Exemple #1
from oasis_utils import read_csvtodf

# Parameters ------------------------------------------------------------------
vulnId = 1
summaryset_id = 1

# loss per location
ifile_vuln = "static/vulnerability.csv"
ifile_dmgmap = "static/damage_bin_dict.csv"

pd.options.display.max_rows = 10

# Script ----------------------------------------------------------------------

# Read the location losses from the ELT file
vuln0 = read_csvtodf(ifile_vuln)

# extract the vulnerability we're interested in
vuln0 = vuln0.loc[vuln0.vulnerability_id == vulnId]
vuln0.drop('vulnerability_id', 1, inplace=True)

# Set the index
vuln0 = vuln0.sort_values(['intensity_bin_id', 'damage_bin_id'],
                          ascending=[True, True])
vuln0 = vuln0.set_index(['intensity_bin_id', 'damage_bin_id'])

# Calculate cumulative and exceedance prob
vuln1 = vuln0.groupby('intensity_bin_id').cumsum().rename(
    columns={'prob': 'cprob'})
Exemple #2
    # Show the plot
    print('Pausing while plot is shown...')
    return 1

# Script ----------------------------------------------------------------------

# Read the footprint for the eventid we want
fp = read_footprint(ifile_fp, eventId)

# Read the intensity bins and join
fp = pd.merge(fp,

# Get the exceedance probability for the intensity we want
fp = fp[fp.right >= intensval]['prob'].groupby(level=0).sum()

# Read location file
locs = read_csvtodf(ifile_loc)
locs.set_index('coverage_id', drop=True, inplace=True)
locs.index.names = ['locid']

# Join the footprint by event id
locs = pd.merge(locs, fp.to_frame(), left_on='areaperil_id', right_index=True)

# Plot
Exemple #3
    # Formatting

    # Add a color bar
    plt.colorbar(cax, orientation='vertical', label='Loss')

    # Add a title
    plt.title("Expected GU loss by location, Type=%s" % losstype)

    return 1

# Read location file
locs = read_csvtodf(ifile_loc)

# Read the location losses from the ELT file
loclosses0 = read_locationlosses(ifile_elt)

# Read the summary file to get the coverageid
summ = read_csvtodf(ifile_summ)

# Keep the location level losses
summ = summ.loc[summ.summaryset_id == summsetId]

# Get the coverage id per loss
loclosses = pd.merge(loclosses0, summ, left_index=True, right_on='summary_id')

# Get the location detail per loss
loclosses = pd.merge(loclosses,
""" Plot the output """

import pandas as pd
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns

from oasis_utils import read_csvtodf

# Parameters
ifile_getmodel = "./results/loccdf.csv"
pd.options.display.max_rows = 20
vulnId = 1
eventId = 1

# Read the output file
gm = read_csvtodf(ifile_getmodel)
gm = gm.loc[(gm.vulnerability_id == vulnId) & (gm.event_id == eventId)]
gm.drop(['vulnerability_id', 'event_id'], 1, inplace=True)

#gm3 = gm.groupby(["areaperil_id", "bin_mean"])['prob_to'].prod()
gm3 = gm.groupby(["areaperil_id", "bin_mean"])['prob_to'].max()

gm2 = gm3.to_frame().reset_index().pivot('areaperil_id', 'bin_mean', 'prob_to')

# Plot
f, ax2 = plt.subplots(figsize=(9, 6))
sns.heatmap(gm2, ax=ax2, cmap='Spectral')

Exemple #5
ifile_item = "input/items.csv"

# Need the footprint to get the intensity per location
ifile_fp = "static/footprint.csv"

ifile_intensbins = "static/intensity_bin_dict.csv"

pd.options.display.max_rows = 10

# Script ----------------------------------------------------------------------

# Read the location losses from the ELT file
loclosses = read_locationlosses(ifile_elt_perloc)

# Read the summary file to get the coverageid
summ = read_csvtodf(ifile_summary)
summ = summ.loc[summ.summaryset_id == summaryset_id]
summ.drop('summaryset_id', 1, inplace=True)

# Get the coverage id per loss
loclosses = pd.merge(loclosses, summ, left_index=True, right_on='summary_id')

# Join with the items so we can get the areaperil
loclosses = pd.merge(loclosses, read_items(ifile_item), on="coverage_id")

# Join with the coverages so we can get the TIV
loclosses = pd.merge(loclosses,