def load_data(): """ 1. Load the CIFAR-10 data set. It consists of 32x32 RGB images in 10 classes, with 6000 images per class. There are 50000 training images and 10000 test images. 2. Converts first row to int8 as they represent different classes airplane : 0, automobile : 1, bird : 2, cat : 3, deer : 4, dog : 5, frog : 6, horse : 7, ship : 8, truck : 9 3. Creates a dataset with a separate element for each row of the input tensor, repeating dataset indefinitely and shuffling it, then forming batches of 64 images 4. Creating an iterator to iterate over the inputs and labels Returns: tuples of train, test, handler, labels """ train_data, test_data = observations.cifar10('data/cifar',) test_data = test_data[0], test_data[1].astype( np.uint8) # Fix test_data dtype train = train_data).repeat().shuffle(10000).batch(64) test = handle = tf.placeholder(tf.string, []) itr = handle, train.output_types, train.output_shapes) inputs, labels = itr.get_next() return train, test, handle, inputs, labels
def __call__(self, flags): (train_X, train_Y), (test_X, test_Y) = observations.cifar10('data/') train = TensorDataset(torch.Tensor(train_X), torch.Tensor(train_Y)) test = TensorDataset(torch.Tensor(test_X), torch.Tensor(test_Y)) train_loader = DataLoader(train, batch_size=flags.batch_size, shuffle=True, pin_memory=self.use_cuda) model = ResNet(flags, np.unique(train_Y).size) if self.use_cuda: model = model.cuda() optimizer = SGD(model.parameters(), momentum=float(flags.momentum), lr=float( for epoch in range(50): print("Epoch {}".format(epoch)) running_avg_loss = 0.0 running_avg_weight = 0.01 for X, Y in train_loader: X = Variable(X) Y = Variable(Y.long()) if self.use_cuda: X = X.cuda() Y = Y.cuda() prediction = model(X) assert Y.size(0) == prediction.size(0) loss = nn.functional.cross_entropy(prediction, Y) loss.backward() optimizer.step() optimizer.zero_grad() running_avg_loss = running_avg_loss * ( 1 - running_avg_weight) + (running_avg_weight * print("Loss: ", running_avg_loss) return self._test_accuracy(model, test)
def load_data(dataset, train_pct=1.0, root_dir: str = '/home/mirgahney/Projects/datasets'): if dataset == "cifar": (Xtrain, Ytrain), (Xtest, Ytest) = observations.cifar10(f'{root_dir}/cifar') Xtrain = np.transpose(Xtrain, [0, 2, 3, 1]) Xtest = np.transpose(Xtest, [0, 2, 3, 1]) mean = Xtrain.mean((0, 1, 2)) std = Xtrain.std((0, 1, 2)) Xtrain = (Xtrain - mean) / std Xtest = (Xtest - mean) / std if train_pct < 1.0: Xvalid, Xtrain, Yvalid, Ytrain = train_test_split( Xtrain, Ytrain, stratify=Ytrain, test_size=train_pct) print(Xtrain.shape) elif dataset == "fashion_mnist": (Xtrain, Ytrain), ( Xtest, Ytest) = observations.fashion_mnist(f'{root_dir}/fashion_mnist') mean = Xtrain.mean(axis=0) std = Xtrain.std() Xtrain = (Xtrain - mean) / std Xtest = (Xtest - mean) / std Xtrain = Xtrain.reshape(-1, 28, 28, 1) Xtest = Xtest.reshape(-1, 28, 28, 1) if train_pct < 1.0: Xvalid, Xtrain, Yvalid, Ytrain = train_test_split( Xtrain, Ytrain, stratify=Ytrain, test_size=train_pct) print(Xtrain.shape) else: (Xtrain, Ytrain), (Xtest, Ytest) = observations.mnist(f'{root_dir}/mnist') mean = Xtrain.mean(axis=0) std = Xtrain.std() Xtrain = (Xtrain - mean) / std Xtest = (Xtest - mean) / std Xtrain = Xtrain.reshape(-1, 28, 28, 1) Xtest = Xtest.reshape(-1, 28, 28, 1) Xvalid, Xtrain, Ytrain_2, Yvalid = train_test_split( Xtrain, Ytrain, stratify=Ytrain, test_size=train_pct) print(Xtrain.shape) return (Xtrain, Ytrain), (Xvalid, Yvalid), (Xtest, Ytest)
