def interact(): global speed_camera global cursor global rot # nvisii camera matrix cam_matrix = camera.get_transform().get_local_to_world_matrix() dt = nvisii.vec4(0, 0, 0, 0) # translation if nvisii.is_button_held("W"): dt[2] = -speed_camera if nvisii.is_button_held("S"): dt[2] = speed_camera if nvisii.is_button_held("A"): dt[0] = -speed_camera if nvisii.is_button_held("D"): dt[0] = speed_camera if nvisii.is_button_held("Q"): dt[1] = -speed_camera if nvisii.is_button_held("E"): dt[1] = speed_camera # control the camera if nvisii.length(dt) > 0.0: w_dt = cam_matrix * dt camera.get_transform().add_position(nvisii.vec3(w_dt)) # camera rotation cursor[2] = cursor[0] cursor[3] = cursor[1] cursor[0] = nvisii.get_cursor_pos().x cursor[1] = nvisii.get_cursor_pos().y if nvisii.is_button_held("MOUSE_LEFT"): nvisii.set_cursor_mode("DISABLED") rotate_camera = True else: nvisii.set_cursor_mode("NORMAL") rotate_camera = False if rotate_camera: rot.x -= (cursor[0] - cursor[2]) * 0.001 rot.y -= (cursor[1] - cursor[3]) * 0.001 init_rot = nvisii.angleAxis(nvisii.pi() * .5, (1, 0, 0)) yaw = nvisii.angleAxis(rot.x, (0, 1, 0)) pitch = nvisii.angleAxis(rot.y, (1, 0, 0)) camera.get_transform().set_rotation(init_rot * yaw * pitch) # change speed movement if nvisii.is_button_pressed("UP"): speed_camera *= 0.5 print('decrease speed camera', speed_camera) if nvisii.is_button_pressed("DOWN"): speed_camera /= 0.5 print('increase speed camera', speed_camera)
transform = nvisii.transform.create("light_2"), ) # a light is an entity with a light added to it. obj_entity.set_light( nvisii.light.create('light_2') ) obj_entity.get_light().set_intensity(2) # you can also set the light color manually obj_entity.get_light().set_color_texture(tex) #lets set the size and placement of the light obj_entity.get_transform().set_scale((0.1, 0.1, 0.1)) obj_entity.get_transform().set_position((-0.5,0.4,0)) obj_entity.get_transform().set_rotation( nvisii.angleAxis(90, (0,0,1)) ) # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # Lets set some objects in the scene room = nvisii.entity.create( name="room", mesh = nvisii.mesh.create_box('room'), transform = nvisii.transform.create("room"), material = nvisii.material.create("room"), ) room.get_transform().set_scale((2.0,2.0,2.0)) room.get_transform().set_position((0,0,2.0)) mat = nvisii.material.get("room") mat.set_base_color(nvisii.vec3(0.19,0.16,0.19))
opt.out = '15_camera_motion_car_blur.png' opt.control = True # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # nvisii.initialize() nvisii.set_dome_light_intensity(.8) nvisii.resize_window(int(opt.width), int(opt.height)) # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # load the textures dome = nvisii.texture.create_from_file("dome", "content/teatro_massimo_2k.hdr") # we can add HDR images to act as dome nvisii.set_dome_light_texture(dome) nvisii.set_dome_light_rotation( nvisii.angleAxis(nvisii.pi() * .5, nvisii.vec3(0, 0, 1))) car_speed = 0 car_speed_x = car_speed car_speed_y = -2 * car_speed camera_height = 80 # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # if not opt.noise is True: nvisii.enable_denoiser() camera = nvisii.entity.create(name="camera", transform=nvisii.transform.create("camera"), name="camera",
# Create a scene to use for exporting segmentations floor = nvisii.entity.create(name="floor", mesh=nvisii.mesh.create_plane("floor"), transform=nvisii.transform.create("floor"), material=nvisii.material.create("floor")) floor.get_transform().set_scale((2, 2, 2)) floor.get_material().set_roughness(1.0) areaLight1 = nvisii.entity.create( name="areaLight1", light=nvisii.light.create("areaLight1"), transform=nvisii.transform.create("areaLight1"), mesh=nvisii.mesh.create_plane("areaLight1"), ) areaLight1.get_transform().set_rotation(nvisii.angleAxis(3.14, (1, 0, 0))) areaLight1.get_light().set_intensity(1) areaLight1.get_light().set_temperature(8000) areaLight1.get_transform().set_position((0, 