"STAGE RESULT: SKIP\n") numStagingSkippedTests = numStagingSkippedTests + 1 else:"STAGE RESULT: FAIL\n") numStagingFailures = numStagingFailures + 1 except Exception, err: print err numStagingFailures = numStagingFailures + 1
print err numFailures = numFailures + 1"RESULT: FAIL\n") logger.setClientName("") if (numFailures == 0): RunSuccessStr = "PASS" else: RunSuccessStr = "FAIL""=================================================================") logger.dumpWarnings("Accumulated WARNING messages from test run:") logger.dumpErrors("Accumulated ERROR messages from test run:")"=================================================================") nvcstest.printVersionInformation(logger)"=================================================================") if (numStagingTests > 0):"(STAGE RUNS DO NOT AFFECT NVCS FINAL RESULT)")"STAGE RUNS: %d" % numStagingTests)"STAGE FAILURES: %d" % numStagingFailures)"STAGE SKIPPED TESTS: %d" % numStagingSkippedTests)"=================================================================")"TOTAL TEST RUNS: %d" % numTests)"TOTAL FAILURES: %d" % numFailures)"TOTAL SKIPPED TESTS: %d" % numSkippedTests)"=================================================================")"NVCS Final Result: %s" % (RunSuccessStr))"=================================================================") if (numFailures > 0):