def load_data(): if flags.dataset == "cifar": (Xtrain, Ytrain), (Xtest, Ytest) = observations.cifar10( '/home/mirgahney/Projects/datasets/cifar') Xtrain = np.transpose(Xtrain, [0, 2, 3, 1]) Xtest = np.transpose(Xtest, [0, 2, 3, 1]) mean = Xtrain.mean((0, 1, 2)) std = Xtrain.std((0, 1, 2)) Xtrain = (Xtrain - mean) / std Xtest = (Xtest - mean) / std Xtrain_2, Xtrain, Ytrain_2, Ytrain = train_test_split( Xtrain, Ytrain, stratify=Ytrain, test_size=flags.train_pct) print(Xtrain.shape) elif flags.dataset == "fashion_mnist": (Xtrain, Ytrain), (Xtest, Ytest) = observations.fashion_mnist( '/home/mirgahney/Projects/datasets/fashion_mnist') mean = Xtrain.mean(axis=0) std = Xtrain.std() Xtrain = (Xtrain - mean) / std Xtest = (Xtest - mean) / std Xtrain = Xtrain.reshape(-1, 28, 28, 1) Xtest = Xtest.reshape(-1, 28, 28, 1) if flags.train_pct < 1.0: Xtrain_2, Xtrain, Ytrain_2, Ytrain = train_test_split( Xtrain, Ytrain, stratify=Ytrain, test_size=flags.train_pct) print(Xtrain.shape) else: (Xtrain, Ytrain), (Xtest, Ytest) = observations.mnist( '/home/mirgahney/Projects/datasets/mnist') mean = Xtrain.mean(axis=0) std = Xtrain.std() Xtrain = (Xtrain - mean) / std Xtest = (Xtest - mean) / std Xtrain = Xtrain.reshape(-1, 28, 28, 1) Xtest = Xtest.reshape(-1, 28, 28, 1) Xtrain_2, Xtrain, Ytrain_2, Ytrain = train_test_split( Xtrain, Ytrain, stratify=Ytrain, test_size=flags.train_pct) print(Xtrain.shape) return (Xtrain, Ytrain), (Xtest, Ytest)
def _load_data(self): (X_train, Y_train), (X_test, Y_test) = observations.cifar10('/tmp/cifar10') X_train = np.transpose(X_train, [0, 2, 3, 1]).astype(settings.float_type) X_test = np.transpose(X_test, [0, 2, 3, 1]).astype(settings.float_type) Y_train = Y_train.reshape(-1, 1) Y_test = Y_test.reshape(-1, 1) X_test = np.concatenate([X_train[self.flags.N:], X_test], axis=0) Y_test = np.concatenate([Y_train[self.flags.N:], Y_test], axis=0) X_train = X_train[0:self.flags.N] Y_train = Y_train[0:self.flags.N] assert(Y_train.shape[0] == self.flags.N) assert(X_train.shape[0] == self.flags.N) self.X_train = X_train self.Y_train = Y_train self.X_test = X_test self.Y_test = Y_test self._preprocess_data()
def run(): # Load dataset (x_train_1, y_train), (x_test_1, y_test_1) = observations.cifar10( '~/data/cifar10') y_test = y_test_1.astype(np.uint8) # Fix test_data dtype # (x_train_2, y_train_2), (x_test_2, y_test_2) = observations.svhn( # '~/data/svhn') # y_test_2 = y_test_2.astype(np.uint8) # Fix test_data dtype # Preprocessing x_train = np.transpose(x_train_1, [0, 2, 3, 1]) x_test = np.transpose(x_test_1, [0, 2, 3, 1]) # x_train = np.concatenate([x_train_1, x_train_2]) # y_train = np.concatenate([y_train_1, y_train_2]) # x_test = np.concatenate([x_test_1, x_test_2]) # y_test = np.concatenate([y_test_1, y_test_2]) dataset_size = x_train.shape[0] batch_size = 50 num_batches = dataset_size / batch_size # Train dataset train = get_dataset(x_train, y_train, batch_size) # Test dataset test_batch_size = 100 test = get_dataset(x_test, y_test, test_batch_size) # Handle to switch between datasets handle = tf.placeholder(tf.string, []) itr = handle, train.output_types, train.output_shapes) data_indices, (inputs, labels) = itr.get_next() inputs_tr = tf.cast(inputs, tf.float32) / 255.0 labels_cast = tf.cast(labels, tf.int32) def network(): # 4 modular CNN layers activation = inputs_tr modules_list = [64, 64, 128, 128] for j in range(len(modules_list)): input_channels = activation.shape[-1] module_count = modules_list[j] filter_shape = [3, 3, input_channels, modules_list[j]] activation = modular.conv_layer(activation, filter_shape, strides=[1, 2, 2, 1], pool=False) flattened = tf.layers.flatten(activation) modules_list = [2, 1] units = 192 for i in range(len(modules_list)): flattened = tf.layers.dense(flattened, modules_list[i] * units, activation=tf.nn.relu, kernel_initializer=tf.contrib.layers.xavier_initializer()) flattened = modular.batch_norm(flattened) logits = tf.layers.dense(flattened, units=10) target = labels_cast loglikelihood = tf.reduce_mean(tf.distributions.Categorical(logits).log_prob(target)) predicted = tf.argmax(logits, axis=-1, output_type=tf.int32) accuracy = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(tf.equal(predicted, target), tf.float32)) return (loglikelihood, accuracy) template = tf.make_template('network', network) (ll, accuracy) = template() update_ops = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.UPDATE_OPS) with tf.control_dependencies(update_ops): opt = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=0.001).minimize(-ll) create_summary(tf.reduce_mean(ll), 'loglikelihood', 'scalar') create_summary(accuracy, 'accuracy', 'scalar') with tf.Session() as sess: time = '{:%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S}'.format( if REALRUN=='True': test_writer = tf.summary.FileWriter( f'logs/test:Baseline_Advanced_CNN_tutorial_no_pool_{time}', sess.graph) writer = tf.summary.FileWriter( f'logs/train:Baseline_Advanced_CNN_tutorial_no_pool_{time}', sess.graph) general_summaries = tf.summary.merge_all() train_dict = {handle: make_handle(sess, train)} test_dict = {handle: make_handle(sess, test)} for i in tqdm(range(100000)): # Sometimes generate summaries if i % 50 == 0: summaries = general_summaries _, summary_data = [opt, summaries], train_dict) if REALRUN=='True': writer.add_summary(summary_data, global_step=i) summary_data =, test_dict) test_writer.add_summary(summary_data, global_step=i) accuracy_log = [] for test in range(x_test.shape[0] // test_batch_size): test_accuracy =, test_dict) accuracy_log.append(test_accuracy) final_accuracy = np.mean(accuracy_log) summary = tf.Summary() summary.value.add(tag='Test Accuracy', simple_value=final_accuracy) test_writer.add_summary(summary, global_step=i) else:, train_dict) if REALRUN == 'True': writer.close() test_writer.close()
def images(hps): cifar10 = lambda: map(itemgetter(0), observations.cifar10(hps.path)) imagenet32 = lambda: map(lambda x: np.transpose(x, (0, 3, 1, 2)), observations.small32_imagenet(hps.path)) imagenet64 = lambda: map(lambda x: np.transpose(x, (0, 3, 1, 2)), observations.small64_imagenet(hps.path)) def quartered(dataset, times=1): return lambda: map(lambda x: quarter_images_repeatedly(x, times=times), dataset()) def quarter_images_repeatedly(x, times): for _ in range(times): x = quarter_images(x) return x def quarter_images(x): size = x.shape[2] quarters = [ x[:, :, :size // 2, :size // 2], x[:, :, size // 2:, :size // 2], x[:, :, :size // 2, size // 2:], x[:, :, size // 2:, size // 2:] ] return np.concatenate(quarters) def tiled(images, tile_size=32): num_tiles_y, num_tiles_x = images.shape[2] // tile_size, images.shape[ 3] // tile_size images = images[..., :num_tiles_y * tile_size, :num_tiles_x * tile_size] images = np.concatenate(np.split(images, num_tiles_y, axis=2), axis=0) images = np.concatenate(np.split(images, num_tiles_x, axis=3), axis=0) return images def tiled_full(images, tile_size=32): num_tiles_y, num_tiles_x = images.shape[2] // tile_size, images.shape[ 3] // tile_size split_indices_y = [i * tile_size for i in range(1, num_tiles_y)] split_indices_x = [i * tile_size for i in range(1, num_tiles_x)] images = np.split(images, split_indices_y, axis=2) images = [np.split(im, split_indices_x, axis=3) for im in images] images = [tile for tiles in images for tile in tiles] return images datasets = { "cifar10": cifar10, "cifar10to16": quartered(cifar10), "cifar10to8": quartered(cifar10, times=2), "small32_imagenet": imagenet32, "small32to16_imagenet": quartered(imagenet32), "small32to8_imagenet": quartered(imagenet32, times=2), "small64_imagenet": imagenet64, "small64to32_imagenet": quartered(imagenet64), "small64to16_imagenet": quartered(imagenet64, times=2), "small64to8_imagenet": quartered(imagenet64, times=3), } full_imagenet_name = 'full_imagenet' if hps.dataset.startswith(full_imagenet_name): hps.eval_batch_size = 1 hps.batch_size = 1 if 'split' in hps.dataset: n, split = re.findall( 'split_([0-9]*)_([0-9]*)', hps.dataset)[0] # split_<n_per_split>_<split_num> return None, full_imagenet(hps.path, int(n), split=int(split)) n = 50000 if hps.dataset == full_imagenet_name else int( hps.dataset[len(full_imagenet_name):]) return None, full_imagenet(hps.path, n, rng=np.random.RandomState(int(hps.seed))) tiled_imagenet_name = "tiled_imagenet" if hps.dataset.startswith(tiled_imagenet_name): n = 50000 if hps.dataset == tiled_imagenet_name else int( hps.dataset[len(tiled_imagenet_name):]) return None, (np.concatenate( [tiled(im) for im in full_imagenet(hps.path, n)], 0)) hybrid_imagenet_name = "hybrid_imagenet" if hps.dataset.startswith(hybrid_imagenet_name): n = 50000 if hps.dataset == hybrid_imagenet_name else int( hps.dataset[len(hybrid_imagenet_name):]) hps.eval_batch_size = 1 hps.batch_size = 1 n_flif = hps.n_flif tile_sizes = [32, 64, 128] n_ims_per_size = [4, 16, 300] ims = full_imagenet(hps.path, n, rng=np.random.RandomState(int(hps.seed))) flif_ims = ims[:n_flif] im_locations = list(range(n_flif)) # mark the actual image boundaries ims = ims[n_flif:] out = [] for n_ims, tile_size in zip(n_ims_per_size, tile_sizes): raw_ims = [ im for im in ims[:n_ims] if im.shape[2] > tile_size and im.shape[3] > tile_size ] tiled_ims = [tiled_full(im, tile_size) for im in raw_ims] n_tiles_per_im = [len(tiled_im) for tiled_im in tiled_ims] for n in n_tiles_per_im: im_locations.append(im_locations[-1] + n) out += [tile for tiled_im in tiled_ims for tile in tiled_im] # unroll ims = ims[n_ims:] if len(ims): out += ims last_el = im_locations[-1] im_locations += [i + 1 + last_el for i in range(len(ims))] print('Image locations:') print(im_locations) return None, flif_ims + sorted(out, key=lambda x: x.size, reverse=True) test_images_name = "test_images" if hps.dataset.startswith(test_images_name): indices = range(14) if hps.dataset == test_images_name else \ [int(i) for i in hps.dataset[len(test_images_name):].split(';')] hps.eval_batch_size = 1 hps.batch_size = 1 return None, [test_image(index) for index in indices] if hps.dataset.startswith("test_image"): index = int(hps.dataset[len("test_image"):]) hps.eval_batch_size = 1 hps.batch_size = 1 return None, test_image(index) tiled_test_images_name = "tiled_test_images" if hps.dataset.startswith(tiled_test_images_name): indices = range(14) if hps.dataset == tiled_test_images_name else \ [int(i) for i in hps.dataset[len(tiled_test_images_name):].split(';')] return None, (np.concatenate( [tiled(test_image(index)) for index in indices], 0)) if hps.dataset.startswith("tiled_test_image"): index = int(hps.dataset[len("tiled_test_image"):]) return None, (np.concatenate(tiled(test_image(index)), 0)) if hps.dataset.startswith("sampling_test_images"): resolution = int(hps.dataset[len("sampling_test_images"):]) hps.eval_batch_size = 1 hps.batch_size = 1 return None, sampling_testimages(resolution=resolution) if hps.dataset.startswith("sampling_test_image"): index = int(hps.dataset[len("sampling_test_image"):]) hps.eval_batch_size = 1 hps.batch_size = 1 return None, sampling_testimage(index) if hps.dataset.startswith("half_sampling_test_image"): index = int(hps.dataset[len("half_sampling_test_image"):]) hps.eval_batch_size = 1 hps.batch_size = 1 return None, sampling_testimage(index, resolution=1200) return datasets[hps.dataset]()
