Exemple #1
class CardInit(unittest.TestCase):
    card1 = card.Card(SPADES, J, 'Jimothy')
    card2 = card.Card(SPADES, J, '')
    card3 = card.Card(SPADES, J)

    def test_new_card(self):
        '''Creating a card with holder "Not Held" raises an error'''
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            card.Card(SPADES, J, NOT_HELD)

    def test_new_card_2(self):
        '''New card should have correct suit'''
        self.assertEqual(self.card1.suit, SPADES)

    def test_new_card_3(self):
        '''New card should have correct symbol'''
        self.assertEqual(self.card1.symbol, J)

    def test_new_card_4(self):
        '''New card should have correct holder'''
        self.assertEqual(self.card1.holder, 'Jimothy')

    def test_new_card_5(self):
        '''New card should set blank string holder to "Not Held"'''
        self.assertEqual(self.card2.holder, NOT_HELD)

    def test_new_card_6(self):
        '''New card without a holder should set holder to "Not Held"'''
        self.assertEqual(self.card3.holder, NOT_HELD)
Exemple #2
    def test_evaluate_cards_10(self):
        '''A beats Q, both trump'''

        card1 = card.Card(CLUBS, A)
        card2 = card.Card(CLUBS, Q)
        self.current_game.trump = CLUBS
        result = self.current_game.evaluateCards(card1, card2, SPADES)
        self.assertEqual(result, card1)
Exemple #3
    def test_evaluate_cards_9(self):
        '''J1 beats J2, both trump, J1 right bower and J2 left bower'''

        card1 = card.Card(HEARTS, J)
        card2 = card.Card(DIAMONDS, J)
        self.current_game.trump = HEARTS
        result = self.current_game.evaluateCards(card1, card2, SPADES)
        self.assertEqual(result, card1)
Exemple #4
    def test_evaluate_cards_8(self):
        '''J beats A, both trump, J left bower'''

        card1 = card.Card(HEARTS, A)
        card2 = card.Card(DIAMONDS, J)
        self.current_game.trump = HEARTS
        result = self.current_game.evaluateCards(card1, card2, SPADES)
        self.assertEqual(result, card2)
Exemple #5
    def test_evaluate_cards_7(self):
        '''J beats A, A follows suit & J does not, J left bower'''

        card1 = card.Card(DIAMONDS, A)
        card2 = card.Card(DIAMONDS, J)
        self.current_game.trump = HEARTS
        result = self.current_game.evaluateCards(card1, card2, DIAMONDS)
        self.assertEqual(result, card2)
Exemple #6
    def test_evaluate_cards_5(self):
        '''9 beats 10, 10 follows suit & 9 doesn't, 9 trump'''

        card1 = card.Card(HEARTS, NINE)
        card2 = card.Card(DIAMONDS, TEN)
        self.current_game.trump = HEARTS
        result = self.current_game.evaluateCards(card1, card2, DIAMONDS)
        self.assertEqual(result, card1)
Exemple #7
    def test_evaluate_cards_4(self):
        '''9 beats 10, 9 follows suit & 10 doesn't, neither trump'''

        card1 = card.Card(DIAMONDS, NINE)
        card2 = card.Card(SPADES, TEN)
        self.current_game.trump = HEARTS
        result = self.current_game.evaluateCards(card1, card2, DIAMONDS)
        self.assertEqual(result, card1)
Exemple #8
    def test_evaluate_cards_3(self):
        '''Should raise error when comparing two non-suit led, non-trump cards'''

        card1 = card.Card(SPADES, TEN)
        card2 = card.Card(SPADES, J)
        self.current_game.trump = HEARTS
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            self.current_game.evaluateCards(card1, card2, DIAMONDS)
Exemple #9
    def test_evaluate_cards_2(self):
        '''J beats 10, same suit as led, neither trump'''

        card1 = card.Card(SPADES, TEN)
        card2 = card.Card(SPADES, J)
        self.current_game.trump = HEARTS
        result = self.current_game.evaluateCards(card1, card2, SPADES)
        self.assertEqual(result, card2)
Exemple #10
    def test_evaluate_cards_12(self):
        '''Should raise error if comparing same cards, not trump'''

        card1 = card.Card(CLUBS, A)
        card2 = card.Card(CLUBS, A)
        self.current_game.trump = DIAMONDS
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            self.current_game.evaluateCards(card1, card2, DIAMONDS)
Exemple #11
    def test_evaluate_hand_2(self):
        ''' Trump Hearts, 9 of Hearts beats A of Spades, A of Clubs, A of Diamonds'''

