def _list_all_objects(self, bucket, prefix, limit,  outfile=None):
        items = ObsCmdUtil(self.client).get_objects_info(bucket, prefix, ('lastModified', 'size', 'key'), limit)

        for item in items:
            self._outprint("%19s\t%8s\t%s\n" % (item[0], bytes_to_unitstr(item[1]), join_bucket_key(bucket, item[2])), outfile)

        self._outprint('\ndisplay total: %d objects' % len(items), outfile)
        if outfile:
            self._outprint('ls to file %s complete.' % outfile)
 def _get_bucket_storage(self, bucket):
     get bucket storage info, include size and object number
     :param bucket: 
     resp = self.client.getBucketStorageInfo(bucket)
     self._outprint("size: %s\n" % bytes_to_unitstr(resp.body.size))
     self._outprint("objectNumber: %s\n" % resp.body.objectNumber)
    def _list_dirs_objects(self, bucket, prefix, limit, outfile=None):

        dirs, objects = ObsCmdUtil(self.client).list_dirs_objects(bucket, prefix)
        cur = 0
        for item in dirs:
            if limit and cur >= limit:
            self._outprint("%19s\t%8s\t%s\n" % ('--', '--', join_bucket_key(bucket, item)), outfile)
            cur += 1
        for item in objects:
            if limit and cur >= limit:
            self._outprint("%19s\t%8s\t%s\n" % (item['lastModified'], bytes_to_unitstr(item['size']), (join_bucket_key(bucket, item['key']))), outfile)
            cur += 1

        self._outprint('\ntotal: %d dirs, %d objects' % (len(dirs), len(objects)), outfile)
 def test_bytes_more_gb(self):
     self.assertEqual(bytes_to_unitstr(1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 3.6), '3.6G')
Exemple #5
 def print_run_time(self, size, seconds, tasknum, cmd):
     total = unitstr_to_bytes(size)
     flowspeed = bytes_to_unitstr(total / seconds)
     msg = '%s/s\t\d tasks\t%s' % (flowspeed, tasknum, cmd)
 def test_bytes_gb(self):
     self.assertEqual(bytes_to_unitstr(1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1.0), '1.0G')
 def test_bytes_more_mb(self):
     self.assertEqual(bytes_to_unitstr(1024 * 1024 * 23.7), '23.7M')
 def test_bytes_more_kb(self):
     self.assertEqual(bytes_to_unitstr(1024 * 1.1), '1.1K')
 def test_bytes_less_kb(self):
     self.assertEqual(bytes_to_unitstr(1023), '1023B')
 def test_1byte(self):
     self.assertEqual(bytes_to_unitstr(1), '1B')