class StartScene(Scene): """Start scene that welcomes the user. Attributes ---------- font: pygame.font.Font Font that is to be used in this scene button: Button Button object for the user to go to the next scene background: Background Background object to display another background Methods ------- render(screen) Renders background, the button and the title update() Just to pass the superclass notimplemented error handle_events(events) When a key is pressed or the button is pressed will move to the next scene """ def __init__(self): Scene.__init__(self) self.font = pygame.font.Font("Images/Montserrat-ExtraBold.ttf", 38) self.button = Button(font_size=21, w=349, center=True) self.background = Background("Images/background.jpg", (0, 0)) def render(self, screen): """Renders background, the button and the title""" self.background.render(screen) self.button.render(screen, "Press any key or click to start") title = self.font.render("Cooperative Agents in Multi-agent Systems", True, (124, 124, 124)) shadow = pygame.Surface(title.get_size(), pygame.SRCALPHA) shadow.fill((124, 124, 124, 100)) title.blit(shadow, (0, 0), special_flags=pygame.BLEND_RGBA_MULT) screen.blit(title, (34, 125)) title = self.font.render("Cooperative Agents in Multi-agent Systems", True, (226, 215, 215)) screen.blit(title, (31, 122)) def update(self): """Just to pass the superclass notimplemented error""" pass def handle_events(self, events): """When a key is pressed or the button is pressed will move to the next scene""" Scene.handle_events(self, events) for event in events: self.button.handle_events(event) if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: self.manager.go_to(SelectAgentsScene()) if self.button.handle_events(event): self.manager.go_to(SelectAgentsScene())
class PlayTournamentScene(Scene): """Scene where the user can see the simulation and interact with its objects. Attributes ---------- font: pygame.font.Font Font that is to be used in this scene running: bool Store if the simulation is running or not was_running: bool Store if the simulation was running or not new_generation: bool Store if the components is over or not run: Tournament.start() Method that initializes the components UPDATE: pygame.USEREVENT Event that will call the next step in the simulation speed: int speed of the simulation blobs: dict Dictionary of blobs to represent agents agents: list List of agents playing_agents: list List of playing agents reset_button: Button Button object to reset the game (return to the previous page) speed_slider: Slider Slider object to handle the simulation speed message_box: MessageBox MessageBox object to ask the user if they want to continue to the next components Methods ------- render(screen) Renders the blobs, buttons, radio buttons, sliders, labels, and lines update() Updates the blobs status, messagebox, and slider handle_events() If the start button is pressed, starts the simulation; if the next button is pressed, gets the next round; if the slider is changed, changes the speed; if the reset button is pressed, goes back to the select agents scene; when the graph buttons are pressed, calls the plot_graph function plot_graph(name, xs, ys, x_label, y_label, title) Creates a Graph object, adds it to the list of graphs """ def __init__(self): Scene.