Exemple #1
 def parseItem(self, item):
     entry = self.create_nzb_search_result()
     # These are the values that absolutely must be contained in the response
     entry.title = item.find("title").text
     entry.link = item.find("link").text
     entry.details_link = item.find("comments").text
     entry.indexerguid = item.find("guid").text
     entry.size = int(item.find("size").text)
     entry.attributes = []
     entry.has_nfo = NzbSearchResult.HAS_NFO_NO
     categories = item.find("category")            
     if categories is not None:
         categories = categories.text
     entry.category = getByNewznabCats(categories)
     for i in item.findall("./newznab:attr", {"newznab": "http://www.newznab.com/DTD/2010/feeds/attributes/"}):
         attribute_name = i.attrib["name"]
         attribute_value = i.attrib["value"]
         entry.attributes.append({"name": attribute_name, "value": attribute_value})
     entry.pubDate = item.find("pubDate").text
     pubDate = arrow.get(entry.pubDate, 'ddd, DD MMM YYYY HH:mm:ss Z')
     entry.epoch = pubDate.timestamp
     entry.pubdate_utc = str(pubDate)
     entry.age_days = (arrow.utcnow() - pubDate).days
     entry.precise_date = True 
     entry.downloadType = "torrent"
     return entry
Exemple #2
 def parseItem(self, item):
     usenetdate = None
     entry = self.create_nzb_search_result()
     # These are the values that absolutely must be contained in the response
     entry.title = item.find("title").text
     entry.link = item.find("link").text
     entry.attributes = []
     entry.pubDate = item.find("pubDate").text
     entry.indexerguid = item.find("guid").text
     if entry.indexerguid:
         m = self.guidpattern.search(entry.indexerguid)
         if m:
             entry.indexerguid = m.group(2)
     entry.has_nfo = NzbSearchResult.HAS_NFO_MAYBE
     description = item.find("description")
     if description is not None:
         description = description.text
         if description is not None and "Group:" in description:  # DogNZB has the group in its description
             m = self.grouppattern.search(description)
             if m and m.group(1) != "not available":
                 entry.group = m.group(1)
     categories = []
     for i in item.findall("./newznab:attr", {"newznab": "http://www.newznab.com/DTD/2010/feeds/attributes/"}):
         attribute_name = i.attrib["name"]
         attribute_value = i.attrib["value"]
         if attribute_name == "size":
             entry.size = int(attribute_value)
         elif attribute_name == "guid":
             entry.indexerguid = attribute_value
         elif attribute_name == "category" and attribute_value != "":
             except ValueError:
                 self.error("Unable to parse category %s" % attribute_value)
         elif attribute_name == "poster":
             entry.poster = attribute_value
         elif attribute_name == "password" and attribute_value != "0":
             entry.passworded = True
         elif attribute_name == "group" and attribute_value != "not available":
             entry.group = attribute_value
         elif attribute_name == "usenetdate":
                 usenetdate = arrow.get(attribute_value, 'ddd, DD MMM YYYY HH:mm:ss Z')
             except ParserError:
                 logger.debug("Unable to parse usenet date format: %s" % attribute_value)
                 usenetdate = None
         # Store all the extra attributes, we will return them later for external apis
         entry.attributes.append({"name": attribute_name, "value": attribute_value})
     entry.details_link = self.get_details_link(entry.indexerguid)
     if usenetdate is None:
         # Not provided by attributes, use pubDate instead
         usenetdate = arrow.get(entry.pubDate, 'ddd, DD MMM YYYY HH:mm:ss Z')
     entry.epoch = usenetdate.timestamp
     entry.pubdate_utc = str(usenetdate)
     entry.age_days = (arrow.utcnow() - usenetdate).days
     entry.precise_date = True 
     entry.category = getByNewznabCats(categories)
     return entry
Exemple #3
    def parseItem(self, item):
        entry = self.create_nzb_search_result()
        # These are the values that absolutely must be contained in the response
        entry.title = item.find("title").text
        entry.title = self.cleanUpTitle(entry.title)
        entry.link = item.find("link").text
        entry.details_link = item.find("comments").text
        entry.indexerguid = item.find("guid").text
        entry.comments = 0
        size = item.find("size")
        if size is not None:
            entry.size = int(size.text)
        entry.attributes = []
        entry.has_nfo = NzbSearchResult.HAS_NFO_NO
        categories = item.find("category")
        if categories is not None:
            categories = categories.text
        entry.category = getByNewznabCats(categories)

