Exemple #1
def createContigNew(contigObj, bacteriumId):
    head_cnt = ''
    if '>' not in contigObj.head:
        head_cnt = '>' + contigObj.head
        head_cnt = contigObj.head

    contigObj = Contig(id_contig_db_outside = contigObj.id_contig_db_outside, head = head_cnt, sequence = contigObj.sequence)
    idContig = createContig(contigObj, bacteriumId)
    return idContig
Exemple #2
def getContigsByOrganis(idOrganism):
    get all the contigs of a given Organism

    :param idOrganism: Id of the organism

    :type idOrganism: int

    :return: list of contigs
    :rtype list[Contig]

    listContigs = []
    qtyContigs = 0
    listContigs = Contig.get_all_Contigs_by_organism_id(idOrganism)
    return listContigs
Exemple #3
def insertBacteriumProteinsWholeDNAContigsNopositions(bacteriumObj, idStrainAPI, wholeDNAObj, dictProts, dictConts):

    insert the bacterium, the whole genome, the contigs, the proteins, and the genes without protein s contig positions

    :param bacteriumObj: Organism object (old DB)
    :param idStrainAPI: id of the strain on the new DB (API)
    :param wholeDNAObj: Whole Genome object (old DB)
    :param dictProts: Dict with the proteins Key: id of the contig - Value: list of proteins (old DB)
    :param dictConts: Dict with the contigs Key: id of the contig - Value: contig object (old DB)

    :type bacteriumObj: Organism_new
    :type idStrainAPI: int
    :type wholeDNAObj: WholeDNA_new
    :type dictProts: dictionary{int: list[Proteins]}
    :type dictConts: dictionary{int: Contig}

    :return: matrix with all the data
    :rtype panda dataframe


    #Test contigs
    list_contigs = Contig.get_all_Contigs_by_organism_id(bacteriumObj.id_organism)
    contigs_validation = testContigContainDNA(list_contigs)
    if contigs_validation == True:
        bacteriumCreatedID = createBacterium(bacteriumObj, idStrainAPI)
        wholeDNACreatedID = createWholeDNA(wholeDNAObj, bacteriumCreatedID)

        for contig in list_contigs:
            contigID = createContigNew(contig, bacteriumCreatedID)
        for key,proteinlist in dictProts.items():
            for protein in proteinlist:
                createProtein(protein, bacteriumCreatedID, None)