__init__(self) size = pygame.display.get_window_size() pygame.display.set_mode((size[0], size[1]), pygame.RESIZABLE) self.font = pygame.font.Font("Images/Montserrat-Regular.ttf", 21) self.font2 = pygame.font.Font("Images/Montserrat-Regular.ttf", 15) self.font3 = pygame.font.Font("Images/Montserrat-ExtraBold.ttf", 15) self.tournament = Tournament() = self.tournament.start() self.agents = self.tournament.get_agents() self.conductors = self.tournament.get_conductors() self.blobs = dict() self.playing_agents = None self.running = False self.was_running = False self.new_generation = False self.generation = self.tournament.generation self.total_generations = self.tournament.total_generations self.total_rounds = self.tournament.total_rounds self.total_giving_encounters = self.tournament.total_giving_encounters self.total_gossip_encounters = self.tournament.total_gossip_encounters self.UPDATE = pygame.USEREVENT + 1 self.speed = 99 pygame.time.set_timer(self.UPDATE, self.speed, True) = 0 self.home_tab = DropdownItem(pygame.Rect(18, 8, 47, 19), 0, "Home", underline=0, font=15, center=False) self.info_tab = DropdownItem(pygame.Rect(89, 8, 29, 19), 1, "Info", underline=0, font=15, center=False) self.reset_button = Button(w=90, pos=(16, 39), center=True) self.start_stop_button = Button(w=80, pos=(130, 39), center=True) self.next_button = Button(w=80, pos=(234, 39), center=True) self.speed_label = self.font.render("Speed", True, (255, 255, 255)) self.speed_outside_im = pygame.image.load( "Images/speedometer_outside.png") self.speed_outside_im = pygame.transform.smoothscale( self.speed_outside_im, (30, 30)) self.speed_inside_im = pygame.image.load( "Images/speedometer_inside.png") self.speed_inside_im = pygame.transform.smoothscale( self.speed_inside_im, (15, 15)) self.speed_slider = Slider((465, 57), 240, fro=5, to=100) self.message_box = MessageBox(400, 133) self.shift = False self.check_shift = True self.max_shift = None self.min_shift_x = None self.min_shift_y = None self.shift_x = 0 self.shift_y = 0 self.border = 0 self.zoom = 100 self.show_zoom = False self.BACK_TO_NORMAL = pygame.USEREVENT + 2 self.min_zoom = 25 self.max_zoom = 400 self.simulation_size_w_padding = None self.simulation_size_wo_padding = None def render(self, screen): """Renders the blobs, buttons, radio buttons, labels and lines""" Scene.render(self, screen) pos1 = pos2 = None if self.tournament.receiver_agent and self.tournament.giver_agent: pos1 = self.blobs[self.tournament.receiver_agent].get_pos() pos2 = self.blobs[self.tournament.giver_agent].get_pos() if self.tournament.gossiping_agents: pos1 = self.blobs[self.tournament.gossiping_agents[0]].get_pos() pos2 = self.blobs[self.tournament.gossiping_agents[1]].get_pos() render_after = [] for agent in self.blobs: w, h = pygame.display.get_window_size() if 0 - self.blobs[agent].radius / 2 < self.blobs[agent].get_pos( )[0] < w + self.blobs[agent].radius / 2: if 87 - self.blobs[agent].radius / 2 < self.blobs[ agent].get_pos()[1] < h + self.blobs[agent].radius / 2: if self.blobs[agent].show_name: render_after.append(agent) if agent in [ self.tournament.giver_agent, self.tournament.receiver_agent ]: render_after.append(agent) if agent in self.tournament.gossiping_agents: render_after.append(agent) self.blobs[agent].render(screen) if pos1 and pos2: color = (255, 255, 255) if self.tournament.encounter_type == "Gossip": if self.tournament.gossip: color = (0, 0, 255) else: if self.tournament.cooperate is not None: if self.tournament.cooperate: color = (0, 255, 0) else: color = (255, 0, 0) pygame.draw.aaline(screen, color, (pos1[0] - 2, pos1[1]), (pos2[0] - 2, pos2[1]), blend=100) pygame.draw.aaline(screen, color, (pos1[0] - 1, pos1[1]), (pos2[0] - 1, pos2[1]), blend=100) pygame.draw.aaline(screen, color, pos1, pos2, blend=100) pygame.draw.aaline(screen, color, (pos1[0], pos1[1] - 1), (pos2[0], pos2[1] - 1), blend=100) pygame.draw.aaline(screen, color, (pos1[0], pos1[1] - 2), (pos2[0], pos2[1] - 2), blend=100) for ra in render_after: self.blobs[ra].render(screen) pygame.draw.rect(screen, (30, 30, 30), (0, 0, 100000, 85)) self.home_tab.render(screen) self.info_tab.render(screen) if == 0: self.reset_button.render(screen, "Reset") # self.prev_button.render(screen, "Prev") if not self.running: self.start_stop_button.render(screen, "Start") else: self.start_stop_button.render(screen, "Stop") self.next_button.render(screen, "Next") screen.blit(self.speed_label, (338, 