        attributes = item.findall(
            {"torznab": "http://torznab.com/schemas/2015/feed"})
            item.findall("newznab:attr", {
        for i in attributes:
            attribute_name = i.attrib["name"]
            attribute_value = i.attrib["value"]
                "name": attribute_name,
                "value": attribute_value
            if attribute_name == "size":
                entry.size = int(attribute_value)
            if attribute_name == "grabs":
                entry.grabs = int(attribute_value)

        entry.pubDate = item.find("pubDate").text
        pubDate = arrow.get(entry.pubDate, 'ddd, DD MMM YYYY HH:mm:ss Z')
        self.getDates(entry, pubDate)
        entry.downloadType = "torrent"
        # For some trackers several results with the same ID are returned (e.g. PTP so we need to make sure the ID is unique)
        entry.indexerguid += str(entry.size)
        return entry
Exemple #4
    def parseItem(self, item):
        entry = self.create_nzb_search_result()
        # These are the values that absolutely must be contained in the response
        entry.title = item.find("title").text
        entry.title = self.cleanUpTitle(entry.title)
        entry.link = item.find("link").text
        entry.details_link = item.find("comments").text
        entry.indexerguid = item.find("guid").text
        entry.comments = 0
        size = item.find("size")
        if size is not None:
            entry.size = int(size.text)
        entry.attributes = []
        entry.has_nfo = NzbSearchResult.HAS_NFO_NO
        categories = item.find("category")            
        if categories is not None:
            categories = categories.text
        entry.category = getByNewznabCats(categories)

        attributes = item.findall("torznab:attr", {"torznab": "http://torznab.com/schemas/2015/feed"})
        attributes.extend(item.findall("newznab:attr", {"newznab": "http://www.newznab.com/DTD/2010/feeds/attributes/"}))
        for i in attributes:
            attribute_name = i.attrib["name"]
            attribute_value = i.attrib["value"]
            entry.attributes.append({"name": attribute_name, "value": attribute_value})
            if attribute_name == "size":
                entry.size = int(attribute_value)
            if attribute_name == "grabs":
                entry.grabs = int(attribute_value)
        entry.pubDate = item.find("pubDate").text
        pubDate = arrow.get(entry.pubDate, 'ddd, DD MMM YYYY HH:mm:ss Z')
        self.getDates(entry, pubDate)
        entry.downloadType = "torrent"
        # For some trackers several results with the same ID are returned (e.g. PTP so we need to make sure the ID is unique)
        entry.indexerguid += str(entry.size)
        return entry
Exemple #5
    def parseItem(self, item):
        usenetdate = None
        entry = self.create_nzb_search_result()
        # These are the values that absolutely must be contained in the response
        entry.title = item.find("title").text
        entry.title = self.cleanUpTitle(entry.title)
        entry.link = item.find("link").text
        entry.pubDate = item.find("pubDate").text
        guid = item.find("guid")
        entry.indexerguid = guid.text
        if "isPermaLink" in guid.attrib.keys(
        ) and guid.attrib["isPermaLink"] == "true":
            entry.details_link = entry.indexerguid
            m = self.guidpattern.search(entry.indexerguid)
            if m:
                # Extract GUID from link
                entry.indexerguid = m.group(2)
        if not entry.details_link:
            comments = item.find("comments")
            # Example: https://nzbfinder.ws/details/1234567jagkshsg72hs8whgs6#comments
            if comments is not None:
                entry.details_link = comments.text.replace("#comments", "")
        entry.has_nfo = NzbSearchResult.HAS_NFO_MAYBE
        description = item.find("description")
        if description is not None:
            description = description.text
            if description is not None and "Group:" in description:  # DogNZB has the group in its description
                m = self.grouppattern.search(description)
                if m and m.group(1) != "not available":
                    entry.group = m.group(1)
        categories = []
        for i in item.findall(
            {"newznab": "http://www.newznab.com/DTD/2010/feeds/attributes/"}):
            attribute_name = i.attrib["name"]
            attribute_value = i.attrib["value"]
            if attribute_name == "guid":
                entry.indexerguid = attribute_value
            elif attribute_name == "category" and attribute_value != "":
                except ValueError:
                    self.error("Unable to parse category %s" % attribute_value)
            elif attribute_name == "password" and attribute_value != "0":
                entry.passworded = True
            elif attribute_name == "nfo":
                entry.has_nfo = NzbSearchResult.HAS_NFO_YES if int(
                    attribute_value) == 1 else NzbSearchResult.HAS_NFO_NO
            elif attribute_name == "info" and self.settings.backend.lower(
            ) in ["nzedb", "nntmux"]:
                entry.has_nfo = NzbSearchResult.HAS_NFO_YES
            elif attribute_name == "group" and attribute_value != "not available":
                entry.group = attribute_value
            elif attribute_name == "usenetdate":
                    usenetdate = arrow.get(attribute_value, [
                        'ddd, DD MMM YYYY HH:mm:ss Z',
                        'ddd, DD MMM YYYY HH:mm:ss ZZZ',
                        'ddd, DD MMM YYYY HH:mm Z',
                        'ddd, DD MMM YYYY HH:mm A Z'
                except ParserError:
                    self.debug("Unable to parse usenet date format: %s" %
                    usenetdate = None
                for x in ["size", "files", "comments", "grabs"]:
                    if attribute_name == x:
                        setattr(entry, x, int(attribute_value))
                        for x in ["guid", "poster"]:
                            if attribute_name == x:
                                setattr(entry, x, attribute_value)

