Exemple #1
    def df_with_nrl_response(self):
        Add NRL response information to the dataframe.

        Note: The datalogger is probably not correct for the test station.
        It is just to ensure the NRL can be used to get a response.
        _inv = obsplus.load_dataset(
        inv = _inv.select(station="NOQ")

        with suppress_warnings():
            df = obsplus.stations_to_df(inv)

        # set instrument str
        sensor_keys = ("Nanometrics", "Trillium 120 Horizon",
                       "Trillium 120 Horizon")
        # get digitizer keys
        datalogger_keys = (
            "1 Vpp (40)",
            "Linear phase",
        # keep one as a tuple and convert the other to str
        df["sensor_keys"] = [sensor_keys for _ in range(len(df))]
        df["datalogger_keys"] = json.dumps(datalogger_keys)
        # drop seed id
        df = df.drop(columns="seed_id")
        return df
Exemple #2
 def test_radius_degrees(self, catalog):
     """ensure the max_radius works with degrees specified."""
     lat, lon = 39.342, 41.044
     with suppress_warnings():
         cat = catalog.get_events(latitude=lat, longitude=lon, maxradius=8)
     # For the example catalog there should be exactly 2 events included
     assert len(cat) == 2
 def test_cat_cat(self, cat, spatial_calc):
     """ensure it works with two catalogs"""
     with suppress_warnings():
         df = spatial_calc(cat, cat)
     event_ids = {str(x.resource_id) for x in cat}
     combinations = set(itertools.product(event_ids, event_ids))
     assert combinations == set(df.index)
Exemple #4
    def set_stations(self, stations: fetcher_station_type):
        Set the station state in fetcher.

            Data representing stations, from which a client or dataframe
            can be inferred.
            self.station_client = get_station_client(stations)
        except TypeError:
            self.station_client = getattr(self, "station_client", None)
            # since its common for inventories to have far out enddates this
            # can raise a warning. These are safe to ignore.
            with suppress_warnings(category=TimeOverflowWarning):
                self.station_df = stations_to_df(stations)
        except TypeError:
            # if unable to get station info from stations use waveform client
                self.station_df = stations_to_df(self.waveform_client)
            except TypeError:
                #  if no waveforms try events
                    self.station_df = stations_to_df(self.event_client)
                except TypeError:
                    self.station_df = None
        # make sure seed_id is set
        if self.station_df is not None:
            self.station_df["seed_id"] = get_seed_id_series(self.station_df)
Exemple #5
    def _write_update(self, df: pd.DataFrame, update_time=None):
        """ convert updates to dataframe, then append to index table """
        # read in dataframe and cast to correct types
        assert not df.duplicated().any(), "update index has duplicate entries"

        # set both dfs to use index of event_id
        df = df.set_index("event_id")
        # get current events, but dont allow it to update again
        current = self.read_index(event_id=set(df.index), _allow_update=False)
        indicies_to_update = set(current["event_id"]) & set(df.index)
        # populate index store and update metadata
        with sql_connection(self.index_path) as con:
            if indicies_to_update:  # delete rows that will be re-entered
                _drop_rows(self._index_node, con, event_id=indicies_to_update)
            node = self._index_node
            df.to_sql(node, con, if_exists="append", index_label="event_id")
            tables = _get_tables(con)
            if self._meta_node not in tables:
                meta = self._make_meta_table()
                meta.to_sql(self._meta_node, con, if_exists="replace")
            # update timestamp
            with suppress_warnings():  # ignore pandas collection warning
                if self.allow_update_timestamp:
                    timestamp = update_time or time.time()
                    dft = pd.DataFrame(timestamp, index=[0], columns=["time"])
        self._metadata = meta
        self._index = None
 def test_list_of_tuples(self, spatial_calc):
     """Test a list of tuples."""
     input1 = [(45, -111, 0), (46, -111, 0), (49, -112, 0)]
     input2 = obspy.read_events()
     with suppress_warnings():
         out = spatial_calc(input1, input2)
     assert len(out) == 9
     assert not out.isnull().any().any()
 def test_read_inventory_directories(self, read_inventory, inventory):
     """Tests for reading a directory of inventories."""
     with suppress_warnings():
         inv_df = stations_to_df(inventory)
     assert (read_inventory.columns == inv_df.columns).all()
     assert not read_inventory.empty
     assert len(inv_df) == len(read_inventory)
     assert set(inv_df["seed_id"]) == set(read_inventory["seed_id"])
Exemple #8
    def test_response_one_missing(self, df_with_partial_responses):
        """Ensure responses which can be got are fetched."""
        df = df_with_partial_responses
        with suppress_warnings():
            inv = df_to_inventory(df)