42)) screen.blit(self.speed_outside_im, (412, 42)) speed_inside_im = rot_center(self.speed_inside_im, -(abs(self.speed) * 2.7 - 135)) screen.blit(speed_inside_im, (419, 51)) self.speed_slider.render(screen) speed_label = self.font.render(str(self.speed), True, (255, 255, 255)) screen.blit(speed_label, (729, 44)) elif == 1: generation_label = self.font2.render( f"{self.tournament.generation} Generation / {self.total_generations} Generations", True, (255, 255, 255)) screen.blit(generation_label, (16, 35)) round_label = self.font2.render( f"{self.tournament.round} Round / {self.total_rounds} Rounds", True, (255, 255, 255)) screen.blit(round_label, (407, 35)) giving_encounter_label = self.font2.render( f"{self.tournament.giving_encounters} Giving Encounter / {self.total_giving_encounters} Rounds", True, (255, 255, 255)) screen.blit(giving_encounter_label, (664, 35)) gossip_encounter_label = self.font2.render( f"{self.tournament.gossip_encounters} Gossip Encounter / {self.total_gossip_encounters} Rounds", True, (255, 255, 255)) screen.blit(gossip_encounter_label, (200, 58)) encounter_type_label = self.font2.render( f"Encounter type: {self.tournament.encounter_type}", True, (255, 255, 255)) screen.blit(encounter_type_label, (544, 58)) pygame.draw.line(screen, (247, 95, 23), (0, 85), (100000, 85), 2) if self.show_zoom: zoom_label = self.font3.render(f"Zoom: {self.zoom}%", True, (255, 255, 255)) screen.blit(zoom_label, (840, 97)) if self.new_generation: self.message_box.render( screen, "Do you want to continue to a new tournament?") def update(self): """Updates the blobs status, messagebox, and slider""" self.agents = self.tournament.get_agents() self.conductors = self.tournament.get_conductors() if self.new_generation: if self.message_box.ask_again: = True else: self.running = self.was_running self.new_generation = False = False self.message_box.answer = "" self.blobs = dict() if self.message_box.answer == "yes": self.running = self.was_running self.new_generation = False = False self.message_box.answer = "" self.blobs = dict() elif self.message_box.answer == "": pass else: pygame.quit() exit(0) else: length = len(self.agents) + len(self.conductors) size = (38, 18) shift = 0 while length > size[0] * size[1]: size = size[0] + 2, size[1] + 2 shift += 1 w = int(25 * self.zoom / 100) self.border = shift * w self.max_shift = (shift + 2) * w self.simulation_size_w_padding = (size[0] + 2) * w, (size[1] + 2) * w self.simulation_size_wo_padding = size[0] * w, size[1] * w self.min_shift_x = -self.simulation_size_w_padding[ 0] + 950 + shift * w self.min_shift_y = -self.simulation_size_w_padding[ 1] + 465 + shift * w if self.blobs: self.blobs[self.conductors[0]].update(shift=(self.shift_x, self.shift_y), zoom=self.zoom, width=w) for agent in self.agents: if agent == self.tournament.giver_agent: self.blobs[agent].update(giver=True, shift=(self.shift_x, self.shift_y), zoom=self.zoom, width=w) continue if agent == self.tournament.receiver_agent: self.blobs[agent].update(receiver=True, shift=(self.shift_x, self.shift_y), zoom=self.zoom, width=w) continue if agent in self.tournament.gossiping_agents: self.blobs[agent].update(gossiping=True, shift=(self.shift_x, self.shift_y), zoom=self.zoom, width=w) continue self.blobs[agent].update(shift=(self.shift_x, self.shift_y), zoom=self.zoom, width=w) else: zoom = self.zoom self.zoom = 100 w = int(25 * self.zoom / 100) self.border = shift * w self.max_shift = (shift + 2) * w self.simulation_size_w_padding = (size[0] + 2) * w, (size[1] + 2) * w self.simulation_size_wo_padding = size[0] * w, size[1] * w self.min_shift_x = -self.simulation_size_w_padding[ 0] + 950 + shift * w self.min_shift_y = -self.simulation_size_w_padding[ 1] + 465 + shift * w self.min_zoom = int(465 / self.simulation_size_w_padding[1] * 100) self.zoom = zoom x = y = -shift