0, .6)) areaLight1.get_transform().set_scale((.2, .2, .2)) mesh1 = nvisii.entity.create(name="mesh1", mesh=nvisii.mesh.create_teapotahedron( "mesh1", segments=64), transform=nvisii.transform.create("mesh1"), material=nvisii.material.create("mesh1")) brick_base_color = nvisii.texture.create_from_file( "bricks_base_color", "./content/Bricks051_2K_Color.jpg") brick_normal = nvisii.texture.create_from_file( "bricks_normal", "./content/Bricks051_2K_Normal.jpg", linear=True)
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # lets turn off the ambiant lights # load a random skybox skyboxes = glob.glob(f'{opt.skyboxes_folder}/*.hdr') skybox_random_selection = skyboxes[random.randint(0, len(skyboxes) - 1)] dome_tex = visii.texture.create_from_file('dome_tex', skybox_random_selection) visii.set_dome_light_texture(dome_tex) visii.set_dome_light_intensity(random.uniform(1.1, 2)) # visii.set_dome_light_intensity(1.15) visii.set_dome_light_rotation( # visii.angleAxis(visii.pi()/2,visii.vec3(1,0,0)) \ # * visii.angleAxis(visii.pi()/2,visii.vec3(0,0,1))\ visii.angleAxis(random.uniform(-visii.pi(),visii.pi()),visii.vec3(0,0,1))\ # * visii.angleAxis(visii.pi()/2,visii.vec3(0,1,0))\ # * visii.angleAxis(random.uniform(-visii.pi()/8,visii.pi()/8),visii.vec3(0,0,1))\ ) # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # Lets set some objects in the scene mesh_loaded = {} objects_to_move = [] sample_space = [[-20, 20], [-20, 20], [-30, -2]] if opt.interactive: physicsClient = p.connect(p.GUI) # non-graphical version else:
# Create a scene to use for exporting segmentations floor = nvisii.entity.create(name="floor", mesh=nvisii.mesh.create_plane("floor"), transform=nvisii.transform.create("floor"), material=nvisii.material.create("floor")) floor.get_transform().set_scale((2, 2, 2)) floor.get_material().set_roughness(1.0) areaLight1 = nvisii.entity.create( name="areaLight1", light=nvisii.light.create("areaLight1"), transform=nvisii.transform.create("areaLight1"), mesh=nvisii.mesh.create_plane("areaLight1"), ) areaLight1.get_transform().set_rotation(nvisii.angleAxis(3.14, (1, 0, 0))) areaLight1.get_light().set_intensity(1) areaLight1.get_light().set_exposure(-3) areaLight1.get_light().set_temperature(8000) areaLight1.get_transform().set_position((0, 0, .6)) areaLight1.get_transform().set_scale((.2, .2, .2)) mesh1 = nvisii.entity.create(name="mesh1", mesh=nvisii.mesh.create_teapotahedron( "mesh1", segments=64), transform=nvisii.transform.create("mesh1"), material=nvisii.material.create("mesh1")) brick_base_color = nvisii.texture.create_from_file( "bricks_base_color", "./content/Bricks051_2K_Color.jpg") brick_normal = nvisii.texture.create_from_file(
# Checkout create_hsv, create_add, create_multiply, and create_mix floor_tex = nvisii.texture.create_hsv("floor", tex, hue=0, saturation=.5, value=1.0, mix=1.0) # we can add HDR images to act as a dome that lights up our scene # use "enable_cdf" for dome light textures that contain # bright objects that cast shadows (like the sun). Note # that this has a significant impact on rendering performance, # and is disabled by default. nvisii.set_dome_light_texture(dome, enable_cdf=True) nvisii.set_dome_light_rotation(nvisii.angleAxis(nvisii.pi() * .1, (0, 0, 1))) # Lets set some objects in the scene entity = nvisii.entity.create( name="floor", mesh=nvisii.mesh.create_plane("mesh_floor"), transform=nvisii.transform.create("transform_floor"), material=nvisii.material.create("material_floor")) entity.get_transform().set_scale((1, 1, 1)) mat = nvisii.material.get("material_floor") mat.set_roughness(.5) # Lets set the base color and roughness of the object to use a texture. # but the textures could also be used to set other # material propreties
blocker = nvisii.entity.create(name="blocker", mesh=nvisii.mesh.create_capped_tube( "blocker", innerRadius=.04), transform=nvisii.transform.create("blocker"), material=nvisii.material.create("blocker")) blocker.get_transform().set_scale((10, 