            # Store all the attributes, we will return them later for external apis
                "name": attribute_name,
                "value": attribute_value
        if self.settings.backend is None or (
                self.settings.backend.lower() in ["nzedb", "nntmux"]
                and entry.has_nfo == NzbSearchResult.HAS_NFO_MAYBE):
            # If the "info" attribute wasn't found this entry doesn't have an NFO
            entry.has_nfo = NzbSearchResult.HAS_NFO_NO
        if not entry.details_link:
            entry.details_link = self.get_details_link(entry.indexerguid)
        if usenetdate is None:
            # Not provided by attributes, use pubDate instead
            usenetdate = arrow.get(entry.pubDate, [
                'ddd, DD MMM YYYY HH:mm:ss Z', 'ddd, DD MMM YYYY HH:mm:ss ZZZ',
                'ddd, DD MMM YYYY HH:mm Z', 'ddd, DD MMM YYYY HH:mm A Z'
        self.getDates(entry, usenetdate)
        entry.category = getByNewznabCats(categories)
        return entry
Exemple #6
 def parseItem(self, item):
     usenetdate = None
     entry = self.create_nzb_search_result()
     # These are the values that absolutely must be contained in the response
     entry.title = item.find("title").text
     if entry.title and "nzbgeek" in self.settings.host:
         entry.title = entry.title.replace("-Obfuscated", "")
     if config.settings.searching.removeLanguage:
         for word in [
                 " English", " Korean", " Spanish", " French", " German",
                 " Italian", " Danish", " Dutch", " Japanese", " Cantonese",
                 " Mandarin", " Russian", " Polish", " Vietnamese",
                 " Swedish", " Norwegian", " Finnish", " Turkish",
                 " Portuguese", " Flemish", " Greek", " Hungarian"
             if entry.title.endswith(word):
                 self.debug("Removing trailing%s from title %s" %
                            (word, entry.title))
                 entry.title = entry.title[:-len(word)]
     entry.link = item.find("link").text
     entry.attributes = []
     entry.pubDate = item.find("pubDate").text
     entry.indexerguid = item.find("guid").text
     if entry.indexerguid:
         m = self.guidpattern.search(entry.indexerguid)
         if m:
             entry.indexerguid = m.group(2)
     entry.has_nfo = NzbSearchResult.HAS_NFO_MAYBE
     description = item.find("description")
     if description is not None:
         description = description.text
         if description is not None and "Group:" in description:  # DogNZB has the group in its description
             m = self.grouppattern.search(description)
             if m and m.group(1) != "not available":
                 entry.group = m.group(1)
     categories = []
     for i in item.findall(
         {"newznab": "http://www.newznab.com/DTD/2010/feeds/attributes/"}):
         attribute_name = i.attrib["name"]
         attribute_value = i.attrib["value"]
         if attribute_name == "size":
             entry.size = int(attribute_value)
         elif attribute_name == "guid":
             entry.indexerguid = attribute_value
         elif attribute_name == "category" and attribute_value != "":
             except ValueError:
                 self.error("Unable to parse category %s" % attribute_value)
         elif attribute_name == "poster":
             entry.poster = attribute_value
         elif attribute_name == "password" and attribute_value != "0":
             entry.passworded = True
         elif attribute_name == "group" and attribute_value != "not available":
             entry.group = attribute_value
         elif attribute_name == "usenetdate":
                 usenetdate = arrow.get(attribute_value,
                                        'ddd, DD MMM YYYY HH:mm:ss Z')
             except ParserError:
                 self.debug("Unable to parse usenet date format: %s" %
                 usenetdate = None
         # Store all the extra attributes, we will return them later for external apis
             "name": attribute_name,
             "value": attribute_value
     entry.details_link = self.get_details_link(entry.indexerguid)
     if usenetdate is None:
         # Not provided by attributes, use pubDate instead