for agent in self.agents: if x == int(size[0] / 2) - shift and y == int( size[1] / 2) - shift: self.blobs[self.conductors[0]] = Blob( (x, y), w, 20, self.conductors[0], conductor=True) x += 1 self.blobs[agent] = Blob((x, y), w, 20, agent, player=True) x += 1 if x == size[0] - shift: x = -shift y += 1 self.speed_slider.update() if int(self.speed_slider.number) != self.speed: self.speed = int(self.speed_slider.number) self.home_tab.update( == self.home_tab.index) self.info_tab.update( == self.info_tab.index) def handle_events(self, events): """If the start button is pressed, starts the simulation; if the next button is pressed, gets the next round; if the slider is changed, changes the speed; if the reset button is pressed, goes back to the select agents scene; when the graph buttons are pressed, calls the plot_graph function""" Scene.handle_events(self, events) for event in events: if event.type == self.UPDATE: pygame.time.set_timer(self.UPDATE, self.speed, True) if self.running: if next( self.new_generation = True self.was_running = self.running self.running = False if not self.message_box.handle_events(event): for agent in self.blobs: self.blobs[agent].handle_events(event) if == 0: self.speed_slider.handle_events(event) if self.reset_button.handle_events(event): self.manager.go_to(self.manager.previous) if self.start_stop_button.handle_events(event): self.running = not self.running if self.next_button.handle_events(event): if next( self.new_generation = True self.was_running = self.running self.running = False if self.check_shift: if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: if event.button == 2: self.shift = True if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONUP: self.shift = False if event.type == pygame.MOUSEMOTION: if self.shift: self.shift_x += event.rel[0] self.shift_y += event.rel[1] if self.shift_x < self.min_shift_x: self.shift_x = self.min_shift_x if self.shift_x > self.max_shift: self.shift_x = self.max_shift if self.shift_y < self.min_shift_y: self.shift_y = self.min_shift_y if self.shift_y > self.max_shift: self.shift_y = self.max_shift if event.type == pygame.MOUSEWHEEL: self.check_shift = True zoom = self.zoom if event.y != 0: if self.zoom <= 200: self.zoom += 25 * event.y else: self.zoom += 100 * event.y if self.zoom > self.max_zoom: self.zoom = self.max_zoom elif self.zoom <= self.min_zoom: self.zoom = self.min_zoom zoom = self.zoom shift_x = int( (950 - self.simulation_size_w_padding[0]) / 2) + self.max_shift shift_y = int( (465 - self.simulation_size_w_padding[1]) / 2) + self.max_shift self.min_shift_x = shift_x - 1 self.max_shift = shift_x + 1 self.shift_x = shift_x self.shift_y = shift_y self.check_shift = False if zoom != self.zoom: mouse_pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos( )[0], pygame.mouse.get_pos()[1] - 87 new_pos = mouse_pos[0] * self.zoom / 100, mouse_pos[ 1] * self.zoom / 100 self.shift_x = int(mouse_pos[0] - new_pos[0]) self.shift_y = int(mouse_pos[1] - new_pos[1]) self.show_zoom = True pygame.time.set_timer(self.BACK_TO_NORMAL, 600, True) if event.type == self.BACK_TO_NORMAL: self.show_zoom = False if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if pygame.key.get_mods() and pygame.KMOD_ALT: if event.key == pygame.K_h: = self.home_tab.index if event.key == pygame.K_i: = self.info_tab.index if event.key == pygame.K_SPACE: self.running = not self.running if event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT: if next( self.new_generation = True self.was_running = self.running self.running = False if self.home_tab.handle_events(event): = self.home_tab.index if self.info_tab.handle_events(event): = self.info_tab.index