        card1 = card.Card(SPADES, A)
        card2 = card.Card(HEARTS, NINE)
        card3 = card.Card(CLUBS, A)
        card4 = card.Card(DIAMONDS, A)
        self.current_game.trump = HEARTS
        self.current_game.played = [card1, card2, card3, card4]
        result = self.current_game.evaluateHand()
        self.assertEqual(result, card2)
Exemple #12
    def test_evaluate_hand_4(self):
        ''' Trump Clubs, J of Spades beats A of Diamonds, K of Hearts, A of Clubs, when A of Diamonds played first'''

        card1 = card.Card(DIAMONDS, A)
        card2 = card.Card(CLUBS, A)
        card3 = card.Card(HEARTS, K)
        card4 = card.Card(SPADES, J)
        self.current_game.trump = CLUBS
        self.current_game.played = [card1, card2, card3, card4]
        result = self.current_game.evaluateHand()
        self.assertEqual(result, card4)
Exemple #13
class DecideTrump(unittest.TestCase):
    player1 = player.Player('')
    player2 = player.Player('')
    player3 = player.Player('')
    player4 = player.Player('')
    team1 = team.Team(player1, player2)
    team2 = team.Team(player3, player4)
    current_game = game.Game(team1, team2)

    card1 = card.Card(CLUBS, NINE, player1)
    card2 = card.Card(CLUBS, A, player1)
    card3 = card.Card(SPADES, Q, player1)
    card4 = card.Card(DIAMONDS, TEN, player1)
    card5 = card.Card(HEARTS, K, player1)
    card6 = card.Card(DIAMONDS, J)
    card7 = card.Card(CLUBS, Q, player2)
    card8 = card.Card(HEARTS, NINE, player2)

    def test_decide_trump_face_up_1(self):
        '''Returns false if player does not have any of suit in hannd'''
        self.player1.hand = [
            self.card3, self.card4, self.card5, self.card6, self.card8
        result = self.player1.decideTrumpFaceUp(
            [self.player1, self.player2, self.player3, self.player4])
        self.assertEqual(result, False)

    def test_decide_trump_face_up_2(self):
        '''In current stubbbed implementation, should always return True if valid'''
        self.player1.hand = [
            self.card2, self.card4, self.card5, self.card6, self.card8
        result = self.player1.decideTrumpFaceUp(
            [self.player1, self.player2, self.player3, self.player4])
        self.assertEqual(result, True)

    def test_decide_trump_face_down_1(self):
        '''Returns any suit except the suit which was face up'''
        self.player1.hand = [
            self.card2, self.card4, self.card5, self.card6, self.card8
        result = self.player1.decideTrumpFaceDown(
            [self.player1, self.player2, self.player3, self.player4])
        self.assertIn(result, [SPADES, DIAMONDS, HEARTS])
Exemple #14
 def test_is_left_bower_5(self):
     '''J of Hearts is not a left bower when trump is Hearts'''
     result = card.Card(HEARTS, J).isLeftBower(HEARTS)
     self.assertEqual(result, False)
Exemple #15
 def test_is_left_bower_6(self):
     '''Q cannot be a left bower'''
     result = card.Card(HEARTS, Q).isLeftBower(HEARTS)
     self.assertEqual(result, False)
Exemple #16
 def test_is_left_bower_2(self):
     '''J of Clubs is a left bower when trump is Spades'''
     result = card.Card(CLUBS, J).isLeftBower(SPADES)
     self.assertEqual(result, True)
Exemple #17
 def test_is_left_bower_4(self):
     '''J of Hearts is a left bower when trump is Diamonds'''
     result = card.Card(HEARTS, J).isLeftBower(DIAMONDS)
     self.assertEqual(result, True)
Exemple #18
class PlayCard(unittest.TestCase):
    player1 = player.Player('')
    player2 = player.Player('')
    player3 = player.Player('')
    player4 = player.Player('')
    team1 = team.Team(player1, player2)
    team2 = team.Team(player3, player4)
    current_game = game.Game(team1, team2)

    card1 = card.Card(CLUBS, NINE, player1)
    card2 = card.Card(CLUBS, A, player1)
    card3 = card.Card(SPADES, Q, player1)
    card4 = card.Card(DIAMONDS, TEN, player1)
    card5 = card.Card(HEARTS, K, player1)
    card6 = card.Card(DIAMONDS, J)
    card7 = card.Card(CLUBS, Q, player2)
    card8 = card.Card(HEARTS, NINE, player2)