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="SqueezeNet example.") parser.add_argument("--batch-size", type=int, default=32, dest='batchsize', help="Size of the mini batch. Default: 32.") parser.add_argument("--action", type=str, default='train', help="Action to be performed, train/predict") parser.add_argument("--epochs", type=int, default=20, help="Number of epochs, default 20.") parser.add_argument("--lr", type=float, default=0.001, help="Learning rate of SGD, default 0.001.") parser.add_argument("--epsilon", type=float, default=1e-8, help="Epsilon of Adam epsilon, default 1e-8.") parser.add_argument("-p", "--path", type=str, default='.', required=True, help="Path where the images are. Default: $PWD.") parser.add_argument("-v", "--val-path", type=str, default='.', dest='valpath', help="Path where the val images are. Default: $PWD.") parser.add_argument("--img-width", type=int, default=224, dest='width', help="Rows of the images, default: 224.") parser.add_argument("--img-height", type=int, default=224, dest='height', help="Columns of the images, default: 224.") parser.add_argument("--channels", type=int, default=3, help="Channels of the images, default: 3.") args = parser.parse_args() sgd = SGD(, decay=0.0002, momentum=0.9) batch_size = 25 nb_class = 10 t0 = time.time() if args.action == 'train': (x_train, y_train), (x_test, y_test) = cifar10(args.path) y_train = oneShot(y_train, 10) y_test = oneShot(y_test, 10) print(y_train[0]) train_generator = generator([x_train, y_train], batch_size) validation_generator = generator([x_test, y_test], batch_size) #train_generator = dp.train_data_generator( #args.path, args.width, args.height) #validation_generator = dp.val_data_generator( #args.valpath, args.width, args.height) #classes = train_generator.class_indices #nb_train_samples = train_generator.samples #nb_val_samples = validation_generator.samples #print("[squeezenet_demo] N training samples: %i " % nb_train_samples) #print("[squeezenet_demo] N validation samples: %i " % nb_val_samples) #nb_class = train_generator.num_class #print('[squeezenet_demo] Total classes are %i' % nb_class) t0 = print_time(t0, 'initialize data') model = km.SqueezeNet(nb_class, inputs=(args.channels, args.height, args.width)) # dp.visualize_model(model) t0 = print_time(t0, 'build the model') model.compile(optimizer=sgd, loss='categorical_crossentropy', metrics=['accuracy']) t0 = print_time(t0, 'compile model') model.fit_generator( train_generator, samples_per_epoch=len(y_train) // batch_size * batch_size, nb_epoch=args.epochs, validation_data=validation_generator, nb_val_samples=(len(y_test) // batch_size * batch_size)) t0 = print_time(t0, 'train model') model.save_weights('./weights.h5', overwrite=True) """ model_parms = {'nb_class': nb_class, 'nb_train_samples': nb_train_samples, 'nb_val_samples': nb_val_samples, 'classes': classes, 'channels': args.channels, 'height': args.height, 'width': args.width} write_json(model_parms, fname='./model_parms.json') """ t0 = print_time(t0, 'save model') elif args.action == 'predict': _parms = parse_json('./model_parms.json') model = km.SqueezeNet(_parms['nb_class'], inputs=(_parms['channels'], _parms['height'], _parms['width']), weights_path='./weights.h5') #dp.visualize_model(model) model.compile(optimizer=sgd, loss='categorical_crossentropy', metrics=['accuracy']) X_test, Y_test, classes, F = dp.prepare_data_test( args.path, args.width, args.height) t0 = print_time(t0, 'prepare data') outputs = [] results = model.predict(X_test, batch_size=args.batchsize, verbose=1) classes = _parms['classes'] for i in range(0, len(F)): _cls = results[i].argmax() max_prob = results[i][_cls] outputs.append({'input': F[i], 'max_probability': max_prob}) cls = [key for key in classes if classes[key] == _cls][0] outputs[-1]['class'] = cls print('[squeezenet_demo] %s: %s (%.2f)' % (F[i], cls, max_prob)) t0 = print_time(t0, 'predict')