class SelectAgentsScene(Scene): """Select agents scene where the user can select the amount of agents and number of rounds. Attributes ---------- font: pygame.font.Font Font that is to be used in this scene tournament_manager: TournamentManager TournamentManager that takes control of switching between tournaments. dr_rb: RadioButton Direct reciprocity radio button ir_rb: RadioButton Indirect reciprocity radio button true_rb: RadioButton Radio button for asking that agents having an option to chose if they want to play is true false_rb: RadioButton Radio button for asking that agents having an option to chose if they want to play is false input_boxes: list [InputBox] list of input boxes where the user enters the amount of agents they want input_label: list [pygame.Surface] list of labels for the input boxes round_input_box: InputBox input box to ask the user the number of rounds they want start_button: Button The button that will take the user to the playing screen user_input: list list that will store the values the user has chosen selection: int Stores the selection process the user chose selection1_rb: RadioButton First selection process radio button selection2_rb: RadioButton Second selection process radio button Methods ------- render(screen) Renders the radio buttons for components selection, labels for description, input boxes to get the values, and the button update() Update input box text, and radio buttons get_user_input() Gets user input from input boxes handle_events(events) Handles all the objects events, and when the button is pressed will move to the next scene """ def __init__(self): Scene.__init__(self) self.font = pygame.font.Font("Images/Montserrat-Regular.ttf", 21) self.font2 = pygame.font.Font("Images/Montserrat-Regular.ttf", 15) self.item = DropdownItem((100, 100), 1, "12345678") self.player_label = self.font.render("Player Agent", True, (255, 255, 255)) self.gossip_type_list = ["Fair", "Selection 2", "Selection 3", "Selection 4", "Selection 5", "Selection 6"] self.gossip_type_dropdown = Dropdown("Gossip Type", w=131, pos=(177, 16), selections=self.gossip_type_list) self.discrimination_type_list = ["Cooperator", "Stern", "Defector", "Selection 4", "Selection 5", "Selection 6"] self.discrimination_type_dropdown = Dropdown("Discrimination Type", w=193, pos=(334, 16), selections=self.discrimination_type_list) self.discrimination_threshold_label = self.font2.render("Discrimination Threshold (-5 to 5.5):", True, (255, 255, 255)) self.discrimination_threshold_input = InputBox((833, 16), w=101, h=27, text="0.543", fro=-5, to=5.5, decimal=True, negative=True) self.gossip_weight_label = self.font2.render("Gossip Weight (0 to 1):", True, (255, 255, 255)) self.gossip_weight_input = InputBox((196, 55), w=101, h=27, text="0.543", fro=0, to=1, decimal=True) self.trust_criteria_label = self.font2.render("Trust Criteria (0 to 1):", True, (255, 255, 255)) self.trust_criteria_input = InputBox((521, 55), w=101, h=27, text="0.543", fro=0, to=1, decimal=True) self.number_of_players_label = self.font2.render("Number of Players:", True, (255, 255, 255)) self.number_of_players_input = InputBox((833, 55), w=101, h=27, text="1000") self.self_advertisement = True self.self_advertisement_radio_label = self.font2.render("Self Advertisement:", True, (255, 255, 255)) self.self_advertisement_radio_yes_label = self.font2.render("Yes", True, (255, 255, 255)) self.self_advertisement_radio_yes = RadioButton((170 + 12, 100 + 12), on=True) self.self_advertisement_radio_no_label = self.font2.render("No", True, (255, 255, 255)) self.self_advertisement_radio_no = RadioButton((231 + 12, 100 + 12), on=False) self.self_advertisement_radio_no.bind(self.self_advertisement_radio_yes, self.change_self_advertisement) self.add_button = Button(w=75, pos=(859, 92), center=True) self.added = [] self.agents = [] self.agents2 = [] self.chips = [] self.scroll = HorizontalScroll(items=self.chips, pos=(16, 139)) self.conductor_label = self.font.render("Conductor Agent", True, (255, 255, 