        missing = df["sensor_keys"].isnull() | df["datalogger_keys"].isnull()
        missing_seed_ids = set(get_seed_id_series(df[missing]))
        assert self.has_valid_response(inv, missing_seed_ids)
Exemple #9
    def test_get_stations_client(self, df_with_get_stations_kwargs):
        """Ensure get_station_kwargs results responses."""
        df = df_with_get_stations_kwargs
        col = "get_station_kwargs"
        missing = df[col].isnull() | (df[col] == "")
        missing_seed_ids = set(get_seed_id_series(df[missing]))

        with suppress_warnings():
            inv = df_to_inventory(df)

        assert self.has_valid_response(inv, missing_seed_ids)
Exemple #10
 def test_init_with_banks(self, bingham_dataset):
     """Ensure the fetcher can be init'ed with all bank inputs."""
     wbank = obsplus.WaveBank(bingham_dataset.waveform_path).update_index()
     ebank = obsplus.EventBank(bingham_dataset.event_path).update_index()
     sbank = bingham_dataset.station_client
     # ignore warnings (endtimes of inv are out of range)
     with suppress_warnings():
         fetcher = Fetcher(waveforms=wbank, events=ebank, stations=sbank)
     edf = fetcher.event_df
     sdf = fetcher.station_df
     for df in [edf, sdf]:
         assert isinstance(df, pd.DataFrame)
         assert not df.empty
 def test_dataframe_input(self, cat, spatial_calc):
     Any dataframe should be valid input provided it has the required columns.
     data = [[10.1, 10.1, 0, "some_id"]]
     cols = ["latitude", "longitude", "elevation", "id"]
     df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=cols).set_index("id")
     with suppress_warnings():
         dist_df = spatial_calc(df, cat)
     # make sure output has expected shape and ids
     assert len(dist_df) == len(cat) * len(df)
     id1 = dist_df.index.get_level_values("id1")
     assert "some_id" in set(id1)
Exemple #12
 def ebank_low_version(self, tmpdir, monkeypatch):
     """ return the default bank with a negative version number. """
     # monkey patch obsplus version so that a low version is saved to disk
     monkeypatch.setattr(obsplus, "__last_version__", self.low_version_str)
     cat = obspy.read_events()
     ebank = EventBank(tmpdir).put_events(cat, update_index=False)
     # write index with negative version
     with suppress_warnings():
     assert ebank._index_version == self.low_version_str
     assert obsplus.__last_version__ != self.low_version_str
     return ebank
Exemple #13
    def _generic_op_test(self, wf1, number, op):
        """Apply generic operation tests."""
        # div 0 raises runtime warning, this is ok.
        with suppress_warnings():
            wf2 = op(wf1, number)
            data1 = op(wf1.data.values, number)

        assert isinstance(wf2, WaveFrame)
        assert wf2 is not wf1
        data2 = wf2.data.values
        close = np.isclose(data1, data2)
        not_finite = ~np.isfinite(data1)
        assert np.all(close | not_finite)
 def test_with_tuple_no_id(self, spatial_calc):
     """Test getting relations with tuple and catalog."""
     cat = obspy.read_events()
     df = obsplus.events_to_df(cat)
     ser = df.iloc[0]
     # first test with no id
     tuple1 = (ser["latitude"], ser["longitude"], -ser["depth"])
     with suppress_warnings():
         out1 = spatial_calc(cat, tuple1)
     # the default index should be sequential
     assert set(out1.index.get_level_values("id2")) == {0}
     # expected len is 3
     assert len(out1) == 3
Exemple #15
 def test_query_circular(self, bing_ebank):
     """Test circular queries in bank."""
     latitude, longitude, minradius, maxradius = (40.5, -112.12, 0.035,
     with suppress_warnings():  # suppress install geographiclib warning
         df = bing_ebank.read_index(
     for lat, lon in zip(df["latitude"], df["longitude"]):
         dist, _, _ = gps2dist_azimuth(latitude, longitude, lat, lon)
         assert minradius <= kilometer2degrees(dist / 1000.0) <= maxradius
Exemple #16
    def test_raise_on_missing_waveform(self, fetcher_missing_events,
        """Ensure yield waveform raises on missing event when specified."""
        def _func(*args, **kwargs):
            raise ValueError("Something went wrong!")

