def show_position(node): if len(node.spatial_series.keys()) == 1: for value in node.spatial_series.values(): return view.nwb2widget(value) else: return view.nwb2widget(node.spatial_series)
def show_position(node: Position, neurodata_vis_spec: dict): if len(node.spatial_series.keys()) == 1: for value in node.spatial_series.values(): return view.nwb2widget(value, neurodata_vis_spec=neurodata_vis_spec) else: return view.nwb2widget(node.spatial_series, neurodata_vis_spec=neurodata_vis_spec)
def show_neurodata_base( node: NWBDataInterface, neurodata_vis_spec: dict ) -> widgets.Widget: """ Gets a pynwb object and returns a Vertical Box containing textual info and an expandable Accordion with it's children. """ field_lay = widgets.Layout( max_height="40px", max_width="500px", min_height="30px", min_width="180px" ) info = [] # string data type, exposed as a Text widget neuro_data = [] # more complex data types, also with children labels = [] for key, value in node.fields.items(): if isinstance(value, (str, datetime)): lbl_key = widgets.Label(key + ":", layout=field_lay) lbl_val = widgets.Label(str(value), layout=field_lay) info.append(widgets.HBox(children=[lbl_key, lbl_val])) elif key == "related_publications": pub_list = [] for pub in value: pub_list.append( widgets.HTML( value="<a href=" + pub[4:] + ">" + pub + "</a>" ) ) lbl_key = widgets.Label(key + ":", layout=field_lay) pub_list.insert(0, lbl_key) info.append(widgets.HBox(children=pub_list)) elif key == "experimenter": lbl_experimenter = widgets.Label("Experimenter:", layout=field_lay) if isinstance(value, (list, tuple)): lbl_names = widgets.Label(", ".join(value), layout=field_lay) else: lbl_names = widgets.Label(value, layout=field_lay) hbox_exp = widgets.HBox(children=[lbl_experimenter, lbl_names]) info.append(hbox_exp) elif (isinstance(value, Iterable) and len(value)) or value: neuro_data.append( view.nwb2widget(value, neurodata_vis_spec=neurodata_vis_spec) ) labels.append(key) accordion = widgets.Accordion(children=neuro_data, selected_index=None) for i, label in enumerate(labels): if ( hasattr(node.fields[label], "description") and node.fields[label].description ): accordion.set_title(i, label + ": " + node.fields[label].description) else: accordion.set_title(i, label) return widgets.VBox(info + [accordion])
def show_neurodata_base(node): info = [] neuro_data = [] labels = [] for key, value in node.fields.items(): if isinstance(value, str): info.append( widgets.Text(value=repr(value), description=key, disabled=True)) elif (isinstance(value, Iterable) and len(value)) or value: neuro_data.append(view.nwb2widget(value)) labels.append(key) accordion = widgets.Accordion(children=neuro_data, selected_index=None) for i, label in enumerate(labels): if hasattr(node.fields[label], 'description') and node.fields[label].description: accordion.set_title(i, label + ': ' + node.fields[label].description) else: accordion.set_title(i, label) return widgets.VBox(info + [accordion])