10, .01)) blocker.get_transform().set_position((0, 0, 3.0)) # Teapot teapotahedron = nvisii.entity.create( name="teapotahedron", mesh=nvisii.mesh.create_teapotahedron("teapotahedron", segments=32), transform=nvisii.transform.create("teapotahedron"), material=nvisii.material.create("teapotahedron")) teapotahedron.get_transform().set_rotation( nvisii.angleAxis(nvisii.pi() / 4.0, (0, 0, 1))) teapotahedron.get_transform().set_position((0, 0, 0)) teapotahedron.get_transform().set_scale((0.4, 0.4, 0.4)) teapotahedron.get_material().set_base_color( (255.0 / 255.0, 100.0 / 255.0, 2.0 / 256.0)) teapotahedron.get_material().set_roughness(0.0) teapotahedron.get_material().set_specular(1.0) teapotahedron.get_material().set_metallic(1.0) # Make a QT window to demonstrate the difference between alpha transparency and transmission app = QApplication([]) # Start an application. window = QWidget() # Create a window. layout = QVBoxLayout() # Create a layout. def rotateCamera(value):
normal_tex.set_scale((.1, .1)) rough_tex.set_scale((.1, .1)) mat.set_base_color_texture(color_tex) mat.set_normal_map_texture(normal_tex) mat.set_roughness_texture(rough_tex) # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # for i in range(100): light_entity.get_transform().look_at( at=(0, 0, 0), up=(0, 0, 1), eye=(math.cos(math.pi * 2.0 * (i / 100.0)), math.sin(math.pi * 2.0 * (i / 100.0)), 1)) test_plane.get_transform().set_rotation( nvisii.angleAxis(-math.pi * 2.0 * (i / 100.0), (0, 0, 1))) # time.sleep(.1) nvisii.render_to_file(width=int(opt.width), height=int(opt.height), samples_per_pixel=int(opt.spp), file_path=f"{opt.outf}/{str(i).zfill(5)}.png") # let's clean up the GPU nvisii.deinitialize()[ 'ffmpeg', '-y', '-framerate', '24', '-i', r"%05d.png", '-vcodec', 'libx264', '-pix_fmt', 'yuv420p', '../output.mp4' ], cwd=os.path.realpath(opt.outf))
def interact(): global prev_window_size global speed_camera global cursor global init_rot global rot global i window_size = nv.vec2(nv.get_window_size().x, nv.get_window_size().y) if (nv.length(window_size - prev_window_size) > 0): camera.get_camera().set_fov(.8, window_size.x / float(window_size.y)) prev_window_size = window_size # nvisii camera matrix cam_matrix = camera.get_transform().get_local_to_world_matrix() dt = nv.vec4(0, 0, 0, 0) # translation if nv.is_button_held("W"): dt[2] = -speed_camera if nv.is_button_held("S"): dt[2] = speed_camera if nv.is_button_held("A"): dt[0] = -speed_camera if nv.is_button_held("D"): dt[0] = speed_camera if nv.is_button_held("Q"): dt[1] = -speed_camera if nv.is_button_held("E"): dt[1] = speed_camera # control the camera if nv.length(dt) > 0.0: w_dt = cam_matrix * dt camera.get_transform().add_position(nv.vec3(w_dt)) # camera rotation cursor[2] = cursor[0] cursor[3] = cursor[1] cursor[0] = nv.get_cursor_pos().x cursor[1] = nv.get_cursor_pos().y if nv.is_button_held("MOUSE_LEFT"): rotate_camera = True else: rotate_camera = False if rotate_camera: rot.x -= (cursor[0] - cursor[2]) * 0.001 rot.y -= (cursor[1] - cursor[3]) * 0.001 # init_rot = nv.angleAxis(nv.pi() * .5, (1,0,0)) yaw = nv.angleAxis(rot.x, (0, 1, 0)) pitch = nv.angleAxis(rot.y, (1, 0, 0)) camera.get_transform().set_rotation(init_rot * yaw * pitch) # change speed movement if nv.is_button_pressed("UP"): speed_camera *= 0.5 print('decrease speed camera', speed_camera) if nv.is_button_pressed("DOWN"): speed_camera /= 0.5 print('increase speed camera', speed_camera) # Render out an image if nv.is_button_pressed("SPACE"): i = i + 1 nv.render_to_file(nv.get_window_size().x, nv.get_window_size().y, 256, str(i) + ".png")