import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import seaborn as sns import pandas as pd import scipy import time from observations import cifar10 from sklearn.calibration import calibration_curve try: import cPickle as pickle except Exception as e: import pickle (x_train, y_train), (x_test, y_test) = cifar10('/data/np716/cifar_10/') x_train = x_train.transpose(0, 2, 3, 1) x_test = x_test.transpose(0, 2, 3, 1) x_train_first = x_train[y_train < 5] y_train_first = y_train[y_train < 5] x_test_first = x_test[y_test < 5] y_test_first = y_test[y_test < 5] x_test_outlier = x_test[y_test >= 5] # helper for rotation def rotate(img, angle):
def run(): # Load dataset (x_train, y_train), (x_test, y_test) = observations.cifar10('~/data/cifar10') y_test = y_test.astype(np.uint8) # Fix test_data dtype dataset_size = x_train.shape[0] # Train dataset train = (x_train, y_train))._enumerate().repeat().shuffle(50000).batch(128) # Test dataset dummy_data_indices = tf.zeros([x_test.shape[0]], dtype=tf.int64) test = (dummy_data_indices, (x_test, y_test))).repeat() # Handle to switch between datasets handle = tf.placeholder(tf.string, []) itr =, train.output_types, train.output_shapes) data_indices, (inputs, labels) = itr.get_next() # Preprocessing inputs = tf.cast(inputs, tf.float32) / 255.0 inputs = tf.transpose(inputs, perm=(0, 2, 3, 1)) labels = tf.cast(labels, tf.int32) def network(context: modular.ModularContext): # 4 modular CNN layers activation = inputs for _ in range(4): input_channels = activation.shape[-1] filter_shape = [3, 3, input_channels, 8] modules = modular.create_conv_modules(filter_shape, module_count=5, strides=[1, 1, 1, 1]) hidden = modular.modular_layer(activation, modules, parallel_count=1, context=context) pooled = tf.nn.max_pool(hidden, ksize=[1, 2, 2, 1], strides=[1, 2, 2, 1], padding='SAME') activation = tf.nn.relu(pooled) flattened = tf.layers.flatten(activation) logits = tf.layers.dense(flattened, units=10) target = modular.modularize_target(labels, context) loglikelihood = tf.distributions.Categorical(logits).log_prob(target) predicted = tf.argmax(logits, axis=-1, output_type=tf.int32) accuracy = tf.reduce_mean( tf.cast(tf.equal(predicted, target), tf.float32)) selection_entropy = context.selection_entropy() batch_selection_entropy = context.batch_selection_entropy() return loglikelihood, logits, accuracy, selection_entropy, batch_selection_entropy template = tf.make_template('network', network) optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer() e_step, m_step, eval = modular.modularize(template, optimizer, dataset_size, data_indices, sample_size=10) ll, logits, accuracy, s_entropy, bs_entropy = eval tf.summary.scalar('loglikelihood', tf.reduce_mean(ll)) tf.summary.scalar('accuracy', accuracy) tf.summary.scalar('entropy/exp_selection', tf.exp(s_entropy)) tf.summary.scalar('entropy/exp_batch_selection', tf.exp(bs_entropy)) with tf.Session() as sess: time = '{:%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S}'.format( writer = tf.summary.FileWriter('logs/train_{}'.format(time)) test_writer = tf.summary.FileWriter('logs/test_{}'.format(time)) general_summaries = tf.summary.merge_all() m_step_summaries = tf.summary.merge( [create_m_step_summaries(), general_summaries]) train_dict = {handle: make_handle(sess, train)} test_dict = {handle: make_handle(sess, test)} for i in range(10000): # Switch between E-step and M-step step = e_step if i % 10 == 0 else m_step # Sometimes generate summaries if i % 99 == 0: summaries = m_step_summaries if step == m_step else general_summaries _, summary_data =[step, summaries], train_dict) writer.add_summary(summary_data, global_step=i) summary_data =, test_dict) test_writer.add_summary(summary_data, global_step=i) else:, train_dict) writer.close() test_writer.close()
import seaborn as sns import pandas as pd import scipy import time from observations import cifar10 from sklearn.calibration import calibration_curve try: import cPickle as pickle except Exception as e: import pickle (x_train, y_train), (x_test, y_test) = cifar10('/vol/biomedic/users/np716/data/cifar_10/') x_train = x_train.transpose(0, 2, 3, 1) x_test = x_test.transpose(0, 2, 3, 1) x_train_first = x_train[y_train < 5] y_train_first = y_train[y_train < 5] x_test_first = x_test[y_test < 5] y_test_first = y_test[y_test < 5] x_test_outlier = x_test[y_test >= 5] # helper for rotation def rotate(img, angle):
def _load(self, datadir): return obs.cifar10(join(datadir, "cifar10"))
def images(hps): cifar10 = lambda: map(itemgetter(0), observations.cifar10(hps.path)) imagenet32 = lambda: map(lambda x: np.transpose(x, (0, 3, 1, 2)), observations.small32_imagenet(hps.path)) imagenet64 = lambda: map(lambda x: np.transpose(x, (0, 3, 1, 2)), observations.small64_imagenet(hps.path)) def quartered(dataset, times=1): return lambda: map(lambda x: quarter_images_repeatedly(x, times=times), dataset()) def quarter_images_repeatedly(x, times): for _ in range(times): x = quarter_images(x) return x def quarter_images(x): size = x.shape[2] quarters = [ x[:, :, :size // 2, :size // 2], x[:, :, size // 2:, :size // 2], x[:, :, :size // 2, size // 2:], x[:, :, size // 2:, size // 2:] ] return np.concatenate(quarters) datasets = { "cifar10": cifar10, "cifar10to16": quartered(cifar10), "cifar10to8": quartered(cifar10, times=2), "small32_imagenet": imagenet32, "small32to16_imagenet": quartered(imagenet32), "small32to8_imagenet": quartered(imagenet32, times=2), "small64_imagenet": imagenet64, "small64to32_imagenet": quartered(imagenet64), "small64to16_imagenet": quartered(imagenet64, times=2), "small64to8_imagenet": quartered(imagenet64, times=3), } test_images_name = "test_images" if hps.dataset.startswith(test_images_name): indices = range(14) if hps.dataset == test_images_name else \ [int(i) for i in hps.dataset[len(test_images_name):].split(';')] hps.eval_batch_size = 1 hps.batch_size = 1 return None, [test_image(index) for index in indices] if hps.dataset.startswith("test_image"): index = int(hps.dataset[len("test_image"):]) hps.eval_batch_size = 1 hps.batch_size = 1 return None, test_image(index) if hps.dataset.startswith("sampling_test_images"): resolution = int(hps.dataset[len("sampling_test_images"):]) hps.eval_batch_size = 1 hps.batch_size = 1 return None, sampling_testimages(resolution=resolution) if hps.dataset.startswith("sampling_test_image"): index = int(hps.dataset[len("sampling_test_image"):]) hps.eval_batch_size = 1 hps.batch_size = 1 return None, sampling_testimage(index) if hps.dataset.startswith("half_sampling_test_image"): index = int(hps.dataset[len("half_sampling_test_image"):]) hps.eval_batch_size = 1 hps.batch_size = 1 return None, sampling_testimage(index, resolution=1200) return datasets[hps.dataset]()