         usenetdate = arrow.get(entry.pubDate,
                                'ddd, DD MMM YYYY HH:mm:ss Z')
     entry.epoch = usenetdate.timestamp
     entry.pubdate_utc = str(usenetdate)
     entry.age_days = (arrow.utcnow() - usenetdate).days
     entry.precise_date = True
     entry.category = getByNewznabCats(categories)
     return entry
Exemple #7
    def parseItem(self, item):
        usenetdate = None
        entry = self.create_nzb_search_result()
        # These are the values that absolutely must be contained in the response
        entry.title = item.find("title").text
        if entry.title and "nzbgeek" in self.settings.host:
            entry.title = entry.title.replace("-Obfuscated", "")
        if config.settings.searching.removeLanguage:
            for word in [" English", " Korean", " Spanish", " French", " German", " Italian", " Danish", " Dutch", " Japanese", " Cantonese", " Mandarin", " Russian", " Polish", " Vietnamese", " Swedish", " Norwegian", " Finnish", " Turkish", " Portuguese", " Flemish", " Greek", " Hungarian"]:
                if entry.title.endswith(word):
                    self.debug("Removing trailing%s from title %s" % (word, entry.title))
                    entry.title = entry.title[:-len(word)]
        entry.link = item.find("link").text
        entry.pubDate = item.find("pubDate").text
        guid = item.find("guid")
        entry.indexerguid = guid.text
        if "isPermaLink" in guid.attrib.keys() and guid.attrib["isPermaLink"] == "true":
            entry.details_link = entry.indexerguid
            m = self.guidpattern.search(entry.indexerguid)
            if m:
                # Extract GUID from link
                entry.indexerguid = m.group(2)
        if not entry.details_link:
            comments = item.find("comments")
            # Example: https://nzbfinder.ws/details/1234567jagkshsg72hs8whgs6#comments
            if comments is not None:
                entry.details_link = comments.text.replace("#comments", "")
        entry.has_nfo = NzbSearchResult.HAS_NFO_MAYBE
        description = item.find("description")
        if description is not None:
            description = description.text
            if description is not None and "Group:" in description:  # DogNZB has the group in its description
                m = self.grouppattern.search(description)
                if m and m.group(1) != "not available":
                    entry.group = m.group(1)
        categories = []
        for i in item.findall("./newznab:attr", {"newznab": "http://www.newznab.com/DTD/2010/feeds/attributes/"}):
            attribute_name = i.attrib["name"]
            attribute_value = i.attrib["value"]
            if attribute_name == "guid":
                entry.indexerguid = attribute_value
            elif attribute_name == "category" and attribute_value != "":
                except ValueError:
                    self.error("Unable to parse category %s" % attribute_value)
            elif attribute_name == "password" and attribute_value != "0":
                entry.passworded = True
            elif attribute_name == "nfo":
                entry.has_nfo = NzbSearchResult.HAS_NFO_YES if int(attribute_value) == 1 else NzbSearchResult.HAS_NFO_NO
            elif attribute_name == "info" and self.settings.backend.lower() in["nzedb", "nntmux"]:
                entry.has_nfo = NzbSearchResult.HAS_NFO_YES
            elif attribute_name == "group" and attribute_value != "not available":
                entry.group = attribute_value
            elif attribute_name == "usenetdate":
                    usenetdate = arrow.get(attribute_value, 'ddd, DD MMM YYYY HH:mm:ss Z')
                except ParserError:
                    self.debug("Unable to parse usenet date format: %s" % attribute_value)
                    usenetdate = None
                for x in ["size", "files", "comments", "grabs"]:
                    if attribute_name == x:
                        setattr(entry, x, int(attribute_value))
                        for x in ["guid", "poster"]:
                            if attribute_name == x:
                                setattr(entry, x, attribute_value)