255)) self.number_of_conductors_label = self.font2.render("Number of Conductors:", True, (255, 255, 255)) self.number_of_conductors_input = InputBox((460, 221), w=101, h=27, text="1000") self.number_of_rounds_label = self.font2.render("Total Number of Rounds:", True, (255, 255, 255)) self.number_of_rounds_input = InputBox((833, 221), w=101, h=27, text="1000") self.giving_encounters_label = self.font2.render("Total Giving Encounters:", True, (255, 255, 255)) self.giving_encounters_input = InputBox((513, 260), w=101, h=27, text="1000") self.gossip_encounters_label = self.font2.render("Total Giving Encounters:", True, (255, 255, 255)) self.gossip_encounters_input = InputBox((833, 260), w=101, h=27, text="1000") self.starting_order = True self.starting_order_radio_label = self.font2.render("Starting Order:", True, (255, 255, 255)) self.starting_order_radio_giving_label = self.font2.render("Giving", True, (255, 255, 255)) self.starting_order_radio_giving = RadioButton((131 + 12, 261 + 12), on=True) self.starting_order_radio_gossip_label = self.font2.render("Gossip", True, (255, 255, 255)) self.starting_order_radio_gossip = RadioButton((215 + 12, 261 + 12), on=False) self.starting_order_radio_gossip.bind(self.starting_order_radio_giving, self.change_starting_order) self.events_file_name_label = self.font2.render("Events File Name:", True, (255, 255, 255)) self.events_file_name_input = InputBox((162, 326), w=236, h=27, text="example.event", file=True) self.results_file_name_label = self.font2.render("Results File Name:", True, (255, 255, 255)) self.results_file_name_input = InputBox((162, 365), w=236, h=27, text="example.res", file=True) self.benefit_cooperation_label = self.font2.render("Benefit of Cooperation:", True, (255, 255, 255)) self.benefit_cooperation_input = InputBox((607, 326), w=101, h=27, text="10") self.cost_cooperation_label = self.font2.render("Cost of Cooperation:", True, (255, 255, 255)) self.cost_cooperation_input = InputBox((585, 365), w=101, h=27, text="10") self.start_time_label = self.font2.render("Start Time:", True, (255, 255, 255)) self.start_time_input = InputBox((833, 365), w=101, h=27, text="10") self.evolution_type_list = ["Cultural", "Genetic", "Selection 3", "Selection 4", "Selection 5", "Selection 6"] self.evolution_type_dropdown = Dropdown("Evolution Type", w=157, pos=(777, 326), selections=self.evolution_type_list) self.generation_range_label = self.font.render("Generation Range", True, (255, 255, 255)) self.min_generation_range_label = self.font2.render("Minimum Generation Range:", True, (255, 255, 255)) self.min_generation_range_input = InputBox((246, 468), w=101, h=27, text="-5", negative=True) self.max_generation_range_label = self.font2.render("Maximum Generation Range:", True, (255, 255, 255)) self.max_generation_range_input = InputBox((246, 507), w=101, h=27, text="5") self.image_score_range_label = self.font.render("Image Score Range", True, (255, 255, 255)) self.min_image_score_range_label = self.font2.render("Minimum Image Score:", True, (255, 255, 255)) self.min_image_score_range_input = InputBox((680, 468), w=101, h=27, text="-5", negative=True) self.max_image_score_range_label = self.font2.render("Maximum Image Score:", True, (255, 255, 255)) self.max_image_score_range_input = InputBox((680, 507), w=101, h=27, text="5") self.start_button = Button(w=80, pos=(854, 499), center=True) def change_starting_order(self): self.starting_order = not self.starting_order def change_self_advertisement(self): self.self_advertisement = not self.self_advertisement def render(self, screen): """Renders the radio buttons for components selection, labels for description, input boxes to get the values, and the button""" Scene.render(self, screen) screen.blit(self.player_label, (16, 16)) screen.blit(self.discrimination_threshold_label, (553, 