Exemple #1
# Display object initialization (includes Power-On-Sequence)
disp = PmodOLEDrgb(spi, dc, rst)

# Analog-Digital converter input
adc = ADC(0)  # Caution ! ADC should not have more than 1 volt !

# Array which is storing next frame
dispArr = bytearray(SCREEN_WIDTH * SCREEN_HEIGHT * 2)
fbuf = framebuf.FrameBuffer(dispArr, SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT,

# Start conditions & positions
ball = Ball(32, 16, 3, 3, 1, -1, SCREEN_WIDTH,
            SCREEN_HEIGHT)  # vx = 2; vx = -2
player = Player(30, SCREEN_HEIGHT - 3, 15, 2, 0, 0)

# Required to calculate dt for first time
tick = time.ticks_ms()

# Execute loop as long as game isnt lost
while not ball.get_game_over():
    ntick = time.ticks_ms()
        time.ticks_diff(ntick, tick) // 100, player
    )  # the floor division // rounds the result down to the nearest whole number
    tick = ntick
    player.x = adc.read_u16() * (SCREEN_WIDTH - 15) / 1023
    fbuf.fill(0)  # Fill entire framebuf with specific color (0 == black)
    ball.draw(fbuf)  # Inserts current ball position into frame
    player.draw(fbuf)  # Inserts current player platform position into frame