            # Store all the attributes, we will return them later for external apis
            entry.attributes.append({"name": attribute_name, "value": attribute_value})
        if self.settings.backend.lower() in ["nzedb", "nntmux"] and entry.has_nfo == NzbSearchResult.HAS_NFO_MAYBE:
            # If the "info" attribute wasn't found this entry doesn't have an NFO
            entry.has_nfo = NzbSearchResult.HAS_NFO_NO
        if not entry.details_link:
            entry.details_link = self.get_details_link(entry.indexerguid)
        if usenetdate is None:
            # Not provided by attributes, use pubDate instead
            usenetdate = arrow.get(entry.pubDate, 'ddd, DD MMM YYYY HH:mm:ss Z')
        self.getDates(entry, usenetdate)
        entry.category = getByNewznabCats(categories)
        return entry
Exemple #8
    def testGetByNewznabCats(self):
        config.settings = Bunch.fromDict(config.initialConfig)
        cats = "2000"
        result = categories.getByNewznabCats(cats)
        self.assertEqual("movies", result.name)

        cats = 2000
        result = categories.getByNewznabCats(cats)
        self.assertEqual("movies", result.name)

        cats = "2040"
        result = categories.getByNewznabCats(cats)
        self.assertEqual("movieshd", result.name)

        cats = u"2040"
        result = categories.getByNewznabCats(cats)
        self.assertEqual("movieshd", result.name)

        cats = "2040,2050"
        result = categories.getByNewznabCats(cats)
        self.assertEqual("movieshd", result.name)

        cats = "2050,2040"
        result = categories.getByNewznabCats(cats)
        self.assertEqual("movieshd", result.name)

        cats = u"2050,2040"
        result = categories.getByNewznabCats(cats)
        self.assertEqual("movieshd", result.name)

        cats = [2050, 2040]
        result = categories.getByNewznabCats(cats)
        self.assertEqual("movieshd", result.name)
        #Test fallback to more general category
        cats = "2090"
        result = categories.getByNewznabCats(cats)
        self.assertEqual("movies", result.name)