20)) self.discrimination_threshold_input.render(screen) screen.blit(self.gossip_weight_label, (19, 59)) self.gossip_weight_input.render(screen) screen.blit(self.trust_criteria_label, (357, 59)) self.trust_criteria_input.render(screen) screen.blit(self.number_of_players_label, (682, 59)) self.number_of_players_input.render(screen) screen.blit(self.self_advertisement_radio_label, (19, 102)) screen.blit(self.self_advertisement_radio_yes_label, (198, 102)) self.self_advertisement_radio_yes.render(screen) screen.blit(self.self_advertisement_radio_no_label, (259, 102)) self.self_advertisement_radio_no.render(screen) self.add_button.render(screen, "Add") self.scroll.render(screen) pygame.draw.line(screen, (247, 95, 23), (16, 201), (934, 201), 5) gfxdraw.filled_circle(screen, 16, 201, 2, (247, 95, 23)) gfxdraw.aacircle(screen, 16, 201, 2, (247, 95, 23)) gfxdraw.filled_circle(screen, 934, 201, 2, (247, 95, 23)) gfxdraw.aacircle(screen, 934, 201, 2, (247, 95, 23)) screen.blit(self.conductor_label, (16, 222)) screen.blit(self.number_of_conductors_label, (275, 225)) self.number_of_conductors_input.render(screen) screen.blit(self.number_of_rounds_label, (638, 225)) self.number_of_rounds_input.render(screen) screen.blit(self.giving_encounters_label, (322, 264)) self.giving_encounters_input.render(screen) screen.blit(self.gossip_encounters_label, (642, 264)) self.gossip_encounters_input.render(screen) screen.blit(self.starting_order_radio_label, (16, 263)) self.starting_order_radio_giving.render(screen) screen.blit(self.starting_order_radio_giving_label, (159, 263)) self.starting_order_radio_gossip.render(screen) screen.blit(self.starting_order_radio_gossip_label, (243, 263)) pygame.draw.line(screen, (247, 95, 23), (16, 306), (934, 306), 5) gfxdraw.filled_circle(screen, 16, 306, 2, (247, 95, 23)) gfxdraw.aacircle(screen, 16, 306, 2, (247, 95, 23)) gfxdraw.filled_circle(screen, 934, 306, 2, (247, 95, 23)) gfxdraw.aacircle(screen, 934, 306, 2, (247, 95, 23)) screen.blit(self.events_file_name_label, (16, 330)) self.events_file_name_input.render(screen) screen.blit(self.results_file_name_label, (16, 369)) self.results_file_name_input.render(screen) screen.blit(self.benefit_cooperation_label, (425, 330)) self.benefit_cooperation_input.render(screen) screen.blit(self.cost_cooperation_label, (425, 369)) self.cost_cooperation_input.render(screen) screen.blit(self.start_time_label, (744, 369)) self.start_time_input.render(screen) pygame.draw.line(screen, (247, 95, 23), (16, 411), (934, 411), 5) gfxdraw.filled_circle(screen, 16, 411, 2, (247, 95, 23)) gfxdraw.aacircle(screen, 16, 411, 2, (247, 95, 23)) gfxdraw.filled_circle(screen, 934, 411, 2, (247, 95, 23)) gfxdraw.aacircle(screen, 934, 411, 2, (247, 95, 23)) screen.blit(self.generation_range_label, (16, 431)) screen.blit(self.min_generation_range_label, (16, 472)) self.min_generation_range_input.render(screen) screen.blit(self.max_generation_range_label, (16, 511)) self.max_generation_range_input.render(screen) pygame.draw.line(screen, (247, 95, 23), (421, 412), (421, 534), 5) gfxdraw.filled_circle(screen, 421, 534, 2, (247, 95, 23)) gfxdraw.aacircle(screen, 421, 534, 2, (247, 95, 23)) screen.blit(self.image_score_range_label, (493, 431)) screen.blit(self.min_image_score_range_label, (493, 472)) self.min_image_score_range_input.render(screen) screen.blit(self.max_image_score_range_label, (493, 511)) self.max_image_score_range_input.render(screen) self.start_button.render(screen, "Save") self.discrimination_type_dropdown.render(screen) self.evolution_type_dropdown.render(screen) self.gossip_type_dropdown.render(screen) def update(self): """Update input box text, and radio buttons""" if self.agents != self.agents2: self.agents2 = self.agents.copy() self.chips = [] start = 0 for i, item in enumerate(self.agents): chip = Chip(item, pos=(start, 0)) self.chips.append(chip) start += chip.rect.w + 16 