Exemple #1
    def read(self, reclen=-1, dataflag=1, skipnotdata=1, verbose=0,
        Read MSRecord using the ms_readmsr_r function. The following
        parameters are directly passed to ms_readmsr_r.

        :param ms: _MSStruct (actually consists of a LP_MSRecord,
            LP_MSFileParam and an attached file pointer).
            Given an existing ms the function is much faster.
        :param reclen: If reclen is 0 the length of the first record is auto-
            detected. All subsequent records are then expected to have the
            same record length. If reclen is negative the length of every
            record is automatically detected. Defaults to -1.
        :param dataflag: Controls whether data samples are unpacked, defaults
            to 1.
        :param skipnotdata: If true (not zero) any data chunks read that to do
            not have valid data record indicators will be skipped. Defaults to
            True (1).
        :param verbose: Controls verbosity from 0 to 2. Defaults to None (0).
        :param record_number: Number of the record to be read. The first record
            has the number 0. Negative numbers will start counting from the end
            of the file, e.g. -1 is the last complete record.
        errcode = clibmseed.ms_readmsr_r(C.pointer(self.msf),
                                         self.file.encode('ascii', 'strict'),
                                         reclen, None, None,
                                         skipnotdata, dataflag, verbose)
        if raise_flag:
            if errcode != MS_NOERROR:
                raise Exception("Error %d in ms_readmsr_r" % errcode)
        return errcode
Exemple #2
 def __del__(self):
     Method for deallocating MSFileParam and MSRecord structure.
     errcode = clibmseed.ms_readmsr_r(C.pointer(self.msf),
                                      C.pointer(self.msr), None, -1, None,
                                      None, 0, 0, 0)
     if errcode != MS_NOERROR:
         raise Exception("Error %d in ms_readmsr_r" % errcode)
Exemple #3
 def __del__(self):
     Method for deallocating MSFileParam and MSRecord structure.
     errcode = clibmseed.ms_readmsr_r(C.pointer(self.msf),
                                      None, -1, None, None, 0, 0, 0)
     if errcode != MS_NOERROR:
         raise Exception("Error %d in ms_readmsr_r" % errcode)