        cats = "2080, 2090"
        result = categories.getByNewznabCats(cats)
        self.assertEqual("movies", result.name)
        #Don't fall back if one category matches a more specific one
        cats = "2040, 2090"
        result = categories.getByNewznabCats(cats)
        self.assertEqual("movieshd", result.name)
        cats = "2090, 2040"
        result = categories.getByNewznabCats(cats)
        self.assertEqual("movieshd", result.name)
        #Use the most specific category
        cats = "2000, 2040"
        result = categories.getByNewznabCats(cats)
        self.assertEqual("movieshd", result.name)
Exemple #9
    def parseItem(self, item):
        usenetdate = None
        entry = self.create_nzb_search_result()
        # These are the values that absolutely must be contained in the response
        entry.title = item.find("title").text
        if entry.title and "nzbgeek" in self.settings.host:
            entry.title = entry.title.replace("-Obfuscated", "")
        if config.settings.searching.removeLanguage:
            for word in [
                    " English", " Korean", " Spanish", " French", " German",
                    " Italian", " Danish", " Dutch", " Japanese", " Cantonese",
                    " Mandarin", " Russian", " Polish", " Vietnamese",
                    " Swedish", " Norwegian", " Finnish", " Turkish",
                    " Portuguese", " Flemish", " Greek", " Hungarian"
                if entry.title.endswith(word):
                    self.debug("Removing trailing%s from title %s" %
                               (word, entry.title))
                    entry.title = entry.title[:-len(word)]
        entry.link = item.find("link").text
        entry.attributes = []
        entry.pubDate = item.find("pubDate").text
        guid = item.find("guid")
        entry.indexerguid = guid.text
        if "isPermaLink" in guid.attrib.keys(
        ) and guid.attrib["isPermaLink"] == "true":
            entry.details_link = entry.indexerguid
            m = self.guidpattern.search(entry.indexerguid)
            if m:
                # Extract GUID from link
                entry.indexerguid = m.group(2)
        if not entry.details_link:
            comments = item.find("comments")
            # Example: https://nzbfinder.ws/details/1234567jagkshsg72hs8whgs6#comments
            if comments:
                entry.details_link = comments.text.replace("#comments", "")
        entry.has_nfo = NzbSearchResult.HAS_NFO_MAYBE
        description = item.find("description")
        if description is not None:
            description = description.text
            if description is not None and "Group:" in description:  # DogNZB has the group in its description
                m = self.grouppattern.search(description)
                if m and m.group(1) != "not available":
                    entry.group = m.group(1)
        categories = []
        for i in item.findall(
            {"newznab": "http://www.newznab.com/DTD/2010/feeds/attributes/"}):
            attribute_name = i.attrib["name"]
            attribute_value = i.attrib["value"]
            if attribute_name == "guid":
                entry.indexerguid = attribute_value
            elif attribute_name == "category" and attribute_value != "":
                except ValueError:
                    self.error("Unable to parse category %s" % attribute_value)
            elif attribute_name == "password" and attribute_value != "0":
                entry.passworded = True
            elif attribute_name == "nfo":
                entry.has_nfo = NzbSearchResult.HAS_NFO_YES if int(
                    attribute_value) == 1 else NzbSearchResult.HAS_NFO_NO
            elif attribute_name == "info" and self.settings.backend.lower(
            ) in ["nzedb", "nntmux"]:
                entry.has_nfo = NzbSearchResult.HAS_NFO_YES
            elif attribute_name == "group" and attribute_value != "not available":
                entry.group = attribute_value
            elif attribute_name == "usenetdate":
                    usenetdate = arrow.get(attribute_value,
                                           'ddd, DD MMM YYYY HH:mm:ss Z')
                except ParserError:
                    self.debug("Unable to parse usenet date format: %s" %
                    usenetdate = None
                for x in ["size", "files", "comments", "grabs"]:
                    if attribute_name == x:
                        setattr(entry, x, int(attribute_value))
                        for x in ["guid", "poster"]:
                            if attribute_name == x:
                                setattr(entry, x, attribute_value)

            # Store all the attributes, we will return them later for external apis
                "name": attribute_name,
                "value": attribute_value
        if self.settings.backend.lower() in [
                "nzedb", "nntmux"
        ] and entry.has_nfo == NzbSearchResult.HAS_NFO_MAYBE:
            # If the "info" attribute wasn't found this entry doesn't have an NFO
            entry.has_nfo = NzbSearchResult.HAS_NFO_NO
        if not entry.details_link:
            entry.details_link = self.get_details_link(entry.indexerguid)
        if usenetdate is None:
            # Not provided by attributes, use pubDate instead
            usenetdate = arrow.get(entry.pubDate,
                                   'ddd, DD MMM YYYY HH:mm:ss Z')
        entry.epoch = usenetdate.timestamp
        entry.pubdate_utc = str(usenetdate)
        entry.age_days = (arrow.utcnow() - usenetdate).days
        entry.precise_date = True
        entry.category = getByNewznabCats(categories)
        return entry