self.scroll.update(self.chips) self.gossip_type_dropdown.update() self.discrimination_type_dropdown.update() self.evolution_type_dropdown.update() def handle_events(self, events): """Handles all the objects events, and when the button is pressed will move to the next scene""" Scene.handle_events(self, events) for event in events: active = False active = active or self.discrimination_type_dropdown.handle_events(event) active = active or self.evolution_type_dropdown.handle_events(event) active = active or self.gossip_type_dropdown.handle_events(event) if not active: self.discrimination_threshold_input.handle_events(event) self.gossip_weight_input.handle_events(event) self.trust_criteria_input.handle_events(event) self.number_of_players_input.handle_events(event) self.number_of_conductors_input.handle_events(event) self.number_of_rounds_input.handle_events(event) self.giving_encounters_input.handle_events(event) self.gossip_encounters_input.handle_events(event) self.events_file_name_input.handle_events(event) self.results_file_name_input.handle_events(event) self.benefit_cooperation_input.handle_events(event) self.cost_cooperation_input.handle_events(event) self.start_time_input.handle_events(event) self.min_image_score_range_input.handle_events(event) self.min_generation_range_input.handle_events(event) self.max_image_score_range_input.handle_events(event) self.max_generation_range_input.handle_events(event) if self.add_button.handle_events(event): discrimination_type = self.discrimination_type_list[self.discrimination_type_dropdown.selected] discrimination_threshold = self.discrimination_threshold_input.get_text() gossip_type = self.gossip_type_list[self.gossip_type_dropdown.selected] gossip_weight = self.gossip_weight_input.get_text() trust_criteria = self.trust_criteria_input.get_text() self_advertisement = "yes" if self.self_advertisement else "no" number_of_players = self.number_of_players_input.get_text() self.agents.append(discrimination_type + " " + str(number_of_players)) self.added.append( {"d_ty": discrimination_type, "d_th": discrimination_threshold, "g_t": gossip_type, "g_w": gossip_weight, "t_c": trust_criteria, "s_a": self_advertisement, "n": number_of_players}) if self.start_button.handle_events(event): for item in self.added: items = list(item.values()) items = ','.join(items) print("make(" + item["n"] + ",player(" + items + ")),") giving = "on" if self.starting_order else "off" gossip = "off" if self.starting_order else "on" items = ','.join( [self.number_of_conductors_input.get_text(), "1", self.number_of_rounds_input.get_text(), "1", self.giving_encounters_input.get_text(), self.gossip_encounters_input.get_text(), giving, gossip, "active"]) print("make(1,conductor(0," + items + ")),") print("set(imagescorerange(" + self.min_image_score_range_input.get_text() + "," + self.max_image_score_range_input.get_text() + ")),") print("set(cooperationcost(" + self.cost_cooperation_input.get_text() + ")),") print("set(cooperationbenefit(" + self.benefit_cooperation_input.get_text() + ")),") print("set(generationinfo(" + self.min_generation_range_input.get_text() + "," + self.max_generation_range_input.get_text() + ")),") print("set(starttime(" + self.start_time_input.get_text() + ")),") print("set(evolutiontype(" + self.evolution_type_list[self.evolution_type_dropdown.selected] + ")),") print("output(resultsin('" + self.results_file_name_input.get_text() + "')),") print("output(eventsin('" + self.events_file_name_input.get_text() + "'))") self.manager.go_to(PlayTournamentScene()) self.self_advertisement_radio_no.handle_events(event) self.self_advertisement_radio_yes.handle_events(event) self.starting_order_radio_gossip.handle_events(event) self.starting_order_radio_giving.handle_events(event) if i := self.scroll.handle_events(event): self.agents.pop(i - 1) self.added.pop(i - 1)