    def test_play_card_1(self):
        '''Any card in hand should be valid if first to play, function should return any card from hand'''

        self.current_game.trump = SPADES
        # self.current_game.played = [] -> for reference, not required for function invocation
        available_cards = [
            self.card1, self.card2, self.card3, self.card4, self.card5
        self.player1.hand = copy.copy(available_cards)
        result = self.player1.play(self.current_game.trump, None)
            result, available_cards
        )  # as card is removed from hand, need to use copy of hand

    def test_play_card_2(self):
        '''Card which is played should be appropriately removed from the hand'''

        self.current_game.trump = SPADES
        # self.current_game.played = [] -> for reference, not required for function invocation
        available_cards = [
            self.card1, self.card2, self.card3, self.card4, self.card5
        self.player1.hand = copy.copy(
            [self.card1, self.card2, self.card3, self.card4, self.card5])
        result = self.player1.play(self.current_game.trump, None)
            result, self.player1.hand
        )  # as card is removed from hand, test properly removed

    def test_play_card_3(self):
        '''Should only play one of the clubs cards when clubs are led'''

        self.current_game.trump = SPADES
        # self.current_game.played = [card7] -> for reference, not required for function invocation
        self.player1.hand = [
            self.card1, self.card2, self.card3, self.card4, self.card5
        result = self.player1.play(self.current_game.trump, CLUBS)
        self.assertIn(result, [self.card1, self.card2])

    def test_play_card_4(self):
        '''Should only play a heart or the Jack of diamonds when hearts are led and trump'''

        self.current_game.trump = HEARTS
        # self.current_game.played = [card8] -> for reference, not required for function invocation
        self.player1.hand = [
            self.card2, self.card3, self.card4, self.card5, self.card6
        result = self.player1.play(self.current_game.trump, HEARTS)
        self.assertIn(result, [self.card5, self.card6])

    def test_play_card_5(self):
        '''Should play any card when cannot follow suit'''

        self.current_game.trump = HEARTS
        # self.current_game.played = [card8] -> for reference, not required for function invocation
        available_cards = [
            self.card1, self.card2, self.card4, self.card5, self.card6
        self.player1.hand = copy.copy(available_cards)
        result = self.player1.play(self.current_game.trump, SPADES)
        self.assertIn(result, available_cards)

    def test_select_card_1(self):
        '''selectCard method should raise exception if list of cards empty'''
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):

    def test_can_play_1(self):
        '''canPlay method should return True for J of Diamonds, trump clubs, suitLed Diamonds'''
        result = self.player1.canPlay(self.card6, CLUBS, DIAMONDS)
        self.assertEqual(result, True)

    def test_can_play_2(self):
        '''canPlay method should return False for J of Diamonds, trump clubs, suitLed Hearts'''
        result = self.player1.canPlay(self.card6, CLUBS, HEARTS)
        self.assertEqual(result, False)

    def test_can_play_3(self):
        '''canPlay method should return True for J of Diamonds, trump Hearts, suitLed Hearts'''
        result = self.player1.canPlay(self.card6, HEARTS, HEARTS)
        self.assertEqual(result, True)

    def test_can_play_4(self):
        '''canPlay method should return False for J of Diamonds, trump Hearts, suitLed Diamonds'''
        result = self.player1.canPlay(self.card6, HEARTS, DIAMONDS)
        self.assertEqual(result, False)
Exemple #19
 def test_is_trump_5(self):
     '''K of Clubs is not trump when trump is Hearts'''
     card1 = card.Card(CLUBS, J)
     result = card1.isTrump(HEARTS)
     self.assertEqual(result, False)
Exemple #20
 def test_is_trump_4(self):
     '''J of Clubs is trump when trump is Clubs'''
     card1 = card.Card(CLUBS, J)
     result = card1.isTrump(CLUBS)
     self.assertEqual(result, True)
Exemple #21
 def test_is_trump_2(self):
     '''K of Clubs is not trump when trump is Spades'''
     card1 = card.Card(CLUBS, K)
     result = card1.isTrump(SPADES)
     self.assertEqual(result, False)
Exemple #22
 def test_new_card(self):
     '''Creating a card with holder "Not Held" raises an error'''
     with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
         card.Card(SPADES, J, NOT_HELD)