Exemple #1
def _readClassRO(machO, cls, protoRefsMap, absfileoff):
	"""Peek a ``class_ro_t`` at *absfileoff*. If *cls* is ``None``, read the
	class as normal class. Otherwise, read as meta class and insert the class

	#	typedef struct class_ro_t {
	#		uint32_t flags;
	#		uint32_t instanceStart;
	#		uint32_t instanceSize;
	#	#ifdef __LP64__
	#		uint32_t reserved;
	#	#endif
	#		const uint8_t * ivarLayout;
	#		const char * name;
	#		const method_list_t * baseMethods;
	#		const protocol_list_t * baseProtocols;
	#		const ivar_list_t * ivars;
	#		const uint8_t * weakIvarLayout;
	#		const struct objc_property_list *baseProperties;
	#	} class_ro_t;
	(flags, _, _, _, namePtr, methodsPtr, protosPtr, ivarsPtr, _, propsPtr) = peekStruct(machO.file, machO.makeStruct('3L~7^'), position=absfileoff)
	methods = readMethodListAt(machO, methodsPtr, optional=False)
	if cls is None:
		# not meta class.
		name = machO.derefString(namePtr)
		cls = Class(name, flags)
		cls.addIvars(readIvarListAt(machO, ivarsPtr))
		cls.addProperties(readPropertyListAt(machO, propsPtr))
		protocolRefs = _readProtocolRefListAt(machO, protosPtr)
		connectProtocol(cls, protocolRefs, protoRefsMap)
		# is meta-class: prepend the class methods.
	return cls
Exemple #2
def analyzeClass(machO, classTuple, protoRefsMap):
	"""Analyze an ``old_class`` structure.
	Returns the :class:`~objc.class_.Class` and the pointer to the super class.

	#	struct old_class {
	#		struct old_class *isa;
	#		struct old_class *super_class;
	#		const char *name;
	#		long version;
	#		long info;
	#		long instance_size;
	#		struct old_ivar_list *ivars;
	#		struct old_method_list **methodLists;
	#		Cache cache;
	#		struct old_protocol_list *protocols;
	#		// CLS_EXT only
	#		const char *ivar_layout;
	#		struct old_class_ext *ext;
	#	};
	(metaClsPtr, superClsPtr, namePtr, _, _, _, ivarListPtr, methodListsPtr, _, protoListPtr, _, classExtPtr) = classTuple
	ms = machO.makeStruct
	deref = machO.deref
	name = machO.derefString(namePtr)
	cls = Class(name)
	cls.addIvars(readIvarList(machO, ivarListPtr))
	cls.addMethods(readLists(machO, methodListsPtr, readMethodList))
	if protoListPtr:
		protoAddrs = list(_readProtocolRefListsAt(machO, [protoListPtr]))
		connectProtocol(cls, protoAddrs, protoRefsMap)
	if classExtPtr:
		#	struct old_class_ext {
		#		uint32_t size;
		#		const char *weak_ivar_layout;
		#		struct objc_property_list **propertyLists;
		#	};
		propListsPtr = deref(classExtPtr, ms('L~2^'))[2]
		cls.addProperties(readPropertyList(machO, propListsPtr))
	metaClsTuple = deref(metaClsPtr, ms('12^'))
	cls.addClassMethods(readLists(machO, metaClsTuple[7], readMethodList))
	return (cls, superClsPtr)
Exemple #3
def _readClassRO(machO, cls, protoRefsMap, absfileoff):
	"""Peek a ``class_ro_t`` at *absfileoff*. If *cls* is ``None``, read the
	class as normal class. Otherwise, read as meta class and insert the class

	#	typedef struct class_ro_t {
	#		uint32_t flags;
	#		uint32_t instanceStart;
	#		uint32_t instanceSize;
	#	#ifdef __LP64__
	#		uint32_t reserved;
	#	#endif
	#		const uint8_t * ivarLayout;
	#		const char * name;
	#		const method_list_t * baseMethods;
	#		const protocol_list_t * baseProtocols;
	#		const ivar_list_t * ivars;
	#		const uint8_t * weakIvarLayout;
	#		const struct objc_property_list *baseProperties;
	#	} class_ro_t;
	(flags, _, _, _, namePtr, methodsPtr, protosPtr, ivarsPtr, _, propsPtr) = peekStruct(machO.file, machO.makeStruct('3L~7^'), position=absfileoff)
	methods = readMethodListAt(machO, methodsPtr, optional=False)
	if cls is None:
		# not meta class.
		name = machO.derefString(namePtr)
		cls = Class(name, flags)
		cls.addIvars(readIvarListAt(machO, ivarsPtr))
		cls.addProperties(readPropertyListAt(machO, propsPtr))
		protocolRefs = _readProtocolRefListAt(machO, protosPtr)
		connectProtocol(cls, protocolRefs, protoRefsMap)
		# is meta-class: prepend the class methods.
	return cls