name = str(x) + "_" + str(y) m = box_mesh if y % 4 < 2: m = sphere_mesh nvisii.entity.create( name=name, mesh=m, transform=nvisii.transform.create( name=name, # position = (x * 1.3 + .33 * pow(-1, y), 0, y * .35), position=(x * .25, 0, y * .25 * .7 + .02 * pow(-1, y)), # scale = (.15, .15, .15), scale=((y % 2) * .01 + .09, (y % 2) * .01 + .09, (y % 2) * .01 + .09), rotation=nvisii.angleAxis(-.78, (1, 0, 0))), material=nvisii.material.create(name=name)) mat = nvisii.material.get(name) # The diffuse, metal, or glass surface color # mat.set_base_color(...) mat.set_base_color(hsv_to_rgb(y / 60.0, y % 2, 1.0)) # Specifies the microfacet roughness of the surface for diffuse # or specular reflection if y == 0 or y == 1: mat.set_roughness(x / 20.0) # Blends between a non-metallic and a metallic material model. if y == 2 or y == 3: mat.set_roughness(0.0)
obj_entity = nvisii.entity.create( name="light_2", mesh=nvisii.mesh.create_teapotahedron('light_2'), transform=nvisii.transform.create("light_2"), ) # a light is an entity with a light added to it. obj_entity.set_light(nvisii.light.create('light_2')) obj_entity.get_light().set_intensity(2) # you can also set the light color manually obj_entity.get_light().set_color((1., .0, .0)) #lets set the size and placement of the light obj_entity.get_transform().set_scale((0.1, 0.1, 0.1)) obj_entity.get_transform().set_position((0.2, -0.7, 0.10)) obj_entity.get_transform().set_rotation(nvisii.angleAxis(90, (0, 0, 1))) # third light obj_entity = nvisii.entity.create( name="light_3", mesh=nvisii.mesh.create_plane('light_3', flip_z=True), transform=nvisii.transform.create("light_3"), ) obj_entity.set_light(nvisii.light.create('light_3')) # Intensity effects the appearance of the light in # addition to what intensity that light emits. obj_entity.get_light().set_intensity(1) # Exposure does not effect direct appearance of the light, # but does effect the relative power of the light in illuminating # other objects.
# load an example brick texture color_tex = nvisii.texture.create_from_file("color",'content/Bricks051_2K_Color.jpg') normal_tex = nvisii.texture.create_from_file("normal",'content/Bricks051_2K_Normal.jpg', linear = True) rough_tex = nvisii.texture.create_from_file("rough",'content/Bricks051_2K_Roughness.jpg', linear = True) color_tex.set_scale((.1,.1)) normal_tex.set_scale((.1,.1)) rough_tex.set_scale((.1,.1)) mat.set_base_color_texture(color_tex) mat.set_normal_map_texture(normal_tex) mat.set_roughness_texture(rough_tex) # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # for i in range(100): light_entity.get_transform().look_at(at = (0,0,0), up = (0,0,1), eye = (math.cos(math.pi * 2.0 * (i / 100.0)), math.sin(math.pi * 2.0 * (i / 100.0)),1)) test_plane.get_transform().set_rotation(nvisii.angleAxis(-math.pi * 2.0 * (i / 100.0), (0,0,1))) # time.sleep(.1) nvisii.render_to_file( width=int(opt.width), height=int(opt.height), samples_per_pixel=int(opt.spp), file_path=f"{opt.outf}/{str(i).zfill(5)}.png" ) # let's clean up the GPU nvisii.deinitialize()['ffmpeg', '-y', '-framerate', '24', '-i', r"%05d.png", '-vcodec', 'libx264', '-pix_fmt', 'yuv420p', '../output.mp4'], cwd=os.path.realpath(opt.outf))
name="camera", aspect=float(opt.width) / float(opt.height))) camera.get_transform().look_at( at=(-5, 0, 12), # look at (world coordinate) up=(0, 0, 1), # up vector eye=(5, -15, 18)) nvisii.set_camera_entity(camera) # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # sdb = nvisii.import_scene( file_path='content/salle_de_bain_separated/salle_de_bain_separated.obj', position=(1, 0, 0), scale=(1.0, 1.0, 1.0), rotation=nvisii.angleAxis(3.14 * .5, (1, 0, 0)), args=["verbose"] # list assets as they are loaded ) # Using the above function, # nvisii loads each obj model as its own entity. # You can find them by name (with an optional prefix added # to front of each generated component name) # nvisii generates the same naming pattern for the different # materials defined in the mtl file # since obj/mtl do not have definition for metallic properties # lets add them manually to the material mirror = nvisii.material.get('Mirror')