        fet = fetcher_missing_events
        monkeypatch.setattr(fet.waveform_client, "get_waveforms_bulk", _func)
        # this should raise
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            list(fet.yield_event_waveforms(1, 10, raise_on_fail=True))
        # this should not, it should just return an empty list
        with suppress_warnings(UserWarning):
            out = list(fet.yield_event_waveforms(1, 10, raise_on_fail=False))
        assert out == []
 def test_tuple_with_id(self, spatial_calc):
     """Ensure if a 4th column is given the id works."""
     tuple1 = (45, -111, 0, "bob")
     tuple2 = (45, -111, 0)
     with suppress_warnings():
         out = spatial_calc(tuple1, tuple2)
     # distances should be close to 0
     dist_cols = ["distance_m", "distance_degrees", "vertical_distance_m"]
     distances = out[dist_cols].values
     assert np.allclose(distances, 0)
     # azimuths should be increments of 180
     assert np.allclose(out["azimuth"] % 180, 0)
     assert np.allclose(out["back_azimuth"] % 180, 0)
     # check length and index names
     assert len(out) == 1
     assert set(out.index.to_list()) == {("bob", 0)}
Exemple #18
 def test_from_path(self, tmpdir):
     """Put events should work with a path to a directory of events."""
     cat = obspy.read_events()
     event_path = Path(tmpdir) / "events.xml"
     bank1 = EventBank(event_path.parent / "catalog_dir1")
     bank2 = EventBank(event_path.parent / "catalog_dir2")
     # a slightly invalid uri is used, just ignore
     with suppress_warnings():
         cat.write(str(event_path), "quakeml")
     # test works with a Path instance
     assert Path(bank1.bank_path).exists()
     assert not bank1.read_index().empty
     # tests with a string
     assert Path(bank2.bank_path).exists()
     assert not bank2.read_index().empty
Exemple #19
 def test_query_circular(self, bing_ebank, bingham_catalog):
     """ The bank query should return the same as get_events on catalog. """
     latitude, longitude, minradius, maxradius = (40.5, -112.12, 0.035,
     with suppress_warnings():
         cat1 = bing_ebank.get_events(
         cat2 = bingham_catalog.get_events(
     assert cat1 == cat2
Exemple #20
    def test_max_min_radius_m(self, catalog):
        """Ensure max and min radius work in m (ie when degrees=False)."""
        minrad = 10000
        maxrad = 800_000
        lat, lon = 39.342, 41.044
        kwargs = dict(

        with suppress_warnings():  # suppress geograhiclib warning
            df = catalog.get_events(**kwargs).get_event_summary()

        for _, row in df.iterrows():
            args = (row.latitude, row.longitude, lat, lon)
            dist, _, _ = gps2dist_azimuth(*args)
            assert minrad < dist < maxrad
Exemple #21
    def df_with_get_stations_kwargs(self):
        Add response information to the dataframe using get_stations_kwargs.

        Add an additional station which will need to get all data from other
        _inv = obsplus.load_dataset(
        inv = _inv.select(station="NOQ")

        with suppress_warnings():
            df = obsplus.stations_to_df(inv).reset_index()

        # set get_station_kwargs for last two channels, leave first empty
        kwargs_list = [""]
        for ind, row in df.iloc[1:].iterrows():
            kwargs = {x: row[x] for x in NSLC}
            kwargs["endafter"] = str(to_utc(row["start_date"]))
        # set last kwargs to str to simulate reading from csv
        kwargs_list[-1] = str(kwargs_list[-1])
        df["get_station_kwargs"] = kwargs_list
        # set the first kwargs to a string to make sure it can be parsed
        # this is important for eg reading data from a csv.
        df.loc[0, "get_station_kwargs"] = str(df.loc[0, "get_station_kwargs"])
        # now add a row with an empty get_station_kwargs column
        old = dict(df.iloc[0])
        new = {
            "station": "CWU",
            "network": "UU",
            "channel": "EHZ",
            "location": "01",
            "seed_id": "UU.CWU.01.EHZ",
            "get_station_kwargs": "{}",
        ser = pd.Series(old)
        return df.append(ser, ignore_index=True)
Exemple #22
 def data_fetcher(self, request):
     """Return a datafetcher from all datasets."""
     with suppress_warnings(UserWarning):
         return obsplus.load_dataset(request.param).get_fetcher()
 def distance_df(self, cat, inv, spatial_calc):
     """Return a dataframe from all the crandall_test events and stations."""
     with suppress_warnings():
         return spatial_calc(entity_1=cat, entity_2=inv)
Exemple #24
 def test_nrl_responses(self, df_with_nrl_response):
     """Ensure the NRL is used to pull responses."""
     with suppress_warnings():
         inv = df_to_inventory(df_with_nrl_response)
     assert self.has_valid_response(inv)
Exemple #25
 def test_circular_search_no_events(self, catalog):
     """Ensure no errors if no events within rectangular region. #177"""
     lat, lon = 31.0, 30.0
     with suppress_warnings():
         cat = catalog.get_events(latitude=lat, longitude=lon, maxradius=1)
     assert len(cat) == 0
Exemple #26
def _func(*args, **kwargs):
    with suppress_warnings():
        return old_func(*args, **kwargs)
 def read_inventory(self, inv_directory):
     """Convert the inventory directory to a dataframe."""
     with suppress_warnings():
         